Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
of the jury , on the one side , and Mr . Pater , who was defending a prisoner , on the other . The foreman objected to the style in which Mr . Pater ivas examining a ivitness , on Avhich Mr . Pater retorted that he ivas glad there was more than one juryman to try the prisoner . Mr . Payne interfered to protect the juryman . Mr . Pater attacked Mr . Payne , who then called in Mr . Bodkin , the deputy judge , and by his advice he fined Mr . Pater £ 20 , for
contempt of court , while Mr . Pater threatened to lay the case before Sir George Grey and have Mr . Payne removed from the bench . A sailor , named Riley , was found guilty of stabbing a woman , and was sentenced to twelve months' hard labour only . » Mr . Justice Byles has evidently made up his mind to give due effect to the new statute which enables a judge to order
persons convicted of robberies accompanied with personal violence to be flogged . At the York assizes , his lordship directed that two ruffians AA-IIO ivere found guilty of offences of this description should , during their term of imprisonment , receii'e thirty lashes each . It is a relief to know that the tivelve men and boys who failed to make their escape , on Tuesday week ,
when the Hady Hill pit , at Chesterfield , was inundated , have been brought out alive , after an imprisonment of two days . ——Still another victim to crinoline . A girl of 19 has just died in St . Bartholomew ' s Hospital from the effects of fire occasioned by her extended dress having caught alight . The curious case of abstraction of half a million's worth of bank-notes from
the Government bank at Warsaw , of which £ 27 , 000 worth were offered for exchange in this country , and have been detained b y the agent of the Russian Government , was again before the magistrates at Guildhall , on Saturday . Two foreigners , Mr . Poerster , and Mr . Herniscz , were charged , on a joint summons , with "having unlawful possession of the notes , and the ease was fully opened on the part of the Russian Government ; but , as
it appeared that the offence was committed under a foreign jurisdiction , and further that an action was depending in the Court of Queen's Bench on the subject , the magistrates considered that it was of too great magnitude to be tried in a policecourt , and dismissed the summons . JFOEEISN INTELLIGENCE . —The Moniteur has a curious statement—that " some journals announce the discovery of a
conspiracy against the life of the Emperor , " and that there is no truth in the assertion . ^—» On Saturday a strong reconnaissance was made against Frederica , in the course of which the Danish outposts were driven into the fortress . The Danes kept up a sharp fire from the fortress and gun boats , and inflicted some loss on the enemy . The allies commenced the bombardment of
Frederica on Sunday morning , and continued it on Monday . The town was set on fire in several places , and several Danish guns are said to have been dismounted ; but it is not alleged by the German accounts that any serious impression has yet been made on the works of the fortress . The semi-official journal of Copenhagen declares that , although a conference has been
accepted the Danish Cabinet has not assented to an armistice ; and the Austrian official journal states that Austria and Prussia have agreed to a conference without any settled basis of negotiation being laid down , and without an armistice being agreed to . A naval engagement took place ou Friday between the Prussian men-of-war and the Danish blockading squadron oft * Greifswald ,
in which the Prussians ivere worsted . In the engagement the Prussian vessels had thirteen men killed and wounded ; but nothing is said as to the damage sustained by the ships in their and hulls and rigging . The Danish squadron which had been increased to seven vessels , left the coast on Monday morning . A Prussian official report , however , asserts that on Saturday a corvette and three gunboats " again put to sea in search of hostile shipping , " but fruitlessly , as " all
The Week.
the Danish ships had 'left the Prussian waters . " The session of the Norwegian Storthing was , opened on Tuesday by the King , who announced that the Ministry would ask for a grant of about £ 340 , 000 , to be employed for the purpose of " giving active aid to Denmark in certain emergencies , " and would also demand ' authority to employ the Norwegian army and navy in favour of Denmark " if found necessary . " A .
Turin journal states that on Monday Garibaldi embarked at Caprera on board an English steamer , which was , as it was believed , to convey him to England . Via Marseilles we havenews from Rome to the effect that the health of the Pope is much better . From Cadiz we learn that the insurrection
in St . Domingo is still increasing , and from Mexico that the Juarist Guerillas have everyivhero been put to flight . INDIA . —The news from Bombay comes doivn to the 29 th February . The Viceroy had been ill , but was better . He gave his first public ball on the 15 th , to which natives were not invited , which gave great offence to the native community . Sir-Robert Napier is named as the probable successor to Sir Hugh
Rose in the command in chief of the Indian army . The affairs of Cabul were iu a very unsettled state ; and the Akhoond qf Swat had directed his people to arm , as he expected an attack from us in the spring . AMERICA . —The intelligence brought by the Asia is interesting , though the details are not very precise . The premium on
gold at New York had risen in two days from 61 to 69 per cent ., partly or mainly in consequence of unfavourable rumours respecting General Sherman ' s retreat and the position of the Federal army in advance of Chattanooga . It ivas positively affirmed that General Sherman had arrived at Alcksburg on the 3 rd inst . ; but there were rumours that his troops had suffered very severely during their pursuit by the Confederate cavalry , and that he bad been defeated on the 16 th ult . near Meridian ,
with very heavy loss . General Johnston's army was reported to be pressing the Federals , who had retreated from Tunnel Hill to Ringold . It was said that 20 , 000 Confederates under General Magruder , Avere advancing from Texas into Eastern Louisiana . The account of Admiral Farvagut's bombardment of the fort commanding Grant's Pass Channel to Mobile had been confirmed ; and it was admitted that a Federal gunboat had been
sunk , and that the fort had not been taken . The Confederates were said to have assembled a large force for the purpose of assailing the Federal posts in North Carolina . General JKilpatrick's loss during his recent " raid " to the suburbs of Richmond was believed to have been larger than it had been originally admitted to be . General Grant had arrived in Washington , and it was supposed that he would assume the chief direction of military affairs under President Lincoln . The
Southern Confederacy had despatched an envoy for the purpose of negotiating a treaty of mutual amity and recognition with the new Mexican empire . By the Bremen we have news tcthe 11 th inst . General Sherman's return to Vicksburg is confirmed . The bombardment of Fort Powell continued , but apparently with very little result . Suffolk , Virginia , has been occupied by Butler's forces . The Confederates have defeated some cavalry and two coloured regiments . It is said that 23 captured Federals had been banged by their captors , but this wants confirmation . The Chesapealce pirates have been released .
To Correspondents.
M . K . —Good Friday intervening this week , and thereby rendering it necessary to go press earlier than usual , prevents the publication of the article this week . G . S . —The foundation-stone of the new Masonic buildings is to be laid on the 27 th April . A YOUNG- MASON . —The next public night of the Grand Stewards ' Lodge takes place on the 30 th inst . B , B . —We cannot interfere in private disputes .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
of the jury , on the one side , and Mr . Pater , who was defending a prisoner , on the other . The foreman objected to the style in which Mr . Pater ivas examining a ivitness , on Avhich Mr . Pater retorted that he ivas glad there was more than one juryman to try the prisoner . Mr . Payne interfered to protect the juryman . Mr . Pater attacked Mr . Payne , who then called in Mr . Bodkin , the deputy judge , and by his advice he fined Mr . Pater £ 20 , for
contempt of court , while Mr . Pater threatened to lay the case before Sir George Grey and have Mr . Payne removed from the bench . A sailor , named Riley , was found guilty of stabbing a woman , and was sentenced to twelve months' hard labour only . » Mr . Justice Byles has evidently made up his mind to give due effect to the new statute which enables a judge to order
persons convicted of robberies accompanied with personal violence to be flogged . At the York assizes , his lordship directed that two ruffians AA-IIO ivere found guilty of offences of this description should , during their term of imprisonment , receii'e thirty lashes each . It is a relief to know that the tivelve men and boys who failed to make their escape , on Tuesday week ,
when the Hady Hill pit , at Chesterfield , was inundated , have been brought out alive , after an imprisonment of two days . ——Still another victim to crinoline . A girl of 19 has just died in St . Bartholomew ' s Hospital from the effects of fire occasioned by her extended dress having caught alight . The curious case of abstraction of half a million's worth of bank-notes from
the Government bank at Warsaw , of which £ 27 , 000 worth were offered for exchange in this country , and have been detained b y the agent of the Russian Government , was again before the magistrates at Guildhall , on Saturday . Two foreigners , Mr . Poerster , and Mr . Herniscz , were charged , on a joint summons , with "having unlawful possession of the notes , and the ease was fully opened on the part of the Russian Government ; but , as
it appeared that the offence was committed under a foreign jurisdiction , and further that an action was depending in the Court of Queen's Bench on the subject , the magistrates considered that it was of too great magnitude to be tried in a policecourt , and dismissed the summons . JFOEEISN INTELLIGENCE . —The Moniteur has a curious statement—that " some journals announce the discovery of a
conspiracy against the life of the Emperor , " and that there is no truth in the assertion . ^—» On Saturday a strong reconnaissance was made against Frederica , in the course of which the Danish outposts were driven into the fortress . The Danes kept up a sharp fire from the fortress and gun boats , and inflicted some loss on the enemy . The allies commenced the bombardment of
Frederica on Sunday morning , and continued it on Monday . The town was set on fire in several places , and several Danish guns are said to have been dismounted ; but it is not alleged by the German accounts that any serious impression has yet been made on the works of the fortress . The semi-official journal of Copenhagen declares that , although a conference has been
accepted the Danish Cabinet has not assented to an armistice ; and the Austrian official journal states that Austria and Prussia have agreed to a conference without any settled basis of negotiation being laid down , and without an armistice being agreed to . A naval engagement took place ou Friday between the Prussian men-of-war and the Danish blockading squadron oft * Greifswald ,
in which the Prussians ivere worsted . In the engagement the Prussian vessels had thirteen men killed and wounded ; but nothing is said as to the damage sustained by the ships in their and hulls and rigging . The Danish squadron which had been increased to seven vessels , left the coast on Monday morning . A Prussian official report , however , asserts that on Saturday a corvette and three gunboats " again put to sea in search of hostile shipping , " but fruitlessly , as " all
The Week.
the Danish ships had 'left the Prussian waters . " The session of the Norwegian Storthing was , opened on Tuesday by the King , who announced that the Ministry would ask for a grant of about £ 340 , 000 , to be employed for the purpose of " giving active aid to Denmark in certain emergencies , " and would also demand ' authority to employ the Norwegian army and navy in favour of Denmark " if found necessary . " A .
Turin journal states that on Monday Garibaldi embarked at Caprera on board an English steamer , which was , as it was believed , to convey him to England . Via Marseilles we havenews from Rome to the effect that the health of the Pope is much better . From Cadiz we learn that the insurrection
in St . Domingo is still increasing , and from Mexico that the Juarist Guerillas have everyivhero been put to flight . INDIA . —The news from Bombay comes doivn to the 29 th February . The Viceroy had been ill , but was better . He gave his first public ball on the 15 th , to which natives were not invited , which gave great offence to the native community . Sir-Robert Napier is named as the probable successor to Sir Hugh
Rose in the command in chief of the Indian army . The affairs of Cabul were iu a very unsettled state ; and the Akhoond qf Swat had directed his people to arm , as he expected an attack from us in the spring . AMERICA . —The intelligence brought by the Asia is interesting , though the details are not very precise . The premium on
gold at New York had risen in two days from 61 to 69 per cent ., partly or mainly in consequence of unfavourable rumours respecting General Sherman ' s retreat and the position of the Federal army in advance of Chattanooga . It ivas positively affirmed that General Sherman had arrived at Alcksburg on the 3 rd inst . ; but there were rumours that his troops had suffered very severely during their pursuit by the Confederate cavalry , and that he bad been defeated on the 16 th ult . near Meridian ,
with very heavy loss . General Johnston's army was reported to be pressing the Federals , who had retreated from Tunnel Hill to Ringold . It was said that 20 , 000 Confederates under General Magruder , Avere advancing from Texas into Eastern Louisiana . The account of Admiral Farvagut's bombardment of the fort commanding Grant's Pass Channel to Mobile had been confirmed ; and it was admitted that a Federal gunboat had been
sunk , and that the fort had not been taken . The Confederates were said to have assembled a large force for the purpose of assailing the Federal posts in North Carolina . General JKilpatrick's loss during his recent " raid " to the suburbs of Richmond was believed to have been larger than it had been originally admitted to be . General Grant had arrived in Washington , and it was supposed that he would assume the chief direction of military affairs under President Lincoln . The
Southern Confederacy had despatched an envoy for the purpose of negotiating a treaty of mutual amity and recognition with the new Mexican empire . By the Bremen we have news tcthe 11 th inst . General Sherman's return to Vicksburg is confirmed . The bombardment of Fort Powell continued , but apparently with very little result . Suffolk , Virginia , has been occupied by Butler's forces . The Confederates have defeated some cavalry and two coloured regiments . It is said that 23 captured Federals had been banged by their captors , but this wants confirmation . The Chesapealce pirates have been released .
To Correspondents.
M . K . —Good Friday intervening this week , and thereby rendering it necessary to go press earlier than usual , prevents the publication of the article this week . G . S . —The foundation-stone of the new Masonic buildings is to be laid on the 27 th April . A YOUNG- MASON . —The next public night of the Grand Stewards ' Lodge takes place on the 30 th inst . B , B . —We cannot interfere in private disputes .