Article HIGH TWELVE Page 1 of 1 Article Our City Article. Page 1 of 1
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High Twelve
" Cease labour and go to refreshment . "
( Ktathtjs ^
toairAn amusing little dramatic skit , entitled The Duchess of Jlayswatcr , <• Co ., was produced on the 8 th inst ., at the Haymarket Theatre . The little satirico-farcical production serves to keej : ) Mr . Becrbohm Tree ' s audience in good humour , while the " style and fashion " are finding their way to the theatre . It was well played by Messrs . Brookfield . Allen and Harrison , and Misses Rose Le Clercq and Angela Cudmore . Without pretending to be ambitious , the author . Mr . A . M . Heathcote , has succeeded in being amusing .
The Grand Theatre , Islington , was opened under favourable auspices on the first of the current month . I congratulate Mr . Charles Wilmot , who is the very best Chadband I have ever seen , upon having got his handsome theatre finished at last , and I also congratulate that clever architect , Mr . Frank Matcham , upon his achievement in his particular metier . It is now close upon a year since the former house was destroyed by fire , an occurrence which
I am not likely to forget , seeing that on the disastrous night I spent the evening at the theatre , and had only left the building a few minutes when the calamity occurred . Miss Kate Vaughan and her company were appearing here during the cattle show week in Lore and Honour . The theatre will now remain closed until the production of the pantomime , which has been written by Geoffrey Thorn , of which great things are anticipated .
Of love and Honour I have not much to remark which is complimentary . It is an adaption of Monsieur Aljthonsc by Alexandre Dumas , Jils , and I confess I don't like it . The version now in use by Miss Kate Vaughan is that which I saw under the management of the bite Madlle . Beatrice , and I well remember her excellent acting as Raymonde , as well as that of Miss Charlotte
Saunders , whoso impersonation of the parvenu Madame Guichard was a perfect piece of acting . Miss Kate Vaughan , who has done well with the play in the provinces , is thoroughly moving and sympathetic as the heroine , and she is well supported by the company engaged . Mrs . Campbell Bradley and Messrs . Lethcourt and Fulton merit high praise .
Neither at Covent Garden Theatre , Sanger ' s Amphitheatre , nor at the Standard Theatre , Shorcditch , will there be pantomimes this year . Covent Garden will be transformed once more into a circus , which will be exploited by the Messrs . Hengler ; and I believe it is intended to make this one of the finest hippodromatic shows ever seen . The other two houses named will remain closed . Good business for the Surrey and the Britannia and Pavilion Theatres respectively .
Macbeth does not put m an appearance at the Lyceum until the 2 ' . lth inst . Look out for the " disappearing ladies "—meaning , of course , the witches . Buatier de Kolta may have been enlisted for aught I know ; anyway , the three witches are going to disappear in so short a time as to put that well-known period called " a jiffey " to the blush .
Ureal / , if Bay is no longer to be the title of Sim ' s and Pettitt ' s Adelphi drama : latest advices give the name as The Silver Falls , a far prettier and more attractive line for the bills . From all I can hear the new piece is in the authors' best style , and there is to be plenty of sensation . The scene is laid in London and in Mexico , so there ought to be variety enough . I have the greatest faith in this collaboration , and look forward to the new piece with more than ordinary interest .
Atalanta at the Strand has been revised and considerably improved . If only it had been produced , originally , in something like its present form , it would have had a good chance of a successful run . Even now , I hope Atalanta may run her race with Hippomencs for many a night to come . Mr . Dan Leno has been added to the company . Though I yield to no one in admiration of Mr . Dan Leno
in the ordinary way , I yet think his style slightly jars upon one in this travesty ; nevertheless he is immensely funny . I hear that the management is petitioning Augustus Imp . Dru . to cancel the engagement for the pantomime , so that Leno may stay at the Strand instead of joining the forces engaged for Babes in , the Wood , & c . We shall see . Meanwhile , it is reported that arrangements
have been entered into by which a well-known and fascinating musical composer will assume the baton , and will introduce some taking musical novelties . Mr . Tom Squire has now a better chance of distinguishing himself than formerly ; and a medley , introduced into the first act , goes extremely well . Most of the nonsensical racing business in the last act has been eliminated , and all this
portion of the play has been much improved . Miss Alma Stanley is now replaced by Miss Leigh , who does her work gracefully and well . During the holidays I hope to hear that Atalanta is being extensively patronised . A new play , by Mr . Robert Buchanan , is on the stocks at the
Vaudeville Theatre . It is novel and peculiar in idea , and that is why I am a leetle timid about its ' catching on . " It is to be of the time of our great-grandfathers ; the scene is laid principally at Bath , the old Assembly Rooms of which City are to be accurately reproduced . The name given to the play is Cupid ' s Bow . Joseph ' s Sweetheart will run yet for a bit , methinks . LAUNCELOT GOBBO .
Our City Article.
Our City Article .
CAPEL COURT , DECEMBER 10 TH . 1888 . There is greater case in the Money Market and a disposition towards lower rates . People had become so frightened at the possibility of a money scare at the end of the year , that the precautious taken have probably averted it ; at all events , there is a better tone all round , and business latterly has been so much restricted that there is room for an upward movement its soon as business is resumed .
The end of the Panama scheme , so long looked forward to . has come ; at all events , the first phase is ended , and the disappointment throughout France is bitter . The collapse , however , litis not caused as much distraction on tlie Bourse as was anticipated , perhaps owing to the great financial houses having foreseen and provided for this result by selling bears of the stock . It is hoped by the proprietors
that something may be done ' for the honour of France . " More excitement is just now produced by the heavy failure of it French broker , and this will probably lead to lower prices yet in some of the securities particularly affected by Parisian speculators . As Rio Tinto shares fell heavily on this failure , I think they should be bought . The increased difficulties at Suakin must put the Egyptian
Government to a great expense , and in this case we shall probably have Unified stocks lower . At all events this stock and Daira ' s should stand at a nearer level than they are at now . The new Russian Loan appears to have been well subscribed for in Paris , but only to a very limited extent elsewhere . This is not calculated to keep up the price of the old stocks , and the 1873 loan will probably go lower . English
rails are well supported , and the rise since last week is fairly good , considering the fewness of the transactions . Every now and then we have a rumour that the ordinary stock of one or other of the heavy lines is about to be divided into preferred and deferred stock , and a sharp rush up in price is recorded , though why the value should improve by division it is not easy to see . From the point of
view of the investor it is not a desirable thing to do , but from the speculator ' s or the Stock Exchange point it is a consummation devoutlj' to be wished . Last week the North Eastern was to be divided , and this week it is the Midland . A rise of one or two per cent , was the result , which no doubt was what was wanted , as nothing more is heard of the projects . The outlook for most of
these stocks is still very good , and the time is approaching when expectation will be on tiptoe as to the result of the half-year ' s working , so that everyone should be on the right side and buy some of the stocks that have had good takes , as a smart rise will certainly follow the resumption of business . After a good tumble on Saturday last , American rails have again
spurted , this time from Aew York , -where , they pretend to believe in a return of peace . I have my doubts of the genuineness of the rise , nor do I think that the ordinary speculators on this side care to follow the move . They have been deceived so often that they are very shy of being caught again , consequently the bargains done have been more amongst the professionals than the public . Mexican
rails have as usual had their ups and downs , but there is no decided move . The traffic for last week showed no change , nor is there likely to be much addition to the gross takes for this half-year . There is a " bull" account in these stocks , therefore the wish is to get them up , but my own opinion is that the net result for the second half of 1888 will be a disappointment . It may
be observed that the rise in American rails is hardly reflected in Canadian Pacifies : they are no worse , that is all . Although it is stated that the memorial to the directors of both this and the Grand Trunk lines has received large support , it does not follow that it will have any practical result . A careful perusal of the correspondence between the managers of the two companies will
show the complete variance between them . The difference lies deeper than the question of mere mutual arrangements as to traffic between the eastern parts and Detroit or Sault St . Marie , and those shareholders who have signed the document would , if face to faee with their respective Presidents , pledge themselves to support
him in the fiercest warfare . Canadian Pacifies must go lower . South African Mines have been dull , and have again improved , and I think will go higher . The Spes Bona Shares , which I mentioned when they were at two pounds , have since been to 7 . J . Henry Nourse and Moss Rose are perhaps the best purchase just now .
In new ventures there appears to be nothing like nitrates . Anything bearing the least relation to that article is carried to the most absurd premium . San Jorges keep very high , and , as usual , the allotments have not been made indiscriminately . In the same w ; vy the new Nitrate Bank shares , even before anything at till is done , are quoted at 10 premium . These things are all gambles pure and simple , and if one is on the right side , the game is very nice and
apparently easy ; but this is one side of the matter only . There are some very good small investment companies which will , in the end , be found to have paid the buyer better . One of these is the Dental Manufacturing Company , which after paying dividends of 7 per cent , for some years , lately made a further issue of ordinary shares , which were principally taken by the existing shareholders . It is such companies as these which really arc the best investments for people who want an income for their money . CRAFTSMAN .
ANSWERS . W . M . —Forward the correspondence to us and we will advise you . DOCTOR . —Do not sell yet . NEYLAND . —The greater part of the capital has been lost . A scheme of reconstruction will be presented shortly : when we have seen it we will give our opinion in the City Article .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
High Twelve
" Cease labour and go to refreshment . "
( Ktathtjs ^
toairAn amusing little dramatic skit , entitled The Duchess of Jlayswatcr , <• Co ., was produced on the 8 th inst ., at the Haymarket Theatre . The little satirico-farcical production serves to keej : ) Mr . Becrbohm Tree ' s audience in good humour , while the " style and fashion " are finding their way to the theatre . It was well played by Messrs . Brookfield . Allen and Harrison , and Misses Rose Le Clercq and Angela Cudmore . Without pretending to be ambitious , the author . Mr . A . M . Heathcote , has succeeded in being amusing .
The Grand Theatre , Islington , was opened under favourable auspices on the first of the current month . I congratulate Mr . Charles Wilmot , who is the very best Chadband I have ever seen , upon having got his handsome theatre finished at last , and I also congratulate that clever architect , Mr . Frank Matcham , upon his achievement in his particular metier . It is now close upon a year since the former house was destroyed by fire , an occurrence which
I am not likely to forget , seeing that on the disastrous night I spent the evening at the theatre , and had only left the building a few minutes when the calamity occurred . Miss Kate Vaughan and her company were appearing here during the cattle show week in Lore and Honour . The theatre will now remain closed until the production of the pantomime , which has been written by Geoffrey Thorn , of which great things are anticipated .
Of love and Honour I have not much to remark which is complimentary . It is an adaption of Monsieur Aljthonsc by Alexandre Dumas , Jils , and I confess I don't like it . The version now in use by Miss Kate Vaughan is that which I saw under the management of the bite Madlle . Beatrice , and I well remember her excellent acting as Raymonde , as well as that of Miss Charlotte
Saunders , whoso impersonation of the parvenu Madame Guichard was a perfect piece of acting . Miss Kate Vaughan , who has done well with the play in the provinces , is thoroughly moving and sympathetic as the heroine , and she is well supported by the company engaged . Mrs . Campbell Bradley and Messrs . Lethcourt and Fulton merit high praise .
Neither at Covent Garden Theatre , Sanger ' s Amphitheatre , nor at the Standard Theatre , Shorcditch , will there be pantomimes this year . Covent Garden will be transformed once more into a circus , which will be exploited by the Messrs . Hengler ; and I believe it is intended to make this one of the finest hippodromatic shows ever seen . The other two houses named will remain closed . Good business for the Surrey and the Britannia and Pavilion Theatres respectively .
Macbeth does not put m an appearance at the Lyceum until the 2 ' . lth inst . Look out for the " disappearing ladies "—meaning , of course , the witches . Buatier de Kolta may have been enlisted for aught I know ; anyway , the three witches are going to disappear in so short a time as to put that well-known period called " a jiffey " to the blush .
Ureal / , if Bay is no longer to be the title of Sim ' s and Pettitt ' s Adelphi drama : latest advices give the name as The Silver Falls , a far prettier and more attractive line for the bills . From all I can hear the new piece is in the authors' best style , and there is to be plenty of sensation . The scene is laid in London and in Mexico , so there ought to be variety enough . I have the greatest faith in this collaboration , and look forward to the new piece with more than ordinary interest .
Atalanta at the Strand has been revised and considerably improved . If only it had been produced , originally , in something like its present form , it would have had a good chance of a successful run . Even now , I hope Atalanta may run her race with Hippomencs for many a night to come . Mr . Dan Leno has been added to the company . Though I yield to no one in admiration of Mr . Dan Leno
in the ordinary way , I yet think his style slightly jars upon one in this travesty ; nevertheless he is immensely funny . I hear that the management is petitioning Augustus Imp . Dru . to cancel the engagement for the pantomime , so that Leno may stay at the Strand instead of joining the forces engaged for Babes in , the Wood , & c . We shall see . Meanwhile , it is reported that arrangements
have been entered into by which a well-known and fascinating musical composer will assume the baton , and will introduce some taking musical novelties . Mr . Tom Squire has now a better chance of distinguishing himself than formerly ; and a medley , introduced into the first act , goes extremely well . Most of the nonsensical racing business in the last act has been eliminated , and all this
portion of the play has been much improved . Miss Alma Stanley is now replaced by Miss Leigh , who does her work gracefully and well . During the holidays I hope to hear that Atalanta is being extensively patronised . A new play , by Mr . Robert Buchanan , is on the stocks at the
Vaudeville Theatre . It is novel and peculiar in idea , and that is why I am a leetle timid about its ' catching on . " It is to be of the time of our great-grandfathers ; the scene is laid principally at Bath , the old Assembly Rooms of which City are to be accurately reproduced . The name given to the play is Cupid ' s Bow . Joseph ' s Sweetheart will run yet for a bit , methinks . LAUNCELOT GOBBO .
Our City Article.
Our City Article .
CAPEL COURT , DECEMBER 10 TH . 1888 . There is greater case in the Money Market and a disposition towards lower rates . People had become so frightened at the possibility of a money scare at the end of the year , that the precautious taken have probably averted it ; at all events , there is a better tone all round , and business latterly has been so much restricted that there is room for an upward movement its soon as business is resumed .
The end of the Panama scheme , so long looked forward to . has come ; at all events , the first phase is ended , and the disappointment throughout France is bitter . The collapse , however , litis not caused as much distraction on tlie Bourse as was anticipated , perhaps owing to the great financial houses having foreseen and provided for this result by selling bears of the stock . It is hoped by the proprietors
that something may be done ' for the honour of France . " More excitement is just now produced by the heavy failure of it French broker , and this will probably lead to lower prices yet in some of the securities particularly affected by Parisian speculators . As Rio Tinto shares fell heavily on this failure , I think they should be bought . The increased difficulties at Suakin must put the Egyptian
Government to a great expense , and in this case we shall probably have Unified stocks lower . At all events this stock and Daira ' s should stand at a nearer level than they are at now . The new Russian Loan appears to have been well subscribed for in Paris , but only to a very limited extent elsewhere . This is not calculated to keep up the price of the old stocks , and the 1873 loan will probably go lower . English
rails are well supported , and the rise since last week is fairly good , considering the fewness of the transactions . Every now and then we have a rumour that the ordinary stock of one or other of the heavy lines is about to be divided into preferred and deferred stock , and a sharp rush up in price is recorded , though why the value should improve by division it is not easy to see . From the point of
view of the investor it is not a desirable thing to do , but from the speculator ' s or the Stock Exchange point it is a consummation devoutlj' to be wished . Last week the North Eastern was to be divided , and this week it is the Midland . A rise of one or two per cent , was the result , which no doubt was what was wanted , as nothing more is heard of the projects . The outlook for most of
these stocks is still very good , and the time is approaching when expectation will be on tiptoe as to the result of the half-year ' s working , so that everyone should be on the right side and buy some of the stocks that have had good takes , as a smart rise will certainly follow the resumption of business . After a good tumble on Saturday last , American rails have again
spurted , this time from Aew York , -where , they pretend to believe in a return of peace . I have my doubts of the genuineness of the rise , nor do I think that the ordinary speculators on this side care to follow the move . They have been deceived so often that they are very shy of being caught again , consequently the bargains done have been more amongst the professionals than the public . Mexican
rails have as usual had their ups and downs , but there is no decided move . The traffic for last week showed no change , nor is there likely to be much addition to the gross takes for this half-year . There is a " bull" account in these stocks , therefore the wish is to get them up , but my own opinion is that the net result for the second half of 1888 will be a disappointment . It may
be observed that the rise in American rails is hardly reflected in Canadian Pacifies : they are no worse , that is all . Although it is stated that the memorial to the directors of both this and the Grand Trunk lines has received large support , it does not follow that it will have any practical result . A careful perusal of the correspondence between the managers of the two companies will
show the complete variance between them . The difference lies deeper than the question of mere mutual arrangements as to traffic between the eastern parts and Detroit or Sault St . Marie , and those shareholders who have signed the document would , if face to faee with their respective Presidents , pledge themselves to support
him in the fiercest warfare . Canadian Pacifies must go lower . South African Mines have been dull , and have again improved , and I think will go higher . The Spes Bona Shares , which I mentioned when they were at two pounds , have since been to 7 . J . Henry Nourse and Moss Rose are perhaps the best purchase just now .
In new ventures there appears to be nothing like nitrates . Anything bearing the least relation to that article is carried to the most absurd premium . San Jorges keep very high , and , as usual , the allotments have not been made indiscriminately . In the same w ; vy the new Nitrate Bank shares , even before anything at till is done , are quoted at 10 premium . These things are all gambles pure and simple , and if one is on the right side , the game is very nice and
apparently easy ; but this is one side of the matter only . There are some very good small investment companies which will , in the end , be found to have paid the buyer better . One of these is the Dental Manufacturing Company , which after paying dividends of 7 per cent , for some years , lately made a further issue of ordinary shares , which were principally taken by the existing shareholders . It is such companies as these which really arc the best investments for people who want an income for their money . CRAFTSMAN .
ANSWERS . W . M . —Forward the correspondence to us and we will advise you . DOCTOR . —Do not sell yet . NEYLAND . —The greater part of the capital has been lost . A scheme of reconstruction will be presented shortly : when we have seen it we will give our opinion in the City Article .