Article MASONIC SYMBOLISM, ← Page 3 of 3 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Symbolism,
( Hire . Glossarium Suido-Gotliiciim . ) French , colon , coyon—a coward , a base fellow . " Qui fait profession de lachete , ignavus . ( Trevoux , Hictionaire Universal Francois et Latin !) The editors of this Dictionary deduce it from the Latin quietus . But the term is evidently G-othic . It has been imported by the Franks , and is
derived from Ictifw-a-supprimere , insultare—the supplement stating . Cowan , s . —2 . App lied to one who does the work of a mason ; add , Cowaner is the only term used in this sense in Lothian . It . B . "W
Masonic Notes And Queries.
DISSEXTIXG MIXISTEKS . Add to your list of Dissenting Ministers who arc Freemasons , the name of the Eev . "William Newton , late Unitarian Minister at Hinckley , in this county , and now of Newcastle , whom I had the pleasure of initiating , in the Kniglits of Malta- Lodge ( No . 58 ) , Hinckley , about two years ago . —WILLIAM KELLY , Leicester .
AUK HMUXEBS ( V . 461 ) . I know not whether this ( so-called ) degree in now practised in England , but it , as well as the Mark Master ' s , Royal Arch , and Knight Templar ' s degrees , was conferred in connection with the old Athol Lodge formerly existing in this town , the several seals belonging to which lodge are in my possession . The emblems on the seal for tho degree in question are the Ark , rainbow , aud dove . —WILLIAM KELLY , Leicester .
SAME 01 ? AUTHOR OP A RAMMLET WAXTED . There is a pamphlet entitled , A few Words upon the Degree of Prince Grand Rose Croix , e ye ., with , an , account of the Revived , and Legitimate Transmission of that Order in Ireland , from the Fourteenth Gentnri jto the present Time ; edso , of tli . c ¦ irregular Descent of tin : Council , of Rites , from- em Expelled Member of the Grand Chanter of Ireland , printed in 12 mo ., at Dublin , in 18-13 . Who was its author , and to whom does the last clause nf the title allude ?—N . S .
rUTTIXG IT ALL TO RIGHTS . [ Don't forgot yourself . We shall neither print your questions nor reply to them privately . There is an old adage , that a man in a passion should count seven : apply it thus in your case . Let seven weeks elapse , ancl then , if you arc cooler , ancl inclined to repeat your query divested of its improprieties , write again . ]
ROYAL ARCH KED-GOWXS . I am an Arch Mason . I visited a Chapter in which I Beyer saw such guys as E . N . aud the Sojourners , for they had on extract counterpart of the amiable Mr . Candle ' s bed-gown . Who regulates the pattern ? or , if there is none , is it not time some official notice was taken of it ?—COSTUMIER .
KEY . SALEM 'COWS . Is there any biographical notice extant of tbe Ecv . Salem Town , who was , or is , a first-class American authority amongst Masons ?—ESTORIE . MASOXIC AXAGEAMS . Are there any Masonic anagrams known ? Acrostics and such-like freaks of tho pen arc numerous enough , but is
not a good anagram still a cix'siderafi'iii?—ESTOUIE . LODGE BAXXEKS . Wanted , a device for a lodge banner . "Will some brethren kindly communicate any they know of , and describe them i ' —F . H . 0 . THE DUKE 01 ? XEWOASTLS . Where was his Grace , our Bro . the Duke of
Newcastleini-, tiated , and in what loclge has he served the office of AV . M . ?—TALBOY . —[ The Duke of Newcastle , then Earl of Lincoln , was initiated in the Apollo University Loclge , Oxford , in the year 1853 , ancl in 1855 became a life member , in accordance with the rule of that lodge , declaring that " members after subscribing two years may become life members ou payment of five guineas . " Wo cannot tell in what lodge his Grace has
Masonic Notes And Queries.
been "W . M ., but shall be glad if some of our well-informed correspondents will forward the information . ] ROSE C 110 IX QUERIES . Can you give mo any information as to tho number , ancl names , of the Eose Croix- Chapters now held in the United Kingdom ? Where can I find any account given of the degreeas well as of the higher degrees in Masonry ? What
, expense should I incur in taking the E . C . degree ; is there a fixed scale of fees for this purpose ; arc they less in the provinces than in London , and to whom are they payable ? Are Charters given for the formation of new E . C . Chapters ; from who do they emanate ; and arc they difficult to obtain ? An answer to these questions will greatly oblige a W . M . ?—Lincoln ' s InnDecember 101860 . —[ In tho number of Tus
, , PKEEMASOXS MAGAZINE for Oct . 27 , 1860 , department of "Notes and Queries , " page 326 , we gave the names of all the English . Eose Croix .. Chapters . They arc thirteen in number , but have no numbers attached to them similar to lodges . For account of the high grades , see FREEMASON ' S MAGAZINE for 1856-7-8 . Expenses are according to chapter selected , and arc paid to the Secretary . Charters are grantedunder
, certain restrictions , by tho SS . G . II . G . of the 33 ° , and are difficult to obtain . ' . Hie place must not be within ten miles of any other E . C . chapter ; the petition must be signed by six Princes Eose Croix , or members of higher degrees , three of whom must bo residents of tho locality . Chapters cannot be got up by new members only . For the future , please to ask one question at a timeor make separate enquiries . We
, are willing to render every assistance we can , but ten questions , in as many lines , is rather too inconvenient to reply to properly . ] LODGE PLATE . What lodges- have plate of their own , and in what form is ; it preserved , whether for the table , or as cups , & c . ?—F . H . O . HEAD-DRESS TOR KXIGUTS TEMPLAR .
What is the proper hcacl-dress for a Knight Templar . The body is well provided for , but the covering for the head seems neglected?—EXEEIIT . —[ Our brother forgets the hood attached to the cloak . ]
[ THE EDITOR does not bold himself responsible for any opinion entertained hy Correspondents !] THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR IN INDIA . TO Tin-: jsDiToit OP Tins I'limnrASOxy ITAGAZIXJ ! AXD MASOXIC HUIROR . DEAR SIR AND BKOTUEH , — Thinking that some account of the progress of Knight Templar Masonry hove may be
acceptable to your readers , I scud you the following : — A meeting of the "Encampment of St . Augustine was held ' on the 1 st inst ., Sir Knt . E . E . Egerton , "" E . G ., presiding ; the other officers being—Sir Kiits . W . E . Bali , 1 st Capt . II . L . Ocrtel , 2 nd Capt . ; J . B . Hide , Expert ; H . S . Gaye , 1 st Herald ; S . H . Clarke , Captain of the Lines ; and others . After the current business had been disposed ofComp .
, Thomas Bobcrts was unanimously elected and afterwards installed in a very impressive manner by the E . Commander ; The following address—voted at tho previous meeting was then presented to Sir Knt . J . B . Hide , Past E . C . of the Encampment : — "The members of St . Augustine Encampment cannot permit Sir Knt . J . B . Hide to retire from his high office of E . Commander without expressing their sense
of the untiring and great services rendered by him to the encampment—services ably aud cheerfully rendered , though often at great personal inconvenience to himself . The Knights Companions sincerely hojie that he may long be spared to enjoy the honours of a P . E . C . " Sir Knt . Egerton added a few very appropriate words expressive of the great pleasure he felt in having to present Sir Knt . Hide with ,
such a handsome testimonial to his great Masonic worth . The address had been beautifully illuminated on vellum , and was then handed over by tho E . G ., who expressed his regret that the ring—which had also been voted by the encampment , and contained an . inscription recording the feelings of respect and esteem entertained towards Sir Knt , Hide by the whole of the members—had not arrived from England in time to accompany the address .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Symbolism,
( Hire . Glossarium Suido-Gotliiciim . ) French , colon , coyon—a coward , a base fellow . " Qui fait profession de lachete , ignavus . ( Trevoux , Hictionaire Universal Francois et Latin !) The editors of this Dictionary deduce it from the Latin quietus . But the term is evidently G-othic . It has been imported by the Franks , and is
derived from Ictifw-a-supprimere , insultare—the supplement stating . Cowan , s . —2 . App lied to one who does the work of a mason ; add , Cowaner is the only term used in this sense in Lothian . It . B . "W
Masonic Notes And Queries.
DISSEXTIXG MIXISTEKS . Add to your list of Dissenting Ministers who arc Freemasons , the name of the Eev . "William Newton , late Unitarian Minister at Hinckley , in this county , and now of Newcastle , whom I had the pleasure of initiating , in the Kniglits of Malta- Lodge ( No . 58 ) , Hinckley , about two years ago . —WILLIAM KELLY , Leicester .
AUK HMUXEBS ( V . 461 ) . I know not whether this ( so-called ) degree in now practised in England , but it , as well as the Mark Master ' s , Royal Arch , and Knight Templar ' s degrees , was conferred in connection with the old Athol Lodge formerly existing in this town , the several seals belonging to which lodge are in my possession . The emblems on the seal for tho degree in question are the Ark , rainbow , aud dove . —WILLIAM KELLY , Leicester .
SAME 01 ? AUTHOR OP A RAMMLET WAXTED . There is a pamphlet entitled , A few Words upon the Degree of Prince Grand Rose Croix , e ye ., with , an , account of the Revived , and Legitimate Transmission of that Order in Ireland , from the Fourteenth Gentnri jto the present Time ; edso , of tli . c ¦ irregular Descent of tin : Council , of Rites , from- em Expelled Member of the Grand Chanter of Ireland , printed in 12 mo ., at Dublin , in 18-13 . Who was its author , and to whom does the last clause nf the title allude ?—N . S .
rUTTIXG IT ALL TO RIGHTS . [ Don't forgot yourself . We shall neither print your questions nor reply to them privately . There is an old adage , that a man in a passion should count seven : apply it thus in your case . Let seven weeks elapse , ancl then , if you arc cooler , ancl inclined to repeat your query divested of its improprieties , write again . ]
ROYAL ARCH KED-GOWXS . I am an Arch Mason . I visited a Chapter in which I Beyer saw such guys as E . N . aud the Sojourners , for they had on extract counterpart of the amiable Mr . Candle ' s bed-gown . Who regulates the pattern ? or , if there is none , is it not time some official notice was taken of it ?—COSTUMIER .
KEY . SALEM 'COWS . Is there any biographical notice extant of tbe Ecv . Salem Town , who was , or is , a first-class American authority amongst Masons ?—ESTORIE . MASOXIC AXAGEAMS . Are there any Masonic anagrams known ? Acrostics and such-like freaks of tho pen arc numerous enough , but is
not a good anagram still a cix'siderafi'iii?—ESTOUIE . LODGE BAXXEKS . Wanted , a device for a lodge banner . "Will some brethren kindly communicate any they know of , and describe them i ' —F . H . 0 . THE DUKE 01 ? XEWOASTLS . Where was his Grace , our Bro . the Duke of
Newcastleini-, tiated , and in what loclge has he served the office of AV . M . ?—TALBOY . —[ The Duke of Newcastle , then Earl of Lincoln , was initiated in the Apollo University Loclge , Oxford , in the year 1853 , ancl in 1855 became a life member , in accordance with the rule of that lodge , declaring that " members after subscribing two years may become life members ou payment of five guineas . " Wo cannot tell in what lodge his Grace has
Masonic Notes And Queries.
been "W . M ., but shall be glad if some of our well-informed correspondents will forward the information . ] ROSE C 110 IX QUERIES . Can you give mo any information as to tho number , ancl names , of the Eose Croix- Chapters now held in the United Kingdom ? Where can I find any account given of the degreeas well as of the higher degrees in Masonry ? What
, expense should I incur in taking the E . C . degree ; is there a fixed scale of fees for this purpose ; arc they less in the provinces than in London , and to whom are they payable ? Are Charters given for the formation of new E . C . Chapters ; from who do they emanate ; and arc they difficult to obtain ? An answer to these questions will greatly oblige a W . M . ?—Lincoln ' s InnDecember 101860 . —[ In tho number of Tus
, , PKEEMASOXS MAGAZINE for Oct . 27 , 1860 , department of "Notes and Queries , " page 326 , we gave the names of all the English . Eose Croix .. Chapters . They arc thirteen in number , but have no numbers attached to them similar to lodges . For account of the high grades , see FREEMASON ' S MAGAZINE for 1856-7-8 . Expenses are according to chapter selected , and arc paid to the Secretary . Charters are grantedunder
, certain restrictions , by tho SS . G . II . G . of the 33 ° , and are difficult to obtain . ' . Hie place must not be within ten miles of any other E . C . chapter ; the petition must be signed by six Princes Eose Croix , or members of higher degrees , three of whom must bo residents of tho locality . Chapters cannot be got up by new members only . For the future , please to ask one question at a timeor make separate enquiries . We
, are willing to render every assistance we can , but ten questions , in as many lines , is rather too inconvenient to reply to properly . ] LODGE PLATE . What lodges- have plate of their own , and in what form is ; it preserved , whether for the table , or as cups , & c . ?—F . H . O . HEAD-DRESS TOR KXIGUTS TEMPLAR .
What is the proper hcacl-dress for a Knight Templar . The body is well provided for , but the covering for the head seems neglected?—EXEEIIT . —[ Our brother forgets the hood attached to the cloak . ]
[ THE EDITOR does not bold himself responsible for any opinion entertained hy Correspondents !] THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR IN INDIA . TO Tin-: jsDiToit OP Tins I'limnrASOxy ITAGAZIXJ ! AXD MASOXIC HUIROR . DEAR SIR AND BKOTUEH , — Thinking that some account of the progress of Knight Templar Masonry hove may be
acceptable to your readers , I scud you the following : — A meeting of the "Encampment of St . Augustine was held ' on the 1 st inst ., Sir Knt . E . E . Egerton , "" E . G ., presiding ; the other officers being—Sir Kiits . W . E . Bali , 1 st Capt . II . L . Ocrtel , 2 nd Capt . ; J . B . Hide , Expert ; H . S . Gaye , 1 st Herald ; S . H . Clarke , Captain of the Lines ; and others . After the current business had been disposed ofComp .
, Thomas Bobcrts was unanimously elected and afterwards installed in a very impressive manner by the E . Commander ; The following address—voted at tho previous meeting was then presented to Sir Knt . J . B . Hide , Past E . C . of the Encampment : — "The members of St . Augustine Encampment cannot permit Sir Knt . J . B . Hide to retire from his high office of E . Commander without expressing their sense
of the untiring and great services rendered by him to the encampment—services ably aud cheerfully rendered , though often at great personal inconvenience to himself . The Knights Companions sincerely hojie that he may long be spared to enjoy the honours of a P . E . C . " Sir Knt . Egerton added a few very appropriate words expressive of the great pleasure he felt in having to present Sir Knt . Hide with ,
such a handsome testimonial to his great Masonic worth . The address had been beautifully illuminated on vellum , and was then handed over by tho E . G ., who expressed his regret that the ring—which had also been voted by the encampment , and contained an . inscription recording the feelings of respect and esteem entertained towards Sir Knt , Hide by the whole of the members—had not arrived from England in time to accompany the address .