Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Sec . ; Partridge , J . D . ; and Challis of No . 523 . The lodge having been opened , a ballot was taken for Bro . McAllister , of No . 21 , N . B ., as a joining member , and for Mr . Joseph lioper , as a candidate for initiation , both of whom were unanimously elected . The candidate being absent from the town his initiation stood over to the next meeting , and Bro . Dr . Finch having been examined in the first degree retired , when the loclge having been opened in the second degree he was duly pas = cd a Fellow Craft .
On the conclusion of the ceremony the AV . M . gave the lecture on the tracing-board . The musical chants were given by Bro . Crow and others . On the loclge being lowered to the first degree a Lewis , the son of a member of the loclge , who had that day attained his majority , was proposed as a candidate for Freemasonry , the WM . intimating , that although the regular meetings of the lodge were now suspended for the summer recess , he proposed holding another Loclge of Emergency early in July
for the initiation of the two candidates , and to raise the six brethren , who would then be eligible for tlie third degree . The brethren , on the lodge being closed , formed themselves into a Lodge of Instruction preparatory to the installation of Bro . Toller , as AA * . !! . of the Jolin of Gaunt Loclge , on Thursday , the 24 th , inst ; , St . John's day .
MELTON Mo-WBRAY .--J" *« i " ai'cJ Lodge ( No . 170 . )—The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 18 th inst .. instead of June 24 th inst ., to enable any of the brethren to attend the festival of one of the Leicester lodges which will be held on that day . Bro . Rev . AV . Langley , AV . M ., presiding . Bro . Row was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., and Bro . Crowson passed to the second degree . A lengthened discussion then took place respecting a lodge room , and the worthy brother , at whose house the
loclge meets , showed a plan , which was most favourably received by the brethren present . Should a sufficient guarantee for rent , & c , be entered into by the lodge , to justify Bro , Selby in carrying out his intended building , the lodge will be greatly benefitted , as it will then be possible to work the ceremonies iu an effective manner , which the smallness of the room has hitherto so much marred . Tho AV . M . of the lodge will be most thankful if any brotherwho has had experience in guaranteeing the rent
, of a lodge room , when the outlay lias been mainly made , for the convenience of the loclge , by the landlord of the hotel , would kindly semi him any hints or suggestions founded on his experience . His address is , Rev . AV . Langley , Wymondham House , Oakham .
MONM OUTHSHI RE . PONTYPOOII . —Kennard Lodge ( No . 1 , 258 ) . —Tho first regular meeting of the members of this lodge ( after the consecration ) , was held at the Clarence Hotel , on the 21 st inst ., under the very able presidency of the AV . M . Bro . Bartholomew Thomas . AH the officers were in attendance except the S . D ., who hacl recently taken unto himself a wife , and is on his marriage tour .
There were several P . G . officers present , including tho Chaplain , Treasurer , Secretary , S . D ., Dir . of Cers ., Pursuivant , aucl several Stewards . Bro . Fothergill presided at the harmonium , and was kindly assisted by a capital choir . The minutes of the consecration and dedication were read and confirmed . The following eight candidates were then balloted for and unanimously accepted , viz .: —AV . II , Lloyd , Oliver D . Thomas , XV . Runningli . GreonwayW . DoveyAV . SandbrookJoseph
, , , , Ellis , all of Ponlypool , and Edward Jones , of Varteg . Two joining members were also admitted , ancl the above eight gentlemen being in attendance , were then duly initiated , the D . Prov . G . M . having granted a dispensation for that purpose . Three other candidates for initiation at the next meeting wore then proposed , one of them being E . Kennard , Esq ., brother of Martyn Kennard , Esq ., S . AV . No . 1 , 258 . Three subscribing
members were also nominated . The lodge was then closed in harmony at half-past eight , and the brethren proceeded to refreshment . The AV . M . presided , supported by about thirty members of the Craft . The usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to , Bros . XV . II . Lloyd , R . Greenwny , and 0 . D . Thomas thanking tho brethren as new initiates . Several songs were sung , aud the Newport brethren took their departure by
coach about half-past ten . We heartily congratulate the promoters of No . 1 , 258 upon the excellent style in which the lodge and lodge-room are fitted up . Everything seems to have been done well and in order . The pillars , pedestals , & c , given by the worthy S . W ., were the theme of admiration , and the tracingboards presented by the P . G . M . were also truly magnificent . Bro . Villiers presented this evening a photo oi the brethren
who attended at the consecration , as a small souvenir of his respect for tho Craft , and tho thanks of the members of the loclge were unanimously given to Bro . Villiers for his kindness . AVe will not attempt to speak of the admirable working by the AV . M . Bro . Thomas , if we were to clo so it would only be gilding refined gold . Sufficient to say , all was first-class , ancl we augur that in a very short time this lodgo will be second to none in the province .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . METROPOLITAN CHAPTEK OE INSTRUCTION ( No . 1 , 056 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held on the 22 nd inst ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury . The exaltation ceremony was worked by Comps . Dr . AVooclmmi , Z . ; Self ' e , H .,- Gotthiel , J .: Neohmer , N . ; ancl Smith , P . S . Green , Hosgood , and several companions were present . The lectures were delivered in a very
creditable manner . This being the maiden attempt of Dr . AVoodmau as Z ., we may observe that it was very creditably rendered , and reflects no small credit on the Preceptor of this chapter ; ancl we think that Comp . Smith , the P . S ., will , under the able presidency of Comp . Brett , ere long be proficient iu R . A . Masonry . We may here observe , that the regular Masonic meetings held at this hotel will iu future , as far as practicable , he held iu the large hall .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SOUTHWARK LODGE OI ? MAEK MASTERS ( NO . 22 ) . —The regular quarterly meeting of this well established Mark Lodge was held on Saturday , June 19 th , at the Bridge-house Hotel , AVcllington-strcef , Southwark . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . Thomas J . Sabine , the lodge was opened by Bro . Thomas MeggyP . G . O . The minutes of the last loclge meeting
, were read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots were unanimous in favour of the admission of Bro . G . AV . Wheeler , 73 , Rose and Thistle Mark Lodge , Glasgow ( S . C ) , as a joining member ( who was then obligated in an impressive manner under tho English Grand Lodge of Mark Masters ) , and Bro . Samuel Harman , 73 , Mount Lebanon Loclge . Bro . S . Harman being in attendance was introduced , ancl having proved himself properly qualified for
advancement was duly obligated and withdrew . Bro . T . J . S » ibine , W . M ., then arrived and then took the chair , presiding over the lodge for the remainder of the evening . Bro . S . Harman was re-admitted and duly advanced to the ancient and honourable degree of a Mark Master Freemason . The whole of the ceremony in the hands of two such good workers , as what Bros . Meggy and Sabine really are , was admirably rendered and impressively given . This beiiur the election night for officers of this loclge for the ensuing year , these brethren who were eligible to be elected AV . M . and Treas . were read out aloud by the
indefatigable Secretary , Bro . Frederick AValters , P . G . P . The ballot for W . M . proved unanimous in favour of Bro . Henry Massey , S . W . and W . SI ., 619 , Beadon Loclge , being elected to that distinguished position . Bro . A . D . Loewenstari * , P . G . P . Treas . as is usual in this lodge was unanimously electee ! to that important and honourable office for the sixth time . Bro . AV . Y . Laing was proposed by Secretary and seconded by Treasurer for re-election as the Tlerand as usual the show of hands
y , was unanimously in favour of his re-election for the fourth time . Bros . J . Hawker , G . AV . Wheeler , and S . Harman , in addition to all the officers of this lodge ( who are appointed as auditors by the by-laws ) , were unanimously elected to serve as auditors on the Audit Committee meeting . It was unanimously agreed to hold the Audit Committe meeting on Saturday , September llth , at Bro . Y . W . Aocry ' s , Queen's
Arms , 36 , Weston-street , Bermondsey , at 7-0 p . m . All the business being ended the loclge was closed at eight o'clock , and was ordered to be summoned to meet on Saturday , Sept . llth , at five p . m ., which will be tbe Installation meeting . All officers of the lodge who were ahscnt sent apologies in writing , excusing and regretting their non-attendance to the AV . M ., and stating it was caused by circumstances entirely beyond their own control . The vacant offices caused by the resignation of membership of those who wore appointed , were filled
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Sec . ; Partridge , J . D . ; and Challis of No . 523 . The lodge having been opened , a ballot was taken for Bro . McAllister , of No . 21 , N . B ., as a joining member , and for Mr . Joseph lioper , as a candidate for initiation , both of whom were unanimously elected . The candidate being absent from the town his initiation stood over to the next meeting , and Bro . Dr . Finch having been examined in the first degree retired , when the loclge having been opened in the second degree he was duly pas = cd a Fellow Craft .
On the conclusion of the ceremony the AV . M . gave the lecture on the tracing-board . The musical chants were given by Bro . Crow and others . On the loclge being lowered to the first degree a Lewis , the son of a member of the loclge , who had that day attained his majority , was proposed as a candidate for Freemasonry , the WM . intimating , that although the regular meetings of the lodge were now suspended for the summer recess , he proposed holding another Loclge of Emergency early in July
for the initiation of the two candidates , and to raise the six brethren , who would then be eligible for tlie third degree . The brethren , on the lodge being closed , formed themselves into a Lodge of Instruction preparatory to the installation of Bro . Toller , as AA * . !! . of the Jolin of Gaunt Loclge , on Thursday , the 24 th , inst ; , St . John's day .
MELTON Mo-WBRAY .--J" *« i " ai'cJ Lodge ( No . 170 . )—The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 18 th inst .. instead of June 24 th inst ., to enable any of the brethren to attend the festival of one of the Leicester lodges which will be held on that day . Bro . Rev . AV . Langley , AV . M ., presiding . Bro . Row was raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., and Bro . Crowson passed to the second degree . A lengthened discussion then took place respecting a lodge room , and the worthy brother , at whose house the
loclge meets , showed a plan , which was most favourably received by the brethren present . Should a sufficient guarantee for rent , & c , be entered into by the lodge , to justify Bro , Selby in carrying out his intended building , the lodge will be greatly benefitted , as it will then be possible to work the ceremonies iu an effective manner , which the smallness of the room has hitherto so much marred . Tho AV . M . of the lodge will be most thankful if any brotherwho has had experience in guaranteeing the rent
, of a lodge room , when the outlay lias been mainly made , for the convenience of the loclge , by the landlord of the hotel , would kindly semi him any hints or suggestions founded on his experience . His address is , Rev . AV . Langley , Wymondham House , Oakham .
MONM OUTHSHI RE . PONTYPOOII . —Kennard Lodge ( No . 1 , 258 ) . —Tho first regular meeting of the members of this lodge ( after the consecration ) , was held at the Clarence Hotel , on the 21 st inst ., under the very able presidency of the AV . M . Bro . Bartholomew Thomas . AH the officers were in attendance except the S . D ., who hacl recently taken unto himself a wife , and is on his marriage tour .
There were several P . G . officers present , including tho Chaplain , Treasurer , Secretary , S . D ., Dir . of Cers ., Pursuivant , aucl several Stewards . Bro . Fothergill presided at the harmonium , and was kindly assisted by a capital choir . The minutes of the consecration and dedication were read and confirmed . The following eight candidates were then balloted for and unanimously accepted , viz .: —AV . II , Lloyd , Oliver D . Thomas , XV . Runningli . GreonwayW . DoveyAV . SandbrookJoseph
, , , , Ellis , all of Ponlypool , and Edward Jones , of Varteg . Two joining members were also admitted , ancl the above eight gentlemen being in attendance , were then duly initiated , the D . Prov . G . M . having granted a dispensation for that purpose . Three other candidates for initiation at the next meeting wore then proposed , one of them being E . Kennard , Esq ., brother of Martyn Kennard , Esq ., S . AV . No . 1 , 258 . Three subscribing
members were also nominated . The lodge was then closed in harmony at half-past eight , and the brethren proceeded to refreshment . The AV . M . presided , supported by about thirty members of the Craft . The usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to , Bros . XV . II . Lloyd , R . Greenwny , and 0 . D . Thomas thanking tho brethren as new initiates . Several songs were sung , aud the Newport brethren took their departure by
coach about half-past ten . We heartily congratulate the promoters of No . 1 , 258 upon the excellent style in which the lodge and lodge-room are fitted up . Everything seems to have been done well and in order . The pillars , pedestals , & c , given by the worthy S . W ., were the theme of admiration , and the tracingboards presented by the P . G . M . were also truly magnificent . Bro . Villiers presented this evening a photo oi the brethren
who attended at the consecration , as a small souvenir of his respect for tho Craft , and tho thanks of the members of the loclge were unanimously given to Bro . Villiers for his kindness . AVe will not attempt to speak of the admirable working by the AV . M . Bro . Thomas , if we were to clo so it would only be gilding refined gold . Sufficient to say , all was first-class , ancl we augur that in a very short time this lodgo will be second to none in the province .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . METROPOLITAN CHAPTEK OE INSTRUCTION ( No . 1 , 056 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held on the 22 nd inst ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury . The exaltation ceremony was worked by Comps . Dr . AVooclmmi , Z . ; Self ' e , H .,- Gotthiel , J .: Neohmer , N . ; ancl Smith , P . S . Green , Hosgood , and several companions were present . The lectures were delivered in a very
creditable manner . This being the maiden attempt of Dr . AVoodmau as Z ., we may observe that it was very creditably rendered , and reflects no small credit on the Preceptor of this chapter ; ancl we think that Comp . Smith , the P . S ., will , under the able presidency of Comp . Brett , ere long be proficient iu R . A . Masonry . We may here observe , that the regular Masonic meetings held at this hotel will iu future , as far as practicable , he held iu the large hall .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SOUTHWARK LODGE OI ? MAEK MASTERS ( NO . 22 ) . —The regular quarterly meeting of this well established Mark Lodge was held on Saturday , June 19 th , at the Bridge-house Hotel , AVcllington-strcef , Southwark . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . Thomas J . Sabine , the lodge was opened by Bro . Thomas MeggyP . G . O . The minutes of the last loclge meeting
, were read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots were unanimous in favour of the admission of Bro . G . AV . Wheeler , 73 , Rose and Thistle Mark Lodge , Glasgow ( S . C ) , as a joining member ( who was then obligated in an impressive manner under tho English Grand Lodge of Mark Masters ) , and Bro . Samuel Harman , 73 , Mount Lebanon Loclge . Bro . S . Harman being in attendance was introduced , ancl having proved himself properly qualified for
advancement was duly obligated and withdrew . Bro . T . J . S » ibine , W . M ., then arrived and then took the chair , presiding over the lodge for the remainder of the evening . Bro . S . Harman was re-admitted and duly advanced to the ancient and honourable degree of a Mark Master Freemason . The whole of the ceremony in the hands of two such good workers , as what Bros . Meggy and Sabine really are , was admirably rendered and impressively given . This beiiur the election night for officers of this loclge for the ensuing year , these brethren who were eligible to be elected AV . M . and Treas . were read out aloud by the
indefatigable Secretary , Bro . Frederick AValters , P . G . P . The ballot for W . M . proved unanimous in favour of Bro . Henry Massey , S . W . and W . SI ., 619 , Beadon Loclge , being elected to that distinguished position . Bro . A . D . Loewenstari * , P . G . P . Treas . as is usual in this lodge was unanimously electee ! to that important and honourable office for the sixth time . Bro . AV . Y . Laing was proposed by Secretary and seconded by Treasurer for re-election as the Tlerand as usual the show of hands
y , was unanimously in favour of his re-election for the fourth time . Bros . J . Hawker , G . AV . Wheeler , and S . Harman , in addition to all the officers of this lodge ( who are appointed as auditors by the by-laws ) , were unanimously elected to serve as auditors on the Audit Committee meeting . It was unanimously agreed to hold the Audit Committe meeting on Saturday , September llth , at Bro . Y . W . Aocry ' s , Queen's
Arms , 36 , Weston-street , Bermondsey , at 7-0 p . m . All the business being ended the loclge was closed at eight o'clock , and was ordered to be summoned to meet on Saturday , Sept . llth , at five p . m ., which will be tbe Installation meeting . All officers of the lodge who were ahscnt sent apologies in writing , excusing and regretting their non-attendance to the AV . M ., and stating it was caused by circumstances entirely beyond their own control . The vacant offices caused by the resignation of membership of those who wore appointed , were filled