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seconded tbe motion of Bro . Binnie . Bro . Lilbe did not see the force of Bro . McTatrgart's remarks with reference to Bro . Captain Speirs , Avhom the brethren should remember was the defeated candidate for Provincial Grand Mastership of a minor province ( Renfrewshire East ) , and as such he considered it would be undignified on the part of the province of Glasgow to pass over in his favour , the candidate introduced to the meeting by the Subs . Prov . G . M . Bro . Liliie
called upon the brethren to remember that Bro . Strathern had been in their midst for some considerable time , and was known as a true Mason and worthy brother , and one ivhom he considered possessed all the necessary qualifications fitting him to become the Masonic ruler of this province . Bro . Liliie disagreed with Bro . McTaggart , as to Freemasonry in this province requiring such an impetus being imparted to it as that referred to ; on the contrary , he considered that Freemasonry here Avas
already in a position to keep steadily moving ; to continue rolling on in its onward course , and "leave its footprints in the sands of time . " Bro . Liliie concluded by saying if they Avanted to have " the right man in the right place , " tlie brethren would throw down their bouquet in favour of Bro . Sheriff Strathern . After some animated remarks hy several of the brethren , the votes were taken , tlie result of which w-as , as stated in our last , that twenty-one brethren voted for Bro . Captain Speirs ,
and fourteen for Bro . Sheriff Strathern . It Avas then duly moved , seconded , and carried unanimously , that a copy of the minute giving the result of the votes of the Provincial Grand Lodge should he forwarded to Grand Committee of Grand Lodge . After a few observations by Bra . Ramsay , R . AV . M . St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 3 bis ) , in the course of Avhich he adverted to the reasons which had decided him , upon mature consideration , to record his vote in favour of Bro . Speirs . The Provincial Grand Lodge proceedings of the evening were terminated .
Royal Arch.
CUMBERLAND AND AVESTMORELAND . KENDAL . —Kendal Castle Chapter ( No . 129 ) . —An emergency convocation of this chapter Avas held ou Tuesday , the 17 th inst ., at five o'clock , p . m ., at the Masonic Hall , Kent-street . Present —Comps . Edward Busher ( G . S . B . of England ) Z . ; John Bowes , H . ; Capt . Mott . P . Z . ; John Lemon , P . Z . ; Samuel Gawith , P . S . ; Dr . Moore , as Scribe E . ; Ball , as Scribe N . ; S . K . Thompson ,
Capt . Braithwaite , Butterwith , Org ., E . Hibbert , J . 0 . Atkinson , Dr . Hall , and C . ipt . Rossall . The chapter was duly opened by the principals , when the rest of the companions were admitted . The ballot ivas then taken for several brethren as candidates for exaltation . Coin ])? . Dr . Hall and Capt . Rossall being in attendance , Avere duly introduced and exalted by Capt . Mott in his usually precise and efficient manlier . Comp . S . Gawith discharged his duties as P . S . in a most correct manner . The
lectures Avere given by Comps . Mott and Bowes . There being no further business before the chapter , it was duly closed , and the companions separated in harmony . WARWICKSHIRE . PB . OVINCI . VL GIIAXD CH . U ? TEH . The following was the order of proceedings to be observed at
the consecration of the Fletcher Royal Arch . Chapter ( No . 1 , 031 ) , at the Masonic Roims , Newball-street , Birmingham , on Wednesday , the ISth of September , 1 SG 7 . The following Fro v . G . Officers took part in the proceedings , viz ., the Right Hon . and M . E . Comp . Lord Leigh , Prov . G . Supt . ; E . Comps . Major Machen , Prov . G . H . ; and \\ . B . Briggs , Prov . G . J . It Avas directed that the following order be observed : —
1 . The companions will assemble , clothe , and sign Prov . G . Janitor ' s book in the ante-room as punctually as possible , at three o ' clock . 2 . The presiding officer , E . Comp . Machen , with Past and Present Principals , will enter the lodge room ancl open the chapter . 3 . Organist plays a voluntary , whilst the rest of the companions enter and take their seats . 4 . The companions of the new chapter are arranged in order . 5 . The presiding officer addresses the companions on the
nature of the meeting , and calls on Prov . G . S . E . to relate the proceedings and express the Avish of the petitioners . fi . P . G . Scribe E . addresses the presiding officer . 7 . Tho presiding officer desires P . G . Scribe E . to read the charter . 8 . P . G . Scribe reads , after Avhich he introduces tin * Principals .. 9 . The companions place themselves in the proper position ,. Avhilst prayer is offered up .
10 . P . P . ' s— "So mote it be . " 11 . The oration will be delivered b y Comp . tbe Rev . W .. Bramwell Smith , N ., No . 74 . 12 . Anthem 133 rd Psalm ) , tune " St . Stephen ' s : —
heboid ! how pleasant and hoiv good , For brethren such as Ave , Of the " Accepted " brotherhood , To divell in unity . 'Tis like the oil on Aaron ' s head , AA'hich to his feet distils ; Like Hermon ' s dew so richlshed
y On Zion ' s sacred hills . For there the Lord of Light and Love-,. A blessing sent with power ; Oh ! may Ave all that blessing prove , E ' en life for evermore . On friendship ' s altar rising here ,
Onr hands now plighted be , To live in love , Avith hearts sincere , In peace and unity . 13 . Consecration prayer . 14 . P . P . 's— ' So mote it be . " 15 . Prov . G . J . — " Glory be to Thee , 0 Lord . " 1 G . The pedestal is then uncovered , and three Prov . G \ Principals , or P . P . 's , carry the cornucopia , Avine , and oil , threetimes round the chapter ( solemn music heing performed duringthe procession ); they then halt in tbe east . 17 . Prov . G . J .
" Glory be to God on high , Peace on earth , Goodwill towards men . " IS . Prov . G . J . takes the censor , and walks round the chapter ,, accompanied with appropriate readings , solemn music being performed during his progress . 19- 'Plie presiding officer dedicates and constitutes the chapter . 20 . P . P . 's— "So mote it be . "
21 . bolo organ . 22 . Installation of Principals . 23 . Exaltation of candidates . The convocation of tlie Provincial Grand Chapter ivas accordingly held at the Masonic Rooms , Birmingham , ou Wednesday , the ISth iust ., at three o'clock , for the purpose of consecrating the new chapter in connection with the Fletcher Lodge . The M . E . G . Supt . was unavoidably absent , Comp . Machen , Prov .
G . H ., presided , and performed the ceremony of consecration , supported and assisted hy Comps . W . Briggs , Prov . G . J . ; E . Yates , Prov . G . E . ; W . H . Sproston , Prov . G . N . ; J . PursalL Prov . G . P . Soj . ; J . Maehin , Prov . G . Assist . Soj . ; J . T . Adkins , PI-OA ' . G . Treas . ; G . Jones , PTOA ' . G . Reg .: A . W . Blake , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; H . Mulliner , Prov . G . Standard Bearer ; J . Stimpson , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; W . Heely , Janitor ; the principals of tho Warwickshire chaptersand several visitors .
, The oration , delivered by Comp . Rev . AV . B . Smith , ASMS a thorough exposition of the principles of R . A . Masonry , and showed a complete knowledge of the art and mystery of that supreme degree . Comp . Stimpson conducted the musical part of the ceremony , assisted by Comps . Beresford , Gamble , T . Bragg , Pursall , and Best . At the conclusion of the consecration the three Principals , Comps . W . H . Sproston , M . E . Z . ; G . J . Bland , If . ; and T . Partridge , I ., were duly installed by Comp .
Yates , and the following officers invested by the M . E . Comp . Miller , P . S .: —Comps . Ehrhardt , Treas . ; Rev . AV . B . Smith , Dir . of Cers . ; Kent , Assist . E . ; Sergeant Pratt , Janitor . Three candidates , Bros . Williams , Kennedy , and Hale , Avere then admitted and exalted to this supreme degree . At tlie conclusion of this ceremony , the chapter having been closed , the companions adjourned to partake of an excellent repast served up by Airs . Overton . The table AVAS handsomely decorated Avith flowers , kindly presented by Comp . Vertegou . The companions
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
seconded tbe motion of Bro . Binnie . Bro . Lilbe did not see the force of Bro . McTatrgart's remarks with reference to Bro . Captain Speirs , Avhom the brethren should remember was the defeated candidate for Provincial Grand Mastership of a minor province ( Renfrewshire East ) , and as such he considered it would be undignified on the part of the province of Glasgow to pass over in his favour , the candidate introduced to the meeting by the Subs . Prov . G . M . Bro . Liliie
called upon the brethren to remember that Bro . Strathern had been in their midst for some considerable time , and was known as a true Mason and worthy brother , and one ivhom he considered possessed all the necessary qualifications fitting him to become the Masonic ruler of this province . Bro . Liliie disagreed with Bro . McTaggart , as to Freemasonry in this province requiring such an impetus being imparted to it as that referred to ; on the contrary , he considered that Freemasonry here Avas
already in a position to keep steadily moving ; to continue rolling on in its onward course , and "leave its footprints in the sands of time . " Bro . Liliie concluded by saying if they Avanted to have " the right man in the right place , " tlie brethren would throw down their bouquet in favour of Bro . Sheriff Strathern . After some animated remarks hy several of the brethren , the votes were taken , tlie result of which w-as , as stated in our last , that twenty-one brethren voted for Bro . Captain Speirs ,
and fourteen for Bro . Sheriff Strathern . It Avas then duly moved , seconded , and carried unanimously , that a copy of the minute giving the result of the votes of the Provincial Grand Lodge should he forwarded to Grand Committee of Grand Lodge . After a few observations by Bra . Ramsay , R . AV . M . St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 3 bis ) , in the course of Avhich he adverted to the reasons which had decided him , upon mature consideration , to record his vote in favour of Bro . Speirs . The Provincial Grand Lodge proceedings of the evening were terminated .
Royal Arch.
CUMBERLAND AND AVESTMORELAND . KENDAL . —Kendal Castle Chapter ( No . 129 ) . —An emergency convocation of this chapter Avas held ou Tuesday , the 17 th inst ., at five o'clock , p . m ., at the Masonic Hall , Kent-street . Present —Comps . Edward Busher ( G . S . B . of England ) Z . ; John Bowes , H . ; Capt . Mott . P . Z . ; John Lemon , P . Z . ; Samuel Gawith , P . S . ; Dr . Moore , as Scribe E . ; Ball , as Scribe N . ; S . K . Thompson ,
Capt . Braithwaite , Butterwith , Org ., E . Hibbert , J . 0 . Atkinson , Dr . Hall , and C . ipt . Rossall . The chapter was duly opened by the principals , when the rest of the companions were admitted . The ballot ivas then taken for several brethren as candidates for exaltation . Coin ])? . Dr . Hall and Capt . Rossall being in attendance , Avere duly introduced and exalted by Capt . Mott in his usually precise and efficient manlier . Comp . S . Gawith discharged his duties as P . S . in a most correct manner . The
lectures Avere given by Comps . Mott and Bowes . There being no further business before the chapter , it was duly closed , and the companions separated in harmony . WARWICKSHIRE . PB . OVINCI . VL GIIAXD CH . U ? TEH . The following was the order of proceedings to be observed at
the consecration of the Fletcher Royal Arch . Chapter ( No . 1 , 031 ) , at the Masonic Roims , Newball-street , Birmingham , on Wednesday , the ISth of September , 1 SG 7 . The following Fro v . G . Officers took part in the proceedings , viz ., the Right Hon . and M . E . Comp . Lord Leigh , Prov . G . Supt . ; E . Comps . Major Machen , Prov . G . H . ; and \\ . B . Briggs , Prov . G . J . It Avas directed that the following order be observed : —
1 . The companions will assemble , clothe , and sign Prov . G . Janitor ' s book in the ante-room as punctually as possible , at three o ' clock . 2 . The presiding officer , E . Comp . Machen , with Past and Present Principals , will enter the lodge room ancl open the chapter . 3 . Organist plays a voluntary , whilst the rest of the companions enter and take their seats . 4 . The companions of the new chapter are arranged in order . 5 . The presiding officer addresses the companions on the
nature of the meeting , and calls on Prov . G . S . E . to relate the proceedings and express the Avish of the petitioners . fi . P . G . Scribe E . addresses the presiding officer . 7 . Tho presiding officer desires P . G . Scribe E . to read the charter . 8 . P . G . Scribe reads , after Avhich he introduces tin * Principals .. 9 . The companions place themselves in the proper position ,. Avhilst prayer is offered up .
10 . P . P . ' s— "So mote it be . " 11 . The oration will be delivered b y Comp . tbe Rev . W .. Bramwell Smith , N ., No . 74 . 12 . Anthem 133 rd Psalm ) , tune " St . Stephen ' s : —
heboid ! how pleasant and hoiv good , For brethren such as Ave , Of the " Accepted " brotherhood , To divell in unity . 'Tis like the oil on Aaron ' s head , AA'hich to his feet distils ; Like Hermon ' s dew so richlshed
y On Zion ' s sacred hills . For there the Lord of Light and Love-,. A blessing sent with power ; Oh ! may Ave all that blessing prove , E ' en life for evermore . On friendship ' s altar rising here ,
Onr hands now plighted be , To live in love , Avith hearts sincere , In peace and unity . 13 . Consecration prayer . 14 . P . P . 's— ' So mote it be . " 15 . Prov . G . J . — " Glory be to Thee , 0 Lord . " 1 G . The pedestal is then uncovered , and three Prov . G \ Principals , or P . P . 's , carry the cornucopia , Avine , and oil , threetimes round the chapter ( solemn music heing performed duringthe procession ); they then halt in tbe east . 17 . Prov . G . J .
" Glory be to God on high , Peace on earth , Goodwill towards men . " IS . Prov . G . J . takes the censor , and walks round the chapter ,, accompanied with appropriate readings , solemn music being performed during his progress . 19- 'Plie presiding officer dedicates and constitutes the chapter . 20 . P . P . 's— "So mote it be . "
21 . bolo organ . 22 . Installation of Principals . 23 . Exaltation of candidates . The convocation of tlie Provincial Grand Chapter ivas accordingly held at the Masonic Rooms , Birmingham , ou Wednesday , the ISth iust ., at three o'clock , for the purpose of consecrating the new chapter in connection with the Fletcher Lodge . The M . E . G . Supt . was unavoidably absent , Comp . Machen , Prov .
G . H ., presided , and performed the ceremony of consecration , supported and assisted hy Comps . W . Briggs , Prov . G . J . ; E . Yates , Prov . G . E . ; W . H . Sproston , Prov . G . N . ; J . PursalL Prov . G . P . Soj . ; J . Maehin , Prov . G . Assist . Soj . ; J . T . Adkins , PI-OA ' . G . Treas . ; G . Jones , PTOA ' . G . Reg .: A . W . Blake , Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; H . Mulliner , Prov . G . Standard Bearer ; J . Stimpson , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; W . Heely , Janitor ; the principals of tho Warwickshire chaptersand several visitors .
, The oration , delivered by Comp . Rev . AV . B . Smith , ASMS a thorough exposition of the principles of R . A . Masonry , and showed a complete knowledge of the art and mystery of that supreme degree . Comp . Stimpson conducted the musical part of the ceremony , assisted by Comps . Beresford , Gamble , T . Bragg , Pursall , and Best . At the conclusion of the consecration the three Principals , Comps . W . H . Sproston , M . E . Z . ; G . J . Bland , If . ; and T . Partridge , I ., were duly installed by Comp .
Yates , and the following officers invested by the M . E . Comp . Miller , P . S .: —Comps . Ehrhardt , Treas . ; Rev . AV . B . Smith , Dir . of Cers . ; Kent , Assist . E . ; Sergeant Pratt , Janitor . Three candidates , Bros . Williams , Kennedy , and Hale , Avere then admitted and exalted to this supreme degree . At tlie conclusion of this ceremony , the chapter having been closed , the companions adjourned to partake of an excellent repast served up by Airs . Overton . The table AVAS handsomely decorated Avith flowers , kindly presented by Comp . Vertegou . The companions