Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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and seconded by Bro . AVitty , P . M ., "that a life governorship in the boys school be purchased for the Master , jiro tern ., during the existence of the Lodge , and that ten guineas be appropriated for that purpose , " expressing a firm conviction that a life governorship , from the progress already made , the warrant being scarcely four years old , will be purchased annually iu one or other of the remaining charities , until the whole ol the Masonic institutions were subscribed to . Nothing further offering for the good of Masonry , the brethren separated before ten o ' clock .
Mark Masonry.
BERKS AND HANTS . i'ROVINCIAL GRAND L 0 DOE 01- ' MARK MASONS . ( E . C . ) THE first meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was holden at Basingstoke on Friday , the 20 th April instant , under the presidency of the Prov . Grand Master , Bro . AY . AV , Beach , M . P ., there being also present , Bros . J . R . Stebbing ; Dr . Clarke ; Emanuel , AV . M ., No . 2 ; H . E . AstleyAV . M . No 27 ESCossensSAA No 27 RevCharles
, , . ; . . , .., . ; . Pettat , T . Delkr , R . Nichols , AY . J . Ford , L . How , R . S . Hulbert , J . May , F . J . Temple , and S . Rice , Prov . G . Tyler . The Prov . Grand Lodge was opened in clue form and with solemn prayer , Bro . the Rev . C . Pettat being , pro tern ., S . AA " . and Bro . Emanuel , J . \ v .
The PROV . GRAND MASTER addressed the Prov . Grand Lodge at some length on its institution aud the duties of the several brethren who might be appointed to office therein , and enjoined all the brethren present to give him their counsel aud advice , to enable hhn to fulfil the great duties incumbent on him as their Prov . Grand Master . Bro . EMANUEL solicited the direction of the Lodge as to the admission rf Mark Masters hailing from a Scottish Lodge , either as visitors or as joining membersaud asked whetherin the latter casethey would be
, , , required to take out certificates under the English constitution . Bro . COSSENS was of opinion that ail legally advanced Mark Masters were entitled to admission as visitors to English Lodges wherever they may have beeu advanced ; but that if they became joining members they would be under the same category as brethren hailing from a foreign Lodge , subject to the by-laws of the adopted Lodge , paying the usual fees for registration and certificate in the English Grand Lodge . The
PROV . GRAND MASTER desired , before he gave bis decision , to consult with Grand Lodge , but his i > resent opinion was , that all Mark Masters should be received as visitors ; but , under the circumstance , that all Mark Masters' Lodges in England were at one time under the Scottish Grand Chapter , it was questionable whether their antient certificate would not be sufficient , though upon their joining they should be reaffiliated in a modified form . He would consult Grand Lodge and report on the subject at their next meeting . Bro . ASTLEY addressed the Prov . G . M . on the assistance that would be
given to Mark Masters' Lodges within the province by the apjjlieation of so eminent a brother as then presided , and ho had no doubt that the first meetiug would give a considerable impetus to other brethren who desired to open Lodges of Alark Masons within the province . Bro . STEBBING announced his intention to open a new Lodge at AVinchestcr , but complained of the delay with some in hi gh quarters to applications for either warrants or certificates . Bro . EMANUEL complained of the same delay in furnishing certificates
from Grand Lodge . The PROV . GBAXD MASTER promised to represent these complaints in Grand Lodge . Tho Prov . G . Master then appointed the following brethren to their several offices : —Bros . AY . M . Emanuel , Prov . G . S . AA . ; H . E . Astley , Prov . G . J . AV . ; E . S . Cossens , Prov . G . Reg . ; — Bradley , Prov . G . S . D . ; R . S . Hulbert , Prov . G . J . D . ; R . Nichols , Prov . G . Purs . ; Thos . Dellar , Steward Alfred Heather unanimousl
Prov . G . . Bro . was y elected Prov . G . Treasurer . Bro . EMANUEL , for the purpose of providing a Prov . Grand Lodge Fund , moved that the following fees of honour should be paid , viz . — On the application of every Prov . G . AA arden , 10 s . ; on the application of every Prov . G . Deacon , 5 s . ; advancement of every brother , 2 s . Gd . ; joining fee , Is . ; annual subscription of every brother member of Lodges within tho province , Is . The motion was seconded by Bro . ASTLEY , and carried .
Bro . J . R . STEBBING eloquently expressed the high satisfaction it gave the several Mark Masters within tho united province at the appointment of a brother who was so universally respected , not only in the north but in the south . He ventured to congratulate him on being appointed Prov . Grand Master , and pledged the support of every brother to him in his exalted position . He moved that the thanks of this Prov . Grand Lodge be tendered to tho Prov . Grand Master for the great care , zeal and attention he had at all times paid to their respective interests . The motion was seconded by Bro . ASTLEY , and carried b y acclamation .
I he PROV . G . MASTER at some length replied , and called the attention of the several brethren who had been appointed to office to the full performance of their several duties , which would thus enable him to disc harge the important mission which he had undertaken as Prov . Grand Master , and which he would most earnestly endeavour to do . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren retired at an early hour .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . THE following report will be presented at the Quarterly Convocation on AVednesday next . The General Committee having received from the Committee appointed by Grand Chapter at the Convocation lield on the 1 st February last , the alterations and additions proposed to be made in the Regulations , have directed that the same be printed , separating the alterations already sanctioned by Grand Chapter from those now recommended .
The following have received the sanction of the Grand Chapter : — Page 5 . —Heading of the Chapter : — In the third line to take out " every , " and insert in its place " the . " In the fourth line erase " thereof , " and insert "in May . " „ 14 . —To follow Art . 2 , and be numbered 3 . "When the General Committee has recommended a Charter to be granted , and the recommendation has been adopted by the
Grand Chapter , the Charter shall be forthwith issued without waiting for the confirmation of the Minutes by a subsequent Grand Chapter . „ 19 . —To form Art . 21 . — " Grand Superintendents of districts and provinces abroad are authorized to grant a Dispensation , in case of necessity , for the exaltation of a Brother to the Royal Arch at the expiration of four weeks from the period of his having received the degree of Master Mason . "
To be added to Art . 22 . —In colonies and foreign parts where no Grand Superintendent of Royal ArchMasons has been appointed , private Chapters are authorized in cases of real emergency to exalt Brethren at the expiration of four weeks from the time they have received the Master Mason ' s degree : provided always , that in each case the Three Principals of the Chapter agree to the emergency , and state in their next return to Grand Chapter the reason thereof . To form Art . 22 , page 19 . —The registering fee to the Grand Chapter for every Brother exalted shall be fifteen shiflings , which sum includes the fee for the Certificate , except for
Brethren exalted abroad , in which case the fee for registry and Certificate shall be seven shillings and sixpence . The fee for a Companion joining a Chapter , his name being previously registered , shall be two shillings and sixpence , but tho name and number of his former Chapter must be stated in order to the fact being ascertained . „ 25 . —To follow the second paragraph . —Officers of Provincial Grand Chapters wear Collars similar to those worn by Officers
of the Supreme Grand Chapter , but such Collars are not to exceed two inches in width . The following additions are recommended by the Committee : — Page D . —Art . 1 . —In the first and second lines take out " and the regulations having been read ; " and in the fourth line , after the words " are to be , " insert " read and respectively . " ' „ 11 . —Art . i . —In the first line to substitute " three" for " five . ' „ 17 . —Art . 10 . —To add to the paragraph " and this return shall
be annually made with that provided for in Art . 17 , page 18 . " „ 19 , —Art . 20 . —To add to the paragraph " except as hereafter provided for . " Art . 21 . —To add to the paragraph " but this law is not to extend to Brethren exalted as serving Companions . " In line 2 to substitute the words " one guinea" for the words " three guineas . " „ 23 . —Art . 0 . —In the third line from the end , after the words " and every such notice , " to insert " together with the Report of the Committee . "
METROPOLITAN CHAPTER . ROYAL YORK CHAPTER OF PBRSEVERANOE ( NO . 7 ) . —The Companions of this old established Chapter met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday last and proceeded to install the new officers for the ensuing year , as follows : Comps . G . Hay ward , M . E . Z ., ; AY . Young , II . ; — Bremieis , J . ; Tomkins , Prin . Soj . ; Honey , Scribe E . ; Lamberr , N . ; S . Muggeridge , Treas . ; W . A . Harrison , Dir . of Cirs . There were also present Comps , John Savage , Barnard , Hervey , Symonds , Ste-NewshamHeintzman
phen B . AVilson , Willis , H . Empson , AVright , , , and Ratter . The visitors were Comps . Gavin E . Pocock , M . E . Z ., No . 338 ; Chas . Beaumont , F . Z ., No . 001 ; AVhichcord ; Job Austin , No . 812 ; Matthew Cooke , No . 206 ; John AVickham , No . 2 , and Jas . Empson . The business of the Chapter being concluded , the Companions proceeded to refreshment , after which the newly installed M . E . Z . proposed the usual routine toasts , followed by the health of the Queen , the GMEZthe Earl of Zetlandthe G . H . Lord Panmureand the
.... , , grand officers of Grand Chapter , of whom there were several members of the Royal York Chapter—Comps . Hervey , Symonds , Allison , and Savage who shared in that honour , and he should therefore couple the toast with the name of Comp . Savage . Comp . Savage returned thanks on behalf of the Grand H . and the other grand officers . The Grand H . was a true Mason from the bottom of his heart , and he is also a good man ; therefore on behalf of the G . H ., he ( Comp . Savage )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and seconded by Bro . AVitty , P . M ., "that a life governorship in the boys school be purchased for the Master , jiro tern ., during the existence of the Lodge , and that ten guineas be appropriated for that purpose , " expressing a firm conviction that a life governorship , from the progress already made , the warrant being scarcely four years old , will be purchased annually iu one or other of the remaining charities , until the whole ol the Masonic institutions were subscribed to . Nothing further offering for the good of Masonry , the brethren separated before ten o ' clock .
Mark Masonry.
BERKS AND HANTS . i'ROVINCIAL GRAND L 0 DOE 01- ' MARK MASONS . ( E . C . ) THE first meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was holden at Basingstoke on Friday , the 20 th April instant , under the presidency of the Prov . Grand Master , Bro . AY . AV , Beach , M . P ., there being also present , Bros . J . R . Stebbing ; Dr . Clarke ; Emanuel , AV . M ., No . 2 ; H . E . AstleyAV . M . No 27 ESCossensSAA No 27 RevCharles
, , . ; . . , .., . ; . Pettat , T . Delkr , R . Nichols , AY . J . Ford , L . How , R . S . Hulbert , J . May , F . J . Temple , and S . Rice , Prov . G . Tyler . The Prov . Grand Lodge was opened in clue form and with solemn prayer , Bro . the Rev . C . Pettat being , pro tern ., S . AA " . and Bro . Emanuel , J . \ v .
The PROV . GRAND MASTER addressed the Prov . Grand Lodge at some length on its institution aud the duties of the several brethren who might be appointed to office therein , and enjoined all the brethren present to give him their counsel aud advice , to enable hhn to fulfil the great duties incumbent on him as their Prov . Grand Master . Bro . EMANUEL solicited the direction of the Lodge as to the admission rf Mark Masters hailing from a Scottish Lodge , either as visitors or as joining membersaud asked whetherin the latter casethey would be
, , , required to take out certificates under the English constitution . Bro . COSSENS was of opinion that ail legally advanced Mark Masters were entitled to admission as visitors to English Lodges wherever they may have beeu advanced ; but that if they became joining members they would be under the same category as brethren hailing from a foreign Lodge , subject to the by-laws of the adopted Lodge , paying the usual fees for registration and certificate in the English Grand Lodge . The
PROV . GRAND MASTER desired , before he gave bis decision , to consult with Grand Lodge , but his i > resent opinion was , that all Mark Masters should be received as visitors ; but , under the circumstance , that all Mark Masters' Lodges in England were at one time under the Scottish Grand Chapter , it was questionable whether their antient certificate would not be sufficient , though upon their joining they should be reaffiliated in a modified form . He would consult Grand Lodge and report on the subject at their next meeting . Bro . ASTLEY addressed the Prov . G . M . on the assistance that would be
given to Mark Masters' Lodges within the province by the apjjlieation of so eminent a brother as then presided , and ho had no doubt that the first meetiug would give a considerable impetus to other brethren who desired to open Lodges of Alark Masons within the province . Bro . STEBBING announced his intention to open a new Lodge at AVinchestcr , but complained of the delay with some in hi gh quarters to applications for either warrants or certificates . Bro . EMANUEL complained of the same delay in furnishing certificates
from Grand Lodge . The PROV . GBAXD MASTER promised to represent these complaints in Grand Lodge . Tho Prov . G . Master then appointed the following brethren to their several offices : —Bros . AY . M . Emanuel , Prov . G . S . AA . ; H . E . Astley , Prov . G . J . AV . ; E . S . Cossens , Prov . G . Reg . ; — Bradley , Prov . G . S . D . ; R . S . Hulbert , Prov . G . J . D . ; R . Nichols , Prov . G . Purs . ; Thos . Dellar , Steward Alfred Heather unanimousl
Prov . G . . Bro . was y elected Prov . G . Treasurer . Bro . EMANUEL , for the purpose of providing a Prov . Grand Lodge Fund , moved that the following fees of honour should be paid , viz . — On the application of every Prov . G . AA arden , 10 s . ; on the application of every Prov . G . Deacon , 5 s . ; advancement of every brother , 2 s . Gd . ; joining fee , Is . ; annual subscription of every brother member of Lodges within tho province , Is . The motion was seconded by Bro . ASTLEY , and carried .
Bro . J . R . STEBBING eloquently expressed the high satisfaction it gave the several Mark Masters within tho united province at the appointment of a brother who was so universally respected , not only in the north but in the south . He ventured to congratulate him on being appointed Prov . Grand Master , and pledged the support of every brother to him in his exalted position . He moved that the thanks of this Prov . Grand Lodge be tendered to tho Prov . Grand Master for the great care , zeal and attention he had at all times paid to their respective interests . The motion was seconded by Bro . ASTLEY , and carried b y acclamation .
I he PROV . G . MASTER at some length replied , and called the attention of the several brethren who had been appointed to office to the full performance of their several duties , which would thus enable him to disc harge the important mission which he had undertaken as Prov . Grand Master , and which he would most earnestly endeavour to do . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren retired at an early hour .
Royal Arch.
SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . THE following report will be presented at the Quarterly Convocation on AVednesday next . The General Committee having received from the Committee appointed by Grand Chapter at the Convocation lield on the 1 st February last , the alterations and additions proposed to be made in the Regulations , have directed that the same be printed , separating the alterations already sanctioned by Grand Chapter from those now recommended .
The following have received the sanction of the Grand Chapter : — Page 5 . —Heading of the Chapter : — In the third line to take out " every , " and insert in its place " the . " In the fourth line erase " thereof , " and insert "in May . " „ 14 . —To follow Art . 2 , and be numbered 3 . "When the General Committee has recommended a Charter to be granted , and the recommendation has been adopted by the
Grand Chapter , the Charter shall be forthwith issued without waiting for the confirmation of the Minutes by a subsequent Grand Chapter . „ 19 . —To form Art . 21 . — " Grand Superintendents of districts and provinces abroad are authorized to grant a Dispensation , in case of necessity , for the exaltation of a Brother to the Royal Arch at the expiration of four weeks from the period of his having received the degree of Master Mason . "
To be added to Art . 22 . —In colonies and foreign parts where no Grand Superintendent of Royal ArchMasons has been appointed , private Chapters are authorized in cases of real emergency to exalt Brethren at the expiration of four weeks from the time they have received the Master Mason ' s degree : provided always , that in each case the Three Principals of the Chapter agree to the emergency , and state in their next return to Grand Chapter the reason thereof . To form Art . 22 , page 19 . —The registering fee to the Grand Chapter for every Brother exalted shall be fifteen shiflings , which sum includes the fee for the Certificate , except for
Brethren exalted abroad , in which case the fee for registry and Certificate shall be seven shillings and sixpence . The fee for a Companion joining a Chapter , his name being previously registered , shall be two shillings and sixpence , but tho name and number of his former Chapter must be stated in order to the fact being ascertained . „ 25 . —To follow the second paragraph . —Officers of Provincial Grand Chapters wear Collars similar to those worn by Officers
of the Supreme Grand Chapter , but such Collars are not to exceed two inches in width . The following additions are recommended by the Committee : — Page D . —Art . 1 . —In the first and second lines take out " and the regulations having been read ; " and in the fourth line , after the words " are to be , " insert " read and respectively . " ' „ 11 . —Art . i . —In the first line to substitute " three" for " five . ' „ 17 . —Art . 10 . —To add to the paragraph " and this return shall
be annually made with that provided for in Art . 17 , page 18 . " „ 19 , —Art . 20 . —To add to the paragraph " except as hereafter provided for . " Art . 21 . —To add to the paragraph " but this law is not to extend to Brethren exalted as serving Companions . " In line 2 to substitute the words " one guinea" for the words " three guineas . " „ 23 . —Art . 0 . —In the third line from the end , after the words " and every such notice , " to insert " together with the Report of the Committee . "
METROPOLITAN CHAPTER . ROYAL YORK CHAPTER OF PBRSEVERANOE ( NO . 7 ) . —The Companions of this old established Chapter met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday last and proceeded to install the new officers for the ensuing year , as follows : Comps . G . Hay ward , M . E . Z ., ; AY . Young , II . ; — Bremieis , J . ; Tomkins , Prin . Soj . ; Honey , Scribe E . ; Lamberr , N . ; S . Muggeridge , Treas . ; W . A . Harrison , Dir . of Cirs . There were also present Comps , John Savage , Barnard , Hervey , Symonds , Ste-NewshamHeintzman
phen B . AVilson , Willis , H . Empson , AVright , , , and Ratter . The visitors were Comps . Gavin E . Pocock , M . E . Z ., No . 338 ; Chas . Beaumont , F . Z ., No . 001 ; AVhichcord ; Job Austin , No . 812 ; Matthew Cooke , No . 206 ; John AVickham , No . 2 , and Jas . Empson . The business of the Chapter being concluded , the Companions proceeded to refreshment , after which the newly installed M . E . Z . proposed the usual routine toasts , followed by the health of the Queen , the GMEZthe Earl of Zetlandthe G . H . Lord Panmureand the
.... , , grand officers of Grand Chapter , of whom there were several members of the Royal York Chapter—Comps . Hervey , Symonds , Allison , and Savage who shared in that honour , and he should therefore couple the toast with the name of Comp . Savage . Comp . Savage returned thanks on behalf of the Grand H . and the other grand officers . The Grand H . was a true Mason from the bottom of his heart , and he is also a good man ; therefore on behalf of the G . H ., he ( Comp . Savage )