Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
attendance , more fully to SIIOAV their feeling toAvards liim . He would , therefore , propose health and prosperity to their HCAV AVAL during his year of office , and call upon the brethren to pledge him heartily and do their best to support him . Tho AVAL in rising to return thanks for the kind manner in AA'hich liro . Col . Clerk had spoken of him , and they had responded , lamented that ho Avas not a speaker , but if he had been gifted in that Avay , he should find considerable difficulty Avhen the theme was himself , and so ho AAMS sure they would excuse him the more readily . He
AA'as butayoungMason , having beer , initiated in the Florence Ni ghtingale Lodge upon its institution , and he was indebted to Bro . Capt . Forbes for the introduction . Vet although so young , he hoped to do his duty satisfactorily , but if the Avoi'king does not come up to their Avorth y Bro . Col . Clerk ' s , who so ably filled that chair last year , it would not be for Avant of his desire to excel , but because he was unable to reach such a point of perfection . Still he would try aud do his best , and no man could do more . For their kind expressions and feelings towards himself
he hoped to satisfy them during his tenure of office , and to spend innnv years of health ami happiness with the members of his mother Lodge — the Florence Nightingale . The AVAL thou said it a Horded him a very great pleasure to propose thc . next toast , which Avas " The P . Ms , of the Lodge . " They AA'CI-C both well knoAVii in that Lodge and manv others , and it ivas only necessary to mention the names of Bros , Capt . Forbes and Col . Clerk to ensure a hearty and respectful Aveleome . ( Hearhear ) . The evidence of their being efficient rulers in
, Masonry AA-as to be found in the fact that during the time they had each sat in the Master ' s chair , it had been a season of harmony " . and peace : and by their amiability of temper and kindness of < Lnieanoar . they had both succeeded in winning a very largo share of the respect and affection of their brethren . No one could have gained the hearts of the members more than their I ' . Ais . had done , and to none else were such thanks due as to them . For these reasons he
proposed tho healths of the l ' . Ms . of the Florence Ni ghtingale Lnlgo ., Bros . Ca [ it . Forbes and Col . Clerk , two brethren dear to every member of the Lodge ( hear , hear ) . Bro . ( . ' apt . Forbes , on behalf of ' both , begged to thank them for the manner iu Avhich they had responded to the ' toast . It had been a pleasant duty to preside over them , which had fallen to Col . Clerk ' s lot for IAVO years and his OAVU for one ; Bro . Clerk haviw very kindly stepped forward to fill the oilier' a second time , it havin ° become vacant by the death of their W . M . shortl y after his installation ! He had ahvays hoped for , and was glad to see , that there was a strong feeling of unity among the three Lodges in that townand as the first PAf
, . of No . 100 S , it would always give him great pleasure to see any Woolwich brethren at the Florence Nightingale , for the more visitors I hey had thc belter they Avere pleased . Bro . Col . Clerk said , Masonry Avas always a labour of love , ami the kind reception ( hose meet Avith who try to earnout its principles , must ever be au incentive to their strivin * , ' for the applause of their brethren ami their OAVU consciences , lie would not detain them longer , but Avish to each aud all the brethren , health and prosperity . The AV . M . next proposed " The health
of tho very efficient Officers of the Lodge . " Their S . W ,. Bro , ivineaid , Ai'as an old Mason of eminence and . standing , and AA'as of verv great assistance , Avilling and able , to go through any anil every dufv , and he hoped the junior officers would copy so good an example . "' liro . Kincaid said thc officers felt complimented b y the remarks that had fallen from their AVAL , and he believed they Avere each prepared to do ( heir duty AA'ith zeal and punctuality ; indeed he felt sure that the time had gone by in all Lodges when hasty and inefficient appointments were
made , and IIOAV those that took office Avere considered to pledge themselves to a strict performance of their duty . The AV . M . said there AA'as one more toast , Avhich Avas "The Masonic Press . " The time harl gone b y Avhen the publicity of what was done in a Lodge Avas held to be hui tful to the cause of Masonry , and the Florence Nightingale , for one Lodge . Avas ahvays glad to Le informed of what AA-as being . lone by their brethren at home and abroadand Avere happy in bavin" Avhat
, they did knoAvn in the same manner . Thoy had a brother , au honorary member of their Lodge , Avho was connected with ' the Alasonie press , present , as he ahvays was when business was to be done , and he should therefore propose " Success to the I ' m nuisons Magazine , " coupling the same Avith ( he name of Bro . Matthew Cooke . Bro . AlaKhew Cooke returned thanks for the honour done to tho I ' m ' - Masons' Mugaziuc , aud Avished the . Editor had been present In have answered iiisi
( o .-. ( of himself , but as his name had been coupled with Outcast , he could assure them the Pre- lUasuns Mag . i- ' iu ,, had the best interests of the Craft at heart ; and ho hoped that , while it wive tho fullest information ( hat could be procured , it never had yet . and it never intended to touch upon those portions of Alasoiirv AAhich were tinessentials of the institution , and which , whatever mi ght be done abroad Avhere thc periodicals tried how much they could possiblv reveal without all knew "
disclosing they , those who wrotefor ( he Masonic press in tlds country kept securely locked within their own breasts , and as iac as the periodical he represented Avas concerned , he was ^\\ w . Avould abvavs be as solemnly observed . The T yler ' s toast brought a very happv and agri-cab ! . ' evening In a conclusion at a reasonable hair . PROVINCIAL .
CL ' . AI liEb'LA N I ) A X I ) WEST . UuULAXi > . I'l . 'OVIX-CJAL Ol ' . MiD I . OIHJJ ; . Tin : annual festival of the Provincial Grand Lod ge of Cumberland and
Westmorland Avas held m Carlisle on AYednesday the 20 tli inst . Above a hundred brethren of tho Order assembled at ten o ' clock iu the morning at thc Coffee House , accompanied by the band of the Yeomanry Cavalry , and there the Lodge was formally opened . A . procession AA'as then formed in front of tho hotel , and headed by the band , the brethren proceeded to the Cathedral , dressed in their Masonic aprons . Divine sen-ice began at eleven o ' clock , and being the anniversary of the accession of her Majest y to tho throne , the special service appointed
b y the Church for that occasion was performed . The anthem selected Avas Crotch ' s " Sing AVC merrily , " and a sermon Avas preached by the A ery licA-crend the Dean of Carlisle . The Dean took his text from the 1 st chapter of Joshua , Sth I'ersc . ¦ ' " 'This book of the LAV shall not depart out of thy mouth ; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night , that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is Ai'ritten therein : for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous , and then thou shalt have good success . " In conclusion
the Dean said he would make one or tiA'o observations on the character of the society assembled hero to-day . It Avas not possible to testify to the excellence of their regulations or their system of internal government , as these AVere concealed . It ivas indeed almost by accident that ho presumed to address them this morning ; but he ivas happy to do so for this reason—not to praise the laws of tho Masonic Order , of which he was totally ignorant , but to praise them thus far that if thc test of Scripture be genuine , " By their fruits ye shall KHOAV them , " so
far as he had been brought into contact Avith different gentlemen of their body in various parts of the kingdom , he had found them distinguished b y loyalty and benevolence , and he felt sure tho root of that tree could not be Avrong AA'hich produced such holy fruits . He had been himself surprised to hear the really lavish manner in which they supported their brethren—thc liberal way iu AA-hich they supplied thc needy and necessitous , following out the spirit and the very letter of the gospel of Jesus Christ , lie knoAv from his social and family connexions
the advantages of this society to those who travel into a distant land , 'therefore he had great confidence in welcoming them to the house of Cod , and seeing that by accident that they had assembled on this important and suitable day , he AA'as sure he had spoken to their consciences
and feelings in what he had said . He would not say a Avorcl to them about giving to-day ; he would only say , do as you have done already . He thanked them cordially for their very liberal oiler to dedicate a portion of their gathering to-day to a gift to some of the local charities iu Carlisle , lie had named the Carlisle Dispensary , because it visited every home of suU ' ering in the city , and it AA'as a popular charity . Therefore he AA'ould receive gratefully at their hands any proportion of their bounty to-day Avhich they devoted to this object . The Dean
concluded by reading the portion of the 12 th chapter of Itomans , beginning " Let love bo Avithout dissimulation , "—a chapter very . ippropriato to the occasion . liro . Ford played the National Anthem as a dismissal , and the Freemasons , now augmented to about one hundred and twenty , formed into procession in the Abbey , and perambulated the principal streets of the town , preceded by the band and accompanied b y a croAvd . They then Avent to the Coil ' ee House Avhere the Provincial Grand Lodge ivas
reopened and its business proceeded Avith . The Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year ivere appointed as follows : —Bros . Greaves . D . Prov . CM . ; " ( cijhins . n , Prov . K . CAV . ; Spencer , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Butler , Prov . G . Chaplain . ; Hallil ' ax , Frov . G . . Asst . Chaplain ; Lemon , ProA " . G . Beg . ; . Kimington , Prov . G . Treas . ; Nicholson , Prov . G . D . ; Jackson , Prov . J . G . I ) . ; Win . lurkbride . Prov . G . S . ; Rowland , Prov . G . Org . ; Hod gkin , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Watson , Asst . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers .: lleywood , J'roA ' . G . Purs . ; DavisProA' . G . TlerBrosAtkinsonSmithGibson
, y . . , , , A ' ales . Harrison , J . Kirkbride , and Little . Stewards . It was slated that the . collection at the Cathedral amoumed to upwards of . 17 , ami it Ai-as agreed , on the proposal of tho D . ProA ' . Grand Master , that two fifths of it should be given to ( he Carlisle Dispensary . and three fifths applied to the Masonic charities . The Lodge Avas then closerl iu due form , and tho brethren adjourned to dinnerin tho assembly-room . The D . Prov . Grand Master ( Bro
, . I ! reaves ) occupied the ehair , in the absence of the Prov . Grand Master , Sir James Graham . The I ! eA \ Bro . Hallil ' ax said grace , and the Bev ! Pirn . Dirtier returned thanks . About one hundred Masons sat IIOAVII to dinner . Tho band played in tho gallery during dinner . The cloth having been removed .
' " ' Hie ( Jiiccn and the Craft" was given from the chair , and the band having ghon tho National Anthem , the performers and the ivaiters retired , and tho room was ' " tyled . " Tho usual routine toasts in Masonry then followed . In drinking the " Earl ol ' 7 , etland , the Grand Master of England , " the chairman referred to some differences of opinion that had been expressed as to that nobleman ' s Illness for the office , and said that the recent vote in the Grand Lodge of England , ivhen only four hands had been held up against his
reelection for the seventeenth time , had settled the opinion of the Al ' asmis of England . Tin- D . 1 v . Cii . AXD AI . ASTEI : gave '' The Provincial Grand Master of Cumberland , Sir James Graham . " lie legretted to say that he was not present on ( he occasion , and he ( l he chairman ) had no other excuse to offer them than that Sir . lames had not enabled him to apologise for his absence . He harl recently seen letters Vvoni the Prov . Crawl Master which sin wed his heart Avas still with them . Bro . LE . AIO } . ' ( Wigton ) proposed "Tho health of the lt . AV . the Deput y
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
attendance , more fully to SIIOAV their feeling toAvards liim . He would , therefore , propose health and prosperity to their HCAV AVAL during his year of office , and call upon the brethren to pledge him heartily and do their best to support him . Tho AVAL in rising to return thanks for the kind manner in AA'hich liro . Col . Clerk had spoken of him , and they had responded , lamented that ho Avas not a speaker , but if he had been gifted in that Avay , he should find considerable difficulty Avhen the theme was himself , and so ho AAMS sure they would excuse him the more readily . He
AA'as butayoungMason , having beer , initiated in the Florence Ni ghtingale Lodge upon its institution , and he was indebted to Bro . Capt . Forbes for the introduction . Vet although so young , he hoped to do his duty satisfactorily , but if the Avoi'king does not come up to their Avorth y Bro . Col . Clerk ' s , who so ably filled that chair last year , it would not be for Avant of his desire to excel , but because he was unable to reach such a point of perfection . Still he would try aud do his best , and no man could do more . For their kind expressions and feelings towards himself
he hoped to satisfy them during his tenure of office , and to spend innnv years of health ami happiness with the members of his mother Lodge — the Florence Nightingale . The AVAL thou said it a Horded him a very great pleasure to propose thc . next toast , which Avas " The P . Ms , of the Lodge . " They AA'CI-C both well knoAVii in that Lodge and manv others , and it ivas only necessary to mention the names of Bros , Capt . Forbes and Col . Clerk to ensure a hearty and respectful Aveleome . ( Hearhear ) . The evidence of their being efficient rulers in
, Masonry AA-as to be found in the fact that during the time they had each sat in the Master ' s chair , it had been a season of harmony " . and peace : and by their amiability of temper and kindness of < Lnieanoar . they had both succeeded in winning a very largo share of the respect and affection of their brethren . No one could have gained the hearts of the members more than their I ' . Ais . had done , and to none else were such thanks due as to them . For these reasons he
proposed tho healths of the l ' . Ms . of the Florence Ni ghtingale Lnlgo ., Bros . Ca [ it . Forbes and Col . Clerk , two brethren dear to every member of the Lodge ( hear , hear ) . Bro . ( . ' apt . Forbes , on behalf of ' both , begged to thank them for the manner iu Avhich they had responded to the ' toast . It had been a pleasant duty to preside over them , which had fallen to Col . Clerk ' s lot for IAVO years and his OAVU for one ; Bro . Clerk haviw very kindly stepped forward to fill the oilier' a second time , it havin ° become vacant by the death of their W . M . shortl y after his installation ! He had ahvays hoped for , and was glad to see , that there was a strong feeling of unity among the three Lodges in that townand as the first PAf
, . of No . 100 S , it would always give him great pleasure to see any Woolwich brethren at the Florence Nightingale , for the more visitors I hey had thc belter they Avere pleased . Bro . Col . Clerk said , Masonry Avas always a labour of love , ami the kind reception ( hose meet Avith who try to earnout its principles , must ever be au incentive to their strivin * , ' for the applause of their brethren ami their OAVU consciences , lie would not detain them longer , but Avish to each aud all the brethren , health and prosperity . The AV . M . next proposed " The health
of tho very efficient Officers of the Lodge . " Their S . W ,. Bro , ivineaid , Ai'as an old Mason of eminence and . standing , and AA'as of verv great assistance , Avilling and able , to go through any anil every dufv , and he hoped the junior officers would copy so good an example . "' liro . Kincaid said thc officers felt complimented b y the remarks that had fallen from their AVAL , and he believed they Avere each prepared to do ( heir duty AA'ith zeal and punctuality ; indeed he felt sure that the time had gone by in all Lodges when hasty and inefficient appointments were
made , and IIOAV those that took office Avere considered to pledge themselves to a strict performance of their duty . The AV . M . said there AA'as one more toast , Avhich Avas "The Masonic Press . " The time harl gone b y Avhen the publicity of what was done in a Lodge Avas held to be hui tful to the cause of Masonry , and the Florence Nightingale , for one Lodge . Avas ahvays glad to Le informed of what AA-as being . lone by their brethren at home and abroadand Avere happy in bavin" Avhat
, they did knoAvn in the same manner . Thoy had a brother , au honorary member of their Lodge , Avho was connected with ' the Alasonie press , present , as he ahvays was when business was to be done , and he should therefore propose " Success to the I ' m nuisons Magazine , " coupling the same Avith ( he name of Bro . Matthew Cooke . Bro . AlaKhew Cooke returned thanks for the honour done to tho I ' m ' - Masons' Mugaziuc , aud Avished the . Editor had been present In have answered iiisi
( o .-. ( of himself , but as his name had been coupled with Outcast , he could assure them the Pre- lUasuns Mag . i- ' iu ,, had the best interests of the Craft at heart ; and ho hoped that , while it wive tho fullest information ( hat could be procured , it never had yet . and it never intended to touch upon those portions of Alasoiirv AAhich were tinessentials of the institution , and which , whatever mi ght be done abroad Avhere thc periodicals tried how much they could possiblv reveal without all knew "
disclosing they , those who wrotefor ( he Masonic press in tlds country kept securely locked within their own breasts , and as iac as the periodical he represented Avas concerned , he was ^\\ w . Avould abvavs be as solemnly observed . The T yler ' s toast brought a very happv and agri-cab ! . ' evening In a conclusion at a reasonable hair . PROVINCIAL .
CL ' . AI liEb'LA N I ) A X I ) WEST . UuULAXi > . I'l . 'OVIX-CJAL Ol ' . MiD I . OIHJJ ; . Tin : annual festival of the Provincial Grand Lod ge of Cumberland and
Westmorland Avas held m Carlisle on AYednesday the 20 tli inst . Above a hundred brethren of tho Order assembled at ten o ' clock iu the morning at thc Coffee House , accompanied by the band of the Yeomanry Cavalry , and there the Lodge was formally opened . A . procession AA'as then formed in front of tho hotel , and headed by the band , the brethren proceeded to the Cathedral , dressed in their Masonic aprons . Divine sen-ice began at eleven o ' clock , and being the anniversary of the accession of her Majest y to tho throne , the special service appointed
b y the Church for that occasion was performed . The anthem selected Avas Crotch ' s " Sing AVC merrily , " and a sermon Avas preached by the A ery licA-crend the Dean of Carlisle . The Dean took his text from the 1 st chapter of Joshua , Sth I'ersc . ¦ ' " 'This book of the LAV shall not depart out of thy mouth ; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night , that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is Ai'ritten therein : for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous , and then thou shalt have good success . " In conclusion
the Dean said he would make one or tiA'o observations on the character of the society assembled hero to-day . It Avas not possible to testify to the excellence of their regulations or their system of internal government , as these AVere concealed . It ivas indeed almost by accident that ho presumed to address them this morning ; but he ivas happy to do so for this reason—not to praise the laws of tho Masonic Order , of which he was totally ignorant , but to praise them thus far that if thc test of Scripture be genuine , " By their fruits ye shall KHOAV them , " so
far as he had been brought into contact Avith different gentlemen of their body in various parts of the kingdom , he had found them distinguished b y loyalty and benevolence , and he felt sure tho root of that tree could not be Avrong AA'hich produced such holy fruits . He had been himself surprised to hear the really lavish manner in which they supported their brethren—thc liberal way iu AA-hich they supplied thc needy and necessitous , following out the spirit and the very letter of the gospel of Jesus Christ , lie knoAv from his social and family connexions
the advantages of this society to those who travel into a distant land , 'therefore he had great confidence in welcoming them to the house of Cod , and seeing that by accident that they had assembled on this important and suitable day , he AA'as sure he had spoken to their consciences
and feelings in what he had said . He would not say a Avorcl to them about giving to-day ; he would only say , do as you have done already . He thanked them cordially for their very liberal oiler to dedicate a portion of their gathering to-day to a gift to some of the local charities iu Carlisle , lie had named the Carlisle Dispensary , because it visited every home of suU ' ering in the city , and it AA'as a popular charity . Therefore he AA'ould receive gratefully at their hands any proportion of their bounty to-day Avhich they devoted to this object . The Dean
concluded by reading the portion of the 12 th chapter of Itomans , beginning " Let love bo Avithout dissimulation , "—a chapter very . ippropriato to the occasion . liro . Ford played the National Anthem as a dismissal , and the Freemasons , now augmented to about one hundred and twenty , formed into procession in the Abbey , and perambulated the principal streets of the town , preceded by the band and accompanied b y a croAvd . They then Avent to the Coil ' ee House Avhere the Provincial Grand Lodge ivas
reopened and its business proceeded Avith . The Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year ivere appointed as follows : —Bros . Greaves . D . Prov . CM . ; " ( cijhins . n , Prov . K . CAV . ; Spencer , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Butler , Prov . G . Chaplain . ; Hallil ' ax , Frov . G . . Asst . Chaplain ; Lemon , ProA " . G . Beg . ; . Kimington , Prov . G . Treas . ; Nicholson , Prov . G . D . ; Jackson , Prov . J . G . I ) . ; Win . lurkbride . Prov . G . S . ; Rowland , Prov . G . Org . ; Hod gkin , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Watson , Asst . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers .: lleywood , J'roA ' . G . Purs . ; DavisProA' . G . TlerBrosAtkinsonSmithGibson
, y . . , , , A ' ales . Harrison , J . Kirkbride , and Little . Stewards . It was slated that the . collection at the Cathedral amoumed to upwards of . 17 , ami it Ai-as agreed , on the proposal of tho D . ProA ' . Grand Master , that two fifths of it should be given to ( he Carlisle Dispensary . and three fifths applied to the Masonic charities . The Lodge Avas then closerl iu due form , and tho brethren adjourned to dinnerin tho assembly-room . The D . Prov . Grand Master ( Bro
, . I ! reaves ) occupied the ehair , in the absence of the Prov . Grand Master , Sir James Graham . The I ! eA \ Bro . Hallil ' ax said grace , and the Bev ! Pirn . Dirtier returned thanks . About one hundred Masons sat IIOAVII to dinner . Tho band played in tho gallery during dinner . The cloth having been removed .
' " ' Hie ( Jiiccn and the Craft" was given from the chair , and the band having ghon tho National Anthem , the performers and the ivaiters retired , and tho room was ' " tyled . " Tho usual routine toasts in Masonry then followed . In drinking the " Earl ol ' 7 , etland , the Grand Master of England , " the chairman referred to some differences of opinion that had been expressed as to that nobleman ' s Illness for the office , and said that the recent vote in the Grand Lodge of England , ivhen only four hands had been held up against his
reelection for the seventeenth time , had settled the opinion of the Al ' asmis of England . Tin- D . 1 v . Cii . AXD AI . ASTEI : gave '' The Provincial Grand Master of Cumberland , Sir James Graham . " lie legretted to say that he was not present on ( he occasion , and he ( l he chairman ) had no other excuse to offer them than that Sir . lames had not enabled him to apologise for his absence . He harl recently seen letters Vvoni the Prov . Crawl Master which sin wed his heart Avas still with them . Bro . LE . AIO } . ' ( Wigton ) proposed "Tho health of the lt . AV . the Deput y