Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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last regular lodge-meeting were read and confirmed . Amongst the members present there were Bras . S . AA . Vinton , S . AA ' . ; Traill , J . AV . ; AY . C . Penny , P . M .. Treas . ; J . C . Peckham , P . M ., Sec ; , T . H . D : \ ughney , S . D . ; 1 { . lioneey , J . D . ; T . Perridge , 'I . G . ; J . Hasler , I . P . M . ; AA . P . Orchard , P . M . ; J . Green , P . M ; H . A . Collington , P . M ., and others . The candidate for initiation did not attend . The lodge was dulclosed until
y Monday , October 20 th . The banquet was given at Bro . J . A . Moore's , Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , where a sumptuous bill of fare was provided . Amongst a large number of visitors were 'Bros . E . Dorling , P . M ., P . Z ., P . G . S . for Suffolk ; P . Walters , P . M . 13 ; F . Bin-rant , P . M . 147 ; J . Bavin , P . M . and Sec . 147 ; -AV . H . Phipps , J . AV . 706 ; Elmos . & o .
CORNWALL . ' VR-RO . —Phoenix Lodge of Honour and Prudence ( No . 331 ) . — -On Monday the 17 th September a meeting of this lodge Avas held at the Masonic Rooms , High-cross , Truro . There was an average muster of tho brethren , and after the minutes were read , the Secretary mentioned tho fact of his having received a letter from the Prov . Grand Master for Cornwallstating his
, sanguine anticipations of the election of Bro . Francis Treleaven ' s son , for the Boys' School , at the October election of twenty-one candidates . The brethren of the lodge heard the gratifying statement with much pleasure , and hopes -were expressed that several would practically carry out the wishes of J 3 ro . Augustus Smith , Prov . G . M ., by aiding him and Bro . Thomas Chirgwin of Truro ( who will thankfully receive proxies ) to the
utmost of their power . Subsequently two Fellow Crafts , having proved their intimate acquaintance with the duties of the "Middle Chamber , " were admitted into tho sublime mysteries of the "Sanctum Sanctorum , " and Avere duly impressed Avith the ceremonies of the degree .
CUMBERLAND . CASUSEE . — Union , Lodge ( So . 310 ) . —The regular monthly meeting was held ou Tuesday , the 25 th instant , at the Freemasons' Hall . In the absence of the Rev . Bro . W . Cockett , AV . M , P . Prov . G . C , Bro . F . AV . Hayward , P . M ., Prov . S . G . AV ., occupied the chair of K . S ., and opened tho lodge in due form , supported by Bros . G . G . Hayward , S . W . ; 3 . Slack , J . AV . ;
J . A . Wheat-ley , S . D . ; Geo . Somemlle , Steward , as J . D . ; G . T . Clark , Sec . ; A . Woodhous ' c , I . G . ; J . Barnes , Tyler ; also Pro . Jos . Sherrington , P . M . ; J . Brown , P . M . ; W . Pratchitt , AV . H . Pulfortl , G . Murchie , Tlios . AVoodhall , M . Higgins , J . Atkinson , Geo . Armstrong AV . Court , J . Rodney , J . Gibson , aud visiting Bro . Jesse Banning ( 313 , Preston ) . / After the minutes were read and confirmed according to Masonry , the ballot was taken for Mr . Robert Mcdcalfbuilderof this
, , city , and accepted . The lodge was opened in the F . C . degree . ( In this lodge all Masons who have been made in Scotland under the S . C ., and wish to become members of this lodge , and under the E . G ., have to be obligated in each degree , in addition to paying the stipulated fees for registration and certificate in the E . G . L . ) Bro . Thos . Cockbain was obligated
in this degree . He formerly belonged to Dnmferline Lodge , S . C ., No . 26 . Mr . Medcalf , being in attendance , was prepared , admitted in due form , and initiated by the J . W . in a solemn and impressive manner , which elicited the approbation of all present . The necessary questions being asked prior to closing lodge , two gentlemen were proposed to become members of this lodge . The lodge was then closed by Bro . F . W . Hayward , acting AV . M ., and part of the brethren retired to the
refreshment room to enjoy an hour eonvivially . After all brethren were charged in tho E ., W ., S ., and dark corner , the AV . M . proposed the health of Bro . Jesse Banning , Organist , of Preston ( No . 343 ) , with musical honours . Bvo . B ., in returning thanks , said that he was twenty years in considering whether to be a Mason or not ; but since he had joined , some fifteen months ago , he had worked hard to obtain all the knowledge he could , for even this year alreadhe had visited forty-six lodgesand
y , he was surprised to find the workings so very different , and under the same constitution . The W . M . next proposed , with musical honours , the health of the newly-initiated Bro . Medcalf , who returned thanks , and said that his father Avas a Mason , and the more he ( Bro . R . M . ) wished to know the
secrets of Masonry the more he was kept in the dark ; but now that he had entered into it he would endeavour to do his duty as a Mason , and merit the npproval of all concerned with the order , for he was very much pleased witli what lie had seen and heard . As the hour of eleven approached , the brethren retired , highly pleased with the night's proceedings in brotherly love and friendship .
DURHAM . GATESHEAD-OS-TATNE . —Lodge of Industry ( So . 4-S ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this old and flourishing lodge was held on Monday , the 24 th , under the guidance of Bro . J . H . Thompson , AV . M . There was a numerous attendance of members and visitors , amongst the latter wo noticed Bros . Anderson , AV . M . of Lodge de Loraine , Newcastle ; Hall , 24 ; and 3 .
Banning , 343 , Preston . The work for the evening comprised the passing of four brethren , viz , -. Bvos . Garbutt , AVoods , Hart , and Williams , the ceremony being very ably performed by the AV . M . Bro . E . F . Cook , M . D ., was also raised to the degree of a Master Mason , by Bro . R . J . Banning , lf . Z > , P . M . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation into the mysteries , aud two brethren as subscribing members . A few of the brethren afterwards partook of refreshments in the lodge room , when the
usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given aud responded to . Bros . Hall and Banning severally responded to the toast of " The Visitors . " The harmony of the evening Avas greatly enhanced by the excellent singing and instrumental performances of Bros . Stokoe and Banning .
ISLE OF AVIGHT . MEDINA LODGE ( NO . 35 ) . —A special meeting of Masons of the Province of the Isle of AVight was convened , under dispensation , by the AV . M . of the above ancient lodge on Friday , the 21 st inst , at Cowes , Isle of Wight . The brethren assembled at the lodge rooms in the High-street , and the lodge was opened in the three degrees by Bro . Faulkner , P . M ., and Prov . G . J . AV .,
who informed the brethren that they had been called together to attend the funeral obsequies of Bro . Osborn , P . M ., the father of the lodge . Bro . Faulkner called tho attention of the brethren to the circumstance that Bro . Osborn was one of the oldest Masons in the Province , having been initiated in No . 35 in 1822 , of which lodge he has ever since been a member ; that he had been identified with the progress of Masonry in the province for a long period , until increasing years and
infirmities precluded him from continuing to take an active part iu their meetings ; and tho late Earl of Yarbovough , when Provincial Grand Master , had appointed him as his Senior Warden . Whenever the members of No . 35 wished to meet for instruction , Bro . Osborn was always ready to act as their preceptor , and now , after nearly half a century of Masonic life , they were called upon to resign him to the cold embrace of the grave . After some suitable exhortations aad solemn prayer , the lodge was adjourned , and tho brethren proceeded in procession to the residence of our deceased brother , and
thence accompanied his remains to the place of interment in the North wood Cemetery , eacli brother carrying a sprig of acacia . The burial service of the Church of England was read by tho Rev . T . AV . Bull , and at its close the AV . M . for the day ( Bro . Faulkner ) took his place at the head of the grave , and the Masonic portion of the ceremonial was proceeded with amidst the most solemn silence . Bro . Faulkner then delivered the oration as follows : —
"Here we view a striking instance of the uncertainty of life and the vanity of all human pursuits . The last offices paid to the dead are only useful as lectures to the living ; from them we are to derive instruction , and consider every solemnity of this kind as a summons to prepare for our approaching dissolution . Notwithstanding the various mementos of mortality with which we daily meet , notwithstanding death has established his empire over all works of nature , yet ,
through some unaccountable infatuation , we are apt to forget that we are born to die . We go on from one design to another , add hope to hope , and lay out plans for the employment of many years , till we are suddenly alarmed with the approach of death when we least expect him , and at an hour which , amidst the gaieties of life , we probably conclude to be the meridian of our existence . AAliat are all the externals of majesty , the pride of wealth , or the charm of beauty , when nature has paid her just debt ? Fix your eyes on the last scene ; yiew life stripped
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last regular lodge-meeting were read and confirmed . Amongst the members present there were Bras . S . AA . Vinton , S . AA ' . ; Traill , J . AV . ; AY . C . Penny , P . M .. Treas . ; J . C . Peckham , P . M ., Sec ; , T . H . D : \ ughney , S . D . ; 1 { . lioneey , J . D . ; T . Perridge , 'I . G . ; J . Hasler , I . P . M . ; AA . P . Orchard , P . M . ; J . Green , P . M ; H . A . Collington , P . M ., and others . The candidate for initiation did not attend . The lodge was dulclosed until
y Monday , October 20 th . The banquet was given at Bro . J . A . Moore's , Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , where a sumptuous bill of fare was provided . Amongst a large number of visitors were 'Bros . E . Dorling , P . M ., P . Z ., P . G . S . for Suffolk ; P . Walters , P . M . 13 ; F . Bin-rant , P . M . 147 ; J . Bavin , P . M . and Sec . 147 ; -AV . H . Phipps , J . AV . 706 ; Elmos . & o .
CORNWALL . ' VR-RO . —Phoenix Lodge of Honour and Prudence ( No . 331 ) . — -On Monday the 17 th September a meeting of this lodge Avas held at the Masonic Rooms , High-cross , Truro . There was an average muster of tho brethren , and after the minutes were read , the Secretary mentioned tho fact of his having received a letter from the Prov . Grand Master for Cornwallstating his
, sanguine anticipations of the election of Bro . Francis Treleaven ' s son , for the Boys' School , at the October election of twenty-one candidates . The brethren of the lodge heard the gratifying statement with much pleasure , and hopes -were expressed that several would practically carry out the wishes of J 3 ro . Augustus Smith , Prov . G . M ., by aiding him and Bro . Thomas Chirgwin of Truro ( who will thankfully receive proxies ) to the
utmost of their power . Subsequently two Fellow Crafts , having proved their intimate acquaintance with the duties of the "Middle Chamber , " were admitted into tho sublime mysteries of the "Sanctum Sanctorum , " and Avere duly impressed Avith the ceremonies of the degree .
CUMBERLAND . CASUSEE . — Union , Lodge ( So . 310 ) . —The regular monthly meeting was held ou Tuesday , the 25 th instant , at the Freemasons' Hall . In the absence of the Rev . Bro . W . Cockett , AV . M , P . Prov . G . C , Bro . F . AV . Hayward , P . M ., Prov . S . G . AV ., occupied the chair of K . S ., and opened tho lodge in due form , supported by Bros . G . G . Hayward , S . W . ; 3 . Slack , J . AV . ;
J . A . Wheat-ley , S . D . ; Geo . Somemlle , Steward , as J . D . ; G . T . Clark , Sec . ; A . Woodhous ' c , I . G . ; J . Barnes , Tyler ; also Pro . Jos . Sherrington , P . M . ; J . Brown , P . M . ; W . Pratchitt , AV . H . Pulfortl , G . Murchie , Tlios . AVoodhall , M . Higgins , J . Atkinson , Geo . Armstrong AV . Court , J . Rodney , J . Gibson , aud visiting Bro . Jesse Banning ( 313 , Preston ) . / After the minutes were read and confirmed according to Masonry , the ballot was taken for Mr . Robert Mcdcalfbuilderof this
, , city , and accepted . The lodge was opened in the F . C . degree . ( In this lodge all Masons who have been made in Scotland under the S . C ., and wish to become members of this lodge , and under the E . G ., have to be obligated in each degree , in addition to paying the stipulated fees for registration and certificate in the E . G . L . ) Bro . Thos . Cockbain was obligated
in this degree . He formerly belonged to Dnmferline Lodge , S . C ., No . 26 . Mr . Medcalf , being in attendance , was prepared , admitted in due form , and initiated by the J . W . in a solemn and impressive manner , which elicited the approbation of all present . The necessary questions being asked prior to closing lodge , two gentlemen were proposed to become members of this lodge . The lodge was then closed by Bro . F . W . Hayward , acting AV . M ., and part of the brethren retired to the
refreshment room to enjoy an hour eonvivially . After all brethren were charged in tho E ., W ., S ., and dark corner , the AV . M . proposed the health of Bro . Jesse Banning , Organist , of Preston ( No . 343 ) , with musical honours . Bvo . B ., in returning thanks , said that he was twenty years in considering whether to be a Mason or not ; but since he had joined , some fifteen months ago , he had worked hard to obtain all the knowledge he could , for even this year alreadhe had visited forty-six lodgesand
y , he was surprised to find the workings so very different , and under the same constitution . The W . M . next proposed , with musical honours , the health of the newly-initiated Bro . Medcalf , who returned thanks , and said that his father Avas a Mason , and the more he ( Bro . R . M . ) wished to know the
secrets of Masonry the more he was kept in the dark ; but now that he had entered into it he would endeavour to do his duty as a Mason , and merit the npproval of all concerned with the order , for he was very much pleased witli what lie had seen and heard . As the hour of eleven approached , the brethren retired , highly pleased with the night's proceedings in brotherly love and friendship .
DURHAM . GATESHEAD-OS-TATNE . —Lodge of Industry ( So . 4-S ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this old and flourishing lodge was held on Monday , the 24 th , under the guidance of Bro . J . H . Thompson , AV . M . There was a numerous attendance of members and visitors , amongst the latter wo noticed Bros . Anderson , AV . M . of Lodge de Loraine , Newcastle ; Hall , 24 ; and 3 .
Banning , 343 , Preston . The work for the evening comprised the passing of four brethren , viz , -. Bvos . Garbutt , AVoods , Hart , and Williams , the ceremony being very ably performed by the AV . M . Bro . E . F . Cook , M . D ., was also raised to the degree of a Master Mason , by Bro . R . J . Banning , lf . Z > , P . M . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation into the mysteries , aud two brethren as subscribing members . A few of the brethren afterwards partook of refreshments in the lodge room , when the
usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given aud responded to . Bros . Hall and Banning severally responded to the toast of " The Visitors . " The harmony of the evening Avas greatly enhanced by the excellent singing and instrumental performances of Bros . Stokoe and Banning .
ISLE OF AVIGHT . MEDINA LODGE ( NO . 35 ) . —A special meeting of Masons of the Province of the Isle of AVight was convened , under dispensation , by the AV . M . of the above ancient lodge on Friday , the 21 st inst , at Cowes , Isle of Wight . The brethren assembled at the lodge rooms in the High-street , and the lodge was opened in the three degrees by Bro . Faulkner , P . M ., and Prov . G . J . AV .,
who informed the brethren that they had been called together to attend the funeral obsequies of Bro . Osborn , P . M ., the father of the lodge . Bro . Faulkner called tho attention of the brethren to the circumstance that Bro . Osborn was one of the oldest Masons in the Province , having been initiated in No . 35 in 1822 , of which lodge he has ever since been a member ; that he had been identified with the progress of Masonry in the province for a long period , until increasing years and
infirmities precluded him from continuing to take an active part iu their meetings ; and tho late Earl of Yarbovough , when Provincial Grand Master , had appointed him as his Senior Warden . Whenever the members of No . 35 wished to meet for instruction , Bro . Osborn was always ready to act as their preceptor , and now , after nearly half a century of Masonic life , they were called upon to resign him to the cold embrace of the grave . After some suitable exhortations aad solemn prayer , the lodge was adjourned , and tho brethren proceeded in procession to the residence of our deceased brother , and
thence accompanied his remains to the place of interment in the North wood Cemetery , eacli brother carrying a sprig of acacia . The burial service of the Church of England was read by tho Rev . T . AV . Bull , and at its close the AV . M . for the day ( Bro . Faulkner ) took his place at the head of the grave , and the Masonic portion of the ceremonial was proceeded with amidst the most solemn silence . Bro . Faulkner then delivered the oration as follows : —
"Here we view a striking instance of the uncertainty of life and the vanity of all human pursuits . The last offices paid to the dead are only useful as lectures to the living ; from them we are to derive instruction , and consider every solemnity of this kind as a summons to prepare for our approaching dissolution . Notwithstanding the various mementos of mortality with which we daily meet , notwithstanding death has established his empire over all works of nature , yet ,
through some unaccountable infatuation , we are apt to forget that we are born to die . We go on from one design to another , add hope to hope , and lay out plans for the employment of many years , till we are suddenly alarmed with the approach of death when we least expect him , and at an hour which , amidst the gaieties of life , we probably conclude to be the meridian of our existence . AAliat are all the externals of majesty , the pride of wealth , or the charm of beauty , when nature has paid her just debt ? Fix your eyes on the last scene ; yiew life stripped