Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . The Anniversary Festival of the Robert Burns Lodge of Instruction ( No . 25 ) will be held at Bro . Adams's Union Tavern , Air-street , on Friday evening , December 12 , Bro . Caulcher , the W . M . of the parent lodge , presiding . The following is a list of the lod for ivhich new warrants
ges have been granted , during the present year . — 1206 Phosnix Lodge , Botherham . 1207 De Grey and Eipon Lodge , Great Ilford . 1208 Royal Albert Edward Lodge , Keynsham . 1209 Royal Albert Lodge , 9 , Gerard-street , Soho . 1210 Prince of Wales Loclge , Brisbane , Queensland . 1211 Hume Lodge of Australia , Albury , New South Wales . 1212 St . Oswald Lod Pontefract .
ge , 1213 Phoenix Lodge , Trinidad . 1214 Old Bock Lodge , St . Helena . 1215 Pattison Lodge , Plumstead . 1216 Phcenix Lodge , Port Eoyal , Jamaica . 1217 Aurora Lodge , Inglewood , Victoria . 1218 Hartington Lodge , Eastbourne . 1219 Cosmopolitan Lodge , Gt . Western Hotel , Padduigton . 1220 Lodge Star in the East , Queen's Town , Cape of Good
Hope . 1221 St . John ' s Lodge , Alexandria , Egypt . 1222 Mountain Lodge of Bombala , Bombala , N . S . W . 1223 Queensland Lodge , Ipswich , Queensland . 1224 Lowry Lodge , Woodend , Victoria . 1225 Westport Lodge , Wesport , Nova Scotia . 1226 Welsford Lodge , Windsor , Nova Scotia . 1227 Bedford Lodge , Birmingham .
1228 Mount Lodge , Madras . 1229 Albert Lodge , South Adelaide , South Australia . 1230 Lodge of Friendship , Petersfield . 1231 Waveney Loclge , Bungay . 1232 South Yarra Lodge , Melbourne , Victoria . 1233 Dunedin Lodge , Dunedin , New Zealand . 1234 Leichhardt Lodge , Eockampfcon , Queensland . 1235 Boric Lodge , Earl of Eglington , Mile End .
Grand Lodge.
Tlie following is the Official Agenda of business fco be transacted in Grand Lodge , on Wednesday next , 3 rd December . Tho minutes of tbe Quarterly Communication of the . 3 rd September to be read and put for confirmation . The M . W . Grand Master will move—Thafc the sum of £ 1000 be granted from the Fund of General Purposes towards the relief
of the distress in the cotton districts . Nomination of a Grand Master for the year ensuing . Election of twelve Past Masters to serve on the Board of Benevolence . The report of the Board of Benevolence for the last quarter , in which are recommendations for the following grants , viz : —
The widow of Bro . T . J . S ., of the Royal York Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 7 ) , London ... £ 30 0 0 Bro . P . B ., of the Caledonian Lodge ( No 156 ) , London 50 0 0 B -o . T . It ., of the Lodge of Fidelity ( No . 313 ) , Southwold 30 0 0
Bro . K . T . of the Lodge of Union ( No . 45 ) , Chichester 30 0 0 Bro . L . L . of the St . James's Union" Lodge London 30 0 0 The Meport of the Poard of General Purposes to the Vnited Qrand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . " The Board of General Purposes beg to report , — "That in consequence of Bro . Moss , the junior clerk in tbe
Grand Secretary ' s Office , having been for some time past under mental incapacity for the discharge of his duties , and such incapacity continuing , his situation has of necessity been declared vacant . The Board , under the circumstances , recommend , That Grand Lodge do grant out of the Fund of General Purposes the sum of fifty-four pounds twelve shillings ( bcin" - equivalent to half a year ' s salary ) to Mrs . Eliza Moss , the wife
of Bro . George Percy Moss , late a clerk in the Grand Secretary's Office , towards the support of herself and family in the painful position in which she is placed , owing to the mental malad y with which her husband has been aud continues afflicted .
" The Board have had their attention directed to the question of renumbering the lodges , a period of thirty years having elapsed since the last renumbering took place , and in the meantime nearly three hundred lodges having become extinct , either by surrender of Warrants or by erasure in consequence of failing to make the returns required by the Book of Constitutions . The Board find that there are at present in the London
district 148 lodges ; in the Provinces at home 504 lodges ; in the Channel Islands 11 lodges ; in the Colonies and Foreign parts 271 lodges ; and in regiments 6 lodges , making a total of 940 lodges , whereas by the numbers printed in the Freemason's Calendar there would appear to be 1235 lodges on the Registry of the Grand Lodge . Under these circumstances the Board
suggest to Grand Lodge fchafc it would be convenient to resolve' That the numbers of all lodges now on the Register of the Grand Lodge be brought forward in regular succession ivhere necessary by filling up the numbers which have become vacant either by reason of the voluntary surrender of AVarrants , or of erasure of lodges from time to time . ' " ( Signed ) J . LIEWLEYK Ei'ANS , President . ¦ " Freemasons' Hall , London , 19 th November , 1 S 63 . "
To the report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts of the last meeting of the Finance Coinmittee ; held on the 14 th November instant , shewing a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 1236 8 s . 6 d ., and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash £ 50 . Of these sums there belongs to the Fund of Benevolence £ 385 4 s . lid . ; to tbe Fund of General Purposes £ 273 s . 14 d . ; and there is in the
unappropriated account £ 527 9 s . 6 d ., a portion of which belongs to the Grand Chapter . A report from the Freemasons' Tontine Committee appointed under the provisions of the Deed of Trust of the 2 nd August , 1776 , notifying that all the nominees specified in the said Deed , and on whose lives the said Tontine was granted , are now
extinct , the last survivor . Mrs . Ann Ellis , having died on the 26 th August , 1862 . Notice of motion by Bro . the Eev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . M . No . 382 .
In the event of the following resolution of Grand Lodge , carried on fche 3 rd September last , viz ., " That in the event of Grand Lodge agreeing to the alteration of Law 19 , page 107 , of the Book of Constitutions as proposed hy the M . W . the Grand Master , a committee of seven member of Grand Lodge be appointed , with powers similar to those at present possessed by the Board of General Purposes , so far as
the same relate to the improvement and adaptation of the property of Grand Lodge in and near Great Queen-street , and that such Committee have full power to call for all books , papers , deeds , documents , and accounts , to obtain the advice of any persons , architects or others , and to cause such plans and estimates to be prepared as may seem to them expedient for the purpose of adopting a complete scheme for the improvement and adaption of such property , subject to the approval of Grand
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEM . The Anniversary Festival of the Robert Burns Lodge of Instruction ( No . 25 ) will be held at Bro . Adams's Union Tavern , Air-street , on Friday evening , December 12 , Bro . Caulcher , the W . M . of the parent lodge , presiding . The following is a list of the lod for ivhich new warrants
ges have been granted , during the present year . — 1206 Phosnix Lodge , Botherham . 1207 De Grey and Eipon Lodge , Great Ilford . 1208 Royal Albert Edward Lodge , Keynsham . 1209 Royal Albert Lodge , 9 , Gerard-street , Soho . 1210 Prince of Wales Loclge , Brisbane , Queensland . 1211 Hume Lodge of Australia , Albury , New South Wales . 1212 St . Oswald Lod Pontefract .
ge , 1213 Phoenix Lodge , Trinidad . 1214 Old Bock Lodge , St . Helena . 1215 Pattison Lodge , Plumstead . 1216 Phcenix Lodge , Port Eoyal , Jamaica . 1217 Aurora Lodge , Inglewood , Victoria . 1218 Hartington Lodge , Eastbourne . 1219 Cosmopolitan Lodge , Gt . Western Hotel , Padduigton . 1220 Lodge Star in the East , Queen's Town , Cape of Good
Hope . 1221 St . John ' s Lodge , Alexandria , Egypt . 1222 Mountain Lodge of Bombala , Bombala , N . S . W . 1223 Queensland Lodge , Ipswich , Queensland . 1224 Lowry Lodge , Woodend , Victoria . 1225 Westport Lodge , Wesport , Nova Scotia . 1226 Welsford Lodge , Windsor , Nova Scotia . 1227 Bedford Lodge , Birmingham .
1228 Mount Lodge , Madras . 1229 Albert Lodge , South Adelaide , South Australia . 1230 Lodge of Friendship , Petersfield . 1231 Waveney Loclge , Bungay . 1232 South Yarra Lodge , Melbourne , Victoria . 1233 Dunedin Lodge , Dunedin , New Zealand . 1234 Leichhardt Lodge , Eockampfcon , Queensland . 1235 Boric Lodge , Earl of Eglington , Mile End .
Grand Lodge.
Tlie following is the Official Agenda of business fco be transacted in Grand Lodge , on Wednesday next , 3 rd December . Tho minutes of tbe Quarterly Communication of the . 3 rd September to be read and put for confirmation . The M . W . Grand Master will move—Thafc the sum of £ 1000 be granted from the Fund of General Purposes towards the relief
of the distress in the cotton districts . Nomination of a Grand Master for the year ensuing . Election of twelve Past Masters to serve on the Board of Benevolence . The report of the Board of Benevolence for the last quarter , in which are recommendations for the following grants , viz : —
The widow of Bro . T . J . S ., of the Royal York Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 7 ) , London ... £ 30 0 0 Bro . P . B ., of the Caledonian Lodge ( No 156 ) , London 50 0 0 B -o . T . It ., of the Lodge of Fidelity ( No . 313 ) , Southwold 30 0 0
Bro . K . T . of the Lodge of Union ( No . 45 ) , Chichester 30 0 0 Bro . L . L . of the St . James's Union" Lodge London 30 0 0 The Meport of the Poard of General Purposes to the Vnited Qrand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . " The Board of General Purposes beg to report , — "That in consequence of Bro . Moss , the junior clerk in tbe
Grand Secretary ' s Office , having been for some time past under mental incapacity for the discharge of his duties , and such incapacity continuing , his situation has of necessity been declared vacant . The Board , under the circumstances , recommend , That Grand Lodge do grant out of the Fund of General Purposes the sum of fifty-four pounds twelve shillings ( bcin" - equivalent to half a year ' s salary ) to Mrs . Eliza Moss , the wife
of Bro . George Percy Moss , late a clerk in the Grand Secretary's Office , towards the support of herself and family in the painful position in which she is placed , owing to the mental malad y with which her husband has been aud continues afflicted .
" The Board have had their attention directed to the question of renumbering the lodges , a period of thirty years having elapsed since the last renumbering took place , and in the meantime nearly three hundred lodges having become extinct , either by surrender of Warrants or by erasure in consequence of failing to make the returns required by the Book of Constitutions . The Board find that there are at present in the London
district 148 lodges ; in the Provinces at home 504 lodges ; in the Channel Islands 11 lodges ; in the Colonies and Foreign parts 271 lodges ; and in regiments 6 lodges , making a total of 940 lodges , whereas by the numbers printed in the Freemason's Calendar there would appear to be 1235 lodges on the Registry of the Grand Lodge . Under these circumstances the Board
suggest to Grand Lodge fchafc it would be convenient to resolve' That the numbers of all lodges now on the Register of the Grand Lodge be brought forward in regular succession ivhere necessary by filling up the numbers which have become vacant either by reason of the voluntary surrender of AVarrants , or of erasure of lodges from time to time . ' " ( Signed ) J . LIEWLEYK Ei'ANS , President . ¦ " Freemasons' Hall , London , 19 th November , 1 S 63 . "
To the report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts of the last meeting of the Finance Coinmittee ; held on the 14 th November instant , shewing a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 1236 8 s . 6 d ., and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash £ 50 . Of these sums there belongs to the Fund of Benevolence £ 385 4 s . lid . ; to tbe Fund of General Purposes £ 273 s . 14 d . ; and there is in the
unappropriated account £ 527 9 s . 6 d ., a portion of which belongs to the Grand Chapter . A report from the Freemasons' Tontine Committee appointed under the provisions of the Deed of Trust of the 2 nd August , 1776 , notifying that all the nominees specified in the said Deed , and on whose lives the said Tontine was granted , are now
extinct , the last survivor . Mrs . Ann Ellis , having died on the 26 th August , 1862 . Notice of motion by Bro . the Eev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . M . No . 382 .
In the event of the following resolution of Grand Lodge , carried on fche 3 rd September last , viz ., " That in the event of Grand Lodge agreeing to the alteration of Law 19 , page 107 , of the Book of Constitutions as proposed hy the M . W . the Grand Master , a committee of seven member of Grand Lodge be appointed , with powers similar to those at present possessed by the Board of General Purposes , so far as
the same relate to the improvement and adaptation of the property of Grand Lodge in and near Great Queen-street , and that such Committee have full power to call for all books , papers , deeds , documents , and accounts , to obtain the advice of any persons , architects or others , and to cause such plans and estimates to be prepared as may seem to them expedient for the purpose of adopting a complete scheme for the improvement and adaption of such property , subject to the approval of Grand