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The Masonic Charities At Home And Abroad.
Captains Brown and Carroll of the 66 th regiment were initiated . The beautiful climate of Guernsey has attracted many gentlemen of fortune , who settle there in otium cam dignitaie . Among others who are
thus located , is Bro . Montague Joseph Fielden , formerly M . P . for the borough of Blackburn , who has purchased the island of Herm , and , like Alexander Selkirk , can say " I am monarch of all I survey . " Another resident , Bro . Muntz , is a
member of the Avell-known Birmingham family , and son of the late Mr . Muntz , M . P ., who among other important services rendered to the nation , had the courage to introduce the fashion of wearing- beards into the House of Commons . Bro .
Doctor Oollenette , the Grand Secretary of the province , although a native of the island , is extensively known in philanthropic circles in England , and has laboured long and arduously in the Temperance and other kindred enterprises .
Bro . Gardner , the S . W . of Doyle ' s , is , so to speak , an hereditary Mason , and is certainly Avell able to maintain the family reputation . Bro . Glencross , J . W ., has brought successfully to bear on the study . of Masonic jurisprudence the acumen which he
formerly applied to the statute laws of England . Bro . Millington , the S . D ., is the representative of a family of Freemasons Avell known in Shropshire , and Ave can only say that we ardently Avish thut we possessed his exact and truthful
knowledge of the ritual . Bro . J . S . Sneath , F . R . S . L ., the J . D ., an old friend of ours , brought Avith him a good Masonic reputation , and truly if the man
who has acquitted himself Avell as editor of four popular newspapers , cannot succeed as a Mason we really do not know AVIIO need aspire so to do Bro . Parker , I . G ., is like Bro . Muntz , Avhat the Deputy Grand Master felicitously designated " a
man of metal , " and it is perhaps Avell for the candidates AVIIO come to Doyle's for initiation , that the ( hem ! you understand ) , is in such safe hands . Bro . Treasurer Hutchinson , P . M ., and P . P . S . G . W ., discharges the duties of the most difficult position
in the lodge with entire satifaction , and the old miser made famous by Tom Hood , AVIIO when asked " what he put in the collections , " replied , " What I give is nothing lo nobody , " would not remain in Doyle's long . But , above all others ,
Ave must refer to our old friend , Bro . Sarchet , tho Secretary of the lodge , AA'ho , for forty-eight years , lias been a Craftsman . Visitors never fail to remark the tall aud finely-proportioned figure of
Bro . S ., nor are they ever likely to forget his peculiar but forcible speeches on the superiority of Norman blood , and the high honour which the Channel Islands enjoy in being ruled by the Duchess of Normandy instead of by the Queen of
England . We shall never forget the way in which Bro . S ., in his post-prandial orations impressed upon us the fact of our Anglo-Saxon inferiority . " We , " said he " conquered you , and the Norman blood , which is extinct in England , is
pure here . " It Avas all in vain that we ventured to quote Tennyson's " Lady Clara Vere de Vere " to our
brother"Howe'er it be , it seems to me 'Tis only noble to be good , Kind hearts are more than coronets , And simple faith than Norman blood . " Bro . Sarchet will never believe that anything superior to Norman blood is possible in this world ,
and all we can say is Ave certainly esteem very highly our " Norman " brethren in the Channel Islands . During our visit to Guernsey . Bro . Frederick Clarke , editor of the Mail and Telegraph was initiated , and , singularly enough , we
subsequently saw Bro . Da Olieinin , editor of the Jersey Express , raised to the ] degree of M . M . There Avere also tAvo other very gratifying occurrence Avhile Ave were in Guernsey . We allude
to the presentation of an elegant gold Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . Guilbert , of Doyle ' s Lodge , in recognition of the admirable manner in which he had occupied the chair of E . S . ; and the giving of a complimentary dinner to Bro . Scott , of St .
Anne's Lodge , Alderney , Avell knoAvn as the able and courteous commander of the steamer Queen of the Isles , of the Guernsey and Alderney service . On the afternoon of the day of the dinner splendid testimonials amounting altogether to upwards of
£ 300 in value , and subscribed for by the general public , Avere presented to Bro . Scott . These pleasant illustrations of friendly feeling Avere alike honourable to donors and recipients , and we need scarcely say that Freemasonry may well be proud of such brethren .
At this time also took place the resignation of the Grand Master of the united provinces of Guernsey and Jerse } -. In Guernsey it was at once resolved to petition the Earl of Zetland for a division of the two provinces , and the
appointment of Bro . Gallienne , heretofore Deputy Grand Master , as Grand Master for Guernsey . In a few minutes , such ivas the popularity of Bro . G ., the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Charities At Home And Abroad.
Captains Brown and Carroll of the 66 th regiment were initiated . The beautiful climate of Guernsey has attracted many gentlemen of fortune , who settle there in otium cam dignitaie . Among others who are
thus located , is Bro . Montague Joseph Fielden , formerly M . P . for the borough of Blackburn , who has purchased the island of Herm , and , like Alexander Selkirk , can say " I am monarch of all I survey . " Another resident , Bro . Muntz , is a
member of the Avell-known Birmingham family , and son of the late Mr . Muntz , M . P ., who among other important services rendered to the nation , had the courage to introduce the fashion of wearing- beards into the House of Commons . Bro .
Doctor Oollenette , the Grand Secretary of the province , although a native of the island , is extensively known in philanthropic circles in England , and has laboured long and arduously in the Temperance and other kindred enterprises .
Bro . Gardner , the S . W . of Doyle ' s , is , so to speak , an hereditary Mason , and is certainly Avell able to maintain the family reputation . Bro . Glencross , J . W ., has brought successfully to bear on the study . of Masonic jurisprudence the acumen which he
formerly applied to the statute laws of England . Bro . Millington , the S . D ., is the representative of a family of Freemasons Avell known in Shropshire , and Ave can only say that we ardently Avish thut we possessed his exact and truthful
knowledge of the ritual . Bro . J . S . Sneath , F . R . S . L ., the J . D ., an old friend of ours , brought Avith him a good Masonic reputation , and truly if the man
who has acquitted himself Avell as editor of four popular newspapers , cannot succeed as a Mason we really do not know AVIIO need aspire so to do Bro . Parker , I . G ., is like Bro . Muntz , Avhat the Deputy Grand Master felicitously designated " a
man of metal , " and it is perhaps Avell for the candidates AVIIO come to Doyle's for initiation , that the ( hem ! you understand ) , is in such safe hands . Bro . Treasurer Hutchinson , P . M ., and P . P . S . G . W ., discharges the duties of the most difficult position
in the lodge with entire satifaction , and the old miser made famous by Tom Hood , AVIIO when asked " what he put in the collections , " replied , " What I give is nothing lo nobody , " would not remain in Doyle's long . But , above all others ,
Ave must refer to our old friend , Bro . Sarchet , tho Secretary of the lodge , AA'ho , for forty-eight years , lias been a Craftsman . Visitors never fail to remark the tall aud finely-proportioned figure of
Bro . S ., nor are they ever likely to forget his peculiar but forcible speeches on the superiority of Norman blood , and the high honour which the Channel Islands enjoy in being ruled by the Duchess of Normandy instead of by the Queen of
England . We shall never forget the way in which Bro . S ., in his post-prandial orations impressed upon us the fact of our Anglo-Saxon inferiority . " We , " said he " conquered you , and the Norman blood , which is extinct in England , is
pure here . " It Avas all in vain that we ventured to quote Tennyson's " Lady Clara Vere de Vere " to our
brother"Howe'er it be , it seems to me 'Tis only noble to be good , Kind hearts are more than coronets , And simple faith than Norman blood . " Bro . Sarchet will never believe that anything superior to Norman blood is possible in this world ,
and all we can say is Ave certainly esteem very highly our " Norman " brethren in the Channel Islands . During our visit to Guernsey . Bro . Frederick Clarke , editor of the Mail and Telegraph was initiated , and , singularly enough , we
subsequently saw Bro . Da Olieinin , editor of the Jersey Express , raised to the ] degree of M . M . There Avere also tAvo other very gratifying occurrence Avhile Ave were in Guernsey . We allude
to the presentation of an elegant gold Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . Guilbert , of Doyle ' s Lodge , in recognition of the admirable manner in which he had occupied the chair of E . S . ; and the giving of a complimentary dinner to Bro . Scott , of St .
Anne's Lodge , Alderney , Avell knoAvn as the able and courteous commander of the steamer Queen of the Isles , of the Guernsey and Alderney service . On the afternoon of the day of the dinner splendid testimonials amounting altogether to upwards of
£ 300 in value , and subscribed for by the general public , Avere presented to Bro . Scott . These pleasant illustrations of friendly feeling Avere alike honourable to donors and recipients , and we need scarcely say that Freemasonry may well be proud of such brethren .
At this time also took place the resignation of the Grand Master of the united provinces of Guernsey and Jerse } -. In Guernsey it was at once resolved to petition the Earl of Zetland for a division of the two provinces , and the
appointment of Bro . Gallienne , heretofore Deputy Grand Master , as Grand Master for Guernsey . In a few minutes , such ivas the popularity of Bro . G ., the