Article We are requested to notify that :- Page 1 of 1 Article COLONIAL MASONIC ITEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article The Masonic "Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article TESTIMONIAL TO BRO. THOMAS POORE. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
A Masonic Ball Avill be held at the Horns Assembly Rooms , Kennington Park . S . E ., on Wednesday next , the IGth inst ., under the patronage of the Royal Victorian Jubilee and Stanley Lodges , Nos . 2184 and 1472 respectively . Bro . Geo . Hughes , Sec . 2184 , 11 , Argyle Road , Leytonstone Road , Stratford , E ., is Hon . Sec . to the Ball Committee .
The Installation Meeting of the Eclectic Lodge , No . 1201 , Bro . A . T . Foreman , W . M ., will be held at the Freemason's Hall . Great Queen Street . London , on Friday next , the 11 th inst ., at 5 . 15 p . m ., Avhen . after other business , Bro . John Leach Barrett , the W . M . elect , will be installed W . M . for the ensuing year . Members are to appear in masonic mourning for the late Bros . Higgs and Johnston .
The ceremony of Installation will be worked by the W . M . and officers of the Eclectic Lodge , in the Great City Lodge of Instruction , meeting at Masons' Hall . Coleman Street , E . C ., on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., at 6 . 30 p . m .
A Lodge of Sorrow in memory of the late Emperor Frederick , and of departed members , will be held this ( Thursday ) evening , at Freemasons' Hall , at ( 5 . 30 p . m ., by the Pilgrim Lodge , No . 238 , and brethren generally are invited to attend .
The Annual Ball of the Albion Lodge , No . Jl . will be held at Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday next , the 17 th inst .. under the auspices of a strong Committee , the Hon . Secretary to which is Bro . Ernest Augustus Hamlyn , of 53 , Cheapside . The installation meeting of the Derwent Lodge , No . 40 . at
Hastings , will be held at the Castle Hotel , Hastings , on Monday the 14 thiinst ., at 3 . 30 p . m ., when Bro . the Rev . J . Puttick , P . Pro . G . Chap ., Avill be installed W . M . for the ensuing year . The banquet will be served at six p . m . Communications should be addressed to the secretary , W . Bro . J . Pearce , P . M ., Cecil House , Ore . Hastings .
The Great City Lodge , No . 1426 , W . Bro . John Seex , P . M ., W . M ., will hold a regular meeting at the Cannon Street Hotel , on Saturday next , the 12 th inst . W . Bro . William Baber , P . M ., secretary , 44 , Gutter Lane , E . C .
A benefit in aid of the funds of the National Thrift Society , available from 21 st to 31 st inst ., has been granted by the lessee of the Royal Princess ' s Theatre . For particulars , see our Advertisement Columns .
The Rosslyn Lodge , No . 1543 , Bro . the Rev . F . B . Shepherd , W . M ., will hold a Lodge of Emergency at the Saracen ' s Head Hotel , Dunmow , Essex , on the 16 th inst ., at 7 p . m ., for the purpose of raising Bro . J . B . Shepherd , Avho is about to proceed to America . The fifth meeting for the present session of the Union Lodge
of Instruction at Leicester Avill be held at the Freemason ' s Hall . Halford Street , Leicester , to-morrow ( Friday ) evening , at 7 . 30 , in the course of Avhich there Avill be an interesting discussion on masonic usages , customs and symbolism . Bro . Alexander Lawrence , Org . 523 , is the Acting Master . The secretary is Bro . J . B . Waring , 523 and 2081 , Prov . G . Steward , 11 , Waterloo Street , Leicester .
The installation meeting of the Chiswick Lodge , No . 2012 , Avill be held at the Star and Garter Hotel , KCAV Bridge , on Monday , the 14 th inst ., when the Rt . Hon . Lord George Hamilton , M . P ., will be installed W . M ., it is said , by the Grand Secretary of England .
Colonial Masonic Items.
SYDNEY . —A meeting was held in the Masonic-hall , Castlereaghstreet , on 16 th November last , when , in celebration of the recentlyachieved masonic unity and the centennial year of the colony , it Avas resolved to establish an orphanage for the children of indigent or deceased Freemasons . Lord Carrington presided , and Avore for the first time his collar of Grand Master of the Grand United Lodge .
Over £ 1 , 000 was subscribed in the hall towards the orphanage fund . The announcement of this liberal contribution Avas received Avith loud applause , and the proceedings closed with a vote of thanks to Lord Carrington and cheers for the Queen and Lady Carrington . Both the M . W . Pro . Grand Master , Dr . Harman Tarrant , and the Deputy Grand Master , Bro . C . F . Stokes . Avere present on this interesting occasion .
The members of Lodge Harmony , Moss Vale , under the United Grand Lodge of NCAV South Wales Freemasons , have presented Senior Deacon Bro . W . Saunders , on his departure for Robertson , with an illuminated address and a Grand Deacon ' s jewel , as a mark of their esteem .
F Many of our sporting brethren may probably be interested in the following paragraph , Avhich we extract from the Sydney Mail : — On the !) th November , the celebrated mare Chrysolite dropped a fine colt foal to Grandmaster , the sire of Ensign , and the Hon . John
Bales has appropriately named the new arrival " The Prince of Wales . " The name is admirably chosen , as his Royal Highness is a " Grandmaster" of the Freemasons , and the colt in question Avas foaled on the anniversary of H . R . H . ' s birthday . It is to be hoped that the colt will folloAvup the coincidence by winning a double .
WILL any brother greatly oblige a P . M . and P . Z . by kindly forwarding to him a spare copy of their Lodge or Chapter summons , as he is endeavouring to form a complete collection of them from No . 1 upwards . —Address , 0 . E . FERRY , 55 , Tregunter Road , South Kensington , S . W . —[ ADVT . ]
The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
The Masonic "Poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected . ) THE TIME TO HATE .
35 V ALICE AVELLIXGTOX ROLLINS . I HAVE a friend—I mean a foe—Whom cordially I ought to hate ; But somehoAv I can never seem
To lay the feud between us straight . When apple boughs are full of bloom . And Nature loves her fellow-men With all the witchery of spring . How can I hate a fellow then . '
And then when summer comes . Avith days Full of a long and languid charm . When even water lilies sleep On waA es , Avithout a thought of harm , When underneath the shadiest tree My hammock hangs in idlest state . I Avere an idiot to get up Out of that hammock just to hate .
The harvests come . If mine is big , I am too happy Avith my store : If small , I ' m too much occupied With grubbing round to make it more . In dim recesses of my mind I have no idle hour to spend In hunting up the bitter foe Who simply ought to be my friend .
In winter . ' Well , in winter—ugh . 'Who Avould add hate to Avinds that freeze . ' All love and warmth that I can get I want in such dull days as these . No , no , dear foe ; it is no use : The struggling year is at an end : I cannot hate you , if I would , And you must turn and be my friend . From the Masonic Ilerieir .
( Ax ACROSTIC SIMILE . ) T here is a rare and radiant star benign , E efulgent , gleaming Avith a constant ray . U nrivall'd in its purity divine , B ver its influence turning night to day .
F ar o ' er our mundane sphere full many a heart K ejoices in a dear and cherish'd hope I n that fair orb . when health and Avealth depart . E ' en when a weary one essays to grope—N o glint of joy pervading his lone way ,
D ownhearted , care-benighted , and oppress'd . S till brighter then gleams out the true star ' s ray : H enceforth from Virtue ' s constellation bless'd , I nspires his soul with joy and leads him on P ointing tho Avay till his dark journey ' s done . A . G . PRICKETT , Sandown . No . 1 S 6 ! I .
Testimonial To Bro. Thomas Poore.
On the 28 th inst ., the above worthy brother was presented with an illuminated address and a purse of money . The presentation took place at the Holborn Restaurant . The address was beautifully illuminated and handsomely framed . It read as follows : "This illuminated A'ellum , together with a purse containing £ 2211 ( is . Sd ., was presented to Bro . Thomas Poore , P . M .. P . Z ., P . M . ( Mark ) .
P . C . N . 18 *' , „ c , at the Holborn Restaurant on Friday , December 28 th , 1888 , in consideration of the long services devoted by him to the cause of Freemasonry , and in recognition of his abilities as an energetic , talented and courteous Preceptor . —Bros . A . Williams , Chairman ; D . P , Cama , Vice-Chairman : II . J . Lardner , Treas . ; and T . C . Walls , Sec . Committee—Bros . G . Allen , J . E . Anderson .
F . T . Bennett , B . R . Bryant , T . Clark , T . Cubitt , Baron deFerrieres G . Graveley , G . Kenning , G . Lambert . G . Lilley , II . Lovegrov . 3 , If B . Marshall , J . L . Mather . C . F . Matier . G . W . Marsden , jun ., W . I ! Palmer , C . Pulman , II . H . Shirley . C . Slater , E . Storr . and R . J Voisey . " The brethren having dined , a few toasts were given . The CHAIRMAN , in presenting the testimonial , made a verv
eloquent speech upon the merits of the recipient . Avho had endeared himself to those Avith Avhom he had been brought in contact . A great many brethren had subscribed to the testimonial , which on the Avhole was a very handsome one . ' He trusted that Bro . Poore would live for many years to extend his circle of usefulness , and that the illuminated address would be cherished bv him and by
those of his relatives Avho survived him . as a heirloom , of more than ordinary interest . Bro . POORE , who was greatly moved and unnerved , managed , however , to express his thanks most warmly to all those Avho had subscribed to the testimonial .
The thanks of the Committee Avere unanimously voted to Bro . George Kenning , who in addition to having subscribed very liberall y to the testimonial , had for nine months alloAved an advertisement of some length , announcing subscriptions , & c , to appear in the columns of the Freemason gratuitously . The proceedings were throughout of a most enthusiastic character .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
A Masonic Ball Avill be held at the Horns Assembly Rooms , Kennington Park . S . E ., on Wednesday next , the IGth inst ., under the patronage of the Royal Victorian Jubilee and Stanley Lodges , Nos . 2184 and 1472 respectively . Bro . Geo . Hughes , Sec . 2184 , 11 , Argyle Road , Leytonstone Road , Stratford , E ., is Hon . Sec . to the Ball Committee .
The Installation Meeting of the Eclectic Lodge , No . 1201 , Bro . A . T . Foreman , W . M ., will be held at the Freemason's Hall . Great Queen Street . London , on Friday next , the 11 th inst ., at 5 . 15 p . m ., Avhen . after other business , Bro . John Leach Barrett , the W . M . elect , will be installed W . M . for the ensuing year . Members are to appear in masonic mourning for the late Bros . Higgs and Johnston .
The ceremony of Installation will be worked by the W . M . and officers of the Eclectic Lodge , in the Great City Lodge of Instruction , meeting at Masons' Hall . Coleman Street , E . C ., on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., at 6 . 30 p . m .
A Lodge of Sorrow in memory of the late Emperor Frederick , and of departed members , will be held this ( Thursday ) evening , at Freemasons' Hall , at ( 5 . 30 p . m ., by the Pilgrim Lodge , No . 238 , and brethren generally are invited to attend .
The Annual Ball of the Albion Lodge , No . Jl . will be held at Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday next , the 17 th inst .. under the auspices of a strong Committee , the Hon . Secretary to which is Bro . Ernest Augustus Hamlyn , of 53 , Cheapside . The installation meeting of the Derwent Lodge , No . 40 . at
Hastings , will be held at the Castle Hotel , Hastings , on Monday the 14 thiinst ., at 3 . 30 p . m ., when Bro . the Rev . J . Puttick , P . Pro . G . Chap ., Avill be installed W . M . for the ensuing year . The banquet will be served at six p . m . Communications should be addressed to the secretary , W . Bro . J . Pearce , P . M ., Cecil House , Ore . Hastings .
The Great City Lodge , No . 1426 , W . Bro . John Seex , P . M ., W . M ., will hold a regular meeting at the Cannon Street Hotel , on Saturday next , the 12 th inst . W . Bro . William Baber , P . M ., secretary , 44 , Gutter Lane , E . C .
A benefit in aid of the funds of the National Thrift Society , available from 21 st to 31 st inst ., has been granted by the lessee of the Royal Princess ' s Theatre . For particulars , see our Advertisement Columns .
The Rosslyn Lodge , No . 1543 , Bro . the Rev . F . B . Shepherd , W . M ., will hold a Lodge of Emergency at the Saracen ' s Head Hotel , Dunmow , Essex , on the 16 th inst ., at 7 p . m ., for the purpose of raising Bro . J . B . Shepherd , Avho is about to proceed to America . The fifth meeting for the present session of the Union Lodge
of Instruction at Leicester Avill be held at the Freemason ' s Hall . Halford Street , Leicester , to-morrow ( Friday ) evening , at 7 . 30 , in the course of Avhich there Avill be an interesting discussion on masonic usages , customs and symbolism . Bro . Alexander Lawrence , Org . 523 , is the Acting Master . The secretary is Bro . J . B . Waring , 523 and 2081 , Prov . G . Steward , 11 , Waterloo Street , Leicester .
The installation meeting of the Chiswick Lodge , No . 2012 , Avill be held at the Star and Garter Hotel , KCAV Bridge , on Monday , the 14 th inst ., when the Rt . Hon . Lord George Hamilton , M . P ., will be installed W . M ., it is said , by the Grand Secretary of England .
Colonial Masonic Items.
SYDNEY . —A meeting was held in the Masonic-hall , Castlereaghstreet , on 16 th November last , when , in celebration of the recentlyachieved masonic unity and the centennial year of the colony , it Avas resolved to establish an orphanage for the children of indigent or deceased Freemasons . Lord Carrington presided , and Avore for the first time his collar of Grand Master of the Grand United Lodge .
Over £ 1 , 000 was subscribed in the hall towards the orphanage fund . The announcement of this liberal contribution Avas received Avith loud applause , and the proceedings closed with a vote of thanks to Lord Carrington and cheers for the Queen and Lady Carrington . Both the M . W . Pro . Grand Master , Dr . Harman Tarrant , and the Deputy Grand Master , Bro . C . F . Stokes . Avere present on this interesting occasion .
The members of Lodge Harmony , Moss Vale , under the United Grand Lodge of NCAV South Wales Freemasons , have presented Senior Deacon Bro . W . Saunders , on his departure for Robertson , with an illuminated address and a Grand Deacon ' s jewel , as a mark of their esteem .
F Many of our sporting brethren may probably be interested in the following paragraph , Avhich we extract from the Sydney Mail : — On the !) th November , the celebrated mare Chrysolite dropped a fine colt foal to Grandmaster , the sire of Ensign , and the Hon . John
Bales has appropriately named the new arrival " The Prince of Wales . " The name is admirably chosen , as his Royal Highness is a " Grandmaster" of the Freemasons , and the colt in question Avas foaled on the anniversary of H . R . H . ' s birthday . It is to be hoped that the colt will folloAvup the coincidence by winning a double .
WILL any brother greatly oblige a P . M . and P . Z . by kindly forwarding to him a spare copy of their Lodge or Chapter summons , as he is endeavouring to form a complete collection of them from No . 1 upwards . —Address , 0 . E . FERRY , 55 , Tregunter Road , South Kensington , S . W . —[ ADVT . ]
The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
The Masonic "Poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected . ) THE TIME TO HATE .
35 V ALICE AVELLIXGTOX ROLLINS . I HAVE a friend—I mean a foe—Whom cordially I ought to hate ; But somehoAv I can never seem
To lay the feud between us straight . When apple boughs are full of bloom . And Nature loves her fellow-men With all the witchery of spring . How can I hate a fellow then . '
And then when summer comes . Avith days Full of a long and languid charm . When even water lilies sleep On waA es , Avithout a thought of harm , When underneath the shadiest tree My hammock hangs in idlest state . I Avere an idiot to get up Out of that hammock just to hate .
The harvests come . If mine is big , I am too happy Avith my store : If small , I ' m too much occupied With grubbing round to make it more . In dim recesses of my mind I have no idle hour to spend In hunting up the bitter foe Who simply ought to be my friend .
In winter . ' Well , in winter—ugh . 'Who Avould add hate to Avinds that freeze . ' All love and warmth that I can get I want in such dull days as these . No , no , dear foe ; it is no use : The struggling year is at an end : I cannot hate you , if I would , And you must turn and be my friend . From the Masonic Ilerieir .
( Ax ACROSTIC SIMILE . ) T here is a rare and radiant star benign , E efulgent , gleaming Avith a constant ray . U nrivall'd in its purity divine , B ver its influence turning night to day .
F ar o ' er our mundane sphere full many a heart K ejoices in a dear and cherish'd hope I n that fair orb . when health and Avealth depart . E ' en when a weary one essays to grope—N o glint of joy pervading his lone way ,
D ownhearted , care-benighted , and oppress'd . S till brighter then gleams out the true star ' s ray : H enceforth from Virtue ' s constellation bless'd , I nspires his soul with joy and leads him on P ointing tho Avay till his dark journey ' s done . A . G . PRICKETT , Sandown . No . 1 S 6 ! I .
Testimonial To Bro. Thomas Poore.
On the 28 th inst ., the above worthy brother was presented with an illuminated address and a purse of money . The presentation took place at the Holborn Restaurant . The address was beautifully illuminated and handsomely framed . It read as follows : "This illuminated A'ellum , together with a purse containing £ 2211 ( is . Sd ., was presented to Bro . Thomas Poore , P . M .. P . Z ., P . M . ( Mark ) .
P . C . N . 18 *' , „ c , at the Holborn Restaurant on Friday , December 28 th , 1888 , in consideration of the long services devoted by him to the cause of Freemasonry , and in recognition of his abilities as an energetic , talented and courteous Preceptor . —Bros . A . Williams , Chairman ; D . P , Cama , Vice-Chairman : II . J . Lardner , Treas . ; and T . C . Walls , Sec . Committee—Bros . G . Allen , J . E . Anderson .
F . T . Bennett , B . R . Bryant , T . Clark , T . Cubitt , Baron deFerrieres G . Graveley , G . Kenning , G . Lambert . G . Lilley , II . Lovegrov . 3 , If B . Marshall , J . L . Mather . C . F . Matier . G . W . Marsden , jun ., W . I ! Palmer , C . Pulman , II . H . Shirley . C . Slater , E . Storr . and R . J Voisey . " The brethren having dined , a few toasts were given . The CHAIRMAN , in presenting the testimonial , made a verv
eloquent speech upon the merits of the recipient . Avho had endeared himself to those Avith Avhom he had been brought in contact . A great many brethren had subscribed to the testimonial , which on the Avhole was a very handsome one . ' He trusted that Bro . Poore would live for many years to extend his circle of usefulness , and that the illuminated address would be cherished bv him and by
those of his relatives Avho survived him . as a heirloom , of more than ordinary interest . Bro . POORE , who was greatly moved and unnerved , managed , however , to express his thanks most warmly to all those Avho had subscribed to the testimonial .
The thanks of the Committee Avere unanimously voted to Bro . George Kenning , who in addition to having subscribed very liberall y to the testimonial , had for nine months alloAved an advertisement of some length , announcing subscriptions , & c , to appear in the columns of the Freemason gratuitously . The proceedings were throughout of a most enthusiastic character .