Article THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE WEEK. Page 2 of 2 Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
have been prolonging their stay in London . The Prince of AVales , attended by the Earl of St . Germans , the Lord Steivard of the Queen ' s household , and a largo retinue , AA'ill leave on the 10 th proximo for Canada . The Prince goes out in the St . George , 00 , steam soreiv ship , Captain the Hon . Francis Egerton . It is understood that the Prince of AVales Avill remain in tin ™ as long as tho Court is at Buckingham Palace . The Queen Avill leav-e town for tho Isle of Wight about tho same time that the Prince of AVales sails for Canada .
IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT . —In the HOUSE of LORDS on Alonday , the Government sustained another of those slight defeats to Avhich Lord Palmerston seems to have become quite ' acoustomed . Lord Strathcden moved an address , praying Her Al ' ajesty to bo graciously pleased to appoint a consul at Mozambique , AA'ith a view to promote the interests of commerce and the execution of the treaties bctivocu Great Britain and Portugal upon the slave trade . The noble lord contended that since the British consul quitted Mozambique in 1 S 58 , the slave trade harl greatly
increased , anil ivas UOAV carried on almost Avithout let or hindrance under the colour of emigration . Lord AVodehouso opposed the motion Lord Brougham fully agreed that one of the most effectual methods ot putting doAvn the slave trade Avould be to teach the natives the value of legitimate commerce ; but contended that the residence of a consul Avould materially facilitate that result . The Duke of Somerset opposed the motion ; aud Earl Granville advised its AvithdraAval . Lord Stratbedcnhoivevorpersistedand tho motionon a divisionwas
, , , , , carried by eleven to six . On Tuesday ,- the Archbishop of York moved the second reading of the Ecclesiastical Commission Bill , explaining that its object AA'as to amend the existing law so as to make it incumbent upon the commission to provide spiritual instruction for districts from Avhich they derived revenues , before applying those revenues to the purposes of other districts . The Earl of Chichester opposed the bill . After a long discussion , the bill ivas read a second time , with an
understanding that the committee should be postponed until the bill before the other House AA'as disposed of . --In the HOUSE of COMMONS on Alonday , after considerable discussion on the Bankruptcy aud Insolvency Bill , the debate ivas then adjourned till Thursday , the order of the day for going into committee on the bill being also postponed On Tuesday , Air . Sydney Herbert obtained leave to bring in a bill to giA'c poAver to unite Alilitia regiments in maritime counties for the purpose of forming artillery corps ; to provide buildings for the permanent staff ;
and to regulate the mode and time of training ; to increase the force in Scotland and Ireland in the same proportion in times of danger as is now the case in England . The business on AVednesday ivas of slight interest .
GENERAL HOME NEAVS . —The grand revieiv of Volunteers , Avhich took place in Hyde Park on Saturday , ivas a most successful demonstration . 'The Aveather ivas much finer than could have been anticipated from recent experience . The number of volunteers Avho took part in the proceedings of the day is variously estimated from tivouty to thirty thousand persons . The Queen , the King of the Belgians , ami most of the members of the royal family were present . As a military spectacle this review has rarely been surpassed . The Duke of Cambridge has
issued a general order expressing Her Alajesty ' s great satisfaction Avith the manner in AA'hich the A'olunteers acquitted themselves . — Lord Elgin and Baron Gros had the misfortune to be passengers on board the Malabar , Avhich Avas wrecked in Galle harbour . Both ambassadors , it is stated , have lost their papers anil credentials . They left for their destination on thc 22 nd of Alay . The election of sheriffs took place on AVednesday . The tivo citizens chosen for these
offices w'ere Air . Alderman Abbis and Air . Lush . Some SIIOAV of opposition ivas made against Air . Abbiss , but it ceased ivhon that gentleman authorised a declaration to be made on his behalf that ho AA'ould oppose any infringement of tho rights of the livery . An extraordinary meeting of agricultural labourers Avas held at Swindon a few days ago , for the purpose of considering thc rate of lA'agos Avhich they are receiving . Alost of the speakers stated that they received only nine shillings a Aveek , and a great deal of distress appeared to exist among them . A
strike was recommended by one speaker , but the suggestion was not embodied in a resolution . Airs . Tait , the ivife of the Lord Bishop of London , gave birth to a daughter , at Fulham Palace , on Saturday afternoon last . After Sunday next , July 1 , St . Paul ' s Cathedral AA'ill he closed for Divine AVorship , in order that the re-arrangement of tho choir and other works may proceed during the long days .- -The deaths in London , AA'hich AA'ere 909 in the first week of the current month , and in the second 1 , 00-1 , again fell in the iveek that ended last Saturday to 905 .
For thc weeks corresponding with last Aveek iu the ten years lSuO-9 the average number of deaths is found , after correction , to be 1 , 008 . --That great favourite among the light literature AViiters of the day , Air . Robt B . Brough , breathed his last at Manchester , on Tuesday night . He AA'as on his ivay to AVales for the benefit of his health at the time of his decease . Air . Brough ivas born in Loudon , in 1 S 2 S , but passed his early years in Monmouthshire , and his school days at Neivport , near which his father conducted a brewing establishment . Family reverses
led to his being employed first on a publication at Liverpool , and afterwards , in conjunction Avith Air . Angus B . Reach , on a comic periodical in London . He ivas subsequently the author of various dramatic pieces " which , if not of very lofty pretensions , Avere sufficiently successfwRjstamp his reputation with managers , and ensure full employmemftyr his pen . He hoii'ever possessed a higher order of ability thaii / inf-rfc dramatic cleverness aud facility of penning . He contributed larilSMtp
The Week.
I various periodicals , and not imfrequently gave evidence of unquestionable poetical genius and felicity of expression . His version of tho songs of Beranger , and many others , Avon him very favourable critical opinions ; and a novel from his pen was recently published , under thc title of '" AVluch is AATiieh ? " affording proof of talent which , Avhen ripened by experience , might havo gained him deserved popularity in tho field of romance .
FOREIGN NEAVS . —The death of Prince Jerome occurred on Sunday night . AVhilc one leading French journal does not even record the a \ ° \ > ' 'Mother says : " This noble existence , which is just terminated , will hold a large place in history . AVhat we may best say to-day is , that iu the Prmcc Avhom the Almighty has just called to himself , the people loved and honoured tho last brother of the great Emperor . " It is not necessary to criticise Avords penned under such circumstances . The death of
Jerome can have no political importance , and , therefore , the acts of his life may be left to bo discussed at some future moment . The remains of the Prince lie iu state at the Palais Royal , and will bo afterwards interred at St . Denis . The latest news from Sicil y tend to indicate that Garibaldi meditates an attack upon the last stronghold of the Neapolitan poiA'er in Sicilythe fort of Messina . The auxiliary forces from tho north , brought over b
y Colonel Aledici , whoso arrival at Palermo is confirmed , are said to have been carefull y chosen ivith a particular vieiv to this emergency , including , as they do , a considerable number of engineers . AVe are sorry to hear that the neiv ministry of free Sicily have resigned for some reason . INDIA AND CHINA . —From India AVC learn that Air . AVilson ' s income tax had not passed its third reading iu the Councilandon some
-, , pre text , had been postponed for three weeks . It is supposed that the agitated state of some parts of tho country , aud the protest against it of Sir Charles Trevclyan and his colleagues at Madras , have very seriously embarrassed the Government . From the North of China , there are rumours that great preparations arc being made on the Pehio for meeting the allied force ; and that Sann-ko-lin-sin compels every family to furnish a man to learn the mauual exercise and artillery drill .
Cai'alry also ivere said to be levied in great numbers . One defeat will in all probability bring the Avar party into such discredit that there will be no difficulty in then arranging peace if the allies are sincerely desirous to do so .
Public Amusements.
CRYSTAL PALACE . THE Orpheonist festival at the Crystal Palace must bo considered a brilliant success . The performances AA'ere iu every respect admirable , both the Orpheonists and the Guides vying ivith each other in doingjustice to their respective parts . They were I'cry cordially receiver ! by tho audience , whose good feeling at length Avarmed into enthusiasm . Avhich Avas expressed ivith true English heartiness at the close . Considering that many did not arrive in London until midnight on Sunday ,
and that only some five hundred of them ivere able to attend the rehearsal , the success of the festival was all the more meritorious . There was a large attendance of visitors . It is with pain that Ave notice the Avretched accommodation which has been proi'idod for thc Orpheonists . Their lodgings are characterised by an utter absenco of even the most ordinary conveniences , and no one can but feel ashamed that strangers visiting our shores on an artistic mission , AA'hich is essentially a mission of peace and good will , should meet Avith so inhospitable a reception .
To Correspondents.
' 'A HEADER" has learned but little from our pages if he does not know that Ave set our faces against all rituals , and invariably decline to give any information on such a subject . Can he suppose us unmindful of our Alasonic obligations ) "FELLOW GRAET . "—Your . Avords iu the closing are those used in London . "A KNIGHT TEMPLAR . "—Dr . Hinxman is the ProA-. G . Commander
for Kent . "THE HIOII DEGREES . "—These degrees not being acknoAvlerlged by the Grand Lodge of England , it ivould be impossible to publish any information about them in tho Annual Calendar published under the authority of the Grand Lodge . " B . XV .. BILSTOX .--Order of any bookseller .
"A YOUNG AIASOX . "—Applv to Bro . Spencer , 20 , Great Queen-street Jlfl ' ' ' ^ lyJS "—The late Edmund Kean , the celebrated tragedian , ivas Ave J ^ eliovc ^ jiAitiated in the St , Mark ' s Lodge , Glasgow ' . At all events his , . siguOTurOjrfands in the Lodge book . AVe are not aware ivhet . lier Ida ? un . ChS'lgR l { pjm , is a member of the Order , S -.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
have been prolonging their stay in London . The Prince of AVales , attended by the Earl of St . Germans , the Lord Steivard of the Queen ' s household , and a largo retinue , AA'ill leave on the 10 th proximo for Canada . The Prince goes out in the St . George , 00 , steam soreiv ship , Captain the Hon . Francis Egerton . It is understood that the Prince of AVales Avill remain in tin ™ as long as tho Court is at Buckingham Palace . The Queen Avill leav-e town for tho Isle of Wight about tho same time that the Prince of AVales sails for Canada .
IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT . —In the HOUSE of LORDS on Alonday , the Government sustained another of those slight defeats to Avhich Lord Palmerston seems to have become quite ' acoustomed . Lord Strathcden moved an address , praying Her Al ' ajesty to bo graciously pleased to appoint a consul at Mozambique , AA'ith a view to promote the interests of commerce and the execution of the treaties bctivocu Great Britain and Portugal upon the slave trade . The noble lord contended that since the British consul quitted Mozambique in 1 S 58 , the slave trade harl greatly
increased , anil ivas UOAV carried on almost Avithout let or hindrance under the colour of emigration . Lord AVodehouso opposed the motion Lord Brougham fully agreed that one of the most effectual methods ot putting doAvn the slave trade Avould be to teach the natives the value of legitimate commerce ; but contended that the residence of a consul Avould materially facilitate that result . The Duke of Somerset opposed the motion ; aud Earl Granville advised its AvithdraAval . Lord Stratbedcnhoivevorpersistedand tho motionon a divisionwas
, , , , , carried by eleven to six . On Tuesday ,- the Archbishop of York moved the second reading of the Ecclesiastical Commission Bill , explaining that its object AA'as to amend the existing law so as to make it incumbent upon the commission to provide spiritual instruction for districts from Avhich they derived revenues , before applying those revenues to the purposes of other districts . The Earl of Chichester opposed the bill . After a long discussion , the bill ivas read a second time , with an
understanding that the committee should be postponed until the bill before the other House AA'as disposed of . --In the HOUSE of COMMONS on Alonday , after considerable discussion on the Bankruptcy aud Insolvency Bill , the debate ivas then adjourned till Thursday , the order of the day for going into committee on the bill being also postponed On Tuesday , Air . Sydney Herbert obtained leave to bring in a bill to giA'c poAver to unite Alilitia regiments in maritime counties for the purpose of forming artillery corps ; to provide buildings for the permanent staff ;
and to regulate the mode and time of training ; to increase the force in Scotland and Ireland in the same proportion in times of danger as is now the case in England . The business on AVednesday ivas of slight interest .
GENERAL HOME NEAVS . —The grand revieiv of Volunteers , Avhich took place in Hyde Park on Saturday , ivas a most successful demonstration . 'The Aveather ivas much finer than could have been anticipated from recent experience . The number of volunteers Avho took part in the proceedings of the day is variously estimated from tivouty to thirty thousand persons . The Queen , the King of the Belgians , ami most of the members of the royal family were present . As a military spectacle this review has rarely been surpassed . The Duke of Cambridge has
issued a general order expressing Her Alajesty ' s great satisfaction Avith the manner in AA'hich the A'olunteers acquitted themselves . — Lord Elgin and Baron Gros had the misfortune to be passengers on board the Malabar , Avhich Avas wrecked in Galle harbour . Both ambassadors , it is stated , have lost their papers anil credentials . They left for their destination on thc 22 nd of Alay . The election of sheriffs took place on AVednesday . The tivo citizens chosen for these
offices w'ere Air . Alderman Abbis and Air . Lush . Some SIIOAV of opposition ivas made against Air . Abbiss , but it ceased ivhon that gentleman authorised a declaration to be made on his behalf that ho AA'ould oppose any infringement of tho rights of the livery . An extraordinary meeting of agricultural labourers Avas held at Swindon a few days ago , for the purpose of considering thc rate of lA'agos Avhich they are receiving . Alost of the speakers stated that they received only nine shillings a Aveek , and a great deal of distress appeared to exist among them . A
strike was recommended by one speaker , but the suggestion was not embodied in a resolution . Airs . Tait , the ivife of the Lord Bishop of London , gave birth to a daughter , at Fulham Palace , on Saturday afternoon last . After Sunday next , July 1 , St . Paul ' s Cathedral AA'ill he closed for Divine AVorship , in order that the re-arrangement of tho choir and other works may proceed during the long days .- -The deaths in London , AA'hich AA'ere 909 in the first week of the current month , and in the second 1 , 00-1 , again fell in the iveek that ended last Saturday to 905 .
For thc weeks corresponding with last Aveek iu the ten years lSuO-9 the average number of deaths is found , after correction , to be 1 , 008 . --That great favourite among the light literature AViiters of the day , Air . Robt B . Brough , breathed his last at Manchester , on Tuesday night . He AA'as on his ivay to AVales for the benefit of his health at the time of his decease . Air . Brough ivas born in Loudon , in 1 S 2 S , but passed his early years in Monmouthshire , and his school days at Neivport , near which his father conducted a brewing establishment . Family reverses
led to his being employed first on a publication at Liverpool , and afterwards , in conjunction Avith Air . Angus B . Reach , on a comic periodical in London . He ivas subsequently the author of various dramatic pieces " which , if not of very lofty pretensions , Avere sufficiently successfwRjstamp his reputation with managers , and ensure full employmemftyr his pen . He hoii'ever possessed a higher order of ability thaii / inf-rfc dramatic cleverness aud facility of penning . He contributed larilSMtp
The Week.
I various periodicals , and not imfrequently gave evidence of unquestionable poetical genius and felicity of expression . His version of tho songs of Beranger , and many others , Avon him very favourable critical opinions ; and a novel from his pen was recently published , under thc title of '" AVluch is AATiieh ? " affording proof of talent which , Avhen ripened by experience , might havo gained him deserved popularity in tho field of romance .
FOREIGN NEAVS . —The death of Prince Jerome occurred on Sunday night . AVhilc one leading French journal does not even record the a \ ° \ > ' 'Mother says : " This noble existence , which is just terminated , will hold a large place in history . AVhat we may best say to-day is , that iu the Prmcc Avhom the Almighty has just called to himself , the people loved and honoured tho last brother of the great Emperor . " It is not necessary to criticise Avords penned under such circumstances . The death of
Jerome can have no political importance , and , therefore , the acts of his life may be left to bo discussed at some future moment . The remains of the Prince lie iu state at the Palais Royal , and will bo afterwards interred at St . Denis . The latest news from Sicil y tend to indicate that Garibaldi meditates an attack upon the last stronghold of the Neapolitan poiA'er in Sicilythe fort of Messina . The auxiliary forces from tho north , brought over b
y Colonel Aledici , whoso arrival at Palermo is confirmed , are said to have been carefull y chosen ivith a particular vieiv to this emergency , including , as they do , a considerable number of engineers . AVe are sorry to hear that the neiv ministry of free Sicily have resigned for some reason . INDIA AND CHINA . —From India AVC learn that Air . AVilson ' s income tax had not passed its third reading iu the Councilandon some
-, , pre text , had been postponed for three weeks . It is supposed that the agitated state of some parts of tho country , aud the protest against it of Sir Charles Trevclyan and his colleagues at Madras , have very seriously embarrassed the Government . From the North of China , there are rumours that great preparations arc being made on the Pehio for meeting the allied force ; and that Sann-ko-lin-sin compels every family to furnish a man to learn the mauual exercise and artillery drill .
Cai'alry also ivere said to be levied in great numbers . One defeat will in all probability bring the Avar party into such discredit that there will be no difficulty in then arranging peace if the allies are sincerely desirous to do so .
Public Amusements.
CRYSTAL PALACE . THE Orpheonist festival at the Crystal Palace must bo considered a brilliant success . The performances AA'ere iu every respect admirable , both the Orpheonists and the Guides vying ivith each other in doingjustice to their respective parts . They were I'cry cordially receiver ! by tho audience , whose good feeling at length Avarmed into enthusiasm . Avhich Avas expressed ivith true English heartiness at the close . Considering that many did not arrive in London until midnight on Sunday ,
and that only some five hundred of them ivere able to attend the rehearsal , the success of the festival was all the more meritorious . There was a large attendance of visitors . It is with pain that Ave notice the Avretched accommodation which has been proi'idod for thc Orpheonists . Their lodgings are characterised by an utter absenco of even the most ordinary conveniences , and no one can but feel ashamed that strangers visiting our shores on an artistic mission , AA'hich is essentially a mission of peace and good will , should meet Avith so inhospitable a reception .
To Correspondents.
' 'A HEADER" has learned but little from our pages if he does not know that Ave set our faces against all rituals , and invariably decline to give any information on such a subject . Can he suppose us unmindful of our Alasonic obligations ) "FELLOW GRAET . "—Your . Avords iu the closing are those used in London . "A KNIGHT TEMPLAR . "—Dr . Hinxman is the ProA-. G . Commander
for Kent . "THE HIOII DEGREES . "—These degrees not being acknoAvlerlged by the Grand Lodge of England , it ivould be impossible to publish any information about them in tho Annual Calendar published under the authority of the Grand Lodge . " B . XV .. BILSTOX .--Order of any bookseller .
"A YOUNG AIASOX . "—Applv to Bro . Spencer , 20 , Great Queen-street Jlfl ' ' ' ^ lyJS "—The late Edmund Kean , the celebrated tragedian , ivas Ave J ^ eliovc ^ jiAitiated in the St , Mark ' s Lodge , Glasgow ' . At all events his , . siguOTurOjrfands in the Lodge book . AVe are not aware ivhet . lier Ida ? un . ChS'lgR l { pjm , is a member of the Order , S -.