Article The Masonic " Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article ECLECTIC LODGE, No. 1201. Page 1 of 1 Article ECLECTIC LODGE, No. 1201. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTIONS. Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic " Poet's Corner."
The Masonic " Poet's Corner . "
{ Original and Selected . ') THE WORKING TOOLS .
LET US be true , —each Working Tool The Master places in our care Imparts a stern but wholesome rule To all who work and journey here : The Architect divine has used The Plumb , the Level and the Square .
Let us be wise ; the Level see ' How certain is the doom of man ! So humble should Freemasons be Who work within this narrow span ; No room for pride and vanity—Let wisdom rule our every plan .
Let us be just ; behold the Square ' Its pattern deviates no part From that which , in the Master ' s can ; . Tries all the angles of the heart . 0 sacred implement divine , — Blest emblem of Masonic art !
Let us be true ; the unerring Plumb , Dropped from the unseen Master ' s hand . Rich fraught with truthfulness has come-To bid us rightly walk and stand ; That the All-seeing Eye of God
May bless us from the heavenly land . Dear friend , whose generous heart I know , Whose virtues shine so far abroad , —
Long may you linger here below , To share what friendship may afford . ' Long may the Level , Plumb and Square , Speak forth through you the works of God . [ From 7 'Jie Poetry of Freemasonry , by the late Bro . Dr . ROB MORRIS , Masonic Poet Laureate . ]
Eclectic Lodge, No. 1201.
ECLECTIC LODGE , No . 1201 .
The installation meeting of this lodge was held at Freemason ' s Hall , London , on the 11 th inst ., when Bro . John Leach Barrett was ably installed W . M . by his predecessor , W . Bro . A . T . Foreman . The attendance of members and visitors evidenced the favour in which this lodge is held by the masonic fraternity in the metropolis , and the tire of most characterand
en proceedings were a satisfactory , fully bore out the application of the lodge ' s well chosen motto , . Von videri sed t > xxe . " In the temporary and unavoidable absence of the W . M ,, W . Bro . W . H . Munday , P . M . opened the lodge , and after receipt of the report of the audit committee , passed to the F . C . degree Bro . Frolich in his usual perfect and able manner . The
W . M . having arrived , then obligated the W . M . Elect , and raised his lodge . A board of installed masters was opened with full ceremony , which , whether ancient or comparatively modern , for there are contentions amongst many brethren on this point , is too instructive and interesting to be altogether eliminated from the ceremonials of the order . Its performance on this occasion , although taking many
Past Master ' s present by surprise , gave much pleasure and satisfaction , and an almost general agreement was expressed in favour of the restoration of the ceremony if it had formed part of ancient working , or of its general adoption , if merely of comparatively recent creation . W . Bros . James Mander , P . M ., and James Stevens , P . M ., officiated as installed masters S . W . and J . W . respectively in
the constitution of the board . On the introduction of the W . M . Elect , the ceremony of installation was proceeded with in the customary manner , and the newly installed -Master , having been saluted from the centre , the board was closed with reversed ceremonial and in due form . The salutations in three degrees were then accorded , and the following officers were invested , the addresses
of Bro . Barrett on investiture being most happily rendered , and meeting with general endorsement by the lodge and its visitors : — Bros . C . II . Chauffourier . S . W . ; R . Harvev Lyon , J ' . W . ; . las . -Mander . P . M . treasurer ; Arthur E . Taylor . P . M ., P . P . G ., Supt . Wks .. Surrey , secretary ; Surridge . S . D . ; Le V . D . Anley . J . D .: Alfred Madell . I . G . ; Dr . S . Lloyd , P . M ., D . C . ; Haworth . A . D . C .: G . W . Saul
P . M . ( by Proxy ) , W . S . ; H . P . Anley . A . W . S . ; Potter , tyler . W . Bro . Munday , P . M .. concluded the ceremony of installation by the delivery of the addresses to Master , Warder . s and brethren . We have no hesitation in saying that but seldom , if ever , have we seen the entire business of an installation better performed . W . Bro . Dr . Lloyd , P . M . officiated as D . C , and carried out his important
part of the work in a most able manner . The subsequent announcement that his son desired initiation at the ensuing meeting was hailed with acclamation . Other propositions for joining and initiation were made , and a telegram of condolence and good wishes for recovery was forwarded to W . Bro . Saul . P . M ., who , as the result of an accident , had recently suffered amputation of a leg , but whose progress towards convalescence is now , we are pleased to say ,
assured . The lodge members appeared in masonic mourning for two of the brethren , the late Bros . Iliggs and Johnston . Replies from the respective relatives of the deceased to votes of condolence were read , and this terminated the business of the evening . After the lodge had been closed , an excellent banquet was served by Messrs . Spiers & Pond . In the course of the subsequent proceedings the I . P . M ., Bro . A . T . Foreman , was presented with an elegant P . M .
Eclectic Lodge, No. 1201.
jewel , and W . Bro . W . IT . Munday with a P . M . collar and silver pendant jewel . The speeches of the W . M . in iutro bieing the several toasts , and the responses made thereto , were in every case far beyond the average of those we have at various times listened to , and it would be invidious to select any in particular for lengthened report , even if our limited space permitted . In respect
of other entertainment , it may be said that , without the aid of outside talent , excepting only the kind assistance of Mrs . Barrett , wife of the W . M ., and a talented vocalist , the musical ability amongst its members afforded much satisfaction and saved the lodge funds—no small consideration in these days when the needs of masonic charity call for earnest attention on the part of individuals
and lodges desiring to act up to the true principles of the order . A thoroughly enjoyable masonic evening terminated with the tyler ' s toast at a reasonable hour : and Bro . Barrett , the W . M .. his ollicer .-and members have reason to be well satisfied with the entire proceedings . The following is a list of those present on this very interesting occasion : —Bros . A . T . Foreman . W . M .: J . Loach Barrett ,
S . W .: C . II . Chauffourier , J . AV .: J . Mander , P . M ., treasurer : Arthur E . Taylor . P . M . secretary : I ! . Harvey Lvon . S . D . ; W . Surridge . . 1 . 1 ) .: Resta ' ll . I . G .: Le V . 1 ) . Anlev . A . D . C .: Mundav , I . P . M .: J . IT . Watts . P . M . ; G . (_; . Walker , P . M .: S . Llovd . P . M .: Paddle . P . M .: Jourden , H . P . Anley . Haworth . Pedlar . Madell . Frolich . Be . isley . Richardson . Visitors : Bros . H . Youens , W . M ., Ewell 1 S . _ 1 ; W . F .
Birmingham . Amitv 111 : J . K . Pitt , P . M .. Last Surrev L . ot Concord llw John A . Gartlev , P . M .. Israel 20 .. ; II . H . Room . Prov . G . Sec , Middx . ; Jas . Stevens . P . M .. Maodonald 1210 ( MASONIC STAR ) : J . Cope Allengame . I . P . M ., WorthingL . of F . 8 . "il : W . Lake . P . M .. Fortitude mCFreemaxou ); J . Blundell . P . M .. CrvstalPalace 742 : A . Batts . P . M ..
St . Clement Danes 1744 ; \\ . Densham . S . D ., Leigh ' . ! . "» 7 : D . Hills , Tranquility 1 ^ 5 : , T . C Thompson , Lo _\_ k . sboYov _< ___ __ <> S 1 : Oxenham Waveney ti'M ; G . C . Rivers . S . D .. St . Margarets IS 72 ; F . Landon ^ sec . Hope and Unitv 214 ; M . A . Bontrov . P . M .. La Tolerance SiiS : F . Eisenmann . ; J . D .. ' TranquilitvilK . _ : and R . W . Ileney . St . Lukes 1 II
The Royal Masonic Institutions.
THE GENERAL COMMITTEE OF THE BOYS' SCHOOL met at Freemasons' Hall on the Sth inst ., Bro . Wm . Roebuck , P . G . S . B ., trustee , presiding . There were present Bros . Stephen Richardson . W . Maple . James Moon , T . Hastings Miller , II . Venn , H . W . Hunt . J . H . Ellsworth , W . A . Scurrah , ( i . P . Britten , A . B . Cook . P . A . G . D . C , J . S . Cumberland , W . G . Kentish . W . W . Morgan . Rev . Richard
Morris . M . D ., LL . D ., Abbott Smith . A . E . G lad well , J . Glass . Fred . Richards , A . Williams , G . Cooper . S . G . D ., J . Rayner . C . F . llogard , P . G . Std . Br ., A . M . Cohen , George Mickley . J . L . Mather . P . A . G . D . C , Frank Richardson , P . G . D ., Geo . Lambert , W . A . Glass , and Frederu k Binckes , P . G . S . B . ( sec ) . The committee considered 111 petitions , accepting 17 of them , the other two being deferred . Eight
applications for grants towards outfit were ; favourably entertained , and two notices of motion for the Quarterly General Court were handed in . There are now 72 candidates on the list , and this may be increased at the Quarterly C ' jurt to 74 . There are 17 vacancies . Possibly at the ensuing Qinrterly Court two more vacancies may be declared .
THE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT OF THE BENEVOLENT Institution met at Freemasons'Hall on the ' . 'th inst . Bros . Jaboz Hogg . P . ( l- . D .. presided , and there were present Bros . C . A . Cottebru ' ne . P . G . P ., W . Belchamber . C . Kempton . II . Cox . ( 'has . G . Hill . E . West , J . Discon . Hugh Cotter , B . E . Blasby . Thomas Cubitt . P . G . P . _ W . Hilton . Charles Lacey , J . Newton . A . IT . Tattershall . J . J . Berrv .
W . IT . Murlis . Sam Brooks . Hugh M . Hobbs , Alex . Forsyth . Louis Stean . John Larkin , George Micklev . Charles F . llogard . P . G . Std . Br ., C . H . Webb , and James Terry , P . G . S . B . ( secretary ) . The secretary reported file deaths of two male and one widow annuitants and one male candidate . The AVarden ' s report for the past month was read , and that of the Finance Committee read and adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . An application from the
widow of a deceased annuitant for half her late husband ' s annuiiy was acceded to . The report of Bro . Raynliam W . Stewart . P . G . I ) .. as to the purchase of roadway iu front of the institution and the question of a boundary fence was received . The Committee considered is petitions , six men and J 2 widows . Five of the men ' s petitions were Accepted and 11 widows'petitions accepted , and one deferred .
THE ANNUAL NEW YEAR ' I-. Nn . in A IN . UENT TO THE ANNIITANTS of the Benevolent Institution was given on the premises at Croydon , on the 2 nd inst ., and was largely attended by friends and supporters . The entertainment , which was started ten years since by Bro . Terry , the Secretary of the Institution , was provided for by certain benevolentkind-hearted and true brethren , including those of
, the Province of East Lancashire , and no portion of the cost came out of the subscriptions to the institution . One of the most delightful results of these gatherings is that it brings a large number of the same friends together year after year , and enables them to shake hands and once more wish each other a Happy New
Year . On this occasion the proceedings were of the customary harmonious and pleasant character , find the "old folks'' and general company enjoyed themselves exceedingly . We congratulate our worthy ' brother Terry on the increased support he receives towards the cost of this annual entertainment , as well as on the success which invariably attends it .
WILL any brother greatly oblige a P . M . and P . Z . by kindly forwarding to him a spare copy of their Lodge or Chapter summons , as he is endeavouring to form a complete collection of them from No . 1 upwards . —Address , C . E . FERRY , 55 . Tregunter Road . South Kensington , S . W . — [ ADVT . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic " Poet's Corner."
The Masonic " Poet's Corner . "
{ Original and Selected . ') THE WORKING TOOLS .
LET US be true , —each Working Tool The Master places in our care Imparts a stern but wholesome rule To all who work and journey here : The Architect divine has used The Plumb , the Level and the Square .
Let us be wise ; the Level see ' How certain is the doom of man ! So humble should Freemasons be Who work within this narrow span ; No room for pride and vanity—Let wisdom rule our every plan .
Let us be just ; behold the Square ' Its pattern deviates no part From that which , in the Master ' s can ; . Tries all the angles of the heart . 0 sacred implement divine , — Blest emblem of Masonic art !
Let us be true ; the unerring Plumb , Dropped from the unseen Master ' s hand . Rich fraught with truthfulness has come-To bid us rightly walk and stand ; That the All-seeing Eye of God
May bless us from the heavenly land . Dear friend , whose generous heart I know , Whose virtues shine so far abroad , —
Long may you linger here below , To share what friendship may afford . ' Long may the Level , Plumb and Square , Speak forth through you the works of God . [ From 7 'Jie Poetry of Freemasonry , by the late Bro . Dr . ROB MORRIS , Masonic Poet Laureate . ]
Eclectic Lodge, No. 1201.
ECLECTIC LODGE , No . 1201 .
The installation meeting of this lodge was held at Freemason ' s Hall , London , on the 11 th inst ., when Bro . John Leach Barrett was ably installed W . M . by his predecessor , W . Bro . A . T . Foreman . The attendance of members and visitors evidenced the favour in which this lodge is held by the masonic fraternity in the metropolis , and the tire of most characterand
en proceedings were a satisfactory , fully bore out the application of the lodge ' s well chosen motto , . Von videri sed t > xxe . " In the temporary and unavoidable absence of the W . M ,, W . Bro . W . H . Munday , P . M . opened the lodge , and after receipt of the report of the audit committee , passed to the F . C . degree Bro . Frolich in his usual perfect and able manner . The
W . M . having arrived , then obligated the W . M . Elect , and raised his lodge . A board of installed masters was opened with full ceremony , which , whether ancient or comparatively modern , for there are contentions amongst many brethren on this point , is too instructive and interesting to be altogether eliminated from the ceremonials of the order . Its performance on this occasion , although taking many
Past Master ' s present by surprise , gave much pleasure and satisfaction , and an almost general agreement was expressed in favour of the restoration of the ceremony if it had formed part of ancient working , or of its general adoption , if merely of comparatively recent creation . W . Bros . James Mander , P . M ., and James Stevens , P . M ., officiated as installed masters S . W . and J . W . respectively in
the constitution of the board . On the introduction of the W . M . Elect , the ceremony of installation was proceeded with in the customary manner , and the newly installed -Master , having been saluted from the centre , the board was closed with reversed ceremonial and in due form . The salutations in three degrees were then accorded , and the following officers were invested , the addresses
of Bro . Barrett on investiture being most happily rendered , and meeting with general endorsement by the lodge and its visitors : — Bros . C . II . Chauffourier . S . W . ; R . Harvev Lyon , J ' . W . ; . las . -Mander . P . M . treasurer ; Arthur E . Taylor . P . M ., P . P . G ., Supt . Wks .. Surrey , secretary ; Surridge . S . D . ; Le V . D . Anley . J . D .: Alfred Madell . I . G . ; Dr . S . Lloyd , P . M ., D . C . ; Haworth . A . D . C .: G . W . Saul
P . M . ( by Proxy ) , W . S . ; H . P . Anley . A . W . S . ; Potter , tyler . W . Bro . Munday , P . M .. concluded the ceremony of installation by the delivery of the addresses to Master , Warder . s and brethren . We have no hesitation in saying that but seldom , if ever , have we seen the entire business of an installation better performed . W . Bro . Dr . Lloyd , P . M . officiated as D . C , and carried out his important
part of the work in a most able manner . The subsequent announcement that his son desired initiation at the ensuing meeting was hailed with acclamation . Other propositions for joining and initiation were made , and a telegram of condolence and good wishes for recovery was forwarded to W . Bro . Saul . P . M ., who , as the result of an accident , had recently suffered amputation of a leg , but whose progress towards convalescence is now , we are pleased to say ,
assured . The lodge members appeared in masonic mourning for two of the brethren , the late Bros . Iliggs and Johnston . Replies from the respective relatives of the deceased to votes of condolence were read , and this terminated the business of the evening . After the lodge had been closed , an excellent banquet was served by Messrs . Spiers & Pond . In the course of the subsequent proceedings the I . P . M ., Bro . A . T . Foreman , was presented with an elegant P . M .
Eclectic Lodge, No. 1201.
jewel , and W . Bro . W . IT . Munday with a P . M . collar and silver pendant jewel . The speeches of the W . M . in iutro bieing the several toasts , and the responses made thereto , were in every case far beyond the average of those we have at various times listened to , and it would be invidious to select any in particular for lengthened report , even if our limited space permitted . In respect
of other entertainment , it may be said that , without the aid of outside talent , excepting only the kind assistance of Mrs . Barrett , wife of the W . M ., and a talented vocalist , the musical ability amongst its members afforded much satisfaction and saved the lodge funds—no small consideration in these days when the needs of masonic charity call for earnest attention on the part of individuals
and lodges desiring to act up to the true principles of the order . A thoroughly enjoyable masonic evening terminated with the tyler ' s toast at a reasonable hour : and Bro . Barrett , the W . M .. his ollicer .-and members have reason to be well satisfied with the entire proceedings . The following is a list of those present on this very interesting occasion : —Bros . A . T . Foreman . W . M .: J . Loach Barrett ,
S . W .: C . II . Chauffourier , J . AV .: J . Mander , P . M ., treasurer : Arthur E . Taylor . P . M . secretary : I ! . Harvey Lvon . S . D . ; W . Surridge . . 1 . 1 ) .: Resta ' ll . I . G .: Le V . 1 ) . Anlev . A . D . C .: Mundav , I . P . M .: J . IT . Watts . P . M . ; G . (_; . Walker , P . M .: S . Llovd . P . M .: Paddle . P . M .: Jourden , H . P . Anley . Haworth . Pedlar . Madell . Frolich . Be . isley . Richardson . Visitors : Bros . H . Youens , W . M ., Ewell 1 S . _ 1 ; W . F .
Birmingham . Amitv 111 : J . K . Pitt , P . M .. Last Surrev L . ot Concord llw John A . Gartlev , P . M .. Israel 20 .. ; II . H . Room . Prov . G . Sec , Middx . ; Jas . Stevens . P . M .. Maodonald 1210 ( MASONIC STAR ) : J . Cope Allengame . I . P . M ., WorthingL . of F . 8 . "il : W . Lake . P . M .. Fortitude mCFreemaxou ); J . Blundell . P . M .. CrvstalPalace 742 : A . Batts . P . M ..
St . Clement Danes 1744 ; \\ . Densham . S . D ., Leigh ' . ! . "» 7 : D . Hills , Tranquility 1 ^ 5 : , T . C Thompson , Lo _\_ k . sboYov _< ___ __ <> S 1 : Oxenham Waveney ti'M ; G . C . Rivers . S . D .. St . Margarets IS 72 ; F . Landon ^ sec . Hope and Unitv 214 ; M . A . Bontrov . P . M .. La Tolerance SiiS : F . Eisenmann . ; J . D .. ' TranquilitvilK . _ : and R . W . Ileney . St . Lukes 1 II
The Royal Masonic Institutions.
THE GENERAL COMMITTEE OF THE BOYS' SCHOOL met at Freemasons' Hall on the Sth inst ., Bro . Wm . Roebuck , P . G . S . B ., trustee , presiding . There were present Bros . Stephen Richardson . W . Maple . James Moon , T . Hastings Miller , II . Venn , H . W . Hunt . J . H . Ellsworth , W . A . Scurrah , ( i . P . Britten , A . B . Cook . P . A . G . D . C , J . S . Cumberland , W . G . Kentish . W . W . Morgan . Rev . Richard
Morris . M . D ., LL . D ., Abbott Smith . A . E . G lad well , J . Glass . Fred . Richards , A . Williams , G . Cooper . S . G . D ., J . Rayner . C . F . llogard , P . G . Std . Br ., A . M . Cohen , George Mickley . J . L . Mather . P . A . G . D . C , Frank Richardson , P . G . D ., Geo . Lambert , W . A . Glass , and Frederu k Binckes , P . G . S . B . ( sec ) . The committee considered 111 petitions , accepting 17 of them , the other two being deferred . Eight
applications for grants towards outfit were ; favourably entertained , and two notices of motion for the Quarterly General Court were handed in . There are now 72 candidates on the list , and this may be increased at the Quarterly C ' jurt to 74 . There are 17 vacancies . Possibly at the ensuing Qinrterly Court two more vacancies may be declared .
THE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT OF THE BENEVOLENT Institution met at Freemasons'Hall on the ' . 'th inst . Bros . Jaboz Hogg . P . ( l- . D .. presided , and there were present Bros . C . A . Cottebru ' ne . P . G . P ., W . Belchamber . C . Kempton . II . Cox . ( 'has . G . Hill . E . West , J . Discon . Hugh Cotter , B . E . Blasby . Thomas Cubitt . P . G . P . _ W . Hilton . Charles Lacey , J . Newton . A . IT . Tattershall . J . J . Berrv .
W . IT . Murlis . Sam Brooks . Hugh M . Hobbs , Alex . Forsyth . Louis Stean . John Larkin , George Micklev . Charles F . llogard . P . G . Std . Br ., C . H . Webb , and James Terry , P . G . S . B . ( secretary ) . The secretary reported file deaths of two male and one widow annuitants and one male candidate . The AVarden ' s report for the past month was read , and that of the Finance Committee read and adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . An application from the
widow of a deceased annuitant for half her late husband ' s annuiiy was acceded to . The report of Bro . Raynliam W . Stewart . P . G . I ) .. as to the purchase of roadway iu front of the institution and the question of a boundary fence was received . The Committee considered is petitions , six men and J 2 widows . Five of the men ' s petitions were Accepted and 11 widows'petitions accepted , and one deferred .
THE ANNUAL NEW YEAR ' I-. Nn . in A IN . UENT TO THE ANNIITANTS of the Benevolent Institution was given on the premises at Croydon , on the 2 nd inst ., and was largely attended by friends and supporters . The entertainment , which was started ten years since by Bro . Terry , the Secretary of the Institution , was provided for by certain benevolentkind-hearted and true brethren , including those of
, the Province of East Lancashire , and no portion of the cost came out of the subscriptions to the institution . One of the most delightful results of these gatherings is that it brings a large number of the same friends together year after year , and enables them to shake hands and once more wish each other a Happy New
Year . On this occasion the proceedings were of the customary harmonious and pleasant character , find the "old folks'' and general company enjoyed themselves exceedingly . We congratulate our worthy ' brother Terry on the increased support he receives towards the cost of this annual entertainment , as well as on the success which invariably attends it .
WILL any brother greatly oblige a P . M . and P . Z . by kindly forwarding to him a spare copy of their Lodge or Chapter summons , as he is endeavouring to form a complete collection of them from No . 1 upwards . —Address , C . E . FERRY , 55 . Tregunter Road . South Kensington , S . W . — [ ADVT . ]