Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
M&aOixalIVIasonicBenevolentInstitution m *? FOR AGED FREEMASONS and WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , ffinmu - } J ! ttrmt anfi | 1 mmirnt : —HIS ROYAL HIG-HNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . T ± 1 ! «&! . & L ST K" X "V ! H ! IH # 3 -A . ! If & x * 3 ?* JH ! E > T X V - & L XJ AVILL TAKE PLACE AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , On WEDNESDAY , 21 th FEBRUARY , 1889 ; UPON AVHICH OCCASION The Right Hontale . The EARL OF EUSTON , R . W . Prov . G . M ., Northants . and Hunts ., has been pleased to signify Ms intention of presiding . I ) RETIIIIEX are earnestly invited to aecept tlie Office of SteAvards upon this occasion , anel they will greatly oblige by forwarding their ) names and masonic rank as soon as convenient to the Secretary , Avho Avill gladly give any information requiretl , and supply them with the necessary circulars . \ -c . It is fraternally hoped that upon this occasion , owing to the . large number of applicants and the feAV vacancies , Brethren Avill use their influence to obtain elonations towards the funds of the Institution , which were never more needed than at the present time . Expenditure in Annuities alone , £ 15 , 000 . Permanent income only , £ 3 , 600 . 428 Annuitants on the Funds . 140 Candidates seeking- admission . JAMES TERRY , Vice-Patron , P . G . S . B ., Office : —4 , FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . Secretary .
THESIOBT1IITHESIGHT!ZI WALTERLAWLEY'SCelebratedPantoscopicSpectacles, Fitted Avith Finest Crystal Lenses , 3 / 6 to 10 / 6 per pair . Fitted Avith Best Pebbles , 7 / 6 to 17 / 6 per pair . THE NEW CANADIAN " PINCE-NEZ , " with Improved Cork Racquets , in Light Nickel Steel Frames , 4 / 6 and 7 / 6 per pair ; Pebbles . 7 / 6 , 10 / 6 and 12 / 6 per pair . GOLD SPECTACLES ZLJNT 2 EYE GLASSES , from 21 / - to £ 3 3 / - per pair . The Sight carefully tested . Oculists' Prescriptions carefully carried out . Sole address—WALTER LAWLEY , Oculists' Optician , 78 , Farringdon St ., London , E . C . ESTABLISHEH OVEB lOO "X"E-A-S , S . ROYAL
tf jilh ^ BY HER MAJES TY'S f : ^ pj ^^ Sl LETTERS PATENT . ^ 3BL H^'iSp'•&Jmm£m
V /^ % mt ? BfiHS & B AzS tesb Q 13.C0RNH1LL,E.C. For Prices , see daily papers . Trucks direct from the Colliery to every Railway Station .
I ESTABLISHED 1860 . a.wr^SSric3i3:T7 Carver,GilderandPictureFrameMaker, 15HOLMES'BUILDINGS, LITTLE BELL ALLEY LONDON WALL , E . C . Estimates given foi- Re-gilding Looking Glasses , Picture Frames , Cornices , Sec . Oil Paintings Cleaned , Lined and Restored . Water-Colour Drawings carefully mounted . Experienced Workmen sent to any part . EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FRAMES MADE TO ORDER , li-inch Oak and Gold Frame , 9 d . per foot ; 1-inch do ., Od . per foot ; f-inch do ., 7 d . per foot . I Fancy Pattern Black and Gold Frames , from 6 d . per foot . I Architects' Plans carefully Mounted and Varnished . 8 All Engravings carefully Strained on Stretchers . Paintings and Drawings sold on Commission . Artists' Works Collected and Delivered to the different Galleries . j ALL . ORDERS AK £ > ENQUIRIES PROMPTLY AfTfeMDEfi T 6 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
M&aOixalIVIasonicBenevolentInstitution m *? FOR AGED FREEMASONS and WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , ffinmu - } J ! ttrmt anfi | 1 mmirnt : —HIS ROYAL HIG-HNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . T ± 1 ! «&! . & L ST K" X "V ! H ! IH # 3 -A . ! If & x * 3 ?* JH ! E > T X V - & L XJ AVILL TAKE PLACE AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , On WEDNESDAY , 21 th FEBRUARY , 1889 ; UPON AVHICH OCCASION The Right Hontale . The EARL OF EUSTON , R . W . Prov . G . M ., Northants . and Hunts ., has been pleased to signify Ms intention of presiding . I ) RETIIIIEX are earnestly invited to aecept tlie Office of SteAvards upon this occasion , anel they will greatly oblige by forwarding their ) names and masonic rank as soon as convenient to the Secretary , Avho Avill gladly give any information requiretl , and supply them with the necessary circulars . \ -c . It is fraternally hoped that upon this occasion , owing to the . large number of applicants and the feAV vacancies , Brethren Avill use their influence to obtain elonations towards the funds of the Institution , which were never more needed than at the present time . Expenditure in Annuities alone , £ 15 , 000 . Permanent income only , £ 3 , 600 . 428 Annuitants on the Funds . 140 Candidates seeking- admission . JAMES TERRY , Vice-Patron , P . G . S . B ., Office : —4 , FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . Secretary .
THESIOBT1IITHESIGHT!ZI WALTERLAWLEY'SCelebratedPantoscopicSpectacles, Fitted Avith Finest Crystal Lenses , 3 / 6 to 10 / 6 per pair . Fitted Avith Best Pebbles , 7 / 6 to 17 / 6 per pair . THE NEW CANADIAN " PINCE-NEZ , " with Improved Cork Racquets , in Light Nickel Steel Frames , 4 / 6 and 7 / 6 per pair ; Pebbles . 7 / 6 , 10 / 6 and 12 / 6 per pair . GOLD SPECTACLES ZLJNT 2 EYE GLASSES , from 21 / - to £ 3 3 / - per pair . The Sight carefully tested . Oculists' Prescriptions carefully carried out . Sole address—WALTER LAWLEY , Oculists' Optician , 78 , Farringdon St ., London , E . C . ESTABLISHEH OVEB lOO "X"E-A-S , S . ROYAL
tf jilh ^ BY HER MAJES TY'S f : ^ pj ^^ Sl LETTERS PATENT . ^ 3BL H^'iSp'•&Jmm£m
V /^ % mt ? BfiHS & B AzS tesb Q 13.C0RNH1LL,E.C. For Prices , see daily papers . Trucks direct from the Colliery to every Railway Station .
I ESTABLISHED 1860 . a.wr^SSric3i3:T7 Carver,GilderandPictureFrameMaker, 15HOLMES'BUILDINGS, LITTLE BELL ALLEY LONDON WALL , E . C . Estimates given foi- Re-gilding Looking Glasses , Picture Frames , Cornices , Sec . Oil Paintings Cleaned , Lined and Restored . Water-Colour Drawings carefully mounted . Experienced Workmen sent to any part . EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FRAMES MADE TO ORDER , li-inch Oak and Gold Frame , 9 d . per foot ; 1-inch do ., Od . per foot ; f-inch do ., 7 d . per foot . I Fancy Pattern Black and Gold Frames , from 6 d . per foot . I Architects' Plans carefully Mounted and Varnished . 8 All Engravings carefully Strained on Stretchers . Paintings and Drawings sold on Commission . Artists' Works Collected and Delivered to the different Galleries . j ALL . ORDERS AK £ > ENQUIRIES PROMPTLY AfTfeMDEfi T 6 .