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The Week.
case have any valid claim to Schleswig or Gottorp ; and it was not to be supposed that if the London treaty were declared null Russia would abandon her claims to Gottorp , or Denmark her claims to Schleswig . He thought there were several ways in which a pacific solution of the question might be attained ; and among them was the constitution of Holstein and Schleswig as duchies connected with Denmark only by the personal tie of a
common sovereign . -From Berlin we have a summary of a dispatch addressed by Her Von Bismarck to the minor German States , which is of very great importance , as it indicates the kind of settlement to which the Prussian , and we may add the Austrian , Government would consent . After declaring that the Prussian Government does not offer any opposition to the Diet ,
but has only in view its position with regard to the other Powers which signed the protocol—it should be treaty—of London , it says a possible solution of the Schleswig Holstein question would be a mere personal union between Denmark and the Duchies , as is the case between Sweden and Norway . The Prussian House of Deputies has rejected the loan by 275
to 51 . It has adopted the resolution of Herr Schultze-Daelitsch , condemning in the strongest terms the Austro-Prussian policy , aud declaring that the House will resist that policy by all means in its power . - The language of Herr Von Bismarck holds out to the House no hope that its wishes will be attended to . He told it that it desired to hold the position
of a kind of diplomatic Aulic Council , and that it did not understand the Prussian people . Replying to Count Schwerin , who said the Ministry were afraid of democracy and of the foreign Powers , Herr Von Bismarck declared the Government hoped to conquer democracy , and that it was only a rule of common prudence to look abroad with apprehension . The Prussian Upper House has again set itself in opposition to the Chamber
of Deputies by rejecting the amendment made by the latter in the budget , and adopting it entire as proposed by the Government . The Lower House of the Austrian Reichsrath seems disposed to follow the example set iu Berlin . A portion of its financial committee has proposed that the credit of ten millions of florins asked by the Government should not be granted and that only the contribution due to the Diet for the execution in Holstein
should be voted . If this proposition should be accepted , which , however , is by no means certain , the Governments of the two great German Powers will stand in direct ojiposition to their Legislatures . All the accounts from Denmark show that the Danes are preparing for a stout resistance to the invasion of Schleswig by the German troops . The Dannewerke is being
strongly fortified , and entrenchments formed which command the approaches . The weather continues moderate , and the harbours of Flensburg , Eckernforde , and Apenrade are free from ice . An extraordinary session of the Norwegian Storthing has been convoked for the 14 th March ; and it is to be presumed that the Government will apply for votes enabling it , in case of
need , to tender military support to Denmark . The Swedish Riksdag will not require to be summoned for a similar purpose , as the Swedish Cabinet already possesses the requisite authorit y and funds . The Danes , it seems , have secured a powerful iron-clad ship at Glasgow , which is reported to have been constructed for the Confederates , and to have only just escaped
the grasp of the Prussians . A very unusual proceeding has been adopted by the Spanish Cortes—namely , the passing of a vote of censure on the President on a question of order . Till the accouchinent of the Queen , which is daily expected , the Opposition has agreed to ask no question of the new Ministers . AMERICA . —The Persia , from New York , has not brought any
intelligence of much interest . Excepting some guerrilla skirmishes in Virginia , there had been no encounters between the
The Week.
belligerent forces . The Confederates were said to have retreated up the Shenandoah Valley after their recent " raid . " The Confederate General Magruder was reported to be concentrating a corps of 20 , 000 men in Central Texas , with the purpose of attacking and overwhelming the Federal troops lately landed on the bank of the Rio Grande and the neighbouring coast . The Democratic members of Congress , in a meeting held at
Washington , had resolved that President Lincoln ' s amnesty proclamation was unconstitutional , and that tho army and navy ought to be paid in species or its equivalent . The Judge of the Admiralty Court at Halifax had expressed an opinion that the capture of the Chesapeake was a piratical seizure , but had not delivered any judgment , or ordered the restoration of the vessel to her owners .
The news by the City 9 f Baltimore and tho Bohemian up to the evening of the 16 th inst . is comparatively barren of military events . That the Confederates are preparing for an active and vigorous spring campaign is evident from the strong position taken up by General Longtreet near Knoxville , and the many reinforcements received by General Johnstone iu Georgia and
General Lee in Virginia . The raids of the cavalry of the latter general keep the Federal army on the Rappahannock in a continuous state of alarm . The Federals continue to shell Charleston , but have no hope of taking it . Gold has risen to 5 S prem . THE CAPE . —The Cape mail has brought us the news that the trial of Bishop Colenso by the Metropolitan Bishop of Capetownand his suffragan assessors , terminated on the 16 th ult . All
the nine charges of heresy preferred against Dr . Colenso were unanimously declared to be proved ; and Bishop Gray , as Metropolitan , formally sentenced him to be deprived of his see of Natal , If the " heretical extracts " cited in the informations are fully , unconditionally , and absolutely retracted in writing by Dr . Colenso before the 4 th March in London , or the 16 th April iu Capetown , the sentence of deprivation is to become
null . Dr . Bleek , who appeared on behalf of the episcopal defendant , protested against the proceedings , and the validity of the sentence , and gave notice of an appeal . There was a rumour at Capetown , but it does not seem to have rested on any certain foundation , that Dr . Livingstone had been murdered by the natives near Lake Nyassa .
INDIA AND CHINA . —Tho news brought by the Calcutta and China mail has bean generally anticipated . The dismissal of Mr . Lay by the Chinese Government from his post of inspector of foreign customs is confirmed . General Gordon had attacked aud captured Soo-chow from the rebels . The fall of Hangchow was expected shortly to follow , and if by no other
meansthe Imperialists would be able to reduce Nanking by famine . The cause of the rebels , in fact , becomes desperate . It is reported that General Gordon will retire from the Imperial service , and that an order will soon be issued prohibiting all British subjects from engaging their services to either the Imperialists or the Taepings . From Japan we hear that Satsuma declines to pay the indemnity demanded of him by the British Government .
To Correspondents.
THREE PRINCIPALS . —Scribe E . cannot be installed as J . until he is an actual , that is to say , installed Master of a lodge . JUSTICE . —Never in our recollection . G . M . —Certainly not . CoreMUNlCATlONS from Liverpool , Leighton Buzzard , and Jersey have been received , but want of space prevents their appearing in this week ' s issue .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
case have any valid claim to Schleswig or Gottorp ; and it was not to be supposed that if the London treaty were declared null Russia would abandon her claims to Gottorp , or Denmark her claims to Schleswig . He thought there were several ways in which a pacific solution of the question might be attained ; and among them was the constitution of Holstein and Schleswig as duchies connected with Denmark only by the personal tie of a
common sovereign . -From Berlin we have a summary of a dispatch addressed by Her Von Bismarck to the minor German States , which is of very great importance , as it indicates the kind of settlement to which the Prussian , and we may add the Austrian , Government would consent . After declaring that the Prussian Government does not offer any opposition to the Diet ,
but has only in view its position with regard to the other Powers which signed the protocol—it should be treaty—of London , it says a possible solution of the Schleswig Holstein question would be a mere personal union between Denmark and the Duchies , as is the case between Sweden and Norway . The Prussian House of Deputies has rejected the loan by 275
to 51 . It has adopted the resolution of Herr Schultze-Daelitsch , condemning in the strongest terms the Austro-Prussian policy , aud declaring that the House will resist that policy by all means in its power . - The language of Herr Von Bismarck holds out to the House no hope that its wishes will be attended to . He told it that it desired to hold the position
of a kind of diplomatic Aulic Council , and that it did not understand the Prussian people . Replying to Count Schwerin , who said the Ministry were afraid of democracy and of the foreign Powers , Herr Von Bismarck declared the Government hoped to conquer democracy , and that it was only a rule of common prudence to look abroad with apprehension . The Prussian Upper House has again set itself in opposition to the Chamber
of Deputies by rejecting the amendment made by the latter in the budget , and adopting it entire as proposed by the Government . The Lower House of the Austrian Reichsrath seems disposed to follow the example set iu Berlin . A portion of its financial committee has proposed that the credit of ten millions of florins asked by the Government should not be granted and that only the contribution due to the Diet for the execution in Holstein
should be voted . If this proposition should be accepted , which , however , is by no means certain , the Governments of the two great German Powers will stand in direct ojiposition to their Legislatures . All the accounts from Denmark show that the Danes are preparing for a stout resistance to the invasion of Schleswig by the German troops . The Dannewerke is being
strongly fortified , and entrenchments formed which command the approaches . The weather continues moderate , and the harbours of Flensburg , Eckernforde , and Apenrade are free from ice . An extraordinary session of the Norwegian Storthing has been convoked for the 14 th March ; and it is to be presumed that the Government will apply for votes enabling it , in case of
need , to tender military support to Denmark . The Swedish Riksdag will not require to be summoned for a similar purpose , as the Swedish Cabinet already possesses the requisite authorit y and funds . The Danes , it seems , have secured a powerful iron-clad ship at Glasgow , which is reported to have been constructed for the Confederates , and to have only just escaped
the grasp of the Prussians . A very unusual proceeding has been adopted by the Spanish Cortes—namely , the passing of a vote of censure on the President on a question of order . Till the accouchinent of the Queen , which is daily expected , the Opposition has agreed to ask no question of the new Ministers . AMERICA . —The Persia , from New York , has not brought any
intelligence of much interest . Excepting some guerrilla skirmishes in Virginia , there had been no encounters between the
The Week.
belligerent forces . The Confederates were said to have retreated up the Shenandoah Valley after their recent " raid . " The Confederate General Magruder was reported to be concentrating a corps of 20 , 000 men in Central Texas , with the purpose of attacking and overwhelming the Federal troops lately landed on the bank of the Rio Grande and the neighbouring coast . The Democratic members of Congress , in a meeting held at
Washington , had resolved that President Lincoln ' s amnesty proclamation was unconstitutional , and that tho army and navy ought to be paid in species or its equivalent . The Judge of the Admiralty Court at Halifax had expressed an opinion that the capture of the Chesapeake was a piratical seizure , but had not delivered any judgment , or ordered the restoration of the vessel to her owners .
The news by the City 9 f Baltimore and tho Bohemian up to the evening of the 16 th inst . is comparatively barren of military events . That the Confederates are preparing for an active and vigorous spring campaign is evident from the strong position taken up by General Longtreet near Knoxville , and the many reinforcements received by General Johnstone iu Georgia and
General Lee in Virginia . The raids of the cavalry of the latter general keep the Federal army on the Rappahannock in a continuous state of alarm . The Federals continue to shell Charleston , but have no hope of taking it . Gold has risen to 5 S prem . THE CAPE . —The Cape mail has brought us the news that the trial of Bishop Colenso by the Metropolitan Bishop of Capetownand his suffragan assessors , terminated on the 16 th ult . All
the nine charges of heresy preferred against Dr . Colenso were unanimously declared to be proved ; and Bishop Gray , as Metropolitan , formally sentenced him to be deprived of his see of Natal , If the " heretical extracts " cited in the informations are fully , unconditionally , and absolutely retracted in writing by Dr . Colenso before the 4 th March in London , or the 16 th April iu Capetown , the sentence of deprivation is to become
null . Dr . Bleek , who appeared on behalf of the episcopal defendant , protested against the proceedings , and the validity of the sentence , and gave notice of an appeal . There was a rumour at Capetown , but it does not seem to have rested on any certain foundation , that Dr . Livingstone had been murdered by the natives near Lake Nyassa .
INDIA AND CHINA . —Tho news brought by the Calcutta and China mail has bean generally anticipated . The dismissal of Mr . Lay by the Chinese Government from his post of inspector of foreign customs is confirmed . General Gordon had attacked aud captured Soo-chow from the rebels . The fall of Hangchow was expected shortly to follow , and if by no other
meansthe Imperialists would be able to reduce Nanking by famine . The cause of the rebels , in fact , becomes desperate . It is reported that General Gordon will retire from the Imperial service , and that an order will soon be issued prohibiting all British subjects from engaging their services to either the Imperialists or the Taepings . From Japan we hear that Satsuma declines to pay the indemnity demanded of him by the British Government .
To Correspondents.
THREE PRINCIPALS . —Scribe E . cannot be installed as J . until he is an actual , that is to say , installed Master of a lodge . JUSTICE . —Never in our recollection . G . M . —Certainly not . CoreMUNlCATlONS from Liverpool , Leighton Buzzard , and Jersey have been received , but want of space prevents their appearing in this week ' s issue .