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MASONS M AGAZINE AND MASONIC MIBEOR . That publication reported all that was proper to be known , and as Chairman of that meeting , he was most happy that what had been there done should go forth in its columns . Bro . Matthew Cooke , a good Freemason , was present , at his invitation and that of the committee , on behalf of the MAGAZINE , and he was sure they would have no cause to saythat brother would neglect his portion of that night ' s occurrences . He had great leasure in proposing " Success to the FREEMASONS
p MAGAZINE AND' MASONIC MIHEOE , and coupling tho same with Pro . Matthew Cooke's name . "—Bro . IBELAXD returned thanks for his health having been drank in his absence . —Bro . MATTHEW COOKE said , he was much obliged to the brethren for the compliment . He did not altogether agree with Bro . Stephen Barton "Wilson as to his being a good Praemason , but he had the pleasure of working under Bro . " HENRY GEOBGE WAEKEJC , the Editor of THE FREE
MASONS' ; MAGAXI : \ 'E , who was a really good man , and in consequence a good Freemason , and he hoped that some little of tho goodness of tho chief descended to his subordinate . THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , he was proud to say , was impartially conducted . Every brother who had a grievance or thought himself ill treated could at all times avail himself of its pages , whilst keeping within the strict letter of the law . Its columns were open to all ; "A ( dear fieldand no favour" was its motto ; and he was
, , happy to say that under its editor . Bro . HENBY GEOBGE WAR-BEN , it had achieved a name in the Craft for honesty , fearlessness , and truth . For the manner in which it had been mentioned he was sure would please its Editor , and in his name he tendered the brethren thanks for their kind mention and reception of the toast . The proceedings were then brought to a close .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 766 ) . —The brethren of this lodge assembled for their usual monthly meeting at the Freemasons ' Hall on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., when the following brethren were present : —Captain Brewin , AA . M . ( in the chair ); Kelly , P . M . and D . P . G . M . ; Kinton , P . M . ; Milliean , P . M . ; Capt . Bankart , P . M . and Treasurer ; Sheppard , S . AV . ; Johnson , J . W .: Foster , as See . pro tern . SpencerS . D . ; GarnarJ . D . ; ChallisJ . G . ; LloydBithrey
; , , , , , & c . Visitors : —Bros . Milliean ( Sydney , N . S . AV . ) , Maxsteacl , ancl AVindram , P . M ., Gill , P . M ., Marris , and Jackson , of St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 34 S ) . —The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . Sutton Corkran , late of the Victoria , Lodge ( No . 4 ) , Dublin , as a joining member ; and a letter having been read from the Secretary of that lodge , bearing warm testimony to the high respect and esteem in which Bro . Corkran was held by the members as a
gentleman and a Mason , he was unanimously elected . A ballot was also taken for Mr . Thomas Harwell , as a candidate for Masonry ; and lie , being duly elected , was initiated into our mysteries by the AV . M . in his usual efficient style , Bro . Bithrey presiding at the organ . The charge was afterwards delivered by the D . P . G . M ., and the lecture on tho tracing board by Bro . Bithrey . Some further business of a routine character having been transacted , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment ; after which ,
the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , interspersed with a vavietv of songs and glees . In proposing the health of the M . AV . G . M ., the AV . M . alluded to the great pleasure it had afforded several of the Provincial Grand Officers and brethren in meeting his Lordship at Nottingham , and in thus testifying their respect to him , as well as to the Duke of Newcastle . Bros . Milliean and Maxstead returned thanks on behalf of the visitors , and Bro . Barwell , on his initiation , expressed a hope that he might not be found to be hereafter a less worthy Mason than the other brethren .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . STOEESLEY . —Cteeeland Lodge ( No . 795 ) . —The annual banquet of this well-conducted lodge was held on Thursday evening , the 20 th inst ., in the lodge room , at the Golden Lion Inn , when an excellent repast was served up by Bro . AVeatherill , wdiose skill and care in providing for the comfort of his guests is proverbial . The R . W . Bro . George Marwood , D . Prov . G . M ., occupied the chair , and Bro . J . II . Handyside , P . M . and P . G . Prov . G . W ., officiated as
croupier . After the cloth was drawn , the following toasts were given : — " The Queen and the Craft ; " " The Prince Consort , the Prince of AVales , and the rest of the Royal Family ; " "The Earl of Zetland , G . M . of England , and prov . G . M . of the North and East Ridings ; " "The Army and Navy , " responded to by Bro . Handyside , as surgeon to the Stekc-sley corps of Rille " Volunteers ; ' - ' The Health of Bro . Marwood , !) . Prov . G . M ., " proposed by Bro . AVilliam Martin , AV . M ., and responded to by the R . W . Bro . Marwood ; "Tho Health of Bro . AVilliam Martin , AV . M ., " proposed by the D . Prov . G . M . ( wdio expressed himself much pleased with the manner in
which Bro . Martin had governed the lodge ) , and responded to by the W . M . ; " Prosperity to the Cleveland Loclge , " responded to by Bro . Richard AVatson , J . A \ . ; "The AA ardens and Assistant-Officers of the Lodge , " proposed" by Bro . William Martin , AV . M ., and responded to by Bro . Burgess , Treas . ; " The Health of Bro . Handyside , the AV . M . elect for tho ensuing Year , " responded to by Bro . Handy side , P . Prov . J . G . AA . ; " The Visiting Brethren , " responded to bBro . Towns ; "The Masonic Press" with Health and
Prosy , perity to Pro . Tweddeil , " responded to by Bro . George Markham Xweddcil ; "The Secretary's Toast ; " " The Health of Pro . William Harrison , the Tyler , " responded to by Bro . Harrison ; "The Health of Bro . and Mrs . AA eatheriIl , the Host and Hostess , " responded to by Bro . Weatherill ; and "The Health of Bro . Burgess , " proposed by Bro . Thomas AA'ilstrop , and supported by tho W . M ., to which Pro . Burgess replied . The whole of the toasts were given from the chairunless otherwise specified . A number of
, excellent songs ancl recitations were given ; the singers being Bros . Marwood , Towns , AV . Wilstrop , Calvert , Burgess , Simpson , AVatson , Rowntree , Hunter , AVilson , Cooper , Coulson , Turner , Martin , ancl Harker , and the reciters were Bros . Harrison , Tweddeil , and Hunter . After spending a very comfortable evening together , the brethren separated at low twelve , each expressing himself much pleased with the entire proceedings .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BAILBOIT . —Airedale Lodge ( No . 543 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on AVednesday evening , December , 19 th , for the purpose of installing the AV . M . elect , and celebrating the festival of St . John the Evangelist . The { lodge was opened at 6 . 30 p . m . by Bro . Jesse Denby , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . Fred . Taylor , S . AV . ; Nicholas AA alker , P . M ., as J . W . ; AV . AV . Holmes , P . M . ; J . AValker , P . M ., Treasurer ; AVaiuman Holmes , P . M ., Secretary ; John Ives , as S . D .:
J . C . Read , as J . D . ; Hy . Smith , P . M ., as J . G . ; Joseph Walker , P . M . ; Tyler , John -Mann , Jesse Coekshott , Thos . Brown , P . M . ; Saml . Jackson , ¦ John Ambler , Jeremiah Ambler , Lyeias Barker , J . Rennard , G . M . AVand , P . M . ; N . Smith , & c . The loclge was also honoured by the presence of Bro . J . T . Robinson , AA . M ., Lodge of Hope ( 379 ) Bradford . Many of the Bradford and brethren of neighbouring lodges were prevented from attending , in consequence of the inclemency of the weatherthe ground being thickly covered
, with snow . The minutes of the November lodge were read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the second and third degrees , when Bro . Fred . Taylor , who had been duly elected to fill the office of AV . M . for the ensuing year , was presented for installation . The brethren , who had not passed the chair , were requested to retire , and the AV . M . called upon Bro . J . T . Robinson , W . M . ( 379 ) to undertake the ceremony , and the officers pro tern . were appointed to occupy the positions of those who had retired .
The ceremony was performed to the satisfaction of tho brethren ; the various charges being given by Bro . Thos . Brown , P . M . ( 332 ) , in a very impressive manner , to the AV . M . and officers as they were invested , viz ., J . C . Read , S . AA . ; Jesse Coekshott , J . AA . ; John . Ives , S . D . ; I-i . Smith , J . D . ; J . Rennard , J . G . ; Joe AValker , P . M ., Tyler . The Treasurer and Secretary being reappointed , after a vote of thanks had been passed to the retiring AV . M . for his attentive services , the lodge was lowered to the first degree , and closed in
due form at eight o ' clock ; after which a sumptuous banquet was served in the refreshment-room b y Mrs . AValker , of the Angel Hotel , and the evening was spent in perfect harmony , enlivened by the vocal powers of the musical brethren .
BATLEY-CABK , DEWSBUBY . —Saint John ' s Lodge ( No . 1129 ) . — This new Lodge held an emergency meeting on Monday the 17 inst ., for the purpose of initiating into Freemasonry the Rev . AVilliam Appleyard , M . A ., Incumbent of Holy Trinity Church , Batley Carr . The ceremony was performed by the AV . M . Bro . Richard Read Nelson , Prov . G . Sec . in his usual ' efficient manner , who was ably assisted by the V . AV . Bros . Rev . Joseph Senior , LL . D ., P . Prov . J . G . Warden , the Rev . A . P . A . AVoodford , M . A ., P . Prov .
S . G . Warden and Prov . G . Chaplain ( who in a beautiful manner illustrated the working tools ) , and Bro . AV . AA'hite . jun ., AY . M . Lodge 102 ( who very impressively gave the lecture on the tracing-board ) . There was a goodly gathering of the brethren , several visitors being present in addition to those named , amongst whom were the W . M . of Lodge 251 , and AV . Bro , John Booth , of Lodge 322 . After the close of the business the brethren adjourned to refreshment . This new Lodge , to which the M . AV . G-. M . has been pleased to grant a
warrant , was consecrated on the first of October , 18 G 0 , by the HAY Deputy Prov . G . M . Bro . Dr . Fearnley ( whose zeal for Masonry is so well known throughout this province ) , who installed Bro . R . R . Nelson as the first W . M . ; after which the following brethren were appointed as officers : —Bro . Abraham AA ilson , S . AA . ; Joseph Bailey , J . W . ; Ephraim Fox , Treas . ; John Armitage , Hon . Sec ; John AVilson , S . D . ; John Firth , J . D . ; Christopher Naylor 'Wilson , '" I . G . ; John Lobley , D . C . ; Edward Ellis , and Jonathan Day , Stewards ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASONS M AGAZINE AND MASONIC MIBEOR . That publication reported all that was proper to be known , and as Chairman of that meeting , he was most happy that what had been there done should go forth in its columns . Bro . Matthew Cooke , a good Freemason , was present , at his invitation and that of the committee , on behalf of the MAGAZINE , and he was sure they would have no cause to saythat brother would neglect his portion of that night ' s occurrences . He had great leasure in proposing " Success to the FREEMASONS
p MAGAZINE AND' MASONIC MIHEOE , and coupling tho same with Pro . Matthew Cooke's name . "—Bro . IBELAXD returned thanks for his health having been drank in his absence . —Bro . MATTHEW COOKE said , he was much obliged to the brethren for the compliment . He did not altogether agree with Bro . Stephen Barton "Wilson as to his being a good Praemason , but he had the pleasure of working under Bro . " HENRY GEOBGE WAEKEJC , the Editor of THE FREE
MASONS' ; MAGAXI : \ 'E , who was a really good man , and in consequence a good Freemason , and he hoped that some little of tho goodness of tho chief descended to his subordinate . THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , he was proud to say , was impartially conducted . Every brother who had a grievance or thought himself ill treated could at all times avail himself of its pages , whilst keeping within the strict letter of the law . Its columns were open to all ; "A ( dear fieldand no favour" was its motto ; and he was
, , happy to say that under its editor . Bro . HENBY GEOBGE WAR-BEN , it had achieved a name in the Craft for honesty , fearlessness , and truth . For the manner in which it had been mentioned he was sure would please its Editor , and in his name he tendered the brethren thanks for their kind mention and reception of the toast . The proceedings were then brought to a close .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 766 ) . —The brethren of this lodge assembled for their usual monthly meeting at the Freemasons ' Hall on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., when the following brethren were present : —Captain Brewin , AA . M . ( in the chair ); Kelly , P . M . and D . P . G . M . ; Kinton , P . M . ; Milliean , P . M . ; Capt . Bankart , P . M . and Treasurer ; Sheppard , S . AV . ; Johnson , J . W .: Foster , as See . pro tern . SpencerS . D . ; GarnarJ . D . ; ChallisJ . G . ; LloydBithrey
; , , , , , & c . Visitors : —Bros . Milliean ( Sydney , N . S . AV . ) , Maxsteacl , ancl AVindram , P . M ., Gill , P . M ., Marris , and Jackson , of St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 34 S ) . —The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . Sutton Corkran , late of the Victoria , Lodge ( No . 4 ) , Dublin , as a joining member ; and a letter having been read from the Secretary of that lodge , bearing warm testimony to the high respect and esteem in which Bro . Corkran was held by the members as a
gentleman and a Mason , he was unanimously elected . A ballot was also taken for Mr . Thomas Harwell , as a candidate for Masonry ; and lie , being duly elected , was initiated into our mysteries by the AV . M . in his usual efficient style , Bro . Bithrey presiding at the organ . The charge was afterwards delivered by the D . P . G . M ., and the lecture on tho tracing board by Bro . Bithrey . Some further business of a routine character having been transacted , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment ; after which ,
the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , interspersed with a vavietv of songs and glees . In proposing the health of the M . AV . G . M ., the AV . M . alluded to the great pleasure it had afforded several of the Provincial Grand Officers and brethren in meeting his Lordship at Nottingham , and in thus testifying their respect to him , as well as to the Duke of Newcastle . Bros . Milliean and Maxstead returned thanks on behalf of the visitors , and Bro . Barwell , on his initiation , expressed a hope that he might not be found to be hereafter a less worthy Mason than the other brethren .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . STOEESLEY . —Cteeeland Lodge ( No . 795 ) . —The annual banquet of this well-conducted lodge was held on Thursday evening , the 20 th inst ., in the lodge room , at the Golden Lion Inn , when an excellent repast was served up by Bro . AVeatherill , wdiose skill and care in providing for the comfort of his guests is proverbial . The R . W . Bro . George Marwood , D . Prov . G . M ., occupied the chair , and Bro . J . II . Handyside , P . M . and P . G . Prov . G . W ., officiated as
croupier . After the cloth was drawn , the following toasts were given : — " The Queen and the Craft ; " " The Prince Consort , the Prince of AVales , and the rest of the Royal Family ; " "The Earl of Zetland , G . M . of England , and prov . G . M . of the North and East Ridings ; " "The Army and Navy , " responded to by Bro . Handyside , as surgeon to the Stekc-sley corps of Rille " Volunteers ; ' - ' The Health of Bro . Marwood , !) . Prov . G . M ., " proposed by Bro . AVilliam Martin , AV . M ., and responded to by the R . W . Bro . Marwood ; "Tho Health of Bro . AVilliam Martin , AV . M ., " proposed by the D . Prov . G . M . ( wdio expressed himself much pleased with the manner in
which Bro . Martin had governed the lodge ) , and responded to by the W . M . ; " Prosperity to the Cleveland Loclge , " responded to by Bro . Richard AVatson , J . A \ . ; "The AA ardens and Assistant-Officers of the Lodge , " proposed" by Bro . William Martin , AV . M ., and responded to by Bro . Burgess , Treas . ; " The Health of Bro . Handyside , the AV . M . elect for tho ensuing Year , " responded to by Bro . Handy side , P . Prov . J . G . AA . ; " The Visiting Brethren , " responded to bBro . Towns ; "The Masonic Press" with Health and
Prosy , perity to Pro . Tweddeil , " responded to by Bro . George Markham Xweddcil ; "The Secretary's Toast ; " " The Health of Pro . William Harrison , the Tyler , " responded to by Bro . Harrison ; "The Health of Bro . and Mrs . AA eatheriIl , the Host and Hostess , " responded to by Bro . Weatherill ; and "The Health of Bro . Burgess , " proposed by Bro . Thomas AA'ilstrop , and supported by tho W . M ., to which Pro . Burgess replied . The whole of the toasts were given from the chairunless otherwise specified . A number of
, excellent songs ancl recitations were given ; the singers being Bros . Marwood , Towns , AV . Wilstrop , Calvert , Burgess , Simpson , AVatson , Rowntree , Hunter , AVilson , Cooper , Coulson , Turner , Martin , ancl Harker , and the reciters were Bros . Harrison , Tweddeil , and Hunter . After spending a very comfortable evening together , the brethren separated at low twelve , each expressing himself much pleased with the entire proceedings .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BAILBOIT . —Airedale Lodge ( No . 543 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on AVednesday evening , December , 19 th , for the purpose of installing the AV . M . elect , and celebrating the festival of St . John the Evangelist . The { lodge was opened at 6 . 30 p . m . by Bro . Jesse Denby , AV . M ., assisted by Bros . Fred . Taylor , S . AV . ; Nicholas AA alker , P . M ., as J . W . ; AV . AV . Holmes , P . M . ; J . AValker , P . M ., Treasurer ; AVaiuman Holmes , P . M ., Secretary ; John Ives , as S . D .:
J . C . Read , as J . D . ; Hy . Smith , P . M ., as J . G . ; Joseph Walker , P . M . ; Tyler , John -Mann , Jesse Coekshott , Thos . Brown , P . M . ; Saml . Jackson , ¦ John Ambler , Jeremiah Ambler , Lyeias Barker , J . Rennard , G . M . AVand , P . M . ; N . Smith , & c . The loclge was also honoured by the presence of Bro . J . T . Robinson , AA . M ., Lodge of Hope ( 379 ) Bradford . Many of the Bradford and brethren of neighbouring lodges were prevented from attending , in consequence of the inclemency of the weatherthe ground being thickly covered
, with snow . The minutes of the November lodge were read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the second and third degrees , when Bro . Fred . Taylor , who had been duly elected to fill the office of AV . M . for the ensuing year , was presented for installation . The brethren , who had not passed the chair , were requested to retire , and the AV . M . called upon Bro . J . T . Robinson , W . M . ( 379 ) to undertake the ceremony , and the officers pro tern . were appointed to occupy the positions of those who had retired .
The ceremony was performed to the satisfaction of tho brethren ; the various charges being given by Bro . Thos . Brown , P . M . ( 332 ) , in a very impressive manner , to the AV . M . and officers as they were invested , viz ., J . C . Read , S . AA . ; Jesse Coekshott , J . AA . ; John . Ives , S . D . ; I-i . Smith , J . D . ; J . Rennard , J . G . ; Joe AValker , P . M ., Tyler . The Treasurer and Secretary being reappointed , after a vote of thanks had been passed to the retiring AV . M . for his attentive services , the lodge was lowered to the first degree , and closed in
due form at eight o ' clock ; after which a sumptuous banquet was served in the refreshment-room b y Mrs . AValker , of the Angel Hotel , and the evening was spent in perfect harmony , enlivened by the vocal powers of the musical brethren .
BATLEY-CABK , DEWSBUBY . —Saint John ' s Lodge ( No . 1129 ) . — This new Lodge held an emergency meeting on Monday the 17 inst ., for the purpose of initiating into Freemasonry the Rev . AVilliam Appleyard , M . A ., Incumbent of Holy Trinity Church , Batley Carr . The ceremony was performed by the AV . M . Bro . Richard Read Nelson , Prov . G . Sec . in his usual ' efficient manner , who was ably assisted by the V . AV . Bros . Rev . Joseph Senior , LL . D ., P . Prov . J . G . Warden , the Rev . A . P . A . AVoodford , M . A ., P . Prov .
S . G . Warden and Prov . G . Chaplain ( who in a beautiful manner illustrated the working tools ) , and Bro . AV . AA'hite . jun ., AY . M . Lodge 102 ( who very impressively gave the lecture on the tracing-board ) . There was a goodly gathering of the brethren , several visitors being present in addition to those named , amongst whom were the W . M . of Lodge 251 , and AV . Bro , John Booth , of Lodge 322 . After the close of the business the brethren adjourned to refreshment . This new Lodge , to which the M . AV . G-. M . has been pleased to grant a
warrant , was consecrated on the first of October , 18 G 0 , by the HAY Deputy Prov . G . M . Bro . Dr . Fearnley ( whose zeal for Masonry is so well known throughout this province ) , who installed Bro . R . R . Nelson as the first W . M . ; after which the following brethren were appointed as officers : —Bro . Abraham AA ilson , S . AA . ; Joseph Bailey , J . W . ; Ephraim Fox , Treas . ; John Armitage , Hon . Sec ; John AVilson , S . D . ; John Firth , J . D . ; Christopher Naylor 'Wilson , '" I . G . ; John Lobley , D . C . ; Edward Ellis , and Jonathan Day , Stewards ;