Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
tabhshed the institution at the same time in that kingdom . The Tyrians , sweeping over Spain with their victorious arms , planted it there . We behold it rapidly spreading through Egypt , that land of rich historic associations , reflecting glory upon it through the period of 1 , 500 years . The traveller at this day witnesses traces of it amidst the beautiful ruins of
Ipsambul , of Axum , of Thebes , of Palmyra , ancl of Lxnor . From these places we trace it , as it is carried into the classic vales of Greece , into the land of the Great Monarch , into India and into Rome , in each country manifesting its salutary , benign , aud illuminating effects , extending in all the sphere of
knowledge , pouring the balm of consolation into the hearts of the unfortunate , and alleviating the miseries and calamities of war . We see it moving with the Roman standards in the time of that Ca ? sar to whom the Ides of March were fatal ; through the provinces of Gaul to the shores of our own beloved fatherlandwhose
, surge-beaten cliffs it lias caused to blossom as the rose , rendering it the home of art in its beauty of science , in its depth of Justice with her even scale , and of true and rational liberty . Though partially obscured and circumscribed in its operations during that humiliating epoch in human history , the Dark
Ages , it even then shines as a bright star in the East , exhibiting its own loveliness in more brilliant colours , while the surrounding darkness became darker still . " We behold it again moving westward with the returning Crusaders , ameliorating the barbarism which had taken possession of the crumbling fragments of the Roman Empire , breathing into the shattered elements of society the soothing voice of benevolence and brotherly love , lifting up the Queen of creation ' s flowers
from the degradation to which she was forced , and placing her upon the pedestal of companionship and equality with man . The grand and imposing structure , erected for the worship of God during the days of ecclesiastical supremacy , indicate the operative skill of the Craft of that period . We behold it during
succeeding centuries iu the various countries of Europe , battling with superstition , ignorance , injustice , and cruelty—often crushed down , it is true , by the iron hand of despotic power , but ever serving as a beacon , directing onwards to human improvement , morality , and truth . In no country upon the earth
has its history and progress exhibited more important and deeply interesting phases than in Great Britain . The first Englisii Grand Lodge , assembled in the year 287 , was presided over by that pious and truly Christian Mason , St . Alban , who so loved and cherished the Craft that he gained a charter from the King and his
council for them . His character was so truly Christian in word and action as to stamp piety as one of the marks of Masonry of that day . The second English Grand Lodge was convened at York , in June , in the year 926 , by our noble brother Prince Edwin ; and the laws and charges adopted by the illustrious
band at that communication required that whosoever would learn and work Masonry must always reverence God , the Grand Master of the " Universe . From that time our institution continued to flourish there , patronised and encouraged by the best of Albion's monarchsmany of whom were initiated into the bodof
, y the temple , and became its Grand Masters ; and thus on , till the sea-girt isle became the radiating point of Masonic light and beauty , at the revival of Masonry a century and a half ago .
" In France the royal art has been practised from a very remote period . In the year 254 we see many of its skilful Craftsmen joining their British brethren , and many more visited Britain about the year 680 . Many of the ancient Gallic and Norman Princes , becoming Masons , nourished it with extraordinary indulgence and care . Like its history in other lands
during the days of darkest mental obscurity and prejudice , so in France it was prevented by the hand of power from fully working out its beneficent results . " Though planted in Germany during the Roman conquests , and exerting its happy influences at various periods in the life of the German people , yet it was
not till the year 1738 that the institution was revived ,, and which has reflected glory upon that land till the present day . The first lodge in Brunswick was formed under a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and on the 15 th of August , 1738 . the Prince Royal of Prussiaafterwards Frederick William IL"was
, , initiated . In consequence of this , Masonry began to flourish throughout all the Prussian dominions , bearing its rich fruits for the benefit of common humanity . In 1768 the Freemasons in Germany obtained a charter from the King of Prussia , the Elector of Saxony , and the Queen of Hungary and Bohemia ,
empowering them to convene lodges and to transact their business , and the King of Prussia was elected their Grand Master . These monarchs had become fully convinced of the utility of the society in relieving the poor and distressed in their dominions , in erecting schools and seminaries for fatherless and deserted children , and in establishing funds for the support of those parents whose narrow circumstances would not permit them to provide for their offspring ,
or give them such an education as was necessary to render them fit and useful members of society . Thus the principal Sovereign Princes , many of the nobility ,, and men of eminence and learning , have always stood forth as the patrons , protectors , and friends of this society . A lodge was instituted at the Hague , in the
year 1738 , of which William IV ., Prince of Orange , became a member , and since that time the Grand Lodge of Holland has established subordinate lodges iu its foreign possessions , in India , St . Martins , and in South America . " The first lodge in Denmark was established at
Copenhagen , in tbe year 1743 , and the first lodge in Sweden was established at Stockholm in the year 1754 , both under warrant from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , since which time the Order in those countries has prospered in its work—relieving the necessities of the poor , and advancing the best interests of
thepeople . The first lodge established in the vast empire of Russia was consecrated at St . Petersburg in June , 1771 , and was called the Lodge of Perfect Union ; and though the mystic art does not flourish there as in those countries where religious and political freedom have established their throne , yet many of the
good , the wise , and the true among the Russian nobility glory in the privilege of wearing a Mason ' s habiliments and emblems . " The first modern lodge of Freemasons in Asia wasestablished by warrant from the Grand Lodge of Englandat Bengalin the year 1740 and now lod
, , , ges exist in many parts of Hindostan , the East Indies . Ceylon , and China . " A lodge was established at James Fort , in Africa , in 1736 , and at the Cape of Good Hope in
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
tabhshed the institution at the same time in that kingdom . The Tyrians , sweeping over Spain with their victorious arms , planted it there . We behold it rapidly spreading through Egypt , that land of rich historic associations , reflecting glory upon it through the period of 1 , 500 years . The traveller at this day witnesses traces of it amidst the beautiful ruins of
Ipsambul , of Axum , of Thebes , of Palmyra , ancl of Lxnor . From these places we trace it , as it is carried into the classic vales of Greece , into the land of the Great Monarch , into India and into Rome , in each country manifesting its salutary , benign , aud illuminating effects , extending in all the sphere of
knowledge , pouring the balm of consolation into the hearts of the unfortunate , and alleviating the miseries and calamities of war . We see it moving with the Roman standards in the time of that Ca ? sar to whom the Ides of March were fatal ; through the provinces of Gaul to the shores of our own beloved fatherlandwhose
, surge-beaten cliffs it lias caused to blossom as the rose , rendering it the home of art in its beauty of science , in its depth of Justice with her even scale , and of true and rational liberty . Though partially obscured and circumscribed in its operations during that humiliating epoch in human history , the Dark
Ages , it even then shines as a bright star in the East , exhibiting its own loveliness in more brilliant colours , while the surrounding darkness became darker still . " We behold it again moving westward with the returning Crusaders , ameliorating the barbarism which had taken possession of the crumbling fragments of the Roman Empire , breathing into the shattered elements of society the soothing voice of benevolence and brotherly love , lifting up the Queen of creation ' s flowers
from the degradation to which she was forced , and placing her upon the pedestal of companionship and equality with man . The grand and imposing structure , erected for the worship of God during the days of ecclesiastical supremacy , indicate the operative skill of the Craft of that period . We behold it during
succeeding centuries iu the various countries of Europe , battling with superstition , ignorance , injustice , and cruelty—often crushed down , it is true , by the iron hand of despotic power , but ever serving as a beacon , directing onwards to human improvement , morality , and truth . In no country upon the earth
has its history and progress exhibited more important and deeply interesting phases than in Great Britain . The first Englisii Grand Lodge , assembled in the year 287 , was presided over by that pious and truly Christian Mason , St . Alban , who so loved and cherished the Craft that he gained a charter from the King and his
council for them . His character was so truly Christian in word and action as to stamp piety as one of the marks of Masonry of that day . The second English Grand Lodge was convened at York , in June , in the year 926 , by our noble brother Prince Edwin ; and the laws and charges adopted by the illustrious
band at that communication required that whosoever would learn and work Masonry must always reverence God , the Grand Master of the " Universe . From that time our institution continued to flourish there , patronised and encouraged by the best of Albion's monarchsmany of whom were initiated into the bodof
, y the temple , and became its Grand Masters ; and thus on , till the sea-girt isle became the radiating point of Masonic light and beauty , at the revival of Masonry a century and a half ago .
" In France the royal art has been practised from a very remote period . In the year 254 we see many of its skilful Craftsmen joining their British brethren , and many more visited Britain about the year 680 . Many of the ancient Gallic and Norman Princes , becoming Masons , nourished it with extraordinary indulgence and care . Like its history in other lands
during the days of darkest mental obscurity and prejudice , so in France it was prevented by the hand of power from fully working out its beneficent results . " Though planted in Germany during the Roman conquests , and exerting its happy influences at various periods in the life of the German people , yet it was
not till the year 1738 that the institution was revived ,, and which has reflected glory upon that land till the present day . The first lodge in Brunswick was formed under a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and on the 15 th of August , 1738 . the Prince Royal of Prussiaafterwards Frederick William IL"was
, , initiated . In consequence of this , Masonry began to flourish throughout all the Prussian dominions , bearing its rich fruits for the benefit of common humanity . In 1768 the Freemasons in Germany obtained a charter from the King of Prussia , the Elector of Saxony , and the Queen of Hungary and Bohemia ,
empowering them to convene lodges and to transact their business , and the King of Prussia was elected their Grand Master . These monarchs had become fully convinced of the utility of the society in relieving the poor and distressed in their dominions , in erecting schools and seminaries for fatherless and deserted children , and in establishing funds for the support of those parents whose narrow circumstances would not permit them to provide for their offspring ,
or give them such an education as was necessary to render them fit and useful members of society . Thus the principal Sovereign Princes , many of the nobility ,, and men of eminence and learning , have always stood forth as the patrons , protectors , and friends of this society . A lodge was instituted at the Hague , in the
year 1738 , of which William IV ., Prince of Orange , became a member , and since that time the Grand Lodge of Holland has established subordinate lodges iu its foreign possessions , in India , St . Martins , and in South America . " The first lodge in Denmark was established at
Copenhagen , in tbe year 1743 , and the first lodge in Sweden was established at Stockholm in the year 1754 , both under warrant from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , since which time the Order in those countries has prospered in its work—relieving the necessities of the poor , and advancing the best interests of
thepeople . The first lodge established in the vast empire of Russia was consecrated at St . Petersburg in June , 1771 , and was called the Lodge of Perfect Union ; and though the mystic art does not flourish there as in those countries where religious and political freedom have established their throne , yet many of the
good , the wise , and the true among the Russian nobility glory in the privilege of wearing a Mason ' s habiliments and emblems . " The first modern lodge of Freemasons in Asia wasestablished by warrant from the Grand Lodge of Englandat Bengalin the year 1740 and now lod
, , , ges exist in many parts of Hindostan , the East Indies . Ceylon , and China . " A lodge was established at James Fort , in Africa , in 1736 , and at the Cape of Good Hope in