Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 5 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 5 →
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their passage , or , if they should succeed in this , may such a Avater-^ oggcd crazy bark never be moored alongside Craft Masonry . His lordship also " claimed the most perfect independence in making his appointments . " Aud yet from the Earl of Carnarvon and his party arose that cry against the Most AVorshi pful Grand Master of Masons , that he claimed similar powers . So also , on the matter of proxies , he Avould sivamp the Grand Lodge of
England Avith them , if he could get them ; but , in his self constituted Mark Lodge , "he was not prepared to say that the use of proxies should never be alloivcd—but if they Avere , they must be very strongly guarded , and their use should be confined to particular questions , as , were they to alloAv general proxies , they Avouldlead to endless confusion . " The old adage no longer seems to hold good here , for it appears that it is not that Avhich is " sauce for the
goose is sauce for the gander . " Again , the noble earl said , " though he did not selfishl y wish to monopolize all the honours to himself , he candidly acknowledged that he accepted the office Avith pleasure and pride , and he hoped he mi ght hold it for many years . " UOAV this announcement must haA'e grated on the ears of Bro . J . II . Stebbing , AVIIO AVUS sitting at the table , after his ineffectual motion , at the last grand Lodge of England , to get rid of
our present Most AVorshipful Grand Master by a side wind . It seems scarcel y possible that the chief and the subordinate members of the party are actuated by a similar policy , and it is only to be reconciled upon the Avell kuoAvn rule , that the greater
the demagogues out of poiver , the more monstrous the tyranny in power . This meeting of Mark gentlemen , it is hoped , -will open the eyes of those AVIIO have hitherto thought some good mi ght be eil ' ected in supporting an opposition to the existing poiA'ers ot Masonry . AVhat does it proved ? l \ o more than , if they get their way , despite of all fair ivords , they , like the Egyptians of old ,
Avould require the same tale of bricks , but Avould withhold the straiv . AVhat are Ave then to do to counteract the insidious project IIOAV ushered into notice ? Wc must combine and form a strong body in defence of our existing institution . The equivocal Mark degree must have no more favour or affection from our rulers . The Board of General Purposes must forbid its jeivel being seen iu any Craft Lodge , aud thc Committee of General Purposes
for the Royal Arch must likewise prohibit its being worn , under any circumstances , in every Chapter amenable to its authority . Thc days of Mark Masonry , as schismatic , must be numbered , and thc genuine degree must cither be attached to the Grand Lodge of England , or an independent Grand Mark Masters' Lodge must be founded , Avhich shall deriA'c its existence from a properl y constituted authorityand put an end to the thing IIOAV ing
, usurp thc place of a legitimate degree . Thanking you for your courtesy in alloiving me so much space , I remain , clear Sir and Brother , fraternally your Brother in the Craft , A > TI Si'L'iuous MAKJI .
The Masonic Mirror.
* MASONIC MEMS . THE Provincial Grand Lodge of AA est Yorkshire Avill be held at the IICAV Assembly Rooms , Halifax , on AA ' ednesday , July -Ifch , at eleven o ' clock . The Lodge Avill be opened in the three degrees by the AVorshipful Master and Officers of the Lodge of Probity , No . 73 .
A si'KC'iAL meeting of the Phoenix Lodge of Instruction ( So . 202 ) AA'ill be held at tho Freemasons' Tavern , on AVednesday , the 11 th July , to enable Bro . Elisha D . Cooke to work the third degree exactly as practised in America . Bro . Cooke will be assisted by Bros . . Stephen Barton AViison , Hyde Pullen , Henlett , and other well known Masons . ROYAL FREEMASONS' SCHOOL FOR FEMALE CHILDREN .
Tnii summer half-yearly examination took place at thc School , Clapham Common , on Monday and Friday last , by the Rev . Mr . Dyer , one of the London Diocesan Inspectors of Schools . On Monday the day Avas devoted to paper Avork . The subjects were Old Testament history , from thc death of Joseph to the birth of Moses ; the geography of Africa ; English history , from Erhvard . IA . to Charles I . ; Avriting , arithmetic , English grammar , dictation , drawing a map of Africa , and
French translation . On Friday it was viva voce , embracing the above subjects Avith the addition of reading , questions on French grammar , necdloivork , & c . At the close of the examination the Rev . Mr . Dyer expressed his satisfaction Avith the progress of the Avhole school , and
The Masonic Mirror.
contrasted the very marked improvement made since ho had previously tested their knoAvledgo . After Avhich Bro . Nutt , in the name of the committee , thanked the children for their attention , and in feeling terms , which left feiv dry eyes among those that Avere present , addressed the children , pointing out to them the advantage of education—the pleasing way they had gone through their duties—and paying them the highest , thougli justly merited compliment for their maintenance of
that good and exemplary conduct AA'hich has ever distinguished the Girls School , and which reflects so much credit on Miss Janvood the matron , Miss Souter the schoolmistress , and her assistants . The examiner also spoke Avarmly in praise of the order and regularity of f he school , and the happy and healthful appearance of the pupils .
METROPOLITAN . FLOKEXCB NIGHTINGALE LODGE ( NO . 100 S ) . — The members of this Lodge met at the Masonic Hall , AVilliam-streot , AAtiohvieh , on Friday last , for the purpose of installing the new Master for the ensuing tivelve mouthsBroColClerkas PMopened the Lod in the three
. . . , .., ge degrees , and a Board of installed Masters Avas formed , consisting of the presiding AV . M ., Bros . Dr . Hinxman , Capts . Boyle and Forbes , Hassall , AV . J . Meymott , Kennel ] , aud Henderson . All the brethren under that dignity having retired from the Lodge , Bro . Clerk proceeded to install Bro . AV . H . Carter , the late S . AA ., into the chair of K . S . Upon the readmission of the great body of the members , Bro . Clerk continued , according to ancient custom , to deliver the proper addresses , which it is
needless to say were given in that correct , epiiet , unobtrusive , and gentlemanlike way Avhich always characterizes thc performance of every Masonic duty that he undertakes . The appointment and investiture of officers folloAved , the AVorshipful Master having been pleased to appoint Bro . Kincaid , S . AV . ; Smyth , J . AV . ; H . H . Church , S . D . and ( reinvested ) Treas . ; Thompson , J . D . ; Farnfield , I . G . ; J . M . Boddy ( reinvested ) Sec , and Henderson , 'Tyler ( reappointed ) . After which thc Lodge ivas closed . There AA'as a good attendance of visitors , amongst whom Ave recognized
Bros . Capts . Boyle and King , Lieut . AVarry , AV . J . Meymott , Graydon , Johnstone , Fogo , and Rennell . The members and the visiting brethren hai'ing reassembled at liro . De Grey ' s , the Freemasons' Tavern , AVOOIAAIOII , the important business of the dinner AA-as proceeded ivith , every one present being perfect iu hia ' part , aud working with a zeal and assiduity which AA'ould do credit to any portion of our rites . The cloth having been cleared and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts given and received Avith enthusiasmthe AVAL gave "The Visitors" Avliom the Florence
, , Nightingale were ahvays glad to see . There were several distinguished Masons among them whom he hoped to see again , and there were also several who , from unavoidable circumstances , though invited , had not been able to attend . Still to those AA-IIO AA-ere present he bade a hearty vA-elcome and Avould couple the toast Avith the name of Bro . Capt . Boyle . Bro . Capt . Boyle said lie Avas not prepared to make a speech , but when such a cordial greeting was afforded them by their AV . M . and the Florence Nightingale Lodge , he could do no other than
accept the proffered brotlierly love and welcome afforded to thc visiting brethren . For the kind Ai'ay in Avhich the health of the visitors had been proposed aud received on the part of those who stood around him , and on his OAA-II behalf he thanked the members of the Lodge , and trusted that for many years they might all be spared—the members to continue in their Masonic course , so excellently carried out , and tho visitors to return their thanks for such a greeting as thoy had received . Bro . Rennell said lie felt it was necessary to make
a t ' cAV remarks as a member of one of the older Lodges meeting iu AVoolii'ich . An impresssion had got abroad that the Florence Nightingale Lodge AA'as exclusive . Now there Avas nothing exclusive in Masonry , nor had there ever been so in AVoolAA'ich . The course pursued by the Florence Nightingale , that day , in inviting to their installation the Masters and AA ardens of the other Lodges in the toAVU , was one eminently qualified to promote brotherly love and true
Masonic feeling , aud as he began by alluding to the impression Avhich had somehoAV or other been adopted , he thought it but an act of justice not to let the visitors' healths pass by without saying , that from tho reception they had met with , and more particularly the AA ooUvich brethren , that impression must bo wiped aAvay for ever ( hear , hear ) . And that all their brethren fully appreciated the kindness and good feeling displayed , they AA'ould evince it by seconding him , in an unusual , though excusable courseof drinking the health of tho brethren of the
, Florence Nightingale Lodge and giving them a good one . The AV . M . said he could not , on behalf of the Lodge , alloiv this good feeling to pass unnoticed , and therefore bogged in his OAVU name , and that of every member of his Lodge to return the visitors their thanks , and add , that they Avere glad to see members of other Lodges present , aud should at all times be happy to meet them ( hear , hear ) . Bro . Col . Clerk , P . AI ., said he trusted to use the gavel to tho satisfaction of all present . They wen : well aAvaro what use he should make of it . Bro . Cartertheir
, newly installed AV . M ., Avas held by them all in deservedly high estimation , and they must all feel IIOAV much the Lodge had gained , and still Avould gain , by the zeal and amiability he had displayed , Avhich he ( Col . Clerk ) was sure would be continued , and he trusted that every brother would support their AV . M . ' s zeal by a regular and punctual
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
their passage , or , if they should succeed in this , may such a Avater-^ oggcd crazy bark never be moored alongside Craft Masonry . His lordship also " claimed the most perfect independence in making his appointments . " Aud yet from the Earl of Carnarvon and his party arose that cry against the Most AVorshi pful Grand Master of Masons , that he claimed similar powers . So also , on the matter of proxies , he Avould sivamp the Grand Lodge of
England Avith them , if he could get them ; but , in his self constituted Mark Lodge , "he was not prepared to say that the use of proxies should never be alloivcd—but if they Avere , they must be very strongly guarded , and their use should be confined to particular questions , as , were they to alloAv general proxies , they Avouldlead to endless confusion . " The old adage no longer seems to hold good here , for it appears that it is not that Avhich is " sauce for the
goose is sauce for the gander . " Again , the noble earl said , " though he did not selfishl y wish to monopolize all the honours to himself , he candidly acknowledged that he accepted the office Avith pleasure and pride , and he hoped he mi ght hold it for many years . " UOAV this announcement must haA'e grated on the ears of Bro . J . II . Stebbing , AVIIO AVUS sitting at the table , after his ineffectual motion , at the last grand Lodge of England , to get rid of
our present Most AVorshipful Grand Master by a side wind . It seems scarcel y possible that the chief and the subordinate members of the party are actuated by a similar policy , and it is only to be reconciled upon the Avell kuoAvn rule , that the greater
the demagogues out of poiver , the more monstrous the tyranny in power . This meeting of Mark gentlemen , it is hoped , -will open the eyes of those AVIIO have hitherto thought some good mi ght be eil ' ected in supporting an opposition to the existing poiA'ers ot Masonry . AVhat does it proved ? l \ o more than , if they get their way , despite of all fair ivords , they , like the Egyptians of old ,
Avould require the same tale of bricks , but Avould withhold the straiv . AVhat are Ave then to do to counteract the insidious project IIOAV ushered into notice ? Wc must combine and form a strong body in defence of our existing institution . The equivocal Mark degree must have no more favour or affection from our rulers . The Board of General Purposes must forbid its jeivel being seen iu any Craft Lodge , aud thc Committee of General Purposes
for the Royal Arch must likewise prohibit its being worn , under any circumstances , in every Chapter amenable to its authority . Thc days of Mark Masonry , as schismatic , must be numbered , and thc genuine degree must cither be attached to the Grand Lodge of England , or an independent Grand Mark Masters' Lodge must be founded , Avhich shall deriA'c its existence from a properl y constituted authorityand put an end to the thing IIOAV ing
, usurp thc place of a legitimate degree . Thanking you for your courtesy in alloiving me so much space , I remain , clear Sir and Brother , fraternally your Brother in the Craft , A > TI Si'L'iuous MAKJI .
The Masonic Mirror.
* MASONIC MEMS . THE Provincial Grand Lodge of AA est Yorkshire Avill be held at the IICAV Assembly Rooms , Halifax , on AA ' ednesday , July -Ifch , at eleven o ' clock . The Lodge Avill be opened in the three degrees by the AVorshipful Master and Officers of the Lodge of Probity , No . 73 .
A si'KC'iAL meeting of the Phoenix Lodge of Instruction ( So . 202 ) AA'ill be held at tho Freemasons' Tavern , on AVednesday , the 11 th July , to enable Bro . Elisha D . Cooke to work the third degree exactly as practised in America . Bro . Cooke will be assisted by Bros . . Stephen Barton AViison , Hyde Pullen , Henlett , and other well known Masons . ROYAL FREEMASONS' SCHOOL FOR FEMALE CHILDREN .
Tnii summer half-yearly examination took place at thc School , Clapham Common , on Monday and Friday last , by the Rev . Mr . Dyer , one of the London Diocesan Inspectors of Schools . On Monday the day Avas devoted to paper Avork . The subjects were Old Testament history , from thc death of Joseph to the birth of Moses ; the geography of Africa ; English history , from Erhvard . IA . to Charles I . ; Avriting , arithmetic , English grammar , dictation , drawing a map of Africa , and
French translation . On Friday it was viva voce , embracing the above subjects Avith the addition of reading , questions on French grammar , necdloivork , & c . At the close of the examination the Rev . Mr . Dyer expressed his satisfaction Avith the progress of the Avhole school , and
The Masonic Mirror.
contrasted the very marked improvement made since ho had previously tested their knoAvledgo . After Avhich Bro . Nutt , in the name of the committee , thanked the children for their attention , and in feeling terms , which left feiv dry eyes among those that Avere present , addressed the children , pointing out to them the advantage of education—the pleasing way they had gone through their duties—and paying them the highest , thougli justly merited compliment for their maintenance of
that good and exemplary conduct AA'hich has ever distinguished the Girls School , and which reflects so much credit on Miss Janvood the matron , Miss Souter the schoolmistress , and her assistants . The examiner also spoke Avarmly in praise of the order and regularity of f he school , and the happy and healthful appearance of the pupils .
METROPOLITAN . FLOKEXCB NIGHTINGALE LODGE ( NO . 100 S ) . — The members of this Lodge met at the Masonic Hall , AVilliam-streot , AAtiohvieh , on Friday last , for the purpose of installing the new Master for the ensuing tivelve mouthsBroColClerkas PMopened the Lod in the three
. . . , .., ge degrees , and a Board of installed Masters Avas formed , consisting of the presiding AV . M ., Bros . Dr . Hinxman , Capts . Boyle and Forbes , Hassall , AV . J . Meymott , Kennel ] , aud Henderson . All the brethren under that dignity having retired from the Lodge , Bro . Clerk proceeded to install Bro . AV . H . Carter , the late S . AA ., into the chair of K . S . Upon the readmission of the great body of the members , Bro . Clerk continued , according to ancient custom , to deliver the proper addresses , which it is
needless to say were given in that correct , epiiet , unobtrusive , and gentlemanlike way Avhich always characterizes thc performance of every Masonic duty that he undertakes . The appointment and investiture of officers folloAved , the AVorshipful Master having been pleased to appoint Bro . Kincaid , S . AV . ; Smyth , J . AV . ; H . H . Church , S . D . and ( reinvested ) Treas . ; Thompson , J . D . ; Farnfield , I . G . ; J . M . Boddy ( reinvested ) Sec , and Henderson , 'Tyler ( reappointed ) . After which thc Lodge ivas closed . There AA'as a good attendance of visitors , amongst whom Ave recognized
Bros . Capts . Boyle and King , Lieut . AVarry , AV . J . Meymott , Graydon , Johnstone , Fogo , and Rennell . The members and the visiting brethren hai'ing reassembled at liro . De Grey ' s , the Freemasons' Tavern , AVOOIAAIOII , the important business of the dinner AA-as proceeded ivith , every one present being perfect iu hia ' part , aud working with a zeal and assiduity which AA'ould do credit to any portion of our rites . The cloth having been cleared and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts given and received Avith enthusiasmthe AVAL gave "The Visitors" Avliom the Florence
, , Nightingale were ahvays glad to see . There were several distinguished Masons among them whom he hoped to see again , and there were also several who , from unavoidable circumstances , though invited , had not been able to attend . Still to those AA-IIO AA-ere present he bade a hearty vA-elcome and Avould couple the toast Avith the name of Bro . Capt . Boyle . Bro . Capt . Boyle said lie Avas not prepared to make a speech , but when such a cordial greeting was afforded them by their AV . M . and the Florence Nightingale Lodge , he could do no other than
accept the proffered brotlierly love and welcome afforded to thc visiting brethren . For the kind Ai'ay in Avhich the health of the visitors had been proposed aud received on the part of those who stood around him , and on his OAA-II behalf he thanked the members of the Lodge , and trusted that for many years they might all be spared—the members to continue in their Masonic course , so excellently carried out , and tho visitors to return their thanks for such a greeting as thoy had received . Bro . Rennell said lie felt it was necessary to make
a t ' cAV remarks as a member of one of the older Lodges meeting iu AVoolii'ich . An impresssion had got abroad that the Florence Nightingale Lodge AA'as exclusive . Now there Avas nothing exclusive in Masonry , nor had there ever been so in AVoolAA'ich . The course pursued by the Florence Nightingale , that day , in inviting to their installation the Masters and AA ardens of the other Lodges in the toAVU , was one eminently qualified to promote brotherly love and true
Masonic feeling , aud as he began by alluding to the impression Avhich had somehoAV or other been adopted , he thought it but an act of justice not to let the visitors' healths pass by without saying , that from tho reception they had met with , and more particularly the AA ooUvich brethren , that impression must bo wiped aAvay for ever ( hear , hear ) . And that all their brethren fully appreciated the kindness and good feeling displayed , they AA'ould evince it by seconding him , in an unusual , though excusable courseof drinking the health of tho brethren of the
, Florence Nightingale Lodge and giving them a good one . The AV . M . said he could not , on behalf of the Lodge , alloiv this good feeling to pass unnoticed , and therefore bogged in his OAVU name , and that of every member of his Lodge to return the visitors their thanks , and add , that they Avere glad to see members of other Lodges present , aud should at all times be happy to meet them ( hear , hear ) . Bro . Col . Clerk , P . AI ., said he trusted to use the gavel to tho satisfaction of all present . They wen : well aAvaro what use he should make of it . Bro . Cartertheir
, newly installed AV . M ., Avas held by them all in deservedly high estimation , and they must all feel IIOAV much the Lodge had gained , and still Avould gain , by the zeal and amiability he had displayed , Avhich he ( Col . Clerk ) was sure would be continued , and he trusted that every brother would support their AV . M . ' s zeal by a regular and punctual