Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LORD MAYOR'S VISIT TO LIVERPOOL. Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
Deptford . Bro . G . Andrews W . M ., S . 0 . Lewin S . W ., H . J . Tnson J . W ., F . Walters P . G . P ( Middlesex ) Secretary , H . J . Fisher Organist . J . J . Pakes S . D ., H . J . Wells J . D ., J . Baxter Langley I . G ., and P . M . ' s W . Myatt , J . Hawke , J . Trnelove , and above fifty brethren . The Lodge having been opened and the minutes confirmed , Mr . Phillips was duly initiated into the Order . Bro . S . 0 . Lewin S . W . was then
presented to the Lodge , and a board of installed Masters being formed , that Bro . was installed by the retiring W . M . On the admission of the brethren , the W . M . was sainted according to ancient form . He then invested his officers as follows : —H . J . Tuson S . W ., J . J . Pakes J . W ., W . Andrews P . M . Treasurer , F . Walters P . G . P . ( Middlesex ) Secretary . The Organist and Tyler were also re-invested . A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Bro . Andrews I . P . M .,
for his able rendering of the ceremony of installation . He was also presented with a gold Past Master ' s jewel , for the able manner he had fulfilled the duties of the chair . The Lodge was then closed and a banquet followed . The visitors present were Bros . J . Eemaite P . M . 12 , W . Penchison 12 , C . Nash P . M . 79 , H . Robers P . M . 79 , H . E . Barker 79 . W . J . Lain" P . M . 45 . H . Newton 157 . H . J . Green
190 , Roper W . M . 147 , J . Lightfoot P . M . 147 , W . Tibballs 169 , W Woodwick P . M . 193 , J . H . Ryley 188 , J . J . West 548 , C . J . Dille P . M . 147 , R . Beavey 700 , H . H . Francis P . M . 857 , J . H . Miller P . M 907 , Watson 1155 , J . W . Baldwin W . M . 1423 , H . Upton 933 , & o .
Whittington Chapter , No . 862 . —A Convocation of this Chapter was held at Anderton's Hotel on Satnrday , 27 th February . Companions Hurlston M . E . Z ., Stephens H ., Kingston J ., W . A . Tinney P . S ., A . Moore D . C ., Jas . Brett P . Z . and James Weaver P . Z . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Three brethren were exalted into R . A . Masonry . The Chapter was closed , and a very excellent banquet followed .
Grrosvenor Lodge , No . 1256 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on the 2 nd inst ., at the Westminster Palace Hotel . Bro . Bethell W . M ., J . C . Cox S . W ., Thurkle J . W ., Meredith P . M . Treasurer , C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P . Secretary , Hughes S . D ., Elliot J . D ., Cantle I . G ., Lowenthal I . P . M ., T . Parker P . M ., & c . The Lodge was opened , and tho minutes were confirmed . Bros . Jones , Pearce and
Cole were raised to the 3 rd degree , Bros . Dovey , Barron and Richards were passed to the 2 nd degree , and Messrs . Banse , Oakshetto and C . E . Watts were initiated into the Order . Bro . J . C . Cox S . W . was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . Meredith P . M . was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Woodstock Tyler . The newly
elected W . M . announced his intention of acting as Steward at the next Festival for the Boys' School , and the Lodge voted the snm of £ 10 10 s to be placed on his list . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren partook of a very excellent banquet . Tho usual toasts were given . Bros . J . Boyd P . G . P . and Rogers G . S . were present as visitors .
Asaph . Lodge , No . 1319 . —This Lodge met on Monday , the 1 st instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , Bro . E . Frewin W . M ., Jekyll S . W ., W . A . Tinney J . W ., E . Terry S . D ., H . Tinney J . D ., C . Coote P . M ., P . G . O . ( Middlesex ) , E . S . Jones P . M .,
J . Chamberlin P . M ., and Jas . Weaver P . G . O . ( Middlesex ) , P . M . 862 and 1319 , and about twenty-five brethren were present . The Lodge was opened , aud the minutes were confirmed . Three brethren were raised to the 3 rd degree , and one gentleman was initiated . The Lodge was then closed and the brethren separated .
Gladsmuir Lodge , No . 1385 , Herts , held its meeting on Friday the 26 th ult . Bro . Hayward Edwards W . M . presiding . There were present , Past Masters Lowthin , Wingham , W . Cntbnsh ; J . Cufcbnsh S . W ., Dr . Livingstone J . W ., Young S . D ., Venables J . D ., Askew Secretary , and others . The chief business transacted
was the report of the Auditors , which was read by Bro . Grey . On motion , duly proposed and seconded , this report , which showed a balance in favour of the Lodge , was received , and directed to be recorded on the minutes . Lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to banquet , and passed a very agreeable evening .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . —The weekly meeting of this Lodge was well attended on Friday evening , 26 th February . Bros . W . Side as W . M ., Willing S . W ., Williams J . W . The ceremonies of installation and passing were rehearsed , and the first section of tho Second Lecture was worked , under Preceptor Adams . Bro . Willing presented the Lodge with a
beautifully illuminated list of the founders' names , on vellum , and elegantly framed , which was acknowledged by the brethren with a most hearty and nnanimons vote of thanks . Bro . Side also received recognition for the careful manner he had conducted the ceremonies . Tho brethren of this district would do well to drop in at the Metropolitan Club , 269 Pentonvillo Eoad , as these weekly gatherings are becoming very popular .
The Metropolitan Royal Arch Chapter ol Improvement , meet severy Tuesday , at 6 . 30 , at the Jamaica Coffee House , St . Michael ' s Alley , Comhill , under the able Preceptorship of Comp . James Brett P . Z . Ou every occasion the ceremony of exaltation is rehearsed , and , except in the absence of Comp . Brett , the sections or illustrations are explained . At the last meeting , when the offices were occupied by Comps . Noehmer Z ., Constable H ., Wier J ., and
Hooper P . S ., the ceremony was most efficiently performed . Com - panions in search of Royal Arch Masonic knowledge cannot do better than embrace the facilities afforded in this Chapter of Improvement , as the working of Comp . Brett is celebrated for its purity and clearness . The place of meeting is central , and the hour early , enabling those who live at a distance to reach their homes in reasonable time .
The Drama.
The 100 th Night of Hamlet—Shakspeare at the Prince of "Wales ' s—Mr . Hollingshead ' a Revivals—Arrah-na-Pogue at the Surrey .
T HE 100 th ' mghfc of Hamlet , at the LYCEUM , was celebrated on Friday week by a banquet , at whioh not only the artistes of the theatre , but a large number of authors , journalists and others were present . Mr . Bateman of course presided , and in the course of the evening , or rather morning , soma very interesting speeches were made . The new Examiner of Plays , Mr . Piggott , proposed Mi " .
Bateman a health , congratulating him upon his great success in the field of the legitimate drama , and , in particular , of his latest triumph , Hamlet . Mr . Bateman replied at length , and paid a high tribute to the intelligence and artistic power of Mr . Henry Irving , whose health he in turn concluded by proposing . Mr . Irving replied in an unaffected manner , and spoke with great feeling of the unvarying kindness and
sympathyhehad experienced fromevoryoneconnected with the theatre . He said that the first great impression he had received from acting had been in Edinburgh , in a performance of Mr . Webster ' s . He proposed the health of this veteran and resumed his seat amidst tremendous applause . Mr . Webster , replying to the toast , said , that he had seen Edmund Kean play Hamlet , and next to that great artist he ranked
Mr . Irving . Other speeches were made by Mr . Charles Dickens , Mr . Compton and Mr . Chippendale , the last named gentleman stating that he had played Polonius to the Hamlets of Edmund Kean , Charlea Young and J . P . Kemble , and had never been more impressed than ho had been by the Hamlet of Mr . Irving . The banquet was in every way a great success .
It is again reported that The Mwchant of Venice is to be produced at the PRINCE or WALES ' S THEATRE , and this time we are favoured with the entire cast of the performance . Miss Ellen Terry is to play Portia , Mrs . Bancroft Nerissa , Miss Josephs Jessica ; Shylock is allotted to Mr . Coghlan , Gratiano to Mr . Lin Bayne , Antonio to Mr . Archer , and Gobbo to Mr . Collette . The cast ia certainly an extraordinary one , and will probably give rise to a con > siderable amount of curiosity—if the rumour be really correct .
The course of the theatrical stream may be described as taking a Shakespearian turn . Mr . HolJingshead , prompted doubtless by the success attending his production of the Merry Wives of Windsor , haa enlisted the services of his combined staff , and at each of the three theatres under his control produces Shakespeare . We are now having the Merchant of Venice at the HOMORN , with Mr . Creswiok as
Shyloek , supported by Mr . Pennington as Bassanio , Mr . Edgar as Antonio , and Mr . Hall as Launcelot Gobbo . Miss Leightou acts impressively as Portia . At the OPERA COMIQUE , AS YOU Like It , with Mr . and Mrs . Kendal , and Mr . H . Vezin ; whilst at the GAIETY , the Midsummer Night ' s Bream is proving immensely successful . Romeo and Juliet will be produced at the CRYSTAL PALACE on Tuesday next .
Mr . W . Holland , under the determination that the glories of the SURREY THEATRE shall not fade while he directs its affairs , has produced Mr . Dion Boucicault's favourite Irish play , Arrah-na-Pogue . This popular piece , though not so often played as the Colleen Bawn , never fails to attract . On this occasion it has been most carefully placed upon the stage , and the various parts are welllnued . Mr . H .
Forrester , who is always painstaking , gives a most effective rendering of Shaun-the-Post ; while Mr . F . Shepherd as O'Grady , Mr . H . N icholls as Michael Feeney , Mr . H . C . Sidney as Beamish M'Conl , t ender good service in their respective roles . Miss Marie HenderS 0 D » who made her first appearance at this Theatre on Saturday last , faithfully portrays Arrah . We feel sure tho revival will be a most successful one .
The Lord Mayor's Visit To Liverpool.
On Thursday morning the Eight Hon . the Lord Mayor , Bro . D . H . Stone , left the Mansion House for Liverpool , on the invitation of the mayor of that town , whose guest he will be during his stay there . It is not in any sense a state visit , and therefore the Lord Mayor wag only accompanied by his private secretary , Mr . Vino . For this reason the sword and mace bearers of tho corporation , with their emblems of
civic pomp , were wanting on tho occasion . The authorities of the London and North Western Railway , by which the chief magistrate of the City of London travelled , placed one of their best saloon carriages at his disposal . At the Lime-street Station his lordship was received in state by the Mayor of Liverpool ( Mr . E . Steele ) and the Corporation . In
the evening the mayor entertained his lordship and a distinguished company of more than 250 persons in the Town-hall . Tho Lord Provosts of Edinburgh and Glasgow , and the mayors of the principle boroughs in the United Kingdom were also present . " The Health of the Lord Mayor of London" followed the loyal toasts , and his lordship , who was londly cheered on rising , responded to the mayor ' s
remarks in a forciblespeech . After thanking him for the complimentary manner in which he had been pleased to speak of himself and the Corporation of London , he urged the desirability and advantage of a wider diffnsion of municipal privileges and principles , which undoubtedly furnished the germs of general legislation . The toast of "The Municipalities of the United Kingdom" was responded
to by the Lord Provost of Edinburgh . The Lord Mayor proposed "The Health of the Mayor of Liverpool , " who was warmly and repeatedly applauded during his response . The Mayor will conduct his distinguished visitor over the docks to-day ( Friday ) , and in the afternoon the Corporation will give a dejeftner in his honour at tha Town Hall .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Deptford . Bro . G . Andrews W . M ., S . 0 . Lewin S . W ., H . J . Tnson J . W ., F . Walters P . G . P ( Middlesex ) Secretary , H . J . Fisher Organist . J . J . Pakes S . D ., H . J . Wells J . D ., J . Baxter Langley I . G ., and P . M . ' s W . Myatt , J . Hawke , J . Trnelove , and above fifty brethren . The Lodge having been opened and the minutes confirmed , Mr . Phillips was duly initiated into the Order . Bro . S . 0 . Lewin S . W . was then
presented to the Lodge , and a board of installed Masters being formed , that Bro . was installed by the retiring W . M . On the admission of the brethren , the W . M . was sainted according to ancient form . He then invested his officers as follows : —H . J . Tuson S . W ., J . J . Pakes J . W ., W . Andrews P . M . Treasurer , F . Walters P . G . P . ( Middlesex ) Secretary . The Organist and Tyler were also re-invested . A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Bro . Andrews I . P . M .,
for his able rendering of the ceremony of installation . He was also presented with a gold Past Master ' s jewel , for the able manner he had fulfilled the duties of the chair . The Lodge was then closed and a banquet followed . The visitors present were Bros . J . Eemaite P . M . 12 , W . Penchison 12 , C . Nash P . M . 79 , H . Robers P . M . 79 , H . E . Barker 79 . W . J . Lain" P . M . 45 . H . Newton 157 . H . J . Green
190 , Roper W . M . 147 , J . Lightfoot P . M . 147 , W . Tibballs 169 , W Woodwick P . M . 193 , J . H . Ryley 188 , J . J . West 548 , C . J . Dille P . M . 147 , R . Beavey 700 , H . H . Francis P . M . 857 , J . H . Miller P . M 907 , Watson 1155 , J . W . Baldwin W . M . 1423 , H . Upton 933 , & o .
Whittington Chapter , No . 862 . —A Convocation of this Chapter was held at Anderton's Hotel on Satnrday , 27 th February . Companions Hurlston M . E . Z ., Stephens H ., Kingston J ., W . A . Tinney P . S ., A . Moore D . C ., Jas . Brett P . Z . and James Weaver P . Z . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Three brethren were exalted into R . A . Masonry . The Chapter was closed , and a very excellent banquet followed .
Grrosvenor Lodge , No . 1256 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on the 2 nd inst ., at the Westminster Palace Hotel . Bro . Bethell W . M ., J . C . Cox S . W ., Thurkle J . W ., Meredith P . M . Treasurer , C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P . Secretary , Hughes S . D ., Elliot J . D ., Cantle I . G ., Lowenthal I . P . M ., T . Parker P . M ., & c . The Lodge was opened , and tho minutes were confirmed . Bros . Jones , Pearce and
Cole were raised to the 3 rd degree , Bros . Dovey , Barron and Richards were passed to the 2 nd degree , and Messrs . Banse , Oakshetto and C . E . Watts were initiated into the Order . Bro . J . C . Cox S . W . was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . Meredith P . M . was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Woodstock Tyler . The newly
elected W . M . announced his intention of acting as Steward at the next Festival for the Boys' School , and the Lodge voted the snm of £ 10 10 s to be placed on his list . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren partook of a very excellent banquet . Tho usual toasts were given . Bros . J . Boyd P . G . P . and Rogers G . S . were present as visitors .
Asaph . Lodge , No . 1319 . —This Lodge met on Monday , the 1 st instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , Bro . E . Frewin W . M ., Jekyll S . W ., W . A . Tinney J . W ., E . Terry S . D ., H . Tinney J . D ., C . Coote P . M ., P . G . O . ( Middlesex ) , E . S . Jones P . M .,
J . Chamberlin P . M ., and Jas . Weaver P . G . O . ( Middlesex ) , P . M . 862 and 1319 , and about twenty-five brethren were present . The Lodge was opened , aud the minutes were confirmed . Three brethren were raised to the 3 rd degree , and one gentleman was initiated . The Lodge was then closed and the brethren separated .
Gladsmuir Lodge , No . 1385 , Herts , held its meeting on Friday the 26 th ult . Bro . Hayward Edwards W . M . presiding . There were present , Past Masters Lowthin , Wingham , W . Cntbnsh ; J . Cufcbnsh S . W ., Dr . Livingstone J . W ., Young S . D ., Venables J . D ., Askew Secretary , and others . The chief business transacted
was the report of the Auditors , which was read by Bro . Grey . On motion , duly proposed and seconded , this report , which showed a balance in favour of the Lodge , was received , and directed to be recorded on the minutes . Lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to banquet , and passed a very agreeable evening .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . —The weekly meeting of this Lodge was well attended on Friday evening , 26 th February . Bros . W . Side as W . M ., Willing S . W ., Williams J . W . The ceremonies of installation and passing were rehearsed , and the first section of tho Second Lecture was worked , under Preceptor Adams . Bro . Willing presented the Lodge with a
beautifully illuminated list of the founders' names , on vellum , and elegantly framed , which was acknowledged by the brethren with a most hearty and nnanimons vote of thanks . Bro . Side also received recognition for the careful manner he had conducted the ceremonies . Tho brethren of this district would do well to drop in at the Metropolitan Club , 269 Pentonvillo Eoad , as these weekly gatherings are becoming very popular .
The Metropolitan Royal Arch Chapter ol Improvement , meet severy Tuesday , at 6 . 30 , at the Jamaica Coffee House , St . Michael ' s Alley , Comhill , under the able Preceptorship of Comp . James Brett P . Z . Ou every occasion the ceremony of exaltation is rehearsed , and , except in the absence of Comp . Brett , the sections or illustrations are explained . At the last meeting , when the offices were occupied by Comps . Noehmer Z ., Constable H ., Wier J ., and
Hooper P . S ., the ceremony was most efficiently performed . Com - panions in search of Royal Arch Masonic knowledge cannot do better than embrace the facilities afforded in this Chapter of Improvement , as the working of Comp . Brett is celebrated for its purity and clearness . The place of meeting is central , and the hour early , enabling those who live at a distance to reach their homes in reasonable time .
The Drama.
The 100 th Night of Hamlet—Shakspeare at the Prince of "Wales ' s—Mr . Hollingshead ' a Revivals—Arrah-na-Pogue at the Surrey .
T HE 100 th ' mghfc of Hamlet , at the LYCEUM , was celebrated on Friday week by a banquet , at whioh not only the artistes of the theatre , but a large number of authors , journalists and others were present . Mr . Bateman of course presided , and in the course of the evening , or rather morning , soma very interesting speeches were made . The new Examiner of Plays , Mr . Piggott , proposed Mi " .
Bateman a health , congratulating him upon his great success in the field of the legitimate drama , and , in particular , of his latest triumph , Hamlet . Mr . Bateman replied at length , and paid a high tribute to the intelligence and artistic power of Mr . Henry Irving , whose health he in turn concluded by proposing . Mr . Irving replied in an unaffected manner , and spoke with great feeling of the unvarying kindness and
sympathyhehad experienced fromevoryoneconnected with the theatre . He said that the first great impression he had received from acting had been in Edinburgh , in a performance of Mr . Webster ' s . He proposed the health of this veteran and resumed his seat amidst tremendous applause . Mr . Webster , replying to the toast , said , that he had seen Edmund Kean play Hamlet , and next to that great artist he ranked
Mr . Irving . Other speeches were made by Mr . Charles Dickens , Mr . Compton and Mr . Chippendale , the last named gentleman stating that he had played Polonius to the Hamlets of Edmund Kean , Charlea Young and J . P . Kemble , and had never been more impressed than ho had been by the Hamlet of Mr . Irving . The banquet was in every way a great success .
It is again reported that The Mwchant of Venice is to be produced at the PRINCE or WALES ' S THEATRE , and this time we are favoured with the entire cast of the performance . Miss Ellen Terry is to play Portia , Mrs . Bancroft Nerissa , Miss Josephs Jessica ; Shylock is allotted to Mr . Coghlan , Gratiano to Mr . Lin Bayne , Antonio to Mr . Archer , and Gobbo to Mr . Collette . The cast ia certainly an extraordinary one , and will probably give rise to a con > siderable amount of curiosity—if the rumour be really correct .
The course of the theatrical stream may be described as taking a Shakespearian turn . Mr . HolJingshead , prompted doubtless by the success attending his production of the Merry Wives of Windsor , haa enlisted the services of his combined staff , and at each of the three theatres under his control produces Shakespeare . We are now having the Merchant of Venice at the HOMORN , with Mr . Creswiok as
Shyloek , supported by Mr . Pennington as Bassanio , Mr . Edgar as Antonio , and Mr . Hall as Launcelot Gobbo . Miss Leightou acts impressively as Portia . At the OPERA COMIQUE , AS YOU Like It , with Mr . and Mrs . Kendal , and Mr . H . Vezin ; whilst at the GAIETY , the Midsummer Night ' s Bream is proving immensely successful . Romeo and Juliet will be produced at the CRYSTAL PALACE on Tuesday next .
Mr . W . Holland , under the determination that the glories of the SURREY THEATRE shall not fade while he directs its affairs , has produced Mr . Dion Boucicault's favourite Irish play , Arrah-na-Pogue . This popular piece , though not so often played as the Colleen Bawn , never fails to attract . On this occasion it has been most carefully placed upon the stage , and the various parts are welllnued . Mr . H .
Forrester , who is always painstaking , gives a most effective rendering of Shaun-the-Post ; while Mr . F . Shepherd as O'Grady , Mr . H . N icholls as Michael Feeney , Mr . H . C . Sidney as Beamish M'Conl , t ender good service in their respective roles . Miss Marie HenderS 0 D » who made her first appearance at this Theatre on Saturday last , faithfully portrays Arrah . We feel sure tho revival will be a most successful one .
The Lord Mayor's Visit To Liverpool.
On Thursday morning the Eight Hon . the Lord Mayor , Bro . D . H . Stone , left the Mansion House for Liverpool , on the invitation of the mayor of that town , whose guest he will be during his stay there . It is not in any sense a state visit , and therefore the Lord Mayor wag only accompanied by his private secretary , Mr . Vino . For this reason the sword and mace bearers of tho corporation , with their emblems of
civic pomp , were wanting on tho occasion . The authorities of the London and North Western Railway , by which the chief magistrate of the City of London travelled , placed one of their best saloon carriages at his disposal . At the Lime-street Station his lordship was received in state by the Mayor of Liverpool ( Mr . E . Steele ) and the Corporation . In
the evening the mayor entertained his lordship and a distinguished company of more than 250 persons in the Town-hall . Tho Lord Provosts of Edinburgh and Glasgow , and the mayors of the principle boroughs in the United Kingdom were also present . " The Health of the Lord Mayor of London" followed the loyal toasts , and his lordship , who was londly cheered on rising , responded to the mayor ' s
remarks in a forciblespeech . After thanking him for the complimentary manner in which he had been pleased to speak of himself and the Corporation of London , he urged the desirability and advantage of a wider diffnsion of municipal privileges and principles , which undoubtedly furnished the germs of general legislation . The toast of "The Municipalities of the United Kingdom" was responded
to by the Lord Provost of Edinburgh . The Lord Mayor proposed "The Health of the Mayor of Liverpool , " who was warmly and repeatedly applauded during his response . The Mayor will conduct his distinguished visitor over the docks to-day ( Friday ) , and in the afternoon the Corporation will give a dejeftner in his honour at tha Town Hall .