Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
muster of members and visiting brethren present . Bro . Alexander Short , AV . M ., opened the proceedings iu the usual Masonic manner , and the minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the members balloted for two candidates for initiation ; one of tbe candidates was declared duly elected . The balloting for officers was then proceeded with , Bro . George Davidson being elected to fill the chair for the ensuing six
months ; also Bros . T . Stubbs , S . W . ; H . Downing , J . AV . ; A . Short , Treas . ; AV . J . Allen , Sec ; L . Levy , Tyler , were unanimously re-elected to their respective offices . Amongst the correspondence read Avas a communication received from the Provincial Grand Lodge , relating to the formation of a Victorian Grand Grand Lodge . The lodge having been opened in the second degreeBro . Abraham llnff Avas raised to tbe sublime
, degree of Master Mason . The lodge was then reduced to the first degree , and various candidates duly proposed for initiation . The busmess of the evening being concluded , the lodge was The brethren afterwards met at a supper provided by Bro . Sterling with his usual regard for the comfort of his guests . The installation of officers will take place on tho second Monday in June .
CONSTANTINOPLE . —Oriental Lodge ( So . 988 ) . —On AA ednes-< lay , June 24 th , the Oriental Lodge " held their St . John ' s Festi--val , in the shady ground of the charming Sultan's A alley , near Beicos , on the banks of the Bosphorus . At about ten o'clock the brethren , together with a numerous assemblage of the fair sex , whom it was considered if unmasonic , certainly most un-¦ gallant to exclude from a fete champetre , embarked in a steamer especiallchartered for the occasionand leaving
Kavakeniy , bridge , at Galata , passed gaily up tbe Bosphorus , touching at such places only as was necessary to take on hoard those brethren who did not reside in the city , but who wore , nevertheless , most anxious to join in the festive proceedings . On landing at Unkiar-Skelessi , near which was concluded the famous treaty referred to in Kin ^ lake's much abused History of the Crimean Warthe brethren proceeded through the avenue of lofty trees
, to the spot at ivhich the banquet had been prepared , and after a short interval of rest , the pleasant music which accompanied the work of mastication might be heard on all sides , in other words , the knives and forks clashed on the plates , and many an ominous or cheerful pop resounded gratefully on the ear . The tables ivere arranged on the greensward , and in the shade of -several lofty plane trees whilst the various standards of
every European nation were suspended from tree to tree , and added not a little to the picturesque effect of the whole scene . Bro . Alfred Mountain , AV . M . of the Oriental Lodge , presided , whilst Bro . AVilliam Evans , Prov . G . Sec . for Turkey , acted as vicepresident ; there were also present several brethren who have
taken high degrees in the Order , amongst w-hom Avere Bros . Laurie , P . Prov . G . AV . ' for Turkey , 30 ° , Scotland ; Henry Pulman , P . Prov . G . AV ., Turkey , 30 ° , England ; T . Junor , Prov . G . Treas ., Turkey , & c . Among the brethren wno accepted the invitation of the Oriental Lodge on this occasion Avere members from various English Lodges No . 415 , Truro , 1108 and 1121 , Constantinople , and also deputations from the French , German , and Italian Lod established in Turkey . These with their
ges families and friends served to render the'gathering a more than usually pleasant and agreeable reunion . All Masonic allusions Avere very properly omitted , except the simple but loyal toasts of " The Queen and the Craft , " and the " Health of H . E . Sir II . Bulwer , Prov . JG . M ., Turkey , " which were received with loud cheers . The health of the Sultan , and thanks to those ladies who had honoured the festive board with their concluded the
presence , postprandial orations , which occasionally become to an old stager in Masonry somewhat flat and wearisome . Throughout the banquet a band of talented Hungarian musicians discoursed sweet sounds , and subsequently their accomplishments proved most acceptable , when at the suggestion of the vice-president a quadrille party was formed , and overcoming the difficulty of the herbal carpetthe dancers soon glided from quadrille to polka
, , waltz and galop , whilst the admiring crowd of Armenian and Turkish peasantry looked on in wonder at the sprightly movements of the Terpischorean Franks . A pleasant stroll through the valley , and a gentle cigarette to assist digestion , served to pass away the few remaining hours of the day . At six o ' clock the gay company at the bugle call re-assembled , and embarking
on board their steamer , quickly glided down the swift current of the Bosphorus , whilst the fine strains of A erdi's opera ot Belisarius , given by the band in good musical taste and feeling , rendered the homeward passage most delightful . Many were the fraternal salutations given as the brethren separated at the various scalas for their respective homesand all praise is
cer-, tainly due to the AV . M , and AVardens of the Oriental Lodge , in thus providing for their guests and friends so agreeable an entertainment . It is understood that this was the first Masonic gathering of the kind in Constantinople , and it is to be hoped that further celebrations in honour of the Craft will not fall short of the attempt so successfully made by the Oriental Lodge ; and would suggest to the brethren of the West whether
it would not be better on such festivals to indulge in healthy outdoor recreations , rather than incur the blame so frequently but unfairly cast on their magnificent banquets , bat at which sign , token , or symbol is rarely used , and stereotyped orations are repeated year after year , to the great conceit , perhaps , of the orator , but with edification to very few or none .
SHANGHAI . —Royal Sussex Lodge ( So . 735 ) .-r-A meeting of this ^ old Canton lodge , whose warrant has recently been transferred northwards to the "Model Settlement , " took place on the 11 th April last , at tbe summons of the S . AV ., Bro . II . Murray , and under the presidency of a former W . M ., Bro . S . Rawson , P . Prov . G . M ., a second P . M . of the lodge , Bro . J . AVhittall , being also present . The last meeting of this lodge was held in 1858 , and until lately , grave fears Avere entertained by its well
wishers that the daily increasing period of abeyance would lapse into total extinction . However , a knot of past office-bearers congregated at Shanghai , considering that the spread of Masonry northword called for additional lodge machinery , wisely determined , if possible , to resuscitate the " Royal Sussex' , " the senior lodge in China , instead of establishing a new lodge , which , with the sanction and co-operation of the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Mercer , acting governorHong Kongthey were ultimately enabled to
, , effect . At the preliminary meeting on the 11 th April , Bro . II . Murray , S . AV ., was installed AA . M . ; Bro . S . Rawson , P . Prov . G . M ., acting as installing Master , the following brethren being present , viz ., Bros . J . AVhittall , P . M . 735 ; R . F . Gould , P . M . 178 and 1045 , P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; P . Louriers , J . Bernard , C . M .
Govan ( Major U . A . ) , and J . Thome , 109 . Northern Lodge of China ( No . 832 ) . —The accustomed monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Monday , 11 th May , Bro . Underwood , AV . M ., presiding . The following officers were present—Bros . C . Thome . P . M . ; Jackson , S . AV . ; AA att , J . AV . ; Birdseye , Treas . ; Gordon , Sec ; Parker , S . D . ; Hardy , J . D . ; Maitland , acting I . G . ; and there ivas an unusually large attendance of members and visitorsamongst
, the latter being Bro . H . Murray , AA ' . M ., Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . 735 ) . Messrs . Dunn and AVheelock , having been duly accepted , were admitted and initiated , and Bros . Dore , Hockly and Swaby , after satisfactory evidence of proficiency in the first degree , were passed to the grade of F . C . In the course of the evening Bro . Jamieson informed tho lodge , that pending a reference to the conductor of the FEEEJIASONS' MAGAZINE he
, was officiating as local agent for that publication , and should have much pleasure in registering the names of intending subscribers , whereupon tbe W . M . congratulated the brethren that increased facility was afforded of their being kept conversant with the current Masonic news ; and all business concluded , the lodge was closed .
INSTRUCTION . SHANGHAI . —Instruction Lodge of Assiduity ( No . 832 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , . May 9 th , at the Masonic Hall , when the ceremony of initiation was ably worked by Bro . Jackson , S . W . of the parent lodge . Present—Bros . Thome , P . M ., Preceptor ; Gould , P . M . ; and the following brethren as officers for the evening : JacksonAA' . M . ; Gordon ,
, S . AV . ; Maitland , J . AV . ; Ewiiig , S . W . ; Parker , J . D . ; Sidibrth , I . G . ; also Bros . Johnson , Lyster , and Jamieson . Prior to closing , the Preceptor announced that the working of the lectures would be resumed at the next meeting , and at an early hour the brethren separated , " happy to meet , sorry to part , and happy to meet again , " being the universal refrain .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
muster of members and visiting brethren present . Bro . Alexander Short , AV . M ., opened the proceedings iu the usual Masonic manner , and the minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the members balloted for two candidates for initiation ; one of tbe candidates was declared duly elected . The balloting for officers was then proceeded with , Bro . George Davidson being elected to fill the chair for the ensuing six
months ; also Bros . T . Stubbs , S . W . ; H . Downing , J . AV . ; A . Short , Treas . ; AV . J . Allen , Sec ; L . Levy , Tyler , were unanimously re-elected to their respective offices . Amongst the correspondence read Avas a communication received from the Provincial Grand Lodge , relating to the formation of a Victorian Grand Grand Lodge . The lodge having been opened in the second degreeBro . Abraham llnff Avas raised to tbe sublime
, degree of Master Mason . The lodge was then reduced to the first degree , and various candidates duly proposed for initiation . The busmess of the evening being concluded , the lodge was The brethren afterwards met at a supper provided by Bro . Sterling with his usual regard for the comfort of his guests . The installation of officers will take place on tho second Monday in June .
CONSTANTINOPLE . —Oriental Lodge ( So . 988 ) . —On AA ednes-< lay , June 24 th , the Oriental Lodge " held their St . John ' s Festi--val , in the shady ground of the charming Sultan's A alley , near Beicos , on the banks of the Bosphorus . At about ten o'clock the brethren , together with a numerous assemblage of the fair sex , whom it was considered if unmasonic , certainly most un-¦ gallant to exclude from a fete champetre , embarked in a steamer especiallchartered for the occasionand leaving
Kavakeniy , bridge , at Galata , passed gaily up tbe Bosphorus , touching at such places only as was necessary to take on hoard those brethren who did not reside in the city , but who wore , nevertheless , most anxious to join in the festive proceedings . On landing at Unkiar-Skelessi , near which was concluded the famous treaty referred to in Kin ^ lake's much abused History of the Crimean Warthe brethren proceeded through the avenue of lofty trees
, to the spot at ivhich the banquet had been prepared , and after a short interval of rest , the pleasant music which accompanied the work of mastication might be heard on all sides , in other words , the knives and forks clashed on the plates , and many an ominous or cheerful pop resounded gratefully on the ear . The tables ivere arranged on the greensward , and in the shade of -several lofty plane trees whilst the various standards of
every European nation were suspended from tree to tree , and added not a little to the picturesque effect of the whole scene . Bro . Alfred Mountain , AV . M . of the Oriental Lodge , presided , whilst Bro . AVilliam Evans , Prov . G . Sec . for Turkey , acted as vicepresident ; there were also present several brethren who have
taken high degrees in the Order , amongst w-hom Avere Bros . Laurie , P . Prov . G . AV . ' for Turkey , 30 ° , Scotland ; Henry Pulman , P . Prov . G . AV ., Turkey , 30 ° , England ; T . Junor , Prov . G . Treas ., Turkey , & c . Among the brethren wno accepted the invitation of the Oriental Lodge on this occasion Avere members from various English Lodges No . 415 , Truro , 1108 and 1121 , Constantinople , and also deputations from the French , German , and Italian Lod established in Turkey . These with their
ges families and friends served to render the'gathering a more than usually pleasant and agreeable reunion . All Masonic allusions Avere very properly omitted , except the simple but loyal toasts of " The Queen and the Craft , " and the " Health of H . E . Sir II . Bulwer , Prov . JG . M ., Turkey , " which were received with loud cheers . The health of the Sultan , and thanks to those ladies who had honoured the festive board with their concluded the
presence , postprandial orations , which occasionally become to an old stager in Masonry somewhat flat and wearisome . Throughout the banquet a band of talented Hungarian musicians discoursed sweet sounds , and subsequently their accomplishments proved most acceptable , when at the suggestion of the vice-president a quadrille party was formed , and overcoming the difficulty of the herbal carpetthe dancers soon glided from quadrille to polka
, , waltz and galop , whilst the admiring crowd of Armenian and Turkish peasantry looked on in wonder at the sprightly movements of the Terpischorean Franks . A pleasant stroll through the valley , and a gentle cigarette to assist digestion , served to pass away the few remaining hours of the day . At six o ' clock the gay company at the bugle call re-assembled , and embarking
on board their steamer , quickly glided down the swift current of the Bosphorus , whilst the fine strains of A erdi's opera ot Belisarius , given by the band in good musical taste and feeling , rendered the homeward passage most delightful . Many were the fraternal salutations given as the brethren separated at the various scalas for their respective homesand all praise is
cer-, tainly due to the AV . M , and AVardens of the Oriental Lodge , in thus providing for their guests and friends so agreeable an entertainment . It is understood that this was the first Masonic gathering of the kind in Constantinople , and it is to be hoped that further celebrations in honour of the Craft will not fall short of the attempt so successfully made by the Oriental Lodge ; and would suggest to the brethren of the West whether
it would not be better on such festivals to indulge in healthy outdoor recreations , rather than incur the blame so frequently but unfairly cast on their magnificent banquets , bat at which sign , token , or symbol is rarely used , and stereotyped orations are repeated year after year , to the great conceit , perhaps , of the orator , but with edification to very few or none .
SHANGHAI . —Royal Sussex Lodge ( So . 735 ) .-r-A meeting of this ^ old Canton lodge , whose warrant has recently been transferred northwards to the "Model Settlement , " took place on the 11 th April last , at tbe summons of the S . AV ., Bro . II . Murray , and under the presidency of a former W . M ., Bro . S . Rawson , P . Prov . G . M ., a second P . M . of the lodge , Bro . J . AVhittall , being also present . The last meeting of this lodge was held in 1858 , and until lately , grave fears Avere entertained by its well
wishers that the daily increasing period of abeyance would lapse into total extinction . However , a knot of past office-bearers congregated at Shanghai , considering that the spread of Masonry northword called for additional lodge machinery , wisely determined , if possible , to resuscitate the " Royal Sussex' , " the senior lodge in China , instead of establishing a new lodge , which , with the sanction and co-operation of the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Mercer , acting governorHong Kongthey were ultimately enabled to
, , effect . At the preliminary meeting on the 11 th April , Bro . II . Murray , S . AV ., was installed AA . M . ; Bro . S . Rawson , P . Prov . G . M ., acting as installing Master , the following brethren being present , viz ., Bros . J . AVhittall , P . M . 735 ; R . F . Gould , P . M . 178 and 1045 , P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; P . Louriers , J . Bernard , C . M .
Govan ( Major U . A . ) , and J . Thome , 109 . Northern Lodge of China ( No . 832 ) . —The accustomed monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Monday , 11 th May , Bro . Underwood , AV . M ., presiding . The following officers were present—Bros . C . Thome . P . M . ; Jackson , S . AV . ; AA att , J . AV . ; Birdseye , Treas . ; Gordon , Sec ; Parker , S . D . ; Hardy , J . D . ; Maitland , acting I . G . ; and there ivas an unusually large attendance of members and visitorsamongst
, the latter being Bro . H . Murray , AA ' . M ., Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . 735 ) . Messrs . Dunn and AVheelock , having been duly accepted , were admitted and initiated , and Bros . Dore , Hockly and Swaby , after satisfactory evidence of proficiency in the first degree , were passed to the grade of F . C . In the course of the evening Bro . Jamieson informed tho lodge , that pending a reference to the conductor of the FEEEJIASONS' MAGAZINE he
, was officiating as local agent for that publication , and should have much pleasure in registering the names of intending subscribers , whereupon tbe W . M . congratulated the brethren that increased facility was afforded of their being kept conversant with the current Masonic news ; and all business concluded , the lodge was closed .
INSTRUCTION . SHANGHAI . —Instruction Lodge of Assiduity ( No . 832 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , . May 9 th , at the Masonic Hall , when the ceremony of initiation was ably worked by Bro . Jackson , S . W . of the parent lodge . Present—Bros . Thome , P . M ., Preceptor ; Gould , P . M . ; and the following brethren as officers for the evening : JacksonAA' . M . ; Gordon ,
, S . AV . ; Maitland , J . AV . ; Ewiiig , S . W . ; Parker , J . D . ; Sidibrth , I . G . ; also Bros . Johnson , Lyster , and Jamieson . Prior to closing , the Preceptor announced that the working of the lectures would be resumed at the next meeting , and at an early hour the brethren separated , " happy to meet , sorry to part , and happy to meet again , " being the universal refrain .