Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Greaves , " expressing the high satisfaction of thc Masons of Cumberland with tho mauuer in AA'hich he discharged his arduous duties . Bro . GKEAA-KH suspected his flattering brother from the Avest had crossed the Irish channel and kissed the blarney stone . Ho confessed , however , that his heart AA'as in the cause , and he AA'as only sorry that some more poAvferul hands did not guide the reins . Nevertheless , he
had done the best he could for the noble Order to AA-hich he belonged , and ho was happy to say that he had been AVCII supported . Tho D . I'lioi ' . Gn . AXu MAMTKII then proposed " The Provincial Grand Chaplains . " Thc Dean had that morning declared himself not a Mason , but tho sentiments of his excellent sermon Avere most Avorthy of Masonry . Thc toast lie gave ivas ' -The healths of the Rev . Bros . Butler , of Penrith , and 1 ( aliifax , of Kirkbride . ' ' The Rev . Bro . Bo'Tf . t'it returned thanks .
The Rev . Bro . HALLIFAX also returned thanks . Like the rest of them he had felt deeply grateful for the remarkably good sermon—thoy must not think he AA'as going to giA'c thorn one UOAV—which thoy harl that day heard in the venerable cathedral , and which , from its style as well as its matter , must have gone to the heart of every brother . Although himself accustomed to address congregations once or twice a iveek , he confessed that it harl touched his heart . For himself he would say that his heart and soul , the strength of his limbs , and the vigour of his mind , Avere devoted to the high and holy principles of Masonry . AA'hen St . Paul _ wrote those Avoids which they had heard from the Dean , lie was convinced that he ICIIOAV there Avere Masons in those davs , earning out
the principles of love , charity , and brotherly kindness AA'hich he enforced . The D . Pnov . GAL then proposed the health of the " Visiting Brethren . " Masons professed to bo hospitable to strangers—IIOAV , then , ought they to entertain strangers . Ho coupled the toast i 4 tli the names of Bros . Daly , Bannister , Diume , and the Rev . Bro . Rcdshaw , ProA-. G . Chaplain of Northumberland . Bro . D . ilA' returned thanks . He had not been unaccustomed to public speaking for tivcnty-tAi'o years , and during all that time had
scarcely spoken a lino Avhich hadn't been laughed at . He iA-as proud to see such a splendid gathering of Cumbrian Masons . Bvo . BANNISTER , ( of Gateshead ) also replied . He wa . s sorry there Avas not , a better muster from Durham anil Northumberland . Tho Rev . Bro . BEDSUAW expressed a hope that tho Cumbrian Masons Avould attend tho Prov . G . Lodge of Northumberland in October next , lie hoped that day Avould long bo remembered as that on Avhich the Minions took a long walk round the old city of Carlisle . ( Laughter ) .
Bro . DCX . VE ( chief constable ) stated that he Avas a Northumbrian Alason , but intended to transfer himself to that county . He AA-as deeply eonvineed that Masonry benefited men in all capacities of life ; audit ivas remarkable that during an experience of tivcnty years in the public sen-ice hi : had never knoAvn a criminal ivho AA'as a Alason , The D . Pnov . GAL proposed tho AVorshipful Masters of the sister Lodges from Scotland , the St . Androiv ' s and the Caledonian from Annan , and the St . John ' s fi'omThoruliill . He hoped the brethren would give them such a reception as would induce them often to coino across thc border .
The J ) . Pnov . GAL proposed '' The Master and Brethren of the Senioi Lodge of the Province , " Avhich still maintained its pre-eminence among them . Tho AVbitehaven Lodge , No . I- 'IS , had n'ell supported Masonry in the province , and deserved all cordiality and thanks at their hands . Bro . Capt . Si'KXCEii returned thanks ( in the absence of the AALM . ) He AA'as convinced , from AA'hat he saw in his own division of the county , that Masonry was largely on the increase ; and ho was certain that if it ivas better promulgated in the eastern division of the county they AA-ould see
a ten times larger muster of Masons at their meetings iu Carlisle . Unfortunately it had fallen into IOAV Avater in Carlisle , and in this division ; but he had learned Avith pleasure that it was improving , that care harl been taken to select instructors for the Lodges , and that tho numbers Avere increasing . He urged that the Lodges generally should send up as much money as possible to the charities of the Craft . Tho D . Tnov . G . M . tlieii proposed ' -The health of t . hoAVorshipi ' ul Milstor and Brethren of No . " lol Lodge , Kendal , " and hoped I hat a voice would
be , heard from Westmorland . At any rate they would remember Kendal , ivhelhiir Kendal remembered them or no . There wa . s no response ; but it was afterwards explained by a brother present that last Lodge day at Kendal was very ivet , aud the WAL , AVIIO lives out of tho tOAVii , was not present . , and the letters were not opened . The D . Pnov . GAL . then proposed ' ' The AV . M . an . 1 brethren of Lodge No . : ! . '•!) , Carlisle" their hosts to-day . They were greatlobliged
, y to them for the arrangements on the occasion . Bro . HI : YAVOOO , WAL , returned thanks , lie did expect that there would be a larger muster that day ; but ho AA'as thankful for their attendance , and hoped ( hat it Avould advance Masonry in Carlisle , anil that on a future occasion they AA'ould muster in double or treble force . The I ) . Pnov . G . M . then proposed ' -The AVorshipful Master and brethren of Lodge No . -100 , AVigtnn . " The liev . Bro . if w . i . n'AA responded . He .. aid it . had been deputed to
him to reply to that toast , and it had very much puzzled him to think how he should address them , lie unfortunately ASMS but a young Alason , and knoAv very little of Masonry ; but he had been made first an Apprentice , then a Fellow Graft , and next a Master Mason , and if any of them visited Kirkbride they might see some wonderful specimens of
Masonry done by his OAYII skilful hand . At first ho was greatly astonished ; but AA'hen he was made a Master Mason he was perfectly overwhelmed by tho ceremony . But through suffering wo are made perfect ; and from the mental'agony which he experienced he rose a neiv fledged Alason Avith a UOAV light in his soul . He helicA'ed that the AVorshipful Master of Carlisle had led them cloivn Botchergate that day to let tho inhabitants see what good looking folloAvs they were . The D . Pno \ " . G . M . next proposed " The AVorshipful Master and
brethren of Lodge No . 121 , of Penrith" —a capital Lodge , knoAA'ing a great deal of Masonry , and able to speak for themselves . Bro . AVATSON , AVAL , returned thanks . Ho remembered the time when they mot hero that Penrith furnished thc greatest number of members , UOAV it only furnished a comparatively small number . He Avas happy to say that Masomy was progressing iu tho Penrith district . Tho D . Pnov . GAL proposed "The Lodges of Maryport and Longtown . "
Bro . Fo . STEn , AV . M . of Loiigtown , returned thanks . Referring to the absence of the Provincial Grand Master , he sairl that Sir James Graham and his brothers , thelloi's . Bro . Graham and Major Graham , ivero members of tho Lodge at LongtoAvn , and AA-ere ahvays ready to give any assistance that AA-as needed . The D . Pnov . G . M . proposed - ' Tho Eden A alloy Lodge , No . 1 , 011 , of Appleby . " The ( lag of Masonry had but recently been unfurled there , but he ivas happy to say that it -promised to gather many
adherents . Bro . M'NAV , AVAL , returned thanks . They hail eig ht or nine candidates on the list at present . There had been some mention of a Provincial Graud Festis'al at Appleby , and thoy would be most happy to receive them there . Tho company then separated . Betsveon the toasts some excellent songs Avere sung by the brethren .
ESSEX . C ' oj . uiTKSTEH . —Augd Lodge ( No . oO ) . —Bro . John Pattison , one of tho oldest Past Masters of this Lodge , Prov . G . Treas ., and P . Prov . S . G . AV ., having accepted tho invitation of the brethren to fill the AVorshipful Master ' s chair during thc ensuing year , was duly inducted to that position at a Lodge of emergency , called for the purpose , on Tuesday evening last , and , on tho same occasion , the officers of the Lodge -were
appointed and invested , viz .: —Bros . AV . Griffin , PAL , SAV . ; A . E . Church . J . W . ; AV . Slancy , P . M ., Treas . ; AV . AVilliams , PAL , Sec ; T . Hall , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; T . Collier , S . D . ; AV . AVinterbon , J . D . ; 11 . Eliisclon , PAL , and N . Gluekstein , Stoivnrds ; F . Early , I . G . ; J . AVitten , Tyler . On AVednesday afternoon the annual festival of St . John tho Baptist ivas celebrated by a dinner in the Lodge room . Nearly forty brethren were present , including several visitors from tho United LodgeColchester ; Hope LodgeBrightliugsea & e . . The AVALBro .
, , , , Pattison . was in the chair , supported by Bros . Capt . Pender , WAL of the Colchester United Lodge , No . 998 ; Lieut . Onsloiv , No . 99 S ; Taylor Osborne , PAL ; A \ . Slancy , PAL , Treas . ; AV . H . Bland , P . M . ; It . Ellisdon , P . M . ; T . Hall , PAL , Dir . of Cers . ; AV . Griffin , PAL , S . W . ; . lames Cross , P . M .. ; AV . AVilliams , PAL . See . ; A . E . Church , J . AV . ; J . Collier , S . D . ; AV . Winterbon , J . D . ; F . Early , I . G . ; J . Coppin ; J . Saunders ; ii . Miller ; N . Gluekstein ; G . J . Pratt ; 11 . DenboAv ; T . Railing ; and J . Wittcnmembers of the Angel Lodge . A'isitors—G .
, Clarry , WAL , Hope Lodge , Brightliugsea , No . 029 ; J . Webb , PAL , No . 627 ; James Coppin , P . M ., No . 627 ; J . T . Harmer , No . 627 ; G . Cooper ; G . Guivcr ; J . Bromly ; G . D . Croydon , and several others . The loyal toasts having born duly honoured , Tho WAL proposed " Tho Army and NavA ' , " observing that in these stirring times almost
every one , Avhatevcr his occupation , was anxious to qualify himself for a soldier , in case u foreign invader should daro to make a descent upon our shores—an event which he sincerely trusted might never happen , but which they did well to be fully prepared to resist . ( Hear hear ) . At the same time that AVO rejoiced at the volunteering which AA'as going on iu the country , Ave must not forget those i \ 'ho had been our defenders in past years , and who hail enabled this country to attain the very high position Avhich she occupied among the nations of the earth ,
and Avhich , ho trusted , with God ' s blessing Avoiilrl na \ cr be taken from her . lie gave '" The Army and Navy , " with the healths of Bros . Pender , Onsloiv , ie . Capt . pRXDKii rotiirnr . i [ thanks for tho toast , and said it AYHS tin ! proud boast of a I ' . ritish soldier that the army hail ahvays done its duty Avherevei- if had been called upon to act ; and should it ever lie required to repel au invader ho had no doubt it AA'ould be bravely seconded by the volunteer forces of the country . ( Applause ) . The AVAL gave "The health of the Grand Master of England , the Earl of
Zetland , " Avhich AA'as drunk with Masonic honours ; as were the two succeeding toasts— " The Deputy Grand Master , Lord Panmure , " proposed b y Capt . Pender ; and "The Proi'incial Grand Master for Essex , " proposed by Bro . Hall . The AV ' . iW . next proposed "The Worshipful Master , Officers , and lirothreii of the United Lodge , " which he ivas glad to learn was going on prosperously , and he hoped that the good feeling which had hitherto existed betAA'een the I ; AVO Colchester Lodges Avnulil continue to be maintained . ( A lause and honours ) . Bro . I ' KN ' nEi ) in
pp - . icknoAvled ging tho compliment , echoed the Avish of Bro . Pattison , that the most friendly relations would ahi'ays e : < ist between the two Lodges ; and mentioned tho great obligations which his OAVU Lodge AVAS under to several Past Alastors of the Angel Lodge for assistance in its working and ceremonies . ( Hear , hear ) . The SEKIOH AVABDEN ( BIO . Griffin )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Greaves , " expressing the high satisfaction of thc Masons of Cumberland with tho mauuer in AA'hich he discharged his arduous duties . Bro . GKEAA-KH suspected his flattering brother from the Avest had crossed the Irish channel and kissed the blarney stone . Ho confessed , however , that his heart AA'as in the cause , and he AA'as only sorry that some more poAvferul hands did not guide the reins . Nevertheless , he
had done the best he could for the noble Order to AA-hich he belonged , and ho was happy to say that he had been AVCII supported . Tho D . I'lioi ' . Gn . AXu MAMTKII then proposed " The Provincial Grand Chaplains . " Thc Dean had that morning declared himself not a Mason , but tho sentiments of his excellent sermon Avere most Avorthy of Masonry . Thc toast lie gave ivas ' -The healths of the Rev . Bros . Butler , of Penrith , and 1 ( aliifax , of Kirkbride . ' ' The Rev . Bro . Bo'Tf . t'it returned thanks .
The Rev . Bro . HALLIFAX also returned thanks . Like the rest of them he had felt deeply grateful for the remarkably good sermon—thoy must not think he AA'as going to giA'c thorn one UOAV—which thoy harl that day heard in the venerable cathedral , and which , from its style as well as its matter , must have gone to the heart of every brother . Although himself accustomed to address congregations once or twice a iveek , he confessed that it harl touched his heart . For himself he would say that his heart and soul , the strength of his limbs , and the vigour of his mind , Avere devoted to the high and holy principles of Masonry . AA'hen St . Paul _ wrote those Avoids which they had heard from the Dean , lie was convinced that he ICIIOAV there Avere Masons in those davs , earning out
the principles of love , charity , and brotherly kindness AA'hich he enforced . The D . Pnov . GAL then proposed the health of the " Visiting Brethren . " Masons professed to bo hospitable to strangers—IIOAV , then , ought they to entertain strangers . Ho coupled the toast i 4 tli the names of Bros . Daly , Bannister , Diume , and the Rev . Bro . Rcdshaw , ProA-. G . Chaplain of Northumberland . Bro . D . ilA' returned thanks . He had not been unaccustomed to public speaking for tivcnty-tAi'o years , and during all that time had
scarcely spoken a lino Avhich hadn't been laughed at . He iA-as proud to see such a splendid gathering of Cumbrian Masons . Bvo . BANNISTER , ( of Gateshead ) also replied . He wa . s sorry there Avas not , a better muster from Durham anil Northumberland . Tho Rev . Bro . BEDSUAW expressed a hope that tho Cumbrian Masons Avould attend tho Prov . G . Lodge of Northumberland in October next , lie hoped that day Avould long bo remembered as that on Avhich the Minions took a long walk round the old city of Carlisle . ( Laughter ) .
Bro . DCX . VE ( chief constable ) stated that he Avas a Northumbrian Alason , but intended to transfer himself to that county . He AA-as deeply eonvineed that Masonry benefited men in all capacities of life ; audit ivas remarkable that during an experience of tivcnty years in the public sen-ice hi : had never knoAvn a criminal ivho AA'as a Alason , The D . Pnov . GAL proposed tho AVorshipful Masters of the sister Lodges from Scotland , the St . Androiv ' s and the Caledonian from Annan , and the St . John ' s fi'omThoruliill . He hoped the brethren would give them such a reception as would induce them often to coino across thc border .
The J ) . Pnov . GAL proposed '' The Master and Brethren of the Senioi Lodge of the Province , " Avhich still maintained its pre-eminence among them . Tho AVbitehaven Lodge , No . I- 'IS , had n'ell supported Masonry in the province , and deserved all cordiality and thanks at their hands . Bro . Capt . Si'KXCEii returned thanks ( in the absence of the AALM . ) He AA'as convinced , from AA'hat he saw in his own division of the county , that Masonry was largely on the increase ; and ho was certain that if it ivas better promulgated in the eastern division of the county they AA-ould see
a ten times larger muster of Masons at their meetings iu Carlisle . Unfortunately it had fallen into IOAV Avater in Carlisle , and in this division ; but he had learned Avith pleasure that it was improving , that care harl been taken to select instructors for the Lodges , and that tho numbers Avere increasing . He urged that the Lodges generally should send up as much money as possible to the charities of the Craft . Tho D . Tnov . G . M . tlieii proposed ' -The health of t . hoAVorshipi ' ul Milstor and Brethren of No . " lol Lodge , Kendal , " and hoped I hat a voice would
be , heard from Westmorland . At any rate they would remember Kendal , ivhelhiir Kendal remembered them or no . There wa . s no response ; but it was afterwards explained by a brother present that last Lodge day at Kendal was very ivet , aud the WAL , AVIIO lives out of tho tOAVii , was not present . , and the letters were not opened . The D . Pnov . GAL . then proposed ' ' The AV . M . an . 1 brethren of Lodge No . : ! . '•!) , Carlisle" their hosts to-day . They were greatlobliged
, y to them for the arrangements on the occasion . Bro . HI : YAVOOO , WAL , returned thanks , lie did expect that there would be a larger muster that day ; but ho AA'as thankful for their attendance , and hoped ( hat it Avould advance Masonry in Carlisle , anil that on a future occasion they AA'ould muster in double or treble force . The I ) . Pnov . G . M . then proposed ' -The AVorshipful Master and brethren of Lodge No . -100 , AVigtnn . " The liev . Bro . if w . i . n'AA responded . He .. aid it . had been deputed to
him to reply to that toast , and it had very much puzzled him to think how he should address them , lie unfortunately ASMS but a young Alason , and knoAv very little of Masonry ; but he had been made first an Apprentice , then a Fellow Graft , and next a Master Mason , and if any of them visited Kirkbride they might see some wonderful specimens of
Masonry done by his OAYII skilful hand . At first ho was greatly astonished ; but AA'hen he was made a Master Mason he was perfectly overwhelmed by tho ceremony . But through suffering wo are made perfect ; and from the mental'agony which he experienced he rose a neiv fledged Alason Avith a UOAV light in his soul . He helicA'ed that the AVorshipful Master of Carlisle had led them cloivn Botchergate that day to let tho inhabitants see what good looking folloAvs they were . The D . Pno \ " . G . M . next proposed " The AVorshipful Master and
brethren of Lodge No . 121 , of Penrith" —a capital Lodge , knoAA'ing a great deal of Masonry , and able to speak for themselves . Bro . AVATSON , AVAL , returned thanks . Ho remembered the time when they mot hero that Penrith furnished thc greatest number of members , UOAV it only furnished a comparatively small number . He Avas happy to say that Masomy was progressing iu tho Penrith district . Tho D . Pnov . GAL proposed "The Lodges of Maryport and Longtown . "
Bro . Fo . STEn , AV . M . of Loiigtown , returned thanks . Referring to the absence of the Provincial Grand Master , he sairl that Sir James Graham and his brothers , thelloi's . Bro . Graham and Major Graham , ivero members of tho Lodge at LongtoAvn , and AA-ere ahvays ready to give any assistance that AA-as needed . The D . Pnov . G . M . proposed - ' Tho Eden A alloy Lodge , No . 1 , 011 , of Appleby . " The ( lag of Masonry had but recently been unfurled there , but he ivas happy to say that it -promised to gather many
adherents . Bro . M'NAV , AVAL , returned thanks . They hail eig ht or nine candidates on the list at present . There had been some mention of a Provincial Graud Festis'al at Appleby , and thoy would be most happy to receive them there . Tho company then separated . Betsveon the toasts some excellent songs Avere sung by the brethren .
ESSEX . C ' oj . uiTKSTEH . —Augd Lodge ( No . oO ) . —Bro . John Pattison , one of tho oldest Past Masters of this Lodge , Prov . G . Treas ., and P . Prov . S . G . AV ., having accepted tho invitation of the brethren to fill the AVorshipful Master ' s chair during thc ensuing year , was duly inducted to that position at a Lodge of emergency , called for the purpose , on Tuesday evening last , and , on tho same occasion , the officers of the Lodge -were
appointed and invested , viz .: —Bros . AV . Griffin , PAL , SAV . ; A . E . Church . J . W . ; AV . Slancy , P . M ., Treas . ; AV . AVilliams , PAL , Sec ; T . Hall , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; T . Collier , S . D . ; AV . AVinterbon , J . D . ; 11 . Eliisclon , PAL , and N . Gluekstein , Stoivnrds ; F . Early , I . G . ; J . AVitten , Tyler . On AVednesday afternoon the annual festival of St . John tho Baptist ivas celebrated by a dinner in the Lodge room . Nearly forty brethren were present , including several visitors from tho United LodgeColchester ; Hope LodgeBrightliugsea & e . . The AVALBro .
, , , , Pattison . was in the chair , supported by Bros . Capt . Pender , WAL of the Colchester United Lodge , No . 998 ; Lieut . Onsloiv , No . 99 S ; Taylor Osborne , PAL ; A \ . Slancy , PAL , Treas . ; AV . H . Bland , P . M . ; It . Ellisdon , P . M . ; T . Hall , PAL , Dir . of Cers . ; AV . Griffin , PAL , S . W . ; . lames Cross , P . M .. ; AV . AVilliams , PAL . See . ; A . E . Church , J . AV . ; J . Collier , S . D . ; AV . Winterbon , J . D . ; F . Early , I . G . ; J . Coppin ; J . Saunders ; ii . Miller ; N . Gluekstein ; G . J . Pratt ; 11 . DenboAv ; T . Railing ; and J . Wittcnmembers of the Angel Lodge . A'isitors—G .
, Clarry , WAL , Hope Lodge , Brightliugsea , No . 029 ; J . Webb , PAL , No . 627 ; James Coppin , P . M ., No . 627 ; J . T . Harmer , No . 627 ; G . Cooper ; G . Guivcr ; J . Bromly ; G . D . Croydon , and several others . The loyal toasts having born duly honoured , Tho WAL proposed " Tho Army and NavA ' , " observing that in these stirring times almost
every one , Avhatevcr his occupation , was anxious to qualify himself for a soldier , in case u foreign invader should daro to make a descent upon our shores—an event which he sincerely trusted might never happen , but which they did well to be fully prepared to resist . ( Hear hear ) . At the same time that AVO rejoiced at the volunteering which AA'as going on iu the country , Ave must not forget those i \ 'ho had been our defenders in past years , and who hail enabled this country to attain the very high position Avhich she occupied among the nations of the earth ,
and Avhich , ho trusted , with God ' s blessing Avoiilrl na \ cr be taken from her . lie gave '" The Army and Navy , " with the healths of Bros . Pender , Onsloiv , ie . Capt . pRXDKii rotiirnr . i [ thanks for tho toast , and said it AYHS tin ! proud boast of a I ' . ritish soldier that the army hail ahvays done its duty Avherevei- if had been called upon to act ; and should it ever lie required to repel au invader ho had no doubt it AA'ould be bravely seconded by the volunteer forces of the country . ( Applause ) . The AVAL gave "The health of the Grand Master of England , the Earl of
Zetland , " Avhich AA'as drunk with Masonic honours ; as were the two succeeding toasts— " The Deputy Grand Master , Lord Panmure , " proposed b y Capt . Pender ; and "The Proi'incial Grand Master for Essex , " proposed by Bro . Hall . The AV ' . iW . next proposed "The Worshipful Master , Officers , and lirothreii of the United Lodge , " which he ivas glad to learn was going on prosperously , and he hoped that the good feeling which had hitherto existed betAA'een the I ; AVO Colchester Lodges Avnulil continue to be maintained . ( A lause and honours ) . Bro . I ' KN ' nEi ) in
pp - . icknoAvled ging tho compliment , echoed the Avish of Bro . Pattison , that the most friendly relations would ahi'ays e : < ist between the two Lodges ; and mentioned tho great obligations which his OAVU Lodge AVAS under to several Past Alastors of the Angel Lodge for assistance in its working and ceremonies . ( Hear , hear ) . The SEKIOH AVABDEN ( BIO . Griffin )