Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 2 of 2 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
Your Committee have finally to report that , in pursuance of the instructions of Grand Chapter , they have prepared a new edition of the Rules aud Regulations , which is now in the hands of the printers , and which will be submitted for approval at the Quarterly Convocation to be holden in May next . Copies will very shortly be ready for inspection .
( Signed ) R . AA . JENNINGS , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , 22 nd January , 1864 . N . B . —The appeal of Companion Israel , and the papers relating to it , are in the office of the Grand Scribe , and open to the inspection of all members of the Grand Chapter .
METROPOLITAN . DOMATIC CHAPTER OP INSTRUCTION ( No . 177 ) . —This Chapter of Instruction has now resumed its meetings after the recess . A meeting was held at the Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane , on Friday , the 22 ud inst ., when the following companions were present , viz .: —J . Brett , as M . E . Z . ; R . Spencer , H . ; D .
Nicholson , J . ; E . H . Kirby , N . ; R . W . Little , P . S . ; II . J . Buss , G . Penny , G . E . Dunsterville , of a chapter at tho Cape of Good Hope , & c . The ceremony of exaltation was worked in a very superior manner , Comp . Dunsterville having offered himself as candidate . As Dr . Ladd , P . Z . and P . Assist . G . Dir . of Cers ., has kindly assented to act as Preceptor , it is hoped that the Royal Arch Masons of the metropolis will support this Chapter of Instruction by their presenceand assist in the promulgation
, of these beautiful ceremonies . LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . MANCHESTER , —Caledonian Chapter ( No . 204 ) . —This chapter
held its annual meeting at the Masonic Lodge Rooms , Crossstreet , on AVednesday , the 20 th inst ., when the following companions were installed by Comp . Henry Thos . Baldwin , P . Z . and Prov . G . S . E . East Lancashire , viz .: —Comps . Charles Affleck , Z . ; George Carter Thorpe , II . ; I . H . M . Good , J . ; Henry Thos . AVarren , E . ; S . P . Bidder , N . ; I . C . Hind , P . S . ; aud I . G . Holden , Treas , Bros . John Brocldehuvst and Chas . A . Listerof the Caledonian Lodge ( No . 204 ) were exalted to
, , the supreme degree . Several candidates having been proposed , the chapter Avas closed in peace and harmony , and the companions adjourned to refreshment and spent a very pleasant evening . The next regular meeting of the Caledonian Chapter will be on the 16 th March .
SURREY . CBOYDON . —East Surrey Chapter of Concord ( No . 463 ) . — This new chapter , for which a charter was granted in November last , held its first meeting on Wednesday , the 20 th inst ., at the Railway Hotel , Addiscombe-road , Croydon , when Comp . Leveau , P . Z . and P . G . S . B ., assisted by Comps . Head , P . Z . and G . Soj . ; C . Greenwood , P . Z . and Prov . G . Sec . for Surrey ; Dr . Ladd , P . Z . and Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . B . WarrenPZand WS .
, .. ; . Masterman , P . Z ., performed the beautiful ceremony of consecration ; after which the Three Principals named in the charter were regularly and most impressively installed , viz ., Comps . G . Price , Prov . G . Treas . for Surrey , as M . E . Z . ; W , M . Lowcock Webb , AV . M . 452 , as H . ; C . II . Woodward , W . M . 463 , as J . The officers then appointed were—Comps . H . J . Strong , as Scribe E . ; J . B . Walkeras Scribe N . ; I-I . E . Francisas PSCT
, , .. ; . . Speight , as Janiter . The ballot was taken and found unanimous in favour of Bros . T . Goodwin , G . Clemishaw , Sparks Moline , T . E . Crispe , and AV . Wills , and the last four brethren were most ably exalted to this supreme degree ; after which the companions , to the number of 16 , adjourned to a banquet served iu excellent style by the worthy host ( Comp . Clemishaw ) , just exalted . On the removal of the cloth , the M . E . Z . gave the
usual loyal and Royal Arch toasts . The name of Comp . Dr . Ladd was coupled with the toast of the Officers of Grand Chapter , as Comp . Leveau ( who was suffering from severe cold ) and Comp . Head had previously left to catch a train . Comp . Ladd , in returning thanks , paid a well-merited eulogium to Comp . AA oodward , J ., having been given to understand that it was mainly through him that this chapter had been established , and from the beautiful manner iu which it was furnished , and
Royal Arch.
the smallness of the sum expended in so doing , the greatest credit was due to him . The health of the visitors was responded to by Comp . Greenwood , who said that it was most gratifying to him to see such a commencement to a new and provincial chapter , and he thought the nucleus was formed and that day cemented for one of the most flourishing chapters in the province , and he heartily wished it every success . The health of the newly-exalted companions was ably responded to by Comp .
S . Moline . Comp . J . B . Warren , P . Z ., then proposed the health of the M . E . Z ., saying that very few words were required from him , as the worthy M . E . Z . and Prov . G . Treas . for Surrey , was so well known to all the companions present , and concluded by congratulating him upon being First Principal of this new chapter . The M . E . Z ., in thanking the companions for the manner in which they had drank his health , and for the confidence so long reposed in himsaid he should also endeavour to discharge the
, duties of his new office to the entire satisfaction of the companions , and concluded by drinking the healths of the Second and Third Principals , alleging that all the credit was due to Comps . C . H . AVoodward , J ., as , without his indefatigable exertions they would not have been assembled as they were that evening ; and which laudatoiy sentiments were fully endorsed by Comp . W . L . W ' ebb , H ., who , after some excellent remarks upon this supreme degreesaid he should leave Comp . J . to speak for
, himself . Comp . J . said that the high encomiums everywhere bestowed upon him that evening were most gratifying , but that without the assistance of several of the companions it would have been impossible to have consummated the formation of this chapter , and that if they were all satisfied with his feeble effort he was most amply repaid ; and if the companions would only support him as the Craft brethren had done ( during his year of office as AV . M . of 463 ) he should be able to look
back upon this day as one of the greatest in his Masonic career . It may here be stated that when the charter was granted for this chapter six or seven of the companions each placed a sum of money in the hands of Comp . AVoodward , and entrusted to him the entire furnishing of the same , which sums are to be repaid as the chapter flourishes , or considered as subscriptions paid in advance , so that it may fairly be said to be launched without a debt . The Janitor ' s toast brought a red letter day for Croydon to a happy termination , shortly before ten o'clock .
LIMERICK . —Eden Lodge ( No . 73 ) . —The members of tins lodge met at their rooms , Cecil-street , on the 5 th inst , high noon , for the purpose of installing their officers for the next six months . Bros . John Biggs was duly installed AV . M . ; A . Langley , S . W . ; Horrell , J . W . ; Moor , S . D . ; Manning , J . D . ; Peacocke , P . M ., Treas . ; Deering , P . M ., Sec . ; Clover , P . M ., I . G . Other members present—Bro . Bassett , P . M . ; Bigley , P . M . ; Pragnell , P . M . ; MacNay , P . M . ; Adams , AVeir , and Kirk , of
Lodge 311 , Templemore . The W . M . and Wardens were cordially saluted and the lodge was adjourned and placed under the care of the J . W . till six o'clock , to celebrate the festival of St . John , postponed from the 20 th ult . in consequence of the lamented death of Bro . John F . Goggin . An excellent dinner was provided , under the judicious catering of Bro . Ferguson ( Limerick Club ) . Bro John ' Biggs , W . M . ; Langley , S . W . ; Horrell , J . W . ; MooreS . D . ; ManningJ . D .: other brethren present—Bros .
, , Burke , Macnay , AVallace , Pragnall , Bassett , Glover , Deering , and M'Quaide P . M . ' s ; also Bros . Adams , Maclntyre , Quinlivan , Bennett , Wallace , Dunlop , Kirk , 311 , Templemore ; Ferguson , 500 , Dublin . —The cloth being removed , " The Health of her Gracious Majesty the Queen" was given in truly Masonic style by the AV . M ., Bro . Deering being called on to sing the National Anthem , which was joined in by the entire brethren . — "The Prince of Wales" & c . was also given . The health of the Grand
, , Masters for England , Ireland , and Scotland were duly given and received with all the honours these dignified members of the Order were entitled to . —The W . MASTER then rose and said , in proposing the health of our worthy and illustrious Prov . G . M . Bro . Henry Westi-opp , lie need not say how he expected it would be received by the brethren present , and how he eminently deserved the compliment of drinking his health . In 73 , the
most flourishing lodge in Bro . A \ estropp's district , he ( Bro . Westropp ) acted with courtesy and kindness towards us on every occasion that he was applied to . The toast was enthusiastically received with all the honours . —The W . MASTER again rose and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
Your Committee have finally to report that , in pursuance of the instructions of Grand Chapter , they have prepared a new edition of the Rules aud Regulations , which is now in the hands of the printers , and which will be submitted for approval at the Quarterly Convocation to be holden in May next . Copies will very shortly be ready for inspection .
( Signed ) R . AA . JENNINGS , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , 22 nd January , 1864 . N . B . —The appeal of Companion Israel , and the papers relating to it , are in the office of the Grand Scribe , and open to the inspection of all members of the Grand Chapter .
METROPOLITAN . DOMATIC CHAPTER OP INSTRUCTION ( No . 177 ) . —This Chapter of Instruction has now resumed its meetings after the recess . A meeting was held at the Falcon Tavern , Fetter-lane , on Friday , the 22 ud inst ., when the following companions were present , viz .: —J . Brett , as M . E . Z . ; R . Spencer , H . ; D .
Nicholson , J . ; E . H . Kirby , N . ; R . W . Little , P . S . ; II . J . Buss , G . Penny , G . E . Dunsterville , of a chapter at tho Cape of Good Hope , & c . The ceremony of exaltation was worked in a very superior manner , Comp . Dunsterville having offered himself as candidate . As Dr . Ladd , P . Z . and P . Assist . G . Dir . of Cers ., has kindly assented to act as Preceptor , it is hoped that the Royal Arch Masons of the metropolis will support this Chapter of Instruction by their presenceand assist in the promulgation
, of these beautiful ceremonies . LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . MANCHESTER , —Caledonian Chapter ( No . 204 ) . —This chapter
held its annual meeting at the Masonic Lodge Rooms , Crossstreet , on AVednesday , the 20 th inst ., when the following companions were installed by Comp . Henry Thos . Baldwin , P . Z . and Prov . G . S . E . East Lancashire , viz .: —Comps . Charles Affleck , Z . ; George Carter Thorpe , II . ; I . H . M . Good , J . ; Henry Thos . AVarren , E . ; S . P . Bidder , N . ; I . C . Hind , P . S . ; aud I . G . Holden , Treas , Bros . John Brocldehuvst and Chas . A . Listerof the Caledonian Lodge ( No . 204 ) were exalted to
, , the supreme degree . Several candidates having been proposed , the chapter Avas closed in peace and harmony , and the companions adjourned to refreshment and spent a very pleasant evening . The next regular meeting of the Caledonian Chapter will be on the 16 th March .
SURREY . CBOYDON . —East Surrey Chapter of Concord ( No . 463 ) . — This new chapter , for which a charter was granted in November last , held its first meeting on Wednesday , the 20 th inst ., at the Railway Hotel , Addiscombe-road , Croydon , when Comp . Leveau , P . Z . and P . G . S . B ., assisted by Comps . Head , P . Z . and G . Soj . ; C . Greenwood , P . Z . and Prov . G . Sec . for Surrey ; Dr . Ladd , P . Z . and Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . B . WarrenPZand WS .
, .. ; . Masterman , P . Z ., performed the beautiful ceremony of consecration ; after which the Three Principals named in the charter were regularly and most impressively installed , viz ., Comps . G . Price , Prov . G . Treas . for Surrey , as M . E . Z . ; W , M . Lowcock Webb , AV . M . 452 , as H . ; C . II . Woodward , W . M . 463 , as J . The officers then appointed were—Comps . H . J . Strong , as Scribe E . ; J . B . Walkeras Scribe N . ; I-I . E . Francisas PSCT
, , .. ; . . Speight , as Janiter . The ballot was taken and found unanimous in favour of Bros . T . Goodwin , G . Clemishaw , Sparks Moline , T . E . Crispe , and AV . Wills , and the last four brethren were most ably exalted to this supreme degree ; after which the companions , to the number of 16 , adjourned to a banquet served iu excellent style by the worthy host ( Comp . Clemishaw ) , just exalted . On the removal of the cloth , the M . E . Z . gave the
usual loyal and Royal Arch toasts . The name of Comp . Dr . Ladd was coupled with the toast of the Officers of Grand Chapter , as Comp . Leveau ( who was suffering from severe cold ) and Comp . Head had previously left to catch a train . Comp . Ladd , in returning thanks , paid a well-merited eulogium to Comp . AA oodward , J ., having been given to understand that it was mainly through him that this chapter had been established , and from the beautiful manner iu which it was furnished , and
Royal Arch.
the smallness of the sum expended in so doing , the greatest credit was due to him . The health of the visitors was responded to by Comp . Greenwood , who said that it was most gratifying to him to see such a commencement to a new and provincial chapter , and he thought the nucleus was formed and that day cemented for one of the most flourishing chapters in the province , and he heartily wished it every success . The health of the newly-exalted companions was ably responded to by Comp .
S . Moline . Comp . J . B . Warren , P . Z ., then proposed the health of the M . E . Z ., saying that very few words were required from him , as the worthy M . E . Z . and Prov . G . Treas . for Surrey , was so well known to all the companions present , and concluded by congratulating him upon being First Principal of this new chapter . The M . E . Z ., in thanking the companions for the manner in which they had drank his health , and for the confidence so long reposed in himsaid he should also endeavour to discharge the
, duties of his new office to the entire satisfaction of the companions , and concluded by drinking the healths of the Second and Third Principals , alleging that all the credit was due to Comps . C . H . AVoodward , J ., as , without his indefatigable exertions they would not have been assembled as they were that evening ; and which laudatoiy sentiments were fully endorsed by Comp . W . L . W ' ebb , H ., who , after some excellent remarks upon this supreme degreesaid he should leave Comp . J . to speak for
, himself . Comp . J . said that the high encomiums everywhere bestowed upon him that evening were most gratifying , but that without the assistance of several of the companions it would have been impossible to have consummated the formation of this chapter , and that if they were all satisfied with his feeble effort he was most amply repaid ; and if the companions would only support him as the Craft brethren had done ( during his year of office as AV . M . of 463 ) he should be able to look
back upon this day as one of the greatest in his Masonic career . It may here be stated that when the charter was granted for this chapter six or seven of the companions each placed a sum of money in the hands of Comp . AVoodward , and entrusted to him the entire furnishing of the same , which sums are to be repaid as the chapter flourishes , or considered as subscriptions paid in advance , so that it may fairly be said to be launched without a debt . The Janitor ' s toast brought a red letter day for Croydon to a happy termination , shortly before ten o'clock .
LIMERICK . —Eden Lodge ( No . 73 ) . —The members of tins lodge met at their rooms , Cecil-street , on the 5 th inst , high noon , for the purpose of installing their officers for the next six months . Bros . John Biggs was duly installed AV . M . ; A . Langley , S . W . ; Horrell , J . W . ; Moor , S . D . ; Manning , J . D . ; Peacocke , P . M ., Treas . ; Deering , P . M ., Sec . ; Clover , P . M ., I . G . Other members present—Bro . Bassett , P . M . ; Bigley , P . M . ; Pragnell , P . M . ; MacNay , P . M . ; Adams , AVeir , and Kirk , of
Lodge 311 , Templemore . The W . M . and Wardens were cordially saluted and the lodge was adjourned and placed under the care of the J . W . till six o'clock , to celebrate the festival of St . John , postponed from the 20 th ult . in consequence of the lamented death of Bro . John F . Goggin . An excellent dinner was provided , under the judicious catering of Bro . Ferguson ( Limerick Club ) . Bro John ' Biggs , W . M . ; Langley , S . W . ; Horrell , J . W . ; MooreS . D . ; ManningJ . D .: other brethren present—Bros .
, , Burke , Macnay , AVallace , Pragnall , Bassett , Glover , Deering , and M'Quaide P . M . ' s ; also Bros . Adams , Maclntyre , Quinlivan , Bennett , Wallace , Dunlop , Kirk , 311 , Templemore ; Ferguson , 500 , Dublin . —The cloth being removed , " The Health of her Gracious Majesty the Queen" was given in truly Masonic style by the AV . M ., Bro . Deering being called on to sing the National Anthem , which was joined in by the entire brethren . — "The Prince of Wales" & c . was also given . The health of the Grand
, , Masters for England , Ireland , and Scotland were duly given and received with all the honours these dignified members of the Order were entitled to . —The W . MASTER then rose and said , in proposing the health of our worthy and illustrious Prov . G . M . Bro . Henry Westi-opp , lie need not say how he expected it would be received by the brethren present , and how he eminently deserved the compliment of drinking his health . In 73 , the
most flourishing lodge in Bro . A \ estropp's district , he ( Bro . Westropp ) acted with courtesy and kindness towards us on every occasion that he was applied to . The toast was enthusiastically received with all the honours . —The W . MASTER again rose and