Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS, ← Page 2 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS, Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings,
established Lodge wa 3 hold on Thursday , the 7 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , Bro . Lamble W . M . in the chair . Green S . W ,. AtkinsP . M . as J . W ., H . G . 'Buss P . G . Treas ., Poole P . M . Sec , Walker as S . D ., Pattenden J . D ., Eichards I . G ., D . H . Jacobs P . M . W . S ., T Maidwell D . C . P . M . 's—Bros . J . Coutts P . G . P ., Harris , C . B Payne , D . H . Jacobs , Hoare , T Shepperd and Lebbes . The Lodge was
opened and minutes confirmed ; Bro . Kiches was raised to the 3 rd degree , and Bros . Howell Maidwell and Young were initiated , the working being perfectly rendered . The brethren then sat down to a banquet provided by Bro . Clemow and superintended by Bro . Smith . The W . M . proposed the usual routine toasts , Bro . Coutts P . M . P . G . P . responded in hia usual happy and genial manner . Bro . Atkins I . P . M .
then proposed the toast of the W . M ., who suitably responded . The visitors were Bros . Dyer 449 , Smith P . M . 177 , F . W , Bryant 49 , Lee 1524 . Limebeen W . M . 1275 , Smith 180 , Grubb 73 , 1 . 0 . Waring 1472 , Grinwood . 1224 , E . Cooke P . M . 9 , H . P . Steel 781 , and Power 869 , Bros . Maidwell , Howell and Young severally returned thanks in ap .
propriate terms . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Past Masters and Bro . Atkins I . P . M . responded . The officers followed the W . M . complimenting them on their working ; Bro . Walker returned thanks , The Tyler ' s toast concluded a very agreeable evening ' s enjoyment .
Cathedral Chapter , No . 67 . —This Chapter held an emergenoy meeting on Tuesday , 5 th October , at 22 Struthers-street , Glasgow , Comp . J . Duthie Z . presiding , assisted by Comps . G . Purdy H ., G . W . Wheeler , Z . of 73 , acting J ., J . Goldie Scribe E ., T . Mason N ., J . Dickie 1 st S ., and others . A Mark Lodge was opened , and Bros . Dove and
Macdonald were advanced to that degree , they were afterwards exalted as Most Excellent Masters . The Chapter was then opened , and thereafter , the 1 st Sojourner being absent , Comp . Wheeler acted in that capacity , assisted by Comp . Duthio , to exalt these two gentlemen to the Eoyal Arch Degree .
Thistle and Rose Lodge , No . 73 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting at 170 Buchanan-street , G . McDonald presiding , W . MacGregor S . W ., J . Aubridge J . W ., G . Weston P . M ., and a large number of members . Two candidates were duly entered , and one passed to 2 nd degree .
Rosslyn Chapter , No . 119 . — This Chapter held its annual meeting on Monday , 4 th October , at 25 Eobertson-street , Glasgow , G . Thallon M . E . Z . presiding . There was a large attendance of visitors , amongst whom we recognised J . Duthie Z . 67 , D . Eanald J . 67 , G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 , E . Muir 69 S . W ., J . Pearson 87 , E . Minian 122 , and Wm . Dobbie' P . Z . 119 . The Chapter having been
duly opened , Comp . Duthie , with the assistance of the other Principals present , proceeded to instal the officers of the Chapter . G . Thallon re-elected Z ., G . W . Hogg H ., A . Eutherford J ., G . Fraser scribe E ., J . McMellan N ., E . Leadbitter T ., J . Stevenson 1 st Sojourner , C . Gallally 2 nd S ., E . Glass 3 rd S ., and T . Warnick Janitor . The newly installed Z . immediately proceeded to open a Lodge of Most
Excellent Masters , and in an able manner conferred that degree on Bro . James Strong . A Eoyal Arch Chapter was again opened , when Comp . G . Wheeler Z . 73 exalted Bro . Strong . Thereafter the M . E . Z . proposed , and H . seconded , a motion that in recognition of past services in the Chapter , Comps . G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 , D . Eanald J . 67 , and E . Minian of 122 he made honorary members of the Eosslyn Chapter , which concluded a lengthy evening ' s work .
Perseverance Lodge , No . 164 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 6 th of October , at the Masonic Hall , London Hotel , Sidmouth . Present—Bros . W . Hine Haycock P . M . P . G . S . D . W . M . pro tern , W . M . Mitchell S . W ., F . H . H . Orchard J . W . pro tem , George Beard Secretary , B . T . Hodge P . M . P . P . G . D . 30 Treasurer , W . J . Eogers J . D . pro tem , W . Pilo P . M . I . G ., T . H .
Paul Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . J . Albert Orchard P . M . P . G . S ., J . Godfrey . Business—The business transacted was of a formal nature , after which , the W . M ., in the name of Bro . W . Hodge P . M ., presented the Lodge with a coloured plate , representing the various Masonic symbols and emblems , and also with a coloured likeness of the M . W . Grand Master H . E . H . the Prince of Wales , in acknowledgment of which , a cordial vote of thanks was accorded the donor .
Lodge Of Joppa , No . 188 . —A numerous assemblage of the brethren met at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , City , on Monday , the 4 th . This being the first meeting since the vacation , owing to the work on the Agenda Paper the meeting was called for 3 . 30 . Bros . S . L . Hickman W . M ., A . Dodson , S . W . Lazurus J . W ., E . P . Albert P . M . Assistant Grand Pursuivant Secretary , M . Spiegel
as S . D ., Campion as J . D ., L . Auerhaan I . G ., P . E . Van Noorden Organist , and Past Masters 0 . Eoberts , L . Alexander , H . M . Levy , Berkowitz , J . Phillips , Israel Abrahams . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . Bitton , Dixon , Snelling and Botibol were passed to the 2 nd degree , and Bros . Davis , Lindenbaum , Sessell and Sissen were raised to the 3 rd degree .
Messrs . Nouiick , Wasserbery and Schuldenfice were duly initiated into the Order . The resignation of a Past Master was accepted with regret , and several propositions for initiation were handed in . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren , 103 in number , pat down to a banquet provided by Bro . W . G . Jennings , of the Albion Tavern Company , and superintended by Bro . Kieping . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of H . E . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M ., alluded to
his intended visit to India , and he , as well as every one present , wished him God speed on his voyage and a safe return . He was sure in India His Eoyal Highness would be received with that brotherly love and enthusiasm that was always accorded him in England . Bro . E . P . Albert P . M . returned thanks for the toast of the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , The W , M . then proposed the toast of the Benevolent
Notices Of Meetings,
Fund attached to the Lodge , and stated the Fund was in a prosperous 4 ate j they had over £ 1 , 100 in hand , and ho had mnch pleasure in informing the brethren that Bro . A . Auerhaan , who had just returned from the Cape of Good Hope , had given the sum of five gnineas to the Fund , Bro . H . Hymans had given four rninea 3 to constitute him a Vice-President , and the newly initiated brethren , Bro 3 . Nourick and
Wasserbery had contributed the snms of one guinea each , while Bro . Schuldenfice had given the sum of half a guinea . ( Cheers . ) Bro . M . Spiegel returned thanks for the toast . Bro . Nonrick replied to the toast of the newly initiatod brethren . Bro . Obed . Eoberts I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of the W . M ., was received with loud and prolonged cheers , showing the popularity of the W . M . He said , it was
a pleasing duty to propose that brother ' s health . The Lodge may be congratulated in having one to preside over them who was so thoroughly proficient in his various duties ; he hoped they would drink the toast with that amount of enthusiasm the W . M . so well deserved . ( Cheers . ) The W . M . said he thanked Bro . Eoberts for the high encomiums he had passed on him , and the brethren for their
approbation , his only aim was to do hia duty to the Lodge , and he hoped ever to merit their regard and esteem . He then proposed the toast of the Visitors , Bros . Ferryman 3 , L . Salomon 1017 , Cohen 205 , Kemp 27 , J . H . Dodson 55 , Johnson 1423 , Offenbach lato 188 , Soppet 55 , Herman 860 , L . Myers 205 , H . Hauss 860 , Klein 1269 , H . Gloster 153 , Coombes , C Woodman 1275 . Bros . Offenbach , Herman and Cohen
severally returned thanks . The toast of tho Past Masters followed , Bro . Israel Abrahams P . M . returning thanks . Bros . Dodson and L , Lazurus returned thanks for the toast of the Wardens . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of the junior officers , regretted the absence of Bro . Miller throngh domestic affliction . The junior officers were all able to disoharge any duty in connection with the Lodge , and they had to thank Bro . Spiegel for the assistance he had rendered to the
officers on many occasions . Tho toast of the Secretary , Bro . E . P . Albert , and the Tyler ' s was given , and the brethren separated after enjoying a very excellent musical entertainment provided by the W . M ., under the direction of Bro . P . E . Van Noorden , the Organist of the Lodge , who accompanied the artistes and sang some of his characteristic songs . Bro . Arthur Thomas and Miss Julia Sydney sang some operatic selections very artistically ; the Misses Ward and York sang some songs and duets that gave great satisfaction .
Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Thursday , tho 30 th of September , at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Eegent-streot , W . Present—Bros . J , Mander W . M . Lodge 1201 W . M ., J . Wheeler Lodge 1446 S . W .,
W . S . Leigh 1201 J . W ., T . Cull I . G . 1446 Secretary , A . C . Burrell P . M . 1446 Treasurer , A . Stewart 1148 S . D ., E . S . Harrison 180 J . D ., A . Boehr 1446 I . G . Past Masters , Bros . B . H . Swallow P . M . 382 , P . G . S . Middlesex , John Beckett P . M . 45 , Joseph
Bentley P . M . 193 , E . J . Scott P . M . 749 , T . H . Pnlsford P . M . 1158 . Visitors—Bros . Wheeler , Lea , A . Stewart , Harrison , Neighbour , J . D . Paine , W . E . White , J . W . Wright , Honeyman , Belfrage , Fletcher , Farwig , Kiel , Blundell , Setter , Matthews , Tolmie , Watts , Seeker , Shand , Holden , J . W . Lakin , W . C . Parsons and Dairy . Business—The 15 Sections were worked ( under the direction of the preceptor , Bro .
James Mander W . M . 1201 ) by tho following Brethren : —1 st Lecture , Bros . A . Stewart 1148 , E . S . Harrison 180 , E . Farwig W . S . 180 , D . M . Belfrage D . C . 179 , J . H . Watts S . W . 1201 , J . Wheeler 1416 , T . Cull I . G . 1446 ; 2 nd Lecture , B . H . Swallow P . M . 382 , J . W . Wright S . W . 1298 , E . G . Tolmie 861 , W . S . Lee 1201 , A . Boehc 1446 ; 3 rd Lecture , Bros . F . Honeyman S . W . 1238 , W . C . Parsons W . M . 180 , E . Farwig W . S . 180 .
St . Peter ' s Lodge No . 442 . —On Thursday evening , 23 rd ult ., the brethren of St . Peter ' s Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons met at the Masonic Hall , Boroughbnry , in response to notice issned by the W . M ., Bro . E . H . Griffin , to receive , as a gift to the Lodge , a large and beantiful likeness of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , photographed from life by Watkins , and beautifully coloured by hand , framed by Bro . Gladwell , to which is annexed the following
inscription : "H . E . H . the Prince of Wales , K . G ., & c , & c , Most Worshipful Grand Master of England . Presented by H . S . H . the Dowager Countess Gleichen to St . Peter's Lodge , No . 442 , to commemorate the Eoyal Installation on the 28 th April 1875 . Brother Keddy had the honour of representing the illustrious donor , in formally presenting this gift , at a Lodge of Emergency , held at
the Masonic Hall , Peterborough , the 23 rd clay of September 1875 . Brother E . H . Griffin W . M ., Brother W . Dixey Secretary . " The following brethren were present : —Bros . Griffin W . M ., Pilcher J . W ., Buckle P . M ., E . Vergette P . M ., Paviour P . M ., Pank Treas ., Dixey , Sec , E . Vergette jun . S . D ., Jones J . D ., Marson P . G . D . O . C ., Keddy , Beeby , Pearson , Bavs and Eutherford ; Foskey S . D ., and Alien P . M .
P . P . G . S . W . Lodge No . 373 ; Eobertson , Lodge No . 261 . Several brethren who were previously engaged for the evening sent letters of apology to the W . M ., regretting their absence , and tho inclemency of the evening prevented many from the country being present . The Lodge being opened , the Secretary ( Brother Dixey ) read the circular letter convening it . Brother Keddy rose , and , in duo
and ancient form , presented the picture to the W . M . for the benefit and use of St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 442 . Brother Keddy remarked that it was gratifying to himself that he was permitted , in the name of Her Serene Highness , to offer for the acceptanco of tho Lodge so appropriate a present as this tribute of respect to Masonry , as represented by His Royal Highness . The Grand Master of English Freemasonry had alieady proved himself worthv of tbo high and
honourable position , and His Eoyal Highness had honoured Freemasonry by accepting tho office as head of the Craft , whilst Protestantism would also be the gainer , for the cardinal principles of Freemasonry were inspired by the Holy Bible . It was to be hoped that His Eoyal Highness might favour Peterborough with his presence at the next annual provincial gathering in May next . The Countess knew nothing of St . Peter ' s Lodge , but aa she insisted on making
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings,
established Lodge wa 3 hold on Thursday , the 7 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , Bro . Lamble W . M . in the chair . Green S . W ,. AtkinsP . M . as J . W ., H . G . 'Buss P . G . Treas ., Poole P . M . Sec , Walker as S . D ., Pattenden J . D ., Eichards I . G ., D . H . Jacobs P . M . W . S ., T Maidwell D . C . P . M . 's—Bros . J . Coutts P . G . P ., Harris , C . B Payne , D . H . Jacobs , Hoare , T Shepperd and Lebbes . The Lodge was
opened and minutes confirmed ; Bro . Kiches was raised to the 3 rd degree , and Bros . Howell Maidwell and Young were initiated , the working being perfectly rendered . The brethren then sat down to a banquet provided by Bro . Clemow and superintended by Bro . Smith . The W . M . proposed the usual routine toasts , Bro . Coutts P . M . P . G . P . responded in hia usual happy and genial manner . Bro . Atkins I . P . M .
then proposed the toast of the W . M ., who suitably responded . The visitors were Bros . Dyer 449 , Smith P . M . 177 , F . W , Bryant 49 , Lee 1524 . Limebeen W . M . 1275 , Smith 180 , Grubb 73 , 1 . 0 . Waring 1472 , Grinwood . 1224 , E . Cooke P . M . 9 , H . P . Steel 781 , and Power 869 , Bros . Maidwell , Howell and Young severally returned thanks in ap .
propriate terms . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Past Masters and Bro . Atkins I . P . M . responded . The officers followed the W . M . complimenting them on their working ; Bro . Walker returned thanks , The Tyler ' s toast concluded a very agreeable evening ' s enjoyment .
Cathedral Chapter , No . 67 . —This Chapter held an emergenoy meeting on Tuesday , 5 th October , at 22 Struthers-street , Glasgow , Comp . J . Duthie Z . presiding , assisted by Comps . G . Purdy H ., G . W . Wheeler , Z . of 73 , acting J ., J . Goldie Scribe E ., T . Mason N ., J . Dickie 1 st S ., and others . A Mark Lodge was opened , and Bros . Dove and
Macdonald were advanced to that degree , they were afterwards exalted as Most Excellent Masters . The Chapter was then opened , and thereafter , the 1 st Sojourner being absent , Comp . Wheeler acted in that capacity , assisted by Comp . Duthio , to exalt these two gentlemen to the Eoyal Arch Degree .
Thistle and Rose Lodge , No . 73 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting at 170 Buchanan-street , G . McDonald presiding , W . MacGregor S . W ., J . Aubridge J . W ., G . Weston P . M ., and a large number of members . Two candidates were duly entered , and one passed to 2 nd degree .
Rosslyn Chapter , No . 119 . — This Chapter held its annual meeting on Monday , 4 th October , at 25 Eobertson-street , Glasgow , G . Thallon M . E . Z . presiding . There was a large attendance of visitors , amongst whom we recognised J . Duthie Z . 67 , D . Eanald J . 67 , G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 , E . Muir 69 S . W ., J . Pearson 87 , E . Minian 122 , and Wm . Dobbie' P . Z . 119 . The Chapter having been
duly opened , Comp . Duthie , with the assistance of the other Principals present , proceeded to instal the officers of the Chapter . G . Thallon re-elected Z ., G . W . Hogg H ., A . Eutherford J ., G . Fraser scribe E ., J . McMellan N ., E . Leadbitter T ., J . Stevenson 1 st Sojourner , C . Gallally 2 nd S ., E . Glass 3 rd S ., and T . Warnick Janitor . The newly installed Z . immediately proceeded to open a Lodge of Most
Excellent Masters , and in an able manner conferred that degree on Bro . James Strong . A Eoyal Arch Chapter was again opened , when Comp . G . Wheeler Z . 73 exalted Bro . Strong . Thereafter the M . E . Z . proposed , and H . seconded , a motion that in recognition of past services in the Chapter , Comps . G . W . Wheeler Z . 73 , D . Eanald J . 67 , and E . Minian of 122 he made honorary members of the Eosslyn Chapter , which concluded a lengthy evening ' s work .
Perseverance Lodge , No . 164 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Wednesday , the 6 th of October , at the Masonic Hall , London Hotel , Sidmouth . Present—Bros . W . Hine Haycock P . M . P . G . S . D . W . M . pro tern , W . M . Mitchell S . W ., F . H . H . Orchard J . W . pro tem , George Beard Secretary , B . T . Hodge P . M . P . P . G . D . 30 Treasurer , W . J . Eogers J . D . pro tem , W . Pilo P . M . I . G ., T . H .
Paul Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . J . Albert Orchard P . M . P . G . S ., J . Godfrey . Business—The business transacted was of a formal nature , after which , the W . M ., in the name of Bro . W . Hodge P . M ., presented the Lodge with a coloured plate , representing the various Masonic symbols and emblems , and also with a coloured likeness of the M . W . Grand Master H . E . H . the Prince of Wales , in acknowledgment of which , a cordial vote of thanks was accorded the donor .
Lodge Of Joppa , No . 188 . —A numerous assemblage of the brethren met at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , City , on Monday , the 4 th . This being the first meeting since the vacation , owing to the work on the Agenda Paper the meeting was called for 3 . 30 . Bros . S . L . Hickman W . M ., A . Dodson , S . W . Lazurus J . W ., E . P . Albert P . M . Assistant Grand Pursuivant Secretary , M . Spiegel
as S . D ., Campion as J . D ., L . Auerhaan I . G ., P . E . Van Noorden Organist , and Past Masters 0 . Eoberts , L . Alexander , H . M . Levy , Berkowitz , J . Phillips , Israel Abrahams . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . Bitton , Dixon , Snelling and Botibol were passed to the 2 nd degree , and Bros . Davis , Lindenbaum , Sessell and Sissen were raised to the 3 rd degree .
Messrs . Nouiick , Wasserbery and Schuldenfice were duly initiated into the Order . The resignation of a Past Master was accepted with regret , and several propositions for initiation were handed in . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren , 103 in number , pat down to a banquet provided by Bro . W . G . Jennings , of the Albion Tavern Company , and superintended by Bro . Kieping . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of H . E . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M ., alluded to
his intended visit to India , and he , as well as every one present , wished him God speed on his voyage and a safe return . He was sure in India His Eoyal Highness would be received with that brotherly love and enthusiasm that was always accorded him in England . Bro . E . P . Albert P . M . returned thanks for the toast of the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , The W , M . then proposed the toast of the Benevolent
Notices Of Meetings,
Fund attached to the Lodge , and stated the Fund was in a prosperous 4 ate j they had over £ 1 , 100 in hand , and ho had mnch pleasure in informing the brethren that Bro . A . Auerhaan , who had just returned from the Cape of Good Hope , had given the sum of five gnineas to the Fund , Bro . H . Hymans had given four rninea 3 to constitute him a Vice-President , and the newly initiated brethren , Bro 3 . Nourick and
Wasserbery had contributed the snms of one guinea each , while Bro . Schuldenfice had given the sum of half a guinea . ( Cheers . ) Bro . M . Spiegel returned thanks for the toast . Bro . Nonrick replied to the toast of the newly initiatod brethren . Bro . Obed . Eoberts I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of the W . M ., was received with loud and prolonged cheers , showing the popularity of the W . M . He said , it was
a pleasing duty to propose that brother ' s health . The Lodge may be congratulated in having one to preside over them who was so thoroughly proficient in his various duties ; he hoped they would drink the toast with that amount of enthusiasm the W . M . so well deserved . ( Cheers . ) The W . M . said he thanked Bro . Eoberts for the high encomiums he had passed on him , and the brethren for their
approbation , his only aim was to do hia duty to the Lodge , and he hoped ever to merit their regard and esteem . He then proposed the toast of the Visitors , Bros . Ferryman 3 , L . Salomon 1017 , Cohen 205 , Kemp 27 , J . H . Dodson 55 , Johnson 1423 , Offenbach lato 188 , Soppet 55 , Herman 860 , L . Myers 205 , H . Hauss 860 , Klein 1269 , H . Gloster 153 , Coombes , C Woodman 1275 . Bros . Offenbach , Herman and Cohen
severally returned thanks . The toast of tho Past Masters followed , Bro . Israel Abrahams P . M . returning thanks . Bros . Dodson and L , Lazurus returned thanks for the toast of the Wardens . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of the junior officers , regretted the absence of Bro . Miller throngh domestic affliction . The junior officers were all able to disoharge any duty in connection with the Lodge , and they had to thank Bro . Spiegel for the assistance he had rendered to the
officers on many occasions . Tho toast of the Secretary , Bro . E . P . Albert , and the Tyler ' s was given , and the brethren separated after enjoying a very excellent musical entertainment provided by the W . M ., under the direction of Bro . P . E . Van Noorden , the Organist of the Lodge , who accompanied the artistes and sang some of his characteristic songs . Bro . Arthur Thomas and Miss Julia Sydney sang some operatic selections very artistically ; the Misses Ward and York sang some songs and duets that gave great satisfaction .
Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Thursday , tho 30 th of September , at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Eegent-streot , W . Present—Bros . J , Mander W . M . Lodge 1201 W . M ., J . Wheeler Lodge 1446 S . W .,
W . S . Leigh 1201 J . W ., T . Cull I . G . 1446 Secretary , A . C . Burrell P . M . 1446 Treasurer , A . Stewart 1148 S . D ., E . S . Harrison 180 J . D ., A . Boehr 1446 I . G . Past Masters , Bros . B . H . Swallow P . M . 382 , P . G . S . Middlesex , John Beckett P . M . 45 , Joseph
Bentley P . M . 193 , E . J . Scott P . M . 749 , T . H . Pnlsford P . M . 1158 . Visitors—Bros . Wheeler , Lea , A . Stewart , Harrison , Neighbour , J . D . Paine , W . E . White , J . W . Wright , Honeyman , Belfrage , Fletcher , Farwig , Kiel , Blundell , Setter , Matthews , Tolmie , Watts , Seeker , Shand , Holden , J . W . Lakin , W . C . Parsons and Dairy . Business—The 15 Sections were worked ( under the direction of the preceptor , Bro .
James Mander W . M . 1201 ) by tho following Brethren : —1 st Lecture , Bros . A . Stewart 1148 , E . S . Harrison 180 , E . Farwig W . S . 180 , D . M . Belfrage D . C . 179 , J . H . Watts S . W . 1201 , J . Wheeler 1416 , T . Cull I . G . 1446 ; 2 nd Lecture , B . H . Swallow P . M . 382 , J . W . Wright S . W . 1298 , E . G . Tolmie 861 , W . S . Lee 1201 , A . Boehc 1446 ; 3 rd Lecture , Bros . F . Honeyman S . W . 1238 , W . C . Parsons W . M . 180 , E . Farwig W . S . 180 .
St . Peter ' s Lodge No . 442 . —On Thursday evening , 23 rd ult ., the brethren of St . Peter ' s Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons met at the Masonic Hall , Boroughbnry , in response to notice issned by the W . M ., Bro . E . H . Griffin , to receive , as a gift to the Lodge , a large and beantiful likeness of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , photographed from life by Watkins , and beautifully coloured by hand , framed by Bro . Gladwell , to which is annexed the following
inscription : "H . E . H . the Prince of Wales , K . G ., & c , & c , Most Worshipful Grand Master of England . Presented by H . S . H . the Dowager Countess Gleichen to St . Peter's Lodge , No . 442 , to commemorate the Eoyal Installation on the 28 th April 1875 . Brother Keddy had the honour of representing the illustrious donor , in formally presenting this gift , at a Lodge of Emergency , held at
the Masonic Hall , Peterborough , the 23 rd clay of September 1875 . Brother E . H . Griffin W . M ., Brother W . Dixey Secretary . " The following brethren were present : —Bros . Griffin W . M ., Pilcher J . W ., Buckle P . M ., E . Vergette P . M ., Paviour P . M ., Pank Treas ., Dixey , Sec , E . Vergette jun . S . D ., Jones J . D ., Marson P . G . D . O . C ., Keddy , Beeby , Pearson , Bavs and Eutherford ; Foskey S . D ., and Alien P . M .
P . P . G . S . W . Lodge No . 373 ; Eobertson , Lodge No . 261 . Several brethren who were previously engaged for the evening sent letters of apology to the W . M ., regretting their absence , and tho inclemency of the evening prevented many from the country being present . The Lodge being opened , the Secretary ( Brother Dixey ) read the circular letter convening it . Brother Keddy rose , and , in duo
and ancient form , presented the picture to the W . M . for the benefit and use of St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 442 . Brother Keddy remarked that it was gratifying to himself that he was permitted , in the name of Her Serene Highness , to offer for the acceptanco of tho Lodge so appropriate a present as this tribute of respect to Masonry , as represented by His Royal Highness . The Grand Master of English Freemasonry had alieady proved himself worthv of tbo high and
honourable position , and His Eoyal Highness had honoured Freemasonry by accepting tho office as head of the Craft , whilst Protestantism would also be the gainer , for the cardinal principles of Freemasonry were inspired by the Holy Bible . It was to be hoped that His Eoyal Highness might favour Peterborough with his presence at the next annual provincial gathering in May next . The Countess knew nothing of St . Peter ' s Lodge , but aa she insisted on making