Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —Chapter Sincerity ( No . 224 ) . —The quarterly convocation of the above chapter was held in the Masonic lodge-room , St . George ' s Hall , on Friday evening , 17 th July , at which were present the following companions : —Dowse , Z . ; Thomas , H . ; Harfoot , I . ; Rodd , P . Z . ; Rae , S . E . ; Bate , S . N . ; Radford , P . S . ; Seccombe , S . S . ; Hill , J . S . ; Rogers , JanitorJaekmanand Maddock ; and visiting companions
, , Chappell , Rodda , and Briggs . The chapter ivas opened in solemn form at half-past seven o ' clock , when the minutes of the former chapter were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bros . Turner and Hill , of Lodge Sincerity ( No . 224 ) , Avho had been duly proposed at the last meeting ; the same proving unanimous , and having signed the required declaration , they were introduced in ancient form , and duly exalted to the
supreme degree of Royal Arch Masons . Three candidates were duly proposed for exaltation at tbe next meeting . There being no other business for consideration , the chapter was closed in solemn form , with prayer , at half-past nine o ' clock .
LANCASHIRE ,. GAESTON , — Chapter of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —Thursday , July 9 , being the regular night of meeting , the Chapter Avas opened at the AA elliogton Hotel , by P . M . E . Z . Hamer , as Z . ; PM . E . Z . My bie as II . ; P . M . E . Z . C . J . Banister , G . D . C , as J . ; present also P . M . E . Z . Maddox , Hearne , May ; Comps . Rev . J . Dnnkley , C . Pierpoint , Leedham , Jackson , Pearson , H . D . AVhite , Richard PorterPett & c & c . Theininutes of last chapter were
, y , , read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for two candidates , both elected . Bro . Bowes , of lodge 173 . being in attendance , was properly proposed and exalted by the M . E . Z ., assisted by H . and J . Comp . May delivered the first Historical Lecture , Comp . AVylie the second , Comp . Hearne the Symbolical Lecture , and Comp . Hamer the Mystic Lecture , Comp . Pierpoint , P . S . Two brethren Avere proposed for exaltation at the next meeting .
The business of the lodge over , it was closed in due form . At refreshment the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts ivere given and drank , and the Companions returned to Liverpool , after spending the afternoon in peace , happiness , and good fellowship .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . MANCHESTEE . —The Caledonian Chapter ( No . 204 ) . —This chapter was opened in solemn form on AVednesday , the 15 th inst ., at half-past five o'clock . Present—Companions : Isaac AV . Petty , P . Z . ; Henry Thos . Baldwin , P . Z . ; R . H . Edge , M . E . Z . ; Cbas . Affleck , H . ; George Charles Thorpe , J . ; James Payne , E . ; II . T . Warren , Treas ., and other comps . A isitors : —Comps , J . L . Hine , P . Z . 317 , and Larmuth 407 . Bros . J .. G . Holden
and T . AVillianison having been elected , ivere exalted by Comp . Edge—Comp . Balwin delivered tbe mystical , Comp . Edge the symbolical , and Comp . Thorpe the historical lecture . The companions adjourned to refreshment at half-past seven o'clock .
Knights Templar.
HERTFORDSHIRE . AVATEOED . —Stuart Encampment—The annual meeting of this encampment was held on Monday , July 6 th , in the Freemason's Hall , AA atford . The Eminent Commander , Sir Knight Captain C . M . Layton , presided . There were also present the M . E . S . G . M . Sir Knight AVilliam Stuart ; the V . E . Prov . G . C . George Francis ; Sir Knight J . How as 1 st Capt . ; H . G . Finch 2 nd Capt . ; E . F . HumbertThomas Rogersand othersThe
; , . encampment ivas opened in due i ' onn , and a ballot was taken for Comp . C . J . How , of the Cyrus Chapter , Avhich being unanimous in his favour , he Avas admitted and installed into the order . Sir Knight Layton said that the decease of the eminent Commander elect leaving him in office for another year , he appointed as his officers the following : —Sir Kni ght C . F . Humbert 1 st Capt . ; E . A . Burrell 2 nd Capt . ; H . BinchillExpertTH
, ; . . Brett , Capt . of Lines ; Sir Knight Rogers had been re-elected Treasurer , and Thomas Equerry . The Prov . G . C . moved , and the S . G . M . seconded a resolution to record on the minutes the regret of the encampment at the loss it had sustained by the decease of the Eminent Commander elect , Sir Knight Goodyear . An expression of sorroiv and sympathy , moved and seconded by
Knights Templar.
the same distinguished members , for the absence of their esteemed Registrar , Sir Knight Burchell Heme , in consequence of the loss he had sustained in the decease of bis consort . The encampment was then closed , the members departing to their own homes , as , through the events referred to , no banquet followed , the proceedings . NORTHUMBERLAND .
Eoyal Kent Encampment . —This encampment was opened afe their fields , Newgate-street , on July 4 , by the E . C . Sir Knt . Rev . S . Atkinson , assisted by his officers . Therninutes of the last meeting ivere read and confirmed . Companion W . Hume being ballotted for and elected , was properlyprepared and installed a member of the order , by the E . C , assisted by P . E . C . Sir Knt . C . I . Banister , P . 1 st G . Aid of
England , P . E . C . Sir Knt . H . G . Ludwig , acting as Expert . The Heralds having proclaimed him , he took his stall in the Encampment . After the business of the conclave Avas over the Sir Knights adjourned to the supper room , under the presidency of the P . E . C , who gave in rotation the loyal and Masonic toasts ,. also the newly installed Sir Knt . AV . Hume , hoping that he ? would soon be able to establish an encampment at the Cape , whither be is going soon'Jto return . After enjoying a happy
evening , tbe Sir Knights separated at ten o'clock . CHINA . SHANGHAI :. —Celestial Encampment . —At a meeting of this : encampment , held at the Masonic Hall , on Monday , the ISth May , the following members rallied round their E . C , F . H . Murrayviz . Praters S . RawsonP . E . CPrelate ; E . Warden 1 st
, , , , , Capt . ; J . Markham , 2 nd Capt . ; P . Loureirs , Reg . ; J . Bernard , Capt . of Lines ; A . Ewing , Herald ; J . L . Blanchard , J . Kroes , and O . R . Gordon . Comps . E . Marston , T . Birdseye , and J . Dodd , of the Zion Chapter ( No . 832 ) , Avere severally introduced and installed , and after a pleasant evening , enhanced by the very excellent working , for which this encampment has already established a reputation , the Sir Knights dispersed .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
METROPOLITAN . METEOEOLITAN CHAPTEE OE SOVEEEIGN PEINCES ROSE CEOIX . OP HEEEDoar . —A convocation of the members was held on Tuesday , July 14 th , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street . Present—the 111 . Bro . Hyde Pullen , 32 ° , M . AV . S . ; the 111 . Bros .. H . S . Bowyer , Lt . P . C . ; H . G . Vigne ; Col . H . Clerk , and Sir J . de la Pole and B . A . Perrier , Sov . G . Insp ., 33 " ; R . H . Golden , and F . M . BakerS . P . R . S . 32 ° ; Col . GoddardR . CostaJ . Gibbs
, , , , , L . Lemanski , R . Spencer , J . How , AV . Blenkin , C . Beaumont , Rev-J . E . Cox , and others , 30 ° ; E . Turner , J . R . Stebbing , AY . Spencer , B . Baker , F . Binckes , and others , 18 ° . The chapter wasopened in solemn form , and after the minutes of the preceding chapter had been confirmed , a ballot ivas taken for the admission of thirty-two brethren into the Order , and the following being presentthey were installed Knihts of tbe Pelican and Eagle
, g ,, and Sov . R . C . Lord Kilworth , Lord Kenlis , Lieut .-Col . Steele , Major Rich , Captains Hardy and Macdonald , AV . J . Meymott ,, R . A . Routh , G . De Paris , Don Ramon Silva Ferro , Major F . A . Richard , H . J . Tufton , John Elwes , and H . Geach . Bros . Scipio Brizzo and M . E . Gumbleton Avere affiliated into the chapter . The M . W . Sov . Avas assisted in the ceremony by the 111 . Bros . BowyerClerkBarkerGoldenasd Blenkin . The
, , , , musical portion of the business was conducted by Bro . Shoubridge , assisted by Bros . Fielding and Edney . Before the chapter was closed the M . AV . Sov . referred to the great loss they had sustained since the last meeting , in the decease of the . 111 . Bro . Dr . Jones , who had been connected Avith the chapter from its formation , and as Hon . Secretary had done most valuable service . He moved that there be entered on the minutes of
tbe chapter , an expression of deep regret for his loss , and that a copy of the resolution should be transmitted to Bro . Jones ' s Avidow and family ; this motion was seconded by the Lfc . Gr . Com . and carried unanimously . All business ended , the brethren repaired , to the banquet , Avhich consisted of every delicacy of the season , and was served in a way that gave universal satisfaction . The cloth removed , the health of her Majesty and the Royal Family having been duly honoured , Bro . Pullen addressed himself to the toasts more particularly connected with the Rite under ivhich they were assembled , and . regrttting the absence of Dr
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —Chapter Sincerity ( No . 224 ) . —The quarterly convocation of the above chapter was held in the Masonic lodge-room , St . George ' s Hall , on Friday evening , 17 th July , at which were present the following companions : —Dowse , Z . ; Thomas , H . ; Harfoot , I . ; Rodd , P . Z . ; Rae , S . E . ; Bate , S . N . ; Radford , P . S . ; Seccombe , S . S . ; Hill , J . S . ; Rogers , JanitorJaekmanand Maddock ; and visiting companions
, , Chappell , Rodda , and Briggs . The chapter ivas opened in solemn form at half-past seven o ' clock , when the minutes of the former chapter were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bros . Turner and Hill , of Lodge Sincerity ( No . 224 ) , Avho had been duly proposed at the last meeting ; the same proving unanimous , and having signed the required declaration , they were introduced in ancient form , and duly exalted to the
supreme degree of Royal Arch Masons . Three candidates were duly proposed for exaltation at tbe next meeting . There being no other business for consideration , the chapter was closed in solemn form , with prayer , at half-past nine o ' clock .
LANCASHIRE ,. GAESTON , — Chapter of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —Thursday , July 9 , being the regular night of meeting , the Chapter Avas opened at the AA elliogton Hotel , by P . M . E . Z . Hamer , as Z . ; PM . E . Z . My bie as II . ; P . M . E . Z . C . J . Banister , G . D . C , as J . ; present also P . M . E . Z . Maddox , Hearne , May ; Comps . Rev . J . Dnnkley , C . Pierpoint , Leedham , Jackson , Pearson , H . D . AVhite , Richard PorterPett & c & c . Theininutes of last chapter were
, y , , read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for two candidates , both elected . Bro . Bowes , of lodge 173 . being in attendance , was properly proposed and exalted by the M . E . Z ., assisted by H . and J . Comp . May delivered the first Historical Lecture , Comp . AVylie the second , Comp . Hearne the Symbolical Lecture , and Comp . Hamer the Mystic Lecture , Comp . Pierpoint , P . S . Two brethren Avere proposed for exaltation at the next meeting .
The business of the lodge over , it was closed in due form . At refreshment the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts ivere given and drank , and the Companions returned to Liverpool , after spending the afternoon in peace , happiness , and good fellowship .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . MANCHESTEE . —The Caledonian Chapter ( No . 204 ) . —This chapter was opened in solemn form on AVednesday , the 15 th inst ., at half-past five o'clock . Present—Companions : Isaac AV . Petty , P . Z . ; Henry Thos . Baldwin , P . Z . ; R . H . Edge , M . E . Z . ; Cbas . Affleck , H . ; George Charles Thorpe , J . ; James Payne , E . ; II . T . Warren , Treas ., and other comps . A isitors : —Comps , J . L . Hine , P . Z . 317 , and Larmuth 407 . Bros . J .. G . Holden
and T . AVillianison having been elected , ivere exalted by Comp . Edge—Comp . Balwin delivered tbe mystical , Comp . Edge the symbolical , and Comp . Thorpe the historical lecture . The companions adjourned to refreshment at half-past seven o'clock .
Knights Templar.
HERTFORDSHIRE . AVATEOED . —Stuart Encampment—The annual meeting of this encampment was held on Monday , July 6 th , in the Freemason's Hall , AA atford . The Eminent Commander , Sir Knight Captain C . M . Layton , presided . There were also present the M . E . S . G . M . Sir Knight AVilliam Stuart ; the V . E . Prov . G . C . George Francis ; Sir Knight J . How as 1 st Capt . ; H . G . Finch 2 nd Capt . ; E . F . HumbertThomas Rogersand othersThe
; , . encampment ivas opened in due i ' onn , and a ballot was taken for Comp . C . J . How , of the Cyrus Chapter , Avhich being unanimous in his favour , he Avas admitted and installed into the order . Sir Knight Layton said that the decease of the eminent Commander elect leaving him in office for another year , he appointed as his officers the following : —Sir Kni ght C . F . Humbert 1 st Capt . ; E . A . Burrell 2 nd Capt . ; H . BinchillExpertTH
, ; . . Brett , Capt . of Lines ; Sir Knight Rogers had been re-elected Treasurer , and Thomas Equerry . The Prov . G . C . moved , and the S . G . M . seconded a resolution to record on the minutes the regret of the encampment at the loss it had sustained by the decease of the Eminent Commander elect , Sir Knight Goodyear . An expression of sorroiv and sympathy , moved and seconded by
Knights Templar.
the same distinguished members , for the absence of their esteemed Registrar , Sir Knight Burchell Heme , in consequence of the loss he had sustained in the decease of bis consort . The encampment was then closed , the members departing to their own homes , as , through the events referred to , no banquet followed , the proceedings . NORTHUMBERLAND .
Eoyal Kent Encampment . —This encampment was opened afe their fields , Newgate-street , on July 4 , by the E . C . Sir Knt . Rev . S . Atkinson , assisted by his officers . Therninutes of the last meeting ivere read and confirmed . Companion W . Hume being ballotted for and elected , was properlyprepared and installed a member of the order , by the E . C , assisted by P . E . C . Sir Knt . C . I . Banister , P . 1 st G . Aid of
England , P . E . C . Sir Knt . H . G . Ludwig , acting as Expert . The Heralds having proclaimed him , he took his stall in the Encampment . After the business of the conclave Avas over the Sir Knights adjourned to the supper room , under the presidency of the P . E . C , who gave in rotation the loyal and Masonic toasts ,. also the newly installed Sir Knt . AV . Hume , hoping that he ? would soon be able to establish an encampment at the Cape , whither be is going soon'Jto return . After enjoying a happy
evening , tbe Sir Knights separated at ten o'clock . CHINA . SHANGHAI :. —Celestial Encampment . —At a meeting of this : encampment , held at the Masonic Hall , on Monday , the ISth May , the following members rallied round their E . C , F . H . Murrayviz . Praters S . RawsonP . E . CPrelate ; E . Warden 1 st
, , , , , Capt . ; J . Markham , 2 nd Capt . ; P . Loureirs , Reg . ; J . Bernard , Capt . of Lines ; A . Ewing , Herald ; J . L . Blanchard , J . Kroes , and O . R . Gordon . Comps . E . Marston , T . Birdseye , and J . Dodd , of the Zion Chapter ( No . 832 ) , Avere severally introduced and installed , and after a pleasant evening , enhanced by the very excellent working , for which this encampment has already established a reputation , the Sir Knights dispersed .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
METROPOLITAN . METEOEOLITAN CHAPTEE OE SOVEEEIGN PEINCES ROSE CEOIX . OP HEEEDoar . —A convocation of the members was held on Tuesday , July 14 th , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street . Present—the 111 . Bro . Hyde Pullen , 32 ° , M . AV . S . ; the 111 . Bros .. H . S . Bowyer , Lt . P . C . ; H . G . Vigne ; Col . H . Clerk , and Sir J . de la Pole and B . A . Perrier , Sov . G . Insp ., 33 " ; R . H . Golden , and F . M . BakerS . P . R . S . 32 ° ; Col . GoddardR . CostaJ . Gibbs
, , , , , L . Lemanski , R . Spencer , J . How , AV . Blenkin , C . Beaumont , Rev-J . E . Cox , and others , 30 ° ; E . Turner , J . R . Stebbing , AY . Spencer , B . Baker , F . Binckes , and others , 18 ° . The chapter wasopened in solemn form , and after the minutes of the preceding chapter had been confirmed , a ballot ivas taken for the admission of thirty-two brethren into the Order , and the following being presentthey were installed Knihts of tbe Pelican and Eagle
, g ,, and Sov . R . C . Lord Kilworth , Lord Kenlis , Lieut .-Col . Steele , Major Rich , Captains Hardy and Macdonald , AV . J . Meymott ,, R . A . Routh , G . De Paris , Don Ramon Silva Ferro , Major F . A . Richard , H . J . Tufton , John Elwes , and H . Geach . Bros . Scipio Brizzo and M . E . Gumbleton Avere affiliated into the chapter . The M . W . Sov . Avas assisted in the ceremony by the 111 . Bros . BowyerClerkBarkerGoldenasd Blenkin . The
, , , , musical portion of the business was conducted by Bro . Shoubridge , assisted by Bros . Fielding and Edney . Before the chapter was closed the M . AV . Sov . referred to the great loss they had sustained since the last meeting , in the decease of the . 111 . Bro . Dr . Jones , who had been connected Avith the chapter from its formation , and as Hon . Secretary had done most valuable service . He moved that there be entered on the minutes of
tbe chapter , an expression of deep regret for his loss , and that a copy of the resolution should be transmitted to Bro . Jones ' s Avidow and family ; this motion was seconded by the Lfc . Gr . Com . and carried unanimously . All business ended , the brethren repaired , to the banquet , Avhich consisted of every delicacy of the season , and was served in a way that gave universal satisfaction . The cloth removed , the health of her Majesty and the Royal Family having been duly honoured , Bro . Pullen addressed himself to the toasts more particularly connected with the Rite under ivhich they were assembled , and . regrttting the absence of Dr