Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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and it was gratifying to them on all occasions to receive that mark of esteem . It augured well for the lodge when such a feeling existed , and the funds were never in a more prosperous condition . — " The Health of Bro . Blackburn , the Secretary of the Lodge , " was next given ; and , in returning thanks , he said he had been a member of the lodge ever since it was consecrated , and he should have pleasure in remaining their Secretary as long as his health would allow . He congratulated them on the
excellent state of the lodge , and they were all comfortable and happy . He felt deeply grateful for the honour conferred upon . him . —The W . MASTER , in giving " The Officers of the Lodge , " said unless they did their duty the business of the lodge would soon come to an end . When their S . W . should come to the chair he would have officers who were able to do their worlr well , although one now and then was found wanting in attending . . He was obliged to them for their assistance which had enabled
them to see the lodge in so prosperous a state , and to receive such a large number of initiates . —Rro . J . AVERY , S . W ., said it . gave him much pleasure to hear the way in which his health had been proposed that evening . To maintain the harmony of the lodge would be his highest aim and ambition . —Bro . PARKER also returned thanks , and said it would be his stud y to render the Beadon Lodge a star in the Craft , and uphold it iu its
brilliant career . —I 3 ro . LEONARD said , as one of the officers , he would do his best to carry out the duties of the office to which he was appointed , and to give satisfaction to the AV . M . and every member . —Bro . BEOICETT also acknowledged the compliment conferred upon him . One or two other toasts were given and the brethren separated after a very pleasant evening , which was very materially enhanced by some excellent glees , songs , & c . by Bros . Seaman , Quelch , Avery , and Parker .
INSTRUCTION . WniTTiNGTON LODGE . —The second anniversary banquet , to commemorate the establishment of this lodge , was held on Thursday week at Bro . Frith ' s , Old Kent Hotel , Brownlowstreet , Holborn . The installation ceremony having been worked , the members and visitors retired to the banquet . Bro . J . Brett ( Nos . 177 and 8 G 2 ) presided . The toasts of the Ri ght Hon . Earl of ZetlandG . M . and Riht Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon
, , g , D . G . M ., liaving been given , that of the Whittington Lodge of Instruction , coupled with the names of its founders , was proposed by the chairman . He said they had turned out some good Masons and officers , and they would also some good W . M . 's . The toast was duly responded to , and that of the Mother Lodge and others were given . The banquet was served up in a manner worthy of the fame of the house in by-gone times .
KENT . MARGATE . — Union Lodge ( So . 127 . )—At a meeting of this lodge , held on Friday evening , 20 th May , 186-1 , it was moved by Bro . William C . Brasier , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . B ., and seconded by Bro . John R . Feakins , P . M ., and P . Prov . S . G . D . — " That , referring to a circular received from the Provincial Grand Secretary , requesting the opinion of the brethren as to whether the procession to church at the Provincial Grand Festivals
should be discontinued—it is resolved that this lodge unanimously and earnestly desire the present system to be continued ; that they deprecate any change , deeming that it should be regarded as an ancient custom of the Order in this province ; and that the solemn procession of Masonic bodies to Divine worship there' ( -vithout distinction of creed or sect ) , to return thanks to the Great Architect of the Universe for tho past , and to supplicate for the futureforms a noble instance of reverence to
, Him , the Most High , and of brotherly love and harmony amongst men of many faiths , which we , as Masons should much regret to abolish . That this resolution be signed in open lodge by the W . M . and Wardens , aud be presented at the preparatory Grand Lodge Meeting , which will take place at theRoy . il Oak Hotel , Dover , on Tuesday , the 1-ltb June , by Bros . John Harvey , BoysP . M . and Thomas Holmes GoreP . M . or one of them
, , , , , and that their expenses be reimbursed by the Treasurer . " Curried unanimously . ( Signed ) John Matthew , AV . M . C . J ) . Dixon , S . W . James S . Hoile , J . W .
MIDDLESEX . Hoi-NSiow . —Dalhousie Lodge ( No . 865 ) . —This lodge held its first meeting for the season on Wednesday , the 18 th inst ., at the Town Hall . There ivere present , Bros . J . J . Hardey , senior P . M . ; Gilbard , P . M . ; AVatson , P . M . ; Stacy , P . M . ; Frost , S . W . ; Richards , J . W . ; Pellafcfc , I . G . ; Farrant , Treas . ; Riiston , Johnson , Alfred Jupp , Clarke , Donald King , Watts , Holloway , Hopwood , Hedges , Raynsford , Hays , and several other brethren .
There were also present as visitors , Bro . Elliott , of a lodge at Bombay , and Bro . Walker . In the absence of the W . M . ( Bro . AA'illett ) , in consequence of domestic affliction , the chair was occupied by Bros . Hardey and Gilbard alternately . Bro . Charles Arthur Raynsford was raised to the degree of a M . M ,, the impressive ceremony being done by Bro . Gilbard . Bros . Golding , Sims , Johnson , Huston , and Arthur Jupp , were passed to the second degree bBroHardeyand MrJonesof
Isley . ; . , worth , ancl Mr . Bingham Daly , having been unanimously elected by ballot , were initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by Bro . Gilbard . The election of officers for the ensuing year took place , when Bro . Frost was unanimously elected AV . M . for the ensuing year , ancl Bro . Fan-ant re-elected
as Treas . The lodgo having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet at the Town Hall , provided by Bro . Lewis , of tho Red Lion . The chair was occupied by Bro . Hardey . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been drunk , tbe Chairman stated that he had on that occasion a most melancholy duty to perform , which was to propose the immortal memory of a member of this lodge , lately deceased , namely , Bro . George Francis Cooper . The worthy chairman
then briefly adverted to the high social position of the deceased brother , ancl the great respect entertained towards him by all . The worthy chairman observed in the words of Shakspeare , " He was a man take him for all in all , we shall not look upon his like again . " The memory of the late Bro . Cooper was then drunk in solemn silence . After some excellent songs by Bros . Donald King , Pellatt , Daly , Staeey , AA atts , and Walker , the brethren adjourned at twenty minutes before ten o ' clockin
, order to enable those brethren going towards London to be in time for the last train . We should have previously observed that upon the motion of Bro . Hardey , seconded by Bra . Gilbard , a jewel was unanimously voted to the outgoing AV . M . ( Bro . Willett ) for his excellent and efficient services in the chair during the past year .
SURREY . EWELL . —Grove Lodge ( No . 410 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge took place at the Spring Hotel , Eivell , on Saturday , the 21 st of May , under the presidency of Bro . AV . S . Masterman , W . M . There were two initiations , three passings , and the installation and appointment of officers as the business for the d . 73-. The brethren present were W . S . Masterman , S . W . ;
C . E . Amos , S . W . ; F . G . Blake , J . W . ; A . Bingham , S . D . ; C . C . Dumas , J . D . ; John Gower , I . G . ; J . J . Blake , P . G . D . ; W . White , Pvov . G . S . B . ; W . Moates , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; AV . J . Meymott , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; C . Greenwood , Prov . G . Sec ; A . Hohnan , and G . J . Palmer , all P . M . ' s ; with Bros . Litchfield , Turner , Giblett , W . Moates , jun ., J . Goddard , and Winn . Visitors : Bros . Bennoch , AV . M . No . 1 ; Truscott , S . W . No . 1 ; BiggP . M . No . 1 ; Baron Brutiow 33 ° France ; Brunowjun . ;
, , . , Newton , Fitzroy , and others , in all about thirty in number . After Bro . J . VV " . Blake was initiated , Bro . P . M . Meynotfc most ably installed Bro . C . E . Amos as Worshipful Master , who appointed Bros . F . G . Blake , S . W . ; Bingham , J . IV . ; Rev . 0 . Grant , Chap . ; J . J . Blake , Treas . j C . Greenwood , Sec ; Dumas , S . D . ; J . Hart , J . D . ; Gower , I . G . ; and Litchfield , Dir . of Cers .,- C . Speight was re-appointed Tyler . The lodge liaving been closedthe brethren adjourned to tho pretty garden to
, enjoy a little fresh air after the lengthened , but able , working , and the banquet followed—of that good , plentiful , and elegant character , accompanied by the first-rate wine for which the Spring Hotel is well reputed . Bro . Winn saug some of his best songs , ancl the toasts were those usual on such occasions . It was mentioned that the Prov . G . Lodge of Surrey is to be held some time in next month , the date not yet fixed , at lleigate .
A DIFFICULTY . —It is easier to protend what you are not , than to hide what you really are ; but he that can accomplish both , has little to learn in hypocrisy .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and it was gratifying to them on all occasions to receive that mark of esteem . It augured well for the lodge when such a feeling existed , and the funds were never in a more prosperous condition . — " The Health of Bro . Blackburn , the Secretary of the Lodge , " was next given ; and , in returning thanks , he said he had been a member of the lodge ever since it was consecrated , and he should have pleasure in remaining their Secretary as long as his health would allow . He congratulated them on the
excellent state of the lodge , and they were all comfortable and happy . He felt deeply grateful for the honour conferred upon . him . —The W . MASTER , in giving " The Officers of the Lodge , " said unless they did their duty the business of the lodge would soon come to an end . When their S . W . should come to the chair he would have officers who were able to do their worlr well , although one now and then was found wanting in attending . . He was obliged to them for their assistance which had enabled
them to see the lodge in so prosperous a state , and to receive such a large number of initiates . —Rro . J . AVERY , S . W ., said it . gave him much pleasure to hear the way in which his health had been proposed that evening . To maintain the harmony of the lodge would be his highest aim and ambition . —Bro . PARKER also returned thanks , and said it would be his stud y to render the Beadon Lodge a star in the Craft , and uphold it iu its
brilliant career . —I 3 ro . LEONARD said , as one of the officers , he would do his best to carry out the duties of the office to which he was appointed , and to give satisfaction to the AV . M . and every member . —Bro . BEOICETT also acknowledged the compliment conferred upon him . One or two other toasts were given and the brethren separated after a very pleasant evening , which was very materially enhanced by some excellent glees , songs , & c . by Bros . Seaman , Quelch , Avery , and Parker .
INSTRUCTION . WniTTiNGTON LODGE . —The second anniversary banquet , to commemorate the establishment of this lodge , was held on Thursday week at Bro . Frith ' s , Old Kent Hotel , Brownlowstreet , Holborn . The installation ceremony having been worked , the members and visitors retired to the banquet . Bro . J . Brett ( Nos . 177 and 8 G 2 ) presided . The toasts of the Ri ght Hon . Earl of ZetlandG . M . and Riht Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon
, , g , D . G . M ., liaving been given , that of the Whittington Lodge of Instruction , coupled with the names of its founders , was proposed by the chairman . He said they had turned out some good Masons and officers , and they would also some good W . M . 's . The toast was duly responded to , and that of the Mother Lodge and others were given . The banquet was served up in a manner worthy of the fame of the house in by-gone times .
KENT . MARGATE . — Union Lodge ( So . 127 . )—At a meeting of this lodge , held on Friday evening , 20 th May , 186-1 , it was moved by Bro . William C . Brasier , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . B ., and seconded by Bro . John R . Feakins , P . M ., and P . Prov . S . G . D . — " That , referring to a circular received from the Provincial Grand Secretary , requesting the opinion of the brethren as to whether the procession to church at the Provincial Grand Festivals
should be discontinued—it is resolved that this lodge unanimously and earnestly desire the present system to be continued ; that they deprecate any change , deeming that it should be regarded as an ancient custom of the Order in this province ; and that the solemn procession of Masonic bodies to Divine worship there' ( -vithout distinction of creed or sect ) , to return thanks to the Great Architect of the Universe for tho past , and to supplicate for the futureforms a noble instance of reverence to
, Him , the Most High , and of brotherly love and harmony amongst men of many faiths , which we , as Masons should much regret to abolish . That this resolution be signed in open lodge by the W . M . and Wardens , aud be presented at the preparatory Grand Lodge Meeting , which will take place at theRoy . il Oak Hotel , Dover , on Tuesday , the 1-ltb June , by Bros . John Harvey , BoysP . M . and Thomas Holmes GoreP . M . or one of them
, , , , , and that their expenses be reimbursed by the Treasurer . " Curried unanimously . ( Signed ) John Matthew , AV . M . C . J ) . Dixon , S . W . James S . Hoile , J . W .
MIDDLESEX . Hoi-NSiow . —Dalhousie Lodge ( No . 865 ) . —This lodge held its first meeting for the season on Wednesday , the 18 th inst ., at the Town Hall . There ivere present , Bros . J . J . Hardey , senior P . M . ; Gilbard , P . M . ; AVatson , P . M . ; Stacy , P . M . ; Frost , S . W . ; Richards , J . W . ; Pellafcfc , I . G . ; Farrant , Treas . ; Riiston , Johnson , Alfred Jupp , Clarke , Donald King , Watts , Holloway , Hopwood , Hedges , Raynsford , Hays , and several other brethren .
There were also present as visitors , Bro . Elliott , of a lodge at Bombay , and Bro . Walker . In the absence of the W . M . ( Bro . AA'illett ) , in consequence of domestic affliction , the chair was occupied by Bros . Hardey and Gilbard alternately . Bro . Charles Arthur Raynsford was raised to the degree of a M . M ,, the impressive ceremony being done by Bro . Gilbard . Bros . Golding , Sims , Johnson , Huston , and Arthur Jupp , were passed to the second degree bBroHardeyand MrJonesof
Isley . ; . , worth , ancl Mr . Bingham Daly , having been unanimously elected by ballot , were initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by Bro . Gilbard . The election of officers for the ensuing year took place , when Bro . Frost was unanimously elected AV . M . for the ensuing year , ancl Bro . Fan-ant re-elected
as Treas . The lodgo having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet at the Town Hall , provided by Bro . Lewis , of tho Red Lion . The chair was occupied by Bro . Hardey . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been drunk , tbe Chairman stated that he had on that occasion a most melancholy duty to perform , which was to propose the immortal memory of a member of this lodge , lately deceased , namely , Bro . George Francis Cooper . The worthy chairman
then briefly adverted to the high social position of the deceased brother , ancl the great respect entertained towards him by all . The worthy chairman observed in the words of Shakspeare , " He was a man take him for all in all , we shall not look upon his like again . " The memory of the late Bro . Cooper was then drunk in solemn silence . After some excellent songs by Bros . Donald King , Pellatt , Daly , Staeey , AA atts , and Walker , the brethren adjourned at twenty minutes before ten o ' clockin
, order to enable those brethren going towards London to be in time for the last train . We should have previously observed that upon the motion of Bro . Hardey , seconded by Bra . Gilbard , a jewel was unanimously voted to the outgoing AV . M . ( Bro . Willett ) for his excellent and efficient services in the chair during the past year .
SURREY . EWELL . —Grove Lodge ( No . 410 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge took place at the Spring Hotel , Eivell , on Saturday , the 21 st of May , under the presidency of Bro . AV . S . Masterman , W . M . There were two initiations , three passings , and the installation and appointment of officers as the business for the d . 73-. The brethren present were W . S . Masterman , S . W . ;
C . E . Amos , S . W . ; F . G . Blake , J . W . ; A . Bingham , S . D . ; C . C . Dumas , J . D . ; John Gower , I . G . ; J . J . Blake , P . G . D . ; W . White , Pvov . G . S . B . ; W . Moates , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; AV . J . Meymott , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; C . Greenwood , Prov . G . Sec ; A . Hohnan , and G . J . Palmer , all P . M . ' s ; with Bros . Litchfield , Turner , Giblett , W . Moates , jun ., J . Goddard , and Winn . Visitors : Bros . Bennoch , AV . M . No . 1 ; Truscott , S . W . No . 1 ; BiggP . M . No . 1 ; Baron Brutiow 33 ° France ; Brunowjun . ;
, , . , Newton , Fitzroy , and others , in all about thirty in number . After Bro . J . VV " . Blake was initiated , Bro . P . M . Meynotfc most ably installed Bro . C . E . Amos as Worshipful Master , who appointed Bros . F . G . Blake , S . W . ; Bingham , J . IV . ; Rev . 0 . Grant , Chap . ; J . J . Blake , Treas . j C . Greenwood , Sec ; Dumas , S . D . ; J . Hart , J . D . ; Gower , I . G . ; and Litchfield , Dir . of Cers .,- C . Speight was re-appointed Tyler . The lodge liaving been closedthe brethren adjourned to tho pretty garden to
, enjoy a little fresh air after the lengthened , but able , working , and the banquet followed—of that good , plentiful , and elegant character , accompanied by the first-rate wine for which the Spring Hotel is well reputed . Bro . Winn saug some of his best songs , ancl the toasts were those usual on such occasions . It was mentioned that the Prov . G . Lodge of Surrey is to be held some time in next month , the date not yet fixed , at lleigate .
A DIFFICULTY . —It is easier to protend what you are not , than to hide what you really are ; but he that can accomplish both , has little to learn in hypocrisy .