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Intended Reduction In Price Of The ''Magazine."
contain —( 1 ) An article by Bro . Hughan on the MS , and Printed Constitutions of the Freemasons . ( 2 ) A Reprint of the Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of England , published in 1723 , being the first edition ( slightly abridged ) . ( 3 ) A facsimile lithographic reprint of Cole ' s Operative Constitutions of the Craft , issued in 1728 . In directing attention to this , we are
certain that from among our readers Bro . Hughan will obtain the desired number of subscribers to his interesting volume . THE fifteen sections will be worked by Bro . T . A . Adams , P . G . Purst ., in the Royal Union Lodge of Instruction , held at Bro . Claiseu ' s , GO ancl 61 , Havmarket , on Tuesday next , the 29 th inst . Tlie hour for opening the loclge will be 7 o'clock .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution For Aged Freemasons And Widows Of Freemasons.
The report of proceedings of the governors and subscribers at the Annual General Meeting held at Freemasons' Hall , London , on Friday , the 21 st clay of May , 1869 , has been published . AVe append the following report of the Committee of Management , ancl it is to be hoped that at the next festival tho decrease in this year's subscription will be made up , and thus
maintain the usefulness of so deserving an institution : — " The Committee of Management iu presenting this their annual report , regret that they cannot congratulate the governors and subscribers so heartily as they have been enabled to do in past years , the great depression iu trade having caused a decrease in the amount collected both from brethren and lodges
iu the metropolis and country . " The anniversary festival holden by direction of the Most AVorshipful Grand Master , on the 27 th January last , was presided over by the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , R . AV . Prov . G . M . for Somersetshire , when the donations and subscriptions contained in tbe list of seventy brethren who hacl kindly
acted as Stewards on that occasion and supported his lordship , amounted to £ 2 , 219 15 s . 2 d ., being a decrease on the amount announced last year of £ 908 8 s . lOd . Notwithstanding the falling off in the amount announced at the festival , the Committee of Management have adhered strictly to Rule 42 , requiring one-third of the life donations to be invested , ancl
accordingly £ 500 Stock in the 3 per Cent . Reduced Annuities was purchased on account of tho male fund , and a like sum of SEDOO Stock in the 3 per Cent . Reduced Annuities was purchased on account of the female fund .
" Tho committee bave to report that the asylum building is in perfect repair , ancl that out of 152 ( now 162 ) annuitants receiving the benefits of this institution , eleven males and twenty females have accepted the offer of apartments , ancl are now occupants of the building , the remaining number , 121 , residing in different parts of London and the country as tbey may deem
most fit . " Your committee cannot but urge on the brethren generally , the need of renewed exertions during the present year , for although the committee have recommended an increased nuinher of annuitants to be elected at the Annual General Meeting on the 21 st inst ., they were scarcely warranted in so doiuf
looking to the state of the funds ; but as they infer that the Craft generally would wish as large a number as possible placed on the institution , they rely on sufficient support being accorded to them to justify their having done so , and they would therefore again urge upon the members of the Craft for renewed support in consequence of this institution differing as it does from the other Masonic Institutions , in the fact that there is no limit to the number of annuitants so long as the committee are supplied with funds . "
MONTEEIOUE LODGE ( NO . 1 , 017 ) . —This lodge met on the 9 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . the Rev . M . B . Levy , having taken the chair , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . J . Carlebach , L . H . Moore , Charles AVertheimer , and M . De Groot , wore passci to the degree of F . C . ' s , and Bro . George Moore was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren retired to banquet . A'isitors : Bros . RicoNo . 736 Mauritiusand Harris
, , , , No . 185 . INSTRUCTION . METROPOLITAN LODGE OV INSTHTJCIION ( NO . 1 , 056 ) . —A numerous meeting of this lodtre was held on Friday , the 18 th inst ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury . Amongst the members present we noticed Bros . J . Brett , Preceptor ; Taylor , AV . M . ; Jlortlock , S . W . ; Cooke , J . W . ; It . Tanner , Candidate ;
Murray , Ashby , Thorp , Towne , Paul's , M'Collom , Carey , Steele , Lawler , Makowcry , Gompartz , D'Arcy , Still , Hosgood , aud others , whose named wo were not able to ascertain . The ceremony of the third degree was creditably rendered by the AV . M ., assisted in an able manner by his officers . The sections of this degree were then worked by the several brethren as follows : — Bros . J . Brett , 1 st sect . ; Pauls 2 nd sect . ; and Mortlock , 3 rd sect . ; the whole being rendered in an efficient manner . Wo may here observe that this lodge of instruction will hold its meetings on Friday , at seven p . m ., throughout tho year , at the above hotel .
MIDDLESEX . GOOCH LODGE ( NO . 1 , 238 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Prince Alfred Hotel , Southall , on Monday , 21 st inst ., Bro . George King , jun ., the J . AV ., occupying the chair of K . S . iu the unavoidable absence of the AV . M . The officers present , were : Bros . Magnus Ohren , S . W . ; Baber , J . W . ; Lonsdale , S . D . ; Treatt , I . G . ; Bryant , Hon . Sec ;
Cornish , Clark , and Laxton . Visitors : Bros . Clouston , P . M . 33 ; AVoodward , 382 ; N . E . Jennings , P . M . 452 , S . W . 1 , 139 , P . G . D . ( Surrey ) . Tho lodge having been opened in due form aud with prayer , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , Bro . Clarke was introduced , and having given the necessary replies to questions as to his proficiency he retired , and after the lodge was opened in the second degree , ho was admitted and duly passed . The lodge was then lowered to the
first degree , and the ballot taken for Captain Avery Tyrrell , which being unanimous , he was duly initiated by the acting AV . M . in a very excellent manner . The brethren were then called off for half an hour , to give ample time for Bro . XV . Smith , C . IE ., the AV . M . to arrive , hut he not arriving the lodge was closed in accordance with the usual custom , and the brethren retired to banquet , which was supplied in Bro . Cornish's well-known style . And after spending a social evening together , the brethren separated .
ESSEX . ESSEX . — Upton Lodge ( No . 1 , 227 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., at the Spotted Dog . The loclge having been opened , and the minutes confirmed , Messrs . J . E . N . Simmons and Stevens were initiated in a very excellent manner . Bro . Jas Terry , P . M ., and Sec . of the Urban Lodge , was presented with a very elegant testimonial for services rendered to the lodge . Bro . Terry returned thanks . The
lodge was then closed . LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER—St . John ' s Lodge ( So . 279 ) . —An Emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the lGtli inst ., the W . M . Bro . Kelly , D . P . G . M ., in the chair . There were also present Bros . P . M ' s . Pettifor
, , , P . P . S . G . W . ; AVeare , P . P . G . D ., and Treas .,- and L . A . Clarke P . G . S . D . ; Stanley , S . W . ; Stretton , J . AV . and P . P . G . Reg . ; Crow , Sec . and Org . ; Thorp , S . D . ; L . L . Atwood , J . W . Smith , Palmer Dr . Pearce , McAllister , AViddowson , Dr . Finch , Stannard , Bam bridge , Tyler . Visitors : —Bros . Rev . N . Haycroft , D . D ., No , 181 ; and Duff , W . M . ; Toller , S . AV . and W . M . elect . ; Sculthorpe
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Intended Reduction In Price Of The ''Magazine."
contain —( 1 ) An article by Bro . Hughan on the MS , and Printed Constitutions of the Freemasons . ( 2 ) A Reprint of the Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of England , published in 1723 , being the first edition ( slightly abridged ) . ( 3 ) A facsimile lithographic reprint of Cole ' s Operative Constitutions of the Craft , issued in 1728 . In directing attention to this , we are
certain that from among our readers Bro . Hughan will obtain the desired number of subscribers to his interesting volume . THE fifteen sections will be worked by Bro . T . A . Adams , P . G . Purst ., in the Royal Union Lodge of Instruction , held at Bro . Claiseu ' s , GO ancl 61 , Havmarket , on Tuesday next , the 29 th inst . Tlie hour for opening the loclge will be 7 o'clock .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution For Aged Freemasons And Widows Of Freemasons.
The report of proceedings of the governors and subscribers at the Annual General Meeting held at Freemasons' Hall , London , on Friday , the 21 st clay of May , 1869 , has been published . AVe append the following report of the Committee of Management , ancl it is to be hoped that at the next festival tho decrease in this year's subscription will be made up , and thus
maintain the usefulness of so deserving an institution : — " The Committee of Management iu presenting this their annual report , regret that they cannot congratulate the governors and subscribers so heartily as they have been enabled to do in past years , the great depression iu trade having caused a decrease in the amount collected both from brethren and lodges
iu the metropolis and country . " The anniversary festival holden by direction of the Most AVorshipful Grand Master , on the 27 th January last , was presided over by the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , R . AV . Prov . G . M . for Somersetshire , when the donations and subscriptions contained in tbe list of seventy brethren who hacl kindly
acted as Stewards on that occasion and supported his lordship , amounted to £ 2 , 219 15 s . 2 d ., being a decrease on the amount announced last year of £ 908 8 s . lOd . Notwithstanding the falling off in the amount announced at the festival , the Committee of Management have adhered strictly to Rule 42 , requiring one-third of the life donations to be invested , ancl
accordingly £ 500 Stock in the 3 per Cent . Reduced Annuities was purchased on account of tho male fund , and a like sum of SEDOO Stock in the 3 per Cent . Reduced Annuities was purchased on account of the female fund .
" Tho committee bave to report that the asylum building is in perfect repair , ancl that out of 152 ( now 162 ) annuitants receiving the benefits of this institution , eleven males and twenty females have accepted the offer of apartments , ancl are now occupants of the building , the remaining number , 121 , residing in different parts of London and the country as tbey may deem
most fit . " Your committee cannot but urge on the brethren generally , the need of renewed exertions during the present year , for although the committee have recommended an increased nuinher of annuitants to be elected at the Annual General Meeting on the 21 st inst ., they were scarcely warranted in so doiuf
looking to the state of the funds ; but as they infer that the Craft generally would wish as large a number as possible placed on the institution , they rely on sufficient support being accorded to them to justify their having done so , and they would therefore again urge upon the members of the Craft for renewed support in consequence of this institution differing as it does from the other Masonic Institutions , in the fact that there is no limit to the number of annuitants so long as the committee are supplied with funds . "
MONTEEIOUE LODGE ( NO . 1 , 017 ) . —This lodge met on the 9 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . the Rev . M . B . Levy , having taken the chair , the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bros . J . Carlebach , L . H . Moore , Charles AVertheimer , and M . De Groot , wore passci to the degree of F . C . ' s , and Bro . George Moore was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren retired to banquet . A'isitors : Bros . RicoNo . 736 Mauritiusand Harris
, , , , No . 185 . INSTRUCTION . METROPOLITAN LODGE OV INSTHTJCIION ( NO . 1 , 056 ) . —A numerous meeting of this lodtre was held on Friday , the 18 th inst ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury . Amongst the members present we noticed Bros . J . Brett , Preceptor ; Taylor , AV . M . ; Jlortlock , S . W . ; Cooke , J . W . ; It . Tanner , Candidate ;
Murray , Ashby , Thorp , Towne , Paul's , M'Collom , Carey , Steele , Lawler , Makowcry , Gompartz , D'Arcy , Still , Hosgood , aud others , whose named wo were not able to ascertain . The ceremony of the third degree was creditably rendered by the AV . M ., assisted in an able manner by his officers . The sections of this degree were then worked by the several brethren as follows : — Bros . J . Brett , 1 st sect . ; Pauls 2 nd sect . ; and Mortlock , 3 rd sect . ; the whole being rendered in an efficient manner . Wo may here observe that this lodge of instruction will hold its meetings on Friday , at seven p . m ., throughout tho year , at the above hotel .
MIDDLESEX . GOOCH LODGE ( NO . 1 , 238 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Prince Alfred Hotel , Southall , on Monday , 21 st inst ., Bro . George King , jun ., the J . AV ., occupying the chair of K . S . iu the unavoidable absence of the AV . M . The officers present , were : Bros . Magnus Ohren , S . W . ; Baber , J . W . ; Lonsdale , S . D . ; Treatt , I . G . ; Bryant , Hon . Sec ;
Cornish , Clark , and Laxton . Visitors : Bros . Clouston , P . M . 33 ; AVoodward , 382 ; N . E . Jennings , P . M . 452 , S . W . 1 , 139 , P . G . D . ( Surrey ) . Tho lodge having been opened in due form aud with prayer , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , Bro . Clarke was introduced , and having given the necessary replies to questions as to his proficiency he retired , and after the lodge was opened in the second degree , ho was admitted and duly passed . The lodge was then lowered to the
first degree , and the ballot taken for Captain Avery Tyrrell , which being unanimous , he was duly initiated by the acting AV . M . in a very excellent manner . The brethren were then called off for half an hour , to give ample time for Bro . XV . Smith , C . IE ., the AV . M . to arrive , hut he not arriving the lodge was closed in accordance with the usual custom , and the brethren retired to banquet , which was supplied in Bro . Cornish's well-known style . And after spending a social evening together , the brethren separated .
ESSEX . ESSEX . — Upton Lodge ( No . 1 , 227 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., at the Spotted Dog . The loclge having been opened , and the minutes confirmed , Messrs . J . E . N . Simmons and Stevens were initiated in a very excellent manner . Bro . Jas Terry , P . M ., and Sec . of the Urban Lodge , was presented with a very elegant testimonial for services rendered to the lodge . Bro . Terry returned thanks . The
lodge was then closed . LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER—St . John ' s Lodge ( So . 279 ) . —An Emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the lGtli inst ., the W . M . Bro . Kelly , D . P . G . M ., in the chair . There were also present Bros . P . M ' s . Pettifor
, , , P . P . S . G . W . ; AVeare , P . P . G . D ., and Treas .,- and L . A . Clarke P . G . S . D . ; Stanley , S . W . ; Stretton , J . AV . and P . P . G . Reg . ; Crow , Sec . and Org . ; Thorp , S . D . ; L . L . Atwood , J . W . Smith , Palmer Dr . Pearce , McAllister , AViddowson , Dr . Finch , Stannard , Bam bridge , Tyler . Visitors : —Bros . Rev . N . Haycroft , D . D ., No , 181 ; and Duff , W . M . ; Toller , S . AV . and W . M . elect . ; Sculthorpe