Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 4 →
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arrangements complete . The brethren were favoured with such an attendance of rank and beauty as will no doubt induce the bretbren to repeat an experiment which was certainly successful . SouEUAJinw . —lloi / al Gloucester Lodye ( No . . 152 ) . —The regular stated Lodge meeting was held on Thursday , April 12 th . when Bros . T . P Payne , AY . M . ; E . Booth , S . AV . ; G . Phillips , J . AY . ; H . Abraham , P . M ., Treas . ; H . Clarke , Sec ; Perkins , S . G . AA ' ., Hants ( Mayor of Southampton ); G . AY . Clarke , Prov . G . Sec ; and a large number of other
brethren attended . The working of the degrees by the AY . M . elicited the unanimous expression of admiration by the brethren present . The business being concluded , tho brethren adjourned to a dinner prepared under the superintendence of Bro . Bannister , P . M . and Dir . of Cers . After the usual regular toasts the health of the W . Ms , of the various Lodges in Southampton was proposed , when Bro . G . W . Clarke , as AA . M , of No . 402 , responded , aud said that as one act of practical charity was worth a thousand common place ings in favour of that
say virtue , he hoped the AA . M . and brethren would permit him to suggest that all present enjoying material blessings from the G . A . O . T . U . would contribute to an object which had been assisted by the Freemasons ' Magazine—he meant the relief of a well known brother—Bro . Distin had made an appeal to the Craft which should meet with a response , and he hoped it would do so from the brethren present . The box was then handed round and £ 2 2 s . has been handed to us as tho result .
SOUTHAMPTON . —Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 462 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting on AVednesday , the ISth of April , at the Freemasons' Hall . Bro . G . AA . Clarke , AA . M ., presided , and there were also present Bros . Fletcher , P . M . ; AA ebb , P . M . ; J . Rankin Stebbing , P . M ., and AA . M ., No . 1087 ; J . R . Weston ( Sheriff of Southampton ) , S . AY . ; T . P . Payne , AA . M ., No . 152 , as J . AY . ; Miller S . D . ; Waters , J . D . ; G . P . Elite , Org-. ; Rev . G . Bradshaw , Chaplain ; I-I . Clarke , Secretary , and a full attendance of other brethren , including Croix Lod
B . Le , AV . M ., ge of CEconomy , AAlnckester , No . 90 ; Sherry P . M . ; Oakshott , P . M . ; Nash , P . M . ( Mayor of Winchester ) ; and other members of No . 90 . The AA . M . opened the Lodge and requested Bro . Webb to preside in his temporary absence . Bro . Webb then initiated a gentleman into Masonry , and passed Bro . Bowyer , the well known Southampton pilot of the Great Eastern , to the second degree . The AA . M . afterwards resumed the chair . Bro . the Rev . G . Bradshaw was proposed as an honorary member , the AY . M . stating that he felt the Lodwould
ge gain much by enrolling so eloquent a brother on its list of members . Bro . Stebbing , P . M ., proposed that it be recorded on tho minutes of the Lodge how much gratification the AA \ M . and brethren felt on the occasion of a visit from the AA . M . and members of tho Lodge of CEconomy , No . 90—the oldest Lodge ill the province , which bad numbered on its roll of members many of the best and worthiest of Masons—men unobtrusive in manner but virtuous and benevolent in their lives and actionspreserving the working of their Lodwithin the
, ge antient landmarks and conformable to the established usages of the Craft . For his own part he was most delighted that the hospitalities of the Lodge had been offered to brethren with whom he had been accustomed to work in harmony for many years , and he begged the visitingbrethren to accept the full assurance of brotherly love felt towards them by the members of No . 462 . The proposition was seconded and unanimously carried , the AA . M . stating how great was bis pleasure in receiving bis guests . Bro . Le Croix ( who wore the uniform of the Winchester
Volunteer Rifles ) , of which he is honorary surgeon , acknowledged tho compliment , expressing his conviction that much good resulted from an interchange of Masonic visits . He specially congratulated the Lodge on the excellent manner in which the business and ceremonies were performed . The Lodge being closed , after refreshment the customary toasts were given and some excellent music enlivened the proceedings . The Lodge of Peace and Harmony has contributed two guineas for the benefit of Bro . Distin .
LEICESTERSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AT LEICESTER . A quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of this province was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Thursday , the 19 th instant . Among those present were Bros . AA . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M ., ( who presided in the absence of the Right Hon . Earl Howe , Prov . G . M ., ); Capt . Brewin , as D . Prov . G . M . ; Rev . J . O . Pieton , B . A ., and Rev . J . Denton ,
M . A ., Prov . G . Chaplains ; F . Goodyer , Prov . S . G . AV . ; AV . Hardy , P . Prov . S . G . AA 1- ., as Prov . J . G . AV . ; AV . J . AA'indram , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; C . Morris , Prov . G . Sec . ; AY . S . Bithrey , Prov . G . Org . ; C . J . Willcy , Prov . G . Purs ., & c , & c . The Prov . Grand Lodge having been opened iu form and with prayer , the minutes of the Grand Lodge held on the 31 st January last were read and confirmed . Bro . Kelly read a letter which he had that day received from the Prov . Grand Master , stating that he was about to leave for townand
Gopsall , conveying the melancholy intelligence which he had just heard , that the severe illness from which Bro . Mammatt ( the Prov . J . G . AA v and AA . M . of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 1081 , ) had long been suffering was about to terminate fatally . The report of the committee appointed at the last meeting to collect subscriptions in the province , and to consider the best means of carrying out the design for a Masonic portrait of the Prov . Grand Master , to be placed in the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , was then presented . It / announced the amount alreadsubscribedthe terras which
y , on twof artists , whose names had been selected for the choice of the Provll Grand Lodge , would undertake the commission for the picture j and \
recommended that , as the portrait would remain at tho hall , an illuminated address , embodying the resolutions on the subject , and signed byall the contributors , should be presented to Lord Howe at the formal 2 ' resentation of the picture ; and also the adoption of the suggestion made by several of the brethren , that the painting should be engraved and copies presented to the subscribers of one guinea and upwards , should the surplus funds , after the payment of all expenses for tho painting , frame , & c , be found to be sufficient to render this practicable ;
and the committee further reported the information they had been able to obtain as to the cost of such an engraving . Considerable discussion took place as to the artist to be employed , which however resulted in Mr . T . Jones Barker , of London ( the painter of " The Allied Generals before Scbastopol , '' and other historical pictures ) , being selected by a considerable majority of those voting ; several of the brethren , on the ground that either of the two artists were eligible and that their merits were equally balanced , declined
voting for either tho amendment or the original motion . It was resolved that au illuminated address should be presented to Lord Howe , as recommended , and that the decision as to engraving the picture be postponed until the committee ( who were requested to continue their services ) should be in a position to ascertain the amount of funds disposable for the purpose . Tho D . Prov . Grand Master was desired to communicate to Lord Howe ( for tho first time ) the resolutions unanimousladopted by the Prov .
y Grand Lodge in January last , aud request him to sit to Mr . Jones Barker for the portrait . There being no further business , the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed iu form and with solemn prayer until further summoned , ^ LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodye ( No . 766 ) . —The monthly meeting
of this Lodge was hold at tho Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the ISth instant , after tho completion of the business of the Provincial Grand Lodge , when there were present—Bros . C . J . Willey , AA . M . ; AY . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; F . Goodyer ; AY . Hardy ; J . J . Kinton , P . M . ; R . Brewin , S . W . ; T . Sheppard , J . AY . ; the Rev . J . 0 . Pieton , Chaplain ; AA . S . Bithrey , as Secure tern . ; G . F . Lloyd ; Garnar , I . G ., & c . Visitors—the Rev . Jolm . Denton , Prov .. G . Chaplain , and Chaplain of the Ferrers and | Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 1081 ; Senior , Lodge of Truth , Hnddersfield ; AA . J .
AVindram , H . Gill , C . Morris , and Dr . Sloane , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 34 S . The Lodge having been opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , Bro . T . AA . Smith was called to the pedestal and examined as to his proficiency in that degree , after which , the Lodge having been opened in the second degree , he was duly passed as a Fellow Craft in an efficient manner by tho AY . Master , tho lecture on the tracing board being admirably delivered by Bro , BrewinS . AA . The Lodge having been closed down to the first degree
, , Bro . Brewin , who had been requested at the former meeting to act as the Almoner of the Lodge , in affording temporary relief , reported the decease of Bro . Hands , ( a short notice of whom will be found in our Obituary ) , whom he saw shortly before his death , when he was requested to convey to the members the warm and grateful thanks of Bro . Hands for their fraternal kindness and assistance to him during his long illness . Bro . Brewin then brought before the Lodge the state of our deceased brother ' s widow , wiio , lie stated , as well as her sister , were upwards of
seventy years of age , and unable to do much towards their own support ; and , as her husband's pension had of course died with him , she was left iu a state of destitution ; he therefore proposed that some relief should be afforded her from the funds of the Lodge ; this was seconded by Bro . Goodyer , P . M ., who stated that the funeral expenses had been provided for by a club of which the deceased was a member ; and supported by tho D . Prov . Grand Master , who expressed the gratification it must be to the brethren to know that , owing to the pecuniary assistance and the
wine supplied by the members of this and of St . John ' s Lodge , together with 'occasional gifts from individual brethren , their poor but worthy brother , who had fought tie battles of his country , had not suffered from want at the close of his days . The sum of two pounds was voted to be applied to the present relief of the widow , at the discretion of Bro . Brewin , and it was suggested that her ease was a suitable one to be brought before the Board of Benevolence in London . A gentleman connected with one of the local newspapers having been proposed as a candidate for initiation , the Lodge was closed in harmony , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
LINCOLNSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AT BOSTON . A special Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in Masonic form at the Assembly Rooms , Boston , on Friday last , and immediately thereupon the Rev . C . Nairne , R . AV . D ., Prov . G . M ' ., attended by his officers , the members of the Provincial Grand Lodge , visiting brethren , and l brethren of different Lodges in the province , in full Masonic clothing-, preceded by the band of tho 1 st Lincolnshire Artillery Volunteers
, went in procession through the Market-place and Bargate , to the site of the new hall in Maimidgc . On arriving at the spot the brethren formed a circle round the stone and sang the following hymn composed b y Bivi Qlww , P . M ., of the Lodge of Harmony , Boston . ^^ ASO / ^< Thou Great First Cause ! Eternal God ! / Z } t y * ^~ ~ ^\ Supreme , unbounded , and alone ! K / GRANDN ^ V'k rose at ^ creative nod , nc ^ eaveu enveiled Thlorious throne
L n n lrr' - y g . JI w D Q g jfiibu who for ever art the same , y \ LlBHAHy Mr ® m invoke Thy sacred name ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
arrangements complete . The brethren were favoured with such an attendance of rank and beauty as will no doubt induce the bretbren to repeat an experiment which was certainly successful . SouEUAJinw . —lloi / al Gloucester Lodye ( No . . 152 ) . —The regular stated Lodge meeting was held on Thursday , April 12 th . when Bros . T . P Payne , AY . M . ; E . Booth , S . AV . ; G . Phillips , J . AY . ; H . Abraham , P . M ., Treas . ; H . Clarke , Sec ; Perkins , S . G . AA ' ., Hants ( Mayor of Southampton ); G . AY . Clarke , Prov . G . Sec ; and a large number of other
brethren attended . The working of the degrees by the AY . M . elicited the unanimous expression of admiration by the brethren present . The business being concluded , tho brethren adjourned to a dinner prepared under the superintendence of Bro . Bannister , P . M . and Dir . of Cers . After the usual regular toasts the health of the W . Ms , of the various Lodges in Southampton was proposed , when Bro . G . W . Clarke , as AA . M , of No . 402 , responded , aud said that as one act of practical charity was worth a thousand common place ings in favour of that
say virtue , he hoped the AA . M . and brethren would permit him to suggest that all present enjoying material blessings from the G . A . O . T . U . would contribute to an object which had been assisted by the Freemasons ' Magazine—he meant the relief of a well known brother—Bro . Distin had made an appeal to the Craft which should meet with a response , and he hoped it would do so from the brethren present . The box was then handed round and £ 2 2 s . has been handed to us as tho result .
SOUTHAMPTON . —Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 462 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting on AVednesday , the ISth of April , at the Freemasons' Hall . Bro . G . AA . Clarke , AA . M ., presided , and there were also present Bros . Fletcher , P . M . ; AA ebb , P . M . ; J . Rankin Stebbing , P . M ., and AA . M ., No . 1087 ; J . R . Weston ( Sheriff of Southampton ) , S . AY . ; T . P . Payne , AA . M ., No . 152 , as J . AY . ; Miller S . D . ; Waters , J . D . ; G . P . Elite , Org-. ; Rev . G . Bradshaw , Chaplain ; I-I . Clarke , Secretary , and a full attendance of other brethren , including Croix Lod
B . Le , AV . M ., ge of CEconomy , AAlnckester , No . 90 ; Sherry P . M . ; Oakshott , P . M . ; Nash , P . M . ( Mayor of Winchester ) ; and other members of No . 90 . The AA . M . opened the Lodge and requested Bro . Webb to preside in his temporary absence . Bro . Webb then initiated a gentleman into Masonry , and passed Bro . Bowyer , the well known Southampton pilot of the Great Eastern , to the second degree . The AA . M . afterwards resumed the chair . Bro . the Rev . G . Bradshaw was proposed as an honorary member , the AY . M . stating that he felt the Lodwould
ge gain much by enrolling so eloquent a brother on its list of members . Bro . Stebbing , P . M ., proposed that it be recorded on tho minutes of the Lodge how much gratification the AA \ M . and brethren felt on the occasion of a visit from the AA . M . and members of tho Lodge of CEconomy , No . 90—the oldest Lodge ill the province , which bad numbered on its roll of members many of the best and worthiest of Masons—men unobtrusive in manner but virtuous and benevolent in their lives and actionspreserving the working of their Lodwithin the
, ge antient landmarks and conformable to the established usages of the Craft . For his own part he was most delighted that the hospitalities of the Lodge had been offered to brethren with whom he had been accustomed to work in harmony for many years , and he begged the visitingbrethren to accept the full assurance of brotherly love felt towards them by the members of No . 462 . The proposition was seconded and unanimously carried , the AA . M . stating how great was bis pleasure in receiving bis guests . Bro . Le Croix ( who wore the uniform of the Winchester
Volunteer Rifles ) , of which he is honorary surgeon , acknowledged tho compliment , expressing his conviction that much good resulted from an interchange of Masonic visits . He specially congratulated the Lodge on the excellent manner in which the business and ceremonies were performed . The Lodge being closed , after refreshment the customary toasts were given and some excellent music enlivened the proceedings . The Lodge of Peace and Harmony has contributed two guineas for the benefit of Bro . Distin .
LEICESTERSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AT LEICESTER . A quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge of this province was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Thursday , the 19 th instant . Among those present were Bros . AA . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M ., ( who presided in the absence of the Right Hon . Earl Howe , Prov . G . M ., ); Capt . Brewin , as D . Prov . G . M . ; Rev . J . O . Pieton , B . A ., and Rev . J . Denton ,
M . A ., Prov . G . Chaplains ; F . Goodyer , Prov . S . G . AV . ; AV . Hardy , P . Prov . S . G . AA 1- ., as Prov . J . G . AV . ; AV . J . AA'indram , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; C . Morris , Prov . G . Sec . ; AY . S . Bithrey , Prov . G . Org . ; C . J . Willcy , Prov . G . Purs ., & c , & c . The Prov . Grand Lodge having been opened iu form and with prayer , the minutes of the Grand Lodge held on the 31 st January last were read and confirmed . Bro . Kelly read a letter which he had that day received from the Prov . Grand Master , stating that he was about to leave for townand
Gopsall , conveying the melancholy intelligence which he had just heard , that the severe illness from which Bro . Mammatt ( the Prov . J . G . AA v and AA . M . of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 1081 , ) had long been suffering was about to terminate fatally . The report of the committee appointed at the last meeting to collect subscriptions in the province , and to consider the best means of carrying out the design for a Masonic portrait of the Prov . Grand Master , to be placed in the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , was then presented . It / announced the amount alreadsubscribedthe terras which
y , on twof artists , whose names had been selected for the choice of the Provll Grand Lodge , would undertake the commission for the picture j and \
recommended that , as the portrait would remain at tho hall , an illuminated address , embodying the resolutions on the subject , and signed byall the contributors , should be presented to Lord Howe at the formal 2 ' resentation of the picture ; and also the adoption of the suggestion made by several of the brethren , that the painting should be engraved and copies presented to the subscribers of one guinea and upwards , should the surplus funds , after the payment of all expenses for tho painting , frame , & c , be found to be sufficient to render this practicable ;
and the committee further reported the information they had been able to obtain as to the cost of such an engraving . Considerable discussion took place as to the artist to be employed , which however resulted in Mr . T . Jones Barker , of London ( the painter of " The Allied Generals before Scbastopol , '' and other historical pictures ) , being selected by a considerable majority of those voting ; several of the brethren , on the ground that either of the two artists were eligible and that their merits were equally balanced , declined
voting for either tho amendment or the original motion . It was resolved that au illuminated address should be presented to Lord Howe , as recommended , and that the decision as to engraving the picture be postponed until the committee ( who were requested to continue their services ) should be in a position to ascertain the amount of funds disposable for the purpose . Tho D . Prov . Grand Master was desired to communicate to Lord Howe ( for tho first time ) the resolutions unanimousladopted by the Prov .
y Grand Lodge in January last , aud request him to sit to Mr . Jones Barker for the portrait . There being no further business , the Prov . Grand Lodge was closed iu form and with solemn prayer until further summoned , ^ LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodye ( No . 766 ) . —The monthly meeting
of this Lodge was hold at tho Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the ISth instant , after tho completion of the business of the Provincial Grand Lodge , when there were present—Bros . C . J . Willey , AA . M . ; AY . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; F . Goodyer ; AY . Hardy ; J . J . Kinton , P . M . ; R . Brewin , S . W . ; T . Sheppard , J . AY . ; the Rev . J . 0 . Pieton , Chaplain ; AA . S . Bithrey , as Secure tern . ; G . F . Lloyd ; Garnar , I . G ., & c . Visitors—the Rev . Jolm . Denton , Prov .. G . Chaplain , and Chaplain of the Ferrers and | Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 1081 ; Senior , Lodge of Truth , Hnddersfield ; AA . J .
AVindram , H . Gill , C . Morris , and Dr . Sloane , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 34 S . The Lodge having been opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , Bro . T . AA . Smith was called to the pedestal and examined as to his proficiency in that degree , after which , the Lodge having been opened in the second degree , he was duly passed as a Fellow Craft in an efficient manner by tho AY . Master , tho lecture on the tracing board being admirably delivered by Bro , BrewinS . AA . The Lodge having been closed down to the first degree
, , Bro . Brewin , who had been requested at the former meeting to act as the Almoner of the Lodge , in affording temporary relief , reported the decease of Bro . Hands , ( a short notice of whom will be found in our Obituary ) , whom he saw shortly before his death , when he was requested to convey to the members the warm and grateful thanks of Bro . Hands for their fraternal kindness and assistance to him during his long illness . Bro . Brewin then brought before the Lodge the state of our deceased brother ' s widow , wiio , lie stated , as well as her sister , were upwards of
seventy years of age , and unable to do much towards their own support ; and , as her husband's pension had of course died with him , she was left iu a state of destitution ; he therefore proposed that some relief should be afforded her from the funds of the Lodge ; this was seconded by Bro . Goodyer , P . M ., who stated that the funeral expenses had been provided for by a club of which the deceased was a member ; and supported by tho D . Prov . Grand Master , who expressed the gratification it must be to the brethren to know that , owing to the pecuniary assistance and the
wine supplied by the members of this and of St . John ' s Lodge , together with 'occasional gifts from individual brethren , their poor but worthy brother , who had fought tie battles of his country , had not suffered from want at the close of his days . The sum of two pounds was voted to be applied to the present relief of the widow , at the discretion of Bro . Brewin , and it was suggested that her ease was a suitable one to be brought before the Board of Benevolence in London . A gentleman connected with one of the local newspapers having been proposed as a candidate for initiation , the Lodge was closed in harmony , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
LINCOLNSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AT BOSTON . A special Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in Masonic form at the Assembly Rooms , Boston , on Friday last , and immediately thereupon the Rev . C . Nairne , R . AV . D ., Prov . G . M ' ., attended by his officers , the members of the Provincial Grand Lodge , visiting brethren , and l brethren of different Lodges in the province , in full Masonic clothing-, preceded by the band of tho 1 st Lincolnshire Artillery Volunteers
, went in procession through the Market-place and Bargate , to the site of the new hall in Maimidgc . On arriving at the spot the brethren formed a circle round the stone and sang the following hymn composed b y Bivi Qlww , P . M ., of the Lodge of Harmony , Boston . ^^ ASO / ^< Thou Great First Cause ! Eternal God ! / Z } t y * ^~ ~ ^\ Supreme , unbounded , and alone ! K / GRANDN ^ V'k rose at ^ creative nod , nc ^ eaveu enveiled Thlorious throne
L n n lrr' - y g . JI w D Q g jfiibu who for ever art the same , y \ LlBHAHy Mr ® m invoke Thy sacred name ,