Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Diary For The Week.
We shall be greatly obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the kingdom would favour us with a copy of their summonses each time of issue .
SATURDAY , 6 th MARCH . General Committee Boys' School , Freemasons * Hull , Great Quoen-strcct , at 142—St . Thomas ' s , Willis ' s Kooms , King-street , St . James ' s . It . A . S 75—Rose of Denmark , Star anil Garter , Kew .
MONDAY , 8 th MARCH . 5—St . George and Corner Stone , Freemasons' Hall . 29—St . Albans , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . 59—Royal Jiaval , Freemasons' Hall . 90— St . John ' s , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . 136—Good Report , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street .
193—Confidence , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . 222—St . Andrews , London Tavern , Rishopsgate-stroet . 136 ( 5—Highgate , Gatehouse Hotel , Highgate . R . A . 22—Mount Sion , Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street . R . A . 1118—University , Freemasons' Hall . R . A . 1319—Asaph , Freemasons' Hall .
210—St . Hilda , Freemasons' Hall , South Shields , 296—Royal Brunswick , Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield . 661—Fawcett , New Masonic Hall , Soabani Harbour . 919—Williamson , Monkwearraouth , Sunderland . 1221—Defence , Masonic Hall , leeds . R . A . 306—Alfred , 23 Albion-street , Leeds .
46—Old Union , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . 98—Burlington , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . 166—Union , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . ISO—St . James's Union , Freemasons' Hall . 198—Percy , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . 211—St . Michael's , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street .
228—United Strength , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's Gate , Clorkcmvoll . 235—Nine Muses , Queen's Hotel , Cork-street , Bond-street . 518—Wellington , White Swan Tavern , Deptford . 917—Cosmopolitan , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . 933—Doric , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . lio 8— Southern Star , Montpelier Tavern , Walworth-road ( Station ) . —Emcrcencv R , A . 115—Prudent Brethren , Freemasons' Hall .
80—St . John's , Masonic Hall , Sunderland . ¦ 195—Wakefield , Masonic Hall , Wakefield . B 03—Zetland , Royal Hotel , Cleckheaton . ? 6 i—Harbour of Refuge , Masonic Hall , West Hartlepool . B , A . 289—Fidelity , Leeds .
Committee , Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , at 3 . 9—Albion , Regent's Masonic Hall , Air-street , Regenfc-strcot , 11—Enoch , Freemasons' Hall . 13—Union , Waterloo , Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich . 15—Kent , Freemasons' Hall . 87—Vitruvism , Whito Hart , College-street , Lambeth .
1-17—Justice , White Swan , High-street , Deptford . 719—Belgrave , Anderton's Hotel , Flcet-strcct . 781—Merchant Nfivy , Silver Tavern , Uurdett-road , Limehousc . 1017—Montctiore , Freemasons' Hull . 1300—St . John of Wapping . Gun Tavern , High-street , Wappinjf . R . A . 1260—Hervey , Freemasons' Hall . 820—Lily Lodgo of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , Surrev . 1018—Shakespeare , Freemasons' Hall , Bradford .
19—R . Athelstan , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . 1 ) 1—Regularity , Freemasons' Hall . 206—Friendship , Ship mid Turtle , Lcadcnhau-strect . 2 ( 13—Bank of England , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . 531—Polish National , Freemasons' Hull . 657—C'anonbury , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . ( J 60—Dalhouaic , Anderton ' s Hotel . Fleet-street . ¦
8 / 9—Southwark , faouthwnrk Park Tavern . Southwark . ln " B—Capper , Marine Hotel , Victoria Docks , West Ham . 1288—Finsburj * Park , Finsbury Park Tavern , Seven Sisters-road , Holloway . 1321—Emblematic , Tulse Hill Hotel , Tulse Hill . 1171—( s / ington , Cock Tavern , Highbury . R . A . 72—Royal Jubilee , Horn ' s Tavern , Kennington . B . A . 651—Yarborougb , Green Dragon , Stepney .
97—Palatine , Masonic Hall , Sunderland . 130—Britannia , Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield . R . A . 509—Tees , Mason ' s Court , Stockton-on-Tees . K . T . —Salamanca , Halifax .
FRIDAY , 15 th MARCH .
33—Britannic , Freemasons' Hall . 1131—Caledonian , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . 157—Bedford , Freemasons' Hall . 177—Cavcac , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . 1120—Earl Spencer , Freemasons' Hotel , New Wandsworth . 158—Aire and Calder , Ousc-street , Goole . HOI—Harrogate and Clnro , Masonic Rooms , Haiw-ato 1121—Wear Valley , Talbot Hotel , Bishop Auckland ? R . A . 61—Sincerity , Freemasons' Hall , Halifax . K . T . —Hope , Freemasons' Hall , Httddorsfiotd .
log—London , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . 173—Phrcnix Freemasons' Hall . 176—Caveac , Albion Tavern . Aldersgate-street . 1328—Granite , Freemasons' Hall . 1361—United Service , Greyhound , Richmond , Surrev . 112 U—Great City , Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street .
MONDAY—U«— St . Stephen , St . James ' s Hall , Wrilcr ' s-court . TUESDAY—l—Mwy ' N Chapel , Waterloo Hotel , Waterloo-place . WEDNESDAY—2—Canongate , Kilwinning-street , St . John ' s Chapel , St . Johnstreet . R . A . 1—Edinburgh , Freemasons' Hall . THURSDAY—3—Journeymen , Bin cklriars-street , High-street . FRIDAY— 58-Canongatc , Kilwinning-street , St . John ' s Ch » . pel , St , J olm '^ -t
Notices Of Meetings.
Caveac Chapter , No . 176 . —A convocation of this Chapter was held on the 27 th February , at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street . Comp . J . Qnihapton Z ., W . S . Wyman H ., G . K . Lehman J ., C . T . Dorey P . Z ., P . A . Nairne P . Z ., F . Walters P . Z . Treasurer ,
Foreman P . Z ., W . M . Goss S . N ., J . B . Sorrell 1 st Assistant , S . Pownceby , C . T . Speight Janitor . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Comp . Wyman was installed as M . E . Z . by Comp . Scott P . Z . The bye . laws were revised , and the Chapter was closed . There was no banqnet .
Victoria Chapter , 1058 . —This Chapter met on Monday , the 1 st of March , at Mason ' s Hall , Masons' Avenue , E . G . Comps . Eenhuns M . E . Z ., George Newman H ., and J . D . Taylor J . presided . All preliminaries having been duly disposed of , Bros . James Oswald Gardner of 1328 , Eobert George Cooper of 1349 , and George Fisher Harwood of 1056 were admitted to the degree . The election of
officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows : —Comps . George Newman Z ., J . D . Taylor H ., James Brett P . Z . Treasurer , A . A . Pendlebnry S . E ., Noehmer S . N ., W . Musto P . S ., W . Grant Janitor . Comp . E . Gottheil P . Z . proposed that a P . Z . ' s jewel of the usual value should , on the next ' occasion , be presented to the M . E . Z ., for the efficient manner in which he had condncted the business of the
Chapter during his year of office . Comp . Gottheil presumed that the rest of the Companions would heai'tily join with him in expressing their approbation , and unanimousl y vote the well deserved token of regard to Comp . Eenhnns , who , although a former resident in London , now lives in Denmark , his native land , from which place he had to come to do his duties in this Chapter . Great credit was also
due to him , being a foreigner , for the manner in which he performed the ceremonies , showing clearly his mastery of the English language , by the intelligence with which every part thereof was rendered . Comp . Edward Clark P . Z ., in seconding the resolution , endorsed all tho statements of the proposer . The vote was unanimously agreed to . After banquet the usual proceedings took place , every one
expressing their deep regret that the familiar face of Comp . James Brett P . Z . ( who was absent through indisposition ) was not to be seen . If the effect of hearty good wishes have any power he may look forward to a speedy recovery . The visitors present were Comp . James Weaver P . Z . 862 , John Sees S . N . 186 , and John H . Dolby 141 .
Lodge Of Joppa , " No . 188 . —A numerous assemblage of the brethren met on Monday , the 1 st inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Alders , gate Street . Bro . S . Hickman W . M ., A . Dodson S . AV ., L . Lazarus J . W ., L . Auerhaan Treasurer , E . P . Albert P . M . Secretary , J , Miller S . D ., C . Hymans J . D ., P . E . Van Noorden Organist , Borgen Steward , and P . M . ' s Bros . H . Berkowitz , Obed Eoberts , H . 'M .
Levy , J . Phillips , L . Alexander , I . Abrahams , & c . The Lodgo was opened , and the minutes were coulirmed . Bros . A . Norwick , C . Harris , and Shepherd , No . 69 . were passed to the second degree . Mr . Hertzberg was initiated into the Order . Bro . Pearco was raised to the third degree . At the conclusion of tbe various ceremonies , great satisfaction was expressed at the efficient way in which they were carried
ont . Tho Lodge was then called off , and tho brethren sat clown to a very enticing banquet , provided by Bro . W . G . Jennings , the Manager of the Albion Tavern Company , and superintended by Bros . Keeping and M . Silva . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of the Benevolent Fund in connection with the Lodge , coupled with it tho health of Bro . Adam ,
who replied . He felt proud at being the President . The funds had been collected by tho members of the Lodge only , and their donations amounted at the present time to £ 1 , 175 . ( Loud cheers . ) It was always a pleasure to respond to this toast , and tho cause advocated was ono that was worthy the attention and consideration of others , and he hoped to see the idea carried out in almost all the Lodges .
Bro . J . Hertzberg returned thanks for the toast of tho Newly Initiated , Bro . O . Roberts P . M . then rose and proposed the toast of the W . M ., whom he characterised as a true and genuine Mason . He was one who had not only supported the cause of charity , but had worked the various degrees required of him perfectly , and was well qnaliSed to preside over so large and influential an assembly as this Lodge .
( Cheers . ) Tho W . M ,, in reply , said ho thanked Bro . Roberts for the encomiums passed on him . It would only be an incentive to continue what he had intended from the moment he had been placed in the chair , and that was to do his duty . While he had the approbation of the brethren , his year of office would always be looked back upon by him with pleasurable remembrance . Brother Dimsdale P . M . 69
responded to the toast of "Tho "Visitors , " amongst whom may be mentioned Bros . Cambridge 15 , Shepherd 69 , Fletcher 180 , Marsh W . M . No . 9 , Eidler 219 , Edwards 56 , Franks , Smith 65 , T . Maidwcll 27 , Webb 9 , Friindlich 1017 . The toast of the Wardens and Officers was then given , which was followed by the Tyler ' s tonst . The W . M . had instructed Bro . P . E . Van Noorden , the
Organist of the Lodge , to provide a musical entertainment , and great credit is due to him for the talent introduced . Miss Estelle Emrick , a rising artiste , with a splendid contralto voice , delighted the brethren by her artistic singing . Miss Julia Sydney , Mr . Moss , and Bro . S . Webb , whose playing on the violin , accompanied by Bro . Van
Noorden , in a selection from " Gnillaume Tell , " was listened to with attention , and well merited the applause given at its conclusion . Tho Lodge had previously been called on , and several matters were discussed , and proposals for initiation were handed in to tho Secretary , after which the brethren separated .
Royal Oak Lodge , No . 871 . —This capital working Lodge met on the 23 rd inst ., at the White Swau Tavern , High Street ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
We shall be greatly obliged if the Secretaries of the various Lodges throughout the kingdom would favour us with a copy of their summonses each time of issue .
SATURDAY , 6 th MARCH . General Committee Boys' School , Freemasons * Hull , Great Quoen-strcct , at 142—St . Thomas ' s , Willis ' s Kooms , King-street , St . James ' s . It . A . S 75—Rose of Denmark , Star anil Garter , Kew .
MONDAY , 8 th MARCH . 5—St . George and Corner Stone , Freemasons' Hall . 29—St . Albans , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . 59—Royal Jiaval , Freemasons' Hall . 90— St . John ' s , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . 136—Good Report , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street .
193—Confidence , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street . 222—St . Andrews , London Tavern , Rishopsgate-stroet . 136 ( 5—Highgate , Gatehouse Hotel , Highgate . R . A . 22—Mount Sion , Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street . R . A . 1118—University , Freemasons' Hall . R . A . 1319—Asaph , Freemasons' Hall .
210—St . Hilda , Freemasons' Hall , South Shields , 296—Royal Brunswick , Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield . 661—Fawcett , New Masonic Hall , Soabani Harbour . 919—Williamson , Monkwearraouth , Sunderland . 1221—Defence , Masonic Hall , leeds . R . A . 306—Alfred , 23 Albion-street , Leeds .
46—Old Union , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . 98—Burlington , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . 166—Union , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-street . ISO—St . James's Union , Freemasons' Hall . 198—Percy , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . 211—St . Michael's , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street .
228—United Strength , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John's Gate , Clorkcmvoll . 235—Nine Muses , Queen's Hotel , Cork-street , Bond-street . 518—Wellington , White Swan Tavern , Deptford . 917—Cosmopolitan , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . 933—Doric , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . lio 8— Southern Star , Montpelier Tavern , Walworth-road ( Station ) . —Emcrcencv R , A . 115—Prudent Brethren , Freemasons' Hall .
80—St . John's , Masonic Hall , Sunderland . ¦ 195—Wakefield , Masonic Hall , Wakefield . B 03—Zetland , Royal Hotel , Cleckheaton . ? 6 i—Harbour of Refuge , Masonic Hall , West Hartlepool . B , A . 289—Fidelity , Leeds .
Committee , Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , at 3 . 9—Albion , Regent's Masonic Hall , Air-street , Regenfc-strcot , 11—Enoch , Freemasons' Hall . 13—Union , Waterloo , Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich . 15—Kent , Freemasons' Hall . 87—Vitruvism , Whito Hart , College-street , Lambeth .
1-17—Justice , White Swan , High-street , Deptford . 719—Belgrave , Anderton's Hotel , Flcet-strcct . 781—Merchant Nfivy , Silver Tavern , Uurdett-road , Limehousc . 1017—Montctiore , Freemasons' Hull . 1300—St . John of Wapping . Gun Tavern , High-street , Wappinjf . R . A . 1260—Hervey , Freemasons' Hall . 820—Lily Lodgo of Richmond , Greyhound , Richmond , Surrev . 1018—Shakespeare , Freemasons' Hall , Bradford .
19—R . Athelstan , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . 1 ) 1—Regularity , Freemasons' Hall . 206—Friendship , Ship mid Turtle , Lcadcnhau-strect . 2 ( 13—Bank of England , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . 531—Polish National , Freemasons' Hull . 657—C'anonbury , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . ( J 60—Dalhouaic , Anderton ' s Hotel . Fleet-street . ¦
8 / 9—Southwark , faouthwnrk Park Tavern . Southwark . ln " B—Capper , Marine Hotel , Victoria Docks , West Ham . 1288—Finsburj * Park , Finsbury Park Tavern , Seven Sisters-road , Holloway . 1321—Emblematic , Tulse Hill Hotel , Tulse Hill . 1171—( s / ington , Cock Tavern , Highbury . R . A . 72—Royal Jubilee , Horn ' s Tavern , Kennington . B . A . 651—Yarborougb , Green Dragon , Stepney .
97—Palatine , Masonic Hall , Sunderland . 130—Britannia , Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield . R . A . 509—Tees , Mason ' s Court , Stockton-on-Tees . K . T . —Salamanca , Halifax .
FRIDAY , 15 th MARCH .
33—Britannic , Freemasons' Hall . 1131—Caledonian , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . 157—Bedford , Freemasons' Hall . 177—Cavcac , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . 1120—Earl Spencer , Freemasons' Hotel , New Wandsworth . 158—Aire and Calder , Ousc-street , Goole . HOI—Harrogate and Clnro , Masonic Rooms , Haiw-ato 1121—Wear Valley , Talbot Hotel , Bishop Auckland ? R . A . 61—Sincerity , Freemasons' Hall , Halifax . K . T . —Hope , Freemasons' Hall , Httddorsfiotd .
log—London , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . 173—Phrcnix Freemasons' Hall . 176—Caveac , Albion Tavern . Aldersgate-street . 1328—Granite , Freemasons' Hall . 1361—United Service , Greyhound , Richmond , Surrev . 112 U—Great City , Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street .
MONDAY—U«— St . Stephen , St . James ' s Hall , Wrilcr ' s-court . TUESDAY—l—Mwy ' N Chapel , Waterloo Hotel , Waterloo-place . WEDNESDAY—2—Canongate , Kilwinning-street , St . John ' s Chapel , St . Johnstreet . R . A . 1—Edinburgh , Freemasons' Hall . THURSDAY—3—Journeymen , Bin cklriars-street , High-street . FRIDAY— 58-Canongatc , Kilwinning-street , St . John ' s Ch » . pel , St , J olm '^ -t
Notices Of Meetings.
Caveac Chapter , No . 176 . —A convocation of this Chapter was held on the 27 th February , at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street . Comp . J . Qnihapton Z ., W . S . Wyman H ., G . K . Lehman J ., C . T . Dorey P . Z ., P . A . Nairne P . Z ., F . Walters P . Z . Treasurer ,
Foreman P . Z ., W . M . Goss S . N ., J . B . Sorrell 1 st Assistant , S . Pownceby , C . T . Speight Janitor . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Comp . Wyman was installed as M . E . Z . by Comp . Scott P . Z . The bye . laws were revised , and the Chapter was closed . There was no banqnet .
Victoria Chapter , 1058 . —This Chapter met on Monday , the 1 st of March , at Mason ' s Hall , Masons' Avenue , E . G . Comps . Eenhuns M . E . Z ., George Newman H ., and J . D . Taylor J . presided . All preliminaries having been duly disposed of , Bros . James Oswald Gardner of 1328 , Eobert George Cooper of 1349 , and George Fisher Harwood of 1056 were admitted to the degree . The election of
officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows : —Comps . George Newman Z ., J . D . Taylor H ., James Brett P . Z . Treasurer , A . A . Pendlebnry S . E ., Noehmer S . N ., W . Musto P . S ., W . Grant Janitor . Comp . E . Gottheil P . Z . proposed that a P . Z . ' s jewel of the usual value should , on the next ' occasion , be presented to the M . E . Z ., for the efficient manner in which he had condncted the business of the
Chapter during his year of office . Comp . Gottheil presumed that the rest of the Companions would heai'tily join with him in expressing their approbation , and unanimousl y vote the well deserved token of regard to Comp . Eenhnns , who , although a former resident in London , now lives in Denmark , his native land , from which place he had to come to do his duties in this Chapter . Great credit was also
due to him , being a foreigner , for the manner in which he performed the ceremonies , showing clearly his mastery of the English language , by the intelligence with which every part thereof was rendered . Comp . Edward Clark P . Z ., in seconding the resolution , endorsed all tho statements of the proposer . The vote was unanimously agreed to . After banquet the usual proceedings took place , every one
expressing their deep regret that the familiar face of Comp . James Brett P . Z . ( who was absent through indisposition ) was not to be seen . If the effect of hearty good wishes have any power he may look forward to a speedy recovery . The visitors present were Comp . James Weaver P . Z . 862 , John Sees S . N . 186 , and John H . Dolby 141 .
Lodge Of Joppa , " No . 188 . —A numerous assemblage of the brethren met on Monday , the 1 st inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Alders , gate Street . Bro . S . Hickman W . M ., A . Dodson S . AV ., L . Lazarus J . W ., L . Auerhaan Treasurer , E . P . Albert P . M . Secretary , J , Miller S . D ., C . Hymans J . D ., P . E . Van Noorden Organist , Borgen Steward , and P . M . ' s Bros . H . Berkowitz , Obed Eoberts , H . 'M .
Levy , J . Phillips , L . Alexander , I . Abrahams , & c . The Lodgo was opened , and the minutes were coulirmed . Bros . A . Norwick , C . Harris , and Shepherd , No . 69 . were passed to the second degree . Mr . Hertzberg was initiated into the Order . Bro . Pearco was raised to the third degree . At the conclusion of tbe various ceremonies , great satisfaction was expressed at the efficient way in which they were carried
ont . Tho Lodge was then called off , and tho brethren sat clown to a very enticing banquet , provided by Bro . W . G . Jennings , the Manager of the Albion Tavern Company , and superintended by Bros . Keeping and M . Silva . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of the Benevolent Fund in connection with the Lodge , coupled with it tho health of Bro . Adam ,
who replied . He felt proud at being the President . The funds had been collected by tho members of the Lodge only , and their donations amounted at the present time to £ 1 , 175 . ( Loud cheers . ) It was always a pleasure to respond to this toast , and tho cause advocated was ono that was worthy the attention and consideration of others , and he hoped to see the idea carried out in almost all the Lodges .
Bro . J . Hertzberg returned thanks for the toast of tho Newly Initiated , Bro . O . Roberts P . M . then rose and proposed the toast of the W . M ., whom he characterised as a true and genuine Mason . He was one who had not only supported the cause of charity , but had worked the various degrees required of him perfectly , and was well qnaliSed to preside over so large and influential an assembly as this Lodge .
( Cheers . ) Tho W . M ,, in reply , said ho thanked Bro . Roberts for the encomiums passed on him . It would only be an incentive to continue what he had intended from the moment he had been placed in the chair , and that was to do his duty . While he had the approbation of the brethren , his year of office would always be looked back upon by him with pleasurable remembrance . Brother Dimsdale P . M . 69
responded to the toast of "Tho "Visitors , " amongst whom may be mentioned Bros . Cambridge 15 , Shepherd 69 , Fletcher 180 , Marsh W . M . No . 9 , Eidler 219 , Edwards 56 , Franks , Smith 65 , T . Maidwcll 27 , Webb 9 , Friindlich 1017 . The toast of the Wardens and Officers was then given , which was followed by the Tyler ' s tonst . The W . M . had instructed Bro . P . E . Van Noorden , the
Organist of the Lodge , to provide a musical entertainment , and great credit is due to him for the talent introduced . Miss Estelle Emrick , a rising artiste , with a splendid contralto voice , delighted the brethren by her artistic singing . Miss Julia Sydney , Mr . Moss , and Bro . S . Webb , whose playing on the violin , accompanied by Bro . Van
Noorden , in a selection from " Gnillaume Tell , " was listened to with attention , and well merited the applause given at its conclusion . Tho Lodge had previously been called on , and several matters were discussed , and proposals for initiation were handed in to tho Secretary , after which the brethren separated .
Royal Oak Lodge , No . 871 . —This capital working Lodge met on the 23 rd inst ., at the White Swau Tavern , High Street ,