Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NEW ZEALAND. Page 1 of 1 Article NEW ZEALAND. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 4 →
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Royal Arch.
Bowes , P . M ., Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., H . ; and Shaw Thewlis , P . M , Past ProA ' . G . D . J ., were presented by Comps . Thomas Wy lie . The companions were again admitted and after the usual salutations the Chapter was solemnly closed and the companions adjourned for refreshment which was presided over by the M . E . Z . Comp . H . B . White . The usual loyal , patriotic , and Masonic toasts received due attention and the companions separated in harmony at eight o ' clock .
AA e cannot close our report without stating that the furniture which was supplied by Comp . Jos . , T . Caney , of 44 , Cheapside , was greatly admired . We must also mention that the whole ceremony was arranged and superintended by Comp . H . T . Baldwin , Prov . G . Scribe E ., with his usual care and ability . The companions of the EHas Ashmole Chapter feel greatly indebted to him for his assistance throughout . - "
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-TJTON-TYNE . —St . Peter's Chapter ( No . 481 ) . — The first meeting of this newly-consecrated , chapter was one of emergency , being called to ballot for and exalt , if elected , five brethren . The chapter was held upon this occasion in the Masonic Hall , Bell's Court , Newgate-street , when the following companionswith otherswere present : —M . E . Comps . Bel . D .
, , Davis , P . Z ,, as Z . ; Robt . J . Banning , M . D ., P . Z ., as H . ; H . G . Ludwig , P . Z ., as I . The first Principal of the chapter , M . E . Comp . B . I . Thompson , acted as P . S . ; M . E . Comp . H . C . Hansen , P . Z . ( 431 ) , as N . ; and Comp . J . H . Thompson as E . ; M . E . Comp . Robt , Smaile , Z . ( 406 ) , and T . Y . Sfcrachan , J . ( 406 ) , A . S . ' s . The following brethren , all of St . Peter's Lodge ( No . 481 ) , were then proposed , seconded , and unanimously
elected , viz .: Bros . J . A . Hair , AV . M .: Geo . Thompson , P . M ., P . J . G . W . Northumberland ; H . Lawrence , Geo . Taylor , and 1 . 1 . Thomas . The ceremony was most effectually rendered by M . E . Comp . E . D . Davis , and terminated with the mystical lecture . The first Principal , M . E . Thompson , then proposed a vote of thanks to Comp . Bavis , and likewise to the Principals and Companions of the chapter ( the Sussex ) for the use of their chapter-room and pwaphernalia . This was briefly acknowledged by M . K . Comps . Davis and Smaile , and the chapter was duly closed .
New Zealand.
DE BVEGH ADAMS LODGE ( No . 446 , 1 . C . ) , NEW PLIMOUTH . —This promising young lodge of the antipodes , which is named after the very worthy Prov . Grand Master of New Zealand , I . C ., held its regular meeting for the installation of Worshipful Master and investiture of officers at Freemasons' Hall , Broughamstreet , on Monday , 25 th June last ( for St . John Baptist ' s ^ Day ) , at high noon . After the confirmation of minutes and reading of the bye-laws and communicationsthe Lodwas passed to
, ge the second degree , when Bro . R , C . Hammerton , P . M ., Avas presented to the Installing Master , Bro . Blaek . P . M ., for the benefit of re-installation at his hands . After having assented to the ancient charges in tho usual manner , and taken the oath clefideli , the Lodge was raised to the third degree , and the new AA . M , saluted according to established custom , and proclaimed " AV . M . of the De Burgh Adams Lodge ( No . 446 ) , on ' the roll of
the Grand Lodge of Ireland for the ensuing six months , or until a successor shall have been regularly installed in his stead . " The lodge was then lowered to the second , and afterwards to the first degree , the ancient salu to being given and proclamation
made in each . The brethren who had been duly elected officebearers were then presented to the new AV . M ., who invested the following with the proper insignia of their respective offices , viz .: Bros . E . T . Morehead , S . W . ; Jno . Daniels , J . W . ; Jno . Ellis , Sec . ; R , Cunningham , J . D . ; A . Mullor , I . Gr . ;; R . Goldhig , S . S . ; and S . Howell , Tyler . Bros . W . II . Free and J . Morrison were unfortunately unable to be present , being unavoidably detained on military duty ; consequently their investiture as
Treasurer and S . B . respectively was postponed , as also that of Bro . Sharland as B . C . Bro . Hammerton , AV . M . then addressed a few words to the brethren , congratulating them on the improved condition of the Lodge , as well in a pecuniary as a working point of view , thanked them for electing such zealous officers to assist him in carrying out tho affairs of the Lodge , exhorted them to a continuance of that untiring zeal and rigid punctualit y which they bad ever evinced in their Masonic duties , and stated his conviction that , with tho hearty support
New Zealand.
of tho officers and the fraternal assistance of the brethren which he had always received , and upon which he waswel 1 aware he could implicitly depend , he should , at the close of his term of office , have the very pleasing gratification of announcing the increased prosperity of the lodge and the entire removal of all its difficulties . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the supper-room , where a cold collation had been laid by Bro . Middletonwhich was served in
, his usual style . After the removal of the cloth , the W . M . ( who was supported on his right and left by Bros . P . M . Brewer , AA ' . M . of the Mount Egmont Lodge , No . 670 , E . G . ; P . M . Black , ll . W . M . of the Southern Kilwinning Lodge , No . 447 , S . C . ; and P . M . Woon ) proposed the usual Masonic toasts , which Avere appropriately responded to ; and , after the delivery by various brethren of several favourite songs and a humorous speech by the D . C . Bro . Sharlandthe toast" To all poor and distressed
, , , brethren , & c , " Avas proposed from the chair , and the brethren separated , after having spent a most pleasant evening . AA e are glad to notice that Bro . Hammevton has received the appoint , merit as Prov . Grand Assistant Registrar for the district of Taranaki , having been elected to that office at the June communication of the Prov . Grand Lodge of New Zealand , I . C .
Obituary .
Bespected and regretted by the brethren of the province of the Isle of "Wight , Bro . Thomas Osborn departed this life at Cowes , on Saturday the 15 th insfc ., in the 73 rd year of his age . Bro . Osborn was initiated into Freemasonry 8 th June , 1820 , in the Medina Lodge , No . 35 , OoAves ; served as "WM . 1824 , 1825—1836 , and 18 S 0 ; took the Boyal Arch
degree in 1822 . Bro . Osborn was one of the founders of the Yarborough Lodge , Ventnor , Avhere he served as S . W . under the Earl of Yarborough , its first W . M ., continuing a subscribing member to the Medina Lodge , No . 35 , for the past 46 years , during which period he initiated upwards of 100 candidates into the Ancient Order . For many years he conducted the business of the
lodge , and at all times rendered AA'illing aid to the younger brethren . Bro . Osborn was an unsuccessful candidate at the last election of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons , having polled 3 , 242 votes . He leaves a widow and three daughters to deplore his loss . Bro . Faulkner's oration at the grave of the deceased will be found in another column of our present issue .
The Week.
THE COTJET . —The Queen , accompanied by Princess Louise and Princess Beatrice , Avent out on the morning of the 18 th inst ., and in the afternoon with Princess Christian , and attended by Lady Churchill , drove to the residence of Sir James Clark . Her Majesty also honoured Dr . Robertson with a visit at Indigo . —The Queen , accompanied by Princess Christian and Prkicess
Louise , Avent out on the morning of the 19 th inst ., and in the afternoon drove out with . Princess Louise , attended by Lady Susan Melville . —The Queen , accompanied by Princess Christian , Avent on tho morning of the 20 th inst . to Abergeldie , and visited the Princess of AVales ; and in the afternoon Avent out with the Princess of Wales and Princess Louise . —The Queen , accompanied
by Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , and Prince Arthur , drove on the 21 st inst . to Loch Bulig . —The Queen , accompanied by Princess Christian , drove out on the morning of the 22 nd inst . ami went out in the afternoon with the Princess of AA ales and Prince Arthur , —The Queen , Princess Louise , and Prince Arthur , attended by Lady Churchill and the Hon . Major-General Hood , Avere present at divine service on the 23 rd inst ., at the parish
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
Bowes , P . M ., Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., H . ; and Shaw Thewlis , P . M , Past ProA ' . G . D . J ., were presented by Comps . Thomas Wy lie . The companions were again admitted and after the usual salutations the Chapter was solemnly closed and the companions adjourned for refreshment which was presided over by the M . E . Z . Comp . H . B . White . The usual loyal , patriotic , and Masonic toasts received due attention and the companions separated in harmony at eight o ' clock .
AA e cannot close our report without stating that the furniture which was supplied by Comp . Jos . , T . Caney , of 44 , Cheapside , was greatly admired . We must also mention that the whole ceremony was arranged and superintended by Comp . H . T . Baldwin , Prov . G . Scribe E ., with his usual care and ability . The companions of the EHas Ashmole Chapter feel greatly indebted to him for his assistance throughout . - "
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-TJTON-TYNE . —St . Peter's Chapter ( No . 481 ) . — The first meeting of this newly-consecrated , chapter was one of emergency , being called to ballot for and exalt , if elected , five brethren . The chapter was held upon this occasion in the Masonic Hall , Bell's Court , Newgate-street , when the following companionswith otherswere present : —M . E . Comps . Bel . D .
, , Davis , P . Z ,, as Z . ; Robt . J . Banning , M . D ., P . Z ., as H . ; H . G . Ludwig , P . Z ., as I . The first Principal of the chapter , M . E . Comp . B . I . Thompson , acted as P . S . ; M . E . Comp . H . C . Hansen , P . Z . ( 431 ) , as N . ; and Comp . J . H . Thompson as E . ; M . E . Comp . Robt , Smaile , Z . ( 406 ) , and T . Y . Sfcrachan , J . ( 406 ) , A . S . ' s . The following brethren , all of St . Peter's Lodge ( No . 481 ) , were then proposed , seconded , and unanimously
elected , viz .: Bros . J . A . Hair , AV . M .: Geo . Thompson , P . M ., P . J . G . W . Northumberland ; H . Lawrence , Geo . Taylor , and 1 . 1 . Thomas . The ceremony was most effectually rendered by M . E . Comp . E . D . Davis , and terminated with the mystical lecture . The first Principal , M . E . Thompson , then proposed a vote of thanks to Comp . Bavis , and likewise to the Principals and Companions of the chapter ( the Sussex ) for the use of their chapter-room and pwaphernalia . This was briefly acknowledged by M . K . Comps . Davis and Smaile , and the chapter was duly closed .
New Zealand.
DE BVEGH ADAMS LODGE ( No . 446 , 1 . C . ) , NEW PLIMOUTH . —This promising young lodge of the antipodes , which is named after the very worthy Prov . Grand Master of New Zealand , I . C ., held its regular meeting for the installation of Worshipful Master and investiture of officers at Freemasons' Hall , Broughamstreet , on Monday , 25 th June last ( for St . John Baptist ' s ^ Day ) , at high noon . After the confirmation of minutes and reading of the bye-laws and communicationsthe Lodwas passed to
, ge the second degree , when Bro . R , C . Hammerton , P . M ., Avas presented to the Installing Master , Bro . Blaek . P . M ., for the benefit of re-installation at his hands . After having assented to the ancient charges in tho usual manner , and taken the oath clefideli , the Lodge was raised to the third degree , and the new AA . M , saluted according to established custom , and proclaimed " AV . M . of the De Burgh Adams Lodge ( No . 446 ) , on ' the roll of
the Grand Lodge of Ireland for the ensuing six months , or until a successor shall have been regularly installed in his stead . " The lodge was then lowered to the second , and afterwards to the first degree , the ancient salu to being given and proclamation
made in each . The brethren who had been duly elected officebearers were then presented to the new AV . M ., who invested the following with the proper insignia of their respective offices , viz .: Bros . E . T . Morehead , S . W . ; Jno . Daniels , J . W . ; Jno . Ellis , Sec . ; R , Cunningham , J . D . ; A . Mullor , I . Gr . ;; R . Goldhig , S . S . ; and S . Howell , Tyler . Bros . W . II . Free and J . Morrison were unfortunately unable to be present , being unavoidably detained on military duty ; consequently their investiture as
Treasurer and S . B . respectively was postponed , as also that of Bro . Sharland as B . C . Bro . Hammerton , AV . M . then addressed a few words to the brethren , congratulating them on the improved condition of the Lodge , as well in a pecuniary as a working point of view , thanked them for electing such zealous officers to assist him in carrying out tho affairs of the Lodge , exhorted them to a continuance of that untiring zeal and rigid punctualit y which they bad ever evinced in their Masonic duties , and stated his conviction that , with tho hearty support
New Zealand.
of tho officers and the fraternal assistance of the brethren which he had always received , and upon which he waswel 1 aware he could implicitly depend , he should , at the close of his term of office , have the very pleasing gratification of announcing the increased prosperity of the lodge and the entire removal of all its difficulties . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the supper-room , where a cold collation had been laid by Bro . Middletonwhich was served in
, his usual style . After the removal of the cloth , the W . M . ( who was supported on his right and left by Bros . P . M . Brewer , AA ' . M . of the Mount Egmont Lodge , No . 670 , E . G . ; P . M . Black , ll . W . M . of the Southern Kilwinning Lodge , No . 447 , S . C . ; and P . M . Woon ) proposed the usual Masonic toasts , which Avere appropriately responded to ; and , after the delivery by various brethren of several favourite songs and a humorous speech by the D . C . Bro . Sharlandthe toast" To all poor and distressed
, , , brethren , & c , " Avas proposed from the chair , and the brethren separated , after having spent a most pleasant evening . AA e are glad to notice that Bro . Hammevton has received the appoint , merit as Prov . Grand Assistant Registrar for the district of Taranaki , having been elected to that office at the June communication of the Prov . Grand Lodge of New Zealand , I . C .
Obituary .
Bespected and regretted by the brethren of the province of the Isle of "Wight , Bro . Thomas Osborn departed this life at Cowes , on Saturday the 15 th insfc ., in the 73 rd year of his age . Bro . Osborn was initiated into Freemasonry 8 th June , 1820 , in the Medina Lodge , No . 35 , OoAves ; served as "WM . 1824 , 1825—1836 , and 18 S 0 ; took the Boyal Arch
degree in 1822 . Bro . Osborn was one of the founders of the Yarborough Lodge , Ventnor , Avhere he served as S . W . under the Earl of Yarborough , its first W . M ., continuing a subscribing member to the Medina Lodge , No . 35 , for the past 46 years , during which period he initiated upwards of 100 candidates into the Ancient Order . For many years he conducted the business of the
lodge , and at all times rendered AA'illing aid to the younger brethren . Bro . Osborn was an unsuccessful candidate at the last election of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons , having polled 3 , 242 votes . He leaves a widow and three daughters to deplore his loss . Bro . Faulkner's oration at the grave of the deceased will be found in another column of our present issue .
The Week.
THE COTJET . —The Queen , accompanied by Princess Louise and Princess Beatrice , Avent out on the morning of the 18 th inst ., and in the afternoon with Princess Christian , and attended by Lady Churchill , drove to the residence of Sir James Clark . Her Majesty also honoured Dr . Robertson with a visit at Indigo . —The Queen , accompanied by Princess Christian and Prkicess
Louise , Avent out on the morning of the 19 th inst ., and in the afternoon drove out with . Princess Louise , attended by Lady Susan Melville . —The Queen , accompanied by Princess Christian , Avent on tho morning of the 20 th inst . to Abergeldie , and visited the Princess of AVales ; and in the afternoon Avent out with the Princess of Wales and Princess Louise . —The Queen , accompanied
by Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , and Prince Arthur , drove on the 21 st inst . to Loch Bulig . —The Queen , accompanied by Princess Christian , drove out on the morning of the 22 nd inst . ami went out in the afternoon with the Princess of AA ales and Prince Arthur , —The Queen , Princess Louise , and Prince Arthur , attended by Lady Churchill and the Hon . Major-General Hood , Avere present at divine service on the 23 rd inst ., at the parish