Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . The Masonic body have received tlie sanction of the Bishop , the Dean of Cork , Cloyue , and Ross , and Chapter of Sfc . Finn Bars , to be present at the laying of the foundation stone of the new cathedral on the 3 rd of January , 18 G 5 . Ifc is to he erected on the site of the oldest Christian consecrated ground in Ireland . The old cathedral is now being taken down .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE . ( NO . 73 ) . —This old-established lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , December 30 th , at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark ( Bro . C . A . Cathie's ) . Bro . E . N . Levy , AV . M ., assisted hy Bros . F . Walters , I . P . M . ; Dr . Dixon , P . M . ; J . D . Donkin , P . M . ; 1-1 . Moore , S . W . ; J . C . Gooddv , J . W . ; 13 . Harris . P . AI ., Sec . ; P . J-l . Elsworthy , I . G . ; G . Morris , W . S . ; R . Fenn , Sabine ,
AVoollett , Jacobs , Drapper , Maidwell , Jarvis , Croxford . Chipperfiekl , Cooper , Tin-nay , Davenport , Powell , Cathie , II . Levy , Jackson , Hose , Brookhousc , Doe , anel very many others , openeel the lodge . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed Bros . Lazarus , P . M . ; Batt , 11-7 ; F . AV . Crispin , 200 ( S . C ); and many others , whose names we were unable to learn . Tho first ceremony was raising Bros . Maid well , Drapper , unci Jacobs to the sublime degree of M . M . NextMessrs . Stevens and Gale were
, introduced and initiated into ancient Freemasonry . The ceremony was commenced by the W . M ., when ho vacated the chair , and Bro . F . Walters , I . P . M ., then completed the initiation . All the work was admirably done , and . reflected great credit on the loelge . Bro . E . Levy , AV . AI ., then took the chair . The minutes of the last meeting , after a long discussion respecting the approval of a benevolent funel being established , were confirmed . Tho election of W . M . Treasureranel Tyler
, , for tlie ensuing year was then proceeded with . Bro . H . Moore , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . ; Bro . Harris , P . M . and Sec ., Treas . ; and Bro . W . Aldhouse , Tyler . Business being ended the lodge was closed . The brethren adjourned to a splendid banquet , and the remainder of the evening was spent In enjoyment .
LODGE or JUSTICE ( No . 1-1-7 ) . —The regular meeting of this old anel prosperous loelge win held on Wednesday , the 11 th inst ., at the White Swim T-Aveni , UigU-stvact , Deptt ' ovd . The loelge was openeel by Bro . G . Bolton , P . M ., assisted by Bros . J . Bavin , S . W . ; J . Lightfoot , J . W . ; C . Davis , P . AI ., Sec ; G . Chapman , S . D . j J . Patte , J . D . ; Batt , I . G . ; J . A . Green , I . P . M . ; F . AValters , P . M . ; II . Moore , AVingfield , Crombie , Chappell , PittGermanand many others . Amongst a large number of
, , visitors we noticed Bros . G . Morris , W . S . 73 ; If . Bagslraw , W . M . 5-1-8 ; Gale , S . D . 518 ; AV . Pridmore , 7 G 5 ; W . C . Pridmore , 765 ; J . S . Blomeley , J . D . 871 ; G . Holman , 871 ; and several others . Two brethren were passeel to the degree of Fellow Craft Freemasons . The W . M . rendered the ceremony in his usual superior , impressive , painstaking manner . The next business was that of electing the W . M . for the ensuing year , as
also the Treasurer and Tyler . Thc ballot for AV . M . was declared to bo unanimous in favour of Bro . J . Bavin , S , W . The Treasurer , Bro . G . Bottom , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected for the sixth time . Bro . S . Gauett , P . M ., was re-elected Tyler by a show of hands . Bro . J . A . Green , I . P . M ., then took the chair and presided over the lodge , and duly closeel ifc . The deaths of Bros . Houghton , P . M ., and Trott were announced . Letters of condolence were ordered by the unanimous vote of
the lodge to be sent to their widows . After business the brethren separated . DOMATIC LODGE ( No . 177 ) . —The anniversary meeting of this lodge was held on tbe 13 th inst ., at Aiidertoii ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet . Bro . Henry Thompson , AV . M ., presided ; Bro . Osborne ( W . M . elect ) , S . W ., and Bro . Marshall , P . M ., officiated as J . W . 'The other officers of theloilge were all present . There were
also present the following visitors : —Bros . Dickie , P . M . Strong Man , G . Purs . ; Sneecle , P . M . Euphrates ; Eastwich , Old Concord ; Lawrence , W . M . Temple ; Holland , Old Concord ; Chard , Eoyal Albert ; White , I'obert Burns ; Little , W . M . Rose of
Denmark- Buss , P . M . Esrvptiau ; Williams , AV . M . Confidence ; Hiergett , Hornsev , Collard , P . M . Sfc . Luke's ; Laiug , W . M Strong Man ; and " Edward , Journeyman , Xo . S ( Scorch Constitution ) . The lodge was opened soon after four o'clock ^ when the minutes of the preceding lodge were read and confirmed . The first business of the evening was to pass Bro . Harris to the second degree . Bros . Smalley , Stephens , and Pulsford were then introduced and questioned as to their proficiencyand
then-, answers heing considered satisfactory , they were very . impre . ' - sively raised by the W . M . to the sublime degree of M . M . It ivas then moved hy Bro . Potter that the future meetings of tins lodge bo held on the second Friday in the mouth instead of the second Friday , which was carried , subject to confirmation at . the next lodge . Thc next business was the installation of Pre . Osborne , AV . M . elect , into tho chair of K . S ., which was clone , he
hut shorn of a considerable portion of the ceremony , as was already a P . M . of another lodge . Having received the customary salutes the new W . M . invested Bro . Iienry Thompson as I . P . M ., and appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . Simpson , S . W . ; Fred . Smith , J . W . ; Pryor , S . D . ; AVoolf , J . D . ; Lindfickl , T . G . ; Fouk-er and Troadweil , " Asst . Dirs . of Cers . ; Smith , P . M ., Treas . ; Elmes , P . M ., Sec . ; and Potter , Dir . of Cers . The W . M . then lin
proceeded to initiate Messrs . Edwards , Knott , and Chap . A petition on behalf of a widow of a deceased member to the Board of Benevolence having been signed , the lodged ivas closeel and tlie brethren adjourned for refreshment , to which 70 sat down , and the . catering of Bro . Clemow gave unanimous satisfaction , not merely for its profuseness but for the excellence of its qualityThe cloth having been drawn ,
. "The Queen and the Craft" was given by the W . M . and heartily responded to , followed by the National Anthem , the solo part by Bro . Vernon , of tho New Concord Lodge . The health of tho M . W . the Grand Master was next g iven anel honoured . For "The Health ofthe 11 . W . Deputy Grand Master , the Ear ! de Grey and Itipon , and the rest of the Grand Officers , - ' Bro . Dickie , G . Purst ., returned thanks , and said the deeds of the
ll . W . Deputy Grand Master spoke more for him than words ; and on behalf of the Grand Ollicers he sincerely thanked them for the honour conferred upon them . The Domatic Lodge was very highly favoured in having amongst them two Grand
Officers ( Bros . Smith and Adams ) , as few lodges had more fclun one . Their Bro . Smith had been their Treasurer for many years , anel he hoped , he might long continue to be so , as he was always ready , under any circumstances , to do that which would promote the good of Freemasonry . Having alluded to Bro . Adams's ability , he concluded by wishing the lodgo happiness anel prosperity for very many years . The W . M . next gave the health of theinitiatesBrosEdwardsKnottand Chaplinand said he
; , . , , , trusted that what they had heard that evening would never he effaced from their memory . The toast was we ' ll received , ami Bro . Edwards returned thanks on their behalf for the honour that had been conferred upon them . Tho W . M . said the next toast lie had to give was a very pleasing one , as it was " Thc Health of the Visitors to tbe Domatic Lodge , " and having named them and enumerated their positions , he called upon
the brethren to give them a hearty welcome by drinking their health . The toast was very cordially received . Bro . Collard , P . M . St . Luke ' s , No . 1-1-1 , on behalf of the visitors begged to express their grateful acknowledgments to the AA ' . M . for the manner he hael proposed their healths , and to the brethren forthe very cordial response that had been given to it . Ifc had given him great pleasure So be present at the Domatic Lodge
that evening , and not having visited it for some time he was glad to see still some old and valued faces . He was pleased with the working of the lodge , and he trusted the Great Architect of tho Universe might always give them AV . M . 's equally able to perform their duties , and concluded by wishing tbe lodge prosperity and perpetuity . Bro . Henry Thompson , I . P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " and said be was proud to see him occupy his exalted position ot W . M . in his mother lodge ,
which was the highest honour that could be conferred upon him . The W . M . returned thanks , and said he should always do his best to promote the interests of the Domatic Lodge . The W . M . said the next toast was a most pleasing one , as ifc was " The P . M . ' s of the Lodge , " who were always willing to assist the younger members , and he trusted they might be amongst them for many years . Bro . Smith , Treasurer , returned thanks , and took occasion to refer to the fact that by some mistake or misapprehension they had not that evening the customary jewel to present to their immediate P . M ., Bro . Thompson , though it had been voted to him at the last lodge , and its presentation must
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . The Masonic body have received tlie sanction of the Bishop , the Dean of Cork , Cloyue , and Ross , and Chapter of Sfc . Finn Bars , to be present at the laying of the foundation stone of the new cathedral on the 3 rd of January , 18 G 5 . Ifc is to he erected on the site of the oldest Christian consecrated ground in Ireland . The old cathedral is now being taken down .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE . ( NO . 73 ) . —This old-established lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , December 30 th , at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark ( Bro . C . A . Cathie's ) . Bro . E . N . Levy , AV . M ., assisted hy Bros . F . Walters , I . P . M . ; Dr . Dixon , P . M . ; J . D . Donkin , P . M . ; 1-1 . Moore , S . W . ; J . C . Gooddv , J . W . ; 13 . Harris . P . AI ., Sec . ; P . J-l . Elsworthy , I . G . ; G . Morris , W . S . ; R . Fenn , Sabine ,
AVoollett , Jacobs , Drapper , Maidwell , Jarvis , Croxford . Chipperfiekl , Cooper , Tin-nay , Davenport , Powell , Cathie , II . Levy , Jackson , Hose , Brookhousc , Doe , anel very many others , openeel the lodge . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed Bros . Lazarus , P . M . ; Batt , 11-7 ; F . AV . Crispin , 200 ( S . C ); and many others , whose names we were unable to learn . Tho first ceremony was raising Bros . Maid well , Drapper , unci Jacobs to the sublime degree of M . M . NextMessrs . Stevens and Gale were
, introduced and initiated into ancient Freemasonry . The ceremony was commenced by the W . M ., when ho vacated the chair , and Bro . F . Walters , I . P . M ., then completed the initiation . All the work was admirably done , and . reflected great credit on the loelge . Bro . E . Levy , AV . AI ., then took the chair . The minutes of the last meeting , after a long discussion respecting the approval of a benevolent funel being established , were confirmed . Tho election of W . M . Treasureranel Tyler
, , for tlie ensuing year was then proceeded with . Bro . H . Moore , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . ; Bro . Harris , P . M . and Sec ., Treas . ; and Bro . W . Aldhouse , Tyler . Business being ended the lodge was closed . The brethren adjourned to a splendid banquet , and the remainder of the evening was spent In enjoyment .
LODGE or JUSTICE ( No . 1-1-7 ) . —The regular meeting of this old anel prosperous loelge win held on Wednesday , the 11 th inst ., at the White Swim T-Aveni , UigU-stvact , Deptt ' ovd . The loelge was openeel by Bro . G . Bolton , P . M ., assisted by Bros . J . Bavin , S . W . ; J . Lightfoot , J . W . ; C . Davis , P . AI ., Sec ; G . Chapman , S . D . j J . Patte , J . D . ; Batt , I . G . ; J . A . Green , I . P . M . ; F . AValters , P . M . ; II . Moore , AVingfield , Crombie , Chappell , PittGermanand many others . Amongst a large number of
, , visitors we noticed Bros . G . Morris , W . S . 73 ; If . Bagslraw , W . M . 5-1-8 ; Gale , S . D . 518 ; AV . Pridmore , 7 G 5 ; W . C . Pridmore , 765 ; J . S . Blomeley , J . D . 871 ; G . Holman , 871 ; and several others . Two brethren were passeel to the degree of Fellow Craft Freemasons . The W . M . rendered the ceremony in his usual superior , impressive , painstaking manner . The next business was that of electing the W . M . for the ensuing year , as
also the Treasurer and Tyler . Thc ballot for AV . M . was declared to bo unanimous in favour of Bro . J . Bavin , S , W . The Treasurer , Bro . G . Bottom , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected for the sixth time . Bro . S . Gauett , P . M ., was re-elected Tyler by a show of hands . Bro . J . A . Green , I . P . M ., then took the chair and presided over the lodge , and duly closeel ifc . The deaths of Bros . Houghton , P . M ., and Trott were announced . Letters of condolence were ordered by the unanimous vote of
the lodge to be sent to their widows . After business the brethren separated . DOMATIC LODGE ( No . 177 ) . —The anniversary meeting of this lodge was held on tbe 13 th inst ., at Aiidertoii ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet . Bro . Henry Thompson , AV . M ., presided ; Bro . Osborne ( W . M . elect ) , S . W ., and Bro . Marshall , P . M ., officiated as J . W . 'The other officers of theloilge were all present . There were
also present the following visitors : —Bros . Dickie , P . M . Strong Man , G . Purs . ; Sneecle , P . M . Euphrates ; Eastwich , Old Concord ; Lawrence , W . M . Temple ; Holland , Old Concord ; Chard , Eoyal Albert ; White , I'obert Burns ; Little , W . M . Rose of
Denmark- Buss , P . M . Esrvptiau ; Williams , AV . M . Confidence ; Hiergett , Hornsev , Collard , P . M . Sfc . Luke's ; Laiug , W . M Strong Man ; and " Edward , Journeyman , Xo . S ( Scorch Constitution ) . The lodge was opened soon after four o'clock ^ when the minutes of the preceding lodge were read and confirmed . The first business of the evening was to pass Bro . Harris to the second degree . Bros . Smalley , Stephens , and Pulsford were then introduced and questioned as to their proficiencyand
then-, answers heing considered satisfactory , they were very . impre . ' - sively raised by the W . M . to the sublime degree of M . M . It ivas then moved hy Bro . Potter that the future meetings of tins lodge bo held on the second Friday in the mouth instead of the second Friday , which was carried , subject to confirmation at . the next lodge . Thc next business was the installation of Pre . Osborne , AV . M . elect , into tho chair of K . S ., which was clone , he
hut shorn of a considerable portion of the ceremony , as was already a P . M . of another lodge . Having received the customary salutes the new W . M . invested Bro . Iienry Thompson as I . P . M ., and appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . Simpson , S . W . ; Fred . Smith , J . W . ; Pryor , S . D . ; AVoolf , J . D . ; Lindfickl , T . G . ; Fouk-er and Troadweil , " Asst . Dirs . of Cers . ; Smith , P . M ., Treas . ; Elmes , P . M ., Sec . ; and Potter , Dir . of Cers . The W . M . then lin
proceeded to initiate Messrs . Edwards , Knott , and Chap . A petition on behalf of a widow of a deceased member to the Board of Benevolence having been signed , the lodged ivas closeel and tlie brethren adjourned for refreshment , to which 70 sat down , and the . catering of Bro . Clemow gave unanimous satisfaction , not merely for its profuseness but for the excellence of its qualityThe cloth having been drawn ,
. "The Queen and the Craft" was given by the W . M . and heartily responded to , followed by the National Anthem , the solo part by Bro . Vernon , of tho New Concord Lodge . The health of tho M . W . the Grand Master was next g iven anel honoured . For "The Health ofthe 11 . W . Deputy Grand Master , the Ear ! de Grey and Itipon , and the rest of the Grand Officers , - ' Bro . Dickie , G . Purst ., returned thanks , and said the deeds of the
ll . W . Deputy Grand Master spoke more for him than words ; and on behalf of the Grand Ollicers he sincerely thanked them for the honour conferred upon them . The Domatic Lodge was very highly favoured in having amongst them two Grand
Officers ( Bros . Smith and Adams ) , as few lodges had more fclun one . Their Bro . Smith had been their Treasurer for many years , anel he hoped , he might long continue to be so , as he was always ready , under any circumstances , to do that which would promote the good of Freemasonry . Having alluded to Bro . Adams's ability , he concluded by wishing the lodgo happiness anel prosperity for very many years . The W . M . next gave the health of theinitiatesBrosEdwardsKnottand Chaplinand said he
; , . , , , trusted that what they had heard that evening would never he effaced from their memory . The toast was we ' ll received , ami Bro . Edwards returned thanks on their behalf for the honour that had been conferred upon them . Tho W . M . said the next toast lie had to give was a very pleasing one , as it was " Thc Health of the Visitors to tbe Domatic Lodge , " and having named them and enumerated their positions , he called upon
the brethren to give them a hearty welcome by drinking their health . The toast was very cordially received . Bro . Collard , P . M . St . Luke ' s , No . 1-1-1 , on behalf of the visitors begged to express their grateful acknowledgments to the AA ' . M . for the manner he hael proposed their healths , and to the brethren forthe very cordial response that had been given to it . Ifc had given him great pleasure So be present at the Domatic Lodge
that evening , and not having visited it for some time he was glad to see still some old and valued faces . He was pleased with the working of the lodge , and he trusted the Great Architect of tho Universe might always give them AV . M . 's equally able to perform their duties , and concluded by wishing tbe lodge prosperity and perpetuity . Bro . Henry Thompson , I . P . M ., proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " and said be was proud to see him occupy his exalted position ot W . M . in his mother lodge ,
which was the highest honour that could be conferred upon him . The W . M . returned thanks , and said he should always do his best to promote the interests of the Domatic Lodge . The W . M . said the next toast was a most pleasing one , as ifc was " The P . M . ' s of the Lodge , " who were always willing to assist the younger members , and he trusted they might be amongst them for many years . Bro . Smith , Treasurer , returned thanks , and took occasion to refer to the fact that by some mistake or misapprehension they had not that evening the customary jewel to present to their immediate P . M ., Bro . Thompson , though it had been voted to him at the last lodge , and its presentation must