Article Original Correspondence. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTIONS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTIONS. Page 1 of 1 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , Will you kindly inform me if a lodge can be considered as dulj opened and working in proper form without tho ' three lessei
lights being illuminated and in position . ' A controversy has arisen amongst members of the lodge in which I hold office as J . AV . on the subject , and opinions vary . Yours fraternally . Jan . 4 . 1889 . CORINTHIAN .
- ' .. * We hare never been in a lodge ' at work" wherein the lights you refer to hare been otherwise than in position and- acting . Of course we speak of English lodges . But we hart- some sort of remembrance that within the past two or three years tee read of a decision of a Grand Master of one of the ( fraud . Lodges in the United States to the contrary effect . If you or other brethren should- think the matter worth while , we will search for , and if we find them , communicate the particulars . —ED . M . S .
DEAR SIR AXD BROTHER , As several letters upon the above-mentioned subjects have appeared in your columns since my letter of the Gth December , may I be permitted to say a few Avords in reference thereto . ' " An old P . M . " has made an excellent suggestion as to the holding of lodges
at places that are not hotels or public houses , and for this he has been somewhat severely taken to task by Bro . Charlie Woods . True it is that the carrying out of the idea may present A ery considerable difficulties , but surely , amongst Freemasons , that is not , to be held as an argument against its adoption ! Even the most enthusiastic reformer is well aware that
reformshowever greatly needed they may be—are matters of time , but he also knows that , once start . d , they frequently make rapid progress , and doubtless there are very many P . M . ' s who would heartily Avelcome the reform alluded to by your correspondent , though they may prefer leaving the matter to be taken up by junior members of the craft Avho have the requisite time , energv and reformer ' s
devotion to deal with the question as it ought to be dealt with . Probably a good step forward in the right direction Avould be a numerously signed petition to Grand Lodge , requesting Grand Lodge officers either to give the matter their careful consideration , or appoint a committee to consider the pros and eons of the whole question . Should this suggestion find favour amongst the readers
of this letter , I should be happy to prepare such petition , and receive signatures thereto . One other suggestion I would make , and that is , that temperance and total abstinence members of the craft should hold a quarterly meeting for the purpose of discussing matters connected with
" Freemasonry , Temperance and Thrift . " Not discussing them in any narrowminded spirit , but in some such broad and Catholic manner as would approve itself to Bro . Woods , and to every other member of the temperance community of Freemasons . 1 . Finsbury Circus , E . G .. Yours fraternally . 7 th January , 1889 . THOS . BOWDEN GREEN . 158
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
T . —Ynn ask its ' -who is the authorised manufacturer of jubilee jewels V Of our own knowledge we cannot tell yon . We feel sure , however , That an enquiry at Grand Secretary's Ollice would have attention , and the information afforded would be reliable , as coming from the only proper and oiiicial source . II . M . AV ., SYIINHV , N . S . W . —Thanks for paper transmitted . Note our change of address .
The Royal Masonic Institutions.
By the courtesy of the secretaries of the several Masonic Institutions Ave are enabled to place before our readers the following official information relating to RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR 1888 .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . Donations and subscriptions , including £ 1 , 050 for special presentation from Province of Kent . and £ 105 as a special donation from Grand
unapter C 44 . 0 G 0 14 11 Dividends l . i ) 7 S 13 5 Grand Lodge 150 0 0 Do . do . Special 2 , 000 0 0 Grand Chapter 10 \ Q <> Interest on deposit ... ... ... ] 12 I 0 Three admissions by annual payment 150 ( I 0 Music
money ... ... 177 <( o Sale of piano , ko . ... ... 17 H Q Do . Subscribers' lists ... 2 2 0
£ 49 , 259 4 4 ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . Donations and subscriptions C 9 . 384 3 G Grant of United Grand . Lodge I , "i 0 0 0 Do . Supreme Grand Chapter 10 10 0 Music fees 87 3 0
... Dividends G 57 \< j ] i Special Grant per United Grand Lodge 2 , 000 0 0 Sale of lists of subscribers 3 0 0
£ 12 , 293 2 5
The Royal Masonic Institutions.
Donations and Subscriptions ... ... ... ... £ 14 , 982 8 9 Dividends ... " 2 . 253 8 9 Grand Chapter 150 0 0 Graud Lodge 1 . 000 0 0 Do . Special 2 , 000 O 0 Interest on cash at deposit ... ... ... ... 175 17 1 Legacy 200 0 0 £ 21 , 3 ( 51 15 1
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
ALL communications should be forwarded to 59 , Moor Lane , Fore Street . E . G ., London . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to the EDITOR ; and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS .
At the last meeting of the Old Concord Lodge , No . 172 , held at the Freemasons' Hall . Bro . George Evans , of Hart Street , Bloomsbury , was installed Worshipful Master for the ensuing year .
Bro . yEneas J . Mclntyre , Q , C , Past Grand ! Warden , and Past Grand Registrar , has been appointed Judge of the Oxford County Court Circuit .
W . Bro . John Seex , P . M .. W . M . of the Great City Lodge , No . 1426 , will represent that lodge as steward at the next festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys .
ALLIANCE LODGE—No . 1827—Bro . Henry Clarke , CO ., W . M . — At tho Guildhall Tavern , B . C ., on the 3 rd inst .. it Avas decided to invite to a banquet in March next Bros , the Lord Mayor , Alderman and Sheriff Gray , and Sheriff Newton .
The continued issue of the useful Calendar and Directory of the province of Middlesex has been undertaken by the lately appointed Prov . Grand Secretary , W . Bro . Howard II . Room in conjunction with Bro . W . H . Lee , and it is announced that the edition for the present year will be ready very shortly .
The foundation stone of an obelisk at Dennis Hill , PadstoAv , Cornwall , to commemorate the Jubilee of the Queen , Avas laid with full Masonic ceremony on the first inst ., a large number of the most influential brethren of the province of Cornwall being present on the occasion .
Our worthy and talented Bro . Henry J . Whymper , author of " The Religion of Freemasonry , " from the pages of which work , by kind permission of its editor , we have lately largely quoted , has been made a Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire .
A ball Avill take place at the Concert Hall , Hastings , on the IGth inst . The Duke of Connaught and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Gerald Ford , are among the patrons . The authorities have given permission to use the rooms of the Ladies' College , which
adjoins the Concert Hall , on the evening of the ball . The supper and refreshments will be provided by Messrs . Vidler and Co ., the well-known caterers , of St . Leonards . The band of the Roval
Artillery has been secured , through the kindness of the colonel commanding the regiment , and the proceeds of the ball will go to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution .
PRESS EXCHANGES AND BOOKS RECEIVED . The Liberal Freemason for December , 1888 , Edited by Bro . Alfred F . Chapman , Boston , Mass . : Freemasons' Chronicle , Nov ., ( Sydney , N . S . W . )—Society . —The Iuieph % —Vol . viii ., No . 1 .
OLD MASOXIAXS . —A very pleasant social evening was spent by the members and friends of this association on Friday last , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Bro . S . R . Speight in the chair . The programme opened with an overture on the piano , " The Knight ' s Grand March " ( Carl Volti ) , which was very ably rendered by Mr . E . A . Morris , who later in the eA ening also played the " Stephanie
Gavotte . " Mr . Arthur J . Gordon sung "The Old Flag , " and obtained well merited applause , as did also Mr . F . E . Buckland , for his rendering of " The Quaker , " and " The King ' s Own . " Mr . A . Stephenson gave " The Pilot ' s Daughter , " and Mr . Light " Love ' s Proving . " Mr . C . Heward Uwins . in " The Vagabond , " did not appear at his best , but was nevertheless well received . The comic element was well represented by Mr . Whiteley , who was recalled
after each of his songs , and by Mr . AV . J . Packer , who kindly volunteered , in . the unavoidable absence of Mr . Leonard T . Heness . Recitations were ably given by Bro . AV . A . G lass . Mr . R . Harold Williams , and Mr . F . L . Seurr . We understand that Mr . Alfred Watkins . lion , sec , presides at the next social , to be held on the 18 th inst ., and we hope a good number will show an appreciation of his services by attending and supporting him on this occasion .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , Will you kindly inform me if a lodge can be considered as dulj opened and working in proper form without tho ' three lessei
lights being illuminated and in position . ' A controversy has arisen amongst members of the lodge in which I hold office as J . AV . on the subject , and opinions vary . Yours fraternally . Jan . 4 . 1889 . CORINTHIAN .
- ' .. * We hare never been in a lodge ' at work" wherein the lights you refer to hare been otherwise than in position and- acting . Of course we speak of English lodges . But we hart- some sort of remembrance that within the past two or three years tee read of a decision of a Grand Master of one of the ( fraud . Lodges in the United States to the contrary effect . If you or other brethren should- think the matter worth while , we will search for , and if we find them , communicate the particulars . —ED . M . S .
DEAR SIR AXD BROTHER , As several letters upon the above-mentioned subjects have appeared in your columns since my letter of the Gth December , may I be permitted to say a few Avords in reference thereto . ' " An old P . M . " has made an excellent suggestion as to the holding of lodges
at places that are not hotels or public houses , and for this he has been somewhat severely taken to task by Bro . Charlie Woods . True it is that the carrying out of the idea may present A ery considerable difficulties , but surely , amongst Freemasons , that is not , to be held as an argument against its adoption ! Even the most enthusiastic reformer is well aware that
reformshowever greatly needed they may be—are matters of time , but he also knows that , once start . d , they frequently make rapid progress , and doubtless there are very many P . M . ' s who would heartily Avelcome the reform alluded to by your correspondent , though they may prefer leaving the matter to be taken up by junior members of the craft Avho have the requisite time , energv and reformer ' s
devotion to deal with the question as it ought to be dealt with . Probably a good step forward in the right direction Avould be a numerously signed petition to Grand Lodge , requesting Grand Lodge officers either to give the matter their careful consideration , or appoint a committee to consider the pros and eons of the whole question . Should this suggestion find favour amongst the readers
of this letter , I should be happy to prepare such petition , and receive signatures thereto . One other suggestion I would make , and that is , that temperance and total abstinence members of the craft should hold a quarterly meeting for the purpose of discussing matters connected with
" Freemasonry , Temperance and Thrift . " Not discussing them in any narrowminded spirit , but in some such broad and Catholic manner as would approve itself to Bro . Woods , and to every other member of the temperance community of Freemasons . 1 . Finsbury Circus , E . G .. Yours fraternally . 7 th January , 1889 . THOS . BOWDEN GREEN . 158
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
T . —Ynn ask its ' -who is the authorised manufacturer of jubilee jewels V Of our own knowledge we cannot tell yon . We feel sure , however , That an enquiry at Grand Secretary's Ollice would have attention , and the information afforded would be reliable , as coming from the only proper and oiiicial source . II . M . AV ., SYIINHV , N . S . W . —Thanks for paper transmitted . Note our change of address .
The Royal Masonic Institutions.
By the courtesy of the secretaries of the several Masonic Institutions Ave are enabled to place before our readers the following official information relating to RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR 1888 .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . Donations and subscriptions , including £ 1 , 050 for special presentation from Province of Kent . and £ 105 as a special donation from Grand
unapter C 44 . 0 G 0 14 11 Dividends l . i ) 7 S 13 5 Grand Lodge 150 0 0 Do . do . Special 2 , 000 0 0 Grand Chapter 10 \ Q <> Interest on deposit ... ... ... ] 12 I 0 Three admissions by annual payment 150 ( I 0 Music
money ... ... 177 <( o Sale of piano , ko . ... ... 17 H Q Do . Subscribers' lists ... 2 2 0
£ 49 , 259 4 4 ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . Donations and subscriptions C 9 . 384 3 G Grant of United Grand . Lodge I , "i 0 0 0 Do . Supreme Grand Chapter 10 10 0 Music fees 87 3 0
... Dividends G 57 \< j ] i Special Grant per United Grand Lodge 2 , 000 0 0 Sale of lists of subscribers 3 0 0
£ 12 , 293 2 5
The Royal Masonic Institutions.
Donations and Subscriptions ... ... ... ... £ 14 , 982 8 9 Dividends ... " 2 . 253 8 9 Grand Chapter 150 0 0 Graud Lodge 1 . 000 0 0 Do . Special 2 , 000 O 0 Interest on cash at deposit ... ... ... ... 175 17 1 Legacy 200 0 0 £ 21 , 3 ( 51 15 1
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
ALL communications should be forwarded to 59 , Moor Lane , Fore Street . E . G ., London . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to the EDITOR ; and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS .
At the last meeting of the Old Concord Lodge , No . 172 , held at the Freemasons' Hall . Bro . George Evans , of Hart Street , Bloomsbury , was installed Worshipful Master for the ensuing year .
Bro . yEneas J . Mclntyre , Q , C , Past Grand ! Warden , and Past Grand Registrar , has been appointed Judge of the Oxford County Court Circuit .
W . Bro . John Seex , P . M .. W . M . of the Great City Lodge , No . 1426 , will represent that lodge as steward at the next festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys .
ALLIANCE LODGE—No . 1827—Bro . Henry Clarke , CO ., W . M . — At tho Guildhall Tavern , B . C ., on the 3 rd inst .. it Avas decided to invite to a banquet in March next Bros , the Lord Mayor , Alderman and Sheriff Gray , and Sheriff Newton .
The continued issue of the useful Calendar and Directory of the province of Middlesex has been undertaken by the lately appointed Prov . Grand Secretary , W . Bro . Howard II . Room in conjunction with Bro . W . H . Lee , and it is announced that the edition for the present year will be ready very shortly .
The foundation stone of an obelisk at Dennis Hill , PadstoAv , Cornwall , to commemorate the Jubilee of the Queen , Avas laid with full Masonic ceremony on the first inst ., a large number of the most influential brethren of the province of Cornwall being present on the occasion .
Our worthy and talented Bro . Henry J . Whymper , author of " The Religion of Freemasonry , " from the pages of which work , by kind permission of its editor , we have lately largely quoted , has been made a Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire .
A ball Avill take place at the Concert Hall , Hastings , on the IGth inst . The Duke of Connaught and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Gerald Ford , are among the patrons . The authorities have given permission to use the rooms of the Ladies' College , which
adjoins the Concert Hall , on the evening of the ball . The supper and refreshments will be provided by Messrs . Vidler and Co ., the well-known caterers , of St . Leonards . The band of the Roval
Artillery has been secured , through the kindness of the colonel commanding the regiment , and the proceeds of the ball will go to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution .
PRESS EXCHANGES AND BOOKS RECEIVED . The Liberal Freemason for December , 1888 , Edited by Bro . Alfred F . Chapman , Boston , Mass . : Freemasons' Chronicle , Nov ., ( Sydney , N . S . W . )—Society . —The Iuieph % —Vol . viii ., No . 1 .
OLD MASOXIAXS . —A very pleasant social evening was spent by the members and friends of this association on Friday last , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Bro . S . R . Speight in the chair . The programme opened with an overture on the piano , " The Knight ' s Grand March " ( Carl Volti ) , which was very ably rendered by Mr . E . A . Morris , who later in the eA ening also played the " Stephanie
Gavotte . " Mr . Arthur J . Gordon sung "The Old Flag , " and obtained well merited applause , as did also Mr . F . E . Buckland , for his rendering of " The Quaker , " and " The King ' s Own . " Mr . A . Stephenson gave " The Pilot ' s Daughter , " and Mr . Light " Love ' s Proving . " Mr . C . Heward Uwins . in " The Vagabond , " did not appear at his best , but was nevertheless well received . The comic element was well represented by Mr . Whiteley , who was recalled
after each of his songs , and by Mr . AV . J . Packer , who kindly volunteered , in . the unavoidable absence of Mr . Leonard T . Heness . Recitations were ably given by Bro . AV . A . G lass . Mr . R . Harold Williams , and Mr . F . L . Seurr . We understand that Mr . Alfred Watkins . lion , sec , presides at the next social , to be held on the 18 th inst ., and we hope a good number will show an appreciation of his services by attending and supporting him on this occasion .