Article THE ANTI-MASONIC VICAR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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The Anti-Masonic Vicar.
The deputation did not join him . They looked on in silence . Perhaps they thought the refusal of the church a sufficient annoyance , without the addition of the vicar ' s bantering . His pleasantry Avas not infectious . Perchance they held with the delinquent negro in one of our AVest India colonies , who was first severely reprimanded and then soundly thrashed by his OAvner : "Massa .
massa ; no preachee too and floggee too ! At length one of them , Avith great gravity , inquired . "AVhether Mr . Gresham had any further objection to urge 1 " " Oh dear , yes . I am hostile to you because you COMBINE . " The banker noAv fired his broadside . " AVe do . AVe are as a city in unity at itself . AVe form a band of
united brethren bound by one solemn obligation , stringent upon all , from the highest to the loAvest . And the object of our combination ' ! boundless charity and untiring beneA r olence . AA e must be charitable and kindly-affectioned to all ; but more especially to our brethren . AVith them Ave are ever to sympathise readily , and their necessities to succour cheerfully . Respect are Ave to have
none , either as to colour , creed , or country . And yet is our charity to be neither indiscriminate , wasteful , nor heedless . We are to prefer the Avorthy brother and to reject the Avorthless . And our warrant for so doing is HIS command , A \ r ho has said , " Thou shalt open thine hand Avide to thy brother , and to thy poor , and to thy needy in thy land . "
" The latter remark none can gainsay , said the vicar , coldly : " and thus , I believe , our intervieAV terminates . " The deputation retired , desperately chagrined . The church Avas closed against them . The IIOAV lodge was opened ; but there Avas no public procession , and no sermon . To me . lightly and carelessly as I then thought of the fraternity , there
seemed much that A \ r as inexplicable in the rebuff Avhich it sussustained . Here Avas Mr . Gresham , a conscientious and Avellintentioned man , Avho lamented , Sunday after Sunday , the prevalence of sorroAv , care , and suffering around him ; Avho spoke , Avith tears in his eyes , of the apathy of the rich and endurance of the poor ; AA'ho deplored the selfishness of the age ; AA ho averred ,
bitterly and repeatedly , that " all sought their own "—here was he , Avithstanding to his utmost a brotherhood AA ho declared—and none contradicted them- —that their leading object was to relieA r e distress and sorroAv . Of him they seek an audience . AVhen gained , they use it to request the use of his pulpit , with the view of making their principles better knoAvn ; of effacing some erroneous
impressions afloat respecting them ; in other Avords , of strengthening their cause . That cause they maintain to be identical , with disinterested benevolence and- brotherly lore . Mr . Gresham declares " off . " refuses them his church , and Avill
have nothing to do Avith them . " They may solve the riddle Avho can , " said I , as , thoroughly baffled , I sought my pilloAV . "Eachand all are incomprehensible . I don't knoAV which party is the most confounding : the Masons Avith their Avell-guarded secret , or Mr . Gresham with his insurmountable prejudices . "
Mark Masonry.
The half-yearly Communication of Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and AVales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British CroAvn , Avas held on the 4 th inst ., at the Holborn Restaurant , London . M . AV . Bro . Lord Egerton of Tatton , Prov . Grand Master , presided . Baron de Ferrieres , R . W . Prov . G . M . of
Gloucestershire , occupied the S . G . AA . chair , and the Hon . A . de Tatton Egerton took the chair of J . G . AV . Bro . C . L . Mason , Deputy G . M . of AVest Yorkshire , acted as Deputy G . M ., and the Rev . Canon Portal , M . AV . P . G . M ., as Past Grand Master . A large number of Grand and Past Grand Officers , and many Mark Master Masons representing private lodges , attended .
The minutes of the half-yearly Communication of 5 th June , and of the NoA ember Grand Lodge , held at Cheltenham , 10 th July , were read and confirmed . The Grand Secretary read the reply of Sir Francis Knollys from the Prince of Wales to the address of condolence on the death of the German Emperor Frederick , as also the address of condolence voted to the Empress Frederick on the
same melancholy event , and the reply of Count von Hatzfeldt , German Ambassador in London , thereto , and it was resolved that the several documents should be entered on the minutes . The report of the General Board presented a most favourable view of the progress and prospects of this popular Order in Freemasonry . In the six months ending on the 30 th September last , warrants for
five IICAV lodges and 577 Mark certificates Avere granted . Five HCAV provinces have been re-organised under neAvly-appointed Prov . Grand Masters , and the patents of three other P . G . M . ' s have been reneAved for the customary term of three years . Financially , the position of this Grand Lodge is most satisfactory , the balances on each Fund being on the right side of the account , that of the
General Fund amounting to upAvards of £ 203 , and that of the Fund of Benevolence in its several branches , and including the Festival Account , to over £ 1 , 442 , Avhile the investments are not far short of £ 10 , 000 , taking the General and Benevolent Funds together . The report Avas received and adopted . M . AV . Bro . the Rev . Canon Portal moved :
" That the Annuity payable to Male Annuitants may be increased to £ 20 , and that to Female Annuitants to £ 21 , and that a sum of £ 5 be annually presented at Christmas to each Annuitant for the purpose of procuring clothing or fuel , or other necessaries ; and that the Book of Constitutions , page 7 ( i , clause viii ., and page 79 , clause iv ., be altered accordingly . "
He said it Avas only necessary to inform Grand Lodge that their Annuity Fund amounted UOAV to a considerable sum , no less , according to the report the brethren had in their hands , than £ 2 , 800 ; and thanks to the exertions of the SteAvards from year to year at all the festivals their funds were increasing to a large extent annually . Last festival the sum realised was £ 1 , 818 . Therefore , being in very
Mark Masonry.
good funds indeed , he did not think Grand Lodge could do better than increase the amount of the annuities to ten shillings a Aveek to the males and eight shillings a AA ^ eekto the females , to all those who from unfortunate circumstances Avere compelled to appeal to Grand
Lodge for assistance . He could assure Grand Lodge it was Avell to give them also a gratuity of £ 5 at Christinas in order that they might provide themselves Avith some little comfort . They had UOAV four male annuitants and no females , and they could well afford to do it .
Bro . Frank Richardson , G . Reg ., seconded the motion , which AA-as carried . The M . W . G . M ., His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . Avas nominated for election as Grand Master for the ensuing year ; and Bros . Henry Faiga . P . S . G . AV . Middx . and Surrey , and W . M . Stiles .
Old Kent Lodge and founder of the Royal Savoy Lodge , respectively for the office of Grand Treasurer . Charity Festival JCAA ^ CIS and Bars Avere then distributed to SteAvards Avho had served at the last FestiA'al of the Mark Benevolent Fund , and Grand Mark Lodge Avas then closed .
A Special Smoking Concert Avill take place at St . James ' s Hall ( Banqueting Room ) on Thursday next , the 20 th inst ., under the management of Bro . AValter Abbott . Among the A \ ell-knoAvn artistes and brethren will be found the names of E . J . Lonnen , ChirgAA-in , A . Coombes , AV . H . Pennington , S . B . Garcia , Odell , and many others . Mesdames the Sisters Preston , Nellie Lennox , Kate Seymour , and Alice Leamar are among the many ladies who have promised to support Bro . Abbott on this occasion .
AA EST SMITHFIELD—No . 1623 . —On the 10 th inst ., at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgate Street , E . C . —Bro . Jenkins , AV . M . —Bros . Gush , S . AV . ; Tattersall . J . AV . ; Hodges Preceptor ; Hill , Secretary : Salmon , S . D . ; Case J . D . ; Billings , I . G . ; Turner , Berry , Reid , and about 30 other brethren . The fifteen sections Avere Avorked by Bros . Frampton , Salmon , Billings . Trinder , Snelling , Hodges , Hill .
Tattersall , POAVCII , Berry , Gush , Case and Jolly . Bros . Barker , McFarlane , Draper , 0 . [ Smith and Groner A \ ere elected joining members . A vote of thanks , together with the honorary membership of the Lodge of Instruction , A \ as accorded Bro . Jenkins , the AV . M . A vote of thanks Avas also accorded the brethren A \ dio had assisted the AV . M . in Avorking the fifteen sections .
ST . MARGARET ' S—NO . 1452 . —On Monday , the 3 rd inst ., the Installation Meeting Avas held at the Masonic Hall , LoAvestoft , AA-hen Bro . AV . H . Ehves , P . M .. P . P . G . S . D .. Avas installed into the chair of K . S . by AV . Bro . G . ' F . Crane . ' The folloAving officers Avere . appointed : Bros . H . B . AValker , I . P . M . ; J . B . Blackinore , P . P . G . C . Chaplain ; F . S . Ellen , S . AV . ; AV J . Roberts , J . AA . ; P . Allez , P . P . S . G . AA ^ ., Treasurer ; H . J . Eastaugh , P . P . J . G . D ., Secretary ; J . P . Smith
S . D . ; T . AVilson AVard , J . D . : F . A . Mann , Organist ; Kerry Rix , SteAvard ; J . AV . Brooke , I . G . ; J . Symes , Tyler . A banquet Avas served at the Suffolk Hotel , the AV . M . presiding . Amongst the visitors Avere the Mayor , Bro . AA m . Maddison , P . M . ; Bros . AV . E . Holt . United Friends , 313 : Brockbank , P . P . G . S ., Social . < J 3 , NorAvich Bray . P . P . G . S . D ., AV . M ., St . AndreAv ' s , 1031 ; G . H . Cooper , Unity , 71 ; AVilton , EA eritt , A . Stebbings . & c .
CHISAVICK—No . 2012 . —On Saturday , the Sth inst . , at the AVindsor Castle , King Street , Hammersmith , AV . —Bros . E . Ayling , Preceptor AV . M . ; J . Sims , S . AV . ; J . Davis , J . AV . ; A . AVilliarus , Secretary ; R . H . Wimpey , S . D . ; F . Osborne , J . D . ; F . AV . Biggs , I . G . ; J . H . Wood ; Dr . LaAvrence , Aslete , Stroud ; J . AVilliams ; and others . The ceremony of installation Avas rehearsed by Bro . Dr . LaAvrence . AV . M . of the Mother Lodge , Bro . Gardner acting as AV . M . elect .
The 2 nd section ot the 1 st lecture was Avorked by Bro . Sims , S . W . Bro . J . AVilliams Avas elected a joining member of the lodge . A A ote of thanks Avas accorded Bro . Dr . LaAvrence for the able manner in A \ hich he had rehearsed the ceremony of installation . A testimonial in the form of a handsomely engraved silver cigar case was ,: presented to Bro . Arthur AVilliams by the members of the Chiswick Lodge of Instruction , No . 2012 , in recognition of his valuable services as secretary , 1888 . "
DERAVENT—No . 40 . —The monthly meeting of this old and successful Lodge took place on Monday , at the Castle Hotel , Hastings , Avhen there Avere present : Bros . MarkAvich , AV . M . ; ReA . J . Puttich , P . P . G . C , S . AA . ; AV . S . Allen , J . AV . ; F . Rossiter , P . P . G . D .. Treasurer ; J . Pearce . P . M ., Secretary ; F . C . EdAvards , S . D . : G . Randell , J . D . ; C . AV . Duke , P . P . S . AV ., D . C . ; H . Muscat , Organist \
R . AValmsley , I . G . : F . H . Hallett , P . P . G . O .. I . P . M . ; AV . M . Glenister P . G ., Std . B .. P . M . ; Captain Hennah , P . P . G . D . G , P . M . ; P . Robinson P . M . ; T . Trollope , M . D .. P . G . D . ; A . Wells , P . M . ; C . E . Botley , P . M . T . J . Rubie , P . M . ; H . C . Bennett , E . J . McCormich , L . J . Jukes H . Boyce , G . H . Gaze , C . Reinmann , F . Duke , AV . H . Rodda , A . Bray C . J . Lindridge , G . AV . Councillor Bryant , S . T . Councillor AVestoii
J . T . Edmed , J . Taylor , L . O . Glenister . Visitors : —P . H . Palmer . 811 ; T . Bunker , P . M ., 232 ; AV . T . Jordan , W . M ., 1184 . Bro . Bennett Avas raised to sublime degree of W . M . Brother Taylor Avas passed , the Avork being done by the AV . M . in an excellent manner . As this Avas the first appearance at Lodge of Bro . Trollope , after his severe illness , he Avas received Avith hearty
congratulations . Rev . J . Puttich , P . P . G . C , Avas elected AV . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Rossiter was again re-elected Treasurer , both of AA hom suitably acknoAvledged the honour conferred . A long discussion ensued on the report of Board of General Purposes , Avhich recommended a respectful suggestion to be made to the P . G . Master that the meetings of the P . G . Lodge
may be held at different parts of the province . The report Avas unanimously adopted . Bro . C W . Duke mentioned how the lodge Avas situate in regard to the candidature of the boy Newns for the R . M . I . B ., and ventured a hope that they may be able , with assistance outside the province , to secure his election . Mr . Ileophy Avas proposed as a candidate . The annual installation meeting Avill be held on the 14 th January next .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Anti-Masonic Vicar.
The deputation did not join him . They looked on in silence . Perhaps they thought the refusal of the church a sufficient annoyance , without the addition of the vicar ' s bantering . His pleasantry Avas not infectious . Perchance they held with the delinquent negro in one of our AVest India colonies , who was first severely reprimanded and then soundly thrashed by his OAvner : "Massa .
massa ; no preachee too and floggee too ! At length one of them , Avith great gravity , inquired . "AVhether Mr . Gresham had any further objection to urge 1 " " Oh dear , yes . I am hostile to you because you COMBINE . " The banker noAv fired his broadside . " AVe do . AVe are as a city in unity at itself . AVe form a band of
united brethren bound by one solemn obligation , stringent upon all , from the highest to the loAvest . And the object of our combination ' ! boundless charity and untiring beneA r olence . AA e must be charitable and kindly-affectioned to all ; but more especially to our brethren . AVith them Ave are ever to sympathise readily , and their necessities to succour cheerfully . Respect are Ave to have
none , either as to colour , creed , or country . And yet is our charity to be neither indiscriminate , wasteful , nor heedless . We are to prefer the Avorthy brother and to reject the Avorthless . And our warrant for so doing is HIS command , A \ r ho has said , " Thou shalt open thine hand Avide to thy brother , and to thy poor , and to thy needy in thy land . "
" The latter remark none can gainsay , said the vicar , coldly : " and thus , I believe , our intervieAV terminates . " The deputation retired , desperately chagrined . The church Avas closed against them . The IIOAV lodge was opened ; but there Avas no public procession , and no sermon . To me . lightly and carelessly as I then thought of the fraternity , there
seemed much that A \ r as inexplicable in the rebuff Avhich it sussustained . Here Avas Mr . Gresham , a conscientious and Avellintentioned man , Avho lamented , Sunday after Sunday , the prevalence of sorroAv , care , and suffering around him ; Avho spoke , Avith tears in his eyes , of the apathy of the rich and endurance of the poor ; AA'ho deplored the selfishness of the age ; AA ho averred ,
bitterly and repeatedly , that " all sought their own "—here was he , Avithstanding to his utmost a brotherhood AA ho declared—and none contradicted them- —that their leading object was to relieA r e distress and sorroAv . Of him they seek an audience . AVhen gained , they use it to request the use of his pulpit , with the view of making their principles better knoAvn ; of effacing some erroneous
impressions afloat respecting them ; in other Avords , of strengthening their cause . That cause they maintain to be identical , with disinterested benevolence and- brotherly lore . Mr . Gresham declares " off . " refuses them his church , and Avill
have nothing to do Avith them . " They may solve the riddle Avho can , " said I , as , thoroughly baffled , I sought my pilloAV . "Eachand all are incomprehensible . I don't knoAV which party is the most confounding : the Masons Avith their Avell-guarded secret , or Mr . Gresham with his insurmountable prejudices . "
Mark Masonry.
The half-yearly Communication of Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and AVales and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British CroAvn , Avas held on the 4 th inst ., at the Holborn Restaurant , London . M . AV . Bro . Lord Egerton of Tatton , Prov . Grand Master , presided . Baron de Ferrieres , R . W . Prov . G . M . of
Gloucestershire , occupied the S . G . AA . chair , and the Hon . A . de Tatton Egerton took the chair of J . G . AV . Bro . C . L . Mason , Deputy G . M . of AVest Yorkshire , acted as Deputy G . M ., and the Rev . Canon Portal , M . AV . P . G . M ., as Past Grand Master . A large number of Grand and Past Grand Officers , and many Mark Master Masons representing private lodges , attended .
The minutes of the half-yearly Communication of 5 th June , and of the NoA ember Grand Lodge , held at Cheltenham , 10 th July , were read and confirmed . The Grand Secretary read the reply of Sir Francis Knollys from the Prince of Wales to the address of condolence on the death of the German Emperor Frederick , as also the address of condolence voted to the Empress Frederick on the
same melancholy event , and the reply of Count von Hatzfeldt , German Ambassador in London , thereto , and it was resolved that the several documents should be entered on the minutes . The report of the General Board presented a most favourable view of the progress and prospects of this popular Order in Freemasonry . In the six months ending on the 30 th September last , warrants for
five IICAV lodges and 577 Mark certificates Avere granted . Five HCAV provinces have been re-organised under neAvly-appointed Prov . Grand Masters , and the patents of three other P . G . M . ' s have been reneAved for the customary term of three years . Financially , the position of this Grand Lodge is most satisfactory , the balances on each Fund being on the right side of the account , that of the
General Fund amounting to upAvards of £ 203 , and that of the Fund of Benevolence in its several branches , and including the Festival Account , to over £ 1 , 442 , Avhile the investments are not far short of £ 10 , 000 , taking the General and Benevolent Funds together . The report Avas received and adopted . M . AV . Bro . the Rev . Canon Portal moved :
" That the Annuity payable to Male Annuitants may be increased to £ 20 , and that to Female Annuitants to £ 21 , and that a sum of £ 5 be annually presented at Christmas to each Annuitant for the purpose of procuring clothing or fuel , or other necessaries ; and that the Book of Constitutions , page 7 ( i , clause viii ., and page 79 , clause iv ., be altered accordingly . "
He said it Avas only necessary to inform Grand Lodge that their Annuity Fund amounted UOAV to a considerable sum , no less , according to the report the brethren had in their hands , than £ 2 , 800 ; and thanks to the exertions of the SteAvards from year to year at all the festivals their funds were increasing to a large extent annually . Last festival the sum realised was £ 1 , 818 . Therefore , being in very
Mark Masonry.
good funds indeed , he did not think Grand Lodge could do better than increase the amount of the annuities to ten shillings a Aveek to the males and eight shillings a AA ^ eekto the females , to all those who from unfortunate circumstances Avere compelled to appeal to Grand
Lodge for assistance . He could assure Grand Lodge it was Avell to give them also a gratuity of £ 5 at Christinas in order that they might provide themselves Avith some little comfort . They had UOAV four male annuitants and no females , and they could well afford to do it .
Bro . Frank Richardson , G . Reg ., seconded the motion , which AA-as carried . The M . W . G . M ., His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales . Avas nominated for election as Grand Master for the ensuing year ; and Bros . Henry Faiga . P . S . G . AV . Middx . and Surrey , and W . M . Stiles .
Old Kent Lodge and founder of the Royal Savoy Lodge , respectively for the office of Grand Treasurer . Charity Festival JCAA ^ CIS and Bars Avere then distributed to SteAvards Avho had served at the last FestiA'al of the Mark Benevolent Fund , and Grand Mark Lodge Avas then closed .
A Special Smoking Concert Avill take place at St . James ' s Hall ( Banqueting Room ) on Thursday next , the 20 th inst ., under the management of Bro . AValter Abbott . Among the A \ ell-knoAvn artistes and brethren will be found the names of E . J . Lonnen , ChirgAA-in , A . Coombes , AV . H . Pennington , S . B . Garcia , Odell , and many others . Mesdames the Sisters Preston , Nellie Lennox , Kate Seymour , and Alice Leamar are among the many ladies who have promised to support Bro . Abbott on this occasion .
AA EST SMITHFIELD—No . 1623 . —On the 10 th inst ., at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgate Street , E . C . —Bro . Jenkins , AV . M . —Bros . Gush , S . AV . ; Tattersall . J . AV . ; Hodges Preceptor ; Hill , Secretary : Salmon , S . D . ; Case J . D . ; Billings , I . G . ; Turner , Berry , Reid , and about 30 other brethren . The fifteen sections Avere Avorked by Bros . Frampton , Salmon , Billings . Trinder , Snelling , Hodges , Hill .
Tattersall , POAVCII , Berry , Gush , Case and Jolly . Bros . Barker , McFarlane , Draper , 0 . [ Smith and Groner A \ ere elected joining members . A vote of thanks , together with the honorary membership of the Lodge of Instruction , A \ as accorded Bro . Jenkins , the AV . M . A vote of thanks Avas also accorded the brethren A \ dio had assisted the AV . M . in Avorking the fifteen sections .
ST . MARGARET ' S—NO . 1452 . —On Monday , the 3 rd inst ., the Installation Meeting Avas held at the Masonic Hall , LoAvestoft , AA-hen Bro . AV . H . Ehves , P . M .. P . P . G . S . D .. Avas installed into the chair of K . S . by AV . Bro . G . ' F . Crane . ' The folloAving officers Avere . appointed : Bros . H . B . AValker , I . P . M . ; J . B . Blackinore , P . P . G . C . Chaplain ; F . S . Ellen , S . AV . ; AV J . Roberts , J . AA . ; P . Allez , P . P . S . G . AA ^ ., Treasurer ; H . J . Eastaugh , P . P . J . G . D ., Secretary ; J . P . Smith
S . D . ; T . AVilson AVard , J . D . : F . A . Mann , Organist ; Kerry Rix , SteAvard ; J . AV . Brooke , I . G . ; J . Symes , Tyler . A banquet Avas served at the Suffolk Hotel , the AV . M . presiding . Amongst the visitors Avere the Mayor , Bro . AA m . Maddison , P . M . ; Bros . AV . E . Holt . United Friends , 313 : Brockbank , P . P . G . S ., Social . < J 3 , NorAvich Bray . P . P . G . S . D ., AV . M ., St . AndreAv ' s , 1031 ; G . H . Cooper , Unity , 71 ; AVilton , EA eritt , A . Stebbings . & c .
CHISAVICK—No . 2012 . —On Saturday , the Sth inst . , at the AVindsor Castle , King Street , Hammersmith , AV . —Bros . E . Ayling , Preceptor AV . M . ; J . Sims , S . AV . ; J . Davis , J . AV . ; A . AVilliarus , Secretary ; R . H . Wimpey , S . D . ; F . Osborne , J . D . ; F . AV . Biggs , I . G . ; J . H . Wood ; Dr . LaAvrence , Aslete , Stroud ; J . AVilliams ; and others . The ceremony of installation Avas rehearsed by Bro . Dr . LaAvrence . AV . M . of the Mother Lodge , Bro . Gardner acting as AV . M . elect .
The 2 nd section ot the 1 st lecture was Avorked by Bro . Sims , S . W . Bro . J . AVilliams Avas elected a joining member of the lodge . A A ote of thanks Avas accorded Bro . Dr . LaAvrence for the able manner in A \ hich he had rehearsed the ceremony of installation . A testimonial in the form of a handsomely engraved silver cigar case was ,: presented to Bro . Arthur AVilliams by the members of the Chiswick Lodge of Instruction , No . 2012 , in recognition of his valuable services as secretary , 1888 . "
DERAVENT—No . 40 . —The monthly meeting of this old and successful Lodge took place on Monday , at the Castle Hotel , Hastings , Avhen there Avere present : Bros . MarkAvich , AV . M . ; ReA . J . Puttich , P . P . G . C , S . AA . ; AV . S . Allen , J . AV . ; F . Rossiter , P . P . G . D .. Treasurer ; J . Pearce . P . M ., Secretary ; F . C . EdAvards , S . D . : G . Randell , J . D . ; C . AV . Duke , P . P . S . AV ., D . C . ; H . Muscat , Organist \
R . AValmsley , I . G . : F . H . Hallett , P . P . G . O .. I . P . M . ; AV . M . Glenister P . G ., Std . B .. P . M . ; Captain Hennah , P . P . G . D . G , P . M . ; P . Robinson P . M . ; T . Trollope , M . D .. P . G . D . ; A . Wells , P . M . ; C . E . Botley , P . M . T . J . Rubie , P . M . ; H . C . Bennett , E . J . McCormich , L . J . Jukes H . Boyce , G . H . Gaze , C . Reinmann , F . Duke , AV . H . Rodda , A . Bray C . J . Lindridge , G . AV . Councillor Bryant , S . T . Councillor AVestoii
J . T . Edmed , J . Taylor , L . O . Glenister . Visitors : —P . H . Palmer . 811 ; T . Bunker , P . M ., 232 ; AV . T . Jordan , W . M ., 1184 . Bro . Bennett Avas raised to sublime degree of W . M . Brother Taylor Avas passed , the Avork being done by the AV . M . in an excellent manner . As this Avas the first appearance at Lodge of Bro . Trollope , after his severe illness , he Avas received Avith hearty
congratulations . Rev . J . Puttich , P . P . G . C , Avas elected AV . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Rossiter was again re-elected Treasurer , both of AA hom suitably acknoAvledged the honour conferred . A long discussion ensued on the report of Board of General Purposes , Avhich recommended a respectful suggestion to be made to the P . G . Master that the meetings of the P . G . Lodge
may be held at different parts of the province . The report Avas unanimously adopted . Bro . C W . Duke mentioned how the lodge Avas situate in regard to the candidature of the boy Newns for the R . M . I . B ., and ventured a hope that they may be able , with assistance outside the province , to secure his election . Mr . Ileophy Avas proposed as a candidate . The annual installation meeting Avill be held on the 14 th January next .