Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OF A NEW MASONIC HALL AT GATESHEAD. Page 1 of 2 →
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'" Stephen Blair , R . W . Prov . G . M ., East Lancashire ; Lord de Tabley , R . AV . Prov . G . M ., Cheshire ; Lord Kenlis , R . W . Prov . G . M ., Cumberland and AVestmoreland . " " The Provincial Grand Officers , Past and Present . " *• George Remington , AV . M . " " The AVest Lancashire Institution for the education and advancement in life of children of distressed Masons . " ' The Worshipful Masters of the Lodges of the Province . "
" The Visiting Brethren . " " The Provincial Grand Stewards . " * AU Poor and Distressed Masons . " Ladies were admitted by ticket to the gathering , and gave a zest to the proceedings , which , although in consequence of their presence were considerably modified , were , nevertheless , of such an enthusiastic and hearty character , that the fair spectators could not but feel charmed at the unusual and particular mode of receiving the toasts and sentiments of the day .
GLASGOAV . PRESENTATION TO BRO . Wit . TAYLOR , P . M . os THE LODGE OE GLALGOW ( No . 441 ) . On Tuesday evening , the 31 st ult ., the brethren of the lodge of Glasgow ( No . 441 ) , mustered in full strength in their commodious hallAntiqua-placefor the purpose of doing honour to
, , their Past Master , Bro . Wm . Taylor , to whom , for his arduous and zealons labours in promoting the best interests of No . 441 , that lodge is so much indebted for her present flourishing and prosperous condition , though the youngest but one of the Glasgow lodges . The chair was ably filled by the present respected R . AV . M ., Bro . Jno . Reid , supported right and left bv Bros . J . Moir Cousin ,
P . M . ( and first Ii . W . M . of No . 441 ); Taylor , I . P . M . No . 441 ; Wallace , G . S ., and Prov . G . J . D . ; James Stevenson , FREEMASONS ' MAGAZINE , London aud Glasgow ; Boyle , Treas ., 441 ; M'Robert , R . W . M . 73 , & c . The duties of croupier were efficiently performed by the S . W ., Bro . Macfarlane , supported by the Secretary , Bro . A . G . Wilson , and other office bearers . Supper was served in excellent style by Bro . Cullenand on the removal of the cloththe chairman
, , in the course of a few appropriate opening remarks , congratulated the lodge on turning out so handsomely to honour such a worthy Mason as their Immediate Past Master , Bro . William Taylor , the very fact of the brethren of 441 showing they could thus appreciate real Masonic worth as exemplified in Bro . Taylor , was a good proof to those who thought hard of them , that they had in their midst the proper material to advance and elevate
the Order . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given from the chair , and duly honoured and responded to , the especial business of the evening was proceeded with , Bro . Cousin , by permission of the chair , addressed the meeting in the following terms : — As I have been called upon to do honour to the guest of the evening at thisthe fourth annual festival of the Lodge Glasgow
, , 441 , 1 may here state it is only four years since seven of us met to arrange matters and apply for a charter for this lodge when I was called to the responsible position of R . AV . M . Since our formation we have found great difficulty in finding a suitable place of meeting , convenient of access to the great number of brethren residing at the east end of the city ; in spite , however , of this and the other drawbacks , our numbers have gone on
steadily increasing , and there are now some 125 members on the roll ; the lodge funds being also in a very healthy condition , this happy state of matters , brethren , has been brought about to a very great extent , by the energy and perseverance displayed by our esteemed Immediate Past Master , Bro . Taylor . It affords me great pleasure indeed to have the honour to-night of presenting Bro . Taylor , on behalf of the members of this lodge , with a substantial token of the respect and esteem in which
he is held , for the good and faithful services rendered by him during his period of office . Bro . Cousin , then addressing Bro . Taylor , said—I feel assured you possess the full confidence and approbation of the brethren whose affairs you have so well managed , and I hope to-night ' s presentation will serve as a stimulant to the office-bearers of this young and prosperous
lodge ) to follow in your footsteps , as by so doing , with such an excellent example before them , there was little doubt but that the Lodge of Glasgow , 441 , would continue to go on and flourish . Boo . Cousin then , amidst the applause of the brethren , presented Bro . Taylor , on their behalf , with a handsome Past Master ' s jewel and a purse of sovereigns , as a slight token of the respect and esteem in which he is held by his brother officebearers and the brethren generally of 441 for his past services .
Bro . Taylor made a very feeling reply in acknowledgment of the honour done him by the brethren—and the meeting was brought to a timely conclusion , the pleasures of the evening being materially enhanced by the excellent fraternal feeling , good humour , and vocal ability of the brethren . The usual toasts were given and responded to in appropriate terms during the evening .
Knights Templar.
CORNWALL . TTWARDREATII . —An Emergent Provincial Grand Conclave of Masonic Knights Templar , convened hy general circular , was held at Tywardreath on the 16 th inst . The P . G . C , Lord Eliot , M . P ., accompanied by Sir Knight Shuttlewortb , G . Alee Charcellov , having taken the chair , the conclave was opened in due formaccording to ancient ritebSir Knt . Rev . G . RossD
, , y , . Prov . G . Chap . After dispatching the business , it was resolved that three guineas be given out of the balance in the Prov . G . Treasurer ' s hands to the Freemasons' School for Boys , and three guineas to the School for Girls . The conclave was then closed in due form , and the annual meeting was decided upon to take place in June , at Truro .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NBWCASTLE-TJEON-TYNE . —" Royal Kent Encampment—Ihe annual conclave of this religious , military , and Masonic Order of Knights Templar was held in the Masonic Hall , Newgatestreet , on Friday , the 17 th inst ., instead of on Good Friday . There was a large attendance of the Sir Knights . Sir Knt . Jens JensenE . G . opened the encampment at three o'clock
, , , p . m . The ' only business to be transacted was the installation of the E . C . elect , Sir Knt . Robert J . Banning . M . D ., 30 ° , which was most ably performed by his predecessor in office . Prior to the ceremony , the Prov . G . Commander for Northumberland and Berwick-upon-Tweed , Sir Knt . the Rev . E . C . Ogle , was received , attended by Sir Knt . C . J . Banister , 31 ° , under an arch of steel . The following Sir Knights , amongst others ,
received appointments in the encampment : Sir Knts . W . Punshow , Prior ; C . J . Banister , Sub-prior ; H . Hotham , Chancellor ; Rev . S . Atkinson , Prelate ; AV . Foulsham , 1 st Captain ; J . H . Thompson , 2 nd Captain . After the closing of the encampment , the Sir Knights partook of refreshment in the hall , when the usual loyal toasts , as well as those peculiar to this Order , were given and responded to .
Laying The Foundation Stone Of A New Masonic Hall At Gateshead.
The foundation stone of what is designed to bo a veryhandsome edifice was recently laid b y Bro . Dr . Banning , W . M . Lodge Industry ( No . 43 ) . The hall , erected under the auspices of " The Gateshead Masonic Hall Company , Limited , " will bo built entirely of stone ; the style of architecture being Gothic . The lodge room is to be 40 ffc . in length b y 25 ft . ; and
23 ft . in height to the upper panel of the wagon-headed ceiling , which latter is to be laid out in square panels in coffered plaster -work . Ib is proposed chat hereafter it shall be decorated . The brethren assembled in the present lodge-room , at the Grey Horse , and about three o ' clock walked in pro « cession to the site of the new lodge . Among those who
assembled round the stone were the following , namely , Bro . Dr . Banning , AV . M . 48 , and chairman of the Gateshead Masonic Hall Company ; Bros . S . Atkinson , Eighton Banks . Dr . E . F . Cook , Dr . Douglass , Aid . Miller , T . Oliver ( F . B . LB . A . ) , A . Moody , John Dobson , J . H . Brown , H .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
'" Stephen Blair , R . W . Prov . G . M ., East Lancashire ; Lord de Tabley , R . AV . Prov . G . M ., Cheshire ; Lord Kenlis , R . W . Prov . G . M ., Cumberland and AVestmoreland . " " The Provincial Grand Officers , Past and Present . " *• George Remington , AV . M . " " The AVest Lancashire Institution for the education and advancement in life of children of distressed Masons . " ' The Worshipful Masters of the Lodges of the Province . "
" The Visiting Brethren . " " The Provincial Grand Stewards . " * AU Poor and Distressed Masons . " Ladies were admitted by ticket to the gathering , and gave a zest to the proceedings , which , although in consequence of their presence were considerably modified , were , nevertheless , of such an enthusiastic and hearty character , that the fair spectators could not but feel charmed at the unusual and particular mode of receiving the toasts and sentiments of the day .
GLASGOAV . PRESENTATION TO BRO . Wit . TAYLOR , P . M . os THE LODGE OE GLALGOW ( No . 441 ) . On Tuesday evening , the 31 st ult ., the brethren of the lodge of Glasgow ( No . 441 ) , mustered in full strength in their commodious hallAntiqua-placefor the purpose of doing honour to
, , their Past Master , Bro . Wm . Taylor , to whom , for his arduous and zealons labours in promoting the best interests of No . 441 , that lodge is so much indebted for her present flourishing and prosperous condition , though the youngest but one of the Glasgow lodges . The chair was ably filled by the present respected R . AV . M ., Bro . Jno . Reid , supported right and left bv Bros . J . Moir Cousin ,
P . M . ( and first Ii . W . M . of No . 441 ); Taylor , I . P . M . No . 441 ; Wallace , G . S ., and Prov . G . J . D . ; James Stevenson , FREEMASONS ' MAGAZINE , London aud Glasgow ; Boyle , Treas ., 441 ; M'Robert , R . W . M . 73 , & c . The duties of croupier were efficiently performed by the S . W ., Bro . Macfarlane , supported by the Secretary , Bro . A . G . Wilson , and other office bearers . Supper was served in excellent style by Bro . Cullenand on the removal of the cloththe chairman
, , in the course of a few appropriate opening remarks , congratulated the lodge on turning out so handsomely to honour such a worthy Mason as their Immediate Past Master , Bro . William Taylor , the very fact of the brethren of 441 showing they could thus appreciate real Masonic worth as exemplified in Bro . Taylor , was a good proof to those who thought hard of them , that they had in their midst the proper material to advance and elevate
the Order . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given from the chair , and duly honoured and responded to , the especial business of the evening was proceeded with , Bro . Cousin , by permission of the chair , addressed the meeting in the following terms : — As I have been called upon to do honour to the guest of the evening at thisthe fourth annual festival of the Lodge Glasgow
, , 441 , 1 may here state it is only four years since seven of us met to arrange matters and apply for a charter for this lodge when I was called to the responsible position of R . AV . M . Since our formation we have found great difficulty in finding a suitable place of meeting , convenient of access to the great number of brethren residing at the east end of the city ; in spite , however , of this and the other drawbacks , our numbers have gone on
steadily increasing , and there are now some 125 members on the roll ; the lodge funds being also in a very healthy condition , this happy state of matters , brethren , has been brought about to a very great extent , by the energy and perseverance displayed by our esteemed Immediate Past Master , Bro . Taylor . It affords me great pleasure indeed to have the honour to-night of presenting Bro . Taylor , on behalf of the members of this lodge , with a substantial token of the respect and esteem in which
he is held , for the good and faithful services rendered by him during his period of office . Bro . Cousin , then addressing Bro . Taylor , said—I feel assured you possess the full confidence and approbation of the brethren whose affairs you have so well managed , and I hope to-night ' s presentation will serve as a stimulant to the office-bearers of this young and prosperous
lodge ) to follow in your footsteps , as by so doing , with such an excellent example before them , there was little doubt but that the Lodge of Glasgow , 441 , would continue to go on and flourish . Boo . Cousin then , amidst the applause of the brethren , presented Bro . Taylor , on their behalf , with a handsome Past Master ' s jewel and a purse of sovereigns , as a slight token of the respect and esteem in which he is held by his brother officebearers and the brethren generally of 441 for his past services .
Bro . Taylor made a very feeling reply in acknowledgment of the honour done him by the brethren—and the meeting was brought to a timely conclusion , the pleasures of the evening being materially enhanced by the excellent fraternal feeling , good humour , and vocal ability of the brethren . The usual toasts were given and responded to in appropriate terms during the evening .
Knights Templar.
CORNWALL . TTWARDREATII . —An Emergent Provincial Grand Conclave of Masonic Knights Templar , convened hy general circular , was held at Tywardreath on the 16 th inst . The P . G . C , Lord Eliot , M . P ., accompanied by Sir Knight Shuttlewortb , G . Alee Charcellov , having taken the chair , the conclave was opened in due formaccording to ancient ritebSir Knt . Rev . G . RossD
, , y , . Prov . G . Chap . After dispatching the business , it was resolved that three guineas be given out of the balance in the Prov . G . Treasurer ' s hands to the Freemasons' School for Boys , and three guineas to the School for Girls . The conclave was then closed in due form , and the annual meeting was decided upon to take place in June , at Truro .
NORTHUMBERLAND . NBWCASTLE-TJEON-TYNE . —" Royal Kent Encampment—Ihe annual conclave of this religious , military , and Masonic Order of Knights Templar was held in the Masonic Hall , Newgatestreet , on Friday , the 17 th inst ., instead of on Good Friday . There was a large attendance of the Sir Knights . Sir Knt . Jens JensenE . G . opened the encampment at three o'clock
, , , p . m . The ' only business to be transacted was the installation of the E . C . elect , Sir Knt . Robert J . Banning . M . D ., 30 ° , which was most ably performed by his predecessor in office . Prior to the ceremony , the Prov . G . Commander for Northumberland and Berwick-upon-Tweed , Sir Knt . the Rev . E . C . Ogle , was received , attended by Sir Knt . C . J . Banister , 31 ° , under an arch of steel . The following Sir Knights , amongst others ,
received appointments in the encampment : Sir Knts . W . Punshow , Prior ; C . J . Banister , Sub-prior ; H . Hotham , Chancellor ; Rev . S . Atkinson , Prelate ; AV . Foulsham , 1 st Captain ; J . H . Thompson , 2 nd Captain . After the closing of the encampment , the Sir Knights partook of refreshment in the hall , when the usual loyal toasts , as well as those peculiar to this Order , were given and responded to .
Laying The Foundation Stone Of A New Masonic Hall At Gateshead.
The foundation stone of what is designed to bo a veryhandsome edifice was recently laid b y Bro . Dr . Banning , W . M . Lodge Industry ( No . 43 ) . The hall , erected under the auspices of " The Gateshead Masonic Hall Company , Limited , " will bo built entirely of stone ; the style of architecture being Gothic . The lodge room is to be 40 ffc . in length b y 25 ft . ; and
23 ft . in height to the upper panel of the wagon-headed ceiling , which latter is to be laid out in square panels in coffered plaster -work . Ib is proposed chat hereafter it shall be decorated . The brethren assembled in the present lodge-room , at the Grey Horse , and about three o ' clock walked in pro « cession to the site of the new lodge . Among those who
assembled round the stone were the following , namely , Bro . Dr . Banning , AV . M . 48 , and chairman of the Gateshead Masonic Hall Company ; Bros . S . Atkinson , Eighton Banks . Dr . E . F . Cook , Dr . Douglass , Aid . Miller , T . Oliver ( F . B . LB . A . ) , A . Moody , John Dobson , J . H . Brown , H .