Article THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS. Page 3 of 3 Article WHAT IS FREEMASONRY? Page 1 of 3 →
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The Knights Templars.
to take part in and inflame them , acting upon the principle of dividing to reign . On the present occasion , the proposal of Aboo Avas favourably entertained ' b y the king , and the agreement was ratified hy both parties . It was arranged that the king with his army should appear before Damascus on a certain
Friday ( the Moslem Sunday ) , Avhen the Emir and his officers would be engaged in prayer in the mosque , that the gates of the city should then he opened to the Christians , and the inhabitants being taken hy surprise , Baldwin and his army would have no difficulty
in overpowering them , and in taking possession of it . Damascus had long been coveted by the Christians , both on account of its great strength as a fortress and its immense riches , so that the prospect of conquering it dreAv together an immense army . Baldwin
had , however , a vigilant enemy in Taj-al-Molook , the Emir of Damascus , Avho , by his spies , soon heard of the marshalling of the Christians , and instituting an inquiry , he discovered the treachery of Aboo-l-Wefa whom he put to death with the other Ismaelite conspirators , to the number of 6 , 000 . Meanwhile the
Christians , ignorant of Avhat had befallen their ally , ¦ assembled in great force , the king in person , surrounded by the barons of the kingdom , leading the array , while in front , and forming the van of the army , rode the white-cloaked ranks of the Templars . The
other leaders were Bernard , Prince of Antioch ; Pontius , Count of Tripoli ; and the gallant Joeelyn de Courtnay , Prince of Edessa , who led forth their various troops of foot and horse to assist in the capture of Damascus .
The army set out on its march , passed the mountains of Tiberias in safet y , ancl entered the plain that is watered by the Abana and Pharpar , on the vigil of St . Nicolas . Relying upon the secrecy of their expedition , the footmen began to plunder the villages at
Jfarj Safar for food , when a small but courageous troop of Damascus horsemen dashed forth upon them , defeating the surprised Christians and hewing them to pieces . Gathering , like eagles upon their prey , the Templars dashed down upon the Moslem , followed by
the rest of the army , when the battle became general ; hut scarce had the enemies met when the sky overhead became dark and louring , the rain descended iu torrents , and the gloom increasing , hid every object from view . Anon the scene was lit up by broad lurid
flashes of lightning , and the rain turned to sleet and . snow . The Christians , struck with superstitious terrors , deemed it the wrath of heaven manifested upon them for their sins , and turning , fled . The Templars fought gallantly , but in turn they too
had to give way . The Christians , recollecting that King Baldwin four years before had , with a small handful of men , won a battle against an immense host
The Knights Templars.
of the Damascenes , Avere plunged into profound sorroAV and humiliation . The Ismaelite governor of Banias put that castle into their possession—the only acquisition Baldwin derived from the expedition—that he might escape the fate of his brethren . The days of Hugo de Payens IIOAV drew to a close .
After governing the Order for twenty-one years , and seeing it rise ancl hold the hig hest position among the warrior bands of Palestine under his care , and the continued patronage of St . Bernard , who never failed ? Avhile writing to the East , to mention it with honour ,
ancl to recommend it to the notice of kings and nobles , this gallant soldier of the Cross died in 1139 . Everything that is estimable in man is to be discovered in the character of cle Payens no Avord of calumny has been breathed by the noble and the just upon this
truly great man ; and , though some later writers have attempted to blacken his fair fame , there can be little doubt that no dishonourable action sullied his life , and that he descended to the tomb , as he had lived , Avithout reproach . ( To be continued . )
What Is Freemasonry?
We give the following from the Dumbarton Herald : —¦ This is a question which has often been asked , but who can ansAver it ? Freemasonry is Aviclespread over the g lobe , and embraces millions of
the initiated ; but mankind are as dark upon the mysterious Craft as though there was no such thing existing . The Craft flourishes in this country , and includes many hundred thousand brethren , Avho keep the secrets as faithfully as though they
Avere hermetically sealed up in their hearts . Freemasonry is a great fact , a noble , universal institution , Avhich embraces within its fold people of all climes , creeds , and colours . " What is
Freemasonry ? " Avas a question asked by good Queen Elizabeth , Avho wished to be admitted to the Craft ; and finding * no one of the softer sex could be made a Mason , conceived that- a secret that could not be revealed to the Queen must be injurious to the
throne , and sent an armed force to disperse the Grand Lodge at York , where she was holding her Court . There has been one woman Freemason , but this act Avas made compulsory upon her under peculiar circumstances . She became an ardent
Mason , and rose hi g h in the Craft . " What is Freemasonry ? " Avas demanded by Parliament during the minority of Henry YI ., and not being able to extract the secret , they passed a laAv ( Sec .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Knights Templars.
to take part in and inflame them , acting upon the principle of dividing to reign . On the present occasion , the proposal of Aboo Avas favourably entertained ' b y the king , and the agreement was ratified hy both parties . It was arranged that the king with his army should appear before Damascus on a certain
Friday ( the Moslem Sunday ) , Avhen the Emir and his officers would be engaged in prayer in the mosque , that the gates of the city should then he opened to the Christians , and the inhabitants being taken hy surprise , Baldwin and his army would have no difficulty
in overpowering them , and in taking possession of it . Damascus had long been coveted by the Christians , both on account of its great strength as a fortress and its immense riches , so that the prospect of conquering it dreAv together an immense army . Baldwin
had , however , a vigilant enemy in Taj-al-Molook , the Emir of Damascus , Avho , by his spies , soon heard of the marshalling of the Christians , and instituting an inquiry , he discovered the treachery of Aboo-l-Wefa whom he put to death with the other Ismaelite conspirators , to the number of 6 , 000 . Meanwhile the
Christians , ignorant of Avhat had befallen their ally , ¦ assembled in great force , the king in person , surrounded by the barons of the kingdom , leading the array , while in front , and forming the van of the army , rode the white-cloaked ranks of the Templars . The
other leaders were Bernard , Prince of Antioch ; Pontius , Count of Tripoli ; and the gallant Joeelyn de Courtnay , Prince of Edessa , who led forth their various troops of foot and horse to assist in the capture of Damascus .
The army set out on its march , passed the mountains of Tiberias in safet y , ancl entered the plain that is watered by the Abana and Pharpar , on the vigil of St . Nicolas . Relying upon the secrecy of their expedition , the footmen began to plunder the villages at
Jfarj Safar for food , when a small but courageous troop of Damascus horsemen dashed forth upon them , defeating the surprised Christians and hewing them to pieces . Gathering , like eagles upon their prey , the Templars dashed down upon the Moslem , followed by
the rest of the army , when the battle became general ; hut scarce had the enemies met when the sky overhead became dark and louring , the rain descended iu torrents , and the gloom increasing , hid every object from view . Anon the scene was lit up by broad lurid
flashes of lightning , and the rain turned to sleet and . snow . The Christians , struck with superstitious terrors , deemed it the wrath of heaven manifested upon them for their sins , and turning , fled . The Templars fought gallantly , but in turn they too
had to give way . The Christians , recollecting that King Baldwin four years before had , with a small handful of men , won a battle against an immense host
The Knights Templars.
of the Damascenes , Avere plunged into profound sorroAV and humiliation . The Ismaelite governor of Banias put that castle into their possession—the only acquisition Baldwin derived from the expedition—that he might escape the fate of his brethren . The days of Hugo de Payens IIOAV drew to a close .
After governing the Order for twenty-one years , and seeing it rise ancl hold the hig hest position among the warrior bands of Palestine under his care , and the continued patronage of St . Bernard , who never failed ? Avhile writing to the East , to mention it with honour ,
ancl to recommend it to the notice of kings and nobles , this gallant soldier of the Cross died in 1139 . Everything that is estimable in man is to be discovered in the character of cle Payens no Avord of calumny has been breathed by the noble and the just upon this
truly great man ; and , though some later writers have attempted to blacken his fair fame , there can be little doubt that no dishonourable action sullied his life , and that he descended to the tomb , as he had lived , Avithout reproach . ( To be continued . )
What Is Freemasonry?
We give the following from the Dumbarton Herald : —¦ This is a question which has often been asked , but who can ansAver it ? Freemasonry is Aviclespread over the g lobe , and embraces millions of
the initiated ; but mankind are as dark upon the mysterious Craft as though there was no such thing existing . The Craft flourishes in this country , and includes many hundred thousand brethren , Avho keep the secrets as faithfully as though they
Avere hermetically sealed up in their hearts . Freemasonry is a great fact , a noble , universal institution , Avhich embraces within its fold people of all climes , creeds , and colours . " What is
Freemasonry ? " Avas a question asked by good Queen Elizabeth , Avho wished to be admitted to the Craft ; and finding * no one of the softer sex could be made a Mason , conceived that- a secret that could not be revealed to the Queen must be injurious to the
throne , and sent an armed force to disperse the Grand Lodge at York , where she was holding her Court . There has been one woman Freemason , but this act Avas made compulsory upon her under peculiar circumstances . She became an ardent
Mason , and rose hi g h in the Craft . " What is Freemasonry ? " Avas demanded by Parliament during the minority of Henry YI ., and not being able to extract the secret , they passed a laAv ( Sec .