Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 4 of 4 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 4 of 4 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
the erica as a sacred plant , in memory of its having pointed out the spot Avhere the mangled remains of Osiris were concealed . Bagon thus alludes to this mystical event : " Isis found the body of Osiris in the neighbourhood of Biblos , and near a tall plant called the erica . Oppressed with grief , she seated herself on the margin of a fountain , whose Avaters issued from a rock . This
rock is the small hill mentioned in the ritual ; the erica bas been replaced by the acaoia , and the grief of Isis has been changed for that of the fellow Crafts" ( "Oours des Initiations , " p . 151 ) . It is singular , and perhaps significant , that the word eriko , in Greek epmv , Avhence erica is probably derived , means to break in pieces , to mangle .
The mistletoe was the sacred plant of Druidism . Its consecrated character was received from a legend of Scandinavian mythology , and Avhich is thus related in the Edda , or sacred books : —The god Balder , the son of Odin , having dreamed that he Avas iu some great danger of life , his mother , Friga , exacted an oath from all the creatures of the animal , the vegetable , and the mineral
kingdom , that they Avould do no harm to her son . Tho mistletoe , contemptible from its size and weakness , Avas alone neglected , and of it no oath of immunity was demanded . Lok , the evil genius or god * of Darkness , becoming acquainted with this fact , placed an arroAV made of mistletoe , in the hands of Holder , the blind brother of Balder , on a certain day , when the gods Avere
throwing missiles at him in sport , and Avondering at their inability to do him injury vrith any arms with AAhich they could attack him . But , being shot with the mistletoe arrow , it inflicted a fatal wound , and Balder died . Ever afterwards the mistletoe Avas revered as a sacred plant , consecrated to the powers of darkness ; and annually it became an important rite among the Druids to proceed into the forest in search of the mistletoe , Avhich , being found , Avas cut doAvn by the Arch Druid , and its parts , after a solemn sacrifice , were distributed among
the people . Claret ( "Histore Pittoresque des Beligious , " t . i , p . 217 ) very ingeniously remarks , that is evident in reference to the legend , that as Balder symbolises the Sungod , and Lok darkness , this search for the mistletoe was intended to deprive the god of Darkness of the power of destroying the god of Light . And the distribution of the fragments of the mistletoe among their pious
worshippers , was to assure them that beneeforth . a similar attempt of Lok would prove abortive , and he was thus deprived of the means of effecting his design . According to Toland ( " Works , " i . 7-1 ) , the festival of searching , cutting , and consecrating the mistletoe , took place on the 10 th of March , or New Year ' s day . " This , " he says , " is the ceremony to Avhich Virgil alludes , by his golden
branch , in the sixth book of the iEeeid . " No doubt of it , for all these sacred plants had a common origin in some ancient and general idea . The myrtle performed tho same office of symbolism in the mysteries of Greece as the lotus did in Egypt , or the mistletoe among the Druids . The candidate in these initiationswas croAvned Avith
myrtlebecauseab-, , , cording to the popular theology , the myrtle Avas sacred to Proserpine , the goddess of future life . Every classical scholar will remember the golden branch with Avhich -35 neas was supplied by the Sybil before proceeding on his journey to the infernal regions ( " Hncler this branch is figured the wreath of myrtle , with Avhich the initiated Avere crowned at the celebration of the mysteries . "
Warburton , " Divine Legation , " vol . i , p . 299 ) , a voyage Avhich is now universally admitted to be a mythical representation of the ceremonies of initiation . In all of these ancient mysteries , Avhile the sacred plant was a symbol of initiation , the initiation itself was symbolic of the resurrection to a future life , and of the immortality of the soul . Iii this view , Freemasonry is to us now in the place of the ancient initiations , and the acacia is substituted for the lotus , the eric , the ivy , the mistletoe , and the myrtle . The lesson of wisdom is the
Masonic Notes And Queries.
same , the medium of imparting it is all that has been : changed . Beturning , then , to the acacia , we fiud that it is capable of three explanations . It is a symbol of immortality , of innocence , and of initiation . But these three significations are closely connected , and that connection must be observed , if Ave desire to obtain a just interpretation of
the symbol . Thus , in this one symbol , we are taught that in the initiation of life , of Avhich the initiation in the third degree is simply emblematic , innocence must for a time lie in the grave , at length , however , to be called , by the word of the Grand Master of the Universe , to a blissful immortality . Combine Avith this the recollection of tbe place Avhere the sprig of acacia Avas planted , and
which has been shown to be Mount Calvary , the place of the sepulture of Him who " brought life and immortality to light , " and who , in Freemasonry is designated , as He is in Scripture , as " the Lion of the tribe of Judah ; " and remember , too , that in the mystery of His death , the wood of the cross takes the place of the acacia , and in this little and apparently insignificant symbol , hut Avhich
is really and truly the most important and significant one in Masonic science , we have a beautiful suggestion of all the mysteries of life and death , of time and eternity , of the present and of the future . Thus read ( aud thus all our symbols should be read ) , Freemasonry proves something more to its dischples than a mere social society or a charitable association . It becomes a " lamp to our feet , " whose spiritual light shines on the darkness of the deathbed , and dissipates the gloomy shadows of the grave . ]
The Editor is Hot responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents . TO MCE ED 1 TOE OP THE FnEElTASOIfS' 3 EACUZIXE ANVD MASONIC 3 IIKH 0 E . DJSAH SIR AND BBOIIIEB , —I am . a Centenarian Warrant , not suspended in a handsome glazed frame , as I am given to understand most of my brethren are , but immured iu a small tin box , from which I am only
occasionally Avithdrawn , to astonish the gaze of some neAvlyenlightened candidate . In consequence of the misconduct of my neighbour , the ballot-box , it is now some time since I have enjoyed even that privilege ; and by what I gather from the proceedings I can overhear , I have reason to fear I have just been sentenced to six months' close confinement .
As a means of dispelling tho ennui to which I am thus doomed , allow me , now and then , to narrate any little incident Avhich may come under my notice . Your MAGAZINE , then , is in sad disgrace , because it tells the truth too much . Indeed , my friend , the minute-book , has recently taken a severe cold , iu consequence of the frequent application of the paste pot , Avhich has been
freely used to immortalise your "reports , " "articles , " & c . I overheard an amusing discussion the other night ; there Avas only a small lodge , but every member present had a resolution or an amendment to propose Avifch regard to your bad conduct!—ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous , i . e ., from " silent contempt" to " action for libel . " The only suggestion I did not hear was that
your reports should be contradicted ; and that proposition was not made , I suppose , only because no one had the temerity to make it . My members are forbidden , under some " billy-bo " of pains and penalties , to communicate to you " anything detrimental to the lodge , " that is , they are not to tell the truth ; but that will not prevent one from communicating any proceedings I may overhear as
absurd , irregular , unconstitutional , illegal , and un-Masonic as some , of late . Your ill-used CHAKTEE .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
the erica as a sacred plant , in memory of its having pointed out the spot Avhere the mangled remains of Osiris were concealed . Bagon thus alludes to this mystical event : " Isis found the body of Osiris in the neighbourhood of Biblos , and near a tall plant called the erica . Oppressed with grief , she seated herself on the margin of a fountain , whose Avaters issued from a rock . This
rock is the small hill mentioned in the ritual ; the erica bas been replaced by the acaoia , and the grief of Isis has been changed for that of the fellow Crafts" ( "Oours des Initiations , " p . 151 ) . It is singular , and perhaps significant , that the word eriko , in Greek epmv , Avhence erica is probably derived , means to break in pieces , to mangle .
The mistletoe was the sacred plant of Druidism . Its consecrated character was received from a legend of Scandinavian mythology , and Avhich is thus related in the Edda , or sacred books : —The god Balder , the son of Odin , having dreamed that he Avas iu some great danger of life , his mother , Friga , exacted an oath from all the creatures of the animal , the vegetable , and the mineral
kingdom , that they Avould do no harm to her son . Tho mistletoe , contemptible from its size and weakness , Avas alone neglected , and of it no oath of immunity was demanded . Lok , the evil genius or god * of Darkness , becoming acquainted with this fact , placed an arroAV made of mistletoe , in the hands of Holder , the blind brother of Balder , on a certain day , when the gods Avere
throwing missiles at him in sport , and Avondering at their inability to do him injury vrith any arms with AAhich they could attack him . But , being shot with the mistletoe arrow , it inflicted a fatal wound , and Balder died . Ever afterwards the mistletoe Avas revered as a sacred plant , consecrated to the powers of darkness ; and annually it became an important rite among the Druids to proceed into the forest in search of the mistletoe , Avhich , being found , Avas cut doAvn by the Arch Druid , and its parts , after a solemn sacrifice , were distributed among
the people . Claret ( "Histore Pittoresque des Beligious , " t . i , p . 217 ) very ingeniously remarks , that is evident in reference to the legend , that as Balder symbolises the Sungod , and Lok darkness , this search for the mistletoe was intended to deprive the god of Darkness of the power of destroying the god of Light . And the distribution of the fragments of the mistletoe among their pious
worshippers , was to assure them that beneeforth . a similar attempt of Lok would prove abortive , and he was thus deprived of the means of effecting his design . According to Toland ( " Works , " i . 7-1 ) , the festival of searching , cutting , and consecrating the mistletoe , took place on the 10 th of March , or New Year ' s day . " This , " he says , " is the ceremony to Avhich Virgil alludes , by his golden
branch , in the sixth book of the iEeeid . " No doubt of it , for all these sacred plants had a common origin in some ancient and general idea . The myrtle performed tho same office of symbolism in the mysteries of Greece as the lotus did in Egypt , or the mistletoe among the Druids . The candidate in these initiationswas croAvned Avith
myrtlebecauseab-, , , cording to the popular theology , the myrtle Avas sacred to Proserpine , the goddess of future life . Every classical scholar will remember the golden branch with Avhich -35 neas was supplied by the Sybil before proceeding on his journey to the infernal regions ( " Hncler this branch is figured the wreath of myrtle , with Avhich the initiated Avere crowned at the celebration of the mysteries . "
Warburton , " Divine Legation , " vol . i , p . 299 ) , a voyage Avhich is now universally admitted to be a mythical representation of the ceremonies of initiation . In all of these ancient mysteries , Avhile the sacred plant was a symbol of initiation , the initiation itself was symbolic of the resurrection to a future life , and of the immortality of the soul . Iii this view , Freemasonry is to us now in the place of the ancient initiations , and the acacia is substituted for the lotus , the eric , the ivy , the mistletoe , and the myrtle . The lesson of wisdom is the
Masonic Notes And Queries.
same , the medium of imparting it is all that has been : changed . Beturning , then , to the acacia , we fiud that it is capable of three explanations . It is a symbol of immortality , of innocence , and of initiation . But these three significations are closely connected , and that connection must be observed , if Ave desire to obtain a just interpretation of
the symbol . Thus , in this one symbol , we are taught that in the initiation of life , of Avhich the initiation in the third degree is simply emblematic , innocence must for a time lie in the grave , at length , however , to be called , by the word of the Grand Master of the Universe , to a blissful immortality . Combine Avith this the recollection of tbe place Avhere the sprig of acacia Avas planted , and
which has been shown to be Mount Calvary , the place of the sepulture of Him who " brought life and immortality to light , " and who , in Freemasonry is designated , as He is in Scripture , as " the Lion of the tribe of Judah ; " and remember , too , that in the mystery of His death , the wood of the cross takes the place of the acacia , and in this little and apparently insignificant symbol , hut Avhich
is really and truly the most important and significant one in Masonic science , we have a beautiful suggestion of all the mysteries of life and death , of time and eternity , of the present and of the future . Thus read ( aud thus all our symbols should be read ) , Freemasonry proves something more to its dischples than a mere social society or a charitable association . It becomes a " lamp to our feet , " whose spiritual light shines on the darkness of the deathbed , and dissipates the gloomy shadows of the grave . ]
The Editor is Hot responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents . TO MCE ED 1 TOE OP THE FnEElTASOIfS' 3 EACUZIXE ANVD MASONIC 3 IIKH 0 E . DJSAH SIR AND BBOIIIEB , —I am . a Centenarian Warrant , not suspended in a handsome glazed frame , as I am given to understand most of my brethren are , but immured iu a small tin box , from which I am only
occasionally Avithdrawn , to astonish the gaze of some neAvlyenlightened candidate . In consequence of the misconduct of my neighbour , the ballot-box , it is now some time since I have enjoyed even that privilege ; and by what I gather from the proceedings I can overhear , I have reason to fear I have just been sentenced to six months' close confinement .
As a means of dispelling tho ennui to which I am thus doomed , allow me , now and then , to narrate any little incident Avhich may come under my notice . Your MAGAZINE , then , is in sad disgrace , because it tells the truth too much . Indeed , my friend , the minute-book , has recently taken a severe cold , iu consequence of the frequent application of the paste pot , Avhich has been
freely used to immortalise your "reports , " "articles , " & c . I overheard an amusing discussion the other night ; there Avas only a small lodge , but every member present had a resolution or an amendment to propose Avifch regard to your bad conduct!—ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous , i . e ., from " silent contempt" to " action for libel . " The only suggestion I did not hear was that
your reports should be contradicted ; and that proposition was not made , I suppose , only because no one had the temerity to make it . My members are forbidden , under some " billy-bo " of pains and penalties , to communicate to you " anything detrimental to the lodge , " that is , they are not to tell the truth ; but that will not prevent one from communicating any proceedings I may overhear as
absurd , irregular , unconstitutional , illegal , and un-Masonic as some , of late . Your ill-used CHAKTEE .