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Bro . Captain Sheringhain "—a tribute which was rendered with great solemnity . "The health of Bro . Sutherland , as Senior Warden of the United Lodge , " was next drank , and duly acknowledged . Bro . Carnegie , who responded to the toast of " The Junior Warden and Officers , " said perhaps he should be expected to make a few remarks as to what they had been doing . The
lodge was a very young one , having only been founded 11 years , yet of the 31 original members , only two were left on the books of tbe lodge—viz ., Bro . Major Burney , who had filled the office of Master of the Lodge ; and Bro . Dr . Williams , an old Freemason and a much reepected citizen of Colchester . During the period he had named 87 members had joined from other lodges on becoming stationed at Colchester ; they had
initiated 80 , passed 80 , and raised 71 ; and yet , with the exception of the Tyler , he ( Bro . Carnegie ) was the oldest member of the lodge , although his years counted only 9 . Few lodges had , in the same time , done as much as they had in spreading Freemasonry , for their members had gone forth to India , Canada , the West Indies , and in fact to every quarter of the globe . He was happy to say that with all these changes ,
the funds of the lodge were still prosperous . The number o { members was not so great as it had sometimes been , but still it was a fair average ; they had always a sufficient attendance to work the Lodge , and he did not think they had met more than once during the past twelve months without having business to transact , which he thought spoke well for the usefulness of the United Lodge . The lodge worked in harmony
-with its elder sister—the Angel Lodge—whose members were always welcomed amongst them . The two lodges were on the best of terms with each other ; there was no rivalry except as to who should do most for the good of Masonry ; and no anxiety except as to who should show themselves best members of the Craft . Several other toasts were drank , and during the evening some excellent songs were sung by Bros . F . AViseman , Matthews , Eustace , & c .
' KENT . DOVER . —Corinthian Lodge ( No . 1 , 208 . )—This flourishing lodge held its second meeting at the Royal Hotel , Clarenceplace , on Monday , the 20 th inst . There were present Bros . Aclamson , AV . M . ; Thomson ! , S . W . ; Laforest , J . W . ; Neall , S . D . ; Fuhr , J . D . ; Prebble , I . G . ; Rose , Tyler . The lodge was opened at six p . m ., aud the minutes of the last lodge read and
confirmed . Bros . Miles , Ralph , Barton , Wilkins , Norris , Lovewell , and Newman , having answered the usual questions , were dulypassed to the degree of F . C . The W . M . then resumed the lodge to the first degree , when the following gentlemen were initiated into the mysteries of the Craft , Messrs . Todd , Hussey , and Carter . Bro . Nils . Herman C' orfitsoti , of Sincerity Lodge 174 , was proposed as a joining member ; and Mr . Johann Friedrich
Kdster was proposed as a candidate for initiation . A resolution was passed to subscribe one guinea annually to each of the Charities , viz ., the Boys' School , Girls' School , and Aged Freemasons and their AVidows , also to take in the FEEEJJIASONS ' MAGAZINE , one year to be paid in advance . Bro . Peter Thomson having presented the lodge with a handsome Bible , a vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the lodge minutes for the
valuable gift ; Bro . Prebble having presented the lodge with an exquisite poor box , a vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the minutes for the valuable gift ; a sum of thirty shillings was immediately placed in it to relieve poor and distressed Masons , the lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were dul iven and responded tosome excellent
y g ; songs were sung by Bros . Popkiss . Norris , Marsh , Miles , Coleman , Barton , Wilkins , & c . A most happy evening was , spent , and tbe brethren departed in a true Masonic spirit , hailing with joy their next meeting , which takes place ou Tuesday , the 28 th inst . Emergency having been called to initiate Mr . J . F . Kdster , and to pass Bro . N . H . Corfitson of Sincerity Lodge 174 .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Temple Lodge ( No . 1 , 094 ) . Installation of Ero . Dr . J . Kellett Smith as W . M . This lodge was opened at 3 o ' clock p . m . on Wednesday , the 8 th inst ., at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street . There were present at the lodge the following : —Bros . T . Wylie , P . Prov .
G . J . W .. P . Prov . G . Sec , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; Mott , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Laidlaw , P . M . 216 , 155 ; Prov . G . S . ; Skief , P . G . Org . ; Grimmer , P . M . 216 , S . W . 155 ; Jones , P . M . 249 ; Richard AVilliams , S . AV . 292 ; Henry Jones , J . W . 880 ; Hamer , P . G . T ., P . G . T . of Ch ., & c ; Jarvis , AV . M . 823 ; M'Kune , W . M . 216 ; Dr . J . Stofl ' ord Taylor , P . M ., P . Z . 249 and 823 ; Dr . Gaines , 292 ; Dr . Adams , Ireland ; Rev . Dr .
Page , Chap , of Lodge 1 , 094 ; Healing , 249 ; T . Berry , 823 , & c . A letter of apology was received from Bro . L . G . Starkie , P . Prov . G . S . W ., High Sheriff of Lancashire . The lodge on this occasion assembled in large numbers to do honour to Bro . Smith , AV . M . elect . The business transacted included the balloting of Messrs . Morley and M'Donald .
The lodge was opened in second degree , when Bro . I . K . Smith was presented to Bro . R . H . D . Johnson , P . M ., the installing Master , by Bros . AVylie , P . G . Reg . ; and Hamer , P . G . Treas .
The Sec , Bro . Marsh , read the charges to the AV . M . elect . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , when Bro . Smith was duly installed W . M . 1 , 094 . The whole of the lodge again assembled . The AV . M ., after the lodge was closed to first degree , appointed his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros . J . M . Johnson , I . P . M . ; E . M . Sheldon , S . W . ; George Dyke , J . AV . j Rev . Dr . Page , Chaplain ; Thomas MarshP . M . Sec ; J . AVoodTreas . ; R . Williams
, , , , S . D . ; D . AVatt AVinstanley , J . D . ; R . Domson , I . G . ; Boucher , Newman , Gilbert , Stewards ; R . H . D . Johnson , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; Ball , Tyler . Bro . Smith , AV . M ., in a very impressive manner , duly initiated Bro . W . P . M'Donald into Freemasonry , the working tools being given by Bro . Dyke , J . W ., in very excellent style . The banquet which followedat the Adelhi Hotelat 6 p . m .
, p , , was a most recherche aflair , the company numbering fifty brethren . The cloth having been cleared and the dessert on , thanks were returned to the G . A . by the Chaplain , the Rev . Dr . Page . The AV . M . said as there were many toasts to give lie would hasten at once to proceed with the list .
" The Queen " was drunk with great applause , Bro . Gilbert giving " God save the Queen . ' . The other loyal and patriotic toasts were then given , Bro . Berry responding on behalf of the army , & c .
The health of the Grand Master of England , the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , and his deputy , Earl de Grey and Ripon . It was to him ( the W . M . ) a privilege to him to drink the health of the G . M . and his . Deputy , as they set a good example to every brother present for their attendance . The W . M . proposed the next toast , that of the " Health of the Provincial Grand Master ancl his deputyLord
Skelmers-, dale . " Bro . AVylie , P . G . Reg ., offered his sincere thanks on behalf of the Prov . G . M . and his deputy . The W . M . proposed the toast of the " Masonic Charities , " and was sure that the same would be well received by the brethren and visitors of Lodge 1 , 094 . He need scarcely mention the name of Bro . AVylie to respond to that toast , feeling
that charity was one of the corner stones of Masonry , and was most beautifully exemplified iu every degree . Bro . Wylie said he had a short time back attended the festivities of the schools in London , and was much pleased with the same , and the amount given to the Boys' School being £ 5 , 000 this year . He earnestly asked those brethren who had not given already to give nowand those who had given before
, to give more liberally in future . He hope to have the pleasure , if the G . A . should spare him ( Bro . Wylie ) , to be present in London again on behalf of the Girls' School . He ( Bro . Wylie ) loved the girls ; and he knew he would not ask in vain for the support of the brethren on behalf of the Girls' Schools and other charities .
" The Worshipful Master " was proposed by Bro . J . M . Johnson , P . M . The W . M ., Bro . Smith , replied very neatly and briefly , requesting them to suspend their judgment until his term of office had expired , when if he did as they could wish , nothing would be more welcome than their praise . He would do all he could to make the lodge what it had been in days gone by , asking for tiie assistance of every brother to assist nim and his oflicers in the same .
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Bro . Captain Sheringhain "—a tribute which was rendered with great solemnity . "The health of Bro . Sutherland , as Senior Warden of the United Lodge , " was next drank , and duly acknowledged . Bro . Carnegie , who responded to the toast of " The Junior Warden and Officers , " said perhaps he should be expected to make a few remarks as to what they had been doing . The
lodge was a very young one , having only been founded 11 years , yet of the 31 original members , only two were left on the books of tbe lodge—viz ., Bro . Major Burney , who had filled the office of Master of the Lodge ; and Bro . Dr . Williams , an old Freemason and a much reepected citizen of Colchester . During the period he had named 87 members had joined from other lodges on becoming stationed at Colchester ; they had
initiated 80 , passed 80 , and raised 71 ; and yet , with the exception of the Tyler , he ( Bro . Carnegie ) was the oldest member of the lodge , although his years counted only 9 . Few lodges had , in the same time , done as much as they had in spreading Freemasonry , for their members had gone forth to India , Canada , the West Indies , and in fact to every quarter of the globe . He was happy to say that with all these changes ,
the funds of the lodge were still prosperous . The number o { members was not so great as it had sometimes been , but still it was a fair average ; they had always a sufficient attendance to work the Lodge , and he did not think they had met more than once during the past twelve months without having business to transact , which he thought spoke well for the usefulness of the United Lodge . The lodge worked in harmony
-with its elder sister—the Angel Lodge—whose members were always welcomed amongst them . The two lodges were on the best of terms with each other ; there was no rivalry except as to who should do most for the good of Masonry ; and no anxiety except as to who should show themselves best members of the Craft . Several other toasts were drank , and during the evening some excellent songs were sung by Bros . F . AViseman , Matthews , Eustace , & c .
' KENT . DOVER . —Corinthian Lodge ( No . 1 , 208 . )—This flourishing lodge held its second meeting at the Royal Hotel , Clarenceplace , on Monday , the 20 th inst . There were present Bros . Aclamson , AV . M . ; Thomson ! , S . W . ; Laforest , J . W . ; Neall , S . D . ; Fuhr , J . D . ; Prebble , I . G . ; Rose , Tyler . The lodge was opened at six p . m ., aud the minutes of the last lodge read and
confirmed . Bros . Miles , Ralph , Barton , Wilkins , Norris , Lovewell , and Newman , having answered the usual questions , were dulypassed to the degree of F . C . The W . M . then resumed the lodge to the first degree , when the following gentlemen were initiated into the mysteries of the Craft , Messrs . Todd , Hussey , and Carter . Bro . Nils . Herman C' orfitsoti , of Sincerity Lodge 174 , was proposed as a joining member ; and Mr . Johann Friedrich
Kdster was proposed as a candidate for initiation . A resolution was passed to subscribe one guinea annually to each of the Charities , viz ., the Boys' School , Girls' School , and Aged Freemasons and their AVidows , also to take in the FEEEJJIASONS ' MAGAZINE , one year to be paid in advance . Bro . Peter Thomson having presented the lodge with a handsome Bible , a vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the lodge minutes for the
valuable gift ; Bro . Prebble having presented the lodge with an exquisite poor box , a vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the minutes for the valuable gift ; a sum of thirty shillings was immediately placed in it to relieve poor and distressed Masons , the lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were dul iven and responded tosome excellent
y g ; songs were sung by Bros . Popkiss . Norris , Marsh , Miles , Coleman , Barton , Wilkins , & c . A most happy evening was , spent , and tbe brethren departed in a true Masonic spirit , hailing with joy their next meeting , which takes place ou Tuesday , the 28 th inst . Emergency having been called to initiate Mr . J . F . Kdster , and to pass Bro . N . H . Corfitson of Sincerity Lodge 174 .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Temple Lodge ( No . 1 , 094 ) . Installation of Ero . Dr . J . Kellett Smith as W . M . This lodge was opened at 3 o ' clock p . m . on Wednesday , the 8 th inst ., at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street . There were present at the lodge the following : —Bros . T . Wylie , P . Prov .
G . J . W .. P . Prov . G . Sec , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; Mott , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Laidlaw , P . M . 216 , 155 ; Prov . G . S . ; Skief , P . G . Org . ; Grimmer , P . M . 216 , S . W . 155 ; Jones , P . M . 249 ; Richard AVilliams , S . AV . 292 ; Henry Jones , J . W . 880 ; Hamer , P . G . T ., P . G . T . of Ch ., & c ; Jarvis , AV . M . 823 ; M'Kune , W . M . 216 ; Dr . J . Stofl ' ord Taylor , P . M ., P . Z . 249 and 823 ; Dr . Gaines , 292 ; Dr . Adams , Ireland ; Rev . Dr .
Page , Chap , of Lodge 1 , 094 ; Healing , 249 ; T . Berry , 823 , & c . A letter of apology was received from Bro . L . G . Starkie , P . Prov . G . S . W ., High Sheriff of Lancashire . The lodge on this occasion assembled in large numbers to do honour to Bro . Smith , AV . M . elect . The business transacted included the balloting of Messrs . Morley and M'Donald .
The lodge was opened in second degree , when Bro . I . K . Smith was presented to Bro . R . H . D . Johnson , P . M ., the installing Master , by Bros . AVylie , P . G . Reg . ; and Hamer , P . G . Treas .
The Sec , Bro . Marsh , read the charges to the AV . M . elect . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , when Bro . Smith was duly installed W . M . 1 , 094 . The whole of the lodge again assembled . The AV . M ., after the lodge was closed to first degree , appointed his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros . J . M . Johnson , I . P . M . ; E . M . Sheldon , S . W . ; George Dyke , J . AV . j Rev . Dr . Page , Chaplain ; Thomas MarshP . M . Sec ; J . AVoodTreas . ; R . Williams
, , , , S . D . ; D . AVatt AVinstanley , J . D . ; R . Domson , I . G . ; Boucher , Newman , Gilbert , Stewards ; R . H . D . Johnson , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; Ball , Tyler . Bro . Smith , AV . M ., in a very impressive manner , duly initiated Bro . W . P . M'Donald into Freemasonry , the working tools being given by Bro . Dyke , J . W ., in very excellent style . The banquet which followedat the Adelhi Hotelat 6 p . m .
, p , , was a most recherche aflair , the company numbering fifty brethren . The cloth having been cleared and the dessert on , thanks were returned to the G . A . by the Chaplain , the Rev . Dr . Page . The AV . M . said as there were many toasts to give lie would hasten at once to proceed with the list .
" The Queen " was drunk with great applause , Bro . Gilbert giving " God save the Queen . ' . The other loyal and patriotic toasts were then given , Bro . Berry responding on behalf of the army , & c .
The health of the Grand Master of England , the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , and his deputy , Earl de Grey and Ripon . It was to him ( the W . M . ) a privilege to him to drink the health of the G . M . and his . Deputy , as they set a good example to every brother present for their attendance . The W . M . proposed the next toast , that of the " Health of the Provincial Grand Master ancl his deputyLord
Skelmers-, dale . " Bro . AVylie , P . G . Reg ., offered his sincere thanks on behalf of the Prov . G . M . and his deputy . The W . M . proposed the toast of the " Masonic Charities , " and was sure that the same would be well received by the brethren and visitors of Lodge 1 , 094 . He need scarcely mention the name of Bro . AVylie to respond to that toast , feeling
that charity was one of the corner stones of Masonry , and was most beautifully exemplified iu every degree . Bro . Wylie said he had a short time back attended the festivities of the schools in London , and was much pleased with the same , and the amount given to the Boys' School being £ 5 , 000 this year . He earnestly asked those brethren who had not given already to give nowand those who had given before
, to give more liberally in future . He hope to have the pleasure , if the G . A . should spare him ( Bro . Wylie ) , to be present in London again on behalf of the Girls' School . He ( Bro . Wylie ) loved the girls ; and he knew he would not ask in vain for the support of the brethren on behalf of the Girls' Schools and other charities .
" The Worshipful Master " was proposed by Bro . J . M . Johnson , P . M . The W . M ., Bro . Smith , replied very neatly and briefly , requesting them to suspend their judgment until his term of office had expired , when if he did as they could wish , nothing would be more welcome than their praise . He would do all he could to make the lodge what it had been in days gone by , asking for tiie assistance of every brother to assist nim and his oflicers in the same .