Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article LIST OF LODGE, &c., MEETINGS FOR WEEK ENDING 3RD JULY, 1869. Page 1 of 1 Article LIST OF LODGE, &c., MEETINGS FOR WEEK ENDING 3RD JULY, 1869. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Festivities.
members of your lodge , for the purpose of obtaining the services of a brother , or that you will on your responsibility as AV . M . of the lodge appoint some brother who may be willing to act as Steward , and represent the lodge at this the first festival held iu connection with the Grand 31 ark Lodge Benevolent Fund . It is hoped that a speedy response will be made to this appeal , as it is very desirable that the festival should not be
delayed beyond the middle of July . If the arrangements can be made for holding the festival within that date , there is every hope of its being attended with success , and that it will be graced by a considerable number of Ladies , whose presence is so anxiously wished to ensure the favourable result anticipated by those who have been instrumental in organising tbe festival . The expenses in excess of those to be defrayed by purchase of dinner ticketscannot be more than moderateand will be
, , defrayed - pro rata by the Stewards . Earnestly soliciting your kind co-operation , " I am , AV . and Dear Sir and Brother , " Yours faithfully and fraternaly , "FREDERICK BINCKES , G . Sec . "
List Of Lodge, &C., Meetings For Week Ending 3rd July, 1869.
( Abbreviations . —F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall ; 3 I . H ., Masonic ^ Hall ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ., Hotel ; E ., Rooms ; L ., Lodge ; St ., . '" ' Street ; Sq ., Square . ) METEOPOHTAN . Sunday , June 27 ' 7 i . LODGE 01 ? INSTRUCTION . — Joppa , Rose and Crown , Fort-st ., Union-st ., Bishopsgate .
Monday , June 28 J 7 i . LODGES . —British Oak , Bank of Friendship Tav ., Bancroft-pl ., Mile-end ; Towor Hamlets Engineers , George Ho ., Adermanbury ; De Grey and Ripon , Angel Ho ., Gt . Ilford . LODGES OE INSTRUCTION . —Union AVaterloo ( for M . M . ) , King's Arms , Woolwich , Temple , Old George , St . Mary Axo ; Justice , Royal Albert , New Cross-id ., Deptford ; St . James ' s Union , Swan Tav . Mouut-st . Grosvenor-sq . ; IndustryDick ' s Coffee House
, , , Fleet-st . ; Salisbury , 71 , Dean-st ., Soho ; Camden , Adelaide Tav ., Haverstock Hill ; AVestbourne , Running Horse , Dukest ., Grosvenor-sq . ; Crystal Palace , City Arms Tav ., AVest-sq ., Southwark ; High Cross , AVhite Hart Ho ., Tottenham . CHAPTEB . —Joppa . Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . MAEK 31 ASONRY . —Lodge of Instruction , Kent , Lyceum Tav ., Strand
Tuesday , June 29 £ 7 i . LODGES . —Faith , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . LODGES . OE INSTRUCTION . — Strong Man , AVhite Horse , Little Britain ; Pythagorean , Prince of Orange , Greenwich ; Faith , Fisher ' s Res ' auraut , Metropolitan District Railway , Victoria Station ; Domatic , Palmerston Arms , Grosvenorpark , Camberwell ; Jordan , Alwyne Castle , Canonbury ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; British Oak , Silver Lion
Tav ., Pennyfield , Poplar ; Dalhousie , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney ; Royal Union , Hotel de Cologne , Hayrnarket . CHAPTEE OE INSTRUCTION . —Metropolitan , George Hotel , Aldevmauhuvy . Wednesday , June 30 th . LODGES . —Temperance in the East , Private Assembly Rooms , 6 , Newby-place , Poplar . LODGES OE I NSTRUCTION . — Eastern StarRoyal HotelBurdett-streetMile-end-road ;
, , , Confidence , Sugar Loaf , Great . St . Helens ; 3 Ierchaut Navy , Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , Limehouse ; United Strength Bull ancl Gate , Kentish Town ; Prince Frederick AVilliam , Knights of St . John ' s Tav ., St . John ' s AA ' ood ; New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton ; St . 3 Iark ' s , Mawby Arms , Mawby-st ., S . Lambeth ; Peekham , Edinboro- " CastleTav ., Peekham Rye ; Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Catherine-st ., Poplar . CHAPTEB , OE INSTEUCTION . — St .
James's Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-st ., Grosvenor-sq . Thursday , July 1 st . LODGES . —Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Victoria Rifles , F . M , H . ; Excelsior , Sydney Arms , Lewisham-rd . ; Perfect Ashlar , Gregorian Arms , Bermondsey-rd . LODGES OP INSTRUCTION . —Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq . ; Kent , Duke of York , Borough-rd . ; Globe , No . 10 , Old BondstUnited MarinersTliree MileendrdSt
. ; , Cranes , - -. ; . JoJjBjjfJ JF * H LO
List Of Lodge, &C., Meetings For Week Ending 3rd July, 1869.
Hollybush Tav ., Hampstead ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , John-st ., Berkeley-sq . ; Tranquillity , Sugar Loaf Tav ., Gt , St . Helen ' s , St . Mary Axe ; AVhittington , Crown Ho ., 41 , Holborn ; Royal Oak , Royal Oak Tav ., Deptford ; City of London , Shepherd and Flock Tav ., Bell-alley , Moorgate-st . CHAPTERS . —AVestbourne , New Inn , Edgeware-rd . ; Crystal Palace , Crystal Palace , Sydenham . CHAPTEE OP
INSTEUCTION . —Joppa , Prospect of AAliitby Tavern , 57 , AVappingwall . Friday , July 2 nd . LODGES OE INSTRUCTION . —Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-street , Regent-street ; St . Luke's , Pier Hotel , Chelsea ; Temperance , Victoria Tavern , Victoria-road , Deptford ; Union's ( Emulation Loclge of Improvement for 31 . 31 . ') , Freemasons' Hall ; United Pilgrims , Horns' Tav .,
Kennington ; AVellington , Lord Duncan Tav ., Broadway , Deptford ; Belgrave , Hand and Racquet , AVhitcomb-st ., Leicester-sq . ; St . James's , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Lily , Greyhound Ho ., Richmond ; Doric , Three Cranes , Mile End-rd . ; Rose of Denmark , White Hart , Barnes , Surrey - 3 Ietropolitan Lo . of Instruction , George Ho ., Aldermanbury ; Florence Nightingale , Freemasons' Tav ., Woolwich . CHAPTEE . —High Gross , A \ "hite Hart Ho ., Tottenham . Saturday , July 3 rd . Gen . Com . Boys' School , at 4 .
PROVINCIAL . DOESET . AVEYMOUTH . — -Fri ., Chapter : All Souls , 31 a . Hall . EAST LANCASHIRE . BKADEORD ( near 31 anchester ) . —Loclge : Wed ., Townley Parker , Grey 3 ! are Inn , Ashton Old-rd . DENTON . —Wed ., Lodge : Duke of Athol , Nottingham Castle Inn . HEYWOOD . —
Wed ., Lodge : Napthali , Ma . Ro , LITTLEEOROUGH . — Tues ., Lodge : Benevolence , Red Lion Ho . 31 ANCHESTEB . —Hon ., Lodges : Robert Burns , F , 3 I . H . Wed ., Integrity , F . 31 . IL ; Strangeways , Assize Courts Ho ., Strangeways . AVEST LANCASHIRE . AVAERIITGTON . —Mon ., Lodge : Lights , 31 a . Rooms , Sankey-st . SCOTLAND .
EDINBURGH AND 3 IETHOPOLITAN DISTRICT . —Mon ., Lodges : St . Clair , F . M . H . Tues ., Defensive Band , 14 , AVaterloo-pl . Thurs ., St . Andrew , F . M . H . ; St . James's , AVriter-court . Fri . Celtic , Ship . Ho . Chapters : Tues ., Naval and 3 Iilitary , "F . M . H . Fri ., Canongate Kilwinning , St . John ' s Chapel , St . John-st . ; St . Andrew's , "F . M . H ,- GLASGOW . —Mon ., Lodges : St . Clair , 19 , Croy-pl . Tues ., Glasgow , Antigua-pl . ; Athole , 213 , Buchanan-st . ; Union aud Crown , 19 , Croy-pl . Tlmrs .,
Commercial , 19 , Croy-pl . ; St . Andrew , J . Ray's , Castle-st . Fri ., St . 3 Iungo , 213 , Buchanan-st . ; Shamrock and Thistle , 15 , Main-st ., Bridgeton ; Clyde , 170 , Buchanan-st .
IRELAND . DUBLIN . —Mon ., Lodges : No . 153 , F . 3 I . H . Tues ., Nos . 4 , 6 , F . 3 I . H . BELFAST . —Mon ., Loclge : Belfast , "AVeirs , " Davis-st . Thurs ., Harmony , Ma . Ro . IVi ., Hiram , Ma . Ro . LONDONDERRY AND DONEGAL . —Kernaghan , Inch . — Thurs ., Lodge : Inch , 31 a . Ha .: LONDONDERRY . —Thurs ., Lodge : St . Columbs , 31 a . Ro ., Strand-rd . Fri ., Commercial , Ma . Ro ., Strand-road . KILREA . —Fri ., Loclge : Friendly
Brothers , A , Fenton ' s , Diamond . [ This information is extracted from the " Universal Masonic Calendar , " and brethren who may detect any inaccuracies are respectfully requested to communicate the same to the Editor . ]
To Correspondents.
* * * All Communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , W . C , E . K . ( No . 463 , S . C . )—Copy received . Will be inserted in our next . H . GUTHEIL ( Hokitika ) . —P . 0 . 0 . received , with thanks . The numbers shall be forwarded . D . F . ( Haskien , Constantinople ) . —Much obliged for your com-JS O ^ RKHncation , which shall appear next week . —
~ x \ ^ ND \ £ \ DGE f ) * SARY /*/ ^ y
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Festivities.
members of your lodge , for the purpose of obtaining the services of a brother , or that you will on your responsibility as AV . M . of the lodge appoint some brother who may be willing to act as Steward , and represent the lodge at this the first festival held iu connection with the Grand 31 ark Lodge Benevolent Fund . It is hoped that a speedy response will be made to this appeal , as it is very desirable that the festival should not be
delayed beyond the middle of July . If the arrangements can be made for holding the festival within that date , there is every hope of its being attended with success , and that it will be graced by a considerable number of Ladies , whose presence is so anxiously wished to ensure the favourable result anticipated by those who have been instrumental in organising tbe festival . The expenses in excess of those to be defrayed by purchase of dinner ticketscannot be more than moderateand will be
, , defrayed - pro rata by the Stewards . Earnestly soliciting your kind co-operation , " I am , AV . and Dear Sir and Brother , " Yours faithfully and fraternaly , "FREDERICK BINCKES , G . Sec . "
List Of Lodge, &C., Meetings For Week Ending 3rd July, 1869.
( Abbreviations . —F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall ; 3 I . H ., Masonic ^ Hall ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ., Hotel ; E ., Rooms ; L ., Lodge ; St ., . '" ' Street ; Sq ., Square . ) METEOPOHTAN . Sunday , June 27 ' 7 i . LODGE 01 ? INSTRUCTION . — Joppa , Rose and Crown , Fort-st ., Union-st ., Bishopsgate .
Monday , June 28 J 7 i . LODGES . —British Oak , Bank of Friendship Tav ., Bancroft-pl ., Mile-end ; Towor Hamlets Engineers , George Ho ., Adermanbury ; De Grey and Ripon , Angel Ho ., Gt . Ilford . LODGES OE INSTRUCTION . —Union AVaterloo ( for M . M . ) , King's Arms , Woolwich , Temple , Old George , St . Mary Axo ; Justice , Royal Albert , New Cross-id ., Deptford ; St . James ' s Union , Swan Tav . Mouut-st . Grosvenor-sq . ; IndustryDick ' s Coffee House
, , , Fleet-st . ; Salisbury , 71 , Dean-st ., Soho ; Camden , Adelaide Tav ., Haverstock Hill ; AVestbourne , Running Horse , Dukest ., Grosvenor-sq . ; Crystal Palace , City Arms Tav ., AVest-sq ., Southwark ; High Cross , AVhite Hart Ho ., Tottenham . CHAPTEB . —Joppa . Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . MAEK 31 ASONRY . —Lodge of Instruction , Kent , Lyceum Tav ., Strand
Tuesday , June 29 £ 7 i . LODGES . —Faith , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . LODGES . OE INSTRUCTION . — Strong Man , AVhite Horse , Little Britain ; Pythagorean , Prince of Orange , Greenwich ; Faith , Fisher ' s Res ' auraut , Metropolitan District Railway , Victoria Station ; Domatic , Palmerston Arms , Grosvenorpark , Camberwell ; Jordan , Alwyne Castle , Canonbury ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; British Oak , Silver Lion
Tav ., Pennyfield , Poplar ; Dalhousie , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney ; Royal Union , Hotel de Cologne , Hayrnarket . CHAPTEE OE INSTRUCTION . —Metropolitan , George Hotel , Aldevmauhuvy . Wednesday , June 30 th . LODGES . —Temperance in the East , Private Assembly Rooms , 6 , Newby-place , Poplar . LODGES OE I NSTRUCTION . — Eastern StarRoyal HotelBurdett-streetMile-end-road ;
, , , Confidence , Sugar Loaf , Great . St . Helens ; 3 Ierchaut Navy , Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , Limehouse ; United Strength Bull ancl Gate , Kentish Town ; Prince Frederick AVilliam , Knights of St . John ' s Tav ., St . John ' s AA ' ood ; New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton ; St . 3 Iark ' s , Mawby Arms , Mawby-st ., S . Lambeth ; Peekham , Edinboro- " CastleTav ., Peekham Rye ; Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Catherine-st ., Poplar . CHAPTEB , OE INSTEUCTION . — St .
James's Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-st ., Grosvenor-sq . Thursday , July 1 st . LODGES . —Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Victoria Rifles , F . M , H . ; Excelsior , Sydney Arms , Lewisham-rd . ; Perfect Ashlar , Gregorian Arms , Bermondsey-rd . LODGES OP INSTRUCTION . —Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq . ; Kent , Duke of York , Borough-rd . ; Globe , No . 10 , Old BondstUnited MarinersTliree MileendrdSt
. ; , Cranes , - -. ; . JoJjBjjfJ JF * H LO
List Of Lodge, &C., Meetings For Week Ending 3rd July, 1869.
Hollybush Tav ., Hampstead ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , John-st ., Berkeley-sq . ; Tranquillity , Sugar Loaf Tav ., Gt , St . Helen ' s , St . Mary Axe ; AVhittington , Crown Ho ., 41 , Holborn ; Royal Oak , Royal Oak Tav ., Deptford ; City of London , Shepherd and Flock Tav ., Bell-alley , Moorgate-st . CHAPTERS . —AVestbourne , New Inn , Edgeware-rd . ; Crystal Palace , Crystal Palace , Sydenham . CHAPTEE OP
INSTEUCTION . —Joppa , Prospect of AAliitby Tavern , 57 , AVappingwall . Friday , July 2 nd . LODGES OE INSTRUCTION . —Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-street , Regent-street ; St . Luke's , Pier Hotel , Chelsea ; Temperance , Victoria Tavern , Victoria-road , Deptford ; Union's ( Emulation Loclge of Improvement for 31 . 31 . ') , Freemasons' Hall ; United Pilgrims , Horns' Tav .,
Kennington ; AVellington , Lord Duncan Tav ., Broadway , Deptford ; Belgrave , Hand and Racquet , AVhitcomb-st ., Leicester-sq . ; St . James's , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Lily , Greyhound Ho ., Richmond ; Doric , Three Cranes , Mile End-rd . ; Rose of Denmark , White Hart , Barnes , Surrey - 3 Ietropolitan Lo . of Instruction , George Ho ., Aldermanbury ; Florence Nightingale , Freemasons' Tav ., Woolwich . CHAPTEE . —High Gross , A \ "hite Hart Ho ., Tottenham . Saturday , July 3 rd . Gen . Com . Boys' School , at 4 .
PROVINCIAL . DOESET . AVEYMOUTH . — -Fri ., Chapter : All Souls , 31 a . Hall . EAST LANCASHIRE . BKADEORD ( near 31 anchester ) . —Loclge : Wed ., Townley Parker , Grey 3 ! are Inn , Ashton Old-rd . DENTON . —Wed ., Lodge : Duke of Athol , Nottingham Castle Inn . HEYWOOD . —
Wed ., Lodge : Napthali , Ma . Ro , LITTLEEOROUGH . — Tues ., Lodge : Benevolence , Red Lion Ho . 31 ANCHESTEB . —Hon ., Lodges : Robert Burns , F , 3 I . H . Wed ., Integrity , F . 31 . IL ; Strangeways , Assize Courts Ho ., Strangeways . AVEST LANCASHIRE . AVAERIITGTON . —Mon ., Lodge : Lights , 31 a . Rooms , Sankey-st . SCOTLAND .
EDINBURGH AND 3 IETHOPOLITAN DISTRICT . —Mon ., Lodges : St . Clair , F . M . H . Tues ., Defensive Band , 14 , AVaterloo-pl . Thurs ., St . Andrew , F . M . H . ; St . James's , AVriter-court . Fri . Celtic , Ship . Ho . Chapters : Tues ., Naval and 3 Iilitary , "F . M . H . Fri ., Canongate Kilwinning , St . John ' s Chapel , St . John-st . ; St . Andrew's , "F . M . H ,- GLASGOW . —Mon ., Lodges : St . Clair , 19 , Croy-pl . Tues ., Glasgow , Antigua-pl . ; Athole , 213 , Buchanan-st . ; Union aud Crown , 19 , Croy-pl . Tlmrs .,
Commercial , 19 , Croy-pl . ; St . Andrew , J . Ray's , Castle-st . Fri ., St . 3 Iungo , 213 , Buchanan-st . ; Shamrock and Thistle , 15 , Main-st ., Bridgeton ; Clyde , 170 , Buchanan-st .
IRELAND . DUBLIN . —Mon ., Lodges : No . 153 , F . 3 I . H . Tues ., Nos . 4 , 6 , F . 3 I . H . BELFAST . —Mon ., Loclge : Belfast , "AVeirs , " Davis-st . Thurs ., Harmony , Ma . Ro . IVi ., Hiram , Ma . Ro . LONDONDERRY AND DONEGAL . —Kernaghan , Inch . — Thurs ., Lodge : Inch , 31 a . Ha .: LONDONDERRY . —Thurs ., Lodge : St . Columbs , 31 a . Ro ., Strand-rd . Fri ., Commercial , Ma . Ro ., Strand-road . KILREA . —Fri ., Loclge : Friendly
Brothers , A , Fenton ' s , Diamond . [ This information is extracted from the " Universal Masonic Calendar , " and brethren who may detect any inaccuracies are respectfully requested to communicate the same to the Editor . ]
To Correspondents.
* * * All Communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , W . C , E . K . ( No . 463 , S . C . )—Copy received . Will be inserted in our next . H . GUTHEIL ( Hokitika ) . —P . 0 . 0 . received , with thanks . The numbers shall be forwarded . D . F . ( Haskien , Constantinople ) . —Much obliged for your com-JS O ^ RKHncation , which shall appear next week . —
~ x \ ^ ND \ £ \ DGE f ) * SARY /*/ ^ y