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The Late Bro . George Fearnley, M.D . S.G .D., D. Prov . G.M., And Prov. G . Superintendent Of West Yorkshire.
{ From a Correspondent . ) Masonry aud West Yorkshire have alike to deplore the lamented loss of this distinguished brother . The news of his premature aud sudden decease came as a sad shock to very many personal friends , and to
all the Masons of his own province over whom he so lately bore rule ; and now that the last sad honours have been paid to departed worth—now that the Provincial Grand Lodge and a large number of his Yorkshire brethren have followed him to his long last home—now that the void is felt , and his loss is realised ,
it may be well to sum up , in some feAV and feeble words , the Masonic career of him Avho was but so recently an active and able ruler of the Craft . Dr . Eearnley was initiated into Masonry in the Lodge of Three Grand Principles , Dewsbury , then 251 , now 208 , on the 20 th January , 1842 . He served
the office of "Warden in 1843 , Avas installed W . M . on the 20 th December , 1844 , and re-elected "W . M . in 1845 . He Avas exalted to the supreme degree of the Eoyal Arch on the 18 th of December , 1843 , and was appointed Prov . G . SteAvard in 1847 . In 1848 , he was chosen by the Earl of Mexborough ,
then Provincial Grand Master , to be Provincial Senior Grand "Warden , and on the death of Bro . Charles Lee , in 1856 , he was installed as Deputy Provincial Grand Master .
"When , in 1 S 5 S , Lord Mexborough died , and Lord Zetland appointed Lord de Grey and Eipon to succeed him , Bro . Eearnley was at once re-appointed to that important and distinguished post which he held up to the year of his death . He was also appointed , in 185 S , the Provincial Graud
Superintendent of West Yorkshire , and formed and presided over the first Provincial Grand Chapter . Bro . Eearnley was also Provincial Grand Commander of Masonic Kni ghts Templar , and there exists in West Y orkshire both an encampment and lodge called after his name . In 1863 , he was promoted by Lord Zetland to the
high position of Senior Grand Deacon of England . But not only was Dr . Eearnley distinguished as a Mason , he stood also very high in the opinion of his fellow citizens , and in his own honourable and valuable profession . An able and skilful medical man , he was
an active and intelligent citizen . The first Mayor of DeAvsbury , he was thrice elected to that office , and there can be but little doubt that his loss in all municipal and local affairs will be long and severely felt . Dr . Eearnley will certainly be a missed man in Ereemasonry , and in that province over which he has
The Late Bro . George Fearnley, M.D . S.G .D., D. Prov . G.M., And Prov. G . Superintendent Of West Yorkshire.
held such great influence , especially for the last seven years . A good working Mason himself , thoroughly conversant with all the minutiae and technicalities of Masonic lore , he was also well read up in the traditional history and constitutional precedents of the Order . Hence he was ever ready—when eases , whether
of discipline or decorum arose , as arise they will in a large province like West Yorkshire—to give to his brethren sound advice aud pronounce a constitutional decision . "Under his genial rule—as Avell as under that of his predecessor , Bro . Chas . Lee—Masonry , in West
Yorkshire , has flourished and expanded ; new lodges have been formed , charitable efforts have been made , and a zeal for Masonry , and a desire to remove any obstructions to the progress of Masonry have characterised the Masons of that province .
Dr . Eearnley lived to see the completion of the movement made in support of the Boys' School , inaugurated last year , when he stood as Steward for
the Eestival—the noble sum of £ 1 , 500 was promised from the Province , which has been since paid to the Boys' School . His last Masonic appearance Avas , we believe , at a Provincial Grand Lodge of Emergency , the last week in December , at Dewsbury . His failing health and exhausted strength were then noticed
by many of the brethren , with forebodings of alarm and deep regret . At the Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Eotherhain , he was unable to be present , and Bro . P . Murrell , Prov . G . W ., officiated in his stead . He was then on his last bed of sickness , from which he never rose
again . He died on Friday morning , January 8 th , at one o ' clock . Whoever may succeed him will have a hard task and a difficult duty to perform . Whatever may be the lot of the Craft in West Yorkshire , it will be long—very long—before there fades away from the memory of many Avarm friends and attached brethren
the kindly greeting , the Avarm heart , the cheerful smile , and p leasant companionshi p of Bro . George ^ Eearnley .
Classical Theology.-Lxxii.
JOTO AND JANUARY . Snubs ( Sekos ) , which word signifies a sheepfold , came to be used also in its meaning for the inside of the temple : and as the table of the altar is figurative of the sacrifice , or a part for the whole , so in course
of time it designated the entire of the sacred edifice . Here , however , it is well to observe that temples were sub-divided into two parts , respectively named "the sacred and the profane . " This latter contained the " Perippanterion , " or tank or basin of consecrated water , with which all who were admitted to the sacrifice were sprinkled , and be-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Late Bro . George Fearnley, M.D . S.G .D., D. Prov . G.M., And Prov. G . Superintendent Of West Yorkshire.
{ From a Correspondent . ) Masonry aud West Yorkshire have alike to deplore the lamented loss of this distinguished brother . The news of his premature aud sudden decease came as a sad shock to very many personal friends , and to
all the Masons of his own province over whom he so lately bore rule ; and now that the last sad honours have been paid to departed worth—now that the Provincial Grand Lodge and a large number of his Yorkshire brethren have followed him to his long last home—now that the void is felt , and his loss is realised ,
it may be well to sum up , in some feAV and feeble words , the Masonic career of him Avho was but so recently an active and able ruler of the Craft . Dr . Eearnley was initiated into Masonry in the Lodge of Three Grand Principles , Dewsbury , then 251 , now 208 , on the 20 th January , 1842 . He served
the office of "Warden in 1843 , Avas installed W . M . on the 20 th December , 1844 , and re-elected "W . M . in 1845 . He Avas exalted to the supreme degree of the Eoyal Arch on the 18 th of December , 1843 , and was appointed Prov . G . SteAvard in 1847 . In 1848 , he was chosen by the Earl of Mexborough ,
then Provincial Grand Master , to be Provincial Senior Grand "Warden , and on the death of Bro . Charles Lee , in 1856 , he was installed as Deputy Provincial Grand Master .
"When , in 1 S 5 S , Lord Mexborough died , and Lord Zetland appointed Lord de Grey and Eipon to succeed him , Bro . Eearnley was at once re-appointed to that important and distinguished post which he held up to the year of his death . He was also appointed , in 185 S , the Provincial Graud
Superintendent of West Yorkshire , and formed and presided over the first Provincial Grand Chapter . Bro . Eearnley was also Provincial Grand Commander of Masonic Kni ghts Templar , and there exists in West Y orkshire both an encampment and lodge called after his name . In 1863 , he was promoted by Lord Zetland to the
high position of Senior Grand Deacon of England . But not only was Dr . Eearnley distinguished as a Mason , he stood also very high in the opinion of his fellow citizens , and in his own honourable and valuable profession . An able and skilful medical man , he was
an active and intelligent citizen . The first Mayor of DeAvsbury , he was thrice elected to that office , and there can be but little doubt that his loss in all municipal and local affairs will be long and severely felt . Dr . Eearnley will certainly be a missed man in Ereemasonry , and in that province over which he has
The Late Bro . George Fearnley, M.D . S.G .D., D. Prov . G.M., And Prov. G . Superintendent Of West Yorkshire.
held such great influence , especially for the last seven years . A good working Mason himself , thoroughly conversant with all the minutiae and technicalities of Masonic lore , he was also well read up in the traditional history and constitutional precedents of the Order . Hence he was ever ready—when eases , whether
of discipline or decorum arose , as arise they will in a large province like West Yorkshire—to give to his brethren sound advice aud pronounce a constitutional decision . "Under his genial rule—as Avell as under that of his predecessor , Bro . Chas . Lee—Masonry , in West
Yorkshire , has flourished and expanded ; new lodges have been formed , charitable efforts have been made , and a zeal for Masonry , and a desire to remove any obstructions to the progress of Masonry have characterised the Masons of that province .
Dr . Eearnley lived to see the completion of the movement made in support of the Boys' School , inaugurated last year , when he stood as Steward for
the Eestival—the noble sum of £ 1 , 500 was promised from the Province , which has been since paid to the Boys' School . His last Masonic appearance Avas , we believe , at a Provincial Grand Lodge of Emergency , the last week in December , at Dewsbury . His failing health and exhausted strength were then noticed
by many of the brethren , with forebodings of alarm and deep regret . At the Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Eotherhain , he was unable to be present , and Bro . P . Murrell , Prov . G . W ., officiated in his stead . He was then on his last bed of sickness , from which he never rose
again . He died on Friday morning , January 8 th , at one o ' clock . Whoever may succeed him will have a hard task and a difficult duty to perform . Whatever may be the lot of the Craft in West Yorkshire , it will be long—very long—before there fades away from the memory of many Avarm friends and attached brethren
the kindly greeting , the Avarm heart , the cheerful smile , and p leasant companionshi p of Bro . George ^ Eearnley .
Classical Theology.-Lxxii.
JOTO AND JANUARY . Snubs ( Sekos ) , which word signifies a sheepfold , came to be used also in its meaning for the inside of the temple : and as the table of the altar is figurative of the sacrifice , or a part for the whole , so in course
of time it designated the entire of the sacred edifice . Here , however , it is well to observe that temples were sub-divided into two parts , respectively named "the sacred and the profane . " This latter contained the " Perippanterion , " or tank or basin of consecrated water , with which all who were admitted to the sacrifice were sprinkled , and be-