Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATIONOFH.R.H.THEPRINCEOFWALES HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G . ' J ? Most Worshipful Grand Master , & c , & c , having been graciously j | y | pleased to accept tho special Dedication , MWi . A . SPLENDID ff \ HISTORICALSTEELENGRAVINGMA WILL SHORTLY BE PUBLISHED , jEffl & SlL ROYALINSTALLATIONONTHE28TH OFAPRILLAST,/MSM IN THE EOYAL ALBERT HALL , ^ B _^ L _ ' ^^ j ^ By BRO . EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . D . No . 1201 . ^ ^|| ji jggp S ^ Application for Circulars and for all particulars to be made to the ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET , LONDON , W
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GBEEN , LONDON , N . OO TCE : 6 Freemasons' Hall , W . C . PATRON : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT : H . E . H . THE PRINCE OP WALES , E . G ., M . W . G . M . A QUAETBELY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscibers will be held at Freemasons' Hal ) , Great Queen Street , Lincoln's Iim Fields , London , on Monday , the 11 th day of October 1875 , for the transaction of the ordinary business of the Institution . To consider tho recommendation of the General Committee , on notice of motion given by Bro . Jesse Turner . That the right to the presentation of a properly qualified Boy in perpetuity for admission to this Institution be secured to the " Cheshire Masonic Educational Institution , " on payment to the funds of this Institution of the sum of £ 1 , 050 . To elect by ballot Ten Boys ( iu lieu of nine , as stated in the Voting Papers , one additional vacancy having occurred since the list was completed ) , from an approved list of 58 Candidates . The Chair will be taken at 12 o'clock at noon precisely . The ballot for the election of Ten Boys will open at 1 o ' clock ( or sooner , should the business of the Court be concluded ) , and will close at 3 o'clock . 2 nd October 1875 . FREDERICK BINCKES ( P . G . Steward ) , Secretary . * * * The Seventy-eighth , Anniversary Festival will be held on "Wednesday , 28 fcli June 1 S 76 , on which occasion the Right Hon . Lord Leigh , R . W . Prov . G . M . of Warwickshire , has kindly consented to preside . Tho names of brethren willing to represent Provinces , or Lodges , as Stewards , will be gratefully received .
THE THEATRES , & c . THEATRE ROYAL , COVENT GARDEN . - PROMENADE CONCERTS , at 8 . 0 , each evening . DRDBY LA < VE .-At 7 , THE WHITE HAT . At 7 . 15 , SHAUGHRAUN , and A NABOB FOR AN HOUR . HAYMARKET . — At 7 . 30 , SPRING GARDENS , and MARRIED IN HASTE . LYCEUM . —At 7 . 0 , A HAPPY PAIR . At S . 0 , MACBETH . ADELPHI—At 6 . 15 , THE DAY AFTER THE WEDDING , NICHOLAS NICKLKBY , and THE BONNIE FISHWIFE . PRINCESS'S . — At 8 each evening , CARL ROSA OPERA COMPANY . OLYMPIC .-At 7 . 30 , FAMILY JARS . At 8 , THE TICKET OF LEAVE MAN . STRAND . —At 7 . 0 , THE DOCTOR'S BROUGHAM , and KIND TO A FAULT . VAUDEVILLE —At 7 . 30 , A WHIRLIGIG , OUR BOYS , and A FEARFUL FOG . GAIETY .-MY AWFUL DAD , and Mr . GATHERWOOL . MIRROR .-At 7 . 0 , A CONJUGAL LESSON . At 7 . 45 , SELF , and THE HALF CROWN DIAMONDS . GLOBE . —At 7 . 0 , EAST LYNNE , and THE BRIGANDS . PRINCE OF WALES'S .-MONEY . QUEEN'S . —MACBETH , this evening only , for the benefit of Mr . Ryder . ALHAMBRA . —At 7 . 15 , NEW FARCE . At 8 . 0 , SPECTRESHEIM . At 10 . 0 , BALLET . PHILHARMONIC .-LES GEORGIENNES , THE ZOO , and TWO TO CRYSTAL PALACE .-This day , CONCERT , Inspection of Volunteers , . to . Open daily , AQUARIUM , PICTURE GALLERY , SKATING RINK , Sec . ALEXANDRA PALACE .-This dav , OPERA , RURAL FETE , ILLUMINATION , & c . On Monday . SWIMMING FETE . On Tuesday . OPERA , HARVEST CELEBRATION , FIREWORKS , & c . On Thursday , "MONEY . " Open Daily . POLYTECHNIC .-The BEAUTY , the BEAST and the BARGAIN , with Ghost Scones , & c—AUSTRALIAN MEATS and How to Cook them . — NEW ZEALAND , OR THE SOUTHERN WONDERLAND . WONDERS OF ACOUSTICS . New Lecture , SEASIDE SKETCHES . Many other Entertainments . O . i en twice daily , at 12 . 0 and 7 . 0 . Admission , Is . EGYPTIAN ( LARGE ) HALL .-MASKELYNE AND COOKE , daily at 3 . 0 and 8 . 0 . '' EGYPTIAN HALL .-BAUTIER , and FITZ-RENHARD , daily , at 3 . 0 and 8 . n . •" ST . GEORGE'S HALL , Langham Place , J . — Mr . and Mrs . GERMAN REED .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . Fourth . Application— October Election , 1875 . The favour of your Votes and Interest is most earnestly solicited on behalf of KICHAED THOMAS GAEDNEE , Aged 8 Tears . SON of the late Brother RICHARD RAVENSHAW GARDNER , of 13 Graham Street , Walworth , Surrey , Dancing Master , who died 22 nd October 1870 , after a long and painful illness , leaving a Widow and Four Children totally unprovided for ; his lengthened infirmity having exhausted all previous savings . Brother Gardner was initiated in the Panmuro Lodge , No . 720 , in 1858 , served the several Offices , and passed the Chair of that Lodge , and was generally respected by the numerous Brethren with whom his business brought him in contact . The case is strongly recommended by the following Brethren , viz : — Bro . George Kenning P . M . 192 , Past Middlesex ; 45 Howland Street , Fitz-Grand Deacon for Middlesex . roy Square , W . Bro . Magnus Ohren P . M . P . Z . 33 , Bro . Charles L . Marshall P . M . j 22 P . M . aud M . E . Z . -152 , G . J . Warden Grosvenor Park , Camberwell , S . E . for Surrey ; Lower Sydenham , S . B . Bro . Mark Samuel Larlham J . W . Bro . William Hudson P . M . 315 , Past 1216 ; York Street , Walworth , S . E . Prov . G . J . D . for Sussex , P . Z . 732 , P . M . Bro . James Freeman 1287 , Troasurer Mark 75 ; Brighton . 1126 ; 65 Friday Street , B . C . Bro . Nathan Bryant Headon W . M . Bro . William S . Webster P . M . 231 , Great City Lodge , No . 1426 ; 65 Fri- P . Z . 21 ; 17 Ely Place , Holborn , E . C . day Street , London , E . C . Bro . Thomas Mooro P . M . 720 ; High Bro . James H . Vockins W . M . Street , Clopham . Sphynx Lodge , No . 132 U ; 138 Stock- Bro . James Stevens P . M 25 , 720 , well Road , Brixton , S . : 1216 , 1126 , P . Z . 720 , M . E . Z 771 , P . G . O . Bro . James Weavor P . M . 862 , W . M . I Mark , & c . ; 18 ° ; Clapham Common , 1319 , M . E . Z . S 62 , P . P . G . Organist , | S . W . Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . 'James Stevens , and by the Widow , 13 Graham Street , Walworth , S . E .
^¦ ^ VA ¦ ^ ¦ v ^^^ ^ j g | rv ^ rv ^^ Ma 5 S 5 zm 67 BAKBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THEIR Iioyal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales , till the last few clays , had been entertaining a number of illustrious guests , among them being the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh , the Duke of Cambridge , the Duke and Duchess of Teck , and the Prime Minister . The Prince and Princess are
now returned to Marlborough House , -which the former will leave on Monday for Dover , en route , via Paris and Brindisi , for India . The suite that will accompany His Royal Highness will include the Duke of Sutherland , Sir Bartle Frere , Lord Alfred Paget , Lord Suffield , Lord Aylesford ,
Lord Carrington , Lord 0 . Beresford , Colonel Ellis , and Mr . F . Knollys , his private secretary . The Prince will remain at The Bristol during his brief stay in Paris , aud will leave for Turin on Wednesday evening , and go thence to Brindisi , which he is expected to reach on Saturday next .
He will touch at Athens on the 18 th , and after a staj of two days with his brother-in-law , King George , will resume his journey . At three o ' clock to day His Royal Highness
will receive an address from the Corporation of London , previous to his departure for India . The Duke of Cambridge has paid his usual visit of inspection to the Garrison at Portsmouth . On Wednesday the troops were engage I
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATIONOFH.R.H.THEPRINCEOFWALES HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G . ' J ? Most Worshipful Grand Master , & c , & c , having been graciously j | y | pleased to accept tho special Dedication , MWi . A . SPLENDID ff \ HISTORICALSTEELENGRAVINGMA WILL SHORTLY BE PUBLISHED , jEffl & SlL ROYALINSTALLATIONONTHE28TH OFAPRILLAST,/MSM IN THE EOYAL ALBERT HALL , ^ B _^ L _ ' ^^ j ^ By BRO . EDWARD JAMES HARTY , S . D . No . 1201 . ^ ^|| ji jggp S ^ Application for Circulars and for all particulars to be made to the ROYAL MASONIC INSTALLATION GALLERY COMPANY , 213 REGENT STREET , LONDON , W
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GBEEN , LONDON , N . OO TCE : 6 Freemasons' Hall , W . C . PATRON : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT : H . E . H . THE PRINCE OP WALES , E . G ., M . W . G . M . A QUAETBELY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Subscibers will be held at Freemasons' Hal ) , Great Queen Street , Lincoln's Iim Fields , London , on Monday , the 11 th day of October 1875 , for the transaction of the ordinary business of the Institution . To consider tho recommendation of the General Committee , on notice of motion given by Bro . Jesse Turner . That the right to the presentation of a properly qualified Boy in perpetuity for admission to this Institution be secured to the " Cheshire Masonic Educational Institution , " on payment to the funds of this Institution of the sum of £ 1 , 050 . To elect by ballot Ten Boys ( iu lieu of nine , as stated in the Voting Papers , one additional vacancy having occurred since the list was completed ) , from an approved list of 58 Candidates . The Chair will be taken at 12 o'clock at noon precisely . The ballot for the election of Ten Boys will open at 1 o ' clock ( or sooner , should the business of the Court be concluded ) , and will close at 3 o'clock . 2 nd October 1875 . FREDERICK BINCKES ( P . G . Steward ) , Secretary . * * * The Seventy-eighth , Anniversary Festival will be held on "Wednesday , 28 fcli June 1 S 76 , on which occasion the Right Hon . Lord Leigh , R . W . Prov . G . M . of Warwickshire , has kindly consented to preside . Tho names of brethren willing to represent Provinces , or Lodges , as Stewards , will be gratefully received .
THE THEATRES , & c . THEATRE ROYAL , COVENT GARDEN . - PROMENADE CONCERTS , at 8 . 0 , each evening . DRDBY LA < VE .-At 7 , THE WHITE HAT . At 7 . 15 , SHAUGHRAUN , and A NABOB FOR AN HOUR . HAYMARKET . — At 7 . 30 , SPRING GARDENS , and MARRIED IN HASTE . LYCEUM . —At 7 . 0 , A HAPPY PAIR . At S . 0 , MACBETH . ADELPHI—At 6 . 15 , THE DAY AFTER THE WEDDING , NICHOLAS NICKLKBY , and THE BONNIE FISHWIFE . PRINCESS'S . — At 8 each evening , CARL ROSA OPERA COMPANY . OLYMPIC .-At 7 . 30 , FAMILY JARS . At 8 , THE TICKET OF LEAVE MAN . STRAND . —At 7 . 0 , THE DOCTOR'S BROUGHAM , and KIND TO A FAULT . VAUDEVILLE —At 7 . 30 , A WHIRLIGIG , OUR BOYS , and A FEARFUL FOG . GAIETY .-MY AWFUL DAD , and Mr . GATHERWOOL . MIRROR .-At 7 . 0 , A CONJUGAL LESSON . At 7 . 45 , SELF , and THE HALF CROWN DIAMONDS . GLOBE . —At 7 . 0 , EAST LYNNE , and THE BRIGANDS . PRINCE OF WALES'S .-MONEY . QUEEN'S . —MACBETH , this evening only , for the benefit of Mr . Ryder . ALHAMBRA . —At 7 . 15 , NEW FARCE . At 8 . 0 , SPECTRESHEIM . At 10 . 0 , BALLET . PHILHARMONIC .-LES GEORGIENNES , THE ZOO , and TWO TO CRYSTAL PALACE .-This day , CONCERT , Inspection of Volunteers , . to . Open daily , AQUARIUM , PICTURE GALLERY , SKATING RINK , Sec . ALEXANDRA PALACE .-This dav , OPERA , RURAL FETE , ILLUMINATION , & c . On Monday . SWIMMING FETE . On Tuesday . OPERA , HARVEST CELEBRATION , FIREWORKS , & c . On Thursday , "MONEY . " Open Daily . POLYTECHNIC .-The BEAUTY , the BEAST and the BARGAIN , with Ghost Scones , & c—AUSTRALIAN MEATS and How to Cook them . — NEW ZEALAND , OR THE SOUTHERN WONDERLAND . WONDERS OF ACOUSTICS . New Lecture , SEASIDE SKETCHES . Many other Entertainments . O . i en twice daily , at 12 . 0 and 7 . 0 . Admission , Is . EGYPTIAN ( LARGE ) HALL .-MASKELYNE AND COOKE , daily at 3 . 0 and 8 . 0 . '' EGYPTIAN HALL .-BAUTIER , and FITZ-RENHARD , daily , at 3 . 0 and 8 . n . •" ST . GEORGE'S HALL , Langham Place , J . — Mr . and Mrs . GERMAN REED .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . Fourth . Application— October Election , 1875 . The favour of your Votes and Interest is most earnestly solicited on behalf of KICHAED THOMAS GAEDNEE , Aged 8 Tears . SON of the late Brother RICHARD RAVENSHAW GARDNER , of 13 Graham Street , Walworth , Surrey , Dancing Master , who died 22 nd October 1870 , after a long and painful illness , leaving a Widow and Four Children totally unprovided for ; his lengthened infirmity having exhausted all previous savings . Brother Gardner was initiated in the Panmuro Lodge , No . 720 , in 1858 , served the several Offices , and passed the Chair of that Lodge , and was generally respected by the numerous Brethren with whom his business brought him in contact . The case is strongly recommended by the following Brethren , viz : — Bro . George Kenning P . M . 192 , Past Middlesex ; 45 Howland Street , Fitz-Grand Deacon for Middlesex . roy Square , W . Bro . Magnus Ohren P . M . P . Z . 33 , Bro . Charles L . Marshall P . M . j 22 P . M . aud M . E . Z . -152 , G . J . Warden Grosvenor Park , Camberwell , S . E . for Surrey ; Lower Sydenham , S . B . Bro . Mark Samuel Larlham J . W . Bro . William Hudson P . M . 315 , Past 1216 ; York Street , Walworth , S . E . Prov . G . J . D . for Sussex , P . Z . 732 , P . M . Bro . James Freeman 1287 , Troasurer Mark 75 ; Brighton . 1126 ; 65 Friday Street , B . C . Bro . Nathan Bryant Headon W . M . Bro . William S . Webster P . M . 231 , Great City Lodge , No . 1426 ; 65 Fri- P . Z . 21 ; 17 Ely Place , Holborn , E . C . day Street , London , E . C . Bro . Thomas Mooro P . M . 720 ; High Bro . James H . Vockins W . M . Street , Clopham . Sphynx Lodge , No . 132 U ; 138 Stock- Bro . James Stevens P . M 25 , 720 , well Road , Brixton , S . : 1216 , 1126 , P . Z . 720 , M . E . Z 771 , P . G . O . Bro . James Weavor P . M . 862 , W . M . I Mark , & c . ; 18 ° ; Clapham Common , 1319 , M . E . Z . S 62 , P . P . G . Organist , | S . W . Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . 'James Stevens , and by the Widow , 13 Graham Street , Walworth , S . E .
^¦ ^ VA ¦ ^ ¦ v ^^^ ^ j g | rv ^ rv ^^ Ma 5 S 5 zm 67 BAKBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THEIR Iioyal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales , till the last few clays , had been entertaining a number of illustrious guests , among them being the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh , the Duke of Cambridge , the Duke and Duchess of Teck , and the Prime Minister . The Prince and Princess are
now returned to Marlborough House , -which the former will leave on Monday for Dover , en route , via Paris and Brindisi , for India . The suite that will accompany His Royal Highness will include the Duke of Sutherland , Sir Bartle Frere , Lord Alfred Paget , Lord Suffield , Lord Aylesford ,
Lord Carrington , Lord 0 . Beresford , Colonel Ellis , and Mr . F . Knollys , his private secretary . The Prince will remain at The Bristol during his brief stay in Paris , aud will leave for Turin on Wednesday evening , and go thence to Brindisi , which he is expected to reach on Saturday next .
He will touch at Athens on the 18 th , and after a staj of two days with his brother-in-law , King George , will resume his journey . At three o ' clock to day His Royal Highness
will receive an address from the Corporation of London , previous to his departure for India . The Duke of Cambridge has paid his usual visit of inspection to the Garrison at Portsmouth . On Wednesday the troops were engage I