Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGES OF INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGES OF INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
PADSTOAY , Coimv . u . i ,. —The inslallatiou meeting of St . Pel roc Lodge , Xo . 17 S 5 , was held in the Masonic Rooms , l ' adstow , on the -lib inst . A large number of the members of the lodge attended . Among the visitors were Bros . T . Hawken , P . M . 330 , P . P . G . S . W . ; . 1 . Donev , P . AI . S 5 G , P . P . D . G . D . C . ; R . lionev , AA ' . Al . 195-1 ; J . Robins , J . AV . 105-1 ; C . lirewer , J . D . 1529 ; H . Riekard , 0 . 1529 ; J . 11 . Polkhniliorno , 1 C 9 G ; . 1 . Harvey , 1847 ; G . Anderson , 195-1 ; J . 11 . Hewitt , 195-1 . The W . M . Elect , Ilro . Major C . It . Pridoaux-Brunc , was duly installed according to ancient , custom , and with full and ably performed ceremonial bv Ilro . AV . II . Pope , P . AI ., assisted
bv the Past . Masters of the lodge . The following installed masters were present AV . Bros . T . Hawken , P . P . G . S . AV .: J . Honev , P . P . D . G . D . C .: F . lirav , P . P . G . Purst . AV . 11 . Roberts , P . P . G . Steward ; AV . II . Martyn , AV . II . Pope , F . G . Harding , J . Stribley , AV . II . Martyn , Jtm . ; R . Bouncy . Pro . AV . II . Martyn , jun ., was invested as I . P . M ., and the AV . M . appointed and invested the following as his officers : — Bros . J . R . Williams , S . AV . ; It . S . Langford , J . AV . ; Rev . J . J . ' Mnrlev , Chaplain ; I <\ Bray , P . AI ., P . P . G . Purst ., Treas . ; AV . 11 . Pope , P . AI ., Sec : P . Blake , S . D . ; . Ino . Hawken , J . D . ; 11 . 1 <\ Marlcv , D . C . ; G . B . Striblov , O . ; AV . Philp , I . G .: W . Williams
and AV . 11 . Pope , Jun . Snvds . ; J . D . Lobb , Tyler . The Installing Master explained to each ollicer what his duties were , and delivered the usual addresses very impressively . At the close of the business the brethren attended a banquet- tit the St . Pctroe Private Hotel . Bro . Major C . R . Pridcuux-Brune , AV . M ., presided , and the customary loyal and masonic toasts were ably proposed and responded to . During the evening several of the brethren contributed songs and recitations . The whole of the proceedings of the installation meeting reflected great- credit on the AV . M . and Hie ollicers and brethren concerned in carrying out the arrangements .
THE JOPPA CHAPTER ( XO . 1 SS ) , held its Installation Meeting at the Albion Hotel , Aldersgate Street , on Monday , the 28 th ult ., when Comp . Lewis M . Myers , C . C ., was installed as M . E . Z ., and the following members were nvested : Comps . II . P . Isaac , 11 . ; J . W . Dcwsnap , J . ; . 1 . Lazarus , P . Z ., Treasurer ( re-invested ); M . I . Emanuel , P . Z . S . E . ( re-invested ) : J . Myers ( Brother of the M . E . Z . ) , S . N . The visitors included Comps . Sir John Mohcktnn , P . G . P . S ., Dr .
Lloyd ( 1319 ) , D . Lazarus ( Jerusalem ) , and Bernard Abrahams . Subsequently to the ceremony of installation , which was performed by Comp . AV . Littaur , P . Z ., ' the chapter was closed , and the members adjourned to a banquet , presided over by the M . E . Z . Sir John Monckton , in replying to a toast , said that on reading the Charter of the Chapter he found that it was within live years of its jubilee , and he was pleased , although somewhat surprised to see sitting at the banquet , table , its lirst M . E . Z . and Founder . —JIWASIL Chronicle .
Hoxouil AM ) FRIENDSHIP —No . 12 G 0 . —Blandford , Xov . 20 , 1888—Bro . G . E . Turner , AV . M . —Installation . Bro . A . AVilkins was installed AV . M . for the ensuing year by Bro . G . E . Tumor , and the following brethren were appointed officers for the year : —Bros . R . Milner , S . AV . ; AV . AA'atts , J . AV . ; A . Cherry . S . D . ; AV . Alexander , J . D . ; H . Curtis , l . G . ; E . Skivington , Org . ; 1 . Brymor , Chaplain ; AA . Strickland , Director of Ceremonies . The installation Banquet which followed gave great satisfaction . Songs , ducts and quartettes here proved an attractive addition .
. STOun A ' Aiai . EY LOUUE—No . 122-1 . —In our issue for November 22 nd , wo reported the installation meeting of this lodge at Sudbury , and mentioned the presentation to Bro . AV . Inglis Mason , M . I ) ., P . M ., of a Past Master ' s jewel , which we spoke of as being "certainly one of the best wo have seen for a long time . " Our opinion appears to be endorsed by the local paper , which thus describe ; the jewel , an engraving of which we are pleased to have the opportunity of presenting to our readers : — "The jewel , which was sub- _
emblem of his office of AVorcmblcm of his office of AVorshipful Master , and is elaboratcly chased and jewelled with four brilliants . The top of the hanger is surmounted
scribed for by the brethren of the lodge and presented to the retiring AV . M ., Bro . AV . Inglis Mason , was of a most chaste and elaborate design ,
and bore an appropriate inscription . The ribbon on which it is suspended bears a fine gold escutcheon , with
the borough arms enamelled heraidicallysurmountedwith Bro . Mason ' s crest . The Jewel itself is shaped as an
with the crown , the base of which is also jewelled with rubies and diamonds . The whole jewel , with its pendant
is a splendid specimen of the masonic jeweller ' s art , by Ilro . Lamb , of St . John ' s Square , London . ' '
TEMPI , ] -: —NO . 058 . —On Tuesday , the -1 th Inst ., at the Masonic Nail , Folkestone . — The following extract from a letter from a correspondent is , in our opinion , of sufficient interest for insertion , verb , ct lit . After a few remarks , and stating that he had visited the above-named lodge , he writes : — " In ihe lirst- place , 1 was struck by the size ami general appearance of the lodge room . It seemed to me to l ? ave nothing to be desired ; was well furnished and complete , even to an organ ( American ) in a recess or chamber in the rear of the S . AV . ' s chair . There was a goodlv number of brethren of the lodge present , and several visitors , altogether
about 60 . I send you a summons , and also a copy of the by-laws , which in thenis _ 'lves are interesting , as the subscription is more reasonable than that of any 1 ) , lge with which I am acquainted . Alter the lodge had . been duly opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and continued , a ballot was taken for b : nh candidates together , in a manner I had never seen before . The procedure was as follows : —First , the ballot box was submitted for the inspection of the AV . Af ., then locked ( the key being retained by the Master ) , and placed on a small table behind a screen in the X . E . corner of the room . The D . C . then called
upon the Master , P . AI . 's , ollicers and brethren in rotation to record their votes , which having been done , the box was again taken to the AV . M ., unlocked , and the ballot declared unanimous in favour of the candidates . Air . A . II . Gardner was introduced in due form , and the ceremony of initiation proceeded with up to the "Investment . " Lodge was then " called off" and light refreshment ( sandwiches , ic . ) partaken of , and , after a brief interval , " called on , " and the second candidate , Mr . . 1 . P . Sains , introduced and initiated up to the same point as the lirst . Both were then taken together to the end of the cereinonv , the charge being
exceptionally well given by one of Uie P . AI . ' s . A portrait of Bro . 11 . Stock , the ( ddest P . M . of the lodge ( he was AV . Af . in 1857 ) , was then presented to the lodge , in an excellent-speech , by the Director of Ceremonies , Bro . G . L . Hart , P . M ., and Bro . Stock returned thanks in an eloquent and most feeling address . The lodge was then closed in due form . I have spun this out much longer than I had intended , and I will only add in conclusion that all the ollicers were present . Bro . AVm . Dunk , AV . M ., and a very excellent list of officers tliev are , the work of
the lodge having been thoroughly well done throughout . On the whole it was a most enjoyable and instructive evening . There was no banquet , but after the work was ' done , many of the members indulged in the usual amusements ordinarily to be found in a club . The . Masonic Hall and Club belongs to a Company , and ail tie members are masons . The brethren of Folkestone are to be ' eongratu-1 ited on having a lodge so excellent in its appointments , ollicers , and evidently correct working of masonic ritual and ceremonial . -En . M . S .
BARNARD LODOE—No . 1230 .-- On Friday , the 7 th inst ., at Barnard Castle , Bro lo cph Hanby Holmes , S . AV ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year Ilro . H . ( , ' . Al . ' t ' ooke was again re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Colonr-Sorgeaiit C Todd . Tvler . Installation meeting will take place on the lirst Kridav in Januarv
Lodges Of Instruction.
Sot'TJiWAHK— No . 879 . —The annual dinner of this Lodge of Instruction took place at the Sir Garnet AVolselcy Tavern . Rotherhithe New Road , S . H ., on Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., lire . AV . Beavis , P . AI . 879 , AV . AI . 1310 , P . G . P . Middx ., Preceptor , in the chair . About forty brethren sat down at the appointed hour , and after an excellent meal , well served by Bro . G . AS' . Day , tlie host , a very pleasant evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all present , under the genial presidency of the chairman . Songs and recitations were numerous , and the brethren separated with best wishes for further happy reunions .
Lodges Of Instruction.
ItAN'RTiAoir . — No . 831 . —On Friday , the 7 th inst ., at the Six Bells Hotel , Queen Street , Hammersmith . —Bro . V . Cra ' ggs , AA' . AI . —Bros . A . AVIIIiams , S . AV . and Treas . ; 14 . Lucas , I . W . ; James Sims , P . AI ., Preceptor ; II . Purdue , P . M . and Sec . pro . tern . ; G . 14 . Higginson , S . D .: J . 0 . AValker , . 1 . 1 ) . ; 11 . Cotton , l . G . ; also Bro . ? . K . H . Williams , P . M . and P . P . G .. I . D . Middx ., J . Il . Cmnnihur . P . M ., John Davies , Leonard
Cox , M . It . Rico , and Stounill . The ceremony of Passing was rehearsed , Bro . Price as Candidate . The ceremony of raising ' was also rehearse . 1 , Bro . Cox as Candidate . Bro . A . AA'illiams was e ' lecte 1 W . M . for the next meeting . The principal ollicci were lllled on this occasion by members of the Alother Lodge , which speaks well for the kindly feeling they have towards its Preceptor , Bro . Sims , one of their Past Masters .
ROYAL ARTHUR —No . 1300 . —On the Gth inst ., at , the Prince of AVales' Hotel . AViniblcdon . —Bro . AVing , W . M . —Bros . Shellv , S . AA . ; Salter , J . AA .: Cause , S . D . Magcr , P . M ., J . D . ; Jolliffe , I . G . : AV . H . AVinglield , P . M ., Sec : Holmes , Bond , Streeter , Britten , AVade and Sineal . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and proliciency proved by Bro . Holmes . The ceremony of Raising was then rehearsed , the traditional history being given . Bro . Shelly , S . AA' ., was unanimously elected AV . M . for the ensuing week . CHEAT CITY . —NO . 1-126 . —On Thursdav . the Gth inst ., at Masons' Hall Tavern E . G . —Ilro . Gwyn , W . Af .-Bro ; . H . G . tskin , S . AV . ; AV . Bromhcad , J . AA . ; Stells ,
S . D .: Surridge , J . I ) .: B . Price , I . G . ; J . K . Pitt , Acting Preceptor : AV . J . Ball . Secretary : F . Rush , II . J . AVhitehouse , I . L . Barrett , T . F . Smith , J . Tattersall , and I . Lazarus . The lodge was opened in the Three Degrees , and the ceremony of "Raising" rehearsed , Bro . F . Lazarus being the candidate . On the unanimous vote of the brethren present , the AA . AI . of the "Eclectic" Lodge was invited to work the ceremony of installation in January next . A ballot for the Benevolent Fund was held , Bros . F . Hush and T . Lazarus being declared winners and entitled to life subscriptions in the charities . A cardial vote of thanks was passed in favour of Bro . Gwyn for his admirable working hi the third degree . This lodge meets regularly on Thursdays at G . 39 p . m .
AA AXi ) EUEus . — No . 1 ( 50-1 . —On AVednes lay , December Sth , 18 SS , at the . Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Victoria Street , S . W . —Bro . Luckhurst , AV . M . —Bros . Evans S . W .: Dollard , J . AV . ; Brindlcy , P . AI ., Preceptor ; Clarkson , Secretary : Smale >! S . D .: Rynier , J . D . ; Goldtincli , I . G . ; AVeeks , Tyler ; Hobbs , Jones , Sheppard , Bailey , Quick , Glover , Holmes , Holdcn , Goode , Morgan , Brooking , and' Bcaslcy , Bro . Brindlcy , assisted by the brethren , worked the 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd Sections of the Lecture . The ceremony ' of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . Bailey , candidate . Bro . Holmes was elected a member , and Bro . Evans to the chair for the ensuing week .
CitKATOX—Xo . 1791 . —On Thurs lay , November 29 th , at the AA'heatshcaf Hotel , Goldhawk Road , Shepherd's Bush . —Bro . John Davies , AV . AI . and Preceptor . Bros . James Sims , P . M ., Preceptor of the Ranclash L . I ., S . AV . ; S . Cochrane , P . AI ., J . AV . ; E . Austin , P . M ., Treas . ; AV . H . Clialfont , P . M ., Sec . ; G . E . Higginson , S . D . ; II . Cotton , J . D . ; F . Craggs , I . G . ; A . Cavers , Steward ; also P . AI . ' s George Read , Preceptor of the Kensington L . I . ; J . H . AVood , It . Joscv , AV . AAllliams , AV . A . Cubitt , P . Burton , AV . G . lteynolds , J . J . Cantle , 1 ) . Stroud , 11 , It . Rogers , and E . Child . Bros . AV . Jennings , J . II . Alartincau-Stanley , F . AV . AA'bodard , C .
Mote , Hick , Bull , Bridger , Benbrook , C . It . Cross , ltvndcman , AA . Dresden , L . Cox , Hidgley , Lindlield , Darter , F . G . Brown , AV . AV . AV ' illiams , T . T . Head , Stounill , Sanson , J . T . Grade , Abseil , Copley , and Jobson . The lodge was opened in the three degrees . The sections of the First Lecture were worked by Bros . Cross , Cochrane , Cotton , C . ix , Higginson , Bead , and Sims . The sections of the Second Lecture were worked by Bros . Rogers , Reynolds , AA' . AA . AVilliams , Cochrane , and
Craggs , and those in the M . M . Lodge by Bros . Austin , AVood , and Head , the whole of the working being of the very best . " A timepiece of a very chaste and elegant design , and of much intrinsic value , was presented to Bro . John Davies , P . AI , the Preceptor , on behalf of the members , by Bro . James Sims , P . AI ., whose address on presentation was excellently delivered and was appreciated by the brethren generally , as was also Bro . Daniel's feeling response . The gift was ' a very fitting recognition of many years of zealous service .
STAR CHAPTER—NO . 1275—On Friday , the 7 th inst ., at the Stirling Castle , Camberwell . —Present : Comps . AVicks , M . E . Z . ; T . Grummant , P . Z ., If . ; AVingham , 25 , J .: F . Hilton , P . Z ., Preceptor ; J . Shellard Latham , 1329 , S . E . ; Benedetti , S . X . Elect , 1275 , S . X . ; Ecdle , P . S . 141 , P . S . ; C . AVooils , A . S . Elect 1275 , A . S . ; J . Hill , P . S . 1329 ; Addington , AI . E . Z . Elect , 1275 ; G . Powell , P . Z ., M . E . Z . 1185 Acocks , 1350 : and Jas . Stevens , P . Z . 720 , 771 . The ceremony of Exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Addington personating candidate . Coiiips . James Stevens
Acocks and Eedle were elected members , and each returned thanks . Comp . Stevens was particularly happy in replying , and expressed his interest in the chapter into which he was received so heartily . Comp . AA'icks was elected to re-occupy the chair of First Principal . A motion by Comp . Grummant to purchase collars for the principals and ollicers , as well " as a vote of thanks to Comp . A \ icks for the able way he had lllled the chair of M . E . Z . for the first time , was unanimously carried .
Co VEST GARDEN ' . —Xo . 1614 . —On Thursday , Gth inst ., at the Criterion , Piccadilly , AV .-Bro . F . M . Xoakcs , AV . M—Bros . Russell , S . AV . ; A . Proudfoot , J . AV . ; Brindlcy , Preceptor ; AV . Hancock , Acting Secretary ; Graham , S . D . ; Curzou , J . D . ; Clare , I . G . ; Lambert , Andrews , and several other Brethren . Bro . Brindlcy , Preceptor , worked the 1 st Section of the First Lecture . Bro . Xoakcs vacated " the Chair in favour of Bro . AA illiam Andrews , a A'isltlng Brother from Jamaica , who worked the 3 rd Degree hi an exceedingly able manner , according to the ritual practised in the Lodges of Jamaica . Bro . Lambert , candidate . The 1 st Section of the
Third Lecture was worked by Bro . Brindlcy , assisted by Bro . Hancock . Bro . Andrews , Kingston , Lodge Xo . 1933 ( Jamaica ) , was elected ' a member . In returning tlianks Bro . Andrews stated that although Freemasonry was practised in all parts of the world , the ceremony he had worked that evening would evince to the Brethren that there was very little difference between the ritual of a lodge in London ami one in Jamaica , thousands of miles away , except , perhaps , that in
Jamaica they added a little more embellishment , but when ho returned home he should use his best endeavours to tone down those additions , so that their working might be practised and assimilated as much as possible with that of the true old English constitution . Bro . Proudfoot , S . AV ., was elected AV . M . for the next meeting , and a vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Andrews for working the Third Degree .
BRO . \ IM : YST . LEONARD— NO . 1805 . —On AA cdncsday , the 5 th inst ., at the Cherry Tree , Brunswick Road . Bromlev . E . —Bro . Bailey , AV . M . —Bro . B . T . Johnson , S . AA .: A . Paterson , J . AV . ; G . AVarne , S . D . ; AA \ J . Roberts , J . D . ; H . AV . Gates , I . G . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . \ V . J . Bawley , candidate . Lodge opened and closed in the three Degrees . Bro . B . T . Johnson was elected AV . M . for next Wednesday . AV . -At . Atead , Secretary , 24 , Tonilin ' s Grove , Bow Road , E .
LA TOLERANCE . —XO . 538 .-On AA'cdnesday , the 5 th inst ., at the Portland Arms , Great Portland Street , AV .-Bro . J . Grecuway , AV . M . — Bros . G . Hill , S . AV . ; Barter , J . AV . ; J . Paul , Preceptor ; L . G . Langdon , Secretary ; G . Lyon , S . D . ; T . Bicknell , J . D . ; C . Groves , I . G . ; Rogers , Burgess , Lonsdale , and others . The 1 st and 2 nd Sections of the First Lecture were worked by Bros . Bicknell and Paul . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . Bicknell , Candidate . The 3 rd and 4 th Sections of the First Lecture were then worked by Bro . Grecnway , AV . M . Bro . E . Smith , Xo . 1743 , was elected a joining member , and Bro . Hill , S . AA ., was elected AV . M . for next meeting .
GuBtat'ii LODOE . —No . 1 G 85 .--The Annual Banquet was served at the Hoi born Restaurant , London , on Thursday last , the Gth inst ., Bro . Bare , P . M . and Preceptor presiding . Covers were laid for between forty and lifty brethren , but half-an-hour after the appointed time twenty-one only sat down . The absentees did not miss much , for a more cold and unsocial evening in Freemasonry we cannot recollect ever spending : and but for the cnlivcnment afforded by Bro . Tiltman ( Signer Alberto , ) of the Alother Lodge , whose marvellous ta ' ent as a prestigiditator kept those present , for a while , greatly interested , the whole affair was of the most depressing character .
Ave have given Marsden s '' Restauro , particulars of Avhich Avill be found in Our advertising columns , a personal and family trial , and can recommend the '' health-restorer" to our readers as an undoubted tonic and appetizer .
WILL any brother greatly oblige a B . M . and P . Z . by kindly forwarding to him a spare copy of their Lodge or Chapter summons , as he is endeavouring to form a complete collection of them from No . 1 upAvards . —Address , C . E . FERRY , 55 , Tregunter Road , South Kensington , S . AV . — [ ADVT . ]
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Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
PADSTOAY , Coimv . u . i ,. —The inslallatiou meeting of St . Pel roc Lodge , Xo . 17 S 5 , was held in the Masonic Rooms , l ' adstow , on the -lib inst . A large number of the members of the lodge attended . Among the visitors were Bros . T . Hawken , P . M . 330 , P . P . G . S . W . ; . 1 . Donev , P . AI . S 5 G , P . P . D . G . D . C . ; R . lionev , AA ' . Al . 195-1 ; J . Robins , J . AV . 105-1 ; C . lirewer , J . D . 1529 ; H . Riekard , 0 . 1529 ; J . 11 . Polkhniliorno , 1 C 9 G ; . 1 . Harvey , 1847 ; G . Anderson , 195-1 ; J . 11 . Hewitt , 195-1 . The W . M . Elect , Ilro . Major C . It . Pridoaux-Brunc , was duly installed according to ancient , custom , and with full and ably performed ceremonial bv Ilro . AV . II . Pope , P . AI ., assisted
bv the Past . Masters of the lodge . The following installed masters were present AV . Bros . T . Hawken , P . P . G . S . AV .: J . Honev , P . P . D . G . D . C .: F . lirav , P . P . G . Purst . AV . 11 . Roberts , P . P . G . Steward ; AV . II . Martyn , AV . II . Pope , F . G . Harding , J . Stribley , AV . II . Martyn , Jtm . ; R . Bouncy . Pro . AV . II . Martyn , jun ., was invested as I . P . M ., and the AV . M . appointed and invested the following as his officers : — Bros . J . R . Williams , S . AV . ; It . S . Langford , J . AV . ; Rev . J . J . ' Mnrlev , Chaplain ; I <\ Bray , P . AI ., P . P . G . Purst ., Treas . ; AV . 11 . Pope , P . AI ., Sec : P . Blake , S . D . ; . Ino . Hawken , J . D . ; 11 . 1 <\ Marlcv , D . C . ; G . B . Striblov , O . ; AV . Philp , I . G .: W . Williams
and AV . 11 . Pope , Jun . Snvds . ; J . D . Lobb , Tyler . The Installing Master explained to each ollicer what his duties were , and delivered the usual addresses very impressively . At the close of the business the brethren attended a banquet- tit the St . Pctroe Private Hotel . Bro . Major C . R . Pridcuux-Brune , AV . M ., presided , and the customary loyal and masonic toasts were ably proposed and responded to . During the evening several of the brethren contributed songs and recitations . The whole of the proceedings of the installation meeting reflected great- credit on the AV . M . and Hie ollicers and brethren concerned in carrying out the arrangements .
THE JOPPA CHAPTER ( XO . 1 SS ) , held its Installation Meeting at the Albion Hotel , Aldersgate Street , on Monday , the 28 th ult ., when Comp . Lewis M . Myers , C . C ., was installed as M . E . Z ., and the following members were nvested : Comps . II . P . Isaac , 11 . ; J . W . Dcwsnap , J . ; . 1 . Lazarus , P . Z ., Treasurer ( re-invested ); M . I . Emanuel , P . Z . S . E . ( re-invested ) : J . Myers ( Brother of the M . E . Z . ) , S . N . The visitors included Comps . Sir John Mohcktnn , P . G . P . S ., Dr .
Lloyd ( 1319 ) , D . Lazarus ( Jerusalem ) , and Bernard Abrahams . Subsequently to the ceremony of installation , which was performed by Comp . AV . Littaur , P . Z ., ' the chapter was closed , and the members adjourned to a banquet , presided over by the M . E . Z . Sir John Monckton , in replying to a toast , said that on reading the Charter of the Chapter he found that it was within live years of its jubilee , and he was pleased , although somewhat surprised to see sitting at the banquet , table , its lirst M . E . Z . and Founder . —JIWASIL Chronicle .
Hoxouil AM ) FRIENDSHIP —No . 12 G 0 . —Blandford , Xov . 20 , 1888—Bro . G . E . Turner , AV . M . —Installation . Bro . A . AVilkins was installed AV . M . for the ensuing year by Bro . G . E . Tumor , and the following brethren were appointed officers for the year : —Bros . R . Milner , S . AV . ; AV . AA'atts , J . AV . ; A . Cherry . S . D . ; AV . Alexander , J . D . ; H . Curtis , l . G . ; E . Skivington , Org . ; 1 . Brymor , Chaplain ; AA . Strickland , Director of Ceremonies . The installation Banquet which followed gave great satisfaction . Songs , ducts and quartettes here proved an attractive addition .
. STOun A ' Aiai . EY LOUUE—No . 122-1 . —In our issue for November 22 nd , wo reported the installation meeting of this lodge at Sudbury , and mentioned the presentation to Bro . AV . Inglis Mason , M . I ) ., P . M ., of a Past Master ' s jewel , which we spoke of as being "certainly one of the best wo have seen for a long time . " Our opinion appears to be endorsed by the local paper , which thus describe ; the jewel , an engraving of which we are pleased to have the opportunity of presenting to our readers : — "The jewel , which was sub- _
emblem of his office of AVorcmblcm of his office of AVorshipful Master , and is elaboratcly chased and jewelled with four brilliants . The top of the hanger is surmounted
scribed for by the brethren of the lodge and presented to the retiring AV . M ., Bro . AV . Inglis Mason , was of a most chaste and elaborate design ,
and bore an appropriate inscription . The ribbon on which it is suspended bears a fine gold escutcheon , with
the borough arms enamelled heraidicallysurmountedwith Bro . Mason ' s crest . The Jewel itself is shaped as an
with the crown , the base of which is also jewelled with rubies and diamonds . The whole jewel , with its pendant
is a splendid specimen of the masonic jeweller ' s art , by Ilro . Lamb , of St . John ' s Square , London . ' '
TEMPI , ] -: —NO . 058 . —On Tuesday , the -1 th Inst ., at the Masonic Nail , Folkestone . — The following extract from a letter from a correspondent is , in our opinion , of sufficient interest for insertion , verb , ct lit . After a few remarks , and stating that he had visited the above-named lodge , he writes : — " In ihe lirst- place , 1 was struck by the size ami general appearance of the lodge room . It seemed to me to l ? ave nothing to be desired ; was well furnished and complete , even to an organ ( American ) in a recess or chamber in the rear of the S . AV . ' s chair . There was a goodlv number of brethren of the lodge present , and several visitors , altogether
about 60 . I send you a summons , and also a copy of the by-laws , which in thenis _ 'lves are interesting , as the subscription is more reasonable than that of any 1 ) , lge with which I am acquainted . Alter the lodge had . been duly opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and continued , a ballot was taken for b : nh candidates together , in a manner I had never seen before . The procedure was as follows : —First , the ballot box was submitted for the inspection of the AV . Af ., then locked ( the key being retained by the Master ) , and placed on a small table behind a screen in the X . E . corner of the room . The D . C . then called
upon the Master , P . AI . 's , ollicers and brethren in rotation to record their votes , which having been done , the box was again taken to the AV . M ., unlocked , and the ballot declared unanimous in favour of the candidates . Air . A . II . Gardner was introduced in due form , and the ceremony of initiation proceeded with up to the "Investment . " Lodge was then " called off" and light refreshment ( sandwiches , ic . ) partaken of , and , after a brief interval , " called on , " and the second candidate , Mr . . 1 . P . Sains , introduced and initiated up to the same point as the lirst . Both were then taken together to the end of the cereinonv , the charge being
exceptionally well given by one of Uie P . AI . ' s . A portrait of Bro . 11 . Stock , the ( ddest P . M . of the lodge ( he was AV . Af . in 1857 ) , was then presented to the lodge , in an excellent-speech , by the Director of Ceremonies , Bro . G . L . Hart , P . M ., and Bro . Stock returned thanks in an eloquent and most feeling address . The lodge was then closed in due form . I have spun this out much longer than I had intended , and I will only add in conclusion that all the ollicers were present . Bro . AVm . Dunk , AV . M ., and a very excellent list of officers tliev are , the work of
the lodge having been thoroughly well done throughout . On the whole it was a most enjoyable and instructive evening . There was no banquet , but after the work was ' done , many of the members indulged in the usual amusements ordinarily to be found in a club . The . Masonic Hall and Club belongs to a Company , and ail tie members are masons . The brethren of Folkestone are to be ' eongratu-1 ited on having a lodge so excellent in its appointments , ollicers , and evidently correct working of masonic ritual and ceremonial . -En . M . S .
BARNARD LODOE—No . 1230 .-- On Friday , the 7 th inst ., at Barnard Castle , Bro lo cph Hanby Holmes , S . AV ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year Ilro . H . ( , ' . Al . ' t ' ooke was again re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Colonr-Sorgeaiit C Todd . Tvler . Installation meeting will take place on the lirst Kridav in Januarv
Lodges Of Instruction.
Sot'TJiWAHK— No . 879 . —The annual dinner of this Lodge of Instruction took place at the Sir Garnet AVolselcy Tavern . Rotherhithe New Road , S . H ., on Tuesday , the 11 th inst ., lire . AV . Beavis , P . AI . 879 , AV . AI . 1310 , P . G . P . Middx ., Preceptor , in the chair . About forty brethren sat down at the appointed hour , and after an excellent meal , well served by Bro . G . AS' . Day , tlie host , a very pleasant evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all present , under the genial presidency of the chairman . Songs and recitations were numerous , and the brethren separated with best wishes for further happy reunions .
Lodges Of Instruction.
ItAN'RTiAoir . — No . 831 . —On Friday , the 7 th inst ., at the Six Bells Hotel , Queen Street , Hammersmith . —Bro . V . Cra ' ggs , AA' . AI . —Bros . A . AVIIIiams , S . AV . and Treas . ; 14 . Lucas , I . W . ; James Sims , P . AI ., Preceptor ; II . Purdue , P . M . and Sec . pro . tern . ; G . 14 . Higginson , S . D .: J . 0 . AValker , . 1 . 1 ) . ; 11 . Cotton , l . G . ; also Bro . ? . K . H . Williams , P . M . and P . P . G .. I . D . Middx ., J . Il . Cmnnihur . P . M ., John Davies , Leonard
Cox , M . It . Rico , and Stounill . The ceremony of Passing was rehearsed , Bro . Price as Candidate . The ceremony of raising ' was also rehearse . 1 , Bro . Cox as Candidate . Bro . A . AA'illiams was e ' lecte 1 W . M . for the next meeting . The principal ollicci were lllled on this occasion by members of the Alother Lodge , which speaks well for the kindly feeling they have towards its Preceptor , Bro . Sims , one of their Past Masters .
ROYAL ARTHUR —No . 1300 . —On the Gth inst ., at , the Prince of AVales' Hotel . AViniblcdon . —Bro . AVing , W . M . —Bros . Shellv , S . AA . ; Salter , J . AA .: Cause , S . D . Magcr , P . M ., J . D . ; Jolliffe , I . G . : AV . H . AVinglield , P . M ., Sec : Holmes , Bond , Streeter , Britten , AVade and Sineal . Lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and proliciency proved by Bro . Holmes . The ceremony of Raising was then rehearsed , the traditional history being given . Bro . Shelly , S . AA' ., was unanimously elected AV . M . for the ensuing week . CHEAT CITY . —NO . 1-126 . —On Thursdav . the Gth inst ., at Masons' Hall Tavern E . G . —Ilro . Gwyn , W . Af .-Bro ; . H . G . tskin , S . AV . ; AV . Bromhcad , J . AA . ; Stells ,
S . D .: Surridge , J . I ) .: B . Price , I . G . ; J . K . Pitt , Acting Preceptor : AV . J . Ball . Secretary : F . Rush , II . J . AVhitehouse , I . L . Barrett , T . F . Smith , J . Tattersall , and I . Lazarus . The lodge was opened in the Three Degrees , and the ceremony of "Raising" rehearsed , Bro . F . Lazarus being the candidate . On the unanimous vote of the brethren present , the AA . AI . of the "Eclectic" Lodge was invited to work the ceremony of installation in January next . A ballot for the Benevolent Fund was held , Bros . F . Hush and T . Lazarus being declared winners and entitled to life subscriptions in the charities . A cardial vote of thanks was passed in favour of Bro . Gwyn for his admirable working hi the third degree . This lodge meets regularly on Thursdays at G . 39 p . m .
AA AXi ) EUEus . — No . 1 ( 50-1 . —On AVednes lay , December Sth , 18 SS , at the . Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Victoria Street , S . W . —Bro . Luckhurst , AV . M . —Bros . Evans S . W .: Dollard , J . AV . ; Brindlcy , P . AI ., Preceptor ; Clarkson , Secretary : Smale >! S . D .: Rynier , J . D . ; Goldtincli , I . G . ; AVeeks , Tyler ; Hobbs , Jones , Sheppard , Bailey , Quick , Glover , Holmes , Holdcn , Goode , Morgan , Brooking , and' Bcaslcy , Bro . Brindlcy , assisted by the brethren , worked the 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd Sections of the Lecture . The ceremony ' of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . Bailey , candidate . Bro . Holmes was elected a member , and Bro . Evans to the chair for the ensuing week .
CitKATOX—Xo . 1791 . —On Thurs lay , November 29 th , at the AA'heatshcaf Hotel , Goldhawk Road , Shepherd's Bush . —Bro . John Davies , AV . AI . and Preceptor . Bros . James Sims , P . M ., Preceptor of the Ranclash L . I ., S . AV . ; S . Cochrane , P . AI ., J . AV . ; E . Austin , P . M ., Treas . ; AV . H . Clialfont , P . M ., Sec . ; G . E . Higginson , S . D . ; II . Cotton , J . D . ; F . Craggs , I . G . ; A . Cavers , Steward ; also P . AI . ' s George Read , Preceptor of the Kensington L . I . ; J . H . AVood , It . Joscv , AV . AAllliams , AV . A . Cubitt , P . Burton , AV . G . lteynolds , J . J . Cantle , 1 ) . Stroud , 11 , It . Rogers , and E . Child . Bros . AV . Jennings , J . II . Alartincau-Stanley , F . AV . AA'bodard , C .
Mote , Hick , Bull , Bridger , Benbrook , C . It . Cross , ltvndcman , AA . Dresden , L . Cox , Hidgley , Lindlield , Darter , F . G . Brown , AV . AV . AV ' illiams , T . T . Head , Stounill , Sanson , J . T . Grade , Abseil , Copley , and Jobson . The lodge was opened in the three degrees . The sections of the First Lecture were worked by Bros . Cross , Cochrane , Cotton , C . ix , Higginson , Bead , and Sims . The sections of the Second Lecture were worked by Bros . Rogers , Reynolds , AA' . AA . AVilliams , Cochrane , and
Craggs , and those in the M . M . Lodge by Bros . Austin , AVood , and Head , the whole of the working being of the very best . " A timepiece of a very chaste and elegant design , and of much intrinsic value , was presented to Bro . John Davies , P . AI , the Preceptor , on behalf of the members , by Bro . James Sims , P . AI ., whose address on presentation was excellently delivered and was appreciated by the brethren generally , as was also Bro . Daniel's feeling response . The gift was ' a very fitting recognition of many years of zealous service .
STAR CHAPTER—NO . 1275—On Friday , the 7 th inst ., at the Stirling Castle , Camberwell . —Present : Comps . AVicks , M . E . Z . ; T . Grummant , P . Z ., If . ; AVingham , 25 , J .: F . Hilton , P . Z ., Preceptor ; J . Shellard Latham , 1329 , S . E . ; Benedetti , S . X . Elect , 1275 , S . X . ; Ecdle , P . S . 141 , P . S . ; C . AVooils , A . S . Elect 1275 , A . S . ; J . Hill , P . S . 1329 ; Addington , AI . E . Z . Elect , 1275 ; G . Powell , P . Z ., M . E . Z . 1185 Acocks , 1350 : and Jas . Stevens , P . Z . 720 , 771 . The ceremony of Exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Addington personating candidate . Coiiips . James Stevens
Acocks and Eedle were elected members , and each returned thanks . Comp . Stevens was particularly happy in replying , and expressed his interest in the chapter into which he was received so heartily . Comp . AA'icks was elected to re-occupy the chair of First Principal . A motion by Comp . Grummant to purchase collars for the principals and ollicers , as well " as a vote of thanks to Comp . A \ icks for the able way he had lllled the chair of M . E . Z . for the first time , was unanimously carried .
Co VEST GARDEN ' . —Xo . 1614 . —On Thursday , Gth inst ., at the Criterion , Piccadilly , AV .-Bro . F . M . Xoakcs , AV . M—Bros . Russell , S . AV . ; A . Proudfoot , J . AV . ; Brindlcy , Preceptor ; AV . Hancock , Acting Secretary ; Graham , S . D . ; Curzou , J . D . ; Clare , I . G . ; Lambert , Andrews , and several other Brethren . Bro . Brindlcy , Preceptor , worked the 1 st Section of the First Lecture . Bro . Xoakcs vacated " the Chair in favour of Bro . AA illiam Andrews , a A'isltlng Brother from Jamaica , who worked the 3 rd Degree hi an exceedingly able manner , according to the ritual practised in the Lodges of Jamaica . Bro . Lambert , candidate . The 1 st Section of the
Third Lecture was worked by Bro . Brindlcy , assisted by Bro . Hancock . Bro . Andrews , Kingston , Lodge Xo . 1933 ( Jamaica ) , was elected ' a member . In returning tlianks Bro . Andrews stated that although Freemasonry was practised in all parts of the world , the ceremony he had worked that evening would evince to the Brethren that there was very little difference between the ritual of a lodge in London ami one in Jamaica , thousands of miles away , except , perhaps , that in
Jamaica they added a little more embellishment , but when ho returned home he should use his best endeavours to tone down those additions , so that their working might be practised and assimilated as much as possible with that of the true old English constitution . Bro . Proudfoot , S . AV ., was elected AV . M . for the next meeting , and a vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Andrews for working the Third Degree .
BRO . \ IM : YST . LEONARD— NO . 1805 . —On AA cdncsday , the 5 th inst ., at the Cherry Tree , Brunswick Road . Bromlev . E . —Bro . Bailey , AV . M . —Bro . B . T . Johnson , S . AA .: A . Paterson , J . AV . ; G . AVarne , S . D . ; AA \ J . Roberts , J . D . ; H . AV . Gates , I . G . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . \ V . J . Bawley , candidate . Lodge opened and closed in the three Degrees . Bro . B . T . Johnson was elected AV . M . for next Wednesday . AV . -At . Atead , Secretary , 24 , Tonilin ' s Grove , Bow Road , E .
LA TOLERANCE . —XO . 538 .-On AA'cdnesday , the 5 th inst ., at the Portland Arms , Great Portland Street , AV .-Bro . J . Grecuway , AV . M . — Bros . G . Hill , S . AV . ; Barter , J . AV . ; J . Paul , Preceptor ; L . G . Langdon , Secretary ; G . Lyon , S . D . ; T . Bicknell , J . D . ; C . Groves , I . G . ; Rogers , Burgess , Lonsdale , and others . The 1 st and 2 nd Sections of the First Lecture were worked by Bros . Bicknell and Paul . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . Bicknell , Candidate . The 3 rd and 4 th Sections of the First Lecture were then worked by Bro . Grecnway , AV . M . Bro . E . Smith , Xo . 1743 , was elected a joining member , and Bro . Hill , S . AA ., was elected AV . M . for next meeting .
GuBtat'ii LODOE . —No . 1 G 85 .--The Annual Banquet was served at the Hoi born Restaurant , London , on Thursday last , the Gth inst ., Bro . Bare , P . M . and Preceptor presiding . Covers were laid for between forty and lifty brethren , but half-an-hour after the appointed time twenty-one only sat down . The absentees did not miss much , for a more cold and unsocial evening in Freemasonry we cannot recollect ever spending : and but for the cnlivcnment afforded by Bro . Tiltman ( Signer Alberto , ) of the Alother Lodge , whose marvellous ta ' ent as a prestigiditator kept those present , for a while , greatly interested , the whole affair was of the most depressing character .
Ave have given Marsden s '' Restauro , particulars of Avhich Avill be found in Our advertising columns , a personal and family trial , and can recommend the '' health-restorer" to our readers as an undoubted tonic and appetizer .
WILL any brother greatly oblige a B . M . and P . Z . by kindly forwarding to him a spare copy of their Lodge or Chapter summons , as he is endeavouring to form a complete collection of them from No . 1 upAvards . —Address , C . E . FERRY , 55 , Tregunter Road , South Kensington , S . AV . — [ ADVT . ]