Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1 Article We are requested to notify that :- Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF DERBYSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
ALL communications should be forwarded to 59 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , E . C , London . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to the EDITOR ; and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS . * * * # #
Our Publishers ask us to acknowledge the receipt by them of several communications , expressing the favourable opinions of brethren with respect to their reprint of the articles on Lodge Officers which appeared in the earlier numbers of this paper . Amongst other letters is the following : —•
" Marlborough House , Pall Mall , S . W . " Sir F . Knollys is desired by the Prince of Wales to thank Messrs . Adams for the copy of the pamphlet which they forwarded to His Royal Highness , entitled'Lodge Officers : their qualifications , duties and responsibilities . '" '' Dec . llth , 1888 . "
In reference to the foregoing paragraph , we would respectfully direct the attention of our readers to the notice of the work in our advertisement columns . Jfe Jfe -5 fc , 5 fr ; 3 fc W W * A * -IP TV * We wish our readers to distinctly understand that we do not
profess to endorse , either much or little , the opinions of our correspondents as expressed in the letters we publish . In the spirit of fairness we open our columns to all , and so long as controversy is kept within the bounds of prudence , and the writers" Do as adversaries do in law—Strive mightily ; but eat and drink as friends , "
we shall not withold their communications . This notification we consider necessary in reference to the letter of "An Old P . M . " in our present number , with which we cannot altogether agree , and have no desire that it should be thought we do . We will take an
early opportunity to explain our views in relation to the connection of Freemasonry with the Tavern , Temperance in contradistinction to Teetotalism , and the constitution of Class Lodges for the promotion of any particular object whatsoever , except the working of the pure and unsullied system of Masonic ritual and practice .
On the subject of electing officers in Grand Lodges , the SoutIt-African Freemason writes : — "Wherever the system of electing officers is carried on extensively , wrangling , touting , canvassing , and unmasonic recrimination follow . It is not pleasant to read of the election of a D . D . G . M . in a sister colony exciting much interest ,
or that active canvassing is being effectively carried on . We do hope that tbe English Grand Lodge is not going to introduce the thin end of the evil wedge . " We hojie , with our contemporary , and feel assured , that " wrangling , touting , and unmasonic recrimination" will not characterise the forthcoming or any subsequent
election in our Grand Lodge ; but where two individuals are put in nomination for the same office , 'tis not in human nature to avoid the solicitation for support from friends , and so far " canvassing " is not to be condemned . Indeed the candidate would be extremely
foolish if he did not ask for that which he would be glad to receive ; and would deserve defeat . We have no fear of any wrangling or recrimination in the pending election for Grand Treasurership . Our candidates , are both good freemasons , and therefore , of necessity , gentlemen .
A correspondent , referring to a report of the proceedings at a recent Provincial Grand Lodge , writes : '' The Prov . G . M . stated that he had conferred upon a certain brother the rank of P . Prov . G . S . W . for services rendered . I thought a Prov . G . M . had no power
to confer past rank , and I consider such a course ought to be nipped in the bud . Why not have appointed him the actual Warden , if his services were deserving of such a mark of distinction ? I hope you will draw attention to this violation of the Book of Constitutions . "
In respect of the foregoing , Rule 87 of the Laws and Regulations is very definite , and , in accordance therewith , the appointment is certainly null and void , unless made under a special power to confer past rank—such , for instance , as was exercised in regard to Jubilee
honours last year ; but even for the granting of such power there appears to be no provision made in the Book of Constitutions . We wonder if it comes under that presumed all-sufficient title of Perogalive 7
We are glad to hear from the V . W . Recorder of " |] c JVltttCtttC 3 frnt £ VUitic of lie llrtljm JUmmtCrs" that the ticket benefit at Drury Lane Theatre , granted by Bro . Augustus Harris in aid of the funds of the Almonry , Avas successful . The value of the tickets
presented at the theatre reached the sum of £ 107 Cs . The pinch of winter is now upon the poor souls whom this charitable association so greatly helps , and any assistance which can be rendered to it will be gratefully received by Mr . Thomas Sangster , C . C . ( the V . W . Recorder ) , 02 , Long Lane , E . G ., London .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The next meeting of the Shad well Gierke Chapter Rose Croix will be held at 33 , Golden Square , on Wednesday , the 2 nd January . The Treasurer is W . Bro . H . Lovegrove , and the Recorder W . Bro . John Read , while the duties of M . W . S . are admirably performed by Ex . Bro . II . II . Shirley , M . A .
Lodge Temperance , No . 1 G 9 , will meet this evening ( Thursday ) , at the White Swan Hotel , High Street , Deptford , at five o ' clock , Bro . I . G . Dale , W . M . Ceremony in the third degree . Business : Election of W . M ., Treasurer and Tyler , and the usual routine business .
The Annual Masonic Festival and Ball in aid of the funds of the AYest Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution will be held at the Town Hall , Liverpool , on the 15 th January , and it promises to be a most successful entertainment , more than 100 stewards having sent in acceptances , and his Worship the Mayor , Bro . E . H .
Cookson , of Lodge No . 32 , having also promised his patronage and presence . It is hoped that the Prov . G . M ., the Earl of Lathom , the D . P . G . M ., the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres , will also be present . The Star Lodge of Instruction , No . 1275 , now meets every Saturday , at 7 p . m ., at the Dover Castle , Broadway , Deptford , S . E . Preceptor , Bro . Walter Martin , P . M .
The inaugural meeting of the Montefiore Lodge of Instruction , No . 1017 , will take place this day ( the 20 th inst . ) , at the St . James ' s Restaurant . Piccadilly , W .. at 8 o ' clock p . m . Bro . S . V . Abraham , P . M . 1017 , W . M . ¦ The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Israel Lodge of Instruction , No . 205 , on the 23 rd inst ., at 7 o ' clock p . m ., at the Rising Sun Tavern , 248 , Globe Road . E . Bros . B . Da Costa , S . D . 134 !) , W . M . ; W . Musto , P . M . 1349 , S . W . ; L . Da Costa . S . W . 1349 . J . W . : Durass , P . M . 1275 , LP . M .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire.
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Derbyshire was held at the Masonic Hall , Derby , on the llth inst ., when there was a large attendance of brethren from all parts of the province . The Right AVorshipf ul the Deputy Grand Master , Bro . H . C . Okeover , presided . After the usual routine business and the reception of the various reports , Bro . Thomas Cox , P . P . S . G . W ., was re-elected
Grand Treasurer for the twenty-fifth time . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master then appointed and invested the following Provincial Grand Officers : —S . W , A . Woodiwiss , I . P . M ., Arboretum Lodge ; J . W ., J . H . Orme , P . M ., Buxton ; S . Chap .. Rev . H . Price ; J . Chap .. Rev . E . Morris , Dorothy Vernon : Treas ., Bro . T . Cox . P . M .. Derby ; Registrar , Bro . Silver Hall . P . M . ; Secretary . Bro . W . Naylor , P . G .
Sd . B ., Eng ., P . P . S . G . W ., Derby ; S . D ., Bro . J . D . Wragg Carnarvon ; J . D ., R . Knowles , P . M ., Royal Alfred ; Superintendent of AVorks , Bro . R . Slater , P . M ., Repose ; Director of Ceremonies , Bro . AV . J . Piper , P . M ., Repose ; Assistant Master of Ceremonies , Bro , Elphilstone , P . M ., Mundy Grove ; Sword Bearer , Bro . J . C . AVebb , P . M ., Royal Sussex ; Standard Bearers , Bro . H . B . Boag , P . M .. Arkwright , and Bro . J . F . Donegani , P . M ., St . Oswald ; Organistj ¦
Bro . H . N . Biggin , Scarsdale . Assistant Secretary , Bro . J . H . Clarke , Tyrian ; Pursuivant , Bro . S . AA arhur . st , P . M ., Devonshire ; Assistant Pursuivant , Bro . J . D . Simpson , P . M ., High Peak ; Stewards , Bros . H . V . Edwards and E . Melnnes , Tyrian , Brown and F . Huggins , Repose , Gray , Derwent , and Hardstaft , Royal Albert ; Tylers , Bros . T . Day and W . Stone . Subsequently a large number of brethren dined together .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
Tim ST . IJKOXART ) Lonci : —No . 17 GC—On the 12 th lust , tit the Town Hall , Shuralitch , there was a good attendance of members and visitors . Bro . Joseph Cox was duly installed by his predecessor , Bro . F . Matthews , W . M ., into the chair of K . S . as W . M . for the ensuing year . The addresses to W . M ., ollicers and brethren were delivered by Bro . W . Clarke , P . G . P ., and Bro . L . Stean , P . M . A handsome Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Uro . F . Matthews , I . P . M ., which was suitably acknowledged by that worthy brother . The principal oflicers Invested were Bro . H . J . Thrower . S . W ., and Bro . L . A . Harrison , J . W . The lodge having been closedthe brethren to the
, adjourned banquet , which was well served by Messrs . Beale & Co ., of Holloway Road . In addition to the usual speeches , a selection of music was given under the direction of Bro . J . F . Haskins , Mus . Doc . ( organist of the Karl of Zetland Lodge ) , to whose finished musical accompaniments the success of ihc installation ceremony was also partly line . Signor Alberto ( of the GuelpMLodge ) was one of the visitors , and he kindly entertained the brethren a full half-hour with some exceedingly clever illusions . The occasion was voted successful and enjoyable all round , and it may be hoped the lodge will continue to prosper .
ROYAL , JUBILEK Cii . U'TEii—No . 72—On Thursday , the 13 th inst ., the Installation Meeting was held tit Andcrton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . The convocation was opened by the Principals , Ex . Comps . John Smith , M . E . Z ., L . S . Fountaine , II ., C . I . Axford , J ., and the minutes of the last meeting were read anil conlirined . Members present , besides those previously named : —Ex . Comps . H . Lovegrove , P . Z ., S . E .: F . Dunn , P . Z ., Treasurer ; K . Walker , P . Z . Comps . C . H . Williams , P . S . ; A . Davit , S . N . ; M . Lewcock , N . Turner , and J . Webb , with Comp . Potter , Janitor .
Visitors : —Ex . Comps . W . II . Lee , P . Z , Prov . G . S . E . Middx ., and F . W . Driver M . A ., P . Z . Comp . Lee installed Comp . Fountaine as First Principal . Comp . Axford , H . 2018 , took his seat as Second Principal , and Comp . Walker installed Comp . Davit as Third Principal . The other oflicers were Comp . II . Lovegrove , S . E . ; F . Dunn , Treasurer ; C . It . Williams , S . N . ; W . F . Hates , P . S . ; Davey , First Asst . ; E . Lewcock , Second Asst ., and It . Potter , Janitor . A jewel was presented to the J . P . Z . Ex . Comp . J . Smith .
HOYATI ATIIKI . STAX LoniiE—NO . 10 . —A regular meeting was held on Thursday , the Kith inst ., tit the Cannon Street Hotel , London , E . G . Bro . G . II . Hoyle , W . M ., presided , and there were present Bros . AV . Nicholson , S . W . ; Arthur "Wornmll , J . W . ; B . W . Bilby , J . D . ; J . Glenn , LP . M . ; Win , Bywater , P . M ., Treasurer ; C . B . Barnes , P . M ., Secretary ; D . Nicholson , P . M . ; W . Pound , P . M . ; J . Charles , P . M . ; G . A . Corderoy , P . M . ; G . Sneatli , P . M . ; J . P . Hiueliel , C . E . Moser , F . W . AV . Honiseher , W . S . Pound , H Paston , A . D . Green , . Milton Smith , Davios Stanffer
E . O . Young , J . A . , W . F . , A . E . AV . Gwynn , and G . 11 . Carsberg . Visitor , F . A . Barton , 2210 . The principal business of the evening was the election of the AV . M . for the ensuing year , which was unanimously in favour of Bro . AVm . Nicholson , S . AV . Bro . AA'm . Bywater , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . II . Paston was elected on the Audit Committee . The W . M . announced that an organ was subscribed for by the members , and presented to the lodge , through the instrumentality of Bros . Moser and Gwynn . Bro . Gwynn was appointed organist , and enlivened the lodge working to tlie greatest satisfaction of the brethren
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
ALL communications should be forwarded to 59 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , E . C , London . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to the EDITOR ; and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS . * * * # #
Our Publishers ask us to acknowledge the receipt by them of several communications , expressing the favourable opinions of brethren with respect to their reprint of the articles on Lodge Officers which appeared in the earlier numbers of this paper . Amongst other letters is the following : —•
" Marlborough House , Pall Mall , S . W . " Sir F . Knollys is desired by the Prince of Wales to thank Messrs . Adams for the copy of the pamphlet which they forwarded to His Royal Highness , entitled'Lodge Officers : their qualifications , duties and responsibilities . '" '' Dec . llth , 1888 . "
In reference to the foregoing paragraph , we would respectfully direct the attention of our readers to the notice of the work in our advertisement columns . Jfe Jfe -5 fc , 5 fr ; 3 fc W W * A * -IP TV * We wish our readers to distinctly understand that we do not
profess to endorse , either much or little , the opinions of our correspondents as expressed in the letters we publish . In the spirit of fairness we open our columns to all , and so long as controversy is kept within the bounds of prudence , and the writers" Do as adversaries do in law—Strive mightily ; but eat and drink as friends , "
we shall not withold their communications . This notification we consider necessary in reference to the letter of "An Old P . M . " in our present number , with which we cannot altogether agree , and have no desire that it should be thought we do . We will take an
early opportunity to explain our views in relation to the connection of Freemasonry with the Tavern , Temperance in contradistinction to Teetotalism , and the constitution of Class Lodges for the promotion of any particular object whatsoever , except the working of the pure and unsullied system of Masonic ritual and practice .
On the subject of electing officers in Grand Lodges , the SoutIt-African Freemason writes : — "Wherever the system of electing officers is carried on extensively , wrangling , touting , canvassing , and unmasonic recrimination follow . It is not pleasant to read of the election of a D . D . G . M . in a sister colony exciting much interest ,
or that active canvassing is being effectively carried on . We do hope that tbe English Grand Lodge is not going to introduce the thin end of the evil wedge . " We hojie , with our contemporary , and feel assured , that " wrangling , touting , and unmasonic recrimination" will not characterise the forthcoming or any subsequent
election in our Grand Lodge ; but where two individuals are put in nomination for the same office , 'tis not in human nature to avoid the solicitation for support from friends , and so far " canvassing " is not to be condemned . Indeed the candidate would be extremely
foolish if he did not ask for that which he would be glad to receive ; and would deserve defeat . We have no fear of any wrangling or recrimination in the pending election for Grand Treasurership . Our candidates , are both good freemasons , and therefore , of necessity , gentlemen .
A correspondent , referring to a report of the proceedings at a recent Provincial Grand Lodge , writes : '' The Prov . G . M . stated that he had conferred upon a certain brother the rank of P . Prov . G . S . W . for services rendered . I thought a Prov . G . M . had no power
to confer past rank , and I consider such a course ought to be nipped in the bud . Why not have appointed him the actual Warden , if his services were deserving of such a mark of distinction ? I hope you will draw attention to this violation of the Book of Constitutions . "
In respect of the foregoing , Rule 87 of the Laws and Regulations is very definite , and , in accordance therewith , the appointment is certainly null and void , unless made under a special power to confer past rank—such , for instance , as was exercised in regard to Jubilee
honours last year ; but even for the granting of such power there appears to be no provision made in the Book of Constitutions . We wonder if it comes under that presumed all-sufficient title of Perogalive 7
We are glad to hear from the V . W . Recorder of " |] c JVltttCtttC 3 frnt £ VUitic of lie llrtljm JUmmtCrs" that the ticket benefit at Drury Lane Theatre , granted by Bro . Augustus Harris in aid of the funds of the Almonry , Avas successful . The value of the tickets
presented at the theatre reached the sum of £ 107 Cs . The pinch of winter is now upon the poor souls whom this charitable association so greatly helps , and any assistance which can be rendered to it will be gratefully received by Mr . Thomas Sangster , C . C . ( the V . W . Recorder ) , 02 , Long Lane , E . G ., London .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The next meeting of the Shad well Gierke Chapter Rose Croix will be held at 33 , Golden Square , on Wednesday , the 2 nd January . The Treasurer is W . Bro . H . Lovegrove , and the Recorder W . Bro . John Read , while the duties of M . W . S . are admirably performed by Ex . Bro . II . II . Shirley , M . A .
Lodge Temperance , No . 1 G 9 , will meet this evening ( Thursday ) , at the White Swan Hotel , High Street , Deptford , at five o ' clock , Bro . I . G . Dale , W . M . Ceremony in the third degree . Business : Election of W . M ., Treasurer and Tyler , and the usual routine business .
The Annual Masonic Festival and Ball in aid of the funds of the AYest Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution will be held at the Town Hall , Liverpool , on the 15 th January , and it promises to be a most successful entertainment , more than 100 stewards having sent in acceptances , and his Worship the Mayor , Bro . E . H .
Cookson , of Lodge No . 32 , having also promised his patronage and presence . It is hoped that the Prov . G . M ., the Earl of Lathom , the D . P . G . M ., the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres , will also be present . The Star Lodge of Instruction , No . 1275 , now meets every Saturday , at 7 p . m ., at the Dover Castle , Broadway , Deptford , S . E . Preceptor , Bro . Walter Martin , P . M .
The inaugural meeting of the Montefiore Lodge of Instruction , No . 1017 , will take place this day ( the 20 th inst . ) , at the St . James ' s Restaurant . Piccadilly , W .. at 8 o ' clock p . m . Bro . S . V . Abraham , P . M . 1017 , W . M . ¦ The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Israel Lodge of Instruction , No . 205 , on the 23 rd inst ., at 7 o ' clock p . m ., at the Rising Sun Tavern , 248 , Globe Road . E . Bros . B . Da Costa , S . D . 134 !) , W . M . ; W . Musto , P . M . 1349 , S . W . ; L . Da Costa . S . W . 1349 . J . W . : Durass , P . M . 1275 , LP . M .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire.
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Derbyshire was held at the Masonic Hall , Derby , on the llth inst ., when there was a large attendance of brethren from all parts of the province . The Right AVorshipf ul the Deputy Grand Master , Bro . H . C . Okeover , presided . After the usual routine business and the reception of the various reports , Bro . Thomas Cox , P . P . S . G . W ., was re-elected
Grand Treasurer for the twenty-fifth time . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master then appointed and invested the following Provincial Grand Officers : —S . W , A . Woodiwiss , I . P . M ., Arboretum Lodge ; J . W ., J . H . Orme , P . M ., Buxton ; S . Chap .. Rev . H . Price ; J . Chap .. Rev . E . Morris , Dorothy Vernon : Treas ., Bro . T . Cox . P . M .. Derby ; Registrar , Bro . Silver Hall . P . M . ; Secretary . Bro . W . Naylor , P . G .
Sd . B ., Eng ., P . P . S . G . W ., Derby ; S . D ., Bro . J . D . Wragg Carnarvon ; J . D ., R . Knowles , P . M ., Royal Alfred ; Superintendent of AVorks , Bro . R . Slater , P . M ., Repose ; Director of Ceremonies , Bro . AV . J . Piper , P . M ., Repose ; Assistant Master of Ceremonies , Bro , Elphilstone , P . M ., Mundy Grove ; Sword Bearer , Bro . J . C . AVebb , P . M ., Royal Sussex ; Standard Bearers , Bro . H . B . Boag , P . M .. Arkwright , and Bro . J . F . Donegani , P . M ., St . Oswald ; Organistj ¦
Bro . H . N . Biggin , Scarsdale . Assistant Secretary , Bro . J . H . Clarke , Tyrian ; Pursuivant , Bro . S . AA arhur . st , P . M ., Devonshire ; Assistant Pursuivant , Bro . J . D . Simpson , P . M ., High Peak ; Stewards , Bros . H . V . Edwards and E . Melnnes , Tyrian , Brown and F . Huggins , Repose , Gray , Derwent , and Hardstaft , Royal Albert ; Tylers , Bros . T . Day and W . Stone . Subsequently a large number of brethren dined together .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
Tim ST . IJKOXART ) Lonci : —No . 17 GC—On the 12 th lust , tit the Town Hall , Shuralitch , there was a good attendance of members and visitors . Bro . Joseph Cox was duly installed by his predecessor , Bro . F . Matthews , W . M ., into the chair of K . S . as W . M . for the ensuing year . The addresses to W . M ., ollicers and brethren were delivered by Bro . W . Clarke , P . G . P ., and Bro . L . Stean , P . M . A handsome Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Uro . F . Matthews , I . P . M ., which was suitably acknowledged by that worthy brother . The principal oflicers Invested were Bro . H . J . Thrower . S . W ., and Bro . L . A . Harrison , J . W . The lodge having been closedthe brethren to the
, adjourned banquet , which was well served by Messrs . Beale & Co ., of Holloway Road . In addition to the usual speeches , a selection of music was given under the direction of Bro . J . F . Haskins , Mus . Doc . ( organist of the Karl of Zetland Lodge ) , to whose finished musical accompaniments the success of ihc installation ceremony was also partly line . Signor Alberto ( of the GuelpMLodge ) was one of the visitors , and he kindly entertained the brethren a full half-hour with some exceedingly clever illusions . The occasion was voted successful and enjoyable all round , and it may be hoped the lodge will continue to prosper .
ROYAL , JUBILEK Cii . U'TEii—No . 72—On Thursday , the 13 th inst ., the Installation Meeting was held tit Andcrton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . The convocation was opened by the Principals , Ex . Comps . John Smith , M . E . Z ., L . S . Fountaine , II ., C . I . Axford , J ., and the minutes of the last meeting were read anil conlirined . Members present , besides those previously named : —Ex . Comps . H . Lovegrove , P . Z ., S . E .: F . Dunn , P . Z ., Treasurer ; K . Walker , P . Z . Comps . C . H . Williams , P . S . ; A . Davit , S . N . ; M . Lewcock , N . Turner , and J . Webb , with Comp . Potter , Janitor .
Visitors : —Ex . Comps . W . II . Lee , P . Z , Prov . G . S . E . Middx ., and F . W . Driver M . A ., P . Z . Comp . Lee installed Comp . Fountaine as First Principal . Comp . Axford , H . 2018 , took his seat as Second Principal , and Comp . Walker installed Comp . Davit as Third Principal . The other oflicers were Comp . II . Lovegrove , S . E . ; F . Dunn , Treasurer ; C . It . Williams , S . N . ; W . F . Hates , P . S . ; Davey , First Asst . ; E . Lewcock , Second Asst ., and It . Potter , Janitor . A jewel was presented to the J . P . Z . Ex . Comp . J . Smith .
HOYATI ATIIKI . STAX LoniiE—NO . 10 . —A regular meeting was held on Thursday , the Kith inst ., tit the Cannon Street Hotel , London , E . G . Bro . G . II . Hoyle , W . M ., presided , and there were present Bros . AV . Nicholson , S . W . ; Arthur "Wornmll , J . W . ; B . W . Bilby , J . D . ; J . Glenn , LP . M . ; Win , Bywater , P . M ., Treasurer ; C . B . Barnes , P . M ., Secretary ; D . Nicholson , P . M . ; W . Pound , P . M . ; J . Charles , P . M . ; G . A . Corderoy , P . M . ; G . Sneatli , P . M . ; J . P . Hiueliel , C . E . Moser , F . W . AV . Honiseher , W . S . Pound , H Paston , A . D . Green , . Milton Smith , Davios Stanffer
E . O . Young , J . A . , W . F . , A . E . AV . Gwynn , and G . 11 . Carsberg . Visitor , F . A . Barton , 2210 . The principal business of the evening was the election of the AV . M . for the ensuing year , which was unanimously in favour of Bro . AVm . Nicholson , S . AV . Bro . AA'm . Bywater , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . II . Paston was elected on the Audit Committee . The W . M . announced that an organ was subscribed for by the members , and presented to the lodge , through the instrumentality of Bros . Moser and Gwynn . Bro . Gwynn was appointed organist , and enlivened the lodge working to tlie greatest satisfaction of the brethren