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Channel Islands.
support by my confidence in your exactitude , to derive great pleasure from the more active share which the Master must take in the administration of our ceremonies . You possess ihe means necessary for enabling you to continue to deserve this character , of which I doubt not you will fully avail yourselves , so that it may never bo lost . However loth to leave you even for a season , I shall necessarily be absent from two , perhaps threemeetings this summer after the month of June . I
sin-, cerely trust that on my return I shall have reason to congratulate you on the progress made during my absence under your new W . M ., by exact working , and the addition of new members . In no other way can you so prove your attachment to myself , as your first W . M . With an assurance that I shall ever be ready to serve the lodge , ancl to promote its interests in any capacity , I have now simply to bid you an affectionate farewell as your
head , and to offer an earnest prayer for your continued prosperity , from the chair which I am at once about to vacate . " . The lodge was called off for rerfeslnnciit for ten minutes . On resuming labour Bros . Durell , W . M ., and Kingsnortb , P . M ., presented Bro . E . C . Malet de Carteret to receive the benefit of installation . Bro . Dr . Hopkins at once proceeded with the ceremony . Bro . De Carteret in the usual manner signified his assent to the ancient charges , which were read by Bro . Le Sueur ,
acting as Secretary . The obligation as regards the duties of the Master's chair was administered . Tho lodge was opened , in the third degree . All not holding the rank of AV . M . or P . M . having withdrawn , a Board of Installed Masters was formed
and after the usual preliminaries , Bro . Do Carteret was duly placed in the chair of the lodge . Bro . Dr . Hopkins was then invested as I . P . M . The board was closed , the Master Masons were admitted , ancl subsequently tbe Fellow Crafts and Entered Apprentices , the usual processions , salutations , and proclamations , and presentations of the working tools being made in each case . The lodge was resumed in tho second and afterwards in the first degree . The warrant , Book of
Constitutions , and by-law were presented to the AV . M ., who then appointed and invested the following officers , giving an appropriate address to each : — " Bros . Orange , S . W . ; De La Taste , J . W . ; Josh . Stevens , S . D . ; Oatley , J . ]) . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., Sec . ; C . Le Sueur , Treas . ; Surguy , I . G . ; Bullen , Tyler . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , as Installing Master , gave the usual addresses to the W . M ., the Wardens , and the brethren of the lodge not in office . The W . M . having risen three several times , and no
other business being brought forward , closed the lodge , assisted by his new officers , in perfect harmony and with solemn prayer at a quarter-past five . The brethren then adjourned to Coudray ' s St . Aubin's Hotel to partake of tbe annual banquet . This liaving been concluded , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured and responded to . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , who proposed the health of the absent brethren , took the opportunity to read a letter recently received by him from the late Chaplain , the Rev . Bro . F . De La Mare , extracts from which he had sent for insertion in THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . The party broke up about nine o ' clock .
MAURITIUS . LODGE OE HARMONY ( NO . 811 , G . L . E ) . —This lodge held its installation meeting on the 11 th February last , at the Lodge Rooms of the R . L . la Triple Esperance . At the time appointed the W . M ., Povah Ambrose , opened the lodge assisted Bros . F . W . Barlow , S . W . ' ; A . H . Jack , J . W . ; James Broclie , Treas . ; A . G . 'Rickwood , Sec ; W . Harrison , S . D . ; J . J . Standley , J . D . ; A . '
C . Wrehe , Dir of Cers . ; AV . Besant , I . G . ; J . Ambrose , Steward ; also present—Bros . Thomas Rickwood , H . Wilson , R . Banning , A . Lancaster , L . Pigeot , Thomas McGregor , A . Scott , A . R . Barrant , and W . Hatch . The minutes of the preceding meetings liaving been read and confirmed , and the ordinary business of the evening having been gone through , visitors were introduced in the following order : —
T . Bro . P . M . Jourdain and a deputation of the Military Lodge - ( No . 235 , I . C . ) and visiting brethren . 2 . Bio . W . M . It . Dundee ancl deputation of the British Lodge ( No . -736 , G . L . E . ) and visiting brethren . 3 . Bro . J . Robert , J . AV ., and deputation of R . L . La Pais , and visiting brethren . 4 . Bro . J . Canonville , AV . M , ancl deputation of the B . L . la ¦ Triple . Esperance , and visiting brethren .
5 . Bro . A'igier Latour , 33 ° , S . P . I . G . O ., France . 6 . Bro . P . M . J . C . C . de Lissa , of the British Lodge , Installing Master . A report of the proceedings of the lodge was then read , showing a very satisfactory result , and was ordered to he placed on tho minutes of the lodge in charge of the Bro . Sec . The ceremony of installation of the W . M . elect was then gone through . Bro . A . P . Ambrose liaving been re-elected to the chair , it was not
necessary to form a board of installed masters , but the remaining portion of the ceremony was performed by Bro . De Lissa , P . M ., in the most able ancl impressive manner . Bro . P . Ambrose being placed in the chair of K . S ., then proceeded to invest the following officers : —Bros . A . Hill Jack , S . W . ; A . G . Rickwood , J . AV . ; A . Scott , Treas . elect ; J . Ambrose , Sec ; W . Besant , S . D . ; J . J . Standley , J . D . ; James Brodie , Dir . of Cers . ; H . WilsonI . G . ; F . Thomas Rickwood , and Thos . McGregor ,
, Stewards ; A . Lancester , Organist . Two propositions were then read : — 1 . By Bro . Barlow , seconded by the AV . M . — " That the special thanks of this lodge are clue to Bro . A . G . Rickwood , Secretary , for the very efficient manner in which he performed the duties of his office during the past year , aud that a more lasting token , with a proper inscription be presented to "him . " Carried unanimousl
y . 2 . By Bro . Barlow , P . S . W ., and seconded by Bro . A . H . Jack , S . W . — " That it is desirable to obtain the portrait of the WM ., Bro . P . Ambrose , and that he should bo requested to sit for the same at the expense of the lodge . The portrait to be placed in the Salle des Pas Perdus of the Triple Esperance Lodge . " The W . M . having acknowledged the compliment in suitable
terms , and consented to the said proposition—it was put and carried unanimously . > Tho lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , and all the brethren present were invited by the W . M . to adjourn to the banquetting room , which was tastefully decorated for the occasion . The brethren then sat down to a very excellent dinner prepared by the exertions of the Stewards . A band of
amateur musicians enlivened the evening with selections from the popular operas . Dinner being over , the AV . Master rose and proposed the usual loyal toasts— " The Queen and the Craft ; " The Most Worshipful Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , and Grand Lodge of England ; " "The Most Worshipful Grand Master , and Grand Lodge of Ireland , Scotland , ancl Grand Orient de France ; " which were all received with great enthusiasm .
The following toasts were then drunk with due honour : —By the AA ' . M . — " The Visiting Brethren , and the Masters and Past Masters of the Sister Lodges of this City . " By the Installing P . M . — " The Worshipful Master , A . P . Ambrose . " He congratulated the members of the Harmony on the re-election of Bro . Ambrose to the chair of their lodge , an honour which he fully deserved for his strenuous exertions in having raised their young lodgowhich barely mustered sufficient members to open
, lodge when he took the direction , and which he had raised to the rank and splendour which it now occupies . Bro . P . Ambrose replied in a few but deeply-felt words . The W . Master then asked the brethren to charge , and join with him in drinking a bumper to " To the Health of the Installing Past Master , Bro . J . C . C . De Lissa of the British Lodge . " He thanked Bro . De Lissa for his kindness in having
conducted the installation ceremony , and said that now that Bro . the Rev . O'Dell had left these shores , the Craft looked up to Bro . De Lissa , not only for instruction , but for the performance of all those solemn rites usually so ably conducted by their reverend and absent brother . The brethren had had occasion to see how Bro . De Lissa had performed the installation , and were pleased to find that the vacant place left by Bro . O'Dell would be well and ablfilled bBro . De Lissa . This toast was
y y received with loud applause . Bro . J . C . C . De Lissa replied in his usual able manner . The remaining toasts were then given : — " New Installed Officers , " by Bro . Barlow , P . AV . ; " Past Officers , " by the S . W . ; " Mother ? , Wives , and Daughters of Masons , " by Bro . J . Brodie ; " To all Distressed Masons , " by the J . W . Labour was then resumedthe charity box circulatedand
, , the lodge closed in love , peace , ancl harmony . Aregular meeting of this lodge was also held on tho 10 th March last , at the Lodge Rooms of the R . L . la Triple Esperance . The business borne on the summons consisted only of one initiation
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
support by my confidence in your exactitude , to derive great pleasure from the more active share which the Master must take in the administration of our ceremonies . You possess ihe means necessary for enabling you to continue to deserve this character , of which I doubt not you will fully avail yourselves , so that it may never bo lost . However loth to leave you even for a season , I shall necessarily be absent from two , perhaps threemeetings this summer after the month of June . I
sin-, cerely trust that on my return I shall have reason to congratulate you on the progress made during my absence under your new W . M ., by exact working , and the addition of new members . In no other way can you so prove your attachment to myself , as your first W . M . With an assurance that I shall ever be ready to serve the lodge , ancl to promote its interests in any capacity , I have now simply to bid you an affectionate farewell as your
head , and to offer an earnest prayer for your continued prosperity , from the chair which I am at once about to vacate . " . The lodge was called off for rerfeslnnciit for ten minutes . On resuming labour Bros . Durell , W . M ., and Kingsnortb , P . M ., presented Bro . E . C . Malet de Carteret to receive the benefit of installation . Bro . Dr . Hopkins at once proceeded with the ceremony . Bro . De Carteret in the usual manner signified his assent to the ancient charges , which were read by Bro . Le Sueur ,
acting as Secretary . The obligation as regards the duties of the Master's chair was administered . Tho lodge was opened , in the third degree . All not holding the rank of AV . M . or P . M . having withdrawn , a Board of Installed Masters was formed
and after the usual preliminaries , Bro . Do Carteret was duly placed in the chair of the lodge . Bro . Dr . Hopkins was then invested as I . P . M . The board was closed , the Master Masons were admitted , ancl subsequently tbe Fellow Crafts and Entered Apprentices , the usual processions , salutations , and proclamations , and presentations of the working tools being made in each case . The lodge was resumed in tho second and afterwards in the first degree . The warrant , Book of
Constitutions , and by-law were presented to the AV . M ., who then appointed and invested the following officers , giving an appropriate address to each : — " Bros . Orange , S . W . ; De La Taste , J . W . ; Josh . Stevens , S . D . ; Oatley , J . ]) . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., Sec . ; C . Le Sueur , Treas . ; Surguy , I . G . ; Bullen , Tyler . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , as Installing Master , gave the usual addresses to the W . M ., the Wardens , and the brethren of the lodge not in office . The W . M . having risen three several times , and no
other business being brought forward , closed the lodge , assisted by his new officers , in perfect harmony and with solemn prayer at a quarter-past five . The brethren then adjourned to Coudray ' s St . Aubin's Hotel to partake of tbe annual banquet . This liaving been concluded , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured and responded to . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , who proposed the health of the absent brethren , took the opportunity to read a letter recently received by him from the late Chaplain , the Rev . Bro . F . De La Mare , extracts from which he had sent for insertion in THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . The party broke up about nine o ' clock .
MAURITIUS . LODGE OE HARMONY ( NO . 811 , G . L . E ) . —This lodge held its installation meeting on the 11 th February last , at the Lodge Rooms of the R . L . la Triple Esperance . At the time appointed the W . M ., Povah Ambrose , opened the lodge assisted Bros . F . W . Barlow , S . W . ' ; A . H . Jack , J . W . ; James Broclie , Treas . ; A . G . 'Rickwood , Sec ; W . Harrison , S . D . ; J . J . Standley , J . D . ; A . '
C . Wrehe , Dir of Cers . ; AV . Besant , I . G . ; J . Ambrose , Steward ; also present—Bros . Thomas Rickwood , H . Wilson , R . Banning , A . Lancaster , L . Pigeot , Thomas McGregor , A . Scott , A . R . Barrant , and W . Hatch . The minutes of the preceding meetings liaving been read and confirmed , and the ordinary business of the evening having been gone through , visitors were introduced in the following order : —
T . Bro . P . M . Jourdain and a deputation of the Military Lodge - ( No . 235 , I . C . ) and visiting brethren . 2 . Bio . W . M . It . Dundee ancl deputation of the British Lodge ( No . -736 , G . L . E . ) and visiting brethren . 3 . Bro . J . Robert , J . AV ., and deputation of R . L . La Pais , and visiting brethren . 4 . Bro . J . Canonville , AV . M , ancl deputation of the B . L . la ¦ Triple . Esperance , and visiting brethren .
5 . Bro . A'igier Latour , 33 ° , S . P . I . G . O ., France . 6 . Bro . P . M . J . C . C . de Lissa , of the British Lodge , Installing Master . A report of the proceedings of the lodge was then read , showing a very satisfactory result , and was ordered to he placed on tho minutes of the lodge in charge of the Bro . Sec . The ceremony of installation of the W . M . elect was then gone through . Bro . A . P . Ambrose liaving been re-elected to the chair , it was not
necessary to form a board of installed masters , but the remaining portion of the ceremony was performed by Bro . De Lissa , P . M ., in the most able ancl impressive manner . Bro . P . Ambrose being placed in the chair of K . S ., then proceeded to invest the following officers : —Bros . A . Hill Jack , S . W . ; A . G . Rickwood , J . AV . ; A . Scott , Treas . elect ; J . Ambrose , Sec ; W . Besant , S . D . ; J . J . Standley , J . D . ; James Brodie , Dir . of Cers . ; H . WilsonI . G . ; F . Thomas Rickwood , and Thos . McGregor ,
, Stewards ; A . Lancester , Organist . Two propositions were then read : — 1 . By Bro . Barlow , seconded by the AV . M . — " That the special thanks of this lodge are clue to Bro . A . G . Rickwood , Secretary , for the very efficient manner in which he performed the duties of his office during the past year , aud that a more lasting token , with a proper inscription be presented to "him . " Carried unanimousl
y . 2 . By Bro . Barlow , P . S . W ., and seconded by Bro . A . H . Jack , S . W . — " That it is desirable to obtain the portrait of the WM ., Bro . P . Ambrose , and that he should bo requested to sit for the same at the expense of the lodge . The portrait to be placed in the Salle des Pas Perdus of the Triple Esperance Lodge . " The W . M . having acknowledged the compliment in suitable
terms , and consented to the said proposition—it was put and carried unanimously . > Tho lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , and all the brethren present were invited by the W . M . to adjourn to the banquetting room , which was tastefully decorated for the occasion . The brethren then sat down to a very excellent dinner prepared by the exertions of the Stewards . A band of
amateur musicians enlivened the evening with selections from the popular operas . Dinner being over , the AV . Master rose and proposed the usual loyal toasts— " The Queen and the Craft ; " The Most Worshipful Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , and Grand Lodge of England ; " "The Most Worshipful Grand Master , and Grand Lodge of Ireland , Scotland , ancl Grand Orient de France ; " which were all received with great enthusiasm .
The following toasts were then drunk with due honour : —By the AA ' . M . — " The Visiting Brethren , and the Masters and Past Masters of the Sister Lodges of this City . " By the Installing P . M . — " The Worshipful Master , A . P . Ambrose . " He congratulated the members of the Harmony on the re-election of Bro . Ambrose to the chair of their lodge , an honour which he fully deserved for his strenuous exertions in having raised their young lodgowhich barely mustered sufficient members to open
, lodge when he took the direction , and which he had raised to the rank and splendour which it now occupies . Bro . P . Ambrose replied in a few but deeply-felt words . The W . Master then asked the brethren to charge , and join with him in drinking a bumper to " To the Health of the Installing Past Master , Bro . J . C . C . De Lissa of the British Lodge . " He thanked Bro . De Lissa for his kindness in having
conducted the installation ceremony , and said that now that Bro . the Rev . O'Dell had left these shores , the Craft looked up to Bro . De Lissa , not only for instruction , but for the performance of all those solemn rites usually so ably conducted by their reverend and absent brother . The brethren had had occasion to see how Bro . De Lissa had performed the installation , and were pleased to find that the vacant place left by Bro . O'Dell would be well and ablfilled bBro . De Lissa . This toast was
y y received with loud applause . Bro . J . C . C . De Lissa replied in his usual able manner . The remaining toasts were then given : — " New Installed Officers , " by Bro . Barlow , P . AV . ; " Past Officers , " by the S . W . ; " Mother ? , Wives , and Daughters of Masons , " by Bro . J . Brodie ; " To all Distressed Masons , " by the J . W . Labour was then resumedthe charity box circulatedand
, , the lodge closed in love , peace , ancl harmony . Aregular meeting of this lodge was also held on tho 10 th March last , at the Lodge Rooms of the R . L . la Triple Esperance . The business borne on the summons consisted only of one initiation