Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article LODGE MEETINGS, ETC., FOR, THE WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 5TH, 1867. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE MEETINGS, ETC., FOR, THE WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 5TH, 1867. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
separated at an early hour . The future meetings of this chapter will be held at the same place , at five o'clock , p . m ., on the first AVednesday in the months of December , March , June , and September .
SCOTLAND . BANTB . —St . Andrew ' s Royal Arch Chapter , No . 14 ( under charter from the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland ) . —A convocation of this chapter Avas held in the chapterroom of the St . Andrew ' s Masons' Hall on the evening of Monday , the 23 rd inst ., to celebrate the festival of tho autumnal equinox . Present—John I . Nicoll , M . E . Z . ; Rev . J . Davidson , J . ; George Gumming , E . ; John Black , N . ; Robert Morrison , Treas . ; and
a large number of companions . The chapter having been opened in ancient form , tbe election of office bearers for the ensuing year took place , Avhen the folloAving companions ivere unanimously chosen ancl duly installed in their respective chairs —viz ., John Innes Nicoll , M . E . Z . ; Lieut . Dallas Jones , R . E . H . ; Rev . James Davidson , J . ; George Gumming , E . ; J . Black , N . ; Earl of Roslyn , proxy Z . ; James Unlade , P . Z . ; Robert Morrison , Treas . ; James Murray , P . S .: James Y . Simpson , 2 nd S . ;
Joseph Long , 3 rd S . ; John Hutchison , 1 st Steward ; Joseph Kilgonr , 2 nd Stesvard ; James Grant , Janitor . Members of committee : AVilliam Coutts , James Duff , G . W . Murray , Thomas Adam , and Stenbouse Bainisfather , H . P . Z . The usual banquet folloAved , and the companions spent a very happy evening . BASSE . —Operative Eoyal Arch Chapter ( No . 4- ) .- —This ancient chapter , constituted about the year 17 G 4 and believed to be " one of tbe oldest in the world" held their first general
, meeting of the season in the chapter-room of St . John's Operative Lodge here on Monday afternoon , the 23 rd inst ., for the election ancl installation of office bearers . Present—the principals , scribes , ancl a goodly number of the companions . The chapter being opened with all due solemnity , Scribe E . AVUS Q-equested to read over tbe minutes of the last meeting , Avhich were approved of and ordered to be engrossed . The election of office bearers then took placeAvhen the following companions
, Avere unanimously chosen for the ensuing year—viz ., Donald M'Culloeh , Z . ; James Simpson , II . ; J . Simpson , jun ., J . ; John Chalmers , P . Z . ; AVilliam Kay , Proxy ; James Marshall , E . ; Isaac Nicol , N . ; Alexander AVatson , Treas . ; R . Stephens , Alexander Forsyth , and George AVatt , Sojs . ; Alexander Aiken , Janitor .
Lodge Meetings, Etc., For, The Week Ending October 5th, 1867.
MONDAY , September 30 th . —Pythagorean Loclge ( No . 79 ) , Lecture Hall , Royal Hill , Greemvich ; British Oak Lodge ( No . 831 ) , Gurney's Hotel , Stratford . TUESDAY , October 1 st . —Colonial Board , at 3 ; Audit ¦ Committee Girls' School , School House , at 2 . 30 ; Albion Lodge ( No . 9 ) , Freemasons' Hall ; Temple Lodge ( No . 101 ) Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street ; Sb .
, John ' s Lodge ( No . 167 ) , Holly Bush Tavern , Hampstead ; Old Concord Lodge ( No . 172 ) , Ereemasons' Hall ; Euphrates Lodge ( No . 212 ) , Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons ' Avenue , Basinghall-sfcreet ; Lodge of Stability ( No . 217 ) , George Hotel , Aldermanbury ; Lodge La Tolerance ( No . 538 ) , Freemasons' Hall ; Lodge of St . James ( No . 765 ) , Leather Market Tavern , NBAV Weston- street ,
Bermondsey ; Chapter of Temperance ( No . 169 ) , AVhite SAvan Tavern , Deptford . AVEDNESDAY , October 2 nd . — Lodge of Temperance n the East ( No . 898 ) , Private Assembly Rooms , 6 , NeAvby-place , Poplar ; Prince Frederick AVilliam Chapter ( No . 753 ) , the Knights of Sit . John Hotel , Queen ' sterrace , St . John ' s AVood .
THURSDAY , October 3 rd . —Egyptian Lodge ( No . 27 ) , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street ; Strong Man Lodge ( No , 4-5 ) , Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane ; Lodge of Good Report ( No . 136 ) , Radley's Hotel , Bridge-street , Blaekfriars ; Ionic Lodge ( No . 227 ) , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street ; Yarborough Lodge ( No . 554 ) , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Crystal Palace Lodgo ( No . 742 ) , Crystal Palace , Sydenham ; Victoria Rifles Lodge ( No . 822 ) , Free-
Lodge Meetings, Etc., For, The Week Ending October 5th, 1867.
masons' Hall ; Crystal Palace Chapter ( No 742 ) , Crystal Palace , Sydenham . FRIDAY , October 4 th . —Florence Nightingale Lodge ( No . 706 ) , Masonic Hall , William-street , " Woohvich ; Hornsey Lodge ( No . 890 ) , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet . SATURDAY , October Sth . —General Committee Boys ' School , at 4 ; Leigh Lodge ( No . 957 ) , Freemasons' Hall .
The Week.
THE COURT . —The Queen , accompanied by Prineo Arthur and Princo Leopold , Avont out ou tho morning of tho 17 th inst ., and in tho afternoon drovo to Loch Calletor Avith Princoss Christian and Lady Francos Baillie . Princess Louiso Avont out driving , attondod by Lady Churchill and tho Hon . Harriett Phipps . Tho Queon Avcut out on tho morning of tho 18 th inst ., accompauiod by Princoss Christian , and in tho afternoon drovo out Avith Princoss
Beatrice , attondod by Lady Churchill . Prince and Princess Christian , Princoss Louiso , and Princo Leopold Avent out driving . Tho Queen drovo out on tbo 19 th inst ., accompanied by Princoss Beatrice , and attended by Lady Churchill and tho Hon . Harriot Phipps . Tho Queon Avent out on tho morning of tho 20 th inst ., accompanied by Princess Louise , and in tbo aftornoon droA'o out
AA-ith Princess Christian , Princess Louise , and Princo Leopold . Tho Quoon drovo out on tho morning of tbo 21 st inst ., accompanied by Princess Louiso , and iu tho afternoon Avont out A \ -ith Princess Louiso , attended by tho Hon . Harriot Phipps . The Quoon , Princo and Princoss Christian , Princoss Louiso , Prince Arthur and Princo Leopold attondod Divine service on tho 22 nd
iust ., in tho parish church of Cratbio . Tho A ory Rov . Principal Tnllocb , of St . Andrews , ono of hor Majesty ' s chaplains , officiated . Tho Quoon , accompanied by Princoss Christian , Avent out on the morning of the 23 rd inst ., and in tho afternoon drovo out Avith . Princess Christian and Princess Beatrice . GENERAL HOME NEAVS . —Tho health of London last Avook , despite tho extraordinary range of temperature , Avas unusually good , tho deaths being 100 fewer thau in tho corresponding Avook of last
year corrected for increase of population . The falling off in mortality is chiefly undor tho head of diarrhoea , tho deaths being 114 as against 203 tho previous Avook . Tho Registrar General states that this is duo to tho IOAVOI- tomporaturo Avhich provailod . The annual rates of mortality iu 13 of tho largest toAvns AVOI-O por 1 , 000 of tho population as follows : —London 19 , Bristol 20 , Edinburgh 21 , Glasgow 22 . Dublin 24 , Birmingham and Sheffield 28 ,
Liverpool 2 ' . ) , Salford 33 , NoAvcastlo-on-Tyno 34 , Manchester 35 , Loods 37 , and Hull 40 . Tho variableness of thoso averages is very remarkable . Thus taking tAvo dates , tho 0 th . of July and tho 21 st of December , tho averages at Birmingham AVOI-O respectively 19 aud 2 S ; at Hull , 22 and 40 ; at Newcastle-on-Tyno , 22 and 34 ; at Salford , 20 and 33 ; at Sheffield , 10 and 28 . On tho
other hand , in London , tho Avookly average upou thoso dates was tho same , namely , 19 . On tho 19 th inst ., at tho Marlboroughstroot Police-court , tbo charge against John Thomas Boll of robbing tho Marquis of Hastings of a number of valuable rings , AA-as advanced another stage . Tbo diamond cluster ring sold to Mr . Crouch by tho prisoner was produced , aud that gentleman AA-as
further examined Avifh veleroneo to tbe price he paid for it . Mr- Knox , in again remanding tho prisoner , said that there Avas a groat deal more iu tho case than at present a ] ipoarod . An extraordinary inquiry took place at Hackney , on the 20 th inst ., Avith reference to the discovery of the skeleton of a child in the cellar of a house occupied by a respectable family named Butley . The singular feature in the case ivas that the skeleton had been removed in a hamper from the house which the family formerly occupied , to the one in which they are now residing .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
separated at an early hour . The future meetings of this chapter will be held at the same place , at five o'clock , p . m ., on the first AVednesday in the months of December , March , June , and September .
SCOTLAND . BANTB . —St . Andrew ' s Royal Arch Chapter , No . 14 ( under charter from the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland ) . —A convocation of this chapter Avas held in the chapterroom of the St . Andrew ' s Masons' Hall on the evening of Monday , the 23 rd inst ., to celebrate the festival of tho autumnal equinox . Present—John I . Nicoll , M . E . Z . ; Rev . J . Davidson , J . ; George Gumming , E . ; John Black , N . ; Robert Morrison , Treas . ; and
a large number of companions . The chapter having been opened in ancient form , tbe election of office bearers for the ensuing year took place , Avhen the folloAving companions ivere unanimously chosen ancl duly installed in their respective chairs —viz ., John Innes Nicoll , M . E . Z . ; Lieut . Dallas Jones , R . E . H . ; Rev . James Davidson , J . ; George Gumming , E . ; J . Black , N . ; Earl of Roslyn , proxy Z . ; James Unlade , P . Z . ; Robert Morrison , Treas . ; James Murray , P . S .: James Y . Simpson , 2 nd S . ;
Joseph Long , 3 rd S . ; John Hutchison , 1 st Steward ; Joseph Kilgonr , 2 nd Stesvard ; James Grant , Janitor . Members of committee : AVilliam Coutts , James Duff , G . W . Murray , Thomas Adam , and Stenbouse Bainisfather , H . P . Z . The usual banquet folloAved , and the companions spent a very happy evening . BASSE . —Operative Eoyal Arch Chapter ( No . 4- ) .- —This ancient chapter , constituted about the year 17 G 4 and believed to be " one of tbe oldest in the world" held their first general
, meeting of the season in the chapter-room of St . John's Operative Lodge here on Monday afternoon , the 23 rd inst ., for the election ancl installation of office bearers . Present—the principals , scribes , ancl a goodly number of the companions . The chapter being opened with all due solemnity , Scribe E . AVUS Q-equested to read over tbe minutes of the last meeting , Avhich were approved of and ordered to be engrossed . The election of office bearers then took placeAvhen the following companions
, Avere unanimously chosen for the ensuing year—viz ., Donald M'Culloeh , Z . ; James Simpson , II . ; J . Simpson , jun ., J . ; John Chalmers , P . Z . ; AVilliam Kay , Proxy ; James Marshall , E . ; Isaac Nicol , N . ; Alexander AVatson , Treas . ; R . Stephens , Alexander Forsyth , and George AVatt , Sojs . ; Alexander Aiken , Janitor .
Lodge Meetings, Etc., For, The Week Ending October 5th, 1867.
MONDAY , September 30 th . —Pythagorean Loclge ( No . 79 ) , Lecture Hall , Royal Hill , Greemvich ; British Oak Lodge ( No . 831 ) , Gurney's Hotel , Stratford . TUESDAY , October 1 st . —Colonial Board , at 3 ; Audit ¦ Committee Girls' School , School House , at 2 . 30 ; Albion Lodge ( No . 9 ) , Freemasons' Hall ; Temple Lodge ( No . 101 ) Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street ; Sb .
, John ' s Lodge ( No . 167 ) , Holly Bush Tavern , Hampstead ; Old Concord Lodge ( No . 172 ) , Ereemasons' Hall ; Euphrates Lodge ( No . 212 ) , Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons ' Avenue , Basinghall-sfcreet ; Lodge of Stability ( No . 217 ) , George Hotel , Aldermanbury ; Lodge La Tolerance ( No . 538 ) , Freemasons' Hall ; Lodge of St . James ( No . 765 ) , Leather Market Tavern , NBAV Weston- street ,
Bermondsey ; Chapter of Temperance ( No . 169 ) , AVhite SAvan Tavern , Deptford . AVEDNESDAY , October 2 nd . — Lodge of Temperance n the East ( No . 898 ) , Private Assembly Rooms , 6 , NeAvby-place , Poplar ; Prince Frederick AVilliam Chapter ( No . 753 ) , the Knights of Sit . John Hotel , Queen ' sterrace , St . John ' s AVood .
THURSDAY , October 3 rd . —Egyptian Lodge ( No . 27 ) , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street ; Strong Man Lodge ( No , 4-5 ) , Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane ; Lodge of Good Report ( No . 136 ) , Radley's Hotel , Bridge-street , Blaekfriars ; Ionic Lodge ( No . 227 ) , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street ; Yarborough Lodge ( No . 554 ) , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Crystal Palace Lodgo ( No . 742 ) , Crystal Palace , Sydenham ; Victoria Rifles Lodge ( No . 822 ) , Free-
Lodge Meetings, Etc., For, The Week Ending October 5th, 1867.
masons' Hall ; Crystal Palace Chapter ( No 742 ) , Crystal Palace , Sydenham . FRIDAY , October 4 th . —Florence Nightingale Lodge ( No . 706 ) , Masonic Hall , William-street , " Woohvich ; Hornsey Lodge ( No . 890 ) , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet . SATURDAY , October Sth . —General Committee Boys ' School , at 4 ; Leigh Lodge ( No . 957 ) , Freemasons' Hall .
The Week.
THE COURT . —The Queen , accompanied by Prineo Arthur and Princo Leopold , Avont out ou tho morning of tho 17 th inst ., and in tho afternoon drovo to Loch Calletor Avith Princoss Christian and Lady Francos Baillie . Princess Louiso Avont out driving , attondod by Lady Churchill and tho Hon . Harriett Phipps . Tho Queon Avcut out on tho morning of tho 18 th inst ., accompauiod by Princoss Christian , and in tho afternoon drovo out Avith Princoss
Beatrice , attondod by Lady Churchill . Prince and Princess Christian , Princoss Louiso , and Princo Leopold Avent out driving . Tho Queen drovo out on tbo 19 th inst ., accompanied by Princoss Beatrice , and attended by Lady Churchill and tho Hon . Harriot Phipps . Tho Queon Avent out on tho morning of tho 20 th inst ., accompanied by Princess Louise , and in tbo aftornoon droA'o out
AA-ith Princess Christian , Princess Louise , and Princo Leopold . Tho Quoon drovo out on tho morning of tbo 21 st inst ., accompanied by Princess Louiso , and iu tho afternoon Avont out A \ -ith Princess Louiso , attended by tho Hon . Harriot Phipps . The Quoon , Princo and Princoss Christian , Princoss Louiso , Prince Arthur and Princo Leopold attondod Divine service on tho 22 nd
iust ., in tho parish church of Cratbio . Tho A ory Rov . Principal Tnllocb , of St . Andrews , ono of hor Majesty ' s chaplains , officiated . Tho Quoon , accompanied by Princoss Christian , Avent out on the morning of the 23 rd inst ., and in tho afternoon drovo out Avith . Princess Christian and Princess Beatrice . GENERAL HOME NEAVS . —Tho health of London last Avook , despite tho extraordinary range of temperature , Avas unusually good , tho deaths being 100 fewer thau in tho corresponding Avook of last
year corrected for increase of population . The falling off in mortality is chiefly undor tho head of diarrhoea , tho deaths being 114 as against 203 tho previous Avook . Tho Registrar General states that this is duo to tho IOAVOI- tomporaturo Avhich provailod . The annual rates of mortality iu 13 of tho largest toAvns AVOI-O por 1 , 000 of tho population as follows : —London 19 , Bristol 20 , Edinburgh 21 , Glasgow 22 . Dublin 24 , Birmingham and Sheffield 28 ,
Liverpool 2 ' . ) , Salford 33 , NoAvcastlo-on-Tyno 34 , Manchester 35 , Loods 37 , and Hull 40 . Tho variableness of thoso averages is very remarkable . Thus taking tAvo dates , tho 0 th . of July and tho 21 st of December , tho averages at Birmingham AVOI-O respectively 19 aud 2 S ; at Hull , 22 and 40 ; at Newcastle-on-Tyno , 22 and 34 ; at Salford , 20 and 33 ; at Sheffield , 10 and 28 . On tho
other hand , in London , tho Avookly average upou thoso dates was tho same , namely , 19 . On tho 19 th inst ., at tho Marlboroughstroot Police-court , tbo charge against John Thomas Boll of robbing tho Marquis of Hastings of a number of valuable rings , AA-as advanced another stage . Tbo diamond cluster ring sold to Mr . Crouch by tho prisoner was produced , aud that gentleman AA-as
further examined Avifh veleroneo to tbe price he paid for it . Mr- Knox , in again remanding tho prisoner , said that there Avas a groat deal more iu tho case than at present a ] ipoarod . An extraordinary inquiry took place at Hackney , on the 20 th inst ., Avith reference to the discovery of the skeleton of a child in the cellar of a house occupied by a respectable family named Butley . The singular feature in the case ivas that the skeleton had been removed in a hamper from the house which the family formerly occupied , to the one in which they are now residing .