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Intended Reduction In Price Of The ''Magazine."
* £ * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
On Saturday , the 3 rd July , the price of the MAGAZINE will be reduced to THREEPENCE . It is now nine years since the quarto series of the MAGAZINE was commenced , and it has ever since continued to be published at sixpence weekly .
For a considerable time past it has been in contemplation to reduce the price of this MAGAZINE ; and it is now many months since the intentions of the then proprietor wore made known by announcements in the advertising columns that a permanent reduction in price would be made as soon as the necessary
arrangements for that purpose could be completed , ancl a fitting opportunity occurred . It is now our pleasing duty to announce to our subscribers and friends the promised reduction ; and also that various improvements will be introduced into the MAGAZINE itself . In so doing we must of course look to a greatly extended support from the
members of the Craft for that reward , which we are assured by a very large circle of friends and supporters , such a step as that about to be taken will be sure to meet with ; still it is only by the active and energetic support of our friends that such a venture can be made to succeed—more particularly in the case of a class journal—and by a greatly increased sale to cover the weekly
cost of production . The proposed reduction of the postage rates on newspapers , lias been for some time past looked forward to as affording an opportunity for expecting the reduction iu price of tlie MAGAZINE ; ancl it is believed that long before our next half-yearly
volume is completed , tho anticipated reduction on the newspaper postage rates will be successfully introduced by the Post Office Authorities . And therefore the approaching commencement of a new volume has , under these circumstances , been considered an appropriate occasion for carrying out the long contemplated ancl previously announced intention , to reduce the sum of the MAGAZINE to THREEPENCE .
Whilst thanking the numerous subscribers and the zealous friends ancl supporters of the MAGAZINE for their past aid and labour on our behalf , we trust still to secure their hearty cooperation , so that , by their recommendations and otherwise , amongst the members of the Masonic Order , they may assist us in so expanding the area of its usefulness and by
grentlymcroasing tlie number of its readers , thus give it still greater power and influence as the well-tried organ of the Craft at large .
MASONIC MEMS . UNIVERSAL MASONIC CALENDAKEOK 1869 . —A few remaining copies of the second edition aro for sale at a reduction of 25 per cent . THE British Association will meet at Exeter , on the Sth August , on which occasion we trust that those members
belonging to the ancient Craft will meet with a Masonic reception . PALESTINE EXPLOKATION EUND . —Tho exhibition of pottery , glass , and otlier specimens of ancient Jewish art , found by Bro . Lieut . Warren in the course of his excavations at Jerusalem , is now open at the Dudley Gallery . No such exhibition has ever been held previously , and we trust it will meet with success , aud more especially in a financial souse , as funds are urgently needed to prosecute the researches .
NEW LODGE AT EGKESIONT . —We understand that the warrant of the Grand Lodge of England , issued by order of the M . W . G . M , the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , for the formation of a Masonic loclge at Egremout , has been received . It is to be named the Kenlis Loclge , in compliment to the nobleman of that name ( Bro . Lord Kenlis , of Underley Hall ) , who at present
discharges so admirably the duties of Prov . G . Master of Cumberland and Westmorland , and who will probably officiate at the consecration ancl opening of tho new lodge in the course of the present summer . Bro . Crowther Morton , P . Prov . G . S . W ., P . M . 872 & 1 , 002 , is to bo the first Master of the Kenlis Lodge , and Bros . Dr . Lawsou and E . Chapman will take office as S . AV .
and J . W . respectively . BEETUREN are reminded that the Lodge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d .
IT has been proposed by some of the Dutch lodges to hold an International meeting of Ereemasons during tho period of the Netherlands Exhibition . The meeting to take place either at Amsterdam , Rotterdam , or Utrecht , in the month oi September next . Eurther particulars are promised , which we shall publish .
PoimtAiis of the Et . Hou . the Earl of Dalhonsie , K . T . G . C . B ., M . W . G . M . Mason of Scotland , can now be obtained at this office , price 3 s . 6 d . each . Copies , with ornamental border and Masonic emblems printed in gold , on large size paper , can be had , price 10 s . Cd . lino . J " . G . EINDEL , the German historian of Freemasonry ,
has , we understand , been unanimously elected an honorary member of Mother Kilwinning . AVe congratulate our learned brother upon this recognition of his merits as n Masonic writer .
FOKTHCOMING MASONIC AVOBK . —Of the recent contributors to these pages none have been more industrious or more successful than Bro . Hughan , of Truro , in his endeavours to shed light upon the earl y history of English Symbolic Masonry , and to impart information upon kindred subjects of antique date . AVe have just learned that his anxiety to bring the brethren
into closer intimacy with the productions of the early fathers of English Ereemasonry , has moved him to undertake the reproduction , m facsimile , of Cole ' s Operative Masonic Constitutions —a labour , the accomplishment of which must necessarily entail considerable expense . Seeing that the project has not been undertaken with a view to pecuniary profit , it behoves the
brethren to guard Bro . Hughan against loss hi the prosecution of his present design ; and this can bo best done by subscribing , direct through him , for a copy of the work , the price ( free by post ) being half a guinea each . The edition is limited to some seventy or eighty copies . The volume will , we understand ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Intended Reduction In Price Of The ''Magazine."
* £ * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
On Saturday , the 3 rd July , the price of the MAGAZINE will be reduced to THREEPENCE . It is now nine years since the quarto series of the MAGAZINE was commenced , and it has ever since continued to be published at sixpence weekly .
For a considerable time past it has been in contemplation to reduce the price of this MAGAZINE ; and it is now many months since the intentions of the then proprietor wore made known by announcements in the advertising columns that a permanent reduction in price would be made as soon as the necessary
arrangements for that purpose could be completed , ancl a fitting opportunity occurred . It is now our pleasing duty to announce to our subscribers and friends the promised reduction ; and also that various improvements will be introduced into the MAGAZINE itself . In so doing we must of course look to a greatly extended support from the
members of the Craft for that reward , which we are assured by a very large circle of friends and supporters , such a step as that about to be taken will be sure to meet with ; still it is only by the active and energetic support of our friends that such a venture can be made to succeed—more particularly in the case of a class journal—and by a greatly increased sale to cover the weekly
cost of production . The proposed reduction of the postage rates on newspapers , lias been for some time past looked forward to as affording an opportunity for expecting the reduction iu price of tlie MAGAZINE ; ancl it is believed that long before our next half-yearly
volume is completed , tho anticipated reduction on the newspaper postage rates will be successfully introduced by the Post Office Authorities . And therefore the approaching commencement of a new volume has , under these circumstances , been considered an appropriate occasion for carrying out the long contemplated ancl previously announced intention , to reduce the sum of the MAGAZINE to THREEPENCE .
Whilst thanking the numerous subscribers and the zealous friends ancl supporters of the MAGAZINE for their past aid and labour on our behalf , we trust still to secure their hearty cooperation , so that , by their recommendations and otherwise , amongst the members of the Masonic Order , they may assist us in so expanding the area of its usefulness and by
grentlymcroasing tlie number of its readers , thus give it still greater power and influence as the well-tried organ of the Craft at large .
MASONIC MEMS . UNIVERSAL MASONIC CALENDAKEOK 1869 . —A few remaining copies of the second edition aro for sale at a reduction of 25 per cent . THE British Association will meet at Exeter , on the Sth August , on which occasion we trust that those members
belonging to the ancient Craft will meet with a Masonic reception . PALESTINE EXPLOKATION EUND . —Tho exhibition of pottery , glass , and otlier specimens of ancient Jewish art , found by Bro . Lieut . Warren in the course of his excavations at Jerusalem , is now open at the Dudley Gallery . No such exhibition has ever been held previously , and we trust it will meet with success , aud more especially in a financial souse , as funds are urgently needed to prosecute the researches .
NEW LODGE AT EGKESIONT . —We understand that the warrant of the Grand Lodge of England , issued by order of the M . W . G . M , the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , for the formation of a Masonic loclge at Egremout , has been received . It is to be named the Kenlis Loclge , in compliment to the nobleman of that name ( Bro . Lord Kenlis , of Underley Hall ) , who at present
discharges so admirably the duties of Prov . G . Master of Cumberland and Westmorland , and who will probably officiate at the consecration ancl opening of tho new lodge in the course of the present summer . Bro . Crowther Morton , P . Prov . G . S . W ., P . M . 872 & 1 , 002 , is to bo the first Master of the Kenlis Lodge , and Bros . Dr . Lawsou and E . Chapman will take office as S . AV .
and J . W . respectively . BEETUREN are reminded that the Lodge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d .
IT has been proposed by some of the Dutch lodges to hold an International meeting of Ereemasons during tho period of the Netherlands Exhibition . The meeting to take place either at Amsterdam , Rotterdam , or Utrecht , in the month oi September next . Eurther particulars are promised , which we shall publish .
PoimtAiis of the Et . Hou . the Earl of Dalhonsie , K . T . G . C . B ., M . W . G . M . Mason of Scotland , can now be obtained at this office , price 3 s . 6 d . each . Copies , with ornamental border and Masonic emblems printed in gold , on large size paper , can be had , price 10 s . Cd . lino . J " . G . EINDEL , the German historian of Freemasonry ,
has , we understand , been unanimously elected an honorary member of Mother Kilwinning . AVe congratulate our learned brother upon this recognition of his merits as n Masonic writer .
FOKTHCOMING MASONIC AVOBK . —Of the recent contributors to these pages none have been more industrious or more successful than Bro . Hughan , of Truro , in his endeavours to shed light upon the earl y history of English Symbolic Masonry , and to impart information upon kindred subjects of antique date . AVe have just learned that his anxiety to bring the brethren
into closer intimacy with the productions of the early fathers of English Ereemasonry , has moved him to undertake the reproduction , m facsimile , of Cole ' s Operative Masonic Constitutions —a labour , the accomplishment of which must necessarily entail considerable expense . Seeing that the project has not been undertaken with a view to pecuniary profit , it behoves the
brethren to guard Bro . Hughan against loss hi the prosecution of his present design ; and this can bo best done by subscribing , direct through him , for a copy of the work , the price ( free by post ) being half a guinea each . The edition is limited to some seventy or eighty copies . The volume will , we understand ,