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Notes On Literature, Science And Art.
one of the number is only a penny , and of the other nineteen merely a halfpenny , or five centimes . It is stated that of these halfpenny periodicals , 772 , 000 are sold AA'oekly iu Paris alone , and nearly tiA'ice as many in the provinces . But larger still is the sale of the illustated papers for a penny , Avhich contain more than double the matter of the former , and one of which , the Journal du , Dimunche , is in such favour Avith the publicas to bring its proprietor a regular annual income of about
, 130 , 0001 " ., or £ 5 , 200 . No wonder , that , under such circumstances , publishers , as Avell as authors , abaudon the manufacture of books , and prefer tbroAA-ing themselves into the more profitable , if not more pleasant , journalistic career . AVe say pleasant , of course , speaking of France , where the ready pen of the able editor , in most eases , leads to honours , dignities , and emoluments Avithout end . Here , in England , God knows ,
things are vastly different . The assertion that liberty to print pamphlets still exists in Paris , has received a nice illustration in the condemnation of the author aud publisher of M . l ' rcvost Parallel ' s brochure , entitled ; i . Ancient Parties , " to a fine of three thousand francs each , and the printer live hundred francs , Avith a month ' s imprisonment in addition in the ease of the eminent journalist , besides all expenses ; and in confiscation of all the copies
seized . M . Paradol certainly did denounce , in good set terms , " the alliance of demagogism and despotism , of unlimited poAver with the blind instinct of equality . " He is accused in the charge of stirring up all parties to conspire against the government , and of comparing the pure democratic empire of Louis Napoleon with the tyrannical governments of the C ' EC & irs , of the East , and of Greece . It is not made one
ol the counts in the indictment that the author , having been the editor of the Debuts , had the monstrous impertinence to quit it for another at the very moment AA'hen the former journal became suddenly inspired Avith Imperial admiration , in Avhich it still partially revels , presenting as amusing a spectacle as that of a tipsy baker AVIIO has come into collision Avith a siveep . A St . Petersburg paragraph says : — "Professor Tischenrlorf has
returned to our capital , in consequence of the fortunate literary explorations which ho accomplished iu the East in the course of last year . In compliance Avith the imperial command , he has delivered up to the library of the court and state his collection of old A 1 SS . iu ten languages ; and his collection of Greek and Egyptian antiquities he has in like manner sent to the Imperial Academy of Sciences . As respects the MS . of the Holy Scriptures , from Mount Sinaithe professor has been
, instructed by the emperor to proceed without delay in its publication in a style worthy of its importance . The text ivill be printed in three volumes folio , in a character exactly similar to the original , and cast expressly for the purpose . A fourth volume will contain , iu the Latin language , the notes of the editor on more than 7000 passages which have undergone old corrections , together with a notice respecting the
history of the MS ., its high antiquity , and critical worth . Twenty photographic tables Avill accompany the Avork , which Avill be published at St . Petersburg in the course of lSb' 2 . A separate and cheap reprint of the text of the Xew Testament will appear immediately after , at Leipzic ; and this portion forms the most important part of the MS . Avhich has excited in so high a degree thc curiosity and interest of the Christian AA'orld . "
AVe take the folloAving from the New York Tribune : — " Little note of preparation is given by our leading publishers for any renewed activity in business , and the feeling is general that any large undertakings had better be postponed till after the coining ' campaign . ' Messrs . Tieknor and Co ., who have of late had the choice of the best English books ( through the personal popularity of Air . Fields with foreign authors ) have in pressfrom sheets received iu advance of the regular issue '
, , Leslie ' s 'Autobiographical Recollections , ' and Correspondence with AVashington Irving and other Friends ; and also announce Dr . Krapf ' s ' Missionary Travels , Researches , and Labours , during Eighteen Years ' Residence in Eastern Africa ; ' Sir Arthur Hallam Elton ' s novel , 'Herbert Chauncy , a Man more Sinned against than Sinning ; ' Capt . Shakspear ' s ' AVild Sports of India ; ' and several Avorks of fiction by minor
authors of the day . Messrs . Gould and Lincoln will bring out Dr . Tulloch ' s neiv book on ' English Puritanism and its Leaders , ' uniform Avith his successful book on the Reformation ; and they also announce ' Geographical Studies , ' by Prof . Carl Kilter , of Berlin , translated from the German by the Rev . AV . L . Gage , with a sketch of the author ' s life , aud portrait . This Avill meet Avith attention , as the first attempt to bring any of the writings of the great geographer of the age within the range of the English reader . Messrs . Appleton and Co . promise au addition of Hogg ' s ' Life of Shelley , ' an unfinished ivork , to Avhich iu
Notes On Literature, Science And Art.
terest has been given by the announcement that the poet ' s family have interfered to prevent its completion , and , if possible , to suppress the book itself . " M . Auguste Mariette , an eminent French archicologist , writes from Egypt that he has discovered the remains of a large palace in granite in the immediate vicinity of the Sphinx . He takes this palace to be that of Chephrem , who built the great pyramid . ITo less than seven statues
of this prince have been found in the palace . The committee for raising a memorial to the late Henry Hallam have resolved to erect a full length statue of him iu St . Paul's ; an eligible site haA-ing been offered by the Dean and Chapter . AVe understand that there AA'ill be a vacancy at the end of the present session , in the chair of botany at University College , Dr . Liudley having resigned it after filling it for more than thirty years ; that is ,
from the date of the foundation . Dr . Lindley has been appointed , Avith Dr . Hooker , joint examiners in botauy to the University of London . The trustees of Owens College , Manchester , in connexion Avith the University of London , have resolved to fouud a chair of natural philosophy , in which science is to be taught mathematically and experimentally . The salary is £ 200 a year with a proportion of tho fees . Candidates must apply to the trustees , not to any individual trustee .
* . [ THE EDITOR does not hold himself responsible for any opinions entertained bij Correspondents . ' ] THE 1 STEAV SELF STYLED GRAI \ TD LODGE OE MARK MASONRY . TO THE EDITOR OF TUB FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIItROIi .
DEAR SIR AND BUOTHEI :, —Every Avell affected Mason is under a debt of obligation to you for publishing the precious proceedings of that modest something that has thrust itself before the Craft , under the hi g h sounding title of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masonry ! and your report is so instructive , shadowing forth , as it docs , the HCAV system of obstructive tactics to be pursued by the oppositionthat a fcAV remarks on itand its
consequencesnatu-, , , rally follow . Taking thc appointment of a Board of General Purposes , it is obvious that the intentions of this bod y of gentlemen is to parody the constitution of the Grand Lodge of England , and afford , a school in Avhich the party policy of thc promoters of this movement may be regularly and systematically planned , debated , and , it is presumed , acted upon . In the existing Masonic bodies ,
to Avhom the various rites and degrees OAVC allegiance , i . e ., the Royal Arch , Grand Conclave , and S . G . I . G ., there is a delicacy , not found among these gentlemen , in calling their administrative members committees , and not boards , but , in the case of the sell constituted Mark Grand Lodge , they ape the exact phraseology of the Craft , to which , as a body , they have no pretence to belong . AVhcthcr they are all Masons , or not , matters little , so long as they arc in schism Avith every other jurisdiction of Mark Masons .
In thc report there is one very painful subject , viz ., that the 111 . Bro . G-. 'B . Cole , of the ii ;) , one to Avhom hundreds of us have sworn allegiance , should countenance that spurious element in one rite which he so carefully guards against in another . That III . Bro . ought to have been one of the A'cry last to lend the prestige of his name and presence to so doubtful a cause , ffe is too AVCII acquainted Avith the process by Avhich the extraordinary powers
he possesses came to be vested iu the hi gh and Sovereign Princes of his Order , and that those powers ivcre not grasped by an un-Avarrantable assumption , but derived from an existent authority ; and he must also be ivell aware that a scries of divided allegiance , first to one body , and then to another , peradventurc to a third , and even a fourth , is a needless multi plication of oaths , Avhich arc liable to be li g htly regardedif not occasionally violatedwhile
, , they tend to no good purpose in the main ; and , for these reasons , thc countenance given by the 111 . Bro . G . B . Cole is greatly to be deplored by all true Masons , both of the Craft and higher grades . In the speech of the Earl of Carnarvon , he admitted " thc position of the degree Avas not to him altogether satisfactory : numerically they iverc not strong ; things Avere out of order ; their vessel was cut away from its moorings , and the } ' Avere
floating on the sea without being able to bring her into port . " These Avords arc those of solemn truth , and it is to be hoped , for thc honour of Masonry , that the vessel will never reach the port it iiiins at , hut be swamped , by the inability of the emv to work
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notes On Literature, Science And Art.
one of the number is only a penny , and of the other nineteen merely a halfpenny , or five centimes . It is stated that of these halfpenny periodicals , 772 , 000 are sold AA'oekly iu Paris alone , and nearly tiA'ice as many in the provinces . But larger still is the sale of the illustated papers for a penny , Avhich contain more than double the matter of the former , and one of which , the Journal du , Dimunche , is in such favour Avith the publicas to bring its proprietor a regular annual income of about
, 130 , 0001 " ., or £ 5 , 200 . No wonder , that , under such circumstances , publishers , as Avell as authors , abaudon the manufacture of books , and prefer tbroAA-ing themselves into the more profitable , if not more pleasant , journalistic career . AVe say pleasant , of course , speaking of France , where the ready pen of the able editor , in most eases , leads to honours , dignities , and emoluments Avithout end . Here , in England , God knows ,
things are vastly different . The assertion that liberty to print pamphlets still exists in Paris , has received a nice illustration in the condemnation of the author aud publisher of M . l ' rcvost Parallel ' s brochure , entitled ; i . Ancient Parties , " to a fine of three thousand francs each , and the printer live hundred francs , Avith a month ' s imprisonment in addition in the ease of the eminent journalist , besides all expenses ; and in confiscation of all the copies
seized . M . Paradol certainly did denounce , in good set terms , " the alliance of demagogism and despotism , of unlimited poAver with the blind instinct of equality . " He is accused in the charge of stirring up all parties to conspire against the government , and of comparing the pure democratic empire of Louis Napoleon with the tyrannical governments of the C ' EC & irs , of the East , and of Greece . It is not made one
ol the counts in the indictment that the author , having been the editor of the Debuts , had the monstrous impertinence to quit it for another at the very moment AA'hen the former journal became suddenly inspired Avith Imperial admiration , in Avhich it still partially revels , presenting as amusing a spectacle as that of a tipsy baker AVIIO has come into collision Avith a siveep . A St . Petersburg paragraph says : — "Professor Tischenrlorf has
returned to our capital , in consequence of the fortunate literary explorations which ho accomplished iu the East in the course of last year . In compliance Avith the imperial command , he has delivered up to the library of the court and state his collection of old A 1 SS . iu ten languages ; and his collection of Greek and Egyptian antiquities he has in like manner sent to the Imperial Academy of Sciences . As respects the MS . of the Holy Scriptures , from Mount Sinaithe professor has been
, instructed by the emperor to proceed without delay in its publication in a style worthy of its importance . The text ivill be printed in three volumes folio , in a character exactly similar to the original , and cast expressly for the purpose . A fourth volume will contain , iu the Latin language , the notes of the editor on more than 7000 passages which have undergone old corrections , together with a notice respecting the
history of the MS ., its high antiquity , and critical worth . Twenty photographic tables Avill accompany the Avork , which Avill be published at St . Petersburg in the course of lSb' 2 . A separate and cheap reprint of the text of the Xew Testament will appear immediately after , at Leipzic ; and this portion forms the most important part of the MS . Avhich has excited in so high a degree thc curiosity and interest of the Christian AA'orld . "
AVe take the folloAving from the New York Tribune : — " Little note of preparation is given by our leading publishers for any renewed activity in business , and the feeling is general that any large undertakings had better be postponed till after the coining ' campaign . ' Messrs . Tieknor and Co ., who have of late had the choice of the best English books ( through the personal popularity of Air . Fields with foreign authors ) have in pressfrom sheets received iu advance of the regular issue '
, , Leslie ' s 'Autobiographical Recollections , ' and Correspondence with AVashington Irving and other Friends ; and also announce Dr . Krapf ' s ' Missionary Travels , Researches , and Labours , during Eighteen Years ' Residence in Eastern Africa ; ' Sir Arthur Hallam Elton ' s novel , 'Herbert Chauncy , a Man more Sinned against than Sinning ; ' Capt . Shakspear ' s ' AVild Sports of India ; ' and several Avorks of fiction by minor
authors of the day . Messrs . Gould and Lincoln will bring out Dr . Tulloch ' s neiv book on ' English Puritanism and its Leaders , ' uniform Avith his successful book on the Reformation ; and they also announce ' Geographical Studies , ' by Prof . Carl Kilter , of Berlin , translated from the German by the Rev . AV . L . Gage , with a sketch of the author ' s life , aud portrait . This Avill meet Avith attention , as the first attempt to bring any of the writings of the great geographer of the age within the range of the English reader . Messrs . Appleton and Co . promise au addition of Hogg ' s ' Life of Shelley , ' an unfinished ivork , to Avhich iu
Notes On Literature, Science And Art.
terest has been given by the announcement that the poet ' s family have interfered to prevent its completion , and , if possible , to suppress the book itself . " M . Auguste Mariette , an eminent French archicologist , writes from Egypt that he has discovered the remains of a large palace in granite in the immediate vicinity of the Sphinx . He takes this palace to be that of Chephrem , who built the great pyramid . ITo less than seven statues
of this prince have been found in the palace . The committee for raising a memorial to the late Henry Hallam have resolved to erect a full length statue of him iu St . Paul's ; an eligible site haA-ing been offered by the Dean and Chapter . AVe understand that there AA'ill be a vacancy at the end of the present session , in the chair of botany at University College , Dr . Liudley having resigned it after filling it for more than thirty years ; that is ,
from the date of the foundation . Dr . Lindley has been appointed , Avith Dr . Hooker , joint examiners in botauy to the University of London . The trustees of Owens College , Manchester , in connexion Avith the University of London , have resolved to fouud a chair of natural philosophy , in which science is to be taught mathematically and experimentally . The salary is £ 200 a year with a proportion of tho fees . Candidates must apply to the trustees , not to any individual trustee .
* . [ THE EDITOR does not hold himself responsible for any opinions entertained bij Correspondents . ' ] THE 1 STEAV SELF STYLED GRAI \ TD LODGE OE MARK MASONRY . TO THE EDITOR OF TUB FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIItROIi .
DEAR SIR AND BUOTHEI :, —Every Avell affected Mason is under a debt of obligation to you for publishing the precious proceedings of that modest something that has thrust itself before the Craft , under the hi g h sounding title of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masonry ! and your report is so instructive , shadowing forth , as it docs , the HCAV system of obstructive tactics to be pursued by the oppositionthat a fcAV remarks on itand its
consequencesnatu-, , , rally follow . Taking thc appointment of a Board of General Purposes , it is obvious that the intentions of this bod y of gentlemen is to parody the constitution of the Grand Lodge of England , and afford , a school in Avhich the party policy of thc promoters of this movement may be regularly and systematically planned , debated , and , it is presumed , acted upon . In the existing Masonic bodies ,
to Avhom the various rites and degrees OAVC allegiance , i . e ., the Royal Arch , Grand Conclave , and S . G . I . G ., there is a delicacy , not found among these gentlemen , in calling their administrative members committees , and not boards , but , in the case of the sell constituted Mark Grand Lodge , they ape the exact phraseology of the Craft , to which , as a body , they have no pretence to belong . AVhcthcr they are all Masons , or not , matters little , so long as they arc in schism Avith every other jurisdiction of Mark Masons .
In thc report there is one very painful subject , viz ., that the 111 . Bro . G-. 'B . Cole , of the ii ;) , one to Avhom hundreds of us have sworn allegiance , should countenance that spurious element in one rite which he so carefully guards against in another . That III . Bro . ought to have been one of the A'cry last to lend the prestige of his name and presence to so doubtful a cause , ffe is too AVCII acquainted Avith the process by Avhich the extraordinary powers
he possesses came to be vested iu the hi gh and Sovereign Princes of his Order , and that those powers ivcre not grasped by an un-Avarrantable assumption , but derived from an existent authority ; and he must also be ivell aware that a scries of divided allegiance , first to one body , and then to another , peradventurc to a third , and even a fourth , is a needless multi plication of oaths , Avhich arc liable to be li g htly regardedif not occasionally violatedwhile
, , they tend to no good purpose in the main ; and , for these reasons , thc countenance given by the 111 . Bro . G . B . Cole is greatly to be deplored by all true Masons , both of the Craft and higher grades . In the speech of the Earl of Carnarvon , he admitted " thc position of the degree Avas not to him altogether satisfactory : numerically they iverc not strong ; things Avere out of order ; their vessel was cut away from its moorings , and the } ' Avere
floating on the sea without being able to bring her into port . " These Avords arc those of solemn truth , and it is to be hoped , for thc honour of Masonry , that the vessel will never reach the port it iiiins at , hut be swamped , by the inability of the emv to work