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The Week.
cloar , howovor , that tbo eauso of tho accident was tho absence oi a supporting boam AA-hich had boon rornovod somo timo ago . Tho jury roturnod a vordict of accidental death , coupling with it a consnvo of tbo owners of tho houso . Tho collision which took placo off Aldborough on tho 19 th inst ., between the Bruiser and tho Saswell ison tho information yet to h-. ncl , perfectly
inox-, plicablo . Tho AA-oathor was fine and clo . ir , and tho sea smooth as a mill-pond , and yot these two stoamors , both of which aro said to havo carried thoir proper lights , camo into collision . H OAV many livos have boon lost is uot yot known ; but thoro ' seems to havo boon at loast tAvonty or thirty . Tho affair will , of course , be fully inquired into . It is to bo hoped that , as far as
possible , tho porson AA-ho is to blamo will bo severely punished . Tho Forostors had a groat day at tho Crystal Palace . Thoy travelled tb . itb . or in thousands , many of them decked out with tho insignia of thoir rospoctiA-o lodges . Fortunately tho day was vory fino , and thoro was nothing to militate against the pleasure of the holiday makers . Tho mooting of tho London , Brighton ,
and South Coast Company Avas rathor stormy . Thoro was a loAvor dividond , and this was not soothing . Then tho South Eastern and London , Chatham , and Dover Companies havo got poAvor to make an independent lino into Brighton , and this was a grievance to bo discussod . Tho chairman of tho company expressed groat doubts whether tho projected lino Avould over bo
mado , or , if mado , whether it would ovor pay . Tho report and accounts woro finally adopted . A number of poor families Avho havo hithorto rosidod in Union-court avo required to loavo their houses , which aro to bo pulled doAvn to inako room for tho Holborn Valley improA-emont . Habitations suited to their means aro not oasily obtainable , aud honco they aro most unwilling to remove . Tho officor of tho City of London began to OA-ict them on tho 21 st inst . A disturbance ensued , in the course of AA-hich
much mischief was done . -Tho Roigato Election Commissioners bogan thoir inquiries on tho 22 nd inst . Tho most noticeable statement was that of Mr . James Soarlo , mayor of tho borough , who expressed an opinion that there had boon moro treating at late elections than formerly . Ho traced it to tho election of 1858 , Avhen Mr . Doidton tho present member for Lambeth , was sont down by Mr . Roupell to contest tho borough .
At that oloction , said Mr . Searlo , tho debauchery was vory great , Tho inquiry is to bo resumod to-day . Tho electors of Maidstone , in public mooting assembled , have doclared thoir bolief in the innocence of thoir roprosentatiA-os , Messrs . Loo and Whatman , in rospect of tho charge of bribery mado against them by tho blacksmith Chambers . Both mombors attended tho mooting ,
and solemnly doniod tho truth of tho chargos mado by Chambers . Thoy woro loudly encored . Southampton Avas on tho 21 st inst . tho scene of two demonstrations , both in their AA-ay oqually significant . At tho Philharmonic Rooms about a hundred persons assembled to dino with ' Mr . ox-Govornor Eyre , and to hoar what that gentleman had to say in defeneo of conduct AA-hich tho
Government of England considered Avas deserving of deprivation of poAvor and of summary dismissal from office . In another part of tho town , and at tho same time , ovor 2 , 000 of tho inhabitants assomblod for tho purposo of " condemning tho AA-holosale hanging , shooting , and flogging that followed tho suppression of the outbreak in Jamaica , and also to protest against tho
illadvised attempt of a IOAV persons in this toAvn to connoct the pooplo of Southampton AA-ith a demonstration in favour of ox-Govemor Eyre , A \ -1 IO has boon consm-od and recalled by the Govommont for his conduct in relation to thoso deplorable evonts . " The diners outhorodod Horod iu thoir endorsement of tho Jamaica massacros . Tho indignation raeoting Avas unmistakably tho voico of tbo pooplo , and uttered to somo purpose . Tho adjourned inquest on tho body of tho boy Jefforys , Avho
Avas found hung in a collar in St . Giles ' s , Avas rosumod on tho 22 nd inst . A lottor was read from tho Homo Offico , explaining that tho Govornniont could not offer a roward for tho apprehension of tho boy ' s father until tho jury had roturnod a verdict o £ wilful niurdor against him . Tho jury thon found a vordict of wilful murdor against Richard Jofforys . -Tho grand jury at
tho Middlesex session mado a presontmont to tho offoct that thoy did not think a grand jury Avas of the least use . Thoy urged that the cases all nndorAvont preliminary examination by professional men , and that theroforo , thoro Avas no nood of tho son-ices of a grand jury . Tho Assistant-Judge promised to forward their presentment to tho proper quarter .
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —Tho Napoloon Fetes aro in full swing in Paris , and , as a consoquonco , thoro is not much neAvs from that city . Tho last papers AA-hich wore publishod there aro of anything but a lively character . Thoro is littlo doubt , however , that tho decision of tho Emporor not to pross his domands for territorial compensation meots Avith tho genoral approval of tho
people . Somo of tho papers go into olaborato disquisitions to prove that Napoloon Avould bo fully justified in insisting upon a cossion of territory by Prussia ; but thero is no indication that thoy havo much popular support . It was statod tho other day that not improbably tho Avar betwoon Prussia and Bavaria might bo resumed on tho conclusion of tho armistice . The official
Bavarian Gazette UOAA- announces that thoro is no foar of any such thing . Tho negotiations are proceeding favourably . The Prussian official papers aro caroful to inform us that though thoro aro minor difficulties in tho way , yet that tho Praguo poaco negotiations aro progressing faA'ourably . It seems there is somo troublo in tho adjustment of tho division of Federal property , and this , of courso delays tho desired conclusion Tho Emperor Napoleon has gh r en Em-ope another proof of his
moderation . Ho has addrossod a letter to King Leopold assuring him that ho has no desire to annex any portion of tho Belgian territory , aud that , on tho contrary ho entertains tho utmost good will towards his dynasty . Nobody boboA-od that he ever had any intention of taking anything from Bolgium , savo those alarmists AA-ho would fain havo us now bo expocting an invasion from Franco . As to tho peace negotiations there is no news
but that which is favourable With ono slight exception . The official paper of Yionna hints that Austria in the sottloment of affairs AA-ith Italy , AA-HI requiro somo oi tho passes into tho Tyrol , AA-hich aro now in Italian possession . Austria may , perhaps , in this doniand havo tho strict letter of treaty on her sido ; but she would act wisoly to make thoso demands with discretion . Italy
is in no vory amiablo mood at tho turn which things havo taken . Should Austria insist upon hard terms she will sow tho seeds of a futuro war , and that at no very great distance of time . Tho Czar is delighted at tho turn OA-onts have taken in Germany , and has addressed autograph lottor in that sonso to the King of Prussia . Tho Emporor Alexander understands tho art
of making a virtno of necessity . From various sources comes the neAvs that tho Popo and tho Emperor of the French aro drawing closer togothor . Only a fOAV d-eys ago the Temps had a story to tho offoct that tho Pope AA'ishod the Emporor to bocorno his Vicar for tho protection of tho States of the Church . NOAV tho Liberie tells us that tho Emperor has asked
his Holinoss to join Avith him hoartily in carrying through the work in A \ -hich ho is ongagod , and that tho Pojje , melted Avith pity , consonts . All this , if it wore true , would seom to indicate that thoro is likely to bo a hitch in tho carrying out of the Soptombor Convention . An international oxhibition of articles connoctod Avith the fishories was oponod at Boulogne on tho lGtk , inst ., with great coromony . Thoso exhibitions aro rare , being utterly unknown in England , and throo haA'ing only been held on
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
cloar , howovor , that tbo eauso of tho accident was tho absence oi a supporting boam AA-hich had boon rornovod somo timo ago . Tho jury roturnod a vordict of accidental death , coupling with it a consnvo of tbo owners of tho houso . Tho collision which took placo off Aldborough on tho 19 th inst ., between the Bruiser and tho Saswell ison tho information yet to h-. ncl , perfectly
inox-, plicablo . Tho AA-oathor was fine and clo . ir , and tho sea smooth as a mill-pond , and yot these two stoamors , both of which aro said to havo carried thoir proper lights , camo into collision . H OAV many livos have boon lost is uot yot known ; but thoro ' seems to havo boon at loast tAvonty or thirty . Tho affair will , of course , be fully inquired into . It is to bo hoped that , as far as
possible , tho porson AA-ho is to blamo will bo severely punished . Tho Forostors had a groat day at tho Crystal Palace . Thoy travelled tb . itb . or in thousands , many of them decked out with tho insignia of thoir rospoctiA-o lodges . Fortunately tho day was vory fino , and thoro was nothing to militate against the pleasure of the holiday makers . Tho mooting of tho London , Brighton ,
and South Coast Company Avas rathor stormy . Thoro was a loAvor dividond , and this was not soothing . Then tho South Eastern and London , Chatham , and Dover Companies havo got poAvor to make an independent lino into Brighton , and this was a grievance to bo discussod . Tho chairman of tho company expressed groat doubts whether tho projected lino Avould over bo
mado , or , if mado , whether it would ovor pay . Tho report and accounts woro finally adopted . A number of poor families Avho havo hithorto rosidod in Union-court avo required to loavo their houses , which aro to bo pulled doAvn to inako room for tho Holborn Valley improA-emont . Habitations suited to their means aro not oasily obtainable , aud honco they aro most unwilling to remove . Tho officor of tho City of London began to OA-ict them on tho 21 st inst . A disturbance ensued , in the course of AA-hich
much mischief was done . -Tho Roigato Election Commissioners bogan thoir inquiries on tho 22 nd inst . Tho most noticeable statement was that of Mr . James Soarlo , mayor of tho borough , who expressed an opinion that there had boon moro treating at late elections than formerly . Ho traced it to tho election of 1858 , Avhen Mr . Doidton tho present member for Lambeth , was sont down by Mr . Roupell to contest tho borough .
At that oloction , said Mr . Searlo , tho debauchery was vory great , Tho inquiry is to bo resumod to-day . Tho electors of Maidstone , in public mooting assembled , have doclared thoir bolief in the innocence of thoir roprosentatiA-os , Messrs . Loo and Whatman , in rospect of tho charge of bribery mado against them by tho blacksmith Chambers . Both mombors attended tho mooting ,
and solemnly doniod tho truth of tho chargos mado by Chambers . Thoy woro loudly encored . Southampton Avas on tho 21 st inst . tho scene of two demonstrations , both in their AA-ay oqually significant . At tho Philharmonic Rooms about a hundred persons assembled to dino with ' Mr . ox-Govornor Eyre , and to hoar what that gentleman had to say in defeneo of conduct AA-hich tho
Government of England considered Avas deserving of deprivation of poAvor and of summary dismissal from office . In another part of tho town , and at tho same time , ovor 2 , 000 of tho inhabitants assomblod for tho purposo of " condemning tho AA-holosale hanging , shooting , and flogging that followed tho suppression of the outbreak in Jamaica , and also to protest against tho
illadvised attempt of a IOAV persons in this toAvn to connoct the pooplo of Southampton AA-ith a demonstration in favour of ox-Govemor Eyre , A \ -1 IO has boon consm-od and recalled by the Govommont for his conduct in relation to thoso deplorable evonts . " The diners outhorodod Horod iu thoir endorsement of tho Jamaica massacros . Tho indignation raeoting Avas unmistakably tho voico of tbo pooplo , and uttered to somo purpose . Tho adjourned inquest on tho body of tho boy Jefforys , Avho
Avas found hung in a collar in St . Giles ' s , Avas rosumod on tho 22 nd inst . A lottor was read from tho Homo Offico , explaining that tho Govornniont could not offer a roward for tho apprehension of tho boy ' s father until tho jury had roturnod a verdict o £ wilful niurdor against him . Tho jury thon found a vordict of wilful murdor against Richard Jofforys . -Tho grand jury at
tho Middlesex session mado a presontmont to tho offoct that thoy did not think a grand jury Avas of the least use . Thoy urged that the cases all nndorAvont preliminary examination by professional men , and that theroforo , thoro Avas no nood of tho son-ices of a grand jury . Tho Assistant-Judge promised to forward their presentment to tho proper quarter .
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —Tho Napoloon Fetes aro in full swing in Paris , and , as a consoquonco , thoro is not much neAvs from that city . Tho last papers AA-hich wore publishod there aro of anything but a lively character . Thoro is littlo doubt , however , that tho decision of tho Emporor not to pross his domands for territorial compensation meots Avith tho genoral approval of tho
people . Somo of tho papers go into olaborato disquisitions to prove that Napoloon Avould bo fully justified in insisting upon a cossion of territory by Prussia ; but thero is no indication that thoy havo much popular support . It was statod tho other day that not improbably tho Avar betwoon Prussia and Bavaria might bo resumed on tho conclusion of tho armistice . The official
Bavarian Gazette UOAA- announces that thoro is no foar of any such thing . Tho negotiations are proceeding favourably . The Prussian official papers aro caroful to inform us that though thoro aro minor difficulties in tho way , yet that tho Praguo poaco negotiations aro progressing faA'ourably . It seems there is somo troublo in tho adjustment of tho division of Federal property , and this , of courso delays tho desired conclusion Tho Emperor Napoleon has gh r en Em-ope another proof of his
moderation . Ho has addrossod a letter to King Leopold assuring him that ho has no desire to annex any portion of tho Belgian territory , aud that , on tho contrary ho entertains tho utmost good will towards his dynasty . Nobody boboA-od that he ever had any intention of taking anything from Bolgium , savo those alarmists AA-ho would fain havo us now bo expocting an invasion from Franco . As to tho peace negotiations there is no news
but that which is favourable With ono slight exception . The official paper of Yionna hints that Austria in the sottloment of affairs AA-ith Italy , AA-HI requiro somo oi tho passes into tho Tyrol , AA-hich aro now in Italian possession . Austria may , perhaps , in this doniand havo tho strict letter of treaty on her sido ; but she would act wisoly to make thoso demands with discretion . Italy
is in no vory amiablo mood at tho turn which things havo taken . Should Austria insist upon hard terms she will sow tho seeds of a futuro war , and that at no very great distance of time . Tho Czar is delighted at tho turn OA-onts have taken in Germany , and has addressed autograph lottor in that sonso to the King of Prussia . Tho Emporor Alexander understands tho art
of making a virtno of necessity . From various sources comes the neAvs that tho Popo and tho Emperor of the French aro drawing closer togothor . Only a fOAV d-eys ago the Temps had a story to tho offoct that tho Pope AA'ishod the Emporor to bocorno his Vicar for tho protection of tho States of the Church . NOAV tho Liberie tells us that tho Emperor has asked
his Holinoss to join Avith him hoartily in carrying through the work in A \ -hich ho is ongagod , and that tho Pojje , melted Avith pity , consonts . All this , if it wore true , would seom to indicate that thoro is likely to bo a hitch in tho carrying out of the Soptombor Convention . An international oxhibition of articles connoctod Avith the fishories was oponod at Boulogne on tho lGtk , inst ., with great coromony . Thoso exhibitions aro rare , being utterly unknown in England , and throo haA'ing only been held on