Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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workmen in the Craft degree , were honoured by being enrolled among the Master Masons of the Order . Two other brothers recently initiated also sought advancement . Upon trial , being found worthy , they were entrusted with the F . G . degree . After this Mr . John Reeve—superintendanfc of the Royal Alexandra Palace—having been successfully balloted for , was introduced and received the benefit of the initiative degree , for which he returned thanksassuring the brethren that although
, at this early stage of the proceedings he could not say much npon the Order , he was satisfied from what he had that night heard , that to be a good Mason , was to be a good man . The usual toasts , & c , followed the banquet which was , vell provided by Host Banks , and a happy evening resulted . The visitors were Bros . Foxall , Crystal Palace Lodge ; and Edmonds , Hopkins , Whiling , and Dr . Pope .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . KIBKET LONSDALE . — Underlet / Lodge ( No . 1 , 074 . )—A lodge of emergency was held on AVednesday , the 14 t \ i inst ., at seven o ' clock , at the concert hall . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . Capt . Braithwaite , AA ' . M ., his chair was filled by Bro . John Bowes , P . M ., Prov . G . Reg ., who was supported by Bros . J . AtkinsonP . M . 768 as S . W . ; Henry DavisJ . W . ; AVilliam
, , , James , Treas ., as J . D . ; AV . Dodd , Sec , as I . G . ; AV . Romaine Gregg , Thomas Eastham , Rev . R . C . Garnett , Chap . ; Robert James jun ., and Thomas Anderson , Tyler . The lodge was opened in solemn form and with prayer according to ancient custom . The acting AV . M ., Bro . Bowes , stated that the business of the meeting was to ballot for and if elected to initiate Mr . Robert James jun . who had been dulproposed and seconded .
, y The ballot box was then sent round , and on its return to the E . the acting AV . M . declared the vote unanimously in the candidate's favour , and he being in attendance was introduced in due form . It being now stated that the candidate was under the age of twenty-one years , the acting AV . M . demanded the necessary dispensation which was handed to and impounded by him as showing the authority by which he acted . The ceremony
was then proceeded with , the Chaplain delivering the charge . The acting AV . M . drew the attention of the brethren to the fact that a petition was about to be presented to the Supreme Grand Chapter for a warrant of constitution for a R . A . C . to be attached to lodge in accord-mice with the resolution unanimously passed at a previous meeting , and further that Bro . H . Davis , J . W ., had the petition prepared ready for signature . There being no further business the lodge was closed with the usual solemnities , and the brethren separated in harmony .
DURHAM . DURHAM . —Harbour of Refuge Lodge ( No . 764 . )—The regular lodge was holden in the Masonic Hall ' , AVest Hartlepool , on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., when there were present Bros . AV . C . Ward- Jackson , P . S . G . W ., W . M . ; George Kirk , M . D ., P . Prov . J . G . AV ., P . M . ; Harpley , I . P . M . ; Emra Holmes , AV . M ., St . Helens Lodge 531 ; W . W . BruntonP . M . PGRegRank
, , , .. . ; , P . M . ; Gourley , M . D ., S . AV ., & c . The lodge being duly opened with solemn prayer , the W . M . proceeded to initiate George Chapman into the mysteries of Freemasonry , being assisted by Bro . Harpley who gave the secrets of the degree , and Bro . Emra Holmes who delivered the address in the N . E .- Bros . Peacock , and the Rev . T . Haslewood , having passed the requisite examination were entrusted , and upon the lodge being opened in
the second degree they were regularly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , the AV . M . conducting the ceremony , and the I . P . M . presenting the working tools . The other business of the lodge having heen disposed of , the brethren retired for refreshment . Bro . Lohden presided at the harmonium with much ability , and it is not to be doubted but that the introduction of music into the ceremonies lias very much added to their beauty and impressiveness .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . — United Lodge ( No . 697 ) . The installation of Worshipful Master of this military lodge was held on Easter Monday , at the Lodge-room , George Hotel . Besides its own members there was a large number of
brethren from other lodges in the province , including those of Ipswich , Brightlingsea , Rochford , Southend , & c . The choice of AV . M . had fallen upon Bro . J . Newman , Quartermaster-Sergeant 4 th Depot Battalion , the first non-commissioned officer , we believe , who has ever attained the first position in this particular lodge . The ceremony of installation was as usual very ably performed bv Bro . Peter Matthews , P . M . Prov . G . J . G . AV . ; and Frov . G . Dir . of Cers . for Essex .
, The following oflicers of the lodge wero also appointed and invested with their respective insignia of office : —Bros . Sutherland , P . AL , A . C . G ., S . W . ; C . Carnegie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , Essex , Sec . and Treas ., United Lodge , J . AA . ; Ray , S . D . ; Calthorpe , J . D . ; Eustace , I . G . ; AVitten , Tyler .
At the conclusion of the business , the members and visiting brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet in the Lodgeroom . The newly-installed W .. A 1 " . presided , supported by Bro . P . Matthews . The various oflicers occupied their allotted positions ; aud the other members not in office present were—Bros . Crick , Donnelly , Shaw , Jeukinson , Smith ( Essex Rifles ) , Rix , and Middleton .
The neighbouring lodges represented were : — No . 51 , Angel , Colchester . —Bros , Becker , AV . M . ; Darken , P . M . ; Railing , Evans , Simpson . No . 160 , Ilochford . —Bros . Pizzey , AV . M . ; and F . Wiseman , Rochford . No . 225 , St . Luke's , Ipswich . —Bros . AV . Davey , W . M . ; and Barber , Sec . No . 433 Lodge of HopeBrihtlingsea . —Bros . RichesW . M . ;
, , g , and Wiseman , Sec . No . 570 ( I . C ) , 5 tli Dragoon Guards ) . —Bros . M'Sheehy , W . M . ; Sharpe , Sec . ; and Lennon . No . 1 , 000 , Southend . —Bros . Rowley , AV . M . ; and Cox . After the toast of " The Queen and the Craft , " the usual honours were accorded to the Grand Master and Grand . Officers of England ; and similar compliments being paid to the Grand
Lodges of Scotland and Ireland , the former was responded to by Bro . Sutherland , and the latter by Bro . Sheehy . Bro . Peter Matthews , in returning thanks for the toast of "The Provincial Grand Master and Prov . G . Officers for Essex , " expressed regret that the R . AV . Bro . Bagshaw had been prevented by ill-health from being present . As one of the grand oflicers , he rejoiced to see the progress Masonry was
making in this province . In availing himself of the privilege of proposing the next toast , he must say that he did so with mingled feelings . Last year he had the privilege of installing iu the chair of this lodge an able and promising military officer , Bro . Capt . Slieringhara . Shortly afterwards he left this country for the West Indies , and he was now no more . He ( Bro . Matthews ) had been looking forward to the pleasure of meeting him to-day ; and it had been a great shock to him to learn
that he had passed away , and that both the army and Freemasonry had been prematurely deprived of one who seemed destined to become a bright ornament to each . Having paid this slight tribute of praise to one who was gone , he might just allude to the way in which the vacancy had been filled . By the express wish of the late AV . M ., Bro . Sutherland had undertaken to carry on the business of the lodge during Captain Slieringham ' s absence , and great praise was due to him for the
manner in which he had maintained its efficiency and prosperity . Now they had a new AV . M ,, and it was a proud thing to see a non-commissioned officer rise to that position in the short space of two years . It redounded much to Bro . Newman ' s honour and credit ; and it was pleasing to see two of the most influential members of the lodge , who had themselves more than once filled a similar position , taking office under his Mastership . Bro . Newman had done his work to-day as a Master ought to
do , and he was sure they all felt as he did , the fullest confidence that he would do his duty iu the future . Ho begged to propose '' The health of the Worshipful Master of the United Lodge . " The W . M . briefly hut warmly acknowledged the compliment , and expressed a hope that he should be able to conduct the business of the lodge during the ensuing year to the satisfaction ofhis
brother members , aud with some little advantage to the cause of Freemasonry . The next toast from the chair— " The Health of the Visiting-Brethren "—was associated with the name of the AV . M . of the Angel Lodge , who returned thanks . Bro . Sutherland passed a high eulogium upon the character of the late W . M ., and proposed as a toast "The memory o
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
workmen in the Craft degree , were honoured by being enrolled among the Master Masons of the Order . Two other brothers recently initiated also sought advancement . Upon trial , being found worthy , they were entrusted with the F . G . degree . After this Mr . John Reeve—superintendanfc of the Royal Alexandra Palace—having been successfully balloted for , was introduced and received the benefit of the initiative degree , for which he returned thanksassuring the brethren that although
, at this early stage of the proceedings he could not say much npon the Order , he was satisfied from what he had that night heard , that to be a good Mason , was to be a good man . The usual toasts , & c , followed the banquet which was , vell provided by Host Banks , and a happy evening resulted . The visitors were Bros . Foxall , Crystal Palace Lodge ; and Edmonds , Hopkins , Whiling , and Dr . Pope .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . KIBKET LONSDALE . — Underlet / Lodge ( No . 1 , 074 . )—A lodge of emergency was held on AVednesday , the 14 t \ i inst ., at seven o ' clock , at the concert hall . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . Capt . Braithwaite , AA ' . M ., his chair was filled by Bro . John Bowes , P . M ., Prov . G . Reg ., who was supported by Bros . J . AtkinsonP . M . 768 as S . W . ; Henry DavisJ . W . ; AVilliam
, , , James , Treas ., as J . D . ; AV . Dodd , Sec , as I . G . ; AV . Romaine Gregg , Thomas Eastham , Rev . R . C . Garnett , Chap . ; Robert James jun ., and Thomas Anderson , Tyler . The lodge was opened in solemn form and with prayer according to ancient custom . The acting AV . M ., Bro . Bowes , stated that the business of the meeting was to ballot for and if elected to initiate Mr . Robert James jun . who had been dulproposed and seconded .
, y The ballot box was then sent round , and on its return to the E . the acting AV . M . declared the vote unanimously in the candidate's favour , and he being in attendance was introduced in due form . It being now stated that the candidate was under the age of twenty-one years , the acting AV . M . demanded the necessary dispensation which was handed to and impounded by him as showing the authority by which he acted . The ceremony
was then proceeded with , the Chaplain delivering the charge . The acting AV . M . drew the attention of the brethren to the fact that a petition was about to be presented to the Supreme Grand Chapter for a warrant of constitution for a R . A . C . to be attached to lodge in accord-mice with the resolution unanimously passed at a previous meeting , and further that Bro . H . Davis , J . W ., had the petition prepared ready for signature . There being no further business the lodge was closed with the usual solemnities , and the brethren separated in harmony .
DURHAM . DURHAM . —Harbour of Refuge Lodge ( No . 764 . )—The regular lodge was holden in the Masonic Hall ' , AVest Hartlepool , on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., when there were present Bros . AV . C . Ward- Jackson , P . S . G . W ., W . M . ; George Kirk , M . D ., P . Prov . J . G . AV ., P . M . ; Harpley , I . P . M . ; Emra Holmes , AV . M ., St . Helens Lodge 531 ; W . W . BruntonP . M . PGRegRank
, , , .. . ; , P . M . ; Gourley , M . D ., S . AV ., & c . The lodge being duly opened with solemn prayer , the W . M . proceeded to initiate George Chapman into the mysteries of Freemasonry , being assisted by Bro . Harpley who gave the secrets of the degree , and Bro . Emra Holmes who delivered the address in the N . E .- Bros . Peacock , and the Rev . T . Haslewood , having passed the requisite examination were entrusted , and upon the lodge being opened in
the second degree they were regularly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , the AV . M . conducting the ceremony , and the I . P . M . presenting the working tools . The other business of the lodge having heen disposed of , the brethren retired for refreshment . Bro . Lohden presided at the harmonium with much ability , and it is not to be doubted but that the introduction of music into the ceremonies lias very much added to their beauty and impressiveness .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . — United Lodge ( No . 697 ) . The installation of Worshipful Master of this military lodge was held on Easter Monday , at the Lodge-room , George Hotel . Besides its own members there was a large number of
brethren from other lodges in the province , including those of Ipswich , Brightlingsea , Rochford , Southend , & c . The choice of AV . M . had fallen upon Bro . J . Newman , Quartermaster-Sergeant 4 th Depot Battalion , the first non-commissioned officer , we believe , who has ever attained the first position in this particular lodge . The ceremony of installation was as usual very ably performed bv Bro . Peter Matthews , P . M . Prov . G . J . G . AV . ; and Frov . G . Dir . of Cers . for Essex .
, The following oflicers of the lodge wero also appointed and invested with their respective insignia of office : —Bros . Sutherland , P . AL , A . C . G ., S . W . ; C . Carnegie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , Essex , Sec . and Treas ., United Lodge , J . AA . ; Ray , S . D . ; Calthorpe , J . D . ; Eustace , I . G . ; AVitten , Tyler .
At the conclusion of the business , the members and visiting brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet in the Lodgeroom . The newly-installed W .. A 1 " . presided , supported by Bro . P . Matthews . The various oflicers occupied their allotted positions ; aud the other members not in office present were—Bros . Crick , Donnelly , Shaw , Jeukinson , Smith ( Essex Rifles ) , Rix , and Middleton .
The neighbouring lodges represented were : — No . 51 , Angel , Colchester . —Bros , Becker , AV . M . ; Darken , P . M . ; Railing , Evans , Simpson . No . 160 , Ilochford . —Bros . Pizzey , AV . M . ; and F . Wiseman , Rochford . No . 225 , St . Luke's , Ipswich . —Bros . AV . Davey , W . M . ; and Barber , Sec . No . 433 Lodge of HopeBrihtlingsea . —Bros . RichesW . M . ;
, , g , and Wiseman , Sec . No . 570 ( I . C ) , 5 tli Dragoon Guards ) . —Bros . M'Sheehy , W . M . ; Sharpe , Sec . ; and Lennon . No . 1 , 000 , Southend . —Bros . Rowley , AV . M . ; and Cox . After the toast of " The Queen and the Craft , " the usual honours were accorded to the Grand Master and Grand . Officers of England ; and similar compliments being paid to the Grand
Lodges of Scotland and Ireland , the former was responded to by Bro . Sutherland , and the latter by Bro . Sheehy . Bro . Peter Matthews , in returning thanks for the toast of "The Provincial Grand Master and Prov . G . Officers for Essex , " expressed regret that the R . AV . Bro . Bagshaw had been prevented by ill-health from being present . As one of the grand oflicers , he rejoiced to see the progress Masonry was
making in this province . In availing himself of the privilege of proposing the next toast , he must say that he did so with mingled feelings . Last year he had the privilege of installing iu the chair of this lodge an able and promising military officer , Bro . Capt . Slieringhara . Shortly afterwards he left this country for the West Indies , and he was now no more . He ( Bro . Matthews ) had been looking forward to the pleasure of meeting him to-day ; and it had been a great shock to him to learn
that he had passed away , and that both the army and Freemasonry had been prematurely deprived of one who seemed destined to become a bright ornament to each . Having paid this slight tribute of praise to one who was gone , he might just allude to the way in which the vacancy had been filled . By the express wish of the late AV . M ., Bro . Sutherland had undertaken to carry on the business of the lodge during Captain Slieringham ' s absence , and great praise was due to him for the
manner in which he had maintained its efficiency and prosperity . Now they had a new AV . M ,, and it was a proud thing to see a non-commissioned officer rise to that position in the short space of two years . It redounded much to Bro . Newman ' s honour and credit ; and it was pleasing to see two of the most influential members of the lodge , who had themselves more than once filled a similar position , taking office under his Mastership . Bro . Newman had done his work to-day as a Master ought to
do , and he was sure they all felt as he did , the fullest confidence that he would do his duty iu the future . Ho begged to propose '' The health of the Worshipful Master of the United Lodge . " The W . M . briefly hut warmly acknowledged the compliment , and expressed a hope that he should be able to conduct the business of the lodge during the ensuing year to the satisfaction ofhis
brother members , aud with some little advantage to the cause of Freemasonry . The next toast from the chair— " The Health of the Visiting-Brethren "—was associated with the name of the AV . M . of the Angel Lodge , who returned thanks . Bro . Sutherland passed a high eulogium upon the character of the late W . M ., and proposed as a toast "The memory o