Article GRAND LODGE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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Grand Lodge.
Lodge , " being cofirmed—to move , that the following brethren do form such Committee : —Bros . John Havers , J . G . W ., and P . M . No . 5 . ; John Llewellyn Evans , S . G . D ., and P . M . No . 54 ; John Hervey , P . S . G . D ., and P . M . No . 7 ; John Savage , P . S . G . D ., ancl P . M . No . 19 ; Joseph Rankin Stebbing , P . M . No . 152 ; George Plucknett ( No . 324 ) , P . M . No . 70 ; Henry Grissell , J . W . No . 2 ; and the following brethren were also nominated
by other members of Grand Lodge to serve on tbe Committee viz : ¦—Bros . Alexander Dobie , P . G . M ., Surrey , ancl P . M . No . 1 ; Herbert Lloyd , P . S . G . D ., and P . M . No . 14 ; Henry Wellington Vallance , P . M . No . 275 ; David Henry Stone , P . M . No . 1 ; Colonel Western , P . M . No . 2 ; Charles ' Tyler , P . M . No . 79 ; Joseph Taylor , P . M . No . 18 ; William Verrall , P . M . No . 338 ; Stephen Barton Wilson , P . J . G . D ., and P . M . No . 125 .
GRAND STEWARDS' LODGE . PUBIIC NIGHT . The last public night of this lodge for the year was held in the Temple , adjoining Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday evening last , Bro . Samuels , W . M ., presiding , when there was a numerous attendance of the brethrenamongst whom were Bro . Havers
, , J . G . W . ; Bro . Evans , President of the Board of General Purposes ; Bro , AVilson , P . G . D . ; Bro . Farnfield , Assist . G . Sec ; Bro . Brackstone Baker , G . Steward ; Bro . Charles Beaumont , P . Prov . G . D . Surrey , & c . The loclge having been opened in tbe second degree , Bro . Henry G . AVAEEEN , P . M ., proceeded to deliver the Second Prestonian Lecture , which he illustrated by diagrams , the principal
of which had been kindly prepared for him by Bro . S . B . Wilson , P . G . D . The lecture , which lasted about an hour and three quarters , was listened to with great attention , not a single brother leaving the lodge until after the lecturer had resumed his seat . At the conclusion , Bro . HAAT . HS , J . G . W ., rose and proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . AVarren for his careful and clear delivery of the Lecture , which shoAved them Avhat their predecessors of
fifty years since regarded as the foundation and support of their institution . AA'ith the vote of thanks to Bro . Warren , he would couple a similar vote to the Grand Stewards' Lodge for so kindly giving them an opportunity of listening to the Lecture . He had a great respect for the Grand Stewards' Lodge , ivhich was formerly the only means through ivhich brethren coulcl obtain instruction . They were now more fortunate , and had many sources of instruction open to thembut still he
, regarded the public nights of the Grand Stewards' Lodge of great importance to tbe Craft in tbe dissemination of Masonic knowledge . The lecture they had heard that evening had for many years been confined to the Lodge of Antiquity , ivhere only a very few brethren had the opportunity of hearing it . About six years ago , however , the M . AV . G . M . determined to confer the office of Prestonian Lecturer on brethren of different .
lodges , not confining it to one lodge or one brother ; and though the office had since been held by three or four brethren , it was to the Grand Stewards' Lodge they were indebted for making such arrangements that every brother who wished to do so could attend ancl hear it . The Craft could not now be said to be the repository of science , as , fortunately , education was widely spread throughout the world ; but they bad equally strong bonds of union in Brotherly LoveReliefand Truth . He wished
, , they could meet oftener , and hear other lecturers treating upon not only their histories and antiquities , but kindred subjects of interest to their order , for what they had heard that night gave them a mere glimpse into most interesting studies . He trusted that within a few years—if not a few months—they would have a building of their own , with a proper room and accommodation for such lecturesThere was
every . sitting near him a distinguished brother , who was known to have made Freemasonry his peculiar study—who was justly looked up to as an authority—and whose cunning band he recognised in the diagrams on that wall . He would not ask him , hut he might express a hope that that distinguished
brother ( Stephen Barton AAllson ) would take an opportunity when they were so situated , of lecturing and dilating upon portions of Masonry into which he bad already stated that they bad that evening had only a mere glimpse—ancl that other brethren would also then be willing to give them lectures on the various sciences , all of which were indirectly connected with their order . He again thanked Bro . Warren for his clear delivery of the lecture , ancl in moving his resolution trusted that the members
of the Grand Stewards Loclge would allow it to be entered on their minutes . Bro . STEPHEN - BAETON AAILSON , P . G . D ., seconded the motion . He fully agreed with all that had been stated by Bro . Havers , and though there ivere material differences in the lecture they had just heard with their present system of working , there were many parts in which they could not fail of being struck as common to bothand proving how close the
, present system was in its essentials to that which prevailed before tbe union . The motion having been put by Bro . Evans , President of fche Board of General Purposes , ancl carried unanimously , Bro . WAEEEN returned thanks on behalf of himself and fche Grand Stewards' Lodge for the compliment so handsomely proposed and so kindly responded to . He must be allowed to return publicly his thanks to Bro . Henderson , P . G . Reg ., for
having furnished him with the Lecture they hacl heard that evening , and which had been delivered as nearly as could be in the very words of Preston . He had been kindly promised by that respected brother ( Bro . Henderson ) that he should be furnished with the third Lecture , ivhich , should he be again honoured with appointment as Prestonian Lecturer , he would have great pleasure in laying before the brethren . He must also return his thanks to Bro . AVilson for having kindly provided him
with the architectural diagrams of that evening , and the principal of which had been specially prepared for that lecture . He knew his own deficiences as a lecturer , but he hacl endeavoured to make himself so far familiar with bis subjects as to enable the brethren to fully understand it as he proceeded , and if he had succeeded in doing so he was amply rewarded for his labours . On the part of the lodge he could assure them that nothing gave them greater pleasure than to see their public nights fully
attended , and be trusted their working would always be such as to merit the approbation of the brethren . He thanked the brethren for their numerous attendance that evening , and for the kindness which they had always evinced towards him . Bro . Hewlett , P . M . proposed a vote of thanks to the visitors for their attendance , which was seconded by Bro . Nutt , S . AV . and carried unanimously . The lodge was then closed in due form ; after which a voluntary on the organ was played by Bro . Matthew Cooke .
LODGE or PEUDENT BEETHEEN ( NO . 169 ) . —The last meeting of this lodge for 1862 was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday last , Bro . Graygoose , W . M ., presiding , supported by his officers and a numerous assemblage of the brethren , amongst whom were no less than eight consecutive P . M . 's of the lodge—Bros . Hooper , Kirby , Morbey , Blackburn , Wan-en , Hart , Adams , and Boyd . The business of the evening consisted of one initiationtwo passingsand three raisingsthe ceremonies being
, , , admirably performed by Bro . Kirby , P . M . Bro . Knox , of Belfast , and ~ Bvo . Taylor , of the Crescent Lodge , were elected joining members , the last named brother being raised to the degree of M . M . The ballot was then taken for the AV . M ., which fell unanimously on Bro . Exall , tbe S . W ., a brother well up in all the duties of the chair . Bro . H . G . Warren was re-elected Treasurer . A Past Master ' s Jetvel was voted to Bro . Graygoose .
Other business having been disposed of , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . A very pleasant evening was passed , interspersed with songs from Bros . Burton Ford ( Christy Minstiels ) , J . W . Adams , Graygoose , Exall , Caul cher , M . Cooke , and others .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 87 ) . —This celebrated aud flourishing loclge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , November 18 th , at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . E . Slade ( caused by his professional duties calling him out of town ) , Bro . H . G . Baker , the immediate P . M ., assisted by the officers , Bros . Walters , E . N . Levy , Davies , P . M ., Harris , P . M ., Moore Goody , & c , opened the lodge . The first ceremony was passing Bros . Wills and Gunuell to the degree of Fellow Craft Freemasons , which was most ably done by the Treasurer of the lodge , Bro . D . Davies , P . M ., at the special request of the AV . M .
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Grand Lodge.
Lodge , " being cofirmed—to move , that the following brethren do form such Committee : —Bros . John Havers , J . G . W ., and P . M . No . 5 . ; John Llewellyn Evans , S . G . D ., and P . M . No . 54 ; John Hervey , P . S . G . D ., and P . M . No . 7 ; John Savage , P . S . G . D ., ancl P . M . No . 19 ; Joseph Rankin Stebbing , P . M . No . 152 ; George Plucknett ( No . 324 ) , P . M . No . 70 ; Henry Grissell , J . W . No . 2 ; and the following brethren were also nominated
by other members of Grand Lodge to serve on tbe Committee viz : ¦—Bros . Alexander Dobie , P . G . M ., Surrey , ancl P . M . No . 1 ; Herbert Lloyd , P . S . G . D ., and P . M . No . 14 ; Henry Wellington Vallance , P . M . No . 275 ; David Henry Stone , P . M . No . 1 ; Colonel Western , P . M . No . 2 ; Charles ' Tyler , P . M . No . 79 ; Joseph Taylor , P . M . No . 18 ; William Verrall , P . M . No . 338 ; Stephen Barton Wilson , P . J . G . D ., and P . M . No . 125 .
GRAND STEWARDS' LODGE . PUBIIC NIGHT . The last public night of this lodge for the year was held in the Temple , adjoining Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday evening last , Bro . Samuels , W . M ., presiding , when there was a numerous attendance of the brethrenamongst whom were Bro . Havers
, , J . G . W . ; Bro . Evans , President of the Board of General Purposes ; Bro , AVilson , P . G . D . ; Bro . Farnfield , Assist . G . Sec ; Bro . Brackstone Baker , G . Steward ; Bro . Charles Beaumont , P . Prov . G . D . Surrey , & c . The loclge having been opened in tbe second degree , Bro . Henry G . AVAEEEN , P . M ., proceeded to deliver the Second Prestonian Lecture , which he illustrated by diagrams , the principal
of which had been kindly prepared for him by Bro . S . B . Wilson , P . G . D . The lecture , which lasted about an hour and three quarters , was listened to with great attention , not a single brother leaving the lodge until after the lecturer had resumed his seat . At the conclusion , Bro . HAAT . HS , J . G . W ., rose and proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . AVarren for his careful and clear delivery of the Lecture , which shoAved them Avhat their predecessors of
fifty years since regarded as the foundation and support of their institution . AA'ith the vote of thanks to Bro . Warren , he would couple a similar vote to the Grand Stewards' Lodge for so kindly giving them an opportunity of listening to the Lecture . He had a great respect for the Grand Stewards' Lodge , ivhich was formerly the only means through ivhich brethren coulcl obtain instruction . They were now more fortunate , and had many sources of instruction open to thembut still he
, regarded the public nights of the Grand Stewards' Lodge of great importance to tbe Craft in tbe dissemination of Masonic knowledge . The lecture they had heard that evening had for many years been confined to the Lodge of Antiquity , ivhere only a very few brethren had the opportunity of hearing it . About six years ago , however , the M . AV . G . M . determined to confer the office of Prestonian Lecturer on brethren of different .
lodges , not confining it to one lodge or one brother ; and though the office had since been held by three or four brethren , it was to the Grand Stewards' Lodge they were indebted for making such arrangements that every brother who wished to do so could attend ancl hear it . The Craft could not now be said to be the repository of science , as , fortunately , education was widely spread throughout the world ; but they bad equally strong bonds of union in Brotherly LoveReliefand Truth . He wished
, , they could meet oftener , and hear other lecturers treating upon not only their histories and antiquities , but kindred subjects of interest to their order , for what they had heard that night gave them a mere glimpse into most interesting studies . He trusted that within a few years—if not a few months—they would have a building of their own , with a proper room and accommodation for such lecturesThere was
every . sitting near him a distinguished brother , who was known to have made Freemasonry his peculiar study—who was justly looked up to as an authority—and whose cunning band he recognised in the diagrams on that wall . He would not ask him , hut he might express a hope that that distinguished
brother ( Stephen Barton AAllson ) would take an opportunity when they were so situated , of lecturing and dilating upon portions of Masonry into which he bad already stated that they bad that evening had only a mere glimpse—ancl that other brethren would also then be willing to give them lectures on the various sciences , all of which were indirectly connected with their order . He again thanked Bro . Warren for his clear delivery of the lecture , ancl in moving his resolution trusted that the members
of the Grand Stewards Loclge would allow it to be entered on their minutes . Bro . STEPHEN - BAETON AAILSON , P . G . D ., seconded the motion . He fully agreed with all that had been stated by Bro . Havers , and though there ivere material differences in the lecture they had just heard with their present system of working , there were many parts in which they could not fail of being struck as common to bothand proving how close the
, present system was in its essentials to that which prevailed before tbe union . The motion having been put by Bro . Evans , President of fche Board of General Purposes , ancl carried unanimously , Bro . WAEEEN returned thanks on behalf of himself and fche Grand Stewards' Lodge for the compliment so handsomely proposed and so kindly responded to . He must be allowed to return publicly his thanks to Bro . Henderson , P . G . Reg ., for
having furnished him with the Lecture they hacl heard that evening , and which had been delivered as nearly as could be in the very words of Preston . He had been kindly promised by that respected brother ( Bro . Henderson ) that he should be furnished with the third Lecture , ivhich , should he be again honoured with appointment as Prestonian Lecturer , he would have great pleasure in laying before the brethren . He must also return his thanks to Bro . AVilson for having kindly provided him
with the architectural diagrams of that evening , and the principal of which had been specially prepared for that lecture . He knew his own deficiences as a lecturer , but he hacl endeavoured to make himself so far familiar with bis subjects as to enable the brethren to fully understand it as he proceeded , and if he had succeeded in doing so he was amply rewarded for his labours . On the part of the lodge he could assure them that nothing gave them greater pleasure than to see their public nights fully
attended , and be trusted their working would always be such as to merit the approbation of the brethren . He thanked the brethren for their numerous attendance that evening , and for the kindness which they had always evinced towards him . Bro . Hewlett , P . M . proposed a vote of thanks to the visitors for their attendance , which was seconded by Bro . Nutt , S . AV . and carried unanimously . The lodge was then closed in due form ; after which a voluntary on the organ was played by Bro . Matthew Cooke .
LODGE or PEUDENT BEETHEEN ( NO . 169 ) . —The last meeting of this lodge for 1862 was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday last , Bro . Graygoose , W . M ., presiding , supported by his officers and a numerous assemblage of the brethren , amongst whom were no less than eight consecutive P . M . 's of the lodge—Bros . Hooper , Kirby , Morbey , Blackburn , Wan-en , Hart , Adams , and Boyd . The business of the evening consisted of one initiationtwo passingsand three raisingsthe ceremonies being
, , , admirably performed by Bro . Kirby , P . M . Bro . Knox , of Belfast , and ~ Bvo . Taylor , of the Crescent Lodge , were elected joining members , the last named brother being raised to the degree of M . M . The ballot was then taken for the AV . M ., which fell unanimously on Bro . Exall , tbe S . W ., a brother well up in all the duties of the chair . Bro . H . G . Warren was re-elected Treasurer . A Past Master ' s Jetvel was voted to Bro . Graygoose .
Other business having been disposed of , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . A very pleasant evening was passed , interspersed with songs from Bros . Burton Ford ( Christy Minstiels ) , J . W . Adams , Graygoose , Exall , Caul cher , M . Cooke , and others .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 87 ) . —This celebrated aud flourishing loclge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , November 18 th , at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . E . Slade ( caused by his professional duties calling him out of town ) , Bro . H . G . Baker , the immediate P . M ., assisted by the officers , Bros . Walters , E . N . Levy , Davies , P . M ., Harris , P . M ., Moore Goody , & c , opened the lodge . The first ceremony was passing Bros . Wills and Gunuell to the degree of Fellow Craft Freemasons , which was most ably done by the Treasurer of the lodge , Bro . D . Davies , P . M ., at the special request of the AV . M .