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wisdom , to instruct their brethren in all the duties of their respective stations . May brotherly love , relief , and truth ever prevail amongst its members ; and may this bond of union increase and strengthen the several lodges throughout the world . Bless all our brethren , wherever dispersed over the face of earth and water , and grant a speedy relief to all who are in distress . AVe affectionately commend to Thy especial care and protection all the members of the fraternity ; may they
increase in knowledge of Thee , aud in love of each other . And , finally , may we finish all our work here below with thy approbation , and then leave this earthly abode for the Great Lodge above , there to enjoy light , bliss , and glory for ever and ever . So mote it be . " An anthem , " How marvellous , " was then sung . Tlie Prov . G . M . then dedicated and constituted the Lodge under the name of " Tire Bowyer LodgeNo . 1036 . "
, , The Prov . G . Chap , then pronounced the benediction as follows : — " The God of our fathers be with us and prosper us . May he impart His grace unto us , shelter us with His love , and protect us from all dangers . May our union be cemented , our harmony preserved , and our happiness accomplished , that passing through this temporary scene in the practice of piety and virtuewe may at last attain our final reward in His Eternal
, Kingdom . " This concluded the consecration service , and the installation of the AV . M . elect was then proceeded with by the D . Prov . G . M ., according to ancient form . On the AV . M . taking his seat the brethren paid him homage , the members of the new lodge taking the initiative . The new Master returned his acknowledgments to the Prov . G . M ., the
D . Prov . G . Jf ., and the brethren . The D . Prov . G . M . then handed to the AV . M . the warrant , working tools , & c ., of the lodge , after which he delivered an eloquent charge on the nature and duties of his office .
The W . M . then invested his officers for the year with their respective badges of office , as follows : —Bros . AV . Josiah Smith , S . AV ; H . Hartley , J . AV . ; AV . Bowyer , Sec ; Rev . AV . 11 . Marah , S . D . ; T . Allcock , J . D . ; T . A . AVheeler , Dir . of Cers . ; T . Hieatfc , I . G . ; J . Nickols , Tyler . Charges to the A \ ardens and brethren were then delivered by the D . Prov . G . M ., and were received with much applause . Four candidates were then proposed anel seconded , and two
brethren , as joining members of the lodge . Votes of thanks were then ordered to bo entered on the minutes to the Prov . G . M . for attending the consecration anel installation , to the D . Prov . G . M . for the admirable manlier in which he had performed the ceremony of installation , and to the musical brethren for their services , which had given so much effect to the ceremonies . The lodge was then closeel in the usual form .
In the evening the brethren celebrated the consecration of the new lodge with a banquet at the White Hart Hotel , when a sumptuous entertainment , reflecting the greatest credit on the host and hostess , Mr . and Mrs . Wheeler , was served in elegant style . The wines were of first-rate character , the dessert corresponded , and champagne , ad libitum , the generous gift of the Prov . G . M ., Colonel Bowyer , left nothing to be
desired . The W . M ., Bro . Rev . J . II . Ranking , presided , and was supported by the Prov . G . M ., the D . Prov . G . M ., anel the brethren who hael taken part in the ceremony . The AV . M . presided with great ability , and the addresses were of an appropriate and interesting character . On the whole , ifc was a very happy gathering , and the Bowyer Lodge holds out every promise of occupying a high position among the lodges of the
province ; the officers have been most judiciously selected , and , in addition to their Masonic skill and knowledge , have the confidence and respect of Chipping Norton and the neighbourhood .
( From ihe Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) SIMLA . LODGE HIMALAYA ** BEOTDEBHOOD . —A regular meeting of Lodge Himalayan Brotherhood was held at Simla on Monday , the 5 th September . Bro . T . AVood presided , Bros . T . Graham and W . H . Huff sat as Past Masters , Bros . AV . Bishop and C II . Macleod filled the chairs in the west and south , Bros . Dixon
and Waller served as Deacons , Bros . AA . H . AVilson as Sec , F . Cockburn as Org ., and Lyons as I . G . Several other members were present . Among the visitors were Bros . AA ' ebb , Master of the loelge at Agra ; J . AV . Ramsay and Colonel Harris , oi Jullunder ; and Bro . Mannering , of Lodge Saint John , Calcutta . There was no work before the lodge . The AA . M . begged that the Permanent Committee would meet speedily , and dispose of the business which demanded their attention . Tlie meeting at
the banquet table was very pleasant . With the toast of the visitors was associated the name of Bro . AVebb , the Master of the Agra Lodge . AVith the view of encouraging the Permanent Committee in the discharge of their dry duties , the W . M . proposed " The Health of the President , Bro . D . S . Iienry , and the members of the Committee . " Bro . Henry responded in an eloquent manner , and was loudly applauded . The health of Bro . J . J . L . Hoff was acknowledged by Bro . AV . H . Hoff
, on behalf of his father . The musical brethren , called upon for their services , dashed off into the glee of the Polka Serenade in a spirited style , accompanied on the piano by our talented Bro . F . Cockburn . Several other glees and songs by Bros . Macleod , Henry , AAllson , F . Cockburn , II . Cockburn , & c , followed . —Another meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 3 rd October . Bro . T . AA ood presided , and passeel Bro . Barton to the second degreeThe Past Masters present were
. Bros . H . T . Tapp , AA . II . Hoff ; AA' ' . W . Boddam , and R , T . Callan . Bros . H . Cockburn and C H . Macleod filled the chairs in the west and south . Bros . Dixon and Waller were the Deacons , and Bro . Lyons was the I . G . At the banquet table , Bro . W . II . Fitze , of Lodge True Friendship , returned thanks for the health of the visitors , anel in doing so , informed the brethren thatat the meeting of the District Grancl Lodge on
, the 22 nd September , he had heard the Provincial Grand Master , in his opening address , allude in favourable terms to the Master of the Simla Loelge . Several songs were sung by the San Francisco Minstrels ; and Bro . Callan , who had a bad cold and could not sing , amused the brethren with tin ingenious contrivance called the "Fakemen . "
DELHI . LODOE PHCENIX . —A regular meeting of the lodge was held on Monday , September Sth , with only eight brethren , including the AV . M ., Bro . T . C . Fenwick , who had returned , anel in consequence of whose absence there was no meeting on the third Monday of last month . Tlie work of the evening was the passing tbe by-laws , anel the initiation of one candidate , Mr .
M'Intyre , who had long expressed his elesire to join the Order . The principal officers on the occasion were—Bros . T . C . Fenwick , AV . M . ; AV . H . H . Marshall , S . W . ; Williams , as J . AA . ; C . H . Billings , S . D . ; and T . Baness , as J . D . Tho lodge closed at half-past nine p . m ., anel the brethren adjourned to thebanemetrooni and sat down to an excellent dinner . After the usual toasts had been drunk , tbe AV . M . proposed "The Visiting-Brethren" and having paid some hih compliments to Bro .
, g Williams , concluded as follows : —Brethren , here is to our visiting brethren , Williams and Baness , with all the honours ; and to our departing Brother AVilliams , our sincere wishes for his happiness and success in life wherever he may be . Bro . Williams in acknowledging the toast said , —AA orshipful Master and brethren , in attempting to thank you for the unexpected
honour you have clone me , the handsome manner in which yon have drank to my health , and the kind wishes for my future which you so warmly expressed , I confess my total inability to reply in anything like the eloquent manner in which the AVorshipful Master has been pleased to speak of me , though , I assure you , I deeply feel his and your kindness . Nor can I flatter myself I have deserved the high honour he has done me , forat the bestI have but endeavoured to do duty . I
, , my trust our final parting will not be so soon as the Master seems to think it will be . I hope to return anel be with you once more , yet a little while , ere we part for good ; anel trust me , I shall be happy to return and again meet you here , for here , in this room , with some of those I see around me , I have passeel some of the pleasantesfc evenings of my life . While I hope I have made no enemies during my residence in this citI am
y , happy in the consciousness of having made some valuable friends . And let me , Worshipful Sir , ere I resume my seat , wish you and this lodge all success . The wish , though inadequately expressed , is sincere ; for let the ignorant say what they will , I speak from conviction when I assert that Masonry is a good institution , and deserves the respect of all its followers . Once more thanking you for your kindness , I wish
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
wisdom , to instruct their brethren in all the duties of their respective stations . May brotherly love , relief , and truth ever prevail amongst its members ; and may this bond of union increase and strengthen the several lodges throughout the world . Bless all our brethren , wherever dispersed over the face of earth and water , and grant a speedy relief to all who are in distress . AVe affectionately commend to Thy especial care and protection all the members of the fraternity ; may they
increase in knowledge of Thee , aud in love of each other . And , finally , may we finish all our work here below with thy approbation , and then leave this earthly abode for the Great Lodge above , there to enjoy light , bliss , and glory for ever and ever . So mote it be . " An anthem , " How marvellous , " was then sung . Tlie Prov . G . M . then dedicated and constituted the Lodge under the name of " Tire Bowyer LodgeNo . 1036 . "
, , The Prov . G . Chap , then pronounced the benediction as follows : — " The God of our fathers be with us and prosper us . May he impart His grace unto us , shelter us with His love , and protect us from all dangers . May our union be cemented , our harmony preserved , and our happiness accomplished , that passing through this temporary scene in the practice of piety and virtuewe may at last attain our final reward in His Eternal
, Kingdom . " This concluded the consecration service , and the installation of the AV . M . elect was then proceeded with by the D . Prov . G . M ., according to ancient form . On the AV . M . taking his seat the brethren paid him homage , the members of the new lodge taking the initiative . The new Master returned his acknowledgments to the Prov . G . M ., the
D . Prov . G . Jf ., and the brethren . The D . Prov . G . M . then handed to the AV . M . the warrant , working tools , & c ., of the lodge , after which he delivered an eloquent charge on the nature and duties of his office .
The W . M . then invested his officers for the year with their respective badges of office , as follows : —Bros . AV . Josiah Smith , S . AV ; H . Hartley , J . AV . ; AV . Bowyer , Sec ; Rev . AV . 11 . Marah , S . D . ; T . Allcock , J . D . ; T . A . AVheeler , Dir . of Cers . ; T . Hieatfc , I . G . ; J . Nickols , Tyler . Charges to the A \ ardens and brethren were then delivered by the D . Prov . G . M ., and were received with much applause . Four candidates were then proposed anel seconded , and two
brethren , as joining members of the lodge . Votes of thanks were then ordered to bo entered on the minutes to the Prov . G . M . for attending the consecration anel installation , to the D . Prov . G . M . for the admirable manlier in which he had performed the ceremony of installation , and to the musical brethren for their services , which had given so much effect to the ceremonies . The lodge was then closeel in the usual form .
In the evening the brethren celebrated the consecration of the new lodge with a banquet at the White Hart Hotel , when a sumptuous entertainment , reflecting the greatest credit on the host and hostess , Mr . and Mrs . Wheeler , was served in elegant style . The wines were of first-rate character , the dessert corresponded , and champagne , ad libitum , the generous gift of the Prov . G . M ., Colonel Bowyer , left nothing to be
desired . The W . M ., Bro . Rev . J . II . Ranking , presided , and was supported by the Prov . G . M ., the D . Prov . G . M ., anel the brethren who hael taken part in the ceremony . The AV . M . presided with great ability , and the addresses were of an appropriate and interesting character . On the whole , ifc was a very happy gathering , and the Bowyer Lodge holds out every promise of occupying a high position among the lodges of the
province ; the officers have been most judiciously selected , and , in addition to their Masonic skill and knowledge , have the confidence and respect of Chipping Norton and the neighbourhood .
( From ihe Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) SIMLA . LODGE HIMALAYA ** BEOTDEBHOOD . —A regular meeting of Lodge Himalayan Brotherhood was held at Simla on Monday , the 5 th September . Bro . T . AVood presided , Bros . T . Graham and W . H . Huff sat as Past Masters , Bros . AV . Bishop and C II . Macleod filled the chairs in the west and south , Bros . Dixon
and Waller served as Deacons , Bros . AA . H . AVilson as Sec , F . Cockburn as Org ., and Lyons as I . G . Several other members were present . Among the visitors were Bros . AA ' ebb , Master of the loelge at Agra ; J . AV . Ramsay and Colonel Harris , oi Jullunder ; and Bro . Mannering , of Lodge Saint John , Calcutta . There was no work before the lodge . The AA . M . begged that the Permanent Committee would meet speedily , and dispose of the business which demanded their attention . Tlie meeting at
the banquet table was very pleasant . With the toast of the visitors was associated the name of Bro . AVebb , the Master of the Agra Lodge . AVith the view of encouraging the Permanent Committee in the discharge of their dry duties , the W . M . proposed " The Health of the President , Bro . D . S . Iienry , and the members of the Committee . " Bro . Henry responded in an eloquent manner , and was loudly applauded . The health of Bro . J . J . L . Hoff was acknowledged by Bro . AV . H . Hoff
, on behalf of his father . The musical brethren , called upon for their services , dashed off into the glee of the Polka Serenade in a spirited style , accompanied on the piano by our talented Bro . F . Cockburn . Several other glees and songs by Bros . Macleod , Henry , AAllson , F . Cockburn , II . Cockburn , & c , followed . —Another meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 3 rd October . Bro . T . AA ood presided , and passeel Bro . Barton to the second degreeThe Past Masters present were
. Bros . H . T . Tapp , AA . II . Hoff ; AA' ' . W . Boddam , and R , T . Callan . Bros . H . Cockburn and C H . Macleod filled the chairs in the west and south . Bros . Dixon and Waller were the Deacons , and Bro . Lyons was the I . G . At the banquet table , Bro . W . II . Fitze , of Lodge True Friendship , returned thanks for the health of the visitors , anel in doing so , informed the brethren thatat the meeting of the District Grancl Lodge on
, the 22 nd September , he had heard the Provincial Grand Master , in his opening address , allude in favourable terms to the Master of the Simla Loelge . Several songs were sung by the San Francisco Minstrels ; and Bro . Callan , who had a bad cold and could not sing , amused the brethren with tin ingenious contrivance called the "Fakemen . "
DELHI . LODOE PHCENIX . —A regular meeting of the lodge was held on Monday , September Sth , with only eight brethren , including the AV . M ., Bro . T . C . Fenwick , who had returned , anel in consequence of whose absence there was no meeting on the third Monday of last month . Tlie work of the evening was the passing tbe by-laws , anel the initiation of one candidate , Mr .
M'Intyre , who had long expressed his elesire to join the Order . The principal officers on the occasion were—Bros . T . C . Fenwick , AV . M . ; AV . H . H . Marshall , S . W . ; Williams , as J . AA . ; C . H . Billings , S . D . ; and T . Baness , as J . D . Tho lodge closed at half-past nine p . m ., anel the brethren adjourned to thebanemetrooni and sat down to an excellent dinner . After the usual toasts had been drunk , tbe AV . M . proposed "The Visiting-Brethren" and having paid some hih compliments to Bro .
, g Williams , concluded as follows : —Brethren , here is to our visiting brethren , Williams and Baness , with all the honours ; and to our departing Brother AVilliams , our sincere wishes for his happiness and success in life wherever he may be . Bro . Williams in acknowledging the toast said , —AA orshipful Master and brethren , in attempting to thank you for the unexpected
honour you have clone me , the handsome manner in which yon have drank to my health , and the kind wishes for my future which you so warmly expressed , I confess my total inability to reply in anything like the eloquent manner in which the AVorshipful Master has been pleased to speak of me , though , I assure you , I deeply feel his and your kindness . Nor can I flatter myself I have deserved the high honour he has done me , forat the bestI have but endeavoured to do duty . I
, , my trust our final parting will not be so soon as the Master seems to think it will be . I hope to return anel be with you once more , yet a little while , ere we part for good ; anel trust me , I shall be happy to return and again meet you here , for here , in this room , with some of those I see around me , I have passeel some of the pleasantesfc evenings of my life . While I hope I have made no enemies during my residence in this citI am
y , happy in the consciousness of having made some valuable friends . And let me , Worshipful Sir , ere I resume my seat , wish you and this lodge all success . The wish , though inadequately expressed , is sincere ; for let the ignorant say what they will , I speak from conviction when I assert that Masonry is a good institution , and deserves the respect of all its followers . Once more thanking you for your kindness , I wish