Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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elegant P . M . 's jewel to Bro . John Oxlcy , P . M ,, from the members of the Phoenix Lodge—and conveyed the feelings of the lodge in an impressive address , which was aptly responded to by Bro . Oxlcy . The lodge having been duly closed , the hrethren adjourned to their usual banquet .
Royal Arch.
PANMraE CKAPTEE ( No . 720 ) . —A chapter of emergency was held on Monday evening last at the Loughoro' Hotel , Brixton , for the purpose of revising the bye-laws and auditing the accounts for the past year . Bros . C Smith and E . Cronin were exalted to the sublime degree . At the banquet Comp . Stevens , M . E . Z ., presided , supported by Comp . Nunn , H ., and Comp . Read , P . Z ., as J . The health of the M . E . Z . was proposed bComp . Nunnwho paid a deservedlhigh compliment to
y , y Comp . Stevens , for the excellence of his working , aud for his general good quelities in other respects . Comp . Hodges , principal sojourner , responded for the officers , and the newlyexalted companions were also duly toasted . As usual in this chapter , a particularly harmonious and joyous meeting followed the working in convocation .
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —St . John ' s Chapter ( No . 70 ) . —This chapter assembled on Friday , the 21 st inst ., being the day of the Autumnal equinox , for the purpose of electing the E . Z ., his assistant Principals , and other officers . The business was not such as to occasion long delay , but it was of stimulating- interest and concluded with evident pleasantness . The retiring Z . was
Comp . I . AA ' atts , whose skill in all he undertakes is as creditable as it is conspicuous . The office of the new Z . was assigned to Comp . 3 . S . Phillips ; that of H . to Comp . AA . F . Finemore ; and that of J . to Comp . G . G . Nicholls . Comp . Brown was appointed S . E . ; Comps . Balkwill , S . N . - , and Bowne , P . S . The other offices of the chapter were then filled v \ p . Comp . AA atts complimented the chapter on its first assembly in the very
elig ible premises , winch now bear the name of the Huyshe Masonic temple , a name that will more enhance in gratification the longer it is remembered . The excellent companion regretted , the apparent inattention that had marked himself and the officers of this chapter , but it had arisen from circumstances none could control ; and not from those , which , he fairly admitted , might be insinuated . Other local chapters , in which he claimed membershihave proved more regular in their work
p , , yet this regularity on their parts , did not , in the slightest degree , effect the character of St . John's Chapter , which he considered had now , on the same premises , commenced de novo , and under considerably better auspices . The sincere aud skilful companion would discover no rivalry among the several chapters here associated , or others existing in the locality . They had , it
is true , their separate entries , hut no severed interests ; for what in a fraternal point of view benefited one benefited the whole . A closing remark which fell from this excellent companion may be considered the cause of the present communication . It was before unknown to several present , and therefore received with the more pleasure . The remark referred to was to the effect that a portion of the ground-floor of the Temple had been set aside for a library , Avhich Avould be controlled
by subscribers , and confined to Freemasonry . A promise was made , during the evening , of many volumes , as a loan or lodgment , for the gratification of those whose time admitted of their more frequent attendance , as well as for occasional visitors ; and among the latter might be numbered brethren belonging to the army and navy , consequent upon tho Masonic Library being in the vicinity of a large garrison and naval dockyard ; the sojourn of such brethren was always limited . Some books
would therefore merely change shelves . Some might follow as donations , and form permanent stock . The greater number , however , would arise by purchase , and would be extended in proportion to the available funds . The larger number Avould thus form the property of the subscribers . The accredited organ o i the Craft , THE FEEEICASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIBBOEpublished in weekly numbers and monthly parts ,
, would regularly appear upon the library table , on which the London and provincial journals would he also regularly laid when containing notices of interest to the Craft at large . Numerous subscriptions haA'e already been received , aud more are anticipated , and as the premises will be daily open at
reasonable hours , this intellectual undertaking is likely to carry out its own recommendation ; and give the Craft a mental treat , which was never before enjoyed in the neighbourhood . It may in conclusion be added , that the " temple" is very capacions , and its decorations so tastefully arranged as to give nothing exnrberont , but every thing exact ; while other apartments afford facilities for such extra Masonic duties as shall at any timefrom circumstances arise . Brethren of the Chapter and
, Lodges of Fortitude , Harmony , and St . John , whose avocations call them to diatauct lauds , will hail the benefits likely to arise by their more immediate connection with the Huyshe Masonic Temple , as referred to in this and preceding numbers of the FKEEJIASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIREOE .
HERTFORDSHIRE . AVATFOED CHAPTER ( NO . 404 ) . —The half-yearly meeting of the chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall , AA ^ atford , on Monday , the 24 th inst ., when Comp . G . Francis , Prov . G . H ., P . Z ., in the absence of Comp . Brett , ilf . B ., Z ., installed Comps-Horton-Smitb , Capt . Birchill , and AA . lies , ilf . B ., into the respective offices of Z ., H ., and J . Comp . L . Smith was invested
with the insignia of P . S ., as were Comps . Copeland and Halsey with those of E . andN . Bro . Burehell-ilernc , Jun ., of the Isaac Newton University Lodge , Cambridge , having been ballotted for aud elected at a previous chapter , was exalted , the ceremony being most impressively performed by Comp . Francis , with his wonted skill and ability . The accounts oi the Treasurer , Comp . Rogers , having been audited by the committee , were found to be in a most satisfactory conditiona very considerable balance
, being in hand . Amongst the P . Z . 's present , were Comps . Stuart , Prov . G . Supt . ; BiirebeU-Heme , Frov . G . J . ; Tootell , Sedgwick , and H . Vintor . ' At the conclusion of business the companions adjourned to the banquet , which was enjoyed with that happy cordiality which has so long characterised the Masonic meetings at AVatford .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . CONSECBATION AND D EDICATION OP TUE CHAPTEB OB BLIAS AsmioLE , No . 129 , AVAEEINGTON . A petition to the Supreme Grand Chapter having been presented , and a warrant of constitution granted , Saturday , the 22 nd inst . Two o'clock , p . m ., Avas fixed by the Prov . G . Superintendent , Bro . S . Blair , for the consecration and dedication of
the Chapter of Elias Ashmole , attached to the Lodge of Lights , No . 148 . —Warrington , had formerly a chapter ; but for some cause or other it had died out . The ceremony was conducted by the Prov . &¦ Supt . in person . Punctually at the hour named , a ^ Provincial Grand Chapter was opened , after which the companions were admitted . The Prov . G . Supt . was supported on this occasion by the Comps . L . Newall , M . E . Prov . G . J . ; C . J . Banister , P . G . Dir . of Cers . of England , P . Z . 220 ; II . T . Baldwin ,
Prov . G . Scribe E . ; J . Hamer , P . Z . 220 ; W . LaidlaAV , P . Z . 21 G ; Younghusband , M . E . Z . 32 ; C . Leedham , M . E . Z . 223 ; Capt . Mott , M . E . Z . 241 ; T . AVylie , P . Z . SG and 292 ; T . Armstrong , P . Z . 216 and 292 ; H . B . AA'hite ; J . Bowes , J . 129 ; and Shaw Thewlis ( Mayor of AA arrington ) . Principals designate : Comps . J . M . AVike , E . 128 ; W . Bainbridge , Jun ., Assist Supt . 721 and 314 ; E . Taskee , 721 ; C . Brown , 721 ; J . Bolderson , 152 ; Rov . J . N . Porter , J . Maxfleld , B . P . Coxon , & c , J . Alcock , Janitor .
The chapter being duly opened the petitioning companions were arranged in order and addressed by the Prov . G . S . on the nature of the Convocation . He then called upon the Scribe E ., Comp . Henry Thomas Baldwin , to state the wishes of the companions which he did by reading the warrant . This done the M . E . Z . inquired if the comps , still approved of the officers named in the warrant , and having been answered in the affirmative ho delivered a short address . Comp . the Rev . J .
Nixon Porter , acting Chaplain , then offered the first portion of the consecration prayer after which the Prov . G . S . gave the invocation . The altar was then uncovered and three Past Principals bore the corn , oil , wine , and salt , accompanied by solemn music on the harmonium by Comp . John M . AVike , Scribe E . 128 , acting Organist . This ceremony being completed the consecration prayer was concluded and the Prov . G . S . dedicated aud
constituted the Chapter . The ceremony of the installation of the Principals was next proceeded witli by Comp . Younghusband , M . E . Z . No . 32 , at the special request of the Prov . G . S ., the Principals designate , Comps . Henrv Brown White , P . M ., Prov . G . Stew ., Z . ; John
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
elegant P . M . 's jewel to Bro . John Oxlcy , P . M ,, from the members of the Phoenix Lodge—and conveyed the feelings of the lodge in an impressive address , which was aptly responded to by Bro . Oxlcy . The lodge having been duly closed , the hrethren adjourned to their usual banquet .
Royal Arch.
PANMraE CKAPTEE ( No . 720 ) . —A chapter of emergency was held on Monday evening last at the Loughoro' Hotel , Brixton , for the purpose of revising the bye-laws and auditing the accounts for the past year . Bros . C Smith and E . Cronin were exalted to the sublime degree . At the banquet Comp . Stevens , M . E . Z ., presided , supported by Comp . Nunn , H ., and Comp . Read , P . Z ., as J . The health of the M . E . Z . was proposed bComp . Nunnwho paid a deservedlhigh compliment to
y , y Comp . Stevens , for the excellence of his working , aud for his general good quelities in other respects . Comp . Hodges , principal sojourner , responded for the officers , and the newlyexalted companions were also duly toasted . As usual in this chapter , a particularly harmonious and joyous meeting followed the working in convocation .
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —St . John ' s Chapter ( No . 70 ) . —This chapter assembled on Friday , the 21 st inst ., being the day of the Autumnal equinox , for the purpose of electing the E . Z ., his assistant Principals , and other officers . The business was not such as to occasion long delay , but it was of stimulating- interest and concluded with evident pleasantness . The retiring Z . was
Comp . I . AA ' atts , whose skill in all he undertakes is as creditable as it is conspicuous . The office of the new Z . was assigned to Comp . 3 . S . Phillips ; that of H . to Comp . AA . F . Finemore ; and that of J . to Comp . G . G . Nicholls . Comp . Brown was appointed S . E . ; Comps . Balkwill , S . N . - , and Bowne , P . S . The other offices of the chapter were then filled v \ p . Comp . AA atts complimented the chapter on its first assembly in the very
elig ible premises , winch now bear the name of the Huyshe Masonic temple , a name that will more enhance in gratification the longer it is remembered . The excellent companion regretted , the apparent inattention that had marked himself and the officers of this chapter , but it had arisen from circumstances none could control ; and not from those , which , he fairly admitted , might be insinuated . Other local chapters , in which he claimed membershihave proved more regular in their work
p , , yet this regularity on their parts , did not , in the slightest degree , effect the character of St . John's Chapter , which he considered had now , on the same premises , commenced de novo , and under considerably better auspices . The sincere aud skilful companion would discover no rivalry among the several chapters here associated , or others existing in the locality . They had , it
is true , their separate entries , hut no severed interests ; for what in a fraternal point of view benefited one benefited the whole . A closing remark which fell from this excellent companion may be considered the cause of the present communication . It was before unknown to several present , and therefore received with the more pleasure . The remark referred to was to the effect that a portion of the ground-floor of the Temple had been set aside for a library , Avhich Avould be controlled
by subscribers , and confined to Freemasonry . A promise was made , during the evening , of many volumes , as a loan or lodgment , for the gratification of those whose time admitted of their more frequent attendance , as well as for occasional visitors ; and among the latter might be numbered brethren belonging to the army and navy , consequent upon tho Masonic Library being in the vicinity of a large garrison and naval dockyard ; the sojourn of such brethren was always limited . Some books
would therefore merely change shelves . Some might follow as donations , and form permanent stock . The greater number , however , would arise by purchase , and would be extended in proportion to the available funds . The larger number Avould thus form the property of the subscribers . The accredited organ o i the Craft , THE FEEEICASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIBBOEpublished in weekly numbers and monthly parts ,
, would regularly appear upon the library table , on which the London and provincial journals would he also regularly laid when containing notices of interest to the Craft at large . Numerous subscriptions haA'e already been received , aud more are anticipated , and as the premises will be daily open at
reasonable hours , this intellectual undertaking is likely to carry out its own recommendation ; and give the Craft a mental treat , which was never before enjoyed in the neighbourhood . It may in conclusion be added , that the " temple" is very capacions , and its decorations so tastefully arranged as to give nothing exnrberont , but every thing exact ; while other apartments afford facilities for such extra Masonic duties as shall at any timefrom circumstances arise . Brethren of the Chapter and
, Lodges of Fortitude , Harmony , and St . John , whose avocations call them to diatauct lauds , will hail the benefits likely to arise by their more immediate connection with the Huyshe Masonic Temple , as referred to in this and preceding numbers of the FKEEJIASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIREOE .
HERTFORDSHIRE . AVATFOED CHAPTER ( NO . 404 ) . —The half-yearly meeting of the chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall , AA ^ atford , on Monday , the 24 th inst ., when Comp . G . Francis , Prov . G . H ., P . Z ., in the absence of Comp . Brett , ilf . B ., Z ., installed Comps-Horton-Smitb , Capt . Birchill , and AA . lies , ilf . B ., into the respective offices of Z ., H ., and J . Comp . L . Smith was invested
with the insignia of P . S ., as were Comps . Copeland and Halsey with those of E . andN . Bro . Burehell-ilernc , Jun ., of the Isaac Newton University Lodge , Cambridge , having been ballotted for aud elected at a previous chapter , was exalted , the ceremony being most impressively performed by Comp . Francis , with his wonted skill and ability . The accounts oi the Treasurer , Comp . Rogers , having been audited by the committee , were found to be in a most satisfactory conditiona very considerable balance
, being in hand . Amongst the P . Z . 's present , were Comps . Stuart , Prov . G . Supt . ; BiirebeU-Heme , Frov . G . J . ; Tootell , Sedgwick , and H . Vintor . ' At the conclusion of business the companions adjourned to the banquet , which was enjoyed with that happy cordiality which has so long characterised the Masonic meetings at AVatford .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . CONSECBATION AND D EDICATION OP TUE CHAPTEB OB BLIAS AsmioLE , No . 129 , AVAEEINGTON . A petition to the Supreme Grand Chapter having been presented , and a warrant of constitution granted , Saturday , the 22 nd inst . Two o'clock , p . m ., Avas fixed by the Prov . G . Superintendent , Bro . S . Blair , for the consecration and dedication of
the Chapter of Elias Ashmole , attached to the Lodge of Lights , No . 148 . —Warrington , had formerly a chapter ; but for some cause or other it had died out . The ceremony was conducted by the Prov . &¦ Supt . in person . Punctually at the hour named , a ^ Provincial Grand Chapter was opened , after which the companions were admitted . The Prov . G . Supt . was supported on this occasion by the Comps . L . Newall , M . E . Prov . G . J . ; C . J . Banister , P . G . Dir . of Cers . of England , P . Z . 220 ; II . T . Baldwin ,
Prov . G . Scribe E . ; J . Hamer , P . Z . 220 ; W . LaidlaAV , P . Z . 21 G ; Younghusband , M . E . Z . 32 ; C . Leedham , M . E . Z . 223 ; Capt . Mott , M . E . Z . 241 ; T . AVylie , P . Z . SG and 292 ; T . Armstrong , P . Z . 216 and 292 ; H . B . AA'hite ; J . Bowes , J . 129 ; and Shaw Thewlis ( Mayor of AA arrington ) . Principals designate : Comps . J . M . AVike , E . 128 ; W . Bainbridge , Jun ., Assist Supt . 721 and 314 ; E . Taskee , 721 ; C . Brown , 721 ; J . Bolderson , 152 ; Rov . J . N . Porter , J . Maxfleld , B . P . Coxon , & c , J . Alcock , Janitor .
The chapter being duly opened the petitioning companions were arranged in order and addressed by the Prov . G . S . on the nature of the Convocation . He then called upon the Scribe E ., Comp . Henry Thomas Baldwin , to state the wishes of the companions which he did by reading the warrant . This done the M . E . Z . inquired if the comps , still approved of the officers named in the warrant , and having been answered in the affirmative ho delivered a short address . Comp . the Rev . J .
Nixon Porter , acting Chaplain , then offered the first portion of the consecration prayer after which the Prov . G . S . gave the invocation . The altar was then uncovered and three Past Principals bore the corn , oil , wine , and salt , accompanied by solemn music on the harmonium by Comp . John M . AVike , Scribe E . 128 , acting Organist . This ceremony being completed the consecration prayer was concluded and the Prov . G . S . dedicated aud
constituted the Chapter . The ceremony of the installation of the Principals was next proceeded witli by Comp . Younghusband , M . E . Z . No . 32 , at the special request of the Prov . G . S ., the Principals designate , Comps . Henrv Brown White , P . M ., Prov . G . Stew ., Z . ; John